3 minute read

Beauty-wereviewthe best natural,sustainable andethical beautyproductsin Norfolkand Suffolk

SOP Shampoo,Conditioner, Body Wash, Face ScrubBar

Abodycarebrand inspired by theNorfolk landscapeandlang guag ge. Organic, vegan, cruelty-free,eco-friendlyaluminium m bottles.

This is averyelegant range; understatedstyle with acompelling storytogo withit. Ilovedtherecyclable aluminiumbottles, too.Each producthas afragrance ‘identity’relevanttoNorfolk, whichuses ingredientssuch asbergamot,black pepper andylangylang to revive and invigorate. That certainly workedfor me;those gorgeous scents reallyhelped to perk me up firstthing! Bars to replaceplasticbot ttles are the wayforward as asustainable alternative,andthis face scrub barmeltedintom my skin and leftit really soft.A A great local brandwithimpec ccable naturenurturing credent tials.

Tip: Allorders comewith asachet ofwildfloweror sunflowerseeds —agreat touch!



Morereviewsofthe bestnatural, sustainable andethicalbeautyproducts in Norfolkand Suffolk…theonesthat reallydow work!


100% veganmake-up brushes,high-performance

Ifyou want tocreateatruly professionalmake-up look, these vegancruelty-free brushes arethe ones to choose.Designed by alocalmake-upartist who worksonmajor film productions worldwide,the brushesuse synthetichairthatmimicsthe performanceofnaturalhair, likesable,butperformsbetter andislongerlasting. Youcan buythe brushesseparately,but Iwas luckyenoughtotrythe 11-brushset, whichreallydoes offereverything youneed for cheeks, eyes,lipsandface.The e brushesarebeautifully soft, ho old colour well, andenabledmeto o apply andbuildproduct very accuratelyfor aflawless look.

Tip: Long-handled brushes also available.


NORFOLKNATURALLIVING BodyCleanser,Hydrating Face Wash, SoothingBody Lotion,HandCream

HandmadeinNorfolk, naturalplant-based ingredients, vegan, ideal forsensitive skin

Another luxury local brand inspired by Norfolksights,smells andplaces,anddesignedtoimprove wellbeingusingthepower ofnatural ingredients.Theethosof Norfolk NaturalLivingis to bringbeauty andpleasuretoourdailyrituals, andthis rangecertainlytickedthat boxfor me.The Face Washand Body Cleanserwereacutabove theaverage ‘shower gels’, delicately fragranced,rich andluxurious—a littlewenta longway —and the BodyLotion addedagorgeous layeroflemon andfrankincense scented hydration to my skin.The wholeeffect wastomakemefeel reallypampered…lovely!Thelittle aluminiumpotofhandcream wasthe perfecthandbagsize for moisturising on thego.

Tip: Lookout fortheir home cleaning and laundryproducts too


MASSAGICAL GoldSaltScrub,MassagicalCream, Soap,LipBalm

Made by hand in Suffolkusing100%naturalingredients; rapeseed oil, elderflowers,shea butter,Himalayan rock salt, natural oils. Vegetarian andmostly vegan.

For me,the starofthis range wasthe combooftheGold SaltScrubandMassagical Cream. Iusedthedelicious lemonscentedscruball over my bodyin theshowertwice aweekduring thesummer months, moisturising afterwardswiththe Theresult wassupe wonderfullysoft,su Itanned more easily before. Ialsotriedt whichleft my lips softandhydrated, andthe luxury latheryhandmade soap wasa lovely touchofclass. Checkouttheirwebsitefor some deliciouselderflower recipestoo.

Cream. er smooth, pple skin…and y then ever he Lip Balm,

Tip: UseMassagicalLipBalm onanydryareasofskinon yourbody.


Productsreviewedby VillagePeopleSub Editor


If youare anethical,natural NorfolkorSuffolkbeauty brandand youwould like VillagePeople to review yourproducts,justemail


Twobecomeone to boost customer experience

Itiswellknown that the pandemic has movedshopping increasingly online, andtwo long establishedNorfolk electrical retailershavetaken thestepto servelocalandnational customers better,withthe launchofanew, dual-brandede-commerce website. Award-winningindependent retailers,Snellings,basedin Blofield Heath,and Gerald Giles, based in Norwich,are trusted familybusinesseswith over 73 yearsofretailinnovation. Although thebusinessesmerged in2011 under theownership of the SnellingGroup, ledbymanaging director Paul Giles,they have had separatewebsites– until now. Thenew advanced website, whichcanbe foundatwww. geraldgiles.co.uk,allowscustomers to enjoythe convenienceof online shopping,withcomprehensive product,brand information and advice attheirfingertips. Both shopshaveseenabig increaseinonlinesales in thelast 15 months,particularly Gerald Giles, whose previous websiteallowed customersfromacross the UK to purchase awiderangeofSmall Kitchen appliancessuch as Food Mixers,Processors, Fryers,Kettles, Toasters&VacuumCleaners, plus a wide rangeofaccessories. Mr Gilessays:“Wehavebeen planning onewebsitefor both brandsfor some time andthe recentincreasein onlinetraffic andsalessuccess meant we learnta lotabout howpeople areshoppingandwhat they are looking for. We have usedthese experiences to updatethe website functionalityand ourranges onlinetomeetthisdemand. “Inaddition,merging our websiteswill provide customers with awiderproduct rangefrom leading well-knownbrands, plus thereisanextensive rangeof servicesfor customerstochoose from andhighlycompetitive prices. It makessense to bringthis togetherononewebsite. “Wecreated ourfirst Gerald Giles websitein1999toprovide informationto localcustomers, andthis longstanding experience ofe-commercehassubsequently benefittedSnellings andour overall business.Wedecidedtouse theGerald Gileswebsiteaddressas it receives themost websitevisitors andit’s well establishedonGoogle. People whosearchfor Snellings inthefuture willautomatically be forwardedontothis newwebsite.” Thenew websitecontains 1000’sof productsfromtop electrical brandssuchas Sony,Miele,Samsung,Bosch, Panasonic, Neff,Bose,Siemens andmore,withfreeUK delivery onorders over £100.Thebusiness services1000’sofcustomersevery yearandanew distribution centre in Norwich hasbeencreated to efficientlystoreand distribute products. Mr Gilesadds,“Ourfocus is electrical innovation,taking technology to customers and providing excellentcustomer service, whichbuildsonour successfulheritage.Our business hasa strong tradition ofbeing forward-thinking andfollowing thelatesttrends.Ourfounders, RoySnelling andGeraldGiles, were quicktoadapt to,and embrace, newtechnology andhad aperpetualdrive to improvetheir businesses. We arekeepingthis tradition alive.”

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