MIX April 2018

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M I N I S T RY C O N TAC T S Bookstore Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323 Church Planting Stephen Van Dop, 614.259.5303 Community Center 614.259.5503 Community Life/Small Groups Deb George, 614.259.5358 Community Outreach 614.259.5441 Connect Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235 Counseling Center Yolanda Zellars, 614.259.5409 Empowered Life Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482 Financial Ministry Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 Global CafĂŠ 614.259.5400 Hospitality Casey Knight, 614.259.5292 International Ministries Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369 Marriage & Family Life Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365 Phase III Ron Schmidt, 614.425.7284 Singles Christopher Ledezma, 614.259.5492 Support for Life Joyce Stewart, 614.259.5256 Value Life Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 VC High School Mike Chaparro, 614.259.5404 VC Middle School Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 VC Twenty Michelle Blackstone, 614.259.5290 VineyardKids Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 Vineyard Institute Andy Saperstein, 614.259.5358 Vineyard Men Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303 Vineyard Women Liz Ward, 614.259.5335 Volunteer Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 Worship Arts Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S APRIL 2018 4

Congregational Letter How We Can Stop Talking Past Each Other




Help & Wellness


Vineyard Growth Classes


Spiritual Development


New To Vineyard


Volunteer & Serve


Families & Marriage


Give & Donate

Adult Ministries


Cover Story Build Each Other Up

C O O P E R R O A D W E E K D AY BUILDING HOURS Monday-Friday | 8:30am-10pm Ministry Center doors close at 5:30pm. Please enter at Worship Center doors.


Easter Sunday, April 1, Building closes at 2pm

MINISTRY RESPONSE TEAM If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did not receive a response within a couple days, please reach out to our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.response@vineyardcolumbus.org. Please include your name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or person that you contacted. We appreciate your interest in Vineyard Columbus.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S PA S T O R S Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313

La Viña Campus Pastor, Irene Casale-Petrarca Admin. Asst. Jordan Espino-Arvizu, 614.259.5241

Associate & International Ministries Pastor, Bill Christensen Admin. Asst. Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369

Lane Avenue Campus Pastor, Andrew Oswalt Admin. Asst. Jordan Espino-Arvizu, 614.259.5241

Children’s Pastor, April Murphy Admin. Asst. Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486

Leader Development Pastor, Andy Saperstein Admin. Asst. Deb George, 614.259.5358

Children’s Pastor, Mike Szlapak Admin. Asst. Debi Leake, 614.259.5413

Marriage & Family Life Pastor, Ron Hitchcock Admin. Asst. Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365

Church Extension & Evangelism Pastor, Stephen Van Dop Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303

Outreach & Connect Pastor, Eric Pickerill Admin. Asst. Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235

Community Center Pastor, Daniel Nathan Admin. Asst. Ahdra Young, 614.259.5503

Sawmill Campus Pastor, Scott Engebretson Admin. Asst. Allyse Huey, 614.259.5439

Community Life Pastor, Amanda Nash

Staff Care and Formation Pastor, Julia Pickerill

Admin. Asst. Marsha Martin, 614.259.5305


Community Outreach Pastor, Daniel Nathan Admin. Asst. Ahdra Young, 614.259.5503

Support For Life Pastor, Lorie Kaufman-Rees Ministry Asst. Joyce Stewart, 614.259.5256

Community Relations & Special Projects Pastor, Kwesi Kambon Admin. Asst. Debi Evans, 614.259.5467

Visitation & Care Pastor, Anthony Cannon 614.259.5364

Discipleship Pastor, Paige Goslin 614.259.5477

Volunteer & Value Life Pastor, Diane Bauman Admin. Asst. Dianna Fairchild, 614.259.5318

East Campus Pastor, Charles Montgomery Admin. Asst. Jamie Frisbey, 614.259.5245

Women’s Pastor, Marlene Nathan Admin. Asst. Liz Ward, 614.259.5335

Empowered Life & Youth Pastor, Kerry Davis Admin. Asst. Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482

Worship Arts Pastor, Craig Allen Admin. Asst. Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310

Executive Pastor, Craig Heselton Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313

Young Adult Pastor, Christian Root & Shane Huey Admin. Asst. Michelle Blackstone, 614.259.5290

Financial & Career Ministries Pastor, Kent Irwin 614.259.5505

Pastors may be reached by contacting his/her assistant at the extension listed. All staff members are listed at vineyardcolumbus.org.



At the dawn of the 21st century, the President of the National

their party for three days and hustle home on Thursday evening.

Association of Evangelicals, Leith Anderson, was asked what he

There are precious few friendships across party lines.

thought were the most divisive issues facing Christians in the 21st

2. People increasingly live in ideologically segregated

century. His response: how Christians approach the LGBT issue

neighborhoods. Bill Bishop and Robert Cushing wrote a book back

and how Christians approach the exclusivity of Christ. I recently

in 2008 titled The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded

heard Leith say that he was right about the first issue (LGBT has

America is Tearing us Apart. This book suggests that when people

loomed very large) and wrong about the second (Christians have

move today, they most often choose to live near others who share

not generally been fighting about the exclusivity of Christ). Leith

their political views. People are increasingly deciding to segregate

went on to say, “In my wildest dreams I never imagined that

themselves into politically homogeneous enclaves – liberals on

politics would be the most divisive issue for the church in the 21st

the coasts, conservatives in the middle of the country. Many


Americans encounter few people who dramatically differ from

There are at least four reasons why America has become so

them politically in their neighborhoods or in their schools. Just

politically polarized:

look at the political yard signs in Clintonville as opposed to say,

1. Political parties are further apart than they have historically


Grove City.

been. After President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964,

In 1960, Americans were asked if they would be pleased or

America’s political parties realigned. Conservative Southern

displeased if their sons or daughters married members of the

states, which had been solidly Democratic (because Lincoln was

other political party. 4% of Democrats and 5% of Republicans said

a Republican), began to leave the Democratic Party. By the 1990’s

they would be upset. By 2010, 49% of Republicans and 33% of

the South became solidly Republican. The Northeast, which

Democrats said that they would be upset. In 2016, nearly half of

historically was home to many liberal and moderate Republicans,

both parties said they had very unfavorable views of people who

became solidly Democratic.

were members of the opposite party.

Before this realignment, there were liberals and conservatives

Today, we don’t just disagree with the other political party; we

in both parties, which made it easy to form bipartisan teams.

believe that the other party is evil. Nearly half of both parties think

After the realignment, there was almost no overlap. The most

the other party’s policies are “a threat to the nation”.

liberal Republican is usually more conservative than the most

3. Many of us live in self-reinforcing information bubbles. 50

conservative Democrat. The parties became more ideologically

years ago, there were three TV news outlets – CBS, NBC, and ABC.

pure – a liberal and a conservative party – with few members of

When Walter Cronkite, the anchor for the CBS Evening News,

either party ever breaking ranks with their party on any vote.

signed off every evening, he said, “That’s the way it is.” And tens

Before 1995, Congressmen from both parties attended many of

of millions of Americans believed that that’s the way it was!

the same social events on the weekends. Their kids went to the

Today, with the multiplication of news media outlets, a person

same schools and played on the same teams; their spouses were

never needs to hear a political perspective other than the one she

friends. Now, Congressmen fly into D.C. on Monday, huddle with

already holds.

APRIL 2018

4. Our political opinions are shaped by different deeply held

home, not the wealthy elderly who can protect themselves with

values. Jonathan Haidt is a moral psychologist at NYU. He wrote

an army of lawyers and strong family support. We Christians

an incredibly enlightening book called The Righteous Mind in

should not buy the packaged approach to issues sold to us

which he listed five fundamental values that drive people’s

by either Democrats or Republicans. Our loyalty is to another

political opinions. Progressives tend to emphasize two values:

kingdom. We Christians ought to think through our perspectives

fairness/justice and care/compassion. When someone of a more

on each individual issue based upon our biblical convictions.

progressive persuasion is asked about undocumented immigrants,

Sometimes you will agree with one political party; sometimes you

these two values – fairness and compassion – will often drive

will agree with the other party, and sometimes you will agree with

that person toward a welcoming and generous response to the


undocumented immigrant.

2. Read and listen to perspectives across the political divide.

Conservatives, according to Haidt, are also concerned about

Do you ever read or listen to news that challenges the views

fairness and compassion, but conservatives have other values that

you already have? Vineyard is a Both-And church! I am a Both-

are equally important to them, including: loyalty (often expressing

And thinker! I regularly read and listen to perspectives from

itself in patriotism and self-sacrifice) and authority (expressing

both sides of the political aisle. I read articles from The Ethics

itself in obedience and deference to law). Frequently, in debates

and Public Policy Center (www.eppc.org). This site offers some

about undocumented immigrants, progressives use the language

of the best conservative opinion writers in America. And I read

of compassion and justice while conservatives use the language

the New York Times. But even when I read The Times, I read a

of obedience to law and loyalty to our country. We talk past each

range of columnists – liberals like Nick Kristof and Paul Krugman,

other. Let’s learn to speak in ways that others can hear, translating

moderates like David Brooks, and conservatives like Ross Douthat

our thoughts into their preferred language!

and Arthur Brooks, the President of the American Enterprise

Here’s the question: Is the reconciling power of Jesus through his death on a cross strong enough to break down the dividing walls of our political differences? The cross of Jesus is strong enough

Institute (a conservative think tank). I read articles from Slate, a progressive publication, and The National Review, a conservative periodical.

to reconcile sinners to God. The cross of Jesus is also powerful

3. Pay attention to the best arguments from both sides, not

enough to reconcile Jews and Gentiles, and by extension, ethnic

just self-selected quotes excerpted by talking heads from your

groups to each other. Surely the cross of Jesus is strong enough

side. It’s easy to build straw men and then knock them down. It’s

to reconcile Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and

easy to cite the most ignorant arguments from the other side


pulled entirely out of context. Christian charity requires us to pay

So how can we stop talking past each other? We don’t need to give up our convictions or pretend that every argument is equally good or that every politician is equally moral (or immoral). And we don’t need to give up legitimate criticism of racist, sexist, xenophobic,

attention to the other side’s strongest arguments. When we listen to the strongest argument and not the weakest, the wisest and not the most ignorant, we find ourselves pulled toward each other rather than away from one another.

or anti-Christian comments. But there are four practical ways

4. Walk in another person’s shoes and try to see things from their

for Christians not to be swept away by the current level of

perspective. Not every progressive is unpatriotic, hates hard work,

partisanship and rancor in American politics.

or hates God. And not every conservative is a racist or hates the

1. Stop buying pre-packaged ethics. My dear friend, James Mumford, who received his doctorate from Oxford University in theological ethics, has written on the subject of “packaged ethics”. What does he mean by “packaged ethics”? Have you ever seen a car with bumper stickers that make you shake your head? For example, a car may have a bumper sticker that says “Pro-life” next to a bumper sticker that says “Pro-gun” Or pro-life and pro-capital punishment. On the other side of the aisle, progressives are often people who care about the poor and the most marginalized in our society and yet are also pro-euthanasia. How do those two things go together? The likely victims of euthanasia are going to be poor elderly people who are alone and shut away in a state nursing

poor. There’s an old saying that “we should seek to understand before we seek to be understood”. Why should we ever walk in the shoes of someone else and see things from their vantage point? For us as Christians, the answer is obvious! We believe in a God who stepped out of heaven and took on our humanity. If there’s anything that should characterize us as believers, it is our willingness to understand the other person’s point of view and see things from their perspective as well as our own. I believe that one of the greatest witnesses the church can have in the world today is by serving as a countercultural force in the partisan divide of America. The church can be a healing place where we bring people together instead of tearing people apart. By Rich Nathan V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership. No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare (ages 1-12). Next Class: Sunday, June 24

Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Scott Engebretson Whether you’ve followed Jesus for a short time or many years, discover practical ways to mature and thrive. We’ll offer ways to read the Bible so that it comes to life, pray with more power, and live a life of holistic stewardship. Next Class: Sunday, June 24

Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Craig Heselton Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God and his presence into our lives and the world. You’ll also learn how to follow his lead in praying for healing in people’s lives. Next Class: Sunday, June 24

Learn about additional Meeting God classes on p. 26. Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Diane Bauman As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve. Whether you have been around Vineyard Columbus for a week or years, you’ll find this class helpful in discovering where God wants you to serve and grow. Next Class: Sunday, June 24

Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Stephen Van Dop The purpose of this class is to train and encourage every Christian, to share Christ, everywhere, in every way, all the time. Next Class: Sunday, June 24


APRIL 2018


Azuzena De Los Santos

Alexander Mensah

Veronica Hodges

Carolee Durrant

Marianne Miller

George Schumann

Will Durrant

Doug Miller

Bonnie Schumann

Dianna Fairchild

Karin Moore

Jennifer Young

Gilbert Fauster

Frank Mrockowski

Matt Young

Fatma Fofana

Cynthia Murphy

Bianca Fouch

Solange Ndri

Evan Fouch

Doug Newman

Rachel Fuller

Reginald Odoi


Steve Fuller

Charles Omisore

Daniel Aldalla

Melody Funkhouser

Mandi Owens

Ana Ballein

Ed Gerken

Ismael Pagan

Roxana Cortes-Aguilera

Ken Gilreath

Kaleigh Peters

Alfredo Gavina

Marla Gilreath

Braden Peters

Gricelda Gavina

Aaron Hart

Brian Peterson

Haifa Lopez

Jessica Hart

Sha'Honna Pickett

Sergio Oyarce

Shari Hesselbach

Tiffany Richards

Jaime Oyola

Julie Higuera

Ron Shelton

Samuel Parada

LaTray Hill

Hannah Shryock

Maria Belen Rodriguez

Keli Holston

Cindy Smith

Maria Rodriguez

Gwendolyn Hoogendoorn

Ciarra Thatcher

Carlos Rodriquez

Basil Jacob

Sarah Thomas

Samara Santos

Stacy Jefferson

Darlene Truss

Stefen Santos

Amanda Jensen

Sheila Wangai

Annie Kahenya

Monica Weiler

Katrina Kilburn

Anthony Weiler

Lashon Kilburn

Renee White

Edward Klutse

Rhonda Wickham

Alexis Ledezma

Logan Wilson

Q Leftwich

Timothy Wolfe

Denise Lisath

Becky Woods

Jenna Livingston

Kim Beyer

Sheila Livingston

Ginny Fuentes-Rivera

Chelsea Madden

Raeda Haddad

Cliff Madden

Karla Rauch

Bruce Mansfield

Erica Reetz

Gloria Mansfield

Milton Rivera

L A N E AV E N U E C A M P U S Erik Eriksen

COOPER ROAD CAMPUS Bisi Adeyemi Tina Aekins Tasha Allen Terry Anderson Dennis Arias Jay Asagida Randy Bennett Michelle Blackstone Samantha Blackwell Amanda Bratschie Don Bratschie Jennifer Bury Mike Chaparro Ken Claassen Perry Daniel Lisa Daniel

Cody Matheny Taylor Matheny David Mathews Rhonda Mathews Vickie McGregor

S AW M I L L C A M P U S Dawn Lehman Elizabeth Willford Mark Willford V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G



Baptism Celebrations


Sunday, May 6, 9am & 11:30am, Cooper Road Campus

Are you or someone you know new to Christianity? Or maybe

Contact: baptism@vineyardcolumbus.org

you’re not new to Christianity, but you desire to have better

Next Baptism: Saturday & Sunday, July 7 & 8

understanding of the Christian faith. If so, you should come check out our Alpha Kickoff and hear why nearly 30 million people have done Alpha. Join us for music, dinner, and a conversation about life and faith at one of our Vineyard Columbus campuses. Free childcare is available at Cooper Road Campus and Sawmill Campus. • Cooper Road Campus 6000 Cooper Rd, Westerville OH Vineyard Community Center Thursday, April 12, 6:30-8:30pm

Get Connected: Join A Small Group Visit: vineyardcolumbus.org/groups Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Life is better together, and we believe this kind of life happens in a Vineyard Columbus small group. Small groups bring people together from different cultures, life stages, and experiences for a rich community of worship, friendship, growth, and service. Stop by the small group area at your campus to learn more!

Register: Adrienne, adrienne.ash@vineyardcolumbus.org or



Wednesday, April 11, 7-9pm, Cooper Road Campus

• East Campus 333 Jericho Rd, Pickerington OH Tuesday, April 10, 7-9pm Register: Micah, micah.morgan@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5306 • Sawmill Campus 4140 Tuller Rd. Suite 122, Dublin OH Wednesday, April 11, 6:30-8:30pm Register: Allyse, allyse.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5439

Sunday, April 15, after the last service at each campus, East Campus, Lane Avenue Campus, La Viña & Sawmill Campus Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Childcare: Available. Please register at vineyardcolumbus.org. If you are hoping to get connected to a small group, or had a group that won't continue past the Real Jesus campaign, then GroupLink is the event for you. GroupLink is a two-hour event where you can meet people in a similar stage of life and area of town with the goal of joining or forming a Small Group. Our team will be on hand to help you navigate the process of meeting others and forming a group, but we do not

If you or someone you know lives in any of these areas, invite

assign you to a group. You come to GroupLink to meet others

them to come to the Alpha Course!

and decide which group you would like to join. Come and join

Baptism Classes Saturdays, April 14, 21, & 28, after services

us for a fun evening with food and free childcare! Please make sure you register for childcare.

Sundays, April 15, 22, & 29, after services

Membership 101

Contact: baptism@vineyardcolumbus.org

Sunday, April 8, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus

If you’re a new follower of Jesus, getting baptized is an

Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan

important next step. It’s a public proclamation of your

Childcare: Register for free at vineyardcolumbus.org/vgc.

decision to follow Christ. In order to participate in baptism,

Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs

you must attend one of the required classes listed above. Find

of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership.

more info online or at the Info Counter in the Lobby.

No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare

Youth Baptism Classes Saturdays, April 14, 21, & 28, after services Sundays, April 15, 22, & 29, after services Contact: Pastors Kerry Davis, 614.259.5502 or Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317 If you’re a new follower of Jesus between the ages of 10 and 18, please take one of these required classes.


Saturday, May 5, 6pm, Cooper Road Campus

APRIL 2018

(ages 1–12). Next Class: Sunday, June 24 Learn about all of our Vineyard Growth Classes on p. 6.


Vineyard Homeschool Network


Our mission is to support and empower families who

Blueprints for the Family: Foundations for Parenting

involved will feel supported as we all contribute our unique

Saturday, May 5, 9am-12pm

support to children and parents through classes, field trips,

Childcare: $5 per child or $10 per family, ages 1-12 (must

and social engagements. Find us on Facebook at Vineyard

register a week in advance)

Columbus Homeschool Network.

Register: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org Do you believe that parenting is a sacred endeavor? What if

Contact: Martha, marthahawthorne@gmail.com homeschool their children. Our vision is that each family gifts to benefit and build up one another, and to provide


is about us becoming more like him? This class is designed to

Journey to Oneness: Committed Dating & Engaged Couples

encourage parents to walk faithfully with God as they parent

Thursdays, April 26–May 31, 7-9pm

their children. This class is required for those interested in

Additional two weeks for stepfamilies on June 7 & 14, 7-9pm

being coached as a parent, or becoming a parent coach.

Cost: $20 per person (includes required reading material and

God isn’t as concerned about us raising perfect children, as he


online relationship inventory) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org

Contact: Julie Pierce (614.625.7335, jasandjul95@netscape.net),

Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org

Abigail Shaw (abigailjoyshaw@yahoo.com), or Peggy Steinbower

Open to all couples in committed dating relationships, those


considering engagement, and engaged couples! Come learn

Chosen4Love is a community of families with a passion for

how to have the kind of marriage God intended. Open to all,

adoption and foster care. We serve as a resource for adoptive

but required for those getting married at Vineyard Columbus.

families and for people who are considering becoming foster

Couples creating a stepfamily will be encouraged to attend

or adoptive parents. Please connect with one of us for support

the two additional classes—come and get equipped to create

and encouragement in this area.

a family plan that will prepare both you and your children for

Father-Daughter Dance


Friday, May 18, 7-9pm, Cooper Road Campus, Auditorium

VC Students

Cost: $35 per couple and $10 for each additional girl Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (NO registration at the door)

Summer Of Service (SOS)

Contact: Kwesi Kambon, 614.259.5237 or

June 11–15, Cincinnati, Ohio


Cost: $260.00

Join us for our 5th annual Father-Daughter Dance. This semi-

Register: Registration closes on May 25th

formal dance will allow girls (ages 5-18 years old) and the

Application: Pick up an application in the high school room

significant men in their lives (dad, step-dad, grandfather,

Contact: Sarah Wiechman,

uncle, foster dad, etc.) to bond and create memories for years

sarah.wiechman@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5390

to come. We have a fun evening planned with a professional

SOS is a youth conference combined with a missions trip!

DJ and special treats for the girls. Light refreshments will be

Every day at SOS, we encounter God by experiencing

available. Deadline to register is May 13, but we encourage you

awesome worship and hearing from an incredible line-up of

to register early because we are expecting to sell out! Sorry,

guest speakers who are bringing a relevant Word for students

moms, you’ll need to sit this dance out; it’s just for the girls

and leaders! We’ll participate in service projects to embrace

and the significant men in their lives.

the city of Cincinnati. SOS will engage this generation by challenging students to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their cities! SOS is much more than “just another conference.” SOS is an experience that will refresh, challenge, and leave you in awe of how great our God is!

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


VC Students (Middle & High School) Weekend Services: Saturdays, 6pm & Sundays, 9am & 11:30am Contact: Shane Huey, 614.259.5341 or

A D U LT M I N I S T R I E S Seniors


Phase III: A Ministry for Retirees

VC Students is the name of our community of students from

1st Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30am

all across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper

Contact: Ron Schmidt, rjsgar@gmail.com

in their faith. We'd love for you to see what God is doing in the

This ministry is for people of retirement age who want to

lives of students just like you.

flourish in the Kingdom of God during the third phase of their

VC High School - Student Core

lives. We have opportunities to have fun and develop deep relationships with other Christians of the same age, grow

Application: Pick up an application in the high school room.

personally and spiritually, and give back by serving (typically

Contact: Santos Chaparro, 614.259.5404 or

involves supporting other Vineyard Columbus ministries).

santos.chaparro@vineyardcolumbus.org Student Core is our leadership team where we partner with Christ to heal the world. We have so much fun doing God’s work together—make sure to join!

VineyardKids AWANA Tuesdays, 7pm, ongoing through May 8

Singles Ministry We are happy to introduce new events for targeted age ranges for our Singles Ministry. We will hold events that are geared specifically for ages ranging from 25-45 and 40+, and of course events for singles of all ages. Keep checking the website for up-to-date information! vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/singles/events

Cost: $30 per child Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org

Free Social Dance Classes (all ages)

Contact: Mike Szlapak, mike.szlapak@vineyardcolumbus.org

1st Fridays & 3rd Sundays, Cooper Road Campus

AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”.

Friday, April 6, 7:30-9:30pm& Sunday, April 15, 7:30-9:30pm

This is a discipleship program for kids grades 1-6 (Grades 7-12

Childcare: Not available

can be student leaders). This program helps shape values,

Contact: Natalie Struttmann, nataliestruttmann@yahoo.com

build character, and grow kids' faith through memorizing

These free dance classes are followed by practicing to

scripture, making friends, and encountering Jesus.

music and socializing. Adult singles and married couples

Baby Dedication

are welcomed! Not a dancer? Come hang out and make new

Saturday, May 12

friends. Dress is casual. All levels of dance are welcomed!

