M I N I S T RY C O N TAC T S Bookstore Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323 Church Planting Stephen Van Dop, 614.259.5303 Community Center Regina Smith, 614.259.5503 Community Life/Small Groups Deb George, 614.259.5358 Connect Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235 Counseling Center Yolanda Zellars, 614.259.5409 Empowered Life Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482 Financial Ministry Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 Global CafĂŠ 614.259.5400 Hospitality Casey Knight, 614.259.5292 International Ministries Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369 Marriage & Family Life Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365 Phase III Ron Schmidt, 614.425.7284 Singles Paige Goslin, 614.259.5477 Support for Life Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289 Urban Ministry Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 Value Life Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 VC High School Shane Huey, 614.259.5341 VC Middle School Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 VineyardKids Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 Vineyard Institute Andy Saperstein, 614.259.5358 Vineyard Men Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303 Vineyard Women Liz Ward, 614.259.5335 Volunteer Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 Worship Arts Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S AUGUST 2017 4
C O O P E R R O A D W E E K D AY BUILDING HOURS Monday-Friday | 8:30am-10pm Ministry Center doors close at 5:30pm Please enter at Worship Center doors
Congregational Letter
Does the Bible Forbid Women from Holding Any Position in the Church?
Help & Wellness
Vineyard Growth Classes
Spiritual Development
New To Vineyard
Volunteer & Serve
Families & Marriage
Give & Donate
Adult Ministries
Women in Ministry:
Those Who Followed The Call
Labor Day, Monday, September 4 - Closed
MINISTRY RESPONSE TEAM If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did not receive a response within a couple days, please reach out to our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.response@vineyardcolumbus.org. Please include your name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or person that you contacted. We appreciate your interest in Vineyard Columbus.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S PA S T O R S Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
Lane Avenue Campus Pastor, Andrew Oswalt 614.259.5302
Associate & International Ministries Pastor, Bill Christensen Admin. Asst. Jackie Williams, 614.259.5369
Leader Development Pastor, Andy Saperstein Admin. Asst. Deb George, 614.259.5358
Children’s Pastor, April Murphy Admin. Asst. Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486
Marriage & Family Life Pastor, Ron Hitchcock Admin. Asst. Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365
Children’s Pastor, Mike Szlapak 614.259.5361
Outreach & Connect Pastor, Eric Pickerill Admin. Asst. Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235
Church Extension & Evangelism Pastor, Stephen Van Dop Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Sawmill Campus Pastor, Scott Engebretson Admin. Asst. Allyse Huey, 614.259.5439
Community Center Pastor, Daniel Nathan Admin. Asst. Regina Smith, 614.259.5503
Support For Life Pastor, Lorie Kaufman-Rees Ministry Asst. Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289
Community Life Pastor, Amanda Nash
Urban Ministry Pastor, Dan Franz
Admin. Asst. Marsha Martin, 614.259.5305
Admin. Asst. Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441
Community Relations & Special Projects Pastor, Kwesi Kambon Admin. Asst. Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452
Visitation & Pastoral Care, Anthony Cannon 614.259.5364
Discipleship Pastor, Paige Goslin 614.259.5477
Volunteer & Value Life Pastor, Diane Bauman 614.259.5318
East Campus Pastor, Charles Montgomery Admin. Asst. Jamie Frisbey, 614.259.5245
Women’s Pastor, Marlene Nathan Admin. Asst. Liz Ward, 614.259.5335
Empowered Life & Youth Pastor, Kerry Davis Admin. Asst. Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482
Worship Arts Pastor, Craig Allen Admin. Asst. Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
Executive Pastor, Craig Heselton Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
Young Adult Pastor, Christian Root Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Financial & Career Ministries Pastor, Kent Irwin 614.259.5505 La Viña Campus Pastor, Irene Casale-Petrarca Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Pastors may be reached by contacting his/her assistant at the extension listed. All staff members are listed at vineyardcolumbus.org.
f you talk with secular people who are upset with
to women by creating a system that only allows men to
Christianity, one of the charges that’s frequently hurled
preach and to lead in church.
against Christianity is that the Bible oppresses women!
A woman named Rita wrote to me and said that from the
How can you believe in a book that denies the full equality
moment she came to Christ, she believed she was called
of women and men? How can you in the 21st century
to ministry. The day after she received Christ she led
believe in a book that says that women are not allowed to
someone else to Jesus. She went to a seminary and was
lead in the church or be ordained or preach to men? What
trained for pastoral ministry, but the church she joined
a Neanderthal viewpoint! How backward can you be?
would not permit women to be pastors. They strung her
It would be a lot easier to deal with this anti-church
along for years allowing her to teach in youth ministry, to
objection except that many conservative Christians who
be an administrator, and to work with other women. They
love God and believe in the Bible also believe that the
even gave her a ministry license, but they refused to give
Bible forbids women from leading in the church, from
her the title of “pastor.” She was a “licensed minister of
being ordained as pastors or from preaching, at least to a
the gospel,” but not a pastor.
mixed group of men and women. In this strange alliance –
Rita wrote that the new pastor of her church says that he
secular opponents of Christianity and many conservative
might permit women to have the title of “pastor,” but he is
Christians both agree that the God of the Bible created
still deciding on that. She’s been waiting for the past year
a hierarchy of men and women - denying full equality
for him to make a decision. My heart breaks for women like
Rita who are rejected from church leadership not because
Paul would be saying to the church, “Don’t do what I do,
of any character defect or want of gifting or calling, but
do what I teach.” Like the parent who has a cigarette in
simply on the basis of gender.
their mouth, telling their kids smoking is bad, Paul would
The one problem text for those who would ordain women
be hypocritical if he forbade in teaching what he allowed
to senior leadership in the church is 1 Timothy 2. Many
in practice. Where does Paul approve of women teaching
people who have read 1 Timothy 2 have concluded that
men or leading in the church?
the Apostle Paul is not just speaking to a local situation in Ephesus and giving particular temporary counsel to a church in crisis. Rather Paul is forbidding every church for all time whatever their culture from allowing women to preach or lead in the church. For many reasons, I believe 1 Timothy 2 should not and cannot be read as prohibiting
In Romans 16:1 Paul commends: “Our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.” Some translations call Phoebe a servant of the church, but every other use of the Greek term diákonos in the book of Romans refers to a leader in the church, a deacon.
women for all time from leading or teaching in the church.
And then there is Junia, a woman apostle in the New
First, if 1 Timothy 2 forbids women from teaching or
Testament. Here’s what we read:
leading men then it contradicts Old Testament examples.
Romans 16:7
In other words, if God who inspired the entire Bible is
offended by women leading and teaching men then we should find no example in the Old Testament of God giving
Greet Andronicus and Junia, my relatives who have
been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and became Christians before I did.
leadership over men to a woman. After all, God doesn’t contradict himself. Here’s what we read: Micah 6:4 4
I brought you up out of Egypt and redeemed you from
John Chrysostom who is looked to by the Eastern Orthodox Church as the greatest of the early church fathers said this back in the 4th century:
the land of slavery. I sent Moses to lead you, also Aaron
“Even to be an apostle is great, but also to be prominent
and Miriam.
among them – consider how wonderful a song of honor
Miriam was sent by God to lead Israel! And then there’s
that is. For they were prominent because of their works,
Deborah. She was one of the judges whom God raised up
because of their successes. Glory be! How great the
to lead all of Israel. Here’s what we read:
wisdom of this woman that she was even deemed worthy
Judges 4:4-5 4
Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was
of the apostle’s title.” My own reading of church history suggests that whenever
leading Israel at that time. 5 She held court under the
the Spirit of God is poured out in the church, women are
Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill
liberated to be and do everything that God has called
country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to
them to do. Whenever the activity of the Holy Spirit
have their disputes decided.
recedes and the church becomes more institutionalized,
I could list many other women who were prophetesses
women are pushed into the background. The bottom line
who led and instructed Israel through their prophetic
is this: nothing in the spiritual gifts passages that we
read about in the New Testament – in 1 Corinthians 12, in
Here’s the second thing: If 1 Timothy 2 forbids women
Romans 12, in Ephesians 4, in 1 Peter 4 – ever restrict any
from teaching or leading men, then it contradicts Paul’s
spiritual gift, including gifts of teaching or leadership or
own apostolic practice.
apostleship or evangelism or prophet or pastor or teacher
The Apostle Paul was the author of 1 Timothy 2. If Paul
simply to men. The gifts of God and the call of God are
thought that for all time in all situations women couldn’t
not gender-based any more than they are race-based or
preach or lead men in the church then he contradicted this
age-based. The Bible permits women today to hold any
teaching by his own practice. In other words, the Apostle
position in the church! V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership. No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare (ages 1-12). Next Class: Sunday, November 5
Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Scott Engebretson Whether you’ve followed Jesus for a short time or many years, discover practical ways to mature and thrive. We’ll offer ways to read the Bible so that it comes to life, pray with more power, and live a life of holistic stewardship. Next Class: Sunday, November 5
Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Craig Heselton Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God and his presence into our lives and the world. You’ll also learn how to follow his lead in praying for healing in people’s lives. Next Class: Sunday, November 5 Learn about additional Meeting God classes on p. 21. Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Diane Bauman As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve. Whether you have been around Vineyard Columbus for a week or years, you’ll find this class helpful in discovering where God wants you to serve and grow. Next Class: Sunday, November 5
Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher: Pastor Stephen Van Dop The purpose of this class is to train and encourage every Christian, to share Christ, everywhere, in every way, all the time. Next Class: Sunday, November 5 Learn about Mission 502: From Nations to Neighbors - Am I Called to Missions? on p. 15.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Exploring Community
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
Beginning Thursday, September 7, 6:30-8:30pm
Childcare: $3/child or $5/family each week
Cooper Road Campus
(for ages 1–5; must pre–register)
Beginning September 13, 6:30-8:30pm
Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org
Sawmill Campus
Exploring Community is a series at our Cooper Road Campus
Contact: Adrienne Ash, alpha@vineyardcolumbus.org
that provides a great opportunity to experience small groups
Are you new to Christianity or do you know someone who
on-campus while creating new relationships and learning
is interested in exploring faith? If so, come check out our
what small groups are all about with the goal of joining an
Alpha Kickoff and hear why nearly 30 million people have
off-campus group.
experienced Alpha. There will be live music, a bite to eat, and
Membership 101
a conversation about life and faith.
Beginning Thursday, August 17, 7-9pm
Sunday, September 10, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Baptism Classes
Teacher: Senior Pastor Rich Nathan
Saturdays, August 5, 12 & 19, after services
Childcare: Register for free at vineyardcolumbus.org/vgc.
