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Local walk to Howe from Brooke

Walkingfor Health Howe from Brooke




Routeby Angela TregearandRuthBurn Routecheckedandphotographyby DougieDingwall

Starting Point: Brooke VillageHallrearcarpark, NorwichRoadBrookeNR151AB GridReference: OS Map237 285992 Walk Length 4.4Miles /7 KM



01. Turn left outofthe villagehallcarparkand walk alongthe pavement to crossthe Broadusingthe island. Continuepastthe garage,thenturnrightat thecrossroadsintoHighGreen.Usingthepavement when available,continuethrough thevillage,taking careatthe bend by thederestrictedsign.

02. Turnrightatthetrack (Howards Lane)with a fingerpostafter Wood Farm House. Continuestraight aheadwhere atrackgoes to theright,andwalk through thewoods.Thisis deeply ruttedandparts canbe verymuddy(woodanemonesMarch/April, bluebellsMay). Turnright,thenleftattheend ofthe wood(markerpost);continuepasta concrete/earth bridge to theright,then follow thepathtothe left andturnright after asingletreetothe right.

03. Turn leftat amarker postandwalk acrossthe field towardsanother marker post(Howechurch can beseeninthisdirection when leavesarenot on the trees). Passthrough ahedgeand walkalongapath, initiallybetween thehedgeand afence,andthen over grass to reachthe road.(Howe Green). Turn left to walkpast Howechurch on your right,then continuethrough thevillagetopass atelephone box on your left. Turnright onto apathwithfingerpost immediatelybeforeBackwoodLaneonyourleft.

04. Continuealongthe fieldside path,through a rambler’s gate andthencross aplank bridge with caretoreach Dove Lane.Turnrightbeside amarker postandwalkalongDoveLane, crossingHoweLane to continueonthe track. Keeprightat ajunction ofpathsandthenturnrightintoSewell’sLane after passing ahousewith metal gatestoyourleft. Continuealongthisnarrow road,pastThe Rosary andthe Natatorium,andcross Howe Laneto continueonatrack.

05. Turn leftatthesingletree,then follow thetrack roundtothe right. Verysoon,at aconcrete/earth bridge on your left, cross to walkstraight acrossa field;leavingthrough ahedgetowalk on afieldside pathwith ahedgetoyourleft. Continuealongthe path, nowbetween hedges, to reachthe Broad. Cross theroadusingtheislandtothe rightandturnright to walk to thevillagehall.

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