Check-In: Registration window, 5:30pm

No registration is required.

Sunday, May 13 Check-In: Registration window, 8:30am (for 9am service)

Journey to Oneness: Singles

Check-In: Registration window, 11am (for 11:30am service)

Saturday, April 14, 9am-1pm

Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org

Cost: $10 per person

Next Baby Dedication: Saturday, August 18 & Sunday, August 19

Register: vineyardcolumbus.org

Baby Dedication Classes

Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org The Journey to Oneness brings a fresh and new approach to

Saturdays, April 21 & 28, 7:45pm

relationships, dating, and marriage. In Journey to Oneness:

Sundays, April 22 & 29, 1:15pm

Singles, you’ll receive practical information on how to begin

Dedication Application Deadline: Sunday, April 29

and navigate a healthy dating relationship, including the

Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org

qualities to look for in a dating partner and how to set healthy

Attendance is required on a one–time basis. If you have

relationship boundaries.

previously attended a class for another child, you do not have to attend again. Applications are available at the Information Counter and online. Please bring your completed application to the class.


are welcome. No partner is necessary. All levels of dance

APRIL 2018


“When I first attended Alpha, I was insecure about discussing my faith. However, by the end of the class I had a strong desire to share Christ with others. Now, I want to let my light shine and continue to strive to live a Christ-like life.” Kendra, January 2018

Got questions about life? Are you or someone you know new to Christianity? Or maybe you’re not new to Christianity, but you desire to have better understanding of the Christian faith. If so, you should come check out our Alpha Kickoff and hear why nearly 30 million people have done Alpha. Learn more on p. 8

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Vineyard Men

Vineyard Women

180 Men’s Recovery Group

#MeToo: Hope and Healing for Survivors

Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus

Saturday, April 21, 9am-1pm

Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com

Childcare: $5/child or $10/family (ages 1 and up; must register

180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness.

in advance)

This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the

Headlines of sexual harassment allegations that began in

healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men

October of 2017 created a tidal wave of women coming

to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group

forward, sparking the #MeToo movement. Thousands of

accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.

women have similar stories—maybe you are among them.

Helping Hands Contact: Joyce Shuster, joyce.shuster@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5303 Are you a guy who can fix things? Our Helping Hands ministry helps people in our community who are in need of minor home repairs such as leaky faucets, screen door repairs, etc. The families are usually single parent homes, elderly, or those who can’t afford repairs on their own. If you’d like to use your repair skills to help, please contact Joyce Shuster.

Men’s Prison Ministry If you are interested in serving in our Prison Ministry, many opportunities are available. For information, see Prison Ministries under “Volunteer & Serve” in this edition of the MIX for training and opportunities to serve at various jails throughout Central Ohio.

Man Camp May 4-6 Contact: Joyce Shuster, joyce.shuster@vineyardcolumbus.org

The downside of the #MeToo movement is that it’s brought up years’ worth of pain but no resolution, no healing, no place for anyone to process what happened to them. But there IS hope, and that hope is found in JESUS and his healing community. Join us on April 21st as Vineyard Women and Support for Life ministries partner together for this oneday event filled with life-giving messages meant to break through your feelings of shame, fear, and powerlessness and minister Christ’s healing to some of your deepest wounds.

International Women’s Breakfast 1st Saturdays, 9:30–11:30am (Next meeting: May 5) Registration: not required Contact: Flo Gimei, fgimei@gmail.com or Julie Franks, WomensMinistryVol@vineyardcolumbus.org We are a group of women from all over the world that meets monthly to experience unity in Christ while we honor our diversity. We share a meal, listen to a brief teaching, discuss, and pray for one another. Please bring a dish to share, but if you are unable to bring food, come anyway! Not meeting in

Guys, pack your bags, grab your tents and let’s get ready to

April due to Service Project

camp in the great outdoors!! Sleep outside. Build fires. Laugh.

Mom’s Refresh

Compete. Split wood. BYOPretty much everything. Test your strength. Tell stories. Make pals. Talk to God. Adults only, 18 and up. Camping. For men.

3rd Fridays, 9:30-11:30am (Next meeting: April 20) Childcare: $5/child or $10/family (ages 1-5; must register in advance) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (by Monday, April 16) Contact: Erica Roof, roof.erica@gmail.com or Emily Wilkins, emilywilkins81@gmail.com Join other moms to experience God and build friendships through worship, teaching, and service. Infants are welcome in the room with moms. Toys and mats are provided. Moms are welcome to pack a lunch and stay after from 11:30am-12:30pm.

Run for God Beginning Saturday, April 14, 7:30–9:30am Register: runforgod.com/class/vineyard-columbus-rfg Contact: Farrah Langlois, Rejoui78@yahoo.com or Julie Franks, WomensMinistryVol@vineyardcolumbus.org The Run for God program provides a practical guide to running and a 12-week training plan aimed at completing a 5k race, while maintaining a Christian focus. Meetings include discussion, walking/running, and a fellowship time afterwards. All levels of walking and running are welcome! 12

APRIL 2018

Social Media

Vineyard Women: Event Team

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find out

Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org

what’s happening with Vineyard Women!

We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people, serving

Soul Provider 2nd Friday of each month, 6:30–9pm (Next meeting: April 13) Childcare: Childcare available for ages 1–12 (must pre–register) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (childcare & event by April 9) Contact: Myiesha, myiesha.mccrary@vineyardcolumbus.org Soul Provider is a ministry for moms who are single with children up to 18–years–old, living at home, and still in high school. Please join us!

Vineyard Women’s Conference: Ignite! Experience the Kingdom Wednesday, May 2, 7-9pm Thursday, May 3, 9:30am-9pm Friday, May 4, 9:30am-9pm Cost: • $60 for FULL Conference by April 29 • $80 for FULL Conference, at the door only • $20 per session, at the door only Childcare: $5/child or $10/family for each session (ages 1-12); must register in advance Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (by Sunday, April 29) Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5335 Ignite! is a chance for you to hear women from across the Vineyard movement share extraordinary stories of how

others, and offering hospitality to join our Event Team. Some of the ways you can help include promoting the event, administrative help, decorating, greeting, registration, and more. We have a great time serving together and would love to have you join us!

Young Adults VC Twenty All Campus Gathering Sunday, April 8, 6pm, Lane Avenue Campus Childcare: Available for ages 0-5. Registration: Not required Contacts: Christian Root, christian.root@vineyardcolumbus. org OR Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org VC Twenty is a place for young adults from Columbus to connect. We’d love for you to come hang out with us on Sunday April 8th on The Ohio State University campus for a night or worship, teaching, and community. Whether you're a college student, young professional or somewhere in between, we’re saving a seat for you! Save the date! Next All Campus Gathering: Sunday, May 6

I N T E R N AT I O N A L Immigration Services

Jesus ignited their hearts for the things of his kingdom. We

ICS Walk-in Clinics

need to receive from those who have gone before us so we

Saturdays, 9am–1pm, Vineyard Community Center

can continue the mission he began in our own day and like

Contact: Jeanine Winfrey, 614.259.5322 or

him, change the world. You will not want to miss this special


opportunity to receive all God has for you. “But seek first His

Cost: $20 payable at the time of intake

kingdom…” (Matthew 6:33)

Vineyard Immigration Counseling Services (“ICS”) provides

Conference Speakers: • Eleanor Mumford, London, England • Dianne Leman, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois • Cindy Nicholson, Chicago, Illinois • Rose Madrid-Swetman, Seattle, Washington • Thora Anderson, Phoenix, Arizona • Le Que Heidkamp, Minneapolis, Minnesota • Becky Olmstead, Fort Collins, Colorado • Marlene Nathan, Columbus, Ohio

family-based immigration legal representation to persons at 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and below. ICS responds to requests for representation and legal questions from the public through its Intake Clinic. Consultations will be available for those who complete the intake process; however, representation decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis and are subject to ICS availability. Intake is the mandatory first step to receiving services. We will provide low-cost consultations for individuals interested in applying for immigration. We will meet with the immigrant after the formal intake process. Intakes are limited to a first-come, first-serve basis within the weekly clinic hours.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


International Ministries

Vineyard Columbus Missions Prayer Group

VC International Teams

Contact: Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or vcmissionprayer@gmail.com

For more information about our teams sharing Jesus overseas,

Pray for our international ministry work. We typically worship,

email us at international.ministries@vineyardcolumbus.org.

share updates on our missionaries, and pray for special areas of

East Campus Missions Prayer Group 3rd Mondays, 7pm, East Campus

Contact : Edna Wright, ewright3@att.net

the world and our VC missionaries.

La Viña: Spanish–Speaking Campus

If you live on the east side of Columbus or in the Reynoldsburg/

La Viña Service

Pickerington area and have a heart for the nations, join us to

Sundays, 11:30am, in the Chapel, Cooper Road Campus

pray for the nations and Vineyard Columbus’ missionaries in

Contact : Irene Casale–Petrarca, 614.256.5254 or

various areas of the world.


Finding their Home Sunday, April 29, 6–8pm, Cooper Road Campus Childcare: None, but children are welcome. Contact/Register: jackie.williams@vineyardcolumbus.org Cost: Free Refugees are people who have been forced to leave their home

La Viña is a service that is completely in Spanish and meets in the Chapel (la capilla) at Cooper Road. Our vision is to serve the Hispanic community of Columbus, showing them God’s love and seeing their lives transformed by the power of God. We are not only a church, but also a family in Christ. You are welcome as you are!

in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

La Viña Servicio en Español

Have you ever broken bread with someone who has fled

Domingos, 11:30am, en la capilla (Chapel),

for their life? Or shared bottomless cups of tea while

Cooper Road Campus

learning about the difficult journeys they have endured? The

Para más información, contactar a Irene Casale–Petrarca,

International Ministries department invites you to join us as

614.259.5254 o irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org.

we sit at the tables of local refugee families and listen to their

La Viña es un servicio completamente en Español y nos

stories of searching for a new home. To sign up for a seat at

reunimos en la capilla (Chapel) en Cooper Road. Nuestra visión

their table, come to this informational meeting where you will

es servir a la comunidad de Columbus, presentándoles el amor

hear from people serving refugees locally and abroad. Come

de Jesús y ver sus vidas ser transformadas por el poder de Dios.

build cross-cultural relationships that will radically redefine

No somos solamente una iglesia además somos una familia en

your definition of friendship.

Cristo. ¡Bienvenido como eres!

Jesus and the Kingdom of God Sunday, April 15, 2-4pm, Cooper Road Campus

Noche de Adoración de La Viña (La Viña Worship Night)

Speaker: Nathan J’Diim

7-8:30pm, Primer miércoles de cada mes. (First Wednesday

Registration: Not required

of every month)

Contact: Luke Sjogren, l.showgrin@frontiersusa.org

2do Piso Ministry Center (Second Floor Ministry Center)

How can we interact with our Muslim neighbors in a way that

Childcare: Hay cuidado de niños. (Childcare available)

encourages them towards Jesus and the Kingdom and not

Contact: Jordan Espino-Arvizu,

away from him? Come hear Nathan J’Diim share from his many


years of experience in loving Muslims towards the kingdom of

Una noche de alabanza extendida, y encuentro con el


Espíritu Santo a través de la alabanza, palabras proféticas,

The Church in the Age of Jihad Thursday, April 12, 6:30-9pm, Cooper Road Campus Speaker: Reverend Bob Blincoe, President of Frontiers Registration: Not required Contact: Luke Sjogren, l.showgrin@frontiersusa.org Join us to listen to veteran missionary leader, Reverend Bob Blincoe, discuss how God is moving in the Muslim world in these unsettling times and the need for Jesus that still remains.