Sundays, August 6, 13 & 20, after services
Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs
If you’re a new follower of Jesus, getting baptized is an
of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership.
important next step. It’s a public proclamation of your
No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare
decision to follow Christ. In order to participate in baptism,
(ages 1–12).
you must attend one of the required classes listed above. Find
Next Class: Sunday, November 5
more info online or at the Info Counter in the Lobby.
Learn about all of our Vineyard Growth Classes on p. 7.
Youth Baptism Classes
Saturdays, August 5, 12 & 19, after services Sundays, August 6, 13 & 20, after services Contact: Pastors Kerry Davis, 614.259.5502 or Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317 If you’re a new follower of Jesus between the ages of 10 and 18, please take one of these required classes.
Family Chosen4Love Contact: Julie Pierce (614.625.7335, jasandjul95@netscape.net), Abigail Shaw (abigailjoyshaw@yahoo.com) or Peggy Steinbower (chucklipeg@sbcglobal.net)
Baptism Celebrations
Chosen4Love is a community of families with a passion for
Saturday, August 26, 6pm, Cooper Road Campus
adoption and foster care. We serve as a resource for adoptive
Sunday, August 27, 9am & 11:30am, Cooper Road Campus
families and for people who are considering becoming foster
Next Baptism: Saturday & Sunday, October 7 & 8
or adoptive parents. Please connect with one of us for support
Get Connected: Join A Small Group
and encouragement in this area.
Visit: vineyardcolumbus.org/groups
Vineyard Homeschool Network
Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact: Martha, marthahawthorne@gmail.com
Life is better together, and we believe this kind of life
Our mission is to support and empower families who
happens in a Vineyard Columbus small group. Small groups
homeschool their children. Our vision is that each family
bring people together from different cultures, life stages,
involved will feel supported as we all contribute our unique
and experiences for a rich community of worship, friendship,
gifts to benefit and build up one another, and to provide
growth, and service. Stop by the small group area at your
support to children and parents through classes, field trips,
campus to learn more!
and social engagements. Find us on Facebook at Vineyard Columbus Homeschool Network.
Journey to Oneness: Married Couples
All-Church Wedding Vow Renewal Celebration
Vineyard Columbus Sawmill Campus
Friday, August 25, 7-9pm
Childcare: Childcare is included, ages 1-12, (must register a
Register: Mindy Layman, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org
week in advance)
(register by Wednesday, August 9)
Cost: $25 per couple (includes required reading material and
Contact: Mindy, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org
online relationship inventory)
This event is a great opportunity for couples to have a pastor
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
bless the renewal of their wedding vows. It will allow couples
Contact: Mindy Layman, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org
to celebrate their love with children, friends and family
This is our foundational marriage class for couples looking to
in a special way. Each couple that participates will have a
enrich or restore their relationship. This class will encourage
private, personal ceremony performed by a Vineyard pastor.
and equip you to honor God in your marriage. By attending,
Following the ceremonies, we will have a cake and punch
you will be eligible to participate in Begin Again or be coached
reception for everyone to celebrate together. Couples will be
by a married couple. Join us at our new Sawmill Campus
allowed to bring a limited number of guests, as well as simple
location for this session!
mementos to make their ceremony more personal.
VC Students
Pre-registration is required for this event.
Journey to Oneness: Committed Dating & Engaged Couples (formerly How2Become1) Thursdays, September 7 – October 12 (7-9pm) Additional two weeks for stepfamilies on October 19 & 26 (7-9pm) Cost: $20 per person (includes required reading material and online relationship inventory) Register: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: Mindy Layman, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org Open to all couples in committed dating relationships, those considering engagement and engaged couples! Come learn
Tuesdays, August 22 – September 12, 7-9pm
VC Students (Middle & High School) Weekend Services: Saturdays, 6pm & Sundays, 9am & 11:30am Contact: Shane Huey, 614.259.5341 or shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org VC Students is the name of our community of students from all across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. We'd love for you to see what God is doing in the lives of students just like you.
how to have the kind of marriage God intended. Open to all,
but required for those getting married at Vineyard Columbus.
Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm (September – May)
Couples creating a stepfamily will be encouraged to attend
Cost: $30 per child (includes a T-shirt and workbooks)
the two additional classes—come and get equipped to create
Contact: Ryan Hatfield, rhatfield@sbcsolutionsgroup.com or
a family plan that will prepare both you and your children for
Mike Szlapak, mike.szlapak@vineyardcolumbus.org
Our AWANA program here at Vineyard Columbus is for kids in grades 1 through 6. It helps them shape values, build character and grow in their faith…all while having a REALLY good time! Children will be discipled through biblical teaching, scripture memorization, relationships and fun! Register and pay online at vineyardcolumbus.org.
AWANA Carnival Sunday, August 20, 2-4pm, Cooper Road Campus To kick off the 2017-18 season right, everyone is invited to the AWANA Carnival! There will be games, candy, a grand prix track, door prizes, a photo booth and a visit from a special guest. Parents and kids will also have the opportunity to learn more about this fun program that helps kids memorize scripture, make friends and encounter Jesus.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Baby Dedication
Kingdom Seekers Group
Saturday, October 28
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Check-In: Registration window, 5:30pm
Contact: Ray Beaumier, rbeaumie@gmail.com
Sunday, October 29
2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays, 7–9pm, Upper Arlington
Check-In: Registration window, 8:30am (for 9am service)
Contact: Theresa Wilson, teresaalsara@gmail.com or
Check-In: Registration window, 11am (for 11:30am service)
Roger Crawfis, crawfis.3@osu.edu
Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org
We welcome all singles 40+ seeking first the Kingdom of God
Baby Dedication Classes Saturdays, October 7 & 14, 7:45pm Sundays, October 8 & 15, 1:15pm
Vineyard Men
Dedication Application Deadline: Sunday, October 15
180 Men’s Recovery Group
Contact: Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org
Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus
Attendance is required on a one–time basis. If you have
(not meeting September 4)
previously attended a class for another child, you do not have
Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com
to attend again. Applications are available at the Information
180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness.
Counter and online. Please bring your completed application
This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the
to the class.
healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men
A D U LT M I N I S T R I E S Seniors Phase III: A Ministry for Retirees 1st Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30am Contact: Ron Schmidt, rjsgar@gmail.com
for Bible study and fellowship.
to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
Vineyard Women Social Media Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find out what’s happening with Vineyard Women!
This ministry is for people of retirement age who want to
2017 Summer Series: Winning the War Within
flourish in the Kingdom of God during the third phase of their
Wednesday, August 16, 7-9pm, Speaker: Naja Robinson
lives. We have opportunities to have fun and develop deep
Childcare: $3/child or $5/family
relationships with other Christians of the same age; grow
(for ages 1–12; must pre–register)
personally and spiritually, and give back by serving (typically
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (childcare only)
involves supporting other Vineyard Columbus ministries).
Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org or
Singles Ministry
Journey to Oneness: Singles (formerly, Dating without Drama)
desire of the flesh. Galatians 5:16, NASB
Saturday, September 9, 9am-1pm
don’t want to do? Many of us believe our problem is a lack of
Cost: $10 per person
willpower. We just aren’t trying hard enough because (after all)
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org
we really do know better! But the Bible says the root problem
Contact: Mindy Layman, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org
is “the flesh”—a power inside each of us that inclines us, bends
The Journey to Oneness brings a fresh and new approach to
us, pulls us toward sin. The Bible is brutally honest and very
relationships, dating, and marriage. In Journey to Oneness,
realistic about this battle—one we all must fight—but one God
singles, will receive practical information on how to begin
intends for us to win through the power of his spirit. Join us
and navigate a healthy dating relationship, including the
this summer as we together explore “winning the war within.”
qualities to look for in a dating partner and how to set healthy
Spanish translation will be provided. Please join us afterwards
relationship boundaries.
for “Happy Hour” in the café—music, food and fun!
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the Have you ever asked yourself why you say and do things you
International Women’s Breakfast
Soul Provider
1st Saturdays, 9:30–11:30am (next meeting: August 5)
2nd Fridays, 6:30–9pm (Next meeting is September 8)
Contact: Flo Gimei, fgimei@gmail.com or
Soul Provider will not meet August 11, but will attend the
Nicole Gonzalez–Angulo, niclin77@hotmail.com
Women's Summer Series instead.
We are a group of women from all over the world that meets
Childcare Free childcare available
monthly to experience unity in Christ while we honor our
(for ages 1–12; must pre–register by September 6)
diversity. We share a meal, listen to a brief teaching, discuss,
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (childcare & event)
and pray for one another. Please bring a dish to share, but if
Contact: Myiesha, myiesha.mccrary@vineyardcolumbus.org
you are unable to bring food, come anyway!
Soul Provider is a ministry for moms who are single with
Mom’s Refresh 3rd Fridays, 9:30–11:30am (Next meeting: September 15) Childcare: $5/child or $10/family (ages 1-5; must register in
children up to 18–years–old, living at home, and still in high school. Join us for free dinner, special kids’ programming, and a time for spiritual encouragement and renewal.
Vineyard Women: Event Team
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (by Monday, September 11)
Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact: Erica Roof, roof.erica@gmail.com or
We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people, serving
Emily Wilkins, emilywilkins81@gmail.com
others, and offering hospitality to join our Event Team.
Join other moms to experience God and build friendships
Some of the ways you can help include promoting the event,
through worship, teaching and service. Infants are welcome in
administrative help, decorating, greeting, registration, and
the room with moms. Toys and mats are provided. Moms are
more. We have a great time serving together and would love to
welcome to pack a lunch and stay after from 11:30am-12:30pm
have you join us!
Priscilla Shirer Bible Study “The Armor of God”
Young Adults
Evening class: Begins Wednesday, September 13, 7-9pm Morning class: Begins Thursday, September 14, 9:30-11:30am
VC Twenty All Campus Gathering
Childcare: $5/child or $10/family per week
Sunday, August 6, 6pm, Cooper Road Campus
(ages 1-12, must pre-register)
Contacts: Christian Root, christian.root@vineyardcolumbus.
