M I N I S T RY C O N TAC T S Bookstore Jeff Baker, 614.259.5323 Church Planting Stephen Van Dop, 614.259.5303 Community Center Regina Smith, 614.259.5503 Community Life/Small Groups Deb George, 614.259.5358 Connect Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235 Counseling Center Yolanda Zellars, 614.259.5409 Empowered Life Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482 Financial Ministry Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 Global Café 614.259.5400 Hospitality Casey Knight, 614.259.5292 International Ministries Macy McPeek, 614.259.5369 Marriage & Family Life Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365 Men’s Life Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303 Phase III Ron Schmidt, 614.425.7284 Support for Life Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289 Urban Ministry Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 Value Life Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 VC High School Shane Huey, 614.259.5341 VC Middle School Michael Doom, 614.259.5517 VineyardKids Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 Vineyard Institute Andy Saperstein, 614.259.5358 Volunteer Diane Bauman, 614.259.5318 Women Liz Ward, 614.259.5335 Worship Arts Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S MARCH 2017 4
Congregational Letter Shaping the Inclinations of our Hearts
Vineyard Growth Classes
New To Vineyard
Monday-Friday | 8:30am-10pm
Families & Marriage
Ministry Center doors close at 5:30pm.
Adult Ministries
Please enter at Worship Center doors.
Help & Wellness
Spiritual Development
Volunteer & Serve
Give & Donate
Cover Story Finally Becoming Fully Alive
MINISTRY RESPONSE TEAM If you’ve contacted one of our ministries and did not receive a response within a couple days, please reach out to our Ministry Response Team at 614.259.5371 or ministry.response@vineyardcolumbus.org. Please include your name, phone number with area code, and the ministry or person that you contacted. We appreciate your interest in Vineyard Columbus.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S PA S T O R S Senior Pastor, Rich Nathan
Lane Avenue Campus Pastor, Andrew Oswalt
Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
Admin. Asst. Calah Todd, 614.259.5245
Associate & International Ministries Pastor, Bill Christensen
Leader Development Pastor, Andy Saperstein
Admin. Asst. Macy McPeek, 614.259.5369
Admin. Asst. Deb George, 614.259.5358
Children’s Pastor, April Murphy
Marriage & Family Life Pastor, Ron Hitchcock
Admin. Asst. Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486
Admin. Asst. Mindy Layman, 614.259.5365
Children’s Pastor, Mike Szlapak
Outreach & Connect Pastor, Eric Pickerill
Admin. Asst. Liz Gee, 614.259.5361
Admin. Asst. Cinnamon Doran, 614.259.5235
Church Extension & Evangelism Pastor, Stephen Van Dop
Sawmill Campus Pastor, Scott Engebretson
Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Admin. Asst. Calah Todd, 614.259.5245
Community Center Pastor, Daniel Nathan
Support For Life Pastor, Lorie Kaufman-Rees
Admin. Asst. Regina Smith, 614.259.5503
Ministry Asst. Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289
Community Life Pastor, Amanda Nash
Visitation Care Team & Homeless Ministries Pastor, Dan Franz
Admin. Asst. Marsha Martin, 614.259.5492
Admin. Asst. Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441
Community Relations & Special Projects Pastor, Kwesi Kambon
Volunteer & Value Life Pastor, Diane Bauman
Admin. Asst. Abby Fahmi, 614.259.5467
Admin. Asst. Jeannine Panovich, 614.259.5316
East Campus Pastor, Charles Montgomery
Women’s Pastor, Marlene Nathan
Admin. Asst. Calah Todd, 614.259.5245
Admin. Asst. Liz Ward, 614.259.5335
Empowered Life & Youth Pastor, Kerry Davis
Worship Arts Pastor, Craig Allen
Admin. Asst. Kristi Webster, 614.259.5482
Admin. Asst. Danielle Evans, 614.259.5310
Executive Pastor, Craig Heselton
Young Adult Pastor, Christian Root
Executive Asst. Denise Birkhoff, 614.259.5313
Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Financial and Career Ministries Pastor, Kent Irwin 614.259.5505 La Viña Campus Pastor, Irene Casale-Petrarca Admin. Asst. Joyce Shuster, 614.259.5303
Pastors may be reached by contacting his/her assistant at the extension given. All staff members are listed at vineyardcolumbus.org.
MARCH 2017
ave you ever tried to argue with someone who
to the United States from seven countries for at least
was really “dug-in” to a position regarding a
the next four months? America is very divided about
controversial issue like abortion or admitting refugees to the United States? As someone who has been committed to a pro-life position for 40 years, I’ve had many conversations with pro-choice people that went something like this: “I don’t believe the government should interfere with the private personal choice of a woman and her physician.” “But those aren’t the only two people involved in this decision. There’s another person. The child she’s going to abort.” “Until a child is born, that child is part of a woman’s body and doesn’t have the rights of a person according to the Supreme Court.”
that decision. Some argue, “We need to get control of our borders. The most basic job of government is to protect its citizens. Our borders are like a sieve now and we don’t know who the refugees are that are coming in.” “Wait a minute. Refugees currently go through a 13 step process before they are admitted to the United States, a process that typically takes two years.” O N E SY R I A N WO M A N W H O A P P L I E D FO R R E F U G E E S TAT U S I N T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S W R OT E T H I S :
“Over 15 months I was interviewed five times – in person, over the phone by the United Nations and by the United States. They asked me about my family, my
“But I believe that the Supreme Court’s decision was
politics, my hobbies, my childhood, my opinions of the
wrong. Do you really think that a child that is fully
United States, and even my love life. I was interviewed
developed in the womb and is five minutes from being
by four United States government agencies. By the
born should have no legal protection? What about 10
time I received my offer to live in the United States,
minutes? What about two weeks? What about four
the United States officials in charge of my case file
weeks? What about four months? Who are you to draw
knew me better than my family and friends do. In
the line regarding when a child should be given legal
fact, there’s probably nobody in the world that knows
me better than the United States government. I was
“Why should you be allowed to impose your religious
finger-printed multiple times. I was photographed.
viewpoints upon someone else? If you don’t want to
My family members were separately interviewed on
have an abortion, fine, don’t have an abortion. But
multiple occasions and filmed, were asked repeated
don’t impose your views on another person.”
questions about our views of democracy, our views
“But we impose our views of morality all the time. That’s what law is all about. Protecting life is one of the most basic responsibilities of government. Is there any person more in need of protection than a child in the womb? Since the Roe v. Wade decision, over 58 million babies have been aborted.”
