1 minute read
Exercise your braincellswith ourcrossword
xercise your brain cells
ACROSS: ) Axle, ) dealist, ) Considerate, ) Stun, ) rganise, ) Motor car, ) Chew, ) Sensitivity, ) Waterloo, ) Arid.
DOWN: ) xtortion, ) Lesson, ) Windsor Castle, ) Refrigeration, ) Gluten, ) Ask, ) Ascertain, ) pener, ) Caveat, ) Rag.
7 f you’vegot achangeofclothing, you’reset forRome( ) 8 Membersoftheheavenlychoir( ) 9 Whereponiesand children gather forcompetition ( ) 10 Skin changeofablotchy nature( ) 11 Musical entertainmentwith aghostthrownin perhaps( ) 13 Therewas oneonthe Volgaand awater beetleby thatname( ) 15 Harmonious,sweetanddulcet refrain( ) 17 Craftoccupation pursued after salestraining ( ) 20 fsomething hasnoexistencethiscouldbesaid of it( ) 21 ASavoyardshipofmusicalfame( ) 23 Survey seriesof measuredlines whosebearings areknown( ) 24 Heavyleash by whicha dogmightbedrawn forward( )
1 Creatureofsubstance,carcassof association ( ) 2 Flarefor alandingwith afelttippen( ) 3 nefromthe biggestlandmassonearth( ) 4 Perfidiousseditionon anationalscale( ) 5 Substanceof arestless ghosta wandering abroad ( ) 6 Life savingdamagelimitation ( , ) 12 Stressexerted to persuade ( ) 14 Pointof elevated departuretodisaster movie( ) 16 Spanofassociated notesrepeatedhighand low ( ) 18 Charitable draw forselected pri es( ) 19 Subordinate,subject to supervision from above ( )
22 CoininSpanishtruth( )
Happiness at home
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Hourly Ca re Liv e in c ar e
Continuingtoliveathomeas youagecanbe a greatcomfort.However, as youoryourloved oneages,simpledailytaskscanbebecome demanding.Dedicatedhomecareservicesfrom HomeInsteadSeniorCarewillallowyouor a lovedonetostayathome,theplacewhere you feelhappiestandmostcomfortable. If regularvisitsaren’tenoughand yourloved ones requiremoresupport, we offerlivein careoptionstoo.Caregiverswillstayfor anextendedperiodoftimetodeliverour outstandingcareservices.