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org (childcare only)
org or Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact: Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
VC Twenty is the young adult community of Vineyard
All day, everyday, an invisible war rages around you—unseen,
Columbus. Whether you're a college student or a young
unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A
professional, we'd love to see you at our All Campus
devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything
Gathering where we’ll worship together and look at what it
that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your
means to follow Jesus as a twenty-something in Columbus.
children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your
Stick around for the after-party and meet new friends, make
destiny. The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a
connections, and grow together as a community. Invite a
woman dressed for the occasion. But his battle plan depends
friend! Come as you are!
on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you're tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, The Armor of God study is for you. Meets for seven weeks. Workbooks are
available at the Cooper Road bookstore.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L Immigration Services Immigration Intake and Consultation Clinics Thursdays, 10am–12pm, Vineyard Community Center
Contact : Beth Watkins, 614.259.5322 or beth.watkins@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Cost : $20 payable at the time of intake We are currently not accepting new applicants at this time.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
International Ministries
La Viña Servicio en Español
VC International Teams
Cooper Road Campus
For more information about our teams sharing Jesus overseas,
Para más información, contactar a Irene Casale–Petrarca,
email us at international.ministries@vineyardcolumbus.org.
614.259.5254 o irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org.
East Campus Missions Prayer Group 3rd Mondays, 7pm, East Campus
Contact : John Olver, johnolver.vc@gmail.com If you live on the east side of Columbus or in the Reynoldsburg/ Pickerington area and have a heart for the nations, join us to pray for the nations and Vineyard Columbus’ missionaries in
La Viña es un servicio completamente en Español y nos reunimos en la capilla (Chapel) en Cooper Road. Nuestra visión es servir a la comunidad de Columbus, presentándoles el amor de Jesús y ver sus vidas ser transformadas por el poder de Dios. No somos solamente una iglesia además somos una familia en Cristo. ¡Bienvenido como eres!
various areas of the world.
Mission 502: From Nations to Neighbors - Am I Called to Missions?
Vineyard Columbus Visitation Care Team
Wednesday, August 9, 7:30-9:30pm Jesus is always calling his church into action, inviting us to be a part of what he is already doing. Vineyard Columbus strives to missionally engage the world around us both locally and
Contact : Visitation Care Team, 614.259.5239. We want to come alongside our church and their families who are hospitalized, in long–term care, or homebound. If you or a family member would like to be visited, please contact us.
globally. Come discover how to discern God’s calling in your
Funeral Needs
life, embracing the words of John Wimber, “Everybody gets to
Contact : 614.259.5372
If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral
Missions Prayer: Amsterdam Night with Brooke
and pastoral care services, please call us.
Monday, August 14, 6:45pm
Helping Hands
Contact: tim@threeharts.com
Contact: 614.259.5326 or vineyardcolumbus.hh@gmail.com
Please join us for a night of prayer and celebration of all that
Helping Hands is a ministry that will do minor repairs and
God is doing in and through Vineyard Amsterdam. We have the
upkeep in your home if you cannot complete them on your
privilege of having Brooke home from Amsterdam. You don’t
own. If you are in need of some help around your home, please
want to miss it!
leave a message for an assessment at 614.259.5326 or email
Vineyard Columbus Missions Prayer Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:45–8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Contact : Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or tim@threeharts.com Pray for our international ministry work. We typically worship, share updates on our missionaries, and pray for special areas of the world and our VC missionaries.
La Viña: Spanish–Speaking Campus La Viña Service Sundays, 11:30am, in the Chapel, Cooper Road Campus
Contact : Irene Casale–Petrarca, 614.256.5254 or irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org. La Viña is a service that is completely in Spanish and meets in the Chapel (la capilla) at Cooper Road. Our vision is to serve the Hispanic community of Columbus, showing them God’s love and seeing their lives transformed by the power of God. We are not only a church, but also a family in Christ. You are welcome as you are!
Domingos, 11:30am, en la capilla (Chapel),
Career & Financial
Designing Your Legacy: Estate Planning Workshop
Career Acceleration Class
Saturday, October 21, 9:30-11:30am
Mondays, October 2-December 4, 6:30-8:30pm
Cost : Free
(not meeting November 27)
Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/financial-
Vineyard Community Center
Cost: $40
Contact : Kent.Irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact: Kaydian.Comer@VineyardColumbus.org
Childcare: Not available
Childcare: not available
Preparing for the future reflects good stewardship and
Class Max: 25 people
protects the things that mean the most to you. Learn how
Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org
to pass on your values, not just your valuables. Learn from
Resumes? Interviewing? Networking? This class will help you tackle all of these and help better position you to get the job you are seeking! We have a professional recruiter that leads the class, which provides a real world view of what employers are
experts how to establish your own living trust, as well as other important issues and documents. There will be no pressure, no commitments, no cost. Private meetings available by appointment during the month of August.
looking for. This is a fantastic hands-on class that has helped
Vineyard Career Elevation
people get new jobs right-away. Through learning, practice,
3rd Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm, Vineyard Community Center
and participation, you will learn a lot. The class also lends
Cost : Free
itself for networking and friendships to build with fellow class
Visit : vineyardcommunitycenter.org
members over the course of the nine weeks together.
Childcare: Not available
Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University
Contact : Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
Thursdays, September 14-November 9, 7-9:05pm
Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org/FPU Cost: Materials are estimated to cost $100, including shipping Childcare: Chris Newkirk, VCFinancialPeace@gmail.com ($45 per child, $90 for two or more children). Please plan to pay at the door.
Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org This class helps you understand and follow Jesus and biblical financial wisdom to gain control of your money, beat debt, increase generosity, and build wealth. During this class, we will cover the following: • Learn how to get and stay out of debt and save and build your financial resources. • Develop a cash flow plan and maximize money through smart buying. • Relate healthily with your spouse over money matters. A majority of couples report this class significantly improved their marriage. • Lay a foundation for responsibly purchasing a home and invest for retirement and college expenses. • Develop a life of generosity, apply biblical wisdom, and enjoy less stress.
Offering one-on-one employment coaching, with the four most key areas of gaining new employment or making a change: resume writing, preparing for your interview, networking, and how to set up an effective job search. Please bring a laptop if you have one, your most recent resume, pen, and paper. Childcare not available.
Community Center The Ohio Benefit Bank Saturdays, 8–11am, 5th Avenue or Northside Food Pantries
Call : 614.259.5441 for an appointment. The Ohio Benefit Bank helps moderate-to-low income families apply for over 20 public benefits, such as food stamps, Medicaid, and HEAP. Veterans can get assistance in accessing records and applying for educational benefits, too.
Empowered Life Open Prayer for Healing Sessions Cooper Road Campus • Saturday, August 12, 9-11am • Wednesday, August 16, 7-9pm • Thursday, August 24, 7-9pm • Saturday, August 26, 9-11am Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Open to anyone needing physical, emotional, or deliverance healing prayer. No appointment needed.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
• Vision Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only)
Lower Lights Christian Health Center
Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments,
6000 Cooper Road: Mondays, 8am–5pm & Wednesdays, 1:30–5pm
(not meeting September 4)
We offer eye exams and vouchers for free glasses to those
171 E. 5th Avenue: Mondays–Fridays, 8am–5pm
who qualify.
(not meeting September 4) Appointments: Call Lower Lights, 614.274.1455 (Option 1). LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health provider ministering the love of Christ through full–service cradle–to– grave medical care focused on whole–person wellness. They see patients with Medicaid, Medicare, CareSource, Molina, and private insurance as well as uninsured patients. Services are offered for the whole family on a sliding fee scale based upon income. However, all patients are seen regardless of ability to pay. Services offered include pre–natal care, immunizations, well–child checkups, physicals, routine care, and chronic disease management.
• Chiropractic Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only) Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments, 614.259.5428. We provide evaluation and chiropractic care for those with pain involving headaches, neck, back, or joints. Interested in volunteering in our clinics? See p. 23.
Mercy & Justice Orphan Care Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Vineyard Free Health Clinics
Please contact Diane if you would like to receive updates and
6000 Cooper Road, Westerville
ways to help with our Orphan Care Ministry.
Contact: 614.259.5428 Free Medical, Chiropratic, Dental, and Vision Clinics Vineyard Clinics provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for patients (ages 18 and up) to those who qualify.
Our clinics serve those who are uninsured OR have Medicaid or are Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government– issued health care programs are eligible for services.) For more info, call 614.259.5428. Si usted sólo habla español, puede
Asia’s Hope: PreK Eng 6 Home Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org Vineyard Columbus is partnering with Asia’s Hope by providing support for a home in Cambodia. Twenty children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation have been rescued and now live together as a family. Staff provide individual care, education, a Christian environment, and job skills so each child can succeed as an independent adult.
comunicarse con la clínica latina al 614.293.9906.
Support for Life
• Medical Clinic
10 Core Competencies
Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening Walk in, first come, first served. Sign-in begins at 4pm. Patient visits begin at 6pm. We provide diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Basic work physicals available by calling 614.259.5428 (option 6) prior to coming to the clinic. No lab test, injections, or X-rays. • Dental Clinic
Thursdays, September 14-November 16, 7-9pm Cost: $25 per person (includes book) Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up; must pre–register) Register: for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com This 10-week class will help singles, husbands and wives, and
Cooper Road (appointment only)
parents of teens understand how to establish and maintain
Call Fridays, 9–9:45am to schedule appointments,
sexual purity. If you, your spouse, or teen struggle in this area,
this class will help you.
We provide dental exams, X–rays, fillings, extractions, and cleanings. (No wisdom teeth, bridgework, orthodontics, or dentures).
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
180 Men’s Recovery Group
Circle of Love Group
Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus
1st Monday of most months, 7–9pm
(not meeting September 4)
(Final Meeting: September 11)
Contact: John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com
Contact: Fred & Nora Seeman, circle.of.love@sbcglobal.net
180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness.
This confidential group meets to bring hope, support, and
This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the
resources to the family and friends of people who have
healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men
same–sex attractions.
to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
Groups beginning Fall 2017
Amazing Grace: Praise, Dance, Prayer, Creativity and Healing
New SFL-led groups starting in the fall; Community Life groups
New session starts Sunday, September 10, 2:30-4:30pm
(summer session still ongoing)
Cost: $30 for EHS course materials (book, workbook, and
Contact: Deva, devasgabriel@gmail.com to register
This class is for women age 25 and above who want to
Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org
continue their journey of healing and freedom through
Do you yearn to be emotionally alive? Support for Life invites
the Lord. We will be exploring how we can apply the word
you to Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, a plan for discipleship
through movement and creativity as worship. No experience is
that can deeply change your relationship with God. The
necessary. Christ meets us where we are, regardless of health.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course directly addresses
Expect to receive the love and forgiveness of Jesus...expect a
the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity
miracle. "Let us praise his name with dancing" Psalm 149: 3
are inseparable. It is not possible to be spiritually mature
Amazing Grace Workshop: Praise, Dance, Prayer, Creativity and Healing Sunday, August 27, 2-5:30pm Contact: Deva, devasgabriel@gmail.com to register
may sign up to borrow the DVD sets at any time for their
while remaining emotionally immature. Learn through eight powerful life changing sessions how to incorporate daily life rhythms that lead us to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others.