2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:45-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus

APRIL 2018

y un tiempo extendido de oración. (An extended night of worship and encounter with the Holy Spirit through worship, prophetic words, and an extended ministry time. First Wednesday of every month.)


Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University

Vineyard Columbus Visitation Care Team

Cooper Road Campus

Contact : Visitation Care Team, 614.259.5239. We want to come alongside our church and their families who are hospitalized, in nursing homes, in long–term care, or

Thursdays, April 5-May 31, 7-9pm (9 weeks)

Cost: $100 for materials (includes shipping) Registration: fpu.com/1052454 Childcare: contact VCFinancialPeace@gmail.com

homebound. If you or a family member would like to be visited,

Contact: VCFinancialPeace@gmail.com

please contact us.

This class helps you understand and follow Jesus and Biblical financial wisdom to gain control of your money,

Funeral Needs

beat debt, increase generosity, and build wealth. Cost for

Contact : 614.259.5372

the materials is about $100 including shipping, and childcare

If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral

is available for entire class at an affordable rate. Pre-

and pastoral care services, please call us.

registration is encouraged; register at fpu.com/1052454.

Helping Hands Contact: vineyardcolumbus.hh@gmail.com or 614.259.5326

Email VCFinancialPeace@gmail.com to request childcare or if you have any questions. For other questions related to the financial ministry, contact Kent.Irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org.

upkeep in your home if you cannot complete them on

Designing Your Legacy: Estate Planning Workshop

your own. Most jobs are completed on Saturday mornings

Saturday, April 21, 9:30-11:30am

between 9am-12pm. We do not mow grass or help with

Cost: Free

moving. If you are in need of minor repairs around your

Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/financial-

home, please leave a message for an assessment (see

ministry/events/ (please register in advance)

above for contact information).

Contact: Kent, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org

Helping Hands is a ministry that will do minor repairs and

Career & Financial Career Acceleration Class Contact: Kent, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org Resumes? Interviewing? Networking? This eight-week class is

Learn how to pass on your estate at death. Understand how to obtain a good estate plan and get documents done at no cost to you. Seminar is informational, with one-on-one private meetings scheduled in August with estate planners. No childcare will be provided.

offered 3 times per year and will help you tackle all of these

Living Your Strengths

and be in a better position to get that job you are seeking!

Class dates coming soon

We have a professional recruiter that leads the class, which

Contact: Kent, Kent.Irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org

provides a real world view of what employers are looking

Each of us is a masterpiece; placed on earth for a unique God-

for. This is a fantastic hands-on class that has helped people

inspired purpose that's solely ours to fulfill. Do you know the

get new jobs right away. Through learning, practice, and

unique talents God wired inside of you? Are you using your

participation, you will learn a lot. The class also lends itself

God-given gifts to lead a fulfilling life and enrich your church

to networking and friendships to build with fellow class

community? This class is an 4-week journey of discovery to

members over the course of eight weeks together.

identify, understand, affirm, and maximize your God-assigned

Career Coaching Contact: Kent, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org We offer comprehensive career coaching by appointment from one of our expert volunteer team members to assist

strengths to use them for growth and service, and discover your true calling. Each participant will: 1) complete the Clifton StrengthsFinder 2.0 online assessment; 2) create an action plan; 3) and receive tools and resources to apply your talents.

with your resume along with skills in job search, networking, interviewing, negotiation, and conducting a job search plan. To apply for coaching, please email your resume to Kent Irwin in Microsoft Word to kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org.

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APRIL 2018

Vineyard Job Club

SpringHill Camps

Tuesdays, beginning April 3, 9:30-11am

July 2-6 (closed on July 4) & July 30-August 3

Contact: Paul Nicholson; penicholson51@gmail.com or

Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm


Grades: For students completing Kindergarten–5th grade

Participants in this group will share experiences of their job

during the 2017-2018 school year (Kindergarten students

search and discuss challenges, strategies, and resources.

must provide verification of enrollment in Kindergarten)

The job club meets weekly for 90 minutes where we'll

Cost: * $159/child for July 2-6 & $199/child for July

share job leads, receive group support, guidance, and career

30-August 3

development feedback followed by a time of prayer and

*Reduced if attending VCC Summer

encouragement. This group will particularly appeal to those

Register: springhilldaycamps.com (if only interested in

that have been unemployed for a while, and need more

SpringHill Camps)

ongoing support and accountability.

Contact: VCCK5@vineyardcolumbus.org

Community Center Vineyard Summer Program: Be Transformed June 11-July 27 (closed July 2-6), Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

Grades: For students completing Kindergarten–9th grade during the 2017-2018 school year (Kindergarten students must provide verification of enrollment in Kindergarten) Cost: $650.00 per child Before/After Care: 8am-5pm (limited space, additional $175.00 per child) Register: vineyardcommunitycenter.org Contact: VCCK5@vineyardcolumbus.org (Grades K-5) & kevin.gilmore@vineyardcolumbus.org (Grades 6-9) Summer is right around the corner! The 2018 Vineyard Summer Program is a great program for children currently enrolled in Kindergarten through ninth grade. This year our theme is “Be Transformed.” Our key verse is Romans 12:2a, “Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Kids will

Your kids will love SpringHill Day Camps. From the climbing wall to the water slides, to the silly songs and amazing counselors, a week at SpringHill is an experience your family won’t want to miss. We hire the best staff to teach your kids about God, as they get to make new friends, and try new and exciting activities in your community. Register online at springhilldaycamps.com.

Empowered Life Open Prayer for Healing Sessions Cooper Road Campus • Saturday, April 7, 9-11am • Saturday, April 14, 9-11am • Saturday April 28, 9-11am • Not meeting Saturday, April 21 Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Open to anyone needing physical, emotional, or deliverance healing prayer. No appointment needed.

learn about rooting their identity in God and forming positive relationships within our community. We’ll have daily worship and devotions, outdoor activities, art, field trip, and more! Spots are limited, so register today! Great news! We have expanded our program this summer and are partnering with SpringHill Camps to offer two additional weeks of programming (July 2-6 (closed July 4th) and July 30-Aug 3). Separate registration is required.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G



• Vision Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only)

Lower Lights Christian Health Center

Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments,

6000 Cooper Road:


• Mondays, Wednesday, & Thursdays, 8am–5pm

We offer eye exams and vouchers for free glasses to those

• Tuesdays, 8am-3pm

who qualify.

• Fridays, 8am-1pm 171 E. 5th Avenue: • Mondays–Fridays, 8am–5pm Appointments: Call Lower Lights, 614.274.1455 (Option 1). LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health provider ministering the love of Christ through full–service cradle–to– grave medical care focused on whole–person wellness. They see patients with Medicaid, Medicare, CareSource, Molina, and private insurance as well as uninsured patients. Services are offered for the whole family on a sliding fee scale based upon income. However, all patients are seen regardless of ability to pay. Services offered include pre–natal care, immunizations, well–child checkups, physicals, routine care, and chronic disease management.

Vineyard Free Health Clinics 6000 Cooper Road, Westerville Contact: 614.259.5428 Free Medical, Chiropractic, Dental, and Vision Clinics Vineyard Clinics provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for patients (ages 18 and up) to those who qualify.

Our clinics serve those who are uninsured OR have Medicaid or are Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government– issued health care programs are eligible for services.) For more info, call 614.259.5428. Si usted sólo habla español, puede comunicarse con la clínica latina al 614.293.9906. • Medical Clinic Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening Walk in, first come, first served. Sign-in begins at 4pm. Patient visits begin at 6pm. We provide diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Basic work physicals available by calling 614.259.5428 (option 6) prior to coming to the clinic. No lab test, injections, or X-rays. • Dental Clinic

• Chiropractic Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only) Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments, 614.259.5428. We provide evaluation and chiropractic care for those with pain involving headaches, neck, back, or joints. Interested in volunteering in our clinics? See p. 31.

Mercy & Justice Orphan Care & Anti-Human Trafficking Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org Please contact Diane if you would like to receive updates and ways to help with our Orphan Care Ministry and our efforts to end human trafficking.

Asia’s Hope: PreK Eng 6 Home Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org Vineyard Columbus is partnering with Asia’s Hope by providing support for a home in Cambodia. Twenty children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation have been rescued and now live together as a family. Staff provide individual care, education, a Christian environment, and job skills so each child can succeed as an independent adult.

Support for Life #MeToo: Hope and Healing for Survivors Saturday, April 21, 9am-1pm Childcare: $5/child or $10/family (ages 1 and up; must register in advance)

Headlines of sexual harassment allegations that began in October of 2017 created a tidal wave of women coming forward, sparking the #MeToo movement. Thousands of women have similar stories—maybe you are among them. The downside of the #MeToo movement is that

Cooper Road (appointment only)

it’s brought up years’ worth of pain but no resolution, no

Call Fridays, 9–9:45am to schedule appointments,

healing, no place for anyone to process what happened


to them. But there IS hope, and that hope is found in

We provide dental exams, X–rays, fillings, extractions, and

JESUS and his healing community. Join us as Vineyard

cleanings. (No wisdom teeth, bridgework, orthodontics, or

Women and Support for Life ministries partner together


for this one-day event filled with life-giving messages meant to break through your feelings of shame, fear, and powerlessness and minister Christ’s healing to some of your deepest wounds.


APRIL 2018

180 Men’s Recovery Group

Celebrate Recovery

Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus

Fridays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus

Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com

Childcare: not available

180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness.

Register: supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org

This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the

Contact: celebraterecovery@vineyardcolumbus.org

healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery

to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group

fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive,

accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.

compulsive, or destructive behavior—“hurts, habits, or hang-

All Things New Thursday, April 26, 7-9pm (8-week class, closed after first session) Class Size Limit: 10 (women only) Cost: $15 per person (includes book and workbook required for

ups.” At Celebrate Recovery you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered recovery. Meetings include a time of worship, teaching, sharing, and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!


Circle of Grace Group

Registration: Pre-registration is required

3rd Tuesday of most months, 7-9pm

Contact: Joyce, joyce.stewart@vineyardcolumbus.org

Contact: Linda Parker, circle.of.ministry@gmail.com

The purpose of this 8-week group is to create a safe place for

Circle of Grace is a discussion group seeking to explore how

women with past sexual abuse to share their stories and to

the church can be a safe place for people with same-sex

receive further healing. We will go through Nicole Bromley’s

attractions to explore their relationship with Christ in a loving,

HUSH book and SOAR workbook.

biblically-faithful environment. Discussions are focused

Amazing Grace: Praise Dance, Prayer, Creativity and Healing

around books, videos, and other resources. We also seek to be in dialogue with church leadership to this end.

Sunday, April 8 (9 weeks), 2:30-4:30pm

Circle of Hope (Formerly Moving on with Jesus)

Contact: Deva at devasgabriel@gmail.com for pre-registration

Thursday, April 5 (7-week group), 7-9pm

This introductory class is for women age 21 and above who

Contact/Register: Sue, movingonwithJesus@gmail.com

want to celebrate and worship the Lord through Praise Dance.

This group is for women with unwanted same-sex attractions.

We will be exploring dance as prayer, healing, and worship and

We use the Taking Back Ground teaching. During our meetings

learning to apply the Word through creative movement and the

we will recap what was discussed in the Taking Back Ground

arts. Christ meets us where we are regardless of our mental,

videos, discuss what was learned and how God is moving in our

emotional, and physical health. No experience is necessary. All

lives, and end by spending time praying together.

are welcome! We will be moving our stories of brokenness into healing, recovery, and celebration. Whether you are new to the healing process or simply wanting to deepen your journey into freedom through the Lord, expect to receive the loving forgiveness of Christ Jesus. Expect a Miracle. Psalm 149:3 says "Let us praise his name with dancing..."

Circle of Love Group 1st Monday of most months, 7-9pm Contact: Linda Parker, circle.of.ministry@gmail.com This confidential group meets to bring hope, support, and resources to the family and friends of people who experience same-sex attractions.

