Summer Villanova Business Magazine 2012

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VSB Students Learn How to “Be Googley” This fall, members of the Villanova Entrepreneurial Society visited the offices of Google and LinkedIn for a firsthand look at non-traditional offices that demonstrate an entrepreneurial approach to conducting business. Students first visited Google’s unconventional working spaces, where they got a taste of the company’s corporate culture and innovative environment. On the office’s enormous fourth floor, which spans an entire city block, they saw large game rooms and sleep pods, where employees can take naps, and were enamored with the employees who used scooters to get around the office. The building also features a large Lego carousel, several secret rooms with couches hidden behind bookcases, and a lifelike rainforest cafe. Andrew Lee ’13 VSB described the

A group of students in the Villanova Entrepreneurial Society spent a day in New York at the Google and LinkedIn offices.

trip to Google as “more of a culture shock than an office visit. Everything about the firm was atypical and so awesome.” While

and hiring talented workers is the keystone to Google’s success

at Google, students learned about internships and career oppor-

and growth.”

tunities from Vic Alonzo, University Programs Coordinator, and

Students next headed to the Empire State Building to

were exposed to the far-reaching impact of Google’s business

visit LinkedIn’s offices and have lunch with Joel Petino ’93

in today’s world. Alonzo also highlighted five items that make

VSB, East Regional Sales Manager, and Brian D’Ambrosio ’02

working at Google unique: challenging work; innovation; a fun

VSB, Enterprise Account Executive. The group toured the

environment; autonomy and empowerment; and inspiring and

office, received an overview of LinkedIn’s business model, and

talented people.

learned about its rapid growth in the tech industry. Petino and

“Having been accustomed to the traditional corporate environment of New York firms and Wall Street, visiting Google turned

D’Ambrosio also spoke to the students about their own personal journeys from the Main Line to Manhattan.

my perception of office culture upside down,” said Jack Chong

Leaving Manhattan, students had a greater perspective of

’14 VSB. “Rarely can you walk into a company and observe moti-

the kinds of career options that are available in non-traditional

vated and productive workers wearing sweatpants. At the end of

offices and innovative corporate cultures of young entrepre-

the day, their revolutionary culture of empowering, challenging,

neurial companies.

VSB Retains AACSB Accreditation AACSB International

a rigorous internal review

endeavored to continue

(The Association to Advance

every five years, at which the

our momentum through

Collegiate Schools of

program must demonstrate

many changes,” said Kevin

Business) has renewed

its continued commitment to

D. Clark, PhD, Interim Dean.

VSB’s business accredita-

AACSB’s 21 quality standards

“The review team was very

tion. AACSB International is

relating to faculty qualifica-

impressed with the dedi-

the longest-serving global

tion, strategic management

cation our faculty have to

accrediting body for busi-

of resources, interactions

high quality teaching, the

ness schools that offer

of faculty and students, as

superb level of service our

bachelors, masters, and

well as a commitment to

staff provides to students,

doctorate degrees in busi-

continuous improvement

the creativity and agility

ness and accounting.

and achievement of learning

displayed in our approach

goals in degree programs.

to curricular innovation, and

Only 649 schools of

hallmark of excellence in

the passion and resilience

business, or less than five

management education. To

“VSB has been an

percent worldwide, have

maintain accreditation, busi-

exceedingly busy place

demonstrated through time

earned this distinguished

ness programs must undergo

and, together, we have

by our community.”

4 villanova business  |  summer 2012

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