of religious freedom, our views of men and women, whether we would protest in the United States, what are good things about the US, what do we think are bad things? I was lucky, my process only took 15 months, typically it takes 24 months. We also had to pass a medical check-up. This wasn’t a check-yourtemperature, hit-your-knee-with-a-hammer kind of
“Well, I believe that a woman has a right to choose
doctor’s appointment: this was a top to bottom, full
and no one should be able to impose their views on
scale assessment. They took blood samples, X-rayed
someone else.”
most of my body, stripped me of my clothing. My eyes
How about the recent controversy regarding the
and my ears were tested as healthy. I had thorough
President’s order to ban refugees from being admitted
biometric testing. All told, the medical examination V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
took eight hours. Finally, after nearly a year-and-
immigrated from one of the seven countries on the
a-half of being poked and prodded, physically and
President’s list of banned countries.”
figuratively, I was given clearance to start a new life
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a temporary
in the United States. If you had told me beforehand
pause to just make sure that our vetting processes are
the depth and breadth of the United States vetting
doing enough to protect Americans.”
process, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. It was definitely extreme.”
abortion and about immigration, I have discovered that
“Well, it’s not extreme enough, we need more.”
almost no one is persuaded by evidence once they’ve
“What else do we need in your opinion?”
adopted a certain perspective. This should come as no
“We need to make absolutely certain that no refugee
surprise to readers of the Bible. In Matthew 12, Jesus
will ever commit a terrorist attack on the United
heals a man that is both blind and mute. People asked
States. As one church member said to me, ‘If you knew
if Jesus could be the Messiah, but the religious leaders
that there was one poison jelly bean in a jar of 10,000
said there’s no way he could be. They claimed that
jelly beans, would you eat any jelly bean from that jar?’”
Jesus was casting out demons and healing people by
I responded, “Nothing is ever certain. I want safety and security for my family and all of America as well. But all of life contains risk.” Right now, in the United States, there are 35,000 traffic deaths every year. That’s about 100 people every day who are killed in motor vehicle accidents, yet we still drive our cars. There are even more deaths from opiate overdoses. 40,000 Americans die every
the power of Satan. Jesus responded to the illogic of the leaders’ assertion that Satan assisted him to cast out other demons by saying: “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:33-34)
year from opiate overdoses (from heroin, fentanyl, and
In other words, even the most staggering amount
opioids). And there are about 16,000 murders in the
of evidence that God is at work through Jesus will
United States every year. You are hundreds of times
not convince someone who has made a prior “heart
more likely to be murdered by another American in the
decision” to reject the evidence that Jesus is the
United States than you are to be killed in a terrorist
attack even including the horrific 9/11 terrorist attack.
I’ve always believed that my job as a pastor in discipling
“But what about the attack in the Orlando nightclub
our congregation was fundamentally about shaping
just last year? 49 people were killed, 53 others were
the inclinations of people’s hearts.
wounded.” “But the shooter was not a refugee or even an immigrant. Omar Mateen was born in the United States.”
Having been in multiple conversations like these about
1. We need to allow God’s Word to deeply
“What about the San Bernardino attack that killed 14
challenge and shape our hearts. It’s not enough
to superficially read the Word of God. We must
“Again, the man who committed that attack was born
approach God’s Word as the instrument God uses
in the United States. Since 9/11 no one has been killed
to speak to us and to form us into the likeness of
in this country in a terrorist attack by anyone who
his Son. Our attitude as we approach God’s Word
MARCH 2017
ought to be: “Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening!
And this means listening about everything: our
vanity, our blind spots, our politics, our money –
“Abir’s home in Syria had three bedrooms, a kitchen,
and a fenced backyard with a garden. Her husband had
2. We need to form personal relationships with people
provided well for her and their five children – but there
we’re ordinarily not around. If we’re sincerely
was nothing he could do in the face of war. When the
interested in reducing the number of abortions,
family ran out of food, the two of them made the gut-
we need to interact with women who are facing
wrenching choice to send their three oldest children to
unintended pregnancies. Our Value Life ministry is
Lebanon to live with family. Abir said that her husband
an incredible place to meet such women (Contact
was too proud to shed tears when they left, but she
Diane Bauman at diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.
heard him weeping at night.
org for more information). And if we really want to
Even this drastic measure was not enough. While she
know what a Muslim immigrant or refugee is like, we
was out one day with her youngest children, Abir was
can’t take our viewpoints from media portrayals or
wounded by a sniper, and she knew she had to leave
politicians or editorials. We need to actually get to
for their safety. With the children in tow, she walked
know an immigrant or a refugee. Our ESL classes at
eight hours to the border – leaving her husband
the Vineyard Community Center are a fantastic way
behind. In Lebanon she was reunited with her older
to meet immigrants and refugees.
children, but they couldn’t stay with her brother, who
3. Finally, the inclinations of our hearts are changed as
had seven children of his own. So today, Abir and her
we listen with an open heart to people’s stories.
five daughters live in a tent settlement. It’s a life of
H E R E ’ S A S T O R Y A B O U T A W O M A N T H AT O U R VA L U E L I F E M I N I S T R Y H E L P E D :
hardship, and of fear. Abir and her girls now live in a one-room tent smaller
“When we met there was no logical reason why Kayla
than a typical American child’s bedroom. Unable to
should not end her pregnancy. Kayla was working at a
work, they live on assistance from humanitarian
fast food restaurant, struggled with addiction, and was
agencies, just $13 per month for each refugee. It’s
in a very difficult relationship with the baby's father.
for women like Abir, and her children, that Vineyard
Kayla was not convinced even with the promise of
Columbus refugee and immigration programs exist.
help from Value Life Ministry, and Support for Life
My prayer for each of us here at Vineyard Columbus is
assistance that she could manage a baby in her life.
that we would grant Jesus total permission to shape
So she scheduled an abortion. At the clinic, Kayla saw
the inclinations of our hearts in all things!