Circles Prayer Group Contact: Sue, movingonwithJesus@gmail.com A regular prayer meeting for people interested in praying for those impacted by unwanted same-sex attractions, the LGBTQ community, our same-sex attractions ministries here, and those the Lord would draw in for healing and restoration.

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DivorceCare for Men

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Beginning Thursday, April 5 (13 weeks), 7-9pm

1st Tuesdays of every month except January, July,

Cost: $15 for workbook

and September, 7–9pm

Contact: Dave Kuta, dave.kuta@vineyardcolumbus.org

Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up;

DivorceCare is a friendly and caring group of men who will walk

must pre–register)

alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

Register for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org

This 13-week support group is for men who are separated and/

Register: Kris Garwood, Garwood.2@osu.edu, 614.259.5472

or divorced and it can be joined at any time.

This group allows grandparents to share the joys and the

DivorceCare for Women Beginning Tuesday, April 17 (13 weeks), 7-9pm

month speakers address a relevant topic.

Cost: $15 for workbook


Contact: Susan, smbwaters@gmail.com

Wednesdays, through April 25, 7-9pm

DivorceCare is a friendly and caring group of women who

Contact: Chuck Clark, benaiah2.0@gmail.com

will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk

experiences. This 13-week support group is for women who are

alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.

separated and/or divorced and it can be joined at any time.

You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. This

The Emotionally Healthy Relationship Community Life Groups that have completed Emotionally

13-week co-ed discussion/support group is for those grieving the death of a loved one and can be joined at any time.

Healthy Spirituality may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at any

He Will Wipe Every Tear

time for their groups.

Beginning Wednesday, April 4 (6 weeks), 7-9pm

Beginning Thursdays, June 7 (8 weeks), 7-9pm

Contact: Debi Leake, debi.leake@vineyardcolumbus.org

Cost: $30 for EHR course materials (book, workbook, and

This is a 6-week group for those who have lost loved ones


because of the opioid epidemic. Come and find encouragement

Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org

and support as we share, pray, and experience the love of

This powerful eight-week course will equip you with practical

Jesus. This is a closed group with no new participants after the

tools to really love people in difficult situations and mature

second session.

into an adult follower of Jesus. You will learn eight powerful, biblically-based, relationship-changing skills in a group setting with reading, questions, and practical discussion to reinforce each of the eight skills.

Hearts Restored (8-Week Class) Tuesdays, April 3–May 22, 7-9pm Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com Registration: Pre-registration is required.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

The experience of sexual betrayal is traumatic and disorienting.

Community Life groups may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at

This 8-week class will feature teaching, discussion, prayer,

any time for their groups.

and testimonies from women who have seen God work

Cost: $30 for EHS course materials (book, workbook, and

powerfully in their lives through their healing journey. We


will cover topics that are foundational to God-led recovery

Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org

including an overview of what true recovery looks like, the

Do you yearn to be emotionally alive? Support for Life invites

effects of trauma, establishing safety, self-care, building a

you to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a plan for discipleship

support system, setting boundaries, detaching, accountability,

that can deeply change your relationship with God. The

managing triggers, finding hope, and planning for the future.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course directly addresses

The workbook “Journey to Healing and Joy” will be used, and

the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity

there will be weekly homework assignments. To help facilitate

are inseparable. It is not possible to be spiritually mature

safety and community, the class will be closed to new

while remaining emotionally immature. Learn through eight

participants after the first session.

powerful life changing sessions how to incorporate daily life rhythms that lead us to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others.


struggles of parenting again with those who understand. Each

APRIL 2018

Learn more on p. 13

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Hearts Restored Support Group: Recovery from Sexual Betrayal

Lay Counseling

Tuesdays, 7–9pm

Contact: Support for Life, 614.259.5289 or

Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com


Hearts Restored Support Group is a faith-based outreach

Register: If you're a member or regular attender and would

where you will find a safe, confidential place to share with

like to meet with a lay counselor, please fill out an online

other women who understand the devastating effects of

application or contact Support for Life.

sexual betrayal. We are engaged, married, separated, and

The Support for Life Ministry has a trained team of volunteer

divorced women who do not judge each other but rather

“lay” counselors who come alongside people in difficult

embrace that we are all on a similar journey with a common

seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual

goal. Support is a huge part of our recovery. We have seen God

growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment. Lay

do amazing things in our lives, bringing healing and restoration.

counseling is not professional counseling, nor is it “free”

We are here to help you as others have helped us. This group is

counseling. Lay counselors meet with individuals on a short-

for and about you, not your spouse or partner. Sexual betrayal,

term basis and are trained to provide a listening ear, supportive

whether it be pornography, emotional or extramarital affair(s),

encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance.

etc., is traumatic and disorienting. Come let us reassure you

Interested in becoming a lay counselor? See p. 34.

that it is not your fault, that you will make it through this, and that there is hope. We will share/discuss topics on some of the core areas for healing such as anger, identity, disclosure, setting boundaries, detachment, triggers, self-care, his repentance, forgiveness, and trust.

Application: vineyardcolumbus.org

Loving Someone with Mental Illness 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7–9pm (not meeting May 3) Contact: Karen Twinem, 614.439.8475 This is a support group for families and friends of people


with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major

Beginning Tuesday, April 10, (9-week group), 7-9pm

depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting

Contact: Dana Moody at dana.moody@vineyardcolumbus.org

includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer.

Cost: Free Registration: Pre-registration is required (space limited) This is a nine-week closed support group offering hope, healing, encouragement, and accountability for women who want to be more hungry for God and less dependent on food (compulsive or emotional eating) or dieting (obsession with weight or exercise) to meet emotional needs. Meetings will include a short teaching, group discussion, and prayer.

Integrity for Women Thursdays, Beginning April 5, (9-week group), 7-9pm Contact/Register: integrity.women@hotmail.com Registration: Pre-registration is required (no new participants after the first class) This group is for women who desire healing for sexual brokenness while finding freedom from addiction, shame, and rejection.

Professional Counseling Center Contact: 614.259.5409 The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness in all aspects of their lives. We also have male and female Graduate Candidate Interns, $20/session, with experience in seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.

Redefining Christ Tuesdays beginning April 3, 6-8pm Contact: Gina Harding, redefiningchrist@gmail.com This closed, cyclical support group is for women who have come from a high control or cult background and now desire a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not a theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these women and come alongside of them. Our goal is to springboard into a praying small group for further discipleship. No participants may join after the first class has begun, and preregistration is required. Each meeting will include worship and teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and prayer.


APRIL 2018

Roots (Men) Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm

Unequally Yoked: Healing the Loneliness in Your Marriage

Contact: Tom, brankamp@aol.com or Support for Life,

2nd and 4th Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm

614.259.5289 or supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org

Contact: Laurel, jj2012tiny@gmail.com or 614.886.1749

This is a substance (drug/alcohol) abuse recovery group for

We are a group of married women who feel alone in our

young men.

Christian walk with our husbands. Please come and join us as

Roots (Women) Tuesdays, beginning April 3, 7-9pm Childcare: nominal charge (for ages 1 and up; must pre–register) Contact: Shelly Moss, Shelraymoss@gmail.com, or Debi Evans, debi.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org

we support one another, pray for our husbands, fellowship, and become Sisters together in our Journey as we walk together with Christ as our ‘First Love’.


This is a substance (drug/alcohol) abuse recovery group for young women.

Sister Sister 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7–9pm Contact: Elizabeth, 614.397.7764 or elzbthhwrd@aol.com We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic events and are able to help other women as we share as sisters in Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying God’s Word, worshiping, and prayer.

Sisters of Sarah

A Maturity Intensive: The Cross of Jesus Saturday mornings, April 14-May 12, 9-10:30am Sawmill Campus Teacher: John Cook Childcare: Not available Registration: Not required Contact: Deb George, deb.george@vineyardcolumbus.org John Cook, Retired Pastor of Adult Education, explores the effects of Jesus’ death in this 5-week class. Gain a deeper understanding of New Testament teaching on how Jesus’

1st Thursdays, 7:15-9:15pm

death brings reconciliation with God, justification before God,

Contact: Melissa, meladams617@gmail.com, 614.353.1792 or

pardon of sin, and redemption. Topics covered: (1) Crucifixion

Jeannine, 614.578.7094 or jmanderson30@gmail.com

& the Centrality of the Cross, (2) Reconciliation & the Cross, (3)

Sisters of Sarah is a hope and support group for women facing

Justification & the Cross, (4) Propitiation & the Cross, and (5)

the hardship of primary or secondary infertility. We invite you

Redemption & the Cross. Each class stands alone; no need to

with open arms for a time of sharing food, socializing, open

attend each one.

discussion, and prayer together.

The Book of Judges

Understanding Life and Conflict God’s Way

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Mondays beginning April 2, 7-8:30pm

Wednesdays, Beginning April 4 (11-weeks), 7-9pm

Cooper Road Campus

Contact: Walt, wpoupart@gmail.com

Teacher: Michael Karoly

Life and conflict go hand in hand; it’s woven into the human

Childcare: Not available

fabric of each individual. Yet, many do not understand the

Registration: Not required

dynamics of life and conflict from a biblical point of view

Michael Karoly, a longtime Vineyard Columbus member,

as they live life with their spouse, family, and interact daily

teaches through the Book of Judges at the Cooper Road

with people. Where does conflict in life come from, and how

Campus. Michael gives in-depth teaching on one of the Old

can we resolve conflict so we can live in peace with God,

Testament's most challenging books, explaining how to apply

ourselves, and others? Come and equip yourself biblically in

God's Word to our lives today. Detailed class notes will be

understanding how to live life as we look into what God has to

handed out/sent by email each week. Each class stands alone;

say about these basic yet misunderstood issues of life.

no need to attend each session. Classes are 90 minutes in length in lecture format.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Deaf Ministry Events

Holy Spirit Encounter

Worship Service Interpretation: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays,

Wednesday, April 18 7-9pm, Sawmill Road Campus

9am Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 9–10:30am

Childcare Cost: $5/child or $10/family

Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com

Register: Register only for childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org

The Vineyard Columbus Cooper Road Worship Service is

by Tuesday, April 17th

interpreted in ASL for the Deaf. We also offer a Deaf Bible Study

Contact Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org

for the Deaf.

Plan to come out to Encounter, a time of worship, prayer,

Easter Services Saturday, March 31 & Sunday, April 1 Visit: vineyardcolumbus.org Please invite family and friends to join us as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Cooper Road Campus Saturday, March 31 3:30pm (Programs for ages 0-Grade 5) 6pm (Programs for ages 0-Grade 5, middle and high school) Sunday, April 1 9am (Programs for ages 0-Grade 5, middle and high school, and interpretation for the deaf) 11:30am (Programs for ages 0-Grade 5, middle and high school) East Campus Sunday, April 1 9am (Programs for age 1-Grade 12) 11:30am (Programs for age 1-Grade 12) Lane Avenue Sunday, April 1 6:30am Easter Sunrise Service (open to all campuses) 10am (Programs for age 1-Grade 12)

and seeking more of the Holy Spirit together. This month’s Encounter will be led by our 20 something community, with the message given by the 20 something pastor, Christian Root.

Joyful Noise Worship Service (Special Needs) 2nd Sundays, 5:30–6:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Pam Newman, pmnewman7@gmail.com Join our Accessible Worship Service for people affected by disabilities and their families, friends, and neighbors. We have a worship band, brief message, and prayer time. Bring your tambourines and streamers.

