1 minute read
Walking forhealtharound Ashwellthorpe &Fundenhall
Walkingfor Health
Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall
Routeby RuthBurn/SarahLiddington Routecheckedandphotographyby DougieDingwall
Starting Point: LowerWood CarPark, TheStreet, Ashwellthorpe,NorwichNR161HB
GridReference: TM139977
Walk Length(Miles /Km): 3.5/ 5.6
Pleasebecarefulcrossingand walkingalong country lanes. Thepavementis very narrow inAshwellthorpe. Watchout fortriphazardsand overhangingbranches on footpathsandthroughthe woods.
01. From thesmallcarpark, go through thegateonthe right.Followthe pathintothe wood andthenturnleft (whitearrow). Keep right wherethe pathsplits(white arrow)and continue straightaheadtoacrossroadsofpaths (observation chairhere). Turnright,then straightaheadat thenextcrossroads of paths. 02. At thenextjunction,turnleft(whitearrow pointsright).Thepathwandersaroundbeforeyou turnright whereitdividesand exitsthe wood.Exit withmarkerpost on field side ofditch issteep, with averymuddyditch,shortly afterwardsis easier.Turnright to follow thefieldedge, keeping thewood on your right. At thehedge, crossthe plank bridge andturnright,again keepingthe wood on yourright.
03. Crossthenextplank bridge andturn left, followingthefieldedgeand keepingthehedgeon your left.Exit onto thepavement(TheStreet),turn leftandwalkalongthe narrow pavementpastthe church andvillagesign.When theroadbends left, turnrightupthegraveldrive andcrosstheroad to apathmarkedbyawooden finger post. Keep straightahead,withthedeepditch to your right–inspringtheprimroses here arespectacular!
04. At thejunction ofthepaths,with amarker post on theright,turn leftupthewide path,which canbe muddy. Turn leftattheroad(Church Lane), andsoonturnright intothe churchyard ofSt. NicholasChurch.The church is worth avisit for thelocalhistorydisplay.On leavingthechurch, walk to theleftthrough thechurchyard,usingthe shingle path. At theroad,turn leftintoChurch Lane.
05. Wherethe road bendstothe left, keepstraight aheadonthe footpath whichcanbe muddy,and continueahead untilthepathdivides. Keepahead, then turnimmediatelyrightthrough theholein thehedgeand follow awellwornpath leftandthen diagonallyacross afield.Bear leftwiththeditch on your right,then follow theditch around to the right. At ajunction ofpaths,turn leftandcontinue withthehedgeonyourright.
06. On reaching astile, walkaround to theleft andcontinueahead.Turnright aftersomebushes onto anarrow pathbetween twofields. Continue aheadata yellow marker andapondonyourleft, then turnrightandthenquickly left onto awider path(itcanbe verymuddyhere). Continuepastthe yellow markeron theleft to theroad(TheStreet). Crosstheroadand turn left onto thenarrow pavement,andreturn to thecarpark.