the ultrasound of the baby and knew this was a life— she could not go through with the procedure. Despite all the odds stacked against her, her heart was bent towards the life Kayla knew God had created inside her. Her baby came early, is doing well now, and Kayla continues to be open to the care and support the church can provide for her and her new family.” It’s for women like Kayla and her baby that Vineyard Columbus’ Value Life ministry exists.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher Senior Pastor Rich Nathan Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership. No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare (ages 1-12). Next Class Sunday, May 7
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher Pastor Scott Engebretson Whether you’ve followed Jesus for a short time or many years, discover practical ways to mature and thrive. We’ll offer ways to read the Bible so that it comes to life, pray with more power, and live a life of holistic stewardship. Next Class Sunday, May 7
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher Pastor Craig Heselton Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God and his presence into our lives and the world. You’ll also learn how to follow his lead in praying for healing in people’s lives. Next Class Sunday, May 7
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher Pastor Diane Bauman As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve. Whether you have been around Vineyard Columbus for a week or years, you’ll find this class helpful in discovering where God wants you to serve and grow. Next Class Sunday, May 7
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Teacher Pastor Stephen Van Dop The purpose of this class is to train and encourage every Christian, to share Christ, everywhere, in every way, all the time. Next Class Sunday, May 7
MARCH 2017
Exploring Community
Cooper Road Campus
Beginning Saturday, April 29, 12-2pm
Register vineyardcolumbus.org
Cooper Road Campus
Childcare $3 per child or $5 per family (children ages 1-12)
Contact Adrienne Ash, adrienne.ash@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org
Are you new to Christianity or do know someone who is
Exploring Community is a 6-week series at our Cooper Road
interested in exploring faith? If so, come check out our
Campus that provides a great opportunity to experience
Alpha Kickoff and hear why nearly 30 million people have
small groups on–campus while creating new relationships
done Alpha. There will be live music, a bite to eat, and a
and learning what small groups are all about with the goal
conversation about life and faith.
of joining an off-campus group.
Baptism Celebrations
Membership 101
Saturday, April 29, 6pm, Cooper Road Campus
Sunday, March 26, 2:30–5:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Sunday, April 30, 9am & 11:30am, Cooper Road Campus
Teacher Senior Pastor Rich Nathan
Next Baptism Saturday & Sunday, June 10 & 11
Childcare Register for free at vineyardcolumbus.org/vgc.
Mondays, April 10-May 15, 7-9pm
Meet pastors and learn more about the history and beliefs
Baptism Classes
of Vineyard Columbus. This class is required for membership.
Saturdays, April 1, 8 & 22, after services
No preregistration is necessary, unless you need childcare
Sundays, April 2, 9 & 23, after services
(ages 1–12).
If you’re a new follower of Jesus, getting baptized is an
Next Class Sunday, May 7
important next step. It’s a public proclamation of your
Learn about all of our Vineyard Growth Classes on p. 12.
decision to follow Christ. In order to participate in baptism, you must attend one of the required classes listed above. Find more info online or at the Info Counter in the Lobby.
Youth Baptism Classes
Saturdays, April 1, 8 & 22, after services
Sundays, April 2, 9 & 23, after services
Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm
Contact Pastors Kerry Davis, 614.259.5502 or
Through May 2
Mike Szlapak, 614.259.5317
Cost $30/child (includes T–shirt and workbooks)
If you’re a new follower of Jesus between the ages of 10
Register vineyardcolumbus.org or at the VineyardKids counter
and 18, please take one of these required classes.
during weekend services
Get Connected: Join A Small Group Visit vineyardcolumbus.org/groups Contact smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org Life is better together, and we believe this kind of life happens in a Vineyard Columbus small group. Small groups bring people together from different cultures, life stages,
Contact Ryan Hatfield, rhatfield@sbcsolutionsgroup.com AWANA disciples kids in 1st through 6th grade through biblical teaching, scripture memorization, relationships, and fun!
Baby Dedication Saturday, May 20 Check-In: registration window, 5:30pm
and experiences for a rich community of worship, friendship,
Sunday, May 21
growth, and service. Stop by the small group area at your
Check-In: registration window, 8:30am (for 9am service)
campus to learn more!
Check-In: registration window, 11am (for 11:30am service) Contact Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org Next Baby Dedication October 28 & October 29
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Baby Dedication Classes Saturdays, April 29 & May 6, 7:45pm Sundays, April 30 & May 7, 1:15pm
Dedication Application Deadline Monday, May 8
Contact Julie Pierce (614.625.7335, jasandjul95@netscape.net),
Contact Beth Best, beth.best@vineyardcolumbus.org
Abigail Shaw (abigailjoyshaw@yahoo.com) or Peggy Steinbower
Attendance is required on a one–time basis. If you have
previously attended a class for another child, you do not have
Chosen4Love is a community of families with a passion for
to attend again. Applications are available at the Information
adoption and foster care. We serve as a resource for adoptive
Counter and online. Please bring your completed application
families, and for people who are considering becoming foster
to the class.
or adoptive parents. Please connect with one of us for support
VC Students
and encouragement in this area.
Homeschool Network
VC Students (Middle & High School)
Contact Martha, sidebysidehomeschoolmom@gmail.com
Weekend Services:
We are a Yahoo! group network designed to offer support
Saturdays, 6pm & Sundays, 9am & 11:30am
for homeschoolers. We offer information, moms’ prayer
Contact Shane Huey, 614.259.5341 or
nights, social times for moms and children, and many other
opportunities for connection.
VC Students (Middle and High School) is the new name of our community of students from all across the city seeking to experience God and grow deeper in their faith. We'd love for you to see what God is doing in the lives of students just like you.
Side by Side Monday, March 13, 7–9pm Visit Facebook (search: Vineyard Homeschool Network) Registration Not Required
Contact Martha, sidebysidehomeschoolmom@gmail.com
Celebrate Family: Fully Alive Parent Conference
homeschool. Join the Vineyard Homeschool Network once
Saturday, April 29, 9am-1pm
a month for an evening of fun, worship, prayer ministry,
Cost $20 per family
and inspiration for the journey. We hope you will leave
Childcare $5 per family, ages 1-12; space is limited, please
encouraged, knowing that you are not alone.
register early Register vineyardcolumbus.org Contact Mindy Layman, mindy.layman@vineyardcolumbus.org This one-day conference will be an inspiring, positive, and supportive place for all parents. We will honor and celebrate parents as they have been entrusted with the most important job in the world—modeling discipleship and reconciliation to their children. Main sessions will discuss each stage of the parenting journey—from new and expecting parents, to those with adult children living in their home—and breakout sessions will be available to address the needs of single parents, foster/adoptive parents, and stepfamilies. Parents will learn how to form healthy, lifelong relationships with their children and will make a commitment to prioritizing their families.