This introductory workshop is for women age 25 and above
The Emotionally Healthy Relationship
who want to Celebrate and Worship the Lord through Praise
Groups beginning Fall 2017
Dance. We will be exploring Dance as Prayer and Worship as
Cost: $30 for EHR course materials (book, workbook, and
we learn to apply the Word through creativity and movement.
Christ meets us where we are regardless of health and no
Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org
experience is necessary. Expect to receive the love and
The Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Course is a prerequisite
forgiveness of Jesus...expect a miracle. "Let us praise his name
for this course.
with dancing" Psalm 149: 3
This powerful eight-week course will equip you with practical
Celebrate Recovery Fridays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus Childcare: not available Register: supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org Contact: celebraterecovery@vineyardcolumbus.org Celebrate Recovery is a biblical, Christ-centered recovery fellowship for those desiring to heal from any addictive, compulsive, or destructive behavior—“hurts, habits, or hangups.” At Celebrate Recovery you will find a safe place to share pain, struggles, victories, and hope with others focused on Christ-centered recovery. Meetings include a time of worship, teaching, sharing, and fellowship. Come experience God’s love and power to transform!
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
tools to really love people in difficult situations and mature into an adult follower of Jesus. You will learn eight powerful, biblically-based, relationship-changing skills in a group setting with reading, questions, and practical discussion to reinforce each of the eight skills.
The Emotionally Healthy Woman
Groups beginning Fall 2017
Beginning, Wednesday, August 23, 7-9pm
Cost: $20 for EHW course materials (book, workbook, and
Contact: Chuck Clark, benaiah2.0@gmail.com
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk
Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org
alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.
The Emotionally Healthy Woman provides a way out of an
You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. This
inauthentic, superficial spirituality to genuine freedom in
13-week co-ed discussion/support group is for those grieving
Christ. This book is for every woman who thinks, ‘I can’t keep
the death of a loved one and can be joined at any time.
pretending everything is fine!’ The journey to emotional health begins by quitting. When you quit those things that are damaging to your soul or the souls of others, you are freed up to choose other ways of being and relating that are rooted in love and lead to life. When you quit for the right reasons, at the right time, and in the right way, you’re on the path not only to emotional health, but also to the true purpose of your life.
Healed from the Inside Out Thursdays, September 7—November 2, 7-9pm Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up; must pre–register) Register for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org Contact/Register: Rhonda Bates, healedfromtheinsideout@yahoo.com
Free for Women: Finding Freedom and Healing from Your Past
A group for women of all ages seeking healing from your past
Wednesdays, September 6–December 6, 7-9 pm
spiritual), habits gone wild, rejection, abandonment, and the
Cooper Road Campus
negative thoughts the enemy wants you to play over and over
Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week
in your mind. Let’s learn together how to understand what it
Register for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org
truly means and feels like to be a daughter of the Most High
Contact/Register: Brenda Bixler at BBixler313@gmail.com or
and allow him to heal us from the inside out.
Shara Collier at Sharacollier@hotmail.com
(must register by Tuesday, August 15) Cost: $15 for materials (The Invisible Bond by Barbara Wilson,
required reading prior to the study) This study provides forgiveness, freedom, healing, and hope to those who've been wounded by their sexual past, whether through choices of their own or choices others have forced upon them. Discover the truth about sexual bonding, how it impacts us, and can continue to impact our current and future relationships. Learn to reverse the lies we've ingrained and replace them with God's truth.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren 1st Tuesdays of every month except January, July, and September, 7–9pm Childcare: $5/child or $10/family each week (for ages 1 and up; must pre–register) Register for childcare: vineyardcolumbus.org Register: Kris Garwood, Garwood.2@osu.edu, 614.259.5472 This group allows grandparents to share the joys and the struggles of parenting again with those who understand. Each month speakers address a relevant topic.
hurts of any type of abuse (mental, physical, verbal, sexual,
Healing for the Survivors of Domestic Violence Mondays, September 11–October 16, 7-9pm Contact: Teresa, lovenohurtvc@gmail.com This is an eight-week support group for those who are walking out of and/or have survived domestic violence situations. This support group will help you feel safe and secure, trust, forgive, set boundaries, and be kind to yourself again all through the love of the Lord.
Hearts Restored Class: Recovery from Sexual Betrayal Tuesdays, September 5-October 24, 7-9pm Registration: vineyardcolumbus.org
(pre-registration is required) Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com Hearts Restored is a ministry for women who have been wounded by their spouse’s sexual sin. Find healing, hope, and strength to move forward with your life in community with other women who are committed to experiencing God in the midst of the crisis. Hearts Restored runs both an eight-week
class that repeats two times throughout the year and an ongoing support group meeting every Tuesday.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Hearts Restored Support Group: Recovery from Sexual Betrayal Tuesdays, 7–9pm Contact: heartsrestored@icloud.com Hearts Restored Support Group is a faith-based outreach where you will find a safe, confidential place to share with other women who understand the devastating effects of sexual betrayal. We are engaged, married, separated, and divorced women who do not judge each other but rather embrace that we are all on a similar journey with a common goal. Support is a huge part of our recovery. We have seen God do amazing things in our lives, bringing healing and restoration. We are here to help you as others have helped us. This group is for and about you, not your spouse or partner. Sexual betrayal, whether it be pornography, emotional or extramarital affair(s), is traumatic and disorienting. Come let us reassure you that it is not your fault, that you will make it through this, and that there is hope. We will share/discuss topics on some of the core areas for healing such as anger, identity, disclosure, setting boundaries, detachment, triggers, self-care, his repentance, forgiveness, and trust.
Hungry Beginning Tuesday, September 12, 7-9pm Contact/Register: Dana, dana.moody@vineyardcolumbus.org
(space is limited, pre-registration required) This is a nine-week closed support group offering hope, healing, encouragement, and accountability for women who want to be more hungry for God and less dependent on food (compulsive or emotional eating) or dieting (obsession with weight or exercise) to meet emotional needs. Meetings will include a short teaching, group discussion, and prayer.
Integrity for Women Tuesdays, September 5-October 31, 7-9pm Contact/Register: integrity.women@hotmail.com This group is for women who desire healing for sexual
CARNIVAL Sunday, August 20, 2-4pm Cooper Road Campus To kick off the 2017-18 season right, everyone
brokenness while finding freedom from addiction, shame, and
is invited to the AWANA Carnival! There will
rejection. Pre-registration is required. This group is cyclical—no
be games, candy, a grand prix track, door
new participants after the first class.
prizes, a photo booth and a visit from a special guest. Parents and kids will also have the opportunity to learn more about this fun program that helps kids memorize scripture, make friends and encounter Jesus.
Learn more at vineyardcolumbus.org.
Lay Counseling
Redefining Christ
Application: vineyardcolumbus.org
Tuesdays, October 3-November 21, 6:30-8:30pm
Contact: Support for Life, 614.259.5289 or
Registration: Gina Harding, redefiningchrist@gmail.com
Contact: Gina Harding, redefiningchrist@gmail.com
Register: If you're a member or regular attender and would
This closed, cyclical support group is for women who have
like to meet with a lay counselor, please fill out an online
come from a high control or cult background and now desire
application or contact Support for Life.
a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is not a
The Support for Life Ministry has a trained team of volunteer
theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these
“lay” counselors who come alongside people in difficult
women and come alongside of them. Our goal is to springboard
seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual
into a praying small group for further discipleship.
growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment. Lay
No participants may join after the first class and pre-
counseling is not professional counseling, nor is it “free”
registration is required. Each meeting will include worship and
counseling. Lay counselors meet with individuals on a short-
teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and prayer.
term basis and are trained to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. Interested in becoming a lay counselor? See p. 25.
Redefining Christ-One Night Event Thursday, August 31, 6:30-8:30pm Register: redefiningchrist@gmail.com (required)
Loving Someone with Mental Illness
Contact: Gina Harding, redefiningchrist@gmail.com
1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7–9pm
Have you or someone you know ever been involved in a high
Contact: Karen Twinem, 614.439.8475
control group? Have you ever wondered if God sees the
This is a support group for families and friends of people
negative impact these groups can have? Well he does see
with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major
and he cares! Redefining Christ, a Christ-centered ministry,
depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting
is hosting a special one-night event for folks just like you!
includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer.
Come learn more about the life-changing tools and resources
Moving on with Jesus Fridays, 7-9pm Contact/Register: Sue, movingonwithJesus@gmail.com This group is for women with unwanted same sex attraction. It is designed to help you connect with Jesus and find your
offered in this dynamic support group for folks trying to escape the negative impact of high control groups (commonly referred to as cults). We are not a theological debate group; we are a group of God-fearing people encouraging relationship with Jesus Christ. You don’t want to miss what God is doing.
identity in him. We use the Taking Back Ground teaching.
During our meetings we will recap what was shared in the
Thursdays, 7:30-9:30pm
video teachings, discuss how God is moving in our lives, and
Contact: Tom, brankamp@aol.com or Support for Life,
spend time praying together. Sue is also available to meet and
614.259.5289 or supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org
pray with people interested in praying for those impacted by
This is a substance (drug/alcohol) abuse recovery group for
unwanted SSA, the LGBT community, our SSA ministries here,
young men.
and those the Lord would draw in for healing and restoration.
