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Fashion -the 80srevival

The 0s



The erathat provoked afashion andmusic revolution isbeingcelebrated right now, andit’s nottoolate to jump on thefashion trendof theyear –80s revival!

Allthatglitters isnotgold

nfactitcanbe silver, blue,pink, vermillion,tur uoise, or anycolour as longasthe overall look isdrop dead fabulous.Think feathers, se uinsandofcourse,Lam . With such ostentation,however,keep makeupnaturalandgoeasyonthe accessories.

Givewinter the cold shoulder

Revivingthe classic s asymmetric look,and provingthatthose were simpler times, oneperfectlyexposed clavicle wouldalwaysdo. Keep itcurrent by choosingmuted coloursandgoing fora structural statementrather thananything flouncyorfrilly.


Womenmay have been able to vote for years, butthe power suit only becameathinginthe s. Notjust forimportantboard meetings; wornrighttheperfect suitwilltakeyou from theo ce to thedance floor,andlookgoodin almost everycolour. Whilethe structureofthe powersuithasn’t changed broad shoulders,slender waist, big impact the overall feel is more feminine,with asilky blouse or underlayerand killer heels.

Revisit yourprom queen

Whynot rollback theyearswith thelatestincarnationsofthe tulle skirt,albeitwithperhaps atouch sultrier sophistication thanwould have been played outinthe era of PepsiandShirlie Keepitshort andpunky, orlongandelegant, just don’t over accessorise.


Shoulder padsarebackin fashion,withtheclassic s accentuation possibly having showntoreach itspeakwiththis bold,hori ontal look. Thelookactuallyservedasa reallysmart,artificialboost to womenwithsmallframes who just wanted to show abit more ofthemselves to theworld.And thanks to the s revival,they canagain


Theversatilityofthe bodysuit meansit’s apiece forany occasion, either in accentuating aslight frameorbeingusedas abottom layerfor alargerjacketorpu y top. Bodysuits look best when wornwithwide legtrousers or even aflowyskirt the tightness ofthetophalfandthe carefree movementofthelower half works inperfectcomplement, foraclassic s look.

Love aglove

Glovesseemedtodefinea coolnessofthe s. From Michael acksontoacidhouse, the glove was a music moniker that permeated through to the high street, and they ’ re back again in the summer, proving fashion over function truly exists

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