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MoneyonmymindwithMartin Lewis




He’s theUK’s leading money saving expert –ajournalist andpresenter whohas kept millionsofpoundsinpeople’s pockets,as wellaslifting the lidonthe threatsanddangers we need to be awareofas consumers.In thisarticle,Martin looksathow we canrepair our creditscore. Let’sbe honest,thelast couple of yearshaven’tbeenkind to ourfinances.Thegood news istheabilitytorescueand repair that credit ratingiswithin our ownhands,andwith aconcerted plan we can getbacktowhere we want to be. Andthat’simportant having agood creditrating means gaining access to preferentialinterest rates;it couldbethe di erencebetween beingableto buya house, or rent aflat, or not;anditalso givesuspeace ofmindthatifan emergencycropsup we can lean on financialsupport. When itcomestoimproving ourcreditscore,first checkyour currentrating withthelikesof xperian or uifax and know what you’redealingwith.When you’vedonethat,see about disassociating yourselffrom otherswho maybepulling you downwiththeirown che uered credithistory theiractivitymay be negatively impacting yours. Next, getyourselfsignedup on theelectoralroll. t’s agreat wayfor creditagenciestobeable to verify whoyou areandadds alayer of authenticityto anyapplication. Spring cleaning yourfinances isanother reallysensible option. Manyofushaveold creditcards or bank accountsthat we don’t use.They mayseemharmless on thefaceofit, buttheyall representriskasfaras your creditscore isconcerned. Next,startinvestingin your creditfuture.Using acredit cardmay seema peculiar wayofimproving your credit, butdonesensibly itwill.And by sensibly, meanuseit for everyday purchases on the specificunderstanding you’ll clearthebalanceattheend of each month.Doingthiswill boost your credit ratingand provetoany lender that youcan betrusted. Finally,if youcan’t a ord to clear yourfullbalanceatthe endofthemonth,at leastpay o more thantheminimum payment. Mending your creditscore won’tbe achieved overnight,but yourfutureselfwillthank youfor youre orts today

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