Sisters of Sarah
Professional Counseling Center
Usually meets 1st Thursdays, 7:15-9:15pm
Contact: 614.259.5409
Contact: Melissa, meladams617@gmail.com, 614.353.1792 or
The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors
Jeannine, 614.578.7094 or jmanderson30@gmail.com
offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness
Sisters of Sarah is a hope and support group for women facing
in all aspects of their lives. We also have male and female
the hardship of primary or secondary infertility. We invite you
Graduate Candidate Interns, $20/session, with experience in
with open arms for a time of sharing food, socializing, open
seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.
discussion, and prayer together.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Sister Sister
Art Exhibit: Kirsta Niemie Benedetti
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7–9pm (not meeting in August)
Currently on display through August 13
Contact: Elizabeth, 614.397.7764 or elzbthhwrd@aol.com
Cooper Road Campus, North Hall Gallery
We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic
The North Hall Gallery is open after the 6pm & 11:30am
events and are able to help other women as we share as sisters
services for viewing.
in Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying
Kirsta Niemie Benedetti has been making art since she was
God’s Word, worshiping, and prayer.
a child. She attended Maryland Institute College of Art and finished her BFA at Columbus College of Art and Design in Fine
Understanding Life and Conflict God's Way
Arts. After spending time in India, she started painting portraits
Wednesdays, September 6-November 15, 7-9pm
of the women she was serving and discovered that making art
Cost: $10 per person or $15 per couple
could be about more than just her creative thoughts. From
(covers the cost of handouts)
then on she had a passion for combining her love of people
Contact: Walt, wpoupart@gmail.com
with her love of art and desires to use her art as a voice for the
Life and conflict go hand in hand; it's woven into the human
voiceless. She is the mother of two young daughters and also
fabric of each individual. Yet, many do not understand the
runs a resource center in Columbus that serves refugees and
dynamics of life and conflict from a biblical point of view
as they live life with their spouse, family, and interact daily
Art Exhibit: Women of the Bible
with people. Where does conflict in life come from, and how can we resolve conflict so we can live in peace with God, ourselves, and others? Come and equip yourself biblically in understanding how to live life as we look into what God has to
Currently on display through August 21 Cooper Road Campus, 2nd floor ministry center In collaboration with our women’s ministry series, we are featuring this beautiful 22 piece art collection in collaboration
say about these basic yet misunderstood issues of life.
with Mr. John Kohan, the Sacred Art Pilgrim. He has provided
unique art selections primarily from American female artists of
Art Exhibit: Karen Campbell
Worship Service Interpretation: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays,
August 19-September 17 Cooper Road Campus, North Hall Gallery & Café Exhibit Wall
faith depicting various women of the Bible.
Deaf Ministry Events 9am Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 9–10:30am Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com.
Opening, Saturday, August 19 after the 6pm service.
The Vineyard Columbus Cooper Road Worship Service is
Karen has been serving at Vineyard Columbus as an artist
interpreted in ASL for the Deaf. We also offer a Deaf Bible Study
for nearly two decades doing everything from designing
for the Deaf.
curriculum to painting walls with her very personal version of
Decision Prayer Team Training
the universe. The exhibit offers some of Karen’s new work that is part of an ongoing series of pieces she calls, “Whose Sleeves Have Brushed Past?” Karen’s work is a combination of art quilts, prints, and paintings. Karen is married to Drew Campbell and has two grown children, Joe and Peter.
Saturday, August 19, 7:30-8pm, Cooper Road Campus Sunday, August 20, 10:30-11:00am, Cooper Road Campus Prerequisite: must be a member of our Prayer Ministry Team Contact: Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org This 30 minute class will guide you in praying at the end of our weekend services for those who stand giving their lives to Christ. If you have not taken this class but would like to pray for others in this way, or if you would like a refresher, please attend one of these two classes.
A Deeper Understanding of the Parables of Jesus (Maturity Teaching Intensive of the 5Ms)
Meeting God 305: Releasing Freedom
Saturday, August 12, 9-11am
Teacher: Nancy Davis
Sawmill Campus, 4140 Tuller Road, Dublin
Prerequisite: Meeting God 301
Teacher: John Cook
Childcare: Free childcare available if registered in advance
Contact: Deb George, deb.george@vineyardcolumbus.org
Have you ever wondered why Jesus taught in parables? Do
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Thursday, August 24
you understand the parables and how to apply them to your
Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
life today? John Cook, retired Pastor of Adult Education at
Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God and freedom for the
Vineyard Columbus, leads a three-week intensive teaching
captives, creating conflict with the present evil age. This class
study of Jesus’ parables and explains how you should interpret
will equip you to obey Jesus’ command to partner with him to
them, how to understand them, and how best to apply them to
set people free from the powers of darkness.
your life as a disciple in today’s world. • Week One: “Parables of God’s Grace & Our Response” • Week Two: “Parables of God’s Kingdom & Our Participation” • Week Three: “Parables of God’s Judgment & Our Accountability”
Sunday, August 27, 2:30-4:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Joyful Noise Worship Service (Special Needs) 2nd Sundays, 5:30–6:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Pam Newman, pmnewman7@gmail.com Join our Accessible Worship Service for people affected by
Each class stands alone; you may attend any one-session or
disabilities and their families, friends, and neighbors. We have
all three. There is no charge for these classes; no childcare is
a worship band, brief message, and prayer time. Bring your
provided; and no preregistration is required.
tambourines and streamers.
Holy Spirit Encounter
The Book of Judges
Wednesday, August 9, 7-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
1st, 2nd & 3rd Mondays beginning August 7, 7-8:30pm
Childcare: Free childcare available if registered in advance
Cooper Road Campus (not meeting September 4)
Teacher: Michael Karoly
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Sunday, August 6
Michael Karoly, a longtime Vineyard Columbus member,
Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
gives in-depth teaching on one of the Old Testament's most
All Vineyard campuses with a special invitation to our La Viña
challenging books, explaining how to apply God's Word to our
campus, are invited to come together to encounter the Holy
lives today. Detailed class notes will be handed out/sent by
Spirit. This will be a night of extended, bilingual worship, a
email each week. Each class stands alone; no need to attend
brief teaching with Spanish translation, and ending with more
each session. Classes are 90-minutes in length in lecture
worship along with prayer ministry time. This evening will be
format. In August we will study Judges 1-2 as well as some
informal, relaxed, and very open to the movement of the Holy
background material to the book. No childcare is provided; no
pre-registration necessary.
Meeting God 303: Power Healing and Evangelism
Vineyard Artists Open Studio
Wednesday, August 23, 6:30-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Contact: Holly Toenges-Messerall,
Teacher: Pastor Kerry Davis
Prerequisite: Meeting God 301
Stop by and enjoy some creative time with other adult
Childcare: Free childcare available if registered in advance
artists. Bring your own art project to work on during the time
together and be inspired.
Wednesdays, 7:15-8:30pm, Vineyard Community Center
Register: vineyardcolumbus.org by Sunday, August 20 Contact: Kristi Webster, kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org Do you want to see God heal others? This class will explore New Testament healings and encourage you with stories of healing today. You will receive practical training and inspiration to pray for physical healing at church, work, school, or the community.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Engage: Intercessory Prayer Meeting (Cooper Road Campus)
Bookstore Volunteer Opportunities
Wednesday, August 9, 7-9pm
Contact: Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or
Contact: kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
If you have a heart to see the kingdom come upon our church,
• Volunteer once a week: 2-3 hours anytime from 12-5pm
city, and nation, come out to our intercessory prayer session.
• Volunteer twice a month: 15 minutes before and 20 minutes
Engage (Sawmill) 1st Wednesdays, 7–8:30pm Contact: Dustin Jasinski, djasinskivcsc@gmail.com Engage is a service of meditation on scriptures and listening to what the Lord is saying to each person attending. Prayer is also available for special needs, congregational leaders, and programs.
Sawmill Campus - New Location
Cooper Road Campus
after the service you attend, operating cash register half hour. • Volunteer Sunday morning: (every other week) Audio/media volunteer.
Career Career Ministry Volunteers Contact: Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org The Career Ministry is in great need of new volunteers that
Sundays, 9 & 11:30am
can volunteer in a number of different roles: job coach, career
4140 Tuller Road, Dublin, OH 43017
expert, administrator, database manager, networking pro,
We have moved to our new location on the northwest side of town for weekend services. This is an exciting season for
workplace navigator, and liaison between searchers and job providers.
Sawmill Campus! We can’t wait for what God has in store for us. Join us as we continue being a community of disciples who experience God, love one another, and partner with Christ to heal the world.
Serve in Prayer (Lane Avenue Campus)
Community Life Start a Small Group Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org If you have a heart for people, can provide a space for people
Contact: Klodiana Tedesco, klodiana@gmail.com or
to meet, serve a snack, and turn on a video, then you can start
a small group! For more info, send us an email or stop by the
There are many ways you can serve in prayer at Lane Avenue
small group area of your campus.
Campus. For more info, contact Klodiana.
VOLUNTEER & SERVE If you are not sure where to serve, or want to explore other opportunities, check out the list of volunteer opportunities at vineyardcolumbus.org/volunteer, or stop by the Ministry Counter in the Main Lobby for a Volunteer Catalog. Contact: Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Small Group: Leader Training 1 Saturday, August 26, 9am-2pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact: smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or call 614.259.5358 Register: vineyardcolumbus.org/smallgrouptraining1 Small Group Leader Training 1 is an introductory class to become a small group leader at Vineyard Columbus. If you’ve recently HOSTed a small group and want to continue or you’re new to leading an existing Vineyard Columbus small group, this is your next step. Small Group Leader Training 1 will give you the basic tools you need to keep up the good work God is doing in you and your group. Please register online.
Attention Small Group Leaders & Hosts Visit: vcsmallgroups.org
Health Clinics
Did you know that we have a resource page just for our small
Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers
group leaders? Short on time this week to prepare a small
Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or
group discussion? Wondering how you can get more training
after LT1? Need some tips on how to make hosting easier? The
Current opportunities available for dentists, dental assistants,
Community Life Team wants to help you make the most of your
dental hygienists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301
time as you pray and prepare for your small group gatherings,
required for prayer teams).
so we’ve created vcsmallgroups.org, a website with several Bible study options as well as other helpful tools. If you have questions, write us at smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or visit our how to use vcsmallgroups.org video at vcsmallgroups.org/how–to–use–vcsmallgroups–org/.
Security Ministry Medical Response Team Contact: Jason Pierce, jp6797@gmail.com or 614.625.6216 The Medical Response team is looking for volunteers that
One Child One Community: Adopt A School
would be willing to help out with medical emergencies that
Contact: Anna Fullen, 614-259-5452,
occur during our weekend services. If you are a doctor or nurse
with hospital or ER experience, or an EMT (Basic or Paramedic)
If your small group is looking for a place to serve together,
and are interested in learning more about the Medical
One Child One Community needs groups to partner with us
Response Team please contact Jason Pierce.
to support Columbus schools. Please consider mentoring, cooking/baking for teachers at our events, donating school supplies or holiday gifts. For additional info on how your group can serve, contact Anna Fullen.