Meeting God 303: Power Healing and Evangelism Wednesday, April 25, 6:30-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Kerry Davis Prerequisite: Meeting God 301 Childcare: Register for childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org Childcare Cost: $5/child or $10/family Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Tuesday, April 24 Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Do you want to see God heal others? This class will explore New Testament healings and encourage you with stories of

La Viña

healing today. You will receive practical training and inspiration

Sunday, April 1

to pray for physical healing at church, work, school, or the

11:30am (Spanish-speaking Service)



Meeting God 305: Releasing Freedom

Sunday, April 1 9am (Programs for age 1-Grade 12) 11:30am (Programs for age 1-Grade 12)

Holy Spirit Encounter Wednesday, April 18, 7-9pm, Cooper Road Campus Childcare Cost: $5/child or $10/family Register: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Join us for a powerful and Spirit-filled night!

Sunday, April 29, 2:30-4:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Nancy Davis Prerequisite: Meeting God 301 Childcare: Register for childcare at vineyardcolumbus.org Childcare Cost: $5/child or $10/family Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Friday, April 27 Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God and freedom for the captives, creating conflict with the present evil age. This class will equip you to obey Jesus’ command to partner with him to set people free from the powers of darkness.


APRIL 2018

Learn more on p. 12

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Vineyard Institute Spring Quarter

Serve in Prayer (Lane Avenue Campus)

Begins Monday, March 26

Contact: Klodiana Tedesco, klodiana@gmail.com or

Contact: vineyardinstitute.org or advisor@vineyardinstitute.org


Vineyard Institute exists as a global education provider to equip

There are many ways you can serve in prayer at Lane Avenue

the people of God to pursue the call to go out into the world

Campus. For more info, contact Klodiana.

as workers of the harvest, whether that calling is a disciple in the workplace and community, a parent, a small group leader, ministry worker, missionary, church-planter, or a pastor.

If you are not sure where to serve, or want to explore other

Art Ministry

opportunities, check out the list of volunteer opportunities

Campaign Art Exhibit: The Faces of Jesus

Counter in the Main Lobby for a Volunteer Catalog.

Thru Sunday, April 1, Second Floor Ministry Center

Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org

Please come view The Faces of Jesus global artwork from the Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection. This exhibit is especially themed for our 2018 campaign, The Real Jesus. Please stop by and consider our Lord in these artistic portraits.

at vineyardcolumbus.org/volunteer, or stop by the Ministry

Bookstore & Library Cooper Road Campus Library Volunteers Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or

Campaign Art Exhibit: The Real Jesus


Thru April 1st in various locations throughout the church.

Volunteer once a week restocking books, contacting those

Please stop by and view The Real Jesus exhibit. This exhibit

with overdue books, and adding new inventory.

features original and various venues of artwork by our own Vineyard Columbus church members/attendees.

Bookstore - Meet the Author Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org

Invitation to VC Artists for North Hall Gallery Exhibits 2018

Are you an author and member of Vineyard Columbus? We'd

Contact: Holly Messerall, vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com

chance to meet you!

If you are interested in exhibiting your work as one of our featured artists in the North Hall Gallery during 2018, contact Holly Messerall. A minimum of 10 pieces required (more than 10 can be considered). Please submit a portfolio for review.

Campuses Engage (Sawmill Campus) 1st Wednesdays, 7–8:30pm Contact: Dustin Jasinski, djasinskivcsc@gmail.com Engage is a service of meditation on scriptures and listening to what the Lord is saying to each person attending. Prayer is also available for special needs, congregational leaders, and programs.

love to have an event at the bookstore where people have the

Bookstore Volunteer Opportunities Cooper Road Campus Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5323 • Volunteer once a week: 2-3 hours, Tuesday-Friday, 12-5pm • Volunteer Saturday or Sunday twice a month: 15 minutes before and 20 minutes after the service you attend, operating cash register for half hour. • Volunteer Sunday morning: (every other week) Audio/media volunteer.

Career Career Ministry Volunteers

Sawmill Campus

Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org

Sundays, 9 & 11:30am

The Career Ministry is in great need of new volunteers that can

4140 Tuller Road, Dublin, OH 43017

serve in a number of different roles: job coach, career expert,

We have moved to our new location on the northwest side

administrator, database manager, networking pro, workplace

of town for weekend services. This is an exciting season for

navigator, and liaison between searchers and

Sawmill Campus! We can’t wait for what God has in store for

job providers.

us. Join us as we continue being a community of disciples who experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world.



APRIL 2018

Community Life

• Go Saturday, April 7

Alpha Leader Training

Vineyard Columbus will be serving our local schools this

Register/Contact: alpha@vineyardcolumbus.org or sign up at

year, cleaning and painting the school grounds and play

the Alpha counter.

areas, as well as planting gardens. Come out with us and

Are you interested in serving with our Alpha team for one

serve Columbus!

of our upcoming Alpha courses? Please contact us for more information and to register!

Small Group: Leader Training 1

Attention Small Group Leaders & HOSTs


Visit: vcsmallgroups.org

Register: vineyardcolumbus.org/smallgrouptraining1

Did you know that we have a resource page just for our

Small Group Leader Training 1 is an introductory class to

small group leaders? Short on time this week to prepare a

become a small group leader at Vineyard Columbus. If you’ve

small group discussion? Wondering how you can get more

recently HOSTed a small group and want to continue or you’re

training? Need some tips on how to make hosting easier? The

new to leading an existing Vineyard Columbus small group, this

Community Life Team wants to help you make the most of your

is your next step. Small Group Leader Training 1 will give you

time as you pray and prepare for your small group gatherings,

the basic tools you need to keep up the good work God is doing

so we’ve created vcsmallgroups.org, a website with several

in you and your group.

Bible study options as well as other helpful tools. If you have

You only need to attend one of the following sessions at the

questions, write us at smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org.

Cooper Road Campus.

The Real Jesus Give & Go Jesus was a revolutionary in the way he cared for those in need and people on the margins of society. Leading by example, he gave of his time and possessions, showing mercy to all in

Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or call

• Saturday, April 14, 9am-2pm • Tuesdays, May 15 & 22, 6-9pm (must attend both sessions for credit) • Sunday, May 20, 2-7pm • Saturday, June 23, 9am-2pm

need. Jesus demonstrated that love involves actions not just

Small Group Worship Leaders Gathering

feelings. He challenged his followers to not only give but go.

Thursday, April 26, 6:30pm

This year for our campaign service projects, we want to model

Childcare: Not available

Jesus’ servant heart by caring for people in need. Two of

Registration: Not required

the ways we can serve are by providing for practical needs

Worship Arts is having a gathering for small group worship

by donating items to the Transitions Ministry, serving those

leaders across all of our campuses. If you want to grow in your

moving from homelessness to housing or by serving at one

gifting as a worship leader, or you simply want to be a part of a

of the City of Columbus schools we support by helping with

larger worship community, this meeting is for you! You’ll have

hands-on projects at their locations. Below you’ll find service

an opportunity to connect with other worship leaders in the

opportunities to give and go as an individual, family, and/or

church, meet some of our worship staff, and hear about a few

small group.

• Give Saturday, March 24 & Sunday, March 25 Give to Transitions Ministry, which provides free basic

of the opportunities and resources available to you. Whether you’ve been leading worship in a small group for years, you’ve just started, or you’re thinking about taking a first step, we would love to connect with you!

home goods for vulnerable people who are in transition to housing from homelessness. Those served include veterans, refugees, and many others who experience situations that result in homelessness. Please visit vineyardcolumbus. org/therealjesus for a list of household items and drop off on Saturday, March 24 & Sunday, March 25. The Children’s Ministry will also participate by collecting canned foods during the campaign.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Community Outreach

Franklin Medical Center Parenting Class Volunteers

The following outreach opportunities are a bridge between

Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org

our church and the people of Columbus. We want to bring

We would like to offer parenting classes for pregnant moms

hope to prisoners, feed the hungry, and care for the homeless.

at the Franklin Medical Center, the prison hospital. We will

Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or

provide class materials and necessary training.

rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org for general questions or contact the person designated for the outreach.

PRISON MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Contact: Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org. Help inmates grow into disciples of Christ. To join us serving those in prison, contact Deborah Scott.

Prison Ministry Basics Training

We minister to men during worship services at multiple facilities. Volunteer with worship, prayer team, or help at the service. Delaware County Jail: 1–2 Saturdays/month, 10–11:30am Franklin County Jail: 3rd Saturdays, 8–10:30am Jackson Pike: 3rd Saturdays, 6:45–8:45pm

Saturday, April 7, 9am-12pm, Cooper Road Campus

Contact: Scott Osborn, 740.244.6528 or

Register: Tiffany, tiffany.fluellen@vineyardcolumbus.org


(please register by Friday, April 6)

Franklin County Jail: 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 8–10:30am

This training is for men and women interested in serving

Contact: John, 614.578.8371 or seymour1546@yahoo.com.

incarcerated and post-incarcerated men, women, and youth. A

Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project

light breakfast will be served.

Prison Ministry Gathering

Days and times vary (One day every three months) Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org

Saturday, April 14, 10am-12pm, Cooper Road Campus

We need men to help record father’s reading to their child(ren)

Register: Tiffany, tiffany.fluellen@vineyardcolumbus.org

at the Franklin County Jail.

(please register by Wednesday, April 11)


This gathering is for new volunteers to meet current volunteers and ask any questions they might have and hear some great stories of how this ministry is impacting women’s

Our church has two food pantries that serve the community of Columbus. Please contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or

lives. A light breakfast will be served.

rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org, to receive important


7 and older are welcome with parents.

Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org There are different ministry opportunities for women to serve at the Ohio Reformatory for Women and Franklin Medical Center – Zone A.

Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project: Volunteers at Franklin County Jail, Franklin County Medical Center, and The Ohio Reformatory for Women

information about each location before serving. Children ages Opportunities to Serve: • 5th Avenue Food Pantry 181 East 5th Avenue Saturday, 8am–12pm Small groups of 10-15 need to be scheduled to serve at this pantry. Carpool if possible, parking is limited. • Northside Food Pantry 4664 Cleveland Avenue Saturday, 8am–12pm

Days and times vary (2 hours every other month)

If possible, please carpool or park along Chester Road to

Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org

keep parking available for guests around and behind the

We are continually receiving requests for AMSB in the local

building. Small groups do not need to schedule at this

jails and prisons. Volunteers record parents reading to their

location but please contact Rhodie for an info sheet.

children, then our small group wraps the books and CDs and sends them to the children. We need both men and women for this program. The AMSB wrapping group meets every 3rd Monday at the church from 6-8pm. Training is available.



APRIL 2018

• Kitchen Anchor Adult Volunteers Northside Food Pantry, 4664 Cleveland Avenue Saturday mornings, once or twice a month, 7am-1pm We are looking for volunteers to help set up the kitchen and prepare for serving food, cleaning up, and closing the kitchen. Volunteers will be serving with 1-3 other anchor volunteers. It is busy, but fun! Training is available. • Monday Night Service

HOMELESS OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES Homeless Wednesday Night Outreach Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org Help us bring food and supplies to the homeless living outdoors. We travel together as a team to various outdoor stops. Serve with a small group or individually. Groups must be scheduled through Rhodie and children ages 10 and older are

Mondays, 6pm

welcome. If you or your small group would like to make a meal

5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue

for this outreach, we can cover the cost. Just email for details!

Contact: Jenney, 614.259.5370 or jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org

YWCA Family Shelter Breakfast

Small groups can plan, prepare, and serve a meal (we can

900 Harvey Court, Columbus, OH 43219

provide meal ideas). We are looking for families and small

2nd Saturdays of the month, 6:30-9:30am

groups to help us purchase and prepare our holiday meals

Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or

at the Monday Night Service in November and December.


Please contact Jenney for more details and to sign up!

Help cook and serve breakfast to the 50 families at the shelter.

