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Time andTide arrivesin Norwich

NorwichTheatre– Time andTide

On tourfrom29September–23October


Norwich Theatreisbreaking down geographicalbarriers to theatre by takingits newest production –oflocal playwright JamesMcDermott’sCromer-set play Time andTide –ontour around EastAnglia,from 29 Septemberuntil 23October. Time AndTide isan LGBT comicdrama about aNorfolk communitystrugglingwith change.Mayruns acrumbling ca on theend of Cromer Pier.Herdeliveryman, Ken, isrunning outofcustomers, thanks to Costa. Nemo is desperateto treadthe boardsin London,and hisunre uited love, Da ,is buryinghis head inthe sandoverhisbestmateleaving. Theshowwillopenand close at Norwich Theatre’sStageTwo in Norwich,situatedbehind theTheatreRoyal. twillthen go ontour around theregion, callingattheatresin Colchester, BurySt dmunds,Lowestoft, Sheringham, Wells,Diss,Great armouth,andThetford. Norwich Theatrebelievesit’s reallyimportant to shinealight on andamplify localstoriesand voices.Thetourisinpartnership with RelishTheatre,from Norfolk, to showcasetheworkof regionaltalent. So moving,funny,truthful andcompelling, saidStephen Fry.

Thefulllistofvenueswith datesand bookinginformation isontheNorwich Theatre website –viewWhat’sOn and clickonTimeand Tide. norwichtheatre.org

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