Deaf Ministry Deaf Ministry Service Opportunities Contact: Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com We need skilled volunteer ASL interpreters to sign for adults
VC International Teams & Ministries English as a Second Language (ESL) Volunteers Contact: Ximena Lozada, ximena.lozada@vineyardcolumbus.org If you have a heart for internationals and enjoy teaching, we need volunteers to teach and assist our daytime and evening ESL classes.
and children on a rotation at our Sunday, 9am Cooper Road
ESL Conversation Partners
Contact: Carli Snyder, 614.259.5511 or carli.snyder@vineyardcolumbus.org
Early Childhood
Our ESL students are eager to meet with English speakers
Early Childhood Worship Ministry
We ask for a one hour/week commitment with your student.
Contact: Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 or
Timing will be determined by you and your ESL student’s
Share your love for Jesus with children through music! Volunteer to lead children in worship once a month during our weekend services.
to improve their conversational skills and form friendships.
International Friendships (IFI) Contact: Jon–David Hawks, 740.258.4042 or jondavidhawks@yahoo.com
Global Café
International Friendships (IFI) partners with Vineyard Columbus
Global Café Volunteers
students at OSU.
Contact: vineyard.cafe@vineyardcolumbus.org
• IFI English Conversation Partner or Friendship Partner
to promote friendships and show hospitality to international
New to the church or want to get connected? Be a part of
Visit: ifipartners.org/culture–cuisine–church–small–groups.pdf
our family of believers who get to experience God through
Become a conversation partner and help students practice
service and fellowship. The Café is an atmosphere where fresh,
English, learn about American culture, and more. Individuals
made–from–scratch food connects the community with the
and families can be friendship partners who meet with
love of Christ.
an international student or couple monthly for a meal or activity.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Visit: ifipartners.org/interns.php#give (financial donations)
Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project: Volunteers at Franklin County Jail, Franklin County Medical Center, and The Ohio Reformatory for Women
IFI would like to place interns (20 hours/week) in the
Days and times vary-2 hours every other month
chemical industry, actuarial science, finance/accounting,
Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
• IFI Internship Program Contact: Estera Pirosca, e.pirosca@ifiusa.org
statistical analysis, web design/media, and marketing.
jails and prisons. Volunteers record parents reading to their
Contact: Tiria, exec_assistant@ifiusa.org
children, then our small group gift wraps the books and CDs
IFI always needs people to help organize, prepare, and
and send them to the children. We need both men and women
distribute food at our Friday night Bible study when students
for this program. The AMSB wrapping group meets every 3rd
and volunteers share a meal together. Contact us if you or
Monday at the church from 6-8pm. Training is available.
your small group are interested. • Small Group Outreach for IFI Contact: Jon–David Hawks, 740.258.4042 or jondavidhawks@ yahoo.com Sign up: ifipartners.org/groups International Friendships (IFI) has opportunities for small groups to help “reach the world” together including prayer, preparing food for a Bible study, making welcome bags, greeting new students, and hosting a used furniture sale.
Women Serving Women: Prison Ministry Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org There are different ministry opportunities for women to serve at the Ohio Reformatory for Women and Franklin Medical Center – Zone A.
Franklin Medical Center Parenting Class Volunteers Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
Missions Care Team
We would like to offer parenting classes for pregnant moms
Contact: Dotty Christensen, dbchristensen77@gmail.com
at the Franklin Medical Center, the prison hospital. We will
If you enjoy hospitality, encouraging others, hearing how God’s
provide class materials and necessary training.
working, or want to give gifts, time, energy, or money, then get involved with missionary care. Use your creativity to help expand care to those we as a church send to the nations.
Men Serving Men: Prison Ministry We minister to men during worship services at multiple facilities. Volunteer with worship, prayer team, or help at the
Media Arts
Video, Audio, & Lighting Support
Franklin County Jail: 3rd Saturdays, 8–10:30am
Contact: media.arts@vineyardcolumbus.org
Jackson Pike: 3rd Saturdays, 6:45–8:45pm
We’re looking for passionate, quick–thinking people who
Contact: Scott Osborn, 740.244.6528 or
value quality to support the sights and sounds of the weekend
service. If you love to use technology to help people encounter
Franklin County Jail: 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 8–10:30am
God, contact us to start making a difference in your church.
Contact: John, 614.578.8371 or seymour1546@yahoo.com.
Prison Ministries
Vineyard Prison Ministry Training: Prison Basics
Help inmates grow into disciples of Christ. To join us serving those in prison, contact Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Delaware County Jail: 1–2 Saturdays/month, 10–11:30am
Saturday, August 5, 9am-12pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus. org or Chuck Fisher, chuck.fisher@vineyardcolumbus.org This training is the first step in a basic understanding of the
Art for Self-Awareness Instructor
culture, rules of the institutions, and how we build a bridge of
Contact: Ellice, Ellice@pathwaysWesterville.com
friendship in the context of prison.
We are looking for women interested in teaching an art class in the women’s prison. There are two training classes being facilitated by Ellice Park. The training will be facilitated in the prison setting. Learn art techniques that assist us in opening ourselves to God and others within the context of the prison environment. RSVP to Ellice to plan for supplies or if you need additional information. 24
We are continually receiving requests for AMSB in the local
• Meals for IFI Friday Night Bible Studies
Special Needs
Caring for People One on One
Bridge Builders
Contact: laycounseling@vineyardcolumbus.org or
Contact: christy2311@att.net (children/middle schoolers)
Contact: deb.petermann@vineyardcolumbus.org (teens/adults)
Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org
Befriend a child, teen, or adult with special needs who wants
Lay counselors meet with individuals on a short-term basis
to be part of our church community.
to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement,
Body Builders Class (Special Needs)
Thursdays, September 7-October 12, 7-9pm
empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. This training, taught by Support for Life Staff, gives leaders actual tools and
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus
activities to use with others on a one-on-one basis to facilitate
Contact: Deb, 614.259.5418 or
healing, growth, and a deeper personal relationship with God.
An application to become a lay counselor can be found on
Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School
or Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind, laugh, sit at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs?
Caring for People in Group Settings
Join us twice a month.
Mondays, October 2-November 6, 7-9pm
Sensory Break Room/Buddy Connection Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact: Christy Smith, 614.374.4859 or christy2311@att.net Befriend a child who needs an extra hand getting used to church and children’s ministry. If their special needs interfere with learning Jesus loves them, maybe they can meet Jesus through your guidance and love. Become a mentor buddy in our nationally–known program called the Sensory Break Room. Serve on a rotation.
Special Needs Intervention Support Team
Contact: supportgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Application: available at vineyardcolumbus.org Taught by Support for Life staff in a small group format, this training provides a general model for working with group members, which includes how to use prayer, listening and empathy skills, the Bible, and group dynamics in the group setting and includes plenty of role-playing scenarios. Required to become a support group leader. An application to become a support group leader can be found on vineyardcolumbus.org.
Support for Life 101
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus
Sunday, August 27, 2-5:30pm
Contact: Deb, 614.259.5418 or
Contact/Register: Debbie, debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.
org or 614.259.5289
If you have training in behavior intervention, special education,
This class is taught by the Support for Life Ministry. It gives a
autism, and/or mental health support, consider being on call
biblical framework for understanding people, their needs, and
to help us create a safety net when the Special Needs ministry
how to move compassionately toward helping them. It is the
needs extra help.
foundational class for this ministry.
Support for Life
Become a Support for Life Group Leader
Become a Lay Counselor
We are looking for leaders who can create groups that offer a
Contact: laycounseling@vineyardcolumbus.org or
safe environment for those who are struggling to experience
the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you've
We're looking for leaders to meet with individuals on a
benefited from support and healing during a difficult life
short-term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive
season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom,
encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If
you may wish to help others by leading a support or recovery
you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult
group related to the same issue.
Contact/Register: supportgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org
life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by providing similar support on a one-on-one basis.
Urban Ministry Urban Ministry is a bridge between our church and the people of Columbus. We feed the hungry, care for the sick, and bring hope to prisoners and the homeless. For ways to volunteer, visit bit.ly/servewithurbanministry or contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Food Pantries
Pantry Help Needed!
Our Urban Ministry has two food pantries that serve the
Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
community of Columbus. For more info, contact Rhodie
Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org,
We are in need of men to help deliver food from the Mid-Ohio
or visit vineyardcolumbus.org.
Foodbank to our food pantries. Ability to drive a box truck (stick
Opportunities to Serve: • 5th Avenue Food Pantry 181 East 5th Avenue
ups are on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during the daytime (depends on order). Approximate time commitment is 4 hours
Saturday, 8am–12pm
every other week. Please contact Rhodie if you can help!
Small groups need to be scheduled to serve at the pantry,
Helping Hands
so contact Rhodie. Carpool if possible, parking is limited. • Northside Food Pantry 4664 Cleveland Avenue To serve, park along Chester Road to allow guest parking around the building. You can also help once a month to sort food at Vineyard Columbus. • Monday Night Service
Saturdays, 9am–12pm Contact: 614.259.5326 or email vineyardcolumbus.hh@gmail.com Helping Hands is a ministry supported by men who serve families in our community that need help with minor repairs and upkeep around their homes. If you can do simple home repair projects you are welcome to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering to serve those in need, please
Mondays, 6pm
leave a message at 614.259.5326 or email
5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue
Contact: Jenney, 614.259.5370 or jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org
Homeless Backpack Program
Small groups can plan, prepare, and serve a meal (we can
Contact: Jenney Rice, jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org.
provide meal ideas).
We are looking to fill 90 backpacks for men and women who
• Check-in Volunteers
are homeless in our community. We will accept donations
Saturdays (two per month), 8am-12pm
for the following items: backpacks, thermal underwear
5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue
(tops and bottoms in sizes L – 3X), winter gloves, hats, socks,
Contact: Chris Blosser, cblosser4@att.net.
sweatshirts, flashlights, all size batteries, personal care items,
Could you help out twice a month checking in people at our
hand and feet warmers, and cards of encouragement. Please
downtown 5th Ave. pantry? If so, we would love your help!
label donation packages with “Homeless Backpack Program”.