MARCH 2017
A special night of spiritual refreshing for moms who
A D U LT M I N I S T R I E S Men's Ministry 180 Men’s Recovery Group Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com 180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness. This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
Vineyard Women
Soul Provider
Beth Moore Bible Study “Entrusted”
Childcare Free childcare available for ages 1–12
Evening session begins Wednesday, April 19, 7-9pm
(must register in advance)
Morning session begins Thursday, April 20, 9:30-11:30am
Register vineyardcolumbus.org
Childcare $3 per child or $5 per family for children ages 1–12
Registration Deadline Wednesday, March 8
each week (must register in advance)
Contact Zandra McEntie, 614.899.8390 or
Register vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org or
Soul Provider is a ministry for moms who are single with
children up to 18–years–old, living at home, and still in high
Final words can be compelling. In Paul’s final letter, he
school. Join us for dinner (free), kids’ programs, and spiritual
charged Timothy, his beloved son in the faith, to not be
encouragement and renewal.
ashamed to fulfill God’s call on his life. We were never meant
2nd Fridays, 6:30–9pm (next meeting: March 10)
to take this journey of faith alone or in secret. God has
Vineyard Women: Event Team
entrusted us with the great and mighty gift of the gospel,
Contact Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
something too precious and life-giving to keep to ourselves.
We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people,
In this 6-session Bible study, Beth Moore will challenge you to
serving others, and offering hospitality to join our Event
do the same.
Team. Some of the ways you can help include promoting the event, administrative help, decorating, greeting,
International Women’s Breakfast
registration, and more. We have a great time serving
1st Saturdays, 9:30–11:30am (next meeting: April 1)
together and would love to have you join us!
Contact Flo Gimei, fgimei@gmail.com or Nicole Gonzalez–Angulo, niclin77@hotmail.com We are a group of women from all over the world that meets monthly to experience unity in Christ while we honor our diversity. We share a meal, listen to a brief teaching, discuss, and pray for one another. Please bring a dish to share, but if you are unable to bring food, come anyway!
Seniors Phase III: A Ministry for Retirees 1st Tuesdays, 9:30–11:30am Contact Ron Schmidt, rjsgar@gmail.com This ministry is for people of retirement age who want to flourish in the Kingdom of God during the third phase of their
Mom’s Refresh
lives. We have opportunities to have fun and develop deep
3rd Fridays, 9:30–11:30am (next meeting: March 17)
relationships with other Christians of the same age; grow
Childcare $3 per child or $5 per family for children ages 1–5
personally and spiritually; and give back by serving (typically
(must register in advance)
involves supporting other Vineyard Columbus ministries).
Register vineyardcolumbus.org Registration Deadline Monday, March 13 Contact Erica Roof, roof.erica@gmail.com or Emily Wilkins, emilywilkins81@gmail.com Join other moms to experience God and build friendships through worship, teaching, and service. Infants are welcome in the room with moms. Toys and mats are provided. Moms are welcome to pack a lunch and stay after from 11:30am–12:30pm.
Singles Ministry Free Social Dance Classes 1st Fridays & 3rd Sundays, February–May, 7:30–9:30pm (Not meeting in March & April)
Childcare Not Available Visit vineyardcolumbus.org These free dance classes are followed by practicing and socializing. Adult singles and married couples are welcome. No partner is necessary. Dress is casual.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Kingdom Seekers Group
Short Term Missions Fair
2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Saturday, April 8 & Sunday, April 9
Contact Ray Beaumier, rbeaumie@gmail.com
Contact Ximena Lozada, 614.256.5410 or
2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays, 7–9pm, Upper Arlington
Contact Rosann Gingerich, rosann321@aol.com
Are you interested in going on an adventure to see the love of
We welcome all singles 40+ seeking first the Kingdom of God
Jesus spread among the nations? Join us after the weekend
for bible study and fellowship.
services at all our campuses for our Short Term Missions fair.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L Immigration Services Immigration Intake and Consultation Clinics Thursdays, 10am–12pm, Vineyard Community Center
Contact Beth Watkins, 614.259.5322 or beth.watkins@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Cost $20 payable at the time of intake Vineyard Immigration Counseling Services (“ICS”) provides family based immigration legal representation to persons at 250% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines and below. ICS
Come hear about the places Vineyard Columbus is serving around the world and how you can be a part of it!
Vineyard Columbus Missions Prayer Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 6:45–8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
Contact Tim Hart, 614.557.0395 or vcmissionprayer@gmail.com. Pray for our international ministry work. We typically worship, share updates on our missionaries, and pray for special areas of the world and our VC missionaries.
La Viña: Spanish–Speaking Campus
responds to requests for representation and legal questions
La Viña Service
from the public through its Intake Clinic. Consultations will
Sundays, 11:30am, in the Chapel, Cooper Road Campus
be available for those who complete the intake process;
Contact Irene Casale–Petrarca, 614.256.5254 or
however, representation decisions will be made on a case
by case basis and are subject to ICS availability. Intake is the
La Viña is a service that is completely in Spanish and meets in
mandatory first step to receiving services. We will provide
the Chapel (la capilla) at Cooper Road. Our vision is to serve the
low-cost consultations for individuals interested in applying
Hispanic community of Columbus, showing them God’s love
for immigration. We will meet with the immigrant after the
and seeing their lives transformed by the power of God. We are
formal intake process. Intakes are limited to the first five
not only a church, but also a family in Christ. You are welcome
persons on a first come, first serve basis.
as you are!
International Ministries
La Viña Servicio en Español
VC International Teams
Cooper Road Campus
For more information about our teams sharing Jesus overseas,
Para más información, contactar a Irene Casale–Petrarca,
email us at international.ministries@vineyardcolumbus.org.
614.259.5254 o irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org.
East Campus Missions Prayer Group 3rd Mondays, 7pm, East Campus
Contact John Olver, johnolver.vc@gmail.com If you live on the east side of Columbus and have a heart for the nations, join us to pray for the nations and Vineyard Columbus’ missionaries in various areas of the world.
Domingos, 11:30am, en la capilla (Chapel),
La Viña es un servicio completamente en Español y nos reunimos en la capilla (Chapel) en Cooper Road. Nuestra visión es servir a la comunidad de Columbus, presentándoles el amor de Jesús y ver sus vidas ser transformadas por el poder de Dios. No somos solamente una iglesia además somos una familia en Cristo. ¡Bienvenido como eres!
