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MemoriesofThorpe Abbotts
MemoriesofThor e A otts
Localhistorian,Dennis Crossfrom Diss,shareswithushisfascinating collection of oldpostcards, focusing on adifferentvillageineveryissue. Thistime, we takeawalk down memorylaneinThorpeAbbotts.
TheLion,in1912, wastheonly pubinthe village at t thattime.The landlord wasWilliamBaliant, whowas a also abricklayer. Thepub is nowclosed.
This1925postcardshows Thorpe AbbottsSchool,at theentranceto School Lane, which wasbuiltin1862 for 60 children.Theheadmistressatthistime wasaMissFM Powell. Thebuildingis nowprivatehouses. Thorpe A Abbotts P Place, i in 6,was ad del ligh htf ful l mansion ownedbythe twoKay sisters, whowerealsothe p principallandownersinthe village.Thisphotographwas t taken by Ernest Abraham, whowastheo ciallocal war p photographerduringthe - warand travelledwith t troops whiletheyweretrainingin thearea.
The Street,i in 1907,l looked very different to how it is today. Thepopulation at this time wasjust over 200.
Harvesttimeinthe summer of , shows l-r Reggie Venton, Vera Ruddockand oeFormanina field adjacent to theairfield. These oldhouses,seenhere in 0, were livedinbypeople whoworkedonlocal farms. New houseshave nowbeenbuilton otherside ofthestreet.
Datedaround 0,this postcard shows thevillagePost ce, whichwasrun by Mrs ouiseDebenham.Shealso ranthe local blacksmiths, whichher husband’sfamilyhad ownedfor generations.
If readershave anylocal postcardsofDissorthe surrounding villages,please getin touchwith Dennis after7pmon 01379651897