Please email Chris Blosser, our pantry manager, and talk with him about this opportunity to serve. • Licensed Barbers and Cosmetologists Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
Visiting the Elderly Contact: Chuck Fisher, 614.259.5403 or chuck.fisher@vineyardcolumbus.org (to learn more
information before you go)
We are looking for licensed barbers to offer free haircuts for
• Heartland of Westerville
2–4 hours at our pantry locations on Saturday mornings and licensed cosmetologists to volunteer services at our Northside pantry. • Pantry Drivers & Helpers Contact: Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org
1060 Eastwind Drive 2nd Saturdays, 12:30pm • Edgewood Manor 140 N. State Street 3rd Sundays, 10:30pm • Villa Angela
Drivers and helpers needed for MidOhio Food pick–up for
5700 Karl Road
Northside pantry. Take a Budget rental truck to MidOhio
4th Saturdays, 2pm
Foodbank every other week. You pick the day and time. Need to be strong enough to unload. • Food Sorting Contact: Jenney Rice, jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5370 If you have one or more hours during the week, please consider helping sort food donations for our pantries. 26
shift) and forklift is helpful, but not necessary. Deliveries/Pick-
• Bryden Place 1169 Bryden Road Thursdays, 7:20–8:30pm
VC Students
One Child One Community: Adopt A School
VC Students Small Groups & Weekend Services Leaders
Contact: Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org
One Child One Community needs groups to partner with us to
(VC High School)
support Columbus schools. For more info on how your group
Contact: Michael Doom, michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.
can serve, contact Anna Fullen.
org (VC Middle School) Volunteer with VC Students in two special areas: Small Groups and Weekend Services. We’ll be sure to train you before leaving you alone with teenagers!
Contact: Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452, If your small group is looking for a place to serve together,
VineyardKids Be an AWANA Leader! Tuesdays, beginning September 5, 6:15-9pm
Vineyard Community Center
Cooper Road Campus, Multi-Purpose Room
Artists Needed
desk or the KQ welcome center
Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com
Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317
Contact Vineyard Columbus Artists if you are a member of the
We are accepting applications for people who desire to invest
church and interested in teaching an arts or crafts class.
in our kids to help us make disciples of them. We have a
Artists Small Group (New) Contact: vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com Come with ideas to share and plan a course of growth beginning with a book study. All artists are welcome. Send us an email if you're interested in being a part of this group.
Blood Drive Wednesday, October 4, Vineyard Community Center Visit: redcrossblood.org sponsor code: VineCommCtr. Give the Gift of Blood. The need for blood donations is ongoing, and every donor makes a difference
Application: Pick up an application from the children’s info
curriculum, ongoing training, and a team to work with. We are flexible when you need time off and offer the fringe benefit of being loved by the kids and leaders. To make disciples we focus on scripture memory, friendship, and fun. Consistency is one of the keys where the kids will come regularly and we need leaders who will too. Pray about being part of the team and see where God leads.
Kids’ Worship: Campus Volunteer Recruitment We are looking for teens and adults who would like to help lead kids in worship at our campuses. Each campus handles kids’ worship differently and needs people who want to help the
Coaches and Referees Needed for Vineyard Athletics!
little ones connect to God through the worship arts. No need
Contact: Jerome Smith, 614.259.5395 or
materials, and include you in a volunteer rotation.
jerome.smith@vineyardcolumbus.org. Help with our Youth Basketball, Cheerleading, or NFL Flag Football leagues. We need coaches and referees for grades K-6.
to play an instrument! We offer training, provide all necessary
Kidz Quest Leaders Weekend Services at all campuses Application: Pick up an application from the children’s info
Vineyard Free Health Clinics Volunteers
desk or the KQ welcome center
Contact: Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or
Contact: Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317
We are accepting applications for qualified people to help us
We need dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists,
make disciples out of our elementary age kids and bring them
pharmacists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301
to Jesus. Our objective is to partner with parents and inspire
required for prayer team).
the kids to follow Jesus through our model and teaching. We
Volunteer with After–School Program Monday–Friday, 3:30–6pm, August–May
offer curriculum, training, and an AWESOME team to work with. We have opportunities of all shapes and sizes where your 5 loaves and 2 fish are enough. Interested? Let us know.
Contact: Nikki Mills, nikki.mills@vineyardcolumbus.org Volunteers can serve as classroom helpers, homework helpers, reading buddies, and tutors with grade school, middle school, or high school students. A few hours a week can make a big difference in the life of a child. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Vineyard Women
Welcome Ministry Volunteer Opportunity
Vineyard Women Event Team
If you love to talk and make people feel welcome, then you
Contact Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
should join the New Visitors Call Ministry! Each Monday
We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people,
our team calls the visitors who turned in a connect card or
serving others, and offering hospitality to join our Event
decision prayer card during one of the weekend services.
Team. Some of the ways you can help include promoting
We make them feel welcomed and give them information
the event, administrative help, decorating, greeting,
about ways they can get connected at Vineyard. Most
registration, and more. We have a great time serving
importantly we want them to know that in our large
together and would love to have you join us!
church, they were seen and that they are important to us.
Worship Arts Serve with Worship Arts Contact danielle.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org
The Worship Arts Ministry is looking for experienced musicians (all instruments and vocalists) for all worship teams. We are also looking for bilingual vocalists. Email Danielle for more information.
Join the Choir at Vineyard Columbus Contact danielle.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org
“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16.
You can make calls from your home or come to the church and make your calls.
G I V E & D O N AT E Aunt Mary’s Story Book Project: Donations (Prison Ministries) Contact Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or
deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org. Our women’s prison ministry offers a program to incarcerated moms that enables them to record themselves reading a book to their children. We wrap the CD and book to send to the children. We accept donations of new infant and toddler board books. Drop off in bins at entrances and label “Aunt Mary’s.”
Our desire is to join together and sing praises to him. If you
Automobile Donations
are musically gifted, sense God’s calling, and would like to
Donate used cars to Vineyard Columbus to bless others in
be a part of the Choir at Vineyard Columbus, please email
our congregation. We accept all kinds and conditions and
Danielle Evans.
provide a receipt for your tax purposes. If a car or small–to–
Other Opportunities Baker’s Delight Contact Mia Byrne, 614.751.5083 or mtjondro@hotmail.com
We bake for the women’s shelter, single moms, children’s volunteers, women’s ministry events, nursing homes, and others. Great for friends, families, and small groups who are looking for outreach opportunities. Join us!
Ohio Benefit Bank Counselors Needed Visit ohiobenefits.org
Guide clients through a user–friendly, web–based computer program to access public benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid, free tax filing, etc. If you are a church member, contact Rhodie Shreve, rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.
org or 614.259.5441 (for the 5th Avenue or Northside Food Pantries), or Maria Broeckel, maria.broeckel@ vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5296 (for the Vineyard Community Center).
Contact Adrienne Ash, adrienne.ash@vineyardcolumbus.org
medium sized SUV is well–maintained, we check it over and provide it to a person or family. High mileage cars are O.K., as long as vehicles have been maintained and are in fairly good condition. Other cars, not suitable due to condition or needing expensive repairs, will be sold, and the funds used for the car ministry. To donate a car, contact Mandi, 614.259.5384. If you’re a member of Vineyard Columbus and in need of a vehicle, call 614.259.5408.
Homeless Ministries Donations (Urban Ministries) Please donate men’s T–shirts (sizes L–3XL) and any size of men’s sweatshirts, socks, and jeans. Also, used/clean or new blankets and propane. Please mark and place donations in the Urban Ministry bins located near the church entrances.
La Viña Back-to-School Fair - Donations
Planned Giving
Sunday, August 6, 2-5pm, Cooper Road Campus
Contact Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 or
Contact Irene Casale, irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org or
If you would like to discuss estate planning, contact Kent
School is right around the corner and we want to bless the
children in our Hispanic community with school supplies and backpacks for the new year. Please drop off donations in the bins located outside of the La Viña chapel on or before Sunday, August 6. For more information or if you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Irene Casale. We truly appreciate your giving!
Project Venezuela Contact Irene Casale, Irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5254 There is a severe shortage of food, medicine, and other basic needs in Venezuela. We want to offer some relief to this country by sending some of these necessary items.
One Child One Community: Donations
There will be designated containers at the entrance of the
Contact: Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452,
church where you can donate items to ‘Project Venezuela’
for the next several months. These items will then be sent
We partner with six Columbus City schools for mentoring
to Venezuelan churches that can distribute them to the
and support and are collecting school supplies for the
populations in greatest need. Please consider participating in
2017-18 school year. Please drop off donations in the One
this demonstration of God’s love.
Child One Community bins at the Worship Center & Ministry
Specific items needed:
Center entrances.
• Nonperishable foods: Rice, sugar, pasta, dry beans,
Supplies we’re collecting:
corn flour, powdered milk, salt, peanut butter, ketchup,
• Backpacks
mayonnaise, and mustard.
• 2-pocket folders • Binders
• Medicines: Tylenol/Motrin, antibiotics, allergy relief, and First Aid supplies.
• Paper (loose & notebooks)
• Babies: Diapers, infant formula, baby food, and wipes.
• #2 pencils
• Hygiene: Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, hair
• Pens • Erasers • Pens • Highlighters • Basic calculators • Student planners • Art supplies (crayons, markers, colored pencils, glue, safety scissors)
conditioner, toothbrush, and deodorant/antiperspirant.
Transitions Ministry Contact transitions@vineyardcolumbus.org Cooper Road Donation Drop–off: Ministry Center lobby
throughout the week. Campus Donation Drop–off: During weekend worship
services. Help us replenish our supplies for those in transition from
Online Giving & TEXT to Give
homelessness. This month we are collecting pots and pans
Contact 614.259.5443 or
sets, new pillows, queen–sized sheet sets in package, and
serving dishes.
You can make a one time offering or you can schedule regular giving by visiting vineyardcolumbus.org/give. You can also TEXT your amount to 614.333.0330 and follow the prompts. For more info, contact our Finance department.
Value Life Donations Contact Diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org We are completely out of newborn and size 0-3 month boy and girl onesies, T-shirts, and sleepers. We also need all brands
Pantry Donations (Urban Ministries)
of Gerber and Similac formulas and size 3, 4, and 5 diapers.
We always need personal care items like soap, shampoo,
Drop off items in the Ministry Center lobby. There are bins
deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Drop off in the metal bins by the
marked “Value Life”. For more info on ways to serve, like Value
Cooper Road Campus entrances.
Life on Facebook or visit vineyardcolumbus.org/ministries/ value–life.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Vineyard Columbus is fortunate to have dozens of women in various leadership positions throughout our church. These women, each with unique gifts and unique callings, walk a path that is not always smooth. Some of them are single and some are married. Many are new to ministry, while others have years of experience behind them. Often, they have an office to go to, or sometimes they have kids at their feet while they do their work. Whatever their life-stage or circumstance, being a woman in ministry is rewarding... but difficult. Some of our leaders took time to share their challenges and how they navigate through them.