HELP & WELLNESS Vineyard Columbus Visitation Care Team Contact Visitation Care Team, 614.259.5239. We want to come alongside our church and their families who are hospitalized, in long–term care, or homebound. If you or a family member would like to be visited, please call us. 12
MARCH 2017
Funeral Needs Contact 614.259.5372
anthony cannon
If you are a member of Vineyard Columbus and need funeral
We are blessed to have Anthony Cannon as a pastor on staff
and pastoral care services, please call us.
at Vineyard Columbus. Anthony has been a member of the
Empowered Life
church for nearly eight years. He is a proud United States
Open Prayer for Healing Sessions
Army Recruiting Command at Fort Knox, KY. He served
Cooper Road Campus
over 20 years in the Army before retiring as a Master
Monday, March 6, 7-9pm
Sergeant (E-8) and then working as a civilian employee.
Army veteran and was employed with the United States
Saturday, March 11, 9-11am Saturday, March 25, 9-11am
Since coming to Vineyard Columbus, Anthony has worked
Contact Kristi Webster, Kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
with Men's small group ministries and the Visitation and
Open to anyone needing physical, emotional, or deliverance
Pastoral Care ministries, caring for people in their homes,
healing prayer. No appointment needed.
nursing homes, and those shut-in and not able to make it
Career & Financial
to church. He's supported many ministries throughout the church with his ability to connect with people and
Business Owners Group
get them connected to the church. Anthony loves people,
Contact Rita Itsell, ritsell@pdsplanning.com
and at his core wants everyone who steps into the doors
If you are a fellow business owner looking to expand your
of the church to feel welcome. Anthony will oversee the
knowledge in overall business management, this new
Funeral Ministries at the church and continue to care for
program may be for you. If you're interested in this group,
those "outside the gates" of the church. Anthony and his
please contact Rita.
wife, Nina, have been married for almost 20 years and are
Designing Your Legacy: Estate Planning Workshop
proud parents of three adult children: Demetrius, Cardel, and Brittany and grandparents to Gavin 11 and Ryleigh 4.
Saturday, April 22, 9:30– 11:30am
Anthony is an avid fisherman and Nina's #1 cheerleader
Cost Free
when she runs in marathons. He says, “Faith, family, food
Registration encouraged
and fun, not always in that order, can best describe me.”
Childcare Not Available
Anthony holds a B.S. in Multidisciplinary Studies with
Contact Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
a concentration in Business and Religion from Liberty
Preparing for the future reflects good stewardship and
University. Nina holds an MBA from Liberty. Anthony was
protects the things that mean the most to you. Learn how
recently licensed and prayed for during worship service.
to pass on your values, not just your valuables. Learn from experts how to establish your own living trust, as well as other important issues and documents. There will be no pressure, no
We pray that God will continue to bless the Cannon family and the ministry Anthony has been called to.
commitments, no cost.
Job & Intern Opportunities Visit vineyardcolumbus.org/jobs Vineyard Columbus is an exciting place to work with great benefits and a dynamic atmosphere centered on God’s mission. We have full–time, part–time, and internship positions available. We are committed to diversity and the mission of the church.
Featured Position: Human Resources Director
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Vineyard Career Elevation 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30pm
Cost Free
Lower Lights Christian Health Center
Visit vineyardcommunitycenter.org
Cooper Road: Mondays, 8am–5pm & Wednesdays, 1:30–5pm
Childcare Not Available
171 E. 5th Avenue: Mondays–Fridays, 8am–5pm
Contact Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
Appointments Call Lower Lights, 614.274.1455 (Option 1).
Offering one-on-one employment coaching, with the four
LLCHC is a faith–based, non–profit community health provider
most key areas of gaining new employment or making
ministering the love of Christ through full–service cradle–to–
a change: resume writing, preparing for your interview,
grave medical care focused on whole–person wellness. They
networking, and how to set up an effective job search. Please
see patients with Medicaid, Medicare, CareSource, Molina, and
bring a laptop if you have one, your most recent resume,
private insurance as well as uninsured patients. Services are
pen, and paper. Elevation is held in the Vineyard Columbus
offered for the whole family on a sliding fee scale based upon
Community Center. No childcare will be provided.
income. However, all patients are seen regardless of ability to
Interested in volunteering with the Career Ministry? See p. 25.
Community Center 2017 Vineyard Summer Program: Rooted June 12 – July 28 (closed July 3-July 7), 9am-4pm
Grades Children currently enrolled in K-5. Cost $600 (includes lunch and snack) Before/After Care Available for the first 30 children to sign up! Fee is $175 per child. Hours are 8-9am and 4-5pm.
pay. Services offered include pre–natal care, immunizations, well–child checkups, physicals, routine care, and chronic disease management.
Free Medical, Chiropractic, Dental, & Vision Clinics Vineyard Free Health Clinics: 6000 Cooper Road, Westerville We provide free medical, chiropractic, dental, and vision care for patients ages 18 and up to those who qualify. Our clinics serve those who are uninsured OR have Medicaid or are Medicaid–eligible with incomes below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty level. (No Medicare or other government–
Our Vineyard Community Center staff are excited as they
issued health care programs are eligible for services.) For more
prepare for summer camp. The program will include worship
info, call 614.259.5428. Si usted sólo habla español, puede
and devotion, new off-site trips, dance, sports, outdoor
comunicarse con la clínica latina al 614.293.9906.
recreation, special interest classes, and much more. Limited discounts are available and applied at registration. Verification of income may be required for discounts.
• Medical Clinic Cooper Road: Every Tuesday evening Walk in, first come, first served. We can see 10–12 patients
The Ohio Benefit Bank
(dependent upon staffing). Sign–in begins at 5:30pm;
Saturdays, 8–11am, 5th Avenue or Northside Food Pantries
line forms earlier. We provide diagnosis and treatment
Call 614.259.5441 for an appointment.
of illnesses only. Basic work physicals available by calling
The Ohio Benefit Bank helps moderate to low income families
614.259.5428 prior to coming to the clinic. No lab tests,
apply for over 20 public benefits, such as food stamps, Medicaid, and HEAP. Veterans can get assistance in accessing records and applying for educational benefits, too.
injections, or X–rays. • Dental Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only) Call Fridays, 9–9:45am to schedule appointments, 614.259.5428. We provide dental exams, X–rays, fillings, extractions, and cleanings. (No wisdom teeth, bridgework, orthodontics, or dentures). • Vision Clinic Cooper Road (appointment only) Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments, 614.259.5428. We offer eye exams and vouchers for free glasses to those who qualify.