• Check-in Volunteers Saturdays (two per month), 8am-12pm 5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue Contact: Chris Blosser, cblosser4@att.net. Could you help out twice a month checking in people at our downtown 5th Ave. pantry? If so, we would love your help! Please email Chris Blosser, our pantry manager, and talk with him about this opportunity to serve. • Licensed Barbers and Cosmetologists Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org We are looking for licensed barbers to offer free haircuts for 2–4 hours at our pantry locations on Saturday mornings and licensed cosmetologists to volunteer services at our Northside pantry. • Pantry Drivers & Donation Pick-up Helpers

Great outreach for the kids too!

OHIO BENEFIT BANK OPPORTUNITIES Saturday mornings, 8-11am, 4664 Cleveland Avenue Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org Help connect low and moderate income Ohioans with free tax preparation and access to potential public benefits and work supports. We are always looking for volunteer counselors and training is provided. Contact Rhodie to make an appointment to meet with a counselor or be trained.

A R AWA K G A R D E N Contact: Arawak@cybercalvin.com We are looking for volunteers year-round to help tend our downtown garden at 1455 N. 4th St. in the Short North area where produce is grown and then donated to our 5th Avenue

Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or

food pantry. We have experienced gardeners who oversee this


project and there are year-round opportunities.

We are in need of strong volunteers to help pick up food from the Mid-Ohio Foodbank for pantries. Ability to drive a


box truck and/or use a forklift is helpful, but not necessary.

Contact: Jenney, 614.259.5370 or

Pick-ups are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Approximate


time commitment is 4 hours every other week. If you are

Contact Jenney Rice to sign up for our prayer newsletter and

free to pick up donated items from local grocery stores/

intercede for this ministry area.

bakeries, we could use help with that too, usually on Fridays.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Learn more on p. 8


APRIL 2018

Deaf Ministry

Outreach & Connect

Deaf Ministry Service Opportunities

Membership 101 Volunteer Opportunities

Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com

Contact: Cinnamon Doran,

We need skilled volunteer ASL interpreters to sign for adults


and children on a rotation at our Sunday, 9am Cooper Road

• Data Entry Volunteer Opportunities


Early Childhood Early Childhood Worship Ministry Contact: Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 or myra.gaiters@vineyardcolumbus.org Share your love for Jesus with children through music!

Hours are flexible. 2-4 hours a week. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to enter data from our Membership 101 class. Vineyard Columbus membership is required. Computer literacy is preferred. Hours are flexible. This opportunity is best for those who don’t mind serving on a small team. • Class Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer to lead children in worship once a month during our

12:30–2:30pm (Membership classes are scheduled on

weekend services.

Sundays, five times per year) We are looking for dedicated volunteers to help set up for

Global Café Global Café Volunteers

Membership 101 classes at Cooper Rd. This opportunity is best for those who don’t mind serving on a small team.

Contact: vineyard.cafe@vineyardcolumbus.org

Outreach Call Ministry

New to the church or want to get connected? Be a part of

Contact: Adrienne Ash, 614.259.5494 or

our family of believers who get to experience God through


service and fellowship. The Café is an atmosphere where fresh,

If you are a person who loves to talk and make people feel

made–from–scratch food connects the community with the

welcomed, then you should join the Outreach Call Ministry!

love of Christ.

Each Monday our team calls everyone that turned in a connect card or decision prayer card during one of the weekend

Health Clinics

services. We make them feel welcomed and let them know that

Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers

information about ways they can get connected in our church

we are excited they visited our church home, and we give them

Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or

and upcoming events they can attend. Most importantly, we


want them to know that in our large church, they were seen,

Current opportunities available for doctors, chiropractors,

and that they are important to us. You can make calls from

nurse practitioners, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and

your home or come to the church and make your calls. Contact

prayer team members (Meeting God 301 required for prayer

Adrienne Ash if you're interested in serving with us!


Media Arts Video, Audio, & Lighting Support

Security Ministry Medical Response Team Contact: Jason Pierce, jp6797@gmail.com or 614.625.6216

Contact: media.arts@vineyardcolumbus.org

The Medical Response team is looking for volunteers that

We’re looking for passionate, quick–thinking people who

would be willing to help out with medical emergencies that

value quality to support the sights and sounds of the weekend

occur during our weekend services. If you are a doctor or nurse

service. If you love to use technology to help people encounter

with hospital or ER experience, or an EMT (Basic or Paramedic)

God, contact us to start making a difference in your church.

and are interested in learning more about the Medical Response Team, please contact Jason Pierce.

V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


Special Needs

Become a Support for Life Group Leader

Bridge Builders


Contact: christy2311@att.net (children/middle schoolers)

Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org

Contact: Amanda Fessehazion,

We are looking for leaders who can create groups that offer a

specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org (teens/adults)

safe environment for those who are struggling to experience

Befriend a child, teen, or adult with special needs who wants

the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you've

to be part of our church community.

benefited from support and healing during a difficult life

Body Builders Class (Special Needs) Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Amanda Fessehazion, specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School or Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind, laugh, sit at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs? Join us twice a month.

Sensory Break Room/Buddy Connection Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Christy Smith, 614.374.4859 or christy2311@att.net Befriend a child who needs an extra hand getting used to church and children’s ministry. If their special needs interfere with learning Jesus loves them, maybe they can meet Jesus through your guidance and love. Become a mentor buddy in our nationally–known program called the Sensory Break Room. Serve on a rotation.

Special Needs Intervention Support Team Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Amanda Fessehazion, specialneeds@vineyardcolumbus.org If you have training in behavior intervention, special education, autism, and/or mental health support, consider being on call to help us create a safety net when the Special Needs ministry needs extra help.

Support for Life Become a Lay Counselor Contact: laycounseling@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5289 Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org We're looking for leaders to meet with individuals on a

season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by leading a support or recovery group related to the same issue. We are currently looking for leaders for the following subjects: • Parents of children/teens on the autism spectrum • Female chemical dependency recovery group • Families impacted by the opioid crisis • Male victims of sexual abuse

Support for Life 101 Sunday, April 8, 2-5:30pm Contact/Register: Joyce, joyce.stewart@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5256 This class is taught by the Support for Life Ministry. It gives a biblical framework for understanding people, their needs, and how to move compassionately toward helping them. It is the foundational class for this ministry and is required to be a leader.

VC International Teams & Ministries English as a Second Language (ESL) Volunteers Contact: Jackie Williams, jackie.williams@vineyardcolumbus.org We are seeking volunteers to serve in the following areas: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10–11:30am Tuesdays, 7pm–9pm • Greeters: Our ESL students are eager to interact with people who enjoy giving warm smiles and speaking welcoming words as they enter the classroom. • Teachers: If you have a heart for internationals and enjoy teaching, we need volunteers to teach and assist our daytime and evening ESL classes.

short-term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive

Wednesdays and Fridays, 9-10am and Thursdays 7-8pm

encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If

Contact: John Olver, johnolver.vc@gmail.com

you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult

• Conversation Table Leader: We have a vibrant ESL program

life season or situation that has resulted in growth and

and are always in need of volunteers to assist us as

freedom, you may wish to help others by providing similar

Conversation Table Leaders.

support on a one-on-one basis.


Contact/Register: supportgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or

APRIL 2018

Have a Car to Loan a Missionary? Contact: Jackie Williams, jackie.williams@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5369 From June until the early Autumn we have several of our missionaries home in Columbus for visits. Do you have a car available for one of them to use while here? If so, please contact Jackie Williams and we will help make arrangements.

International Friendships (IFI) Contact: Jessica Burchett, 740.816.6518 or burchettjes@gmail.com International Friendships (IFI) partners with Vineyard Columbus to promote friendships and show hospitality to international students at OSU. • IFI English Conversation Partner or Friendship Partner Visit: ifipartners.org/culture–cuisine–church–small–groups.pdf Become a conversation partner and help students practice English, learn about American culture, and more. Individuals and families can be friendship partners who meet with an international student or couple monthly for a meal or activity. • IFI Internship Program

Refugee Ministry Opportunities • Cross Cultural Friendships Contact: Carli Snyder, carli.snyder@vineyardcolumbus.org Throughout scripture it is evident that God loved the foreigner, and calls his people to love them, too. If you love meeting new people, and you would enjoy coming alongside a refugee in their transition to Western culture, please contact Carli Snyder for more information on how to serve our local refugee population through the gift of crosscultural friendship. • Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30–8:30pm Contact: Carli Snyder, carli.snyder@vineyardcolumbus.org We’re looking for committed volunteers to tutor refugee children on a weekly basis for the Winter-Spring school semester. Come join the fun! Volunteers will be required to complete a training and consent to a background check. Please contact Carli Snyder for more information.

VC Students

Visit: ifipartners.org/interns.php#give (financial donations)

VC Students Small Groups & Weekend Services Leaders

IFI would like to place interns (20 hours/week) in the

Contact: Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org

chemical industry, actuarial science, finance/accounting,

(VC High School)

statistical analysis, web design/media, and marketing.

Contact: Michael Doom, michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.

Contact: Estera Pirosca, e.pirosca@ifiusa.org

• Meals for IFI Friday Night Bible Studies Contact: Tiria, exec_assistant@ifiusa.org IFI always needs people to help organize, prepare, and distribute food at our Friday night Bible study when students and volunteers share a meal together. Contact us if you or your small group are interested. • Small Group Outreach for IFI

org (VC Middle School) Volunteer with VC Students in two special areas: Small Groups and Weekend Services. We’ll be sure to train you before leaving you alone with teenagers!

Vineyard Community Center Artists Needed

Contact: Jessica Burchett, 740.816.6518 or

Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com


Contact Vineyard Columbus Artists if you are a member of the

Sign up: ifipartners.org/groups

church and interested in teaching an arts or crafts class.

International Friendships (IFI) has opportunities for small groups to help “reach the world” together including prayer, preparing food for a Bible study, making welcome bags, greeting new students, and hosting a used furniture sale.

Missions Care Team Contact: Dotty Christensen, dbchristensen77@gmail.com If you enjoy hospitality, encouraging others, hearing how God’s working, or want to give gifts, time, energy, or money, then get involved with missionary care. Use your creativity to help expand care to those we as a church send to the nations.

Artists Small Group Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com Come with ideas to share and plan a course of growth beginning with a book study. All artists are welcome. Send us an email if you're interested in being a part of this group.

Blood Drive Wednesday, April 25, 2pm Visit: redcrossblood.org sponsor code: VineCommCtr. Give the Gift of Blood. The need for blood donations is ongoing, and every donor makes a difference

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APRIL 2018

Coaches and Referees Needed for Vineyard Athletics!


Contact: Jerome Smith, 614.259.5395 or

Be an AWANA Leader!


Tuesdays, through May, 6:15-9pm

Help with our Youth Basketball, Cheerleading, or NFL Flag

Cooper Road Campus, Multi-Purpose Room

Football leagues. We need coaches and referees for grades K-6.

Application: Pick up an application from the children’s info

Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers

desk or the Kidz Quest welcome center Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317

Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or

We are accepting applications for people who desire to invest


in our kids to help us make disciples of them. We have a

Current opportunities available for doctors, chiropractors,

curriculum, ongoing training, and a team to work with. We are

nurse practitioners, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and

flexible when you need time off and offer the fringe benefit

prayer team members (Meeting God 301 required for prayer

of being loved by the kids and leaders. To make disciples we


focus on scripture memory, friendship, and fun. Consistency

VCC Summer Program (K-5) Volunteers

is key. The kids will come regularly, and we need leaders who

June 11–July 27 (no July 2-6); Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm Contact: VCCK5@vineyardcolumbus.org Volunteers can serve as classroom helpers and field trip chaperones for VCC Summer in grade school classrooms. A few

will, too. Pray about being part of the team and see where God leads.