Naja Robinson
Naja Robinson joined Vineyard Columbus in 2008 and
Another challenge of being a woman in pastoral leadership
joined Vineyard Staff four years ago, currently serving
is just feeling comfortable “owning” the title. Vineyard
as the Assistant Pastor in women’s ministry. She has
Columbus is very supportive and empowering to women
a BS in Electrical Engineering, a Masters in Biomedical
living out God’s calling on their lives, whatever those gifts
Engineering and worked 10 years at General Electric in
may be. But church history, tough passages in the Bible, and
product design and management. After becoming a stay-
even the opinions of friends and strangers who question
at-home mom, she was a self-employed Interior Designer
if women should hold the title “pastor” make it difficult.
before moving to Columbus. Naja is a 2012 graduate of VLI
Fortunately for me, my previous churches also embraced
(Vineyard Leadership Institute). Naja has been following
women in leadership in pastoral roles; the church I was
Jesus for almost 40 years, and over that time has served
raised in has had a woman as senior pastor for the last
in lay leadership in church, including children’s ministry,
7 years. But I think most women in pastoral leadership
as a small group leader for both women’s and co-ed small
have been “questioned” somewhere along their journey
groups, and in marriage ministry. Married for 24 years,
– everything from “isn’t what you’re doing unbiblical?” to
Naja has three teenagers.
“how does your husband handle your being a pastor?” to
“The challenges of being a woman in ministry leadership are varied. For one, being a mom of school-age kids and having left corporate America specifically to be a stay-at-home mom, it’s still been important to balance the roles and responsibilities at home with those at church. This includes holding fast to maintaining a part-time position, which means sometimes having to say no to certain opportunities or even not having certain opportunities presented. But it’s also a challenge in that the nature of being a mom and of being in ministry both require an emotional availability that can be taxing. It’s important to stay filled up personally, staying in the Word, and in prayer.
“how did YOU get that position in leadership?”. “Owning” it - filling out the cloak - takes time, conviction, support, and mentoring. And yet another challenge is when you as a leader in ministry are personally having a problem that needs ministry—it can be hard to come forward and say, “I need help, we need help.” There is sometimes that expectation, whether externally given or internally placed, but either way… there’s the expectation that we have it all together all the time. We have to be very careful about whom we confide in. And yet, we need the Body of Christ just like everyone else does.”
Hannah Engebretson
Hannah Engebretson was born and raised in Zambia, Africa
home life. Scott and I are both involved in various capacities
as a missionary kid. Hannah teaches in various capacities
of ministry at Sawmill, but I'm also a stay-at-home mom
at Vineyard Columbus, and she co-leads a small group
without any quiet office hours to get "ministry things"
and is involved in ministry at Sawmill Campus, where her
done. I often write teachings and sermons with kids pulling
husband Scott is the campus pastor. She is passionate about teaching God’s word and its power to transform lives. Married for 11 years, she has three kids, ages 8, 5 & 2.
at my legs and in between fixing lunches, running errands, etc. It gets crazy. I'm fortunate that I have an extremely supportive spouse, but every time I take on added ministry responsibilities something else has to give. So, I'm always
“As far as the challenges I face in ministry, the hardest thing
trying to find a way to keep them in balance without failing
for me is juggling all the responsibilities of ministry and our
at both. It's a challenge for sure!”
Irene Casale-Petrarca
Irene Casale-Petrarca is the founder and pastor of La
One of the challenges that I face is to find balance between
Viña, the Spanish-speaking campus of Vineyard Columbus.
all my roles: a pastor, mother, wife, and daughter. I believe
Irene was born in Venezuela where she worked for 15 years
that leadership involves sacrifices and I have had to make
as a pediatrician. She came to the United States in 2005 with her family. She graduated from Vineyard Leadership Institute (now Vineyard Institute) in 2013 and has been a member of Vineyard for over 10 years. Irene was the first female pastor for La Viña churches in the United States. Married for 29 years, Irene is the mother of three boys. “God called me into ministry in 2010 and my calling has been to obey him, to surrender, and to serve the Hispanic
sacrifices in order to serve the Lord through La Viña. As a pastor, I work every weekend and get limited time to spend with my family. However, I have learned to find creative ways to spend quality time with my husband and sons. As a family, we’ve managed to continue having dinner together, and we incorporate fun family activities and family prayer time into our routine especially during weekdays. I am
community through La Viña de Columbus at the Vineyard
blessed to have the support of my family who have adapted
church. I have found God’s purpose in my life while serving
to my unusual work hours. I am very thankful for them and
him as pastor and it brings me joy to preach every Sunday.
for this church that has helped me to fulfill my calling.”
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Amanda Nash
Amanda Nash has worked on staff at Vineyard Columbus
an internal divide about my own calling and what I had
since 2002 as an intern for Pastor Marlene Nathan then
been taught about women, so I decided to plunge into
for 3 years as Pastor Rich Nathan’s research assistant.
the theology of women in leadership. I found a lot of
Since then she has worked with our twenty-something
encouragement in what I studied, but more than theology,
ministry, women’s ministry, and our small group ministry.
it was the presence of advocates that helped me finally
In 2008 she moved to Amsterdam, Netherlands for
accept my call. The first pastor I met in the Vineyard
three years to plant a church with a team from Vineyard
Church I was attending told me he saw me as a leader
Columbus. Now she’s back at Vineyard Columbus and
and encouraged me to start a small group. I interned for
currently serves as the Community Life pastor. Married
another pastor on staff that took me under his wing. He
for 13 years, Amanda has three children ages 3, 6 & 8.
taught me the value of building a strong team, and he
“When I decided to start following Jesus in my teenage years, I gravitated toward leadership. I started a Christian group in my high school that grew to 40 people. I ended up going to a college that was near a Vineyard Church where I quickly got involved. I started another small group that grew to 50. Then something happened in my early college years. I got introduced to a Christian organization that taught that certain leadership roles were reserved for men. I also learned that I needed to find a man who could “lead me” if I wanted to date or marry. I grew up with a strong feminist mother in a liberal home who had abandoned her Christian faith in her 20s. I had aligned my mother’s liberal influence as a position incompatible with faith, so I adopted this new worldview as the “right” Christian viewpoint. I began trying to hold back my leadership. I looked for men to encourage and promote for leadership of my group. I refused to date guys who weren’t “strong enough” for my personality (which meant I didn’t date at all!), and I abandoned any intentional plans do to vocational ministry. I didn’t stay connected with that organization but its influence on me remained. The Vineyard Movement had a stance that embraced women at all levels of leadership, but I rarely saw a woman leading or preaching on the weekends. I still felt
gave me a lot of freedom to try ministry. He began to open doors for me to get connected with other pastors and leaders on staff. Eventually I joined the staff full time as a research assistant for our Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan. The three years I spent as a research assistant, I experienced even more advocacy. Rich mentored me theologically and encouraged me to read even more than I had in my undergraduate years. He encouraged me in my skills of writing, leadership, and preaching. I would like to say that, being a strong woman, I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps. But the truth is, I needed men in leadership to open doors for me and recognize pastoral calling on my life. They gave me the confidence I needed to respond to the call of God. I think that if our movement is going to see many more women step into influential positions of pastoral leadership, we will need advocates to help us get there.”
Lorie Kaufman-Rees
Lorie Kaufman-Rees has been on staff at Vineyard
mentor can be challenging, even for indirect mentoring,
Columbus for 16 years. Twelve of those years as a
because of our opposite gender policy.
counselor and four as a pastor over the Care Ministries at Vineyard Columbus with direct oversight of Support for Life. A licensed professional clinical counselor, she has dual master’s degrees in Marriage and Family Therapy and Clinical Counseling and over two decades of experience working with people. Married for almost 25 years, Lorie has two teenagers.
It trickles into social situations, too. I notice when we have pastor/spouse events, there are times I want to "talk shop" with some of the men (because we rarely get to do so at the church itself), and I often find myself in a group of wives. Which is not a BAD thing. I love all of them and many are strong and amazing leaders in their own right, and I value their friendships immensely. But when you don't
"There are definitely challenges as a woman in ministry.
really have any other opportunities to talk shop or talk
I joke frequently that I need a wife. Working full time, in
about ideas and issues with other pastors (most of whom
ministry, and running a household and parenting two
are men), that can be very frustrating. And, as a woman, it
active teens (one of which will start the college application
can really affect your trajectory, as well.”
process this year) is a LOT. Especially with chronic fatigue. Also, most of our leaders/pastors are men, so finding a
Adrienne Ash
Adrienne Ash is the assistant pastor for the Outreach and
have both. As a mom, a lot of times it feels like your child
Connect Ministry at Vineyard Columbus. In 2015, after
getting sick or going on a field trip is your responsibility.
being at the church for three years, she began working
It does for me at least. I had this guilt of staying home
with Lorie Kaufman-Rees as an intern in the Support
with my child, because I don't want to come off as
for Life Ministry. A few months later she became the
unprofessional or that I can't be counted on to get my
assistant pastor for the Outreach and Connect Ministry.
work done. It's taking some time for me to realize that's
Married for 9 years, Adrienne has a son who is soon-to-be
not true. And I can be a great mom to my son, a great wife
a Kindergartener.
to my husband, and a great leader at the church. It might
“A challenge for me being a woman in leadership is having
look different compared to someone else, and that's okay.”
a healthy work-life balance, and realizing that I can't
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Diane Bauman
Diane Bauman joined the Vineyard Columbus staff in 1999
“The challenges I face as a woman in ministry is often
as a Volunteer Ministry coordinator. In 2003 she became
mirrored in the lives of all women who work full-time and
part of the Pastoral staff where she has served over the
have children, too many things to do and not enough hours
past fourteen years as Pastor of Volunteer, Value Life,
in the day. Balancing ministry and family life are always at
Transitions, Orphan Care, and Anti-Human Trafficking
the forefront of what can cause anxiety and stress in life.
ministries. Prior to joining the Vineyard Columbus staff,
One of the challenges more specific to being a woman in
she was employed at Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for 23
ministry is the fact that a female pastor is not the norm
years in Corporate Operations, managing multiple areas of
in our country. And I feel like we are still charting our
medical claims processing. She and her husband Roy have
course, sometimes traveling in waters which have not been
been married for 40 years, have four married children, 12
ours to travel in the past. This path takes much endurance
grandchildren, and two great grandchildren with another
and prayer to press into what you know you are Called to
granddaughter arriving in October.
do as a pastor.”
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
B O O K S TO R E 614.891.6440 M O N D AY Closed T U E S D AY 12-5pm W E D N E S D AY 12-5pm T H U R S D AY 12-5pm F R I D AY 12-5pm S AT U R D AY 5:30-8:15pm S U N D AY 8:45am-1:45pm Closed during services
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