MARCH 2017
• Chiropractic Clinic
Professional Counseling Center
Cooper Road (appointment only)
Contact 614.259.5409
Call Fridays, 10–10:30am to schedule appointments,
The Vineyard Counseling Center’s clinically–trained counselors
offer a biblical approach to help people achieve wholeness
We provide evaluation and chiropractic care for those with
in all aspects of their lives. We also have male and female
pain involving headaches, necks, back, or joints.
Graduate Candidate Interns, $20/session, with experience in
Interested in volunteering in our clinics? See p. 25.
seeing children, teens, adults, and married couples.
Mercy & Justice
Lay Counseling
Orphan Care
Contact Support for Life, 614.259.5289
Contact Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
The Support for Life Ministry has a trained team of volunteer
Please contact Diane if you would like to receive updates and
“lay” counselors who come alongside people in difficult
ways to help with our Orphan Care Ministry.
seasons or situations to minister insight, healing, and spiritual
Asia’s Hope: PreK Eng 6 Home Contact Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org Vineyard Columbus is partnering with Asia’s Hope by providing support for a home in Cambodia. Twenty children at high risk of sexual and economic exploitation have been rescued and now live together as a family. Staff provide individual care, education, a Christian environment, and job skills so each child can succeed as an independent adult.
Application vineyardcolumbus.org
growth in a one–on–one, non–clinical environment. Lay counseling is not professional counseling, nor is it “free” counseling. Lay counselors meet with individuals on a short term basis and are trained to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. Interested in becoming a lay counselor? See p. 29.
Advanced Caring for People One on One Thursdays, April 20-May 11, 7-9pm
Disaster Relief Volunteers
Application vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact Regina Smith, regina.smith@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289
Vineyard Columbus is forming a number of local, national, and
Lay counselors meet with individuals on a short term basis
regional teams to serve in disaster relief. We’re looking for
to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement,
men and women who have interest in serving in the following
empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. This training gives
capacities: first response, search & rescue, shelter support,
leaders actual tools and activities to use with others on a
debris clean–up, and construction.
one-on-one basis to facilitate healing, growth, and a deeper
Support for Life Find a list of Support for Life groups at vineyardcolumbus.org or at the Small Groups Counter in the Lobby. Interested in volunteering with Support for Life? See p.29
personal relationship with God. Caring for People One on One or previous lay counseling training is a prerequisite. An application can be found on vineyardcolumbus.org.
All Things New Mondays, 4–6pm Register supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org
Celebrate Recovery
The purpose of this eight–week group is to create a safe
Fridays, 7–10pm, Cooper Road Campus
place for women with past childhood sexual abuse to share
Childcare $3/child or $5/family each week (for ages 1–12; must
their stories and to receive further healing. We will go
through Nicole Bromley’s “HUSH” book and “SOAR” workbook.
Register supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org
Registration and books for a nominal fee are required for
Contact Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289
Celebrate Recovery is a safe, biblical, Christ–centered recovery fellowship to help us heal from any addictive, compulsive, or destructive behavior. Meetings include worship, teaching, sharing, and fellowship.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Circle of Love Group
Healed from the Inside-Out
1st Mondays, 7–9pm
Thursdays, April 6-June 1, 7-9pm
Contact Fred & Nora Seeman, circle.of.love@sbcglobal.net
Childcare $3 per child or $5 per family for children age 1 and up
This confidential group meets to bring hope, support, and
Register Rhonda Bates, rhonda.bates@vineyardcolumbus.org.
resources to the family and friends of people who have
A group for women of all ages seeking healing from your past
same–sex attractions.
hurts of any type of abuse (mental, physical, verbal, sexual,
Dealing with Difficult People Saturday, May 13, 9am-3pm Contact Rhonda Bates, rhonda.bates@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5472. As a leader, you encounter a lot of the “mess” in people’s lives— and often may not feel equipped to handle it! This class will
spiritual), habits gone wild, rejection, abandonment, and the negative thoughts the enemy wants you to play over and over in your mind. Let’s learn together how to understand what it truly means and feels like to be a daughter of the Most High and allow him to heal us from the inside out. Pre-registration is required.
also include “lab time”, to practice what you’re learning, will
Healing for the Survivors of Domestic Violence
give you some basic skills on how to handle things like self-
Beginning Sunday, April 23, 6:30-8:30pm
harm, suicidality, difficult emotional situations, mental illness,
Contact/Register Pam, sdvcolumbus@gmail.com.
and the exposure of sin issues as a group leader. Registration is
This is an eight-week support group for those who are walking
required. Register with Rhonda Bates.
out of and/or have survived domestic violence situations. This
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Beginning in April Contact/Register Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289 or debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org
support group will help you feel safe and secure, trust, forgive, set boundaries, and be kind to yourself again all through the love of the Lord. To register or for more info, contact Pam at sdvcolumbus@gmail.com.
Do you yearn to be emotionally alive? The Emotionally Healthy
Hearts Restored 9-Week Recovery Class
Spirituality course directly addresses the reality that emotional
Tuesdays, April 4-May 23, 7- 9pm
maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable. It is not
Contact/Register Gay Meads, HRclass@wowway.com
possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally
The experience of sexual betrayal is traumatic and disorienting.
immature. Learn through eight powerful life changing
This 9-week class will feature teaching discussion, prayer,
sessions how to incorporate daily life rhythms that lead us
and testimonies from women who have seen God work
to a healthier relationship with Jesus and with others. Please
powerfully in their lives through their healing journey. We
register with Debbie Johnson.
will cover topics that are foundational to God-led recovery
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren 1st Tuesdays, 7–9pm Childcare available (must register in advance) Register Kris Garwood, Garwood.2@osu.edu, 614.259.5472 This group allows grandparents to share the joys and the struggles of parenting again with those who understand. Each month speakers address a relevant topic.
including an overview of what true recovery looks like, the effects of trauma, establishing safety, self-care, building a support system, setting boundaries, detaching, accountability, managing triggers, finding hope, and planning for the future. The workbook “Journey to Healing and Joy” will be used, and there will be weekly homework assignments. To help facilitate safety and community the class will be closed to new participants after the first session. Pre-registration is required. Register with Gay Meads.