Kids’ Worship: Campus Volunteer Recruitment We are looking for teens and adults who would like to help lead

hours a week can make a big difference in the life of a child.

kids in worship at our campuses. Each campus handles kids’

Volunteer with After-School Program: Middle and High School

worship differently and needs people who want to help the

Monday-Thursday, 3:30-6pm, September-April Contact: VCCMSHS@vineyardcolumbus.org Volunteers can provide classroom enrichment and activity support as academic tutors and career mentors. Guide and

little ones connect to God through the worship arts. No need to play an instrument! We offer training, provide all necessary materials, and include you in a volunteer rotation.

Kidz Quest Leaders Weekend services at all campuses

lead conversations to help the growth of our students. A small

Application: Pick up an application from the children’s info

amount of time with a young person will make the biggest

desk or the Kidz Quest welcome center

impact to their development.

Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317

One Child One Community: Adopt A School

We are accepting applications for qualified people to help us

Contact: Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452, anna.fullen@vineyardcolumbus.org If your small group is looking for a place to serve together, One Child One Community needs groups to partner with us to support Columbus schools. For more info on how your group can serve, contact Anna Fullen.

make disciples out of our elementary-age kids and bring them to Jesus. Our objective is to partner with parents and inspire the kids to follow Jesus through our model and teaching. We offer curriculum, training, and an AWESOME team to work with. We have opportunities of all shapes and sizes where your 5 loaves and 2 fish are enough. Interested? Let us know.

Vineyard Men Helping Hands Contact: Joyce Shuster, joyce.shuster@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5303 Are you a guy who can fix things? Our Helping Hands ministry helps people in our community who are in need of minor home repairs such as leaky faucets, screen door repairs, etc. The families are usually single parent homes, elderly, or those who can’t afford repairs on their own. If you’d like to use your repair skills to help, please contact Joyce Shuster.

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Vineyard Women

G I V E & D O N AT E

Vineyard Women Event Team

Aunt Mary’s Story Book Project: Donations (Prison Ministries)

Contact Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org

We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people, serving others, and offering hospitality to join our Event Team. Some of the ways you can help include promoting the event, administrative help, decorating, greeting, registration, and more. We have a great time serving together and would love to have you join us!

Worship Arts Serve with Worship Arts Contact danielle.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org

The Worship Arts Ministry is looking for experienced musicians (all instruments and vocalists) for all worship teams. We are also looking for bilingual vocalists. Email Danielle for more information.

Join the Choir at Vineyard Columbus

deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org. Our women’s prison ministry offers a program to incarcerated moms that enables them to record themselves reading a book to their children. We wrap the CD and book to send to the children. We accept donations of new children's books. Drop off in bins at entrances and label “Aunt Mary’s.”

Automobile Donations Donate used cars to Vineyard Columbus to bless others in our congregation. We accept all kinds and conditions and provide a receipt for your tax purposes. If a car or small–to– medium-sized SUV is well–maintained, we check it over and provide it to a person or family. High mileage cars are O.K., as long as vehicles have been maintained and are in fairly good condition. Other cars, not suitable due to condition or needing

Contact danielle.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org

expensive repairs, will be sold and the funds used for the

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you

car ministry. To donate a car, contact Mandi, 614.259.5384.

teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through

If you’re a member of Vineyard Columbus and in need of a

psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God

vehicle, call 614.259.5408.

with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16.

Men’s Reading Glasses Donations (Men’s Prison Ministry)

Our desire is to join together and sing praises to him. If you are musically gifted, sense God’s calling, and would like to be a part of the Choir at Vineyard Columbus, please email Danielle Evans.

Other Opportunities Baker’s Delight Contact Mia Byrne, 614.751.5083 or mtjondro@hotmail.com

We bake for the women’s shelter, single moms, children’s volunteers, women’s ministry events, nursing homes, and others. Great for friends, families, and small groups who are looking for outreach opportunities. Join us!

Ohio Benefit Bank Counselors Needed Visit ohiobenefits.org

Guide clients through a user–friendly, web–based computer program to access public benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid, free tax filing, etc. If you are a VC


Contact Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or

We would love to have reading glasses for men in the prisons we serve, prescription 1.25 thru 2.75 strength. Drop off in our metal bins at the church entrances and clearly mark the bag for men’s prison ministry.

Online Giving & TEXT to Give Contact 614.259.5443 or Vineyard.Finance@vineyardcolumbus.org You can make a one-time offering or you can schedule regular giving by visiting vineyardcolumbus.org/give. You can also TEXT your amount to 614.333.0330 and follow the prompts. For more info, contact our Finance department.

Pantry Donations (Community Outreach) We always need personal care items like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Drop off in the metal bins by the Cooper Road Campus entrances.

member/attender, contact Rhodie Shreve, rhodie.shreve@

Planned Giving

vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5441 (for the Northside

Contact Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 or

Food Pantry), or Maria Broeckel,


maria.broeckel@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5296 (for

If you would like to discuss estate planning, contact Kent

the Vineyard Community Center).


APRIL 2018

Project Venezuela Contact Irene Casale, Irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5254 There is a severe shortage of food, medicine, and other basic needs in Venezuela. We want to offer some relief to this country by sending some of these necessary items. There will be designated containers at the entrance of the church where you can donate items to ‘Project Venezuela’ for the next several months. These items will then be sent to Venezuelan churches that can distribute them to the populations in greatest need. Please consider participating in this demonstration of God’s love. Specific items needed: • Nonperishable foods: Rice, sugar, pasta, dry beans, corn flour, powdered milk, salt, peanut butter, ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. • Medicines: Tylenol/Motrin, antibiotics, allergy relief, and First Aid supplies. • Babies: Diapers, infant formula, baby food, and wipes. • Hygiene: Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, hair conditioner, toothbrush, and deodorant/antiperspirant.

Transitions Ministry Contact transitions@vineyardcolumbus.org Cooper Road Donation Drop–off: Ministry Center lobby

throughout the week. Campus Donation Drop–off: During weekend worship

services. Help us replenish our supplies for those in transition from homelessness. This month we are collecting pots and pans sets, new pillows, queen–sized sheet sets in package, and serving dishes.

Value Life Donations Contact Diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org We are completely out of newborn and size 0-3 month boy and girl onesies, T-shirts, and sleepers. We also need all brands of Gerber and Similac formulas and size 3, 4, and 5 diapers. Drop off items in the Ministry Center lobby. There are bins marked “Value Life”. For more info on ways to serve, like Value Life on Facebook or visit vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/ value–life.

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icture a group of people seated around a table talking

different opportunities to help with that sharpening through

about God’s word, sharing prayer requests, connecting

their Men’s Ministry, led by Stephen Van Dop, Church Extension

with one another in a way that leaves them encouraged. Most

and Men’s Ministry Pastor. They launched the Authentic

likely, the group that comes to mind is a group of women. The

Manhood series, recently held the Wise Guys series, and this

thing is, men need it too.

spring they’re hosting Man Camp. All with the hopes of adding

“[Men’s] approach to friendship can sometimes create a barrier of apprehension,” explains James Woodruff of “The

are missing.

Good Men Project.” “Every man thinks that he’s self-sufficient.

Thomas Thornton, has participated in Men’s Ministry for

We think that it’s perfectly normal to be on our own or find

more than a decade and he’s seen how men can fall away

comfort in alienating ourselves. By the time you reach a certain

from their faith if they are trying to go it alone. Thomas got

period in your life, the idea of putting yourself out there in

plugged into Senior Pastor Rich Nathan’s men’s group in 2007

any relationship is daunting… Yet, we need each other. Men

and eventually became a leader of his own group. When the

need to foster friendships with other men because we’re all

Authentic Manhood series started, it was only natural that his

experiencing the same troubles, frustrations, and progressions

group would participate.

throughout manhood. Iron sharpens iron.” Over recent years, Vineyard Columbus has facilitated several 38

a layer of friendship and accountability most men in the church

APRIL 2018

Thomas explains, “Authentic Manhood is an international series that was taught all over the US and allows men to be exposed

to the kind of man that God has designed us to be: to live our

going it alone, apart from guys in community, not doing it as a

life with a great deal of truth and passion. It was great for our

team. As a church we want to move in and say it’s okay to have

small group and great for me. It helped me grow as a leader,

a group of friends that are men, you can go out and do stuff

as a father, as a husband and helped me to be more mature

and have guys to talk to about life. We need to break down the

and Christ-like.” He continues, “I even love the name Authentic

silos that men are living in.”

Manhood. We wear a lot of masks depending on where we are and who we’re trying to impress. But you can’t wear a mask for

That’s the point of Man Camp this coming May. This two-night,

the Lord. You’ve got to be real when it comes to Jesus.”

three-day event will divide men up into smaller groups of

One specific lesson that stuck out to Thomas was the week they talked about fatherhood, even though his sons are

6-8, let them hike in, set up their own campsites, and spend the weekend outdoors. There will be physical activity—like

ages 53, 38, and 36 and have their own families now. “It’s

chopping wood and clearing brush, some group worship time,

so important for dads to connect with their children and

a prayer tent, and time to build one another up around the

represent the love and grace that God extends to them


without judgement and condemnation. I’m still a father no matter how old [my sons] are. I’m there to be supportive, encouraging, and speak into their lives if they are heading down a path that’s not good for them.”

Jeff Best attended Man Camp with a church in Cincinnati and has been instrumental in bringing the event to the men of Vineyard Columbus. Jeff explains, “Man Camp is an active, shared adventure. Every man is expected to come and

Thomas also enjoyed the Wise Guys series. Three weeks in a row, men gathered to discuss how to use their words and their work wisely. “There was a myriad of people around the table,” shares Thomas, “unemployed men, businessmen, doctors, and many others. It was great getting to know them and connect with guys from different backgrounds and share where they were with the Lord.”

participate. To get his hands dirty and to be real. To overcome obstacles and take new ground. None of that is possible, or meaningful, without Jesus at its core.” He continues, “Men are used to sucking it up, carrying the load and carrying the burden, being tough, not crying. They aren’t used to seeking out a friend and saying ‘hey, I need to talk to you about something.’ We’re trying to create a community where it’s safe

Another member of Thomas’ men’s group, Bob Byrne, also

for them to do that.”

attended Authentic Manhood and Wise Guys. He says, “Usually, guys aren’t as able to get together and share like women are.

Stephen agrees, “So many guys are so scheduled up that

Personally, I’d rather stay home. Sometimes I have to bully

there’s very little guy-time. It’s a lost experience for [them].

myself to get in the car to go to men’s group, but it’s always

This will open up the chance for guys to have an adventure,

awesome when I do. I know I need it.” He continues, “If men’s

talk about men’s issues, and maybe find friendships in small

ministry wasn’t doing these kinds of events, men who aren’t in a small group—and that was me for years—aren’t sharing at all. They probably aren’t talking to other men. And [at these events] we don’t just talk about faith. We talk about sports and our family life… there’s nothing else like it.” Pastor Stephen Van Dop explains, “What these guys are hungry for, is to be able to sit and have a cup of coffee and talk about

gatherings around a fire ring. There is a real hunger for guys to have other male friends to discover what it means to be walking through this life as a man.” And, just like he participated in Authentic Manhood and Wise Guys, Thomas also looks forward to attending Man Camp. “Vineyard men are so very blessed to have pastors and leaders

the real issues they’re encountering. But they feel isolated,

who have invested their time and church resources in helping

they feel lonely, and they’re trying to figure out what it means

us become more like Jesus Christ, the perfect expression of an

to be a good friend, a Christian husband, be a Christian in the

authentic man.” And that is something every man needs.

workplace.” He continues, “We’ve been given false images of a hero. So often in movies, and literature… for example James Bond, Jack Reacher, Jason Bourne... it’s always the isolated guy

By Beth Bahe V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G


B O O K S TO R E 614.891.6440 M O N D AY Closed T U E S D AY 12-5pm W E D N E S D AY 12-5pm T H U R S D AY 12-5pm F R I D AY 12-5pm S AT U R D AY 5:30-8:15pm S U N D AY 8:45am-1:45pm Closed during services


APRIL 2018

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