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Bookreviews, newreleases
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Here’s VillagePeople's recommendedselection ofsome ofthebest new releases to keep you engrossed!
CHILDREN’S IBroke theInternet By Andy McNab and Phil Earle Bestsellingauthor Andy McNab joinsforceswith award-winning authorPhil Earle forthis laughout-loudfollow-up to GetMeOut of Here!,withfunillustrations by RobinBoyden. Published by Scholastic MYSTERY ThePerfect Escape By Leah Konen When herhusbandHarrywalksout after justsix months,Sam has neverbeenin more needof agetaway.So when herfriends suggest agirls' weekendaway,Samcan't accept soon enough…butthen thingsstart to go wrong. Agrippingthriller. Published by Michael Joseph
FICTION TheMaid By Nita Prose Mollythe Maidisthrownintothe spotlight when shediscoversaninfamous guest, Mr Black, very dead inhisbed.She becomes embroiledinahunt forthe truth,learning whototrust,asshe navigatesthesecret underbellyofthe RegencyGrand Hotel. Published by Harper Collins
PRACTICAL YouCoach You By HelenTupper and Sarah Ellis TheUK’s leadingcareerexpertsSarah Ellis andHelen Tupperwill giveyouthe knowledgeand toolstocoachyourself, helping youtorediscoveraloveof work,buildboundariesandproductive relationships,cultivateresilience,while identifying andachievingcareer goals. Published by PenguinBooks
HISTORY HowCivil Wars Start By BarbaraF.Walter Civil wars arethe biggest danger to worldpeace today,andthis book showsuswhy they happen, andhow to avoid them.Acclaimed expertBarbaraF.Walter has advisedonpoliticalviolence everywhere from theCIA to the US Senate andthe United Nations. Published by Penguin Books
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