Hearts Restored Support Group Tuesdays, 7–9pm Contact heartsrestored@icloud.com Hearts Restored is a ministry for women who have been wounded by their spouse’s sexual sin. Find healing, hope, and strength with others by experiencing God in the midst of crisis.
MARCH 2017
Beginning Tuesday, April 25, 7-9pm
Thursdays, 7:30pm
Contact Dana Moody, dana.moody@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact Tom, brankamp@aol.com or Support for Life,
This is a nine-week closed support group offering hope,
614.259.5289 or supportforlife@vineyardcolumbus.org
healing, encouragement, and accountability for women who
This is a substance (drug/alcohol) abuse recovery group for
want to be more hungry for God and less dependent on food
young men.
(compulsive or emotional eating) or dieting (obsession with weight or exercise) to meet emotional needs. Meetings will include a short teaching, group discussion, and prayer. There is no cost, but space is limited, so preregistration is requested.
Sisters of Sarah Thursday, April 6, 7:15–9:15pm Contact Melissa, meladams617@gmail.com, 614.353.1792 or Jeannine, jmanderson30@gmail.com, 614.578.7094
Integrity for Women
Sisters of Sarah is a hope and support group for women facing
Beginning Tuesday, April 4, 7-9pm
the hardship of primary or secondary infertility. We invite you
Contact/Register integrity.women@hotmail.com
with open arms for a time of sharing food, socializing, open
This group is for women who desire healing for sexual
discussion, and prayer together.
brokenness while finding freedom from addiction, shame, and rejection. Pre-registration is required. This group is cyclical and no new participants after the first class.
Sister Sister 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7–9pm Contact Elizabeth, 614.397.7764 or elzbthhwrd@aol.com
Loving Someone with Mental Illness
We are a group of women who have all survived multiple tragic
1st & 3rd Thursdays, 7–9pm
events and are able to help other women as we share as sisters
Contact Karen Twinem, 614.439.8475
in Christ. We focus on outreach and discipleship, studying
This is a support group for families and friends of people
God’s Word, worshiping, and prayer.
with mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, borderline personality disorder, etc.). Each meeting includes a short teaching, discussion, and prayer.
Support for Life 101 Sunday, April 30, 2-5:30pm Register rhonda.bates@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5472
180 Men’s Recovery Group
This is the foundational training to become a support group
Mondays, 7pm, Cooper Road Campus
leader or lay counselor in Support for Life.
Contact John Doyel, 740.649.6050 or doyel53@gmail.com 180 exists to help men who struggle with sexual brokenness. This ministry is open to all men. We emphasize both the healing power of God and the personal responsibility of men to pursue purity. We include worship, teaching, small group
accountability, mentoring, and healing prayer.
Art Exhibit Jesus Fully Alive: His Life and Ministry
Redefining Christ
February 25-April 16
Tuesdays, beginning April 18, 6:30-8:30pm
Cooper Road Campus, 2nd Floor
Contact/Register Gina Harding, redefiningchrist@gmail.com
We are again grateful to show beautiful global works from the
This closed, cyclical support group is for women who have
Sacred Art Pilgrim Collection of John Kohan to visually portray
come from a high control or cult background and now
the fully alive life of Jesus. Art can change the world and how
desire a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This
we see it, especially through the eyes of our faith. Take a look!
is not a theological debate group. Our purpose is to support these women and come along side of them. Our goal is to springboard into a praying small group for further discipleship. No participants may join after the first class has begun, and preregistration is required. Each meeting will include worship and teaching, but the main focus will be on sharing and prayer. Contact Gina Harding to register.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
p. 19
Fully Alive Artwork by VC Artists
Easter Services
February 25-April 16, Cooper Road Campus
Saturday and Sunday, April 15 & 16
Hours Following the 6pm & 11am services
Visit vineyardcolumbus.org
Artists in the church will be displaying their artwork around
Please invite family and friends to join us as we celebrate the
this theme for our Lenten campaign. We may have artwork on
resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
display to the right of the north entrance as you exit the lobby, in the lobbies, and café area as well.
Deaf Ministry Events Worship Service Interpretation: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays, 9am Bible Study: 2nd & 4th Sundays, 9–10:30am Contact Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com. The Vineyard Columbus Cooper Road Worship Service is interpreted in ASL for the Deaf. We also offer a Deaf Bible Study for the Deaf.
• Cooper Road Campus Saturday, April 15: 3:30pm & 6pm Sunday, April 16: 9am (with deaf interpretation) & 11:30am • La Viña (Servicio en español) Domingo 16 de abril: 11:30am • East Campus Sunday, April 16: 9am & 11:30am • Sawmill Campus Sawmill Campus will be meeting at our Cooper Road
Joyful Noise Worship Service (Special Needs) 2nd Sundays, 5:30–6:30pm, Cooper Road Campus Contact Pam Newman, pmnewman7@gmail.com Join our Accessible Worship Service for people affected by disabilities and their families, friends, and neighbors. We have a worship band, brief message, and prayer time. Bring your tambourines and streamers.
Good Friday Service
Campus for Easter. • Lane Avenue Campus Sunday, April 16: 6:30am (Sunrise Service for all church) & 9:30am • VCtwenty Sunday, April 16: 12pm
Visit vineyardcolumbus.org
Engage: Intercessory Prayer Meeting (Cooper Road Campus)
Join us for this special service as we reflect on the sacrificial
Wednesday, March 8, 7-9pm
death of Jesus. We will offer children’s programming for ages
Contact kristi.webster@vineyardcolumbus.org
1–Kindergarten. Visit vineyardcolumbus.org
If you have a heart to see the kingdom come upon our church,
Friday, April 14, 7-8:30pm, Cooper Road Campus
city, and nation, come out to our intercessory prayer session.
Engage (Sawmill Campus) 1st Wednesdays, 7–8:30pm, Sawmill Campus Contact Dustin Jasinski, djasinskivcsc@gmail.com. Engage is a service of meditation on scriptures and listening to what the Lord is saying to each person attending. Prayer is also available for special needs, congregational leaders, and programs.
Serve in Prayer (Lane Avenue Campus) Contact Klodiana Tedesco, klodiana@gmail.com or bit.ly/serveatlaneavenue There are many ways you can serve in prayer at Lane Avenue Campus. For more info, contact Klodiana.
