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Seasonal food -6delicious courgetterecipes
Courgettes Squash Captain
Ifyou have ever grownyour owncourgettes, youwillknow thatit’seasy to run outofideas forhow to cook theabundant crop!But fear not, here are6 deliciousrecipes to useupthis versatileveg.
Foragorgeouscourgetteand mint soup,sweat down onionand garlic, then adddicedcourgettesand cookuntilsoft.Seasontotaste, add vegetable stockand whi with a blender untilsmooth.Stirinsome cremefraiche andasmall bunchof choppedmint.
Makea lightbatter with plain flourand sparkling water,plus seasoning.Dipcourgetteflowers intothe batter,deepfry for minutesuntil crisp,then drain on kitchen paper. Astylishand uick starter fora summer dinner party.
Ciao courgetti
Stripped foraction
Cutcourgetteslengthways into strips, tossin abowlwith olive oiland lots of yourfavourite seasonings,then cook on the barbecue, or griddle,for minutes,turningoncetoget those greatgrillmarks. Superb as ahealthyside dish or addedto pasta andsalads.
Topand tailbabycourgettesand cutinto e ual lollipop pieces. Make asaucewith lemon est and juice, oregano, chilli,honey,oil, blackpepperand salt. Pourhalf over thecourgettesandmarinate foratleast hours.Barbecuethe lollipops until grid appear, a servewith remainin fordippin f youare cutting down on carbs,courgettespaghetti, or courgetti’,is asuper healthy andtastyalternative.Use a julienne peeler or spirali erto achievethe strands,andadd to stirfriesinthelast twominutes ofcookingtime, or steam to servewithpastasauce.
Courgettesaresosweetand juicy thereisoften noneed to cookthematall especiallyif youpickthemyoung.Sliced,
on skewers ddle marks and h the ng sauce ng.
grated, chopped, spirali ed, or cut into ribbons, they add a sweet crunch to any dish. &Sell withconfidence Find yournextproperty Move withus
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