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Nature-takeupthe tree challenge with NorfolkWildlife Trust

Take up the tree challenge

By BenNewton,Habitat Connectivity ceratNorfolk WildlifeTrust


Norfolk WildlifeTrust’s Claylands Wilder Connectionsprojectisworking withcommunitiesand landownersinSouth Norfolkto connectpeoplewithnatureand to improve physicalconnections forwildlifewithinthe landscape. Plantingtreesin hedges or woodlandsis afantastic legacy forthe future. Treesstorecarbon andact as valuable highways’ to helpwildlifemovethrough the landscape. Whatever thescale of your planting,from atreeinyour garden to awood on afarm,NWT recommend • Find outwhat youhavealready. Look forexistingwildlife featuressuchasmeadows, pondsand fens. nformationon existinghabitatsis available from NorfolkBiodiversity nformation Service. t’sallaboutthe right tree in theright place. • Consider thesite’s existing wildlifefeaturesandbuildin newones.Maturewoodlands tendtohaveavariedstructure ridesandglades,pondsand ditches, oldtrees, young trees plusstandingandfallendead trees. ach ofthese providesa home forwildlife. • Select arangeofspeciessuited to yoursoilsanddrainage lookatwhich trees grow well nearby. With achanging climateinmind, addina few speciesthatlikes warm,dry conditions,such as hornbeam or small leavedlime. Fruittrees, likecrabappleor wildpear,will thrive on thewoodlandedges andprovide food forbirdsand pollinatinginsects.Shrubs likehawthornand spindlecan increasediversity. • Varythespacing,withsome trees closely plantedandothers thataremoreopen. • Createmicro habitatssuch as logpilesasshelter for invertebrates,alongwith bird, batandbeeboxes. twillbea longwhilebeforethe young treescansupportthesespecies, so give them achancefrom the start. • Plan forfuturemanagement. n afew years, woodsmay needthinningifthetreesare crowdedand coppicingof specieslikeha el andwillow will providelow coverfor small birds. Coppicing meanscutting down atreetothe ground and allowingit to regrow. • Bepatient.Theprocessof turninglandintowoodlandis slow,butthewildlifeyou see alongthe wayisworthit

Avolunteertreeplantingsessionat OldHall Farmin Woodton.


Claylands Tree PackGiveaway

NWThas teamedupwiththe Woodland Trusttoofferfreetrees to peoplewithin theClaylandsarea.Anyonecanapply for 50or100nativetrees – communities couldsplitpacksbetweenseverallocations. Formoreinformation:


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