MARCH 2017
Twenty–Something Campus Sundays, 12pm, Lane Avenue Campus, The Ohio 4–H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus
If you’re between the ages of 18 and 30, join us to be part of what God is doing with young adults in our city. We offer childcare during our services for infants two–years–old and younger. Throughout the week, we host small groups that meet across the city. For more info, contact Pastor Christian Root, christian.root@vineyardcolumbus.org. For info on small groups, contact Jessica Gatton, 614.259.5288 or jessica.gatton@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Get Connected Fully Alive Campaign March 4-April 16 The weekend is just where church starts. But we believe life is better when it’s done together. The best way to go through the all church Fully Alive discipleship campaign is in a small group. We have video curriculum and workbooks you can only get when you’re in a group.
Fully Alive Join a Group: Connect Event Saturday, March 4 & Sunday March 5 after services, East Lobby Visit vineyardcolumbus.org/fullyalive We'll be having a connect event following services. If you do not have a small group yet, we encourage you to attend! You can also learn more by visiting vineyardcolumbus.org/ fullyalive.
Fully Alive Material Pick-up Already lead a group or just signed up to HOST a Fully Alive Small Group? You can pick up your materials after service or at the Cooper Road bookstore during open hours.
Fully Alive HOST Orientation Meetings Saturday, March 4 & Sunday March 5 after services, East Lobby If you have signed up to HOST a group for Fully Alive and you feel you need a bit more guidance, please join us after services for a brief training
p. 10
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Fully Alive: Physically Alive Fitness Classes Vineyard Community Center (unless different location is listed) Visit vineyardcolumbus.org/fullyalive • Refit Dance Fitness - CC:209 Mondays: 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 6:30-7:30pm $5 off coupon • Purofitness Class - CC:209 Tuesday: 3/28 & Thursday: 3/30, 5:45-6:30pm Saturday: 4/1, 10-10:45am $10 discount • Karate and Stretching: CC:209 Shotokan Karate (Family): 6:45-8pm Tuesday & Thursday: 3/21 & 3/23 Adult Stretching (30 years and older): 11am-12pm Tuesday & Thursday: 3/21 & 3/23 $5 discount • Gymnastics and Dance - Dance Room Saturday, 3/18 Gymnastics (Ages 3-6): 10:30-11:10am Pre Dance (Ages 3-6): 11:15-11:55am Gymnastics (Ages 7-10): 12-12:40pm 5% discount • Kickboxing with Natalie - CC:209 Wednesday, 3/22 6:30-7:30pm 5% discount • Holy Yoga at East Campus Tuesday, March 14 (6 weeks) 7-8pm
VOLUNTEER & SERVE If you are not sure where to serve, or want to explore other opportunities, check out the list of volunteer opportunities at vineyardcolumbus.org/volunteer, or stop by the Ministry Counter in the Main Lobby for a Volunteer Catalog. Contact Diane Bauman, diane.bauman@vineyardcolumbus.org
Bookstore Bookstore Volunteer Opportunities Sawmill Campus Twice a month on Sundays, half an hour before and after the 9am or 11am services. Contact Jeni Weisgerber, jeniweisgerber@wowway.com Cooper Road Campus Volunteer once a week restocking books, contacting overdue books, and adding in new inventory Contact Jeff Baker, jeff.baker@vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5323 20
MARCH 2017
p. 12
Early Childhood
Career Ministry Volunteers
Early Childhood Worship Ministry
Contact Kent Irwin, kent.irwin@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact Myra Gaiters, 614.259.5486 or
The Career Ministry is in great need for new volunteers that
can volunteer in a number of different roles: job coach, career
Share your love for Jesus with children through music!
expert, administrator, database manager, networking pro,
Volunteer to lead children in worship once a month during our
workplace navigation, and liaison between searchers and job
weekend services.
Community Life
Global Café Global Café Volunteers
Start a Small Group
Contact vineyard.cafe@vineyardcolumbus.org
Contact smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org
New to the church or want to get connected? Be a part of
If you have a heart for people, can provide a space for people
our family of believers who get to experience God through
to meet, serve a snack, and turn on a video, then you can start
service and fellowship. The Café is an atmosphere where fresh,
a small group! For more info, send us an email or stop by the
made–from–scratch food connects the community with the
small group area of your campus.
love of Christ.
Attention Small Group Leaders & Hosts
Health Clinics
Visit vcsmallgroups.org Did you know that we have a resource page just for our small
Vineyard Free Health Clinics: Volunteers
group leaders? Short on time this week to prepare a small
Contact Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or
group discussion? Wondering how you can get more training
after LT1? Need some tips on how to make hosting easier? The
We need dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists,
Community Life Team wants to help you make the most of your
pharmacists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301
time as you pray and prepare for your small group gatherings,
required for prayer team).
so we’ve created vcsmallgroups.org, a website with several Bible study options as well as other helpful tools. If you have questions, write us at smallgroups@vineyardcolumbus.org or visit our how to use vcsmallgroups.org video at vcsmallgroups.org/how–to–use–vcsmallgroups–org/.
Security Ministry Medical Response Team Contact Jason Pierce, jp6797@gmail.com or 614.625.6216 The Medical Response team is looking for volunteers that
One Child One Community: Adopt A School
would be willing to help out with medical emergencies that
Contact Abby Fahmi, 614.259.5467 or
occur during our weekend services. If you are a doctor or nurse
with hospital or ER experience, or an EMT (Basic or Paramedic)
If your small group is looking for a place to serve together,
and are interested in learning more about the Medical
One Child One Community needs groups to partner with us
Response Team please contact Jason Pierce.
to support Columbus schools. For more info on how your
Deaf Ministry
VC International Teams & Ministries
Deaf Ministry Service Opportunities
English as a Second Language (ESL) Volunteers
group can serve, contact Abby Fahmi.
Contact Angela Moore, deafvineyard@gmail.com We need skilled volunteer ASL interpreters to sign for adults and children on a rotation at our Sunday, 9am Cooper Road Service.
Contact Ximena Lozada, ximena.lozada@vineyardcolumbus.org If you have a heart for internationals and enjoy teaching, we need volunteers to teach and assist our daytime and evening ESL classes.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
MARCH 2017
p. 18
p. 18
ESL Conversation Partners
Small Group Outreach for IFI
Contact Carli Snyder, 614.259.5511 or
Contact Jon–David Hawks, 740.258.4042 or
jondavidhawks@ yahoo.com
Our ESL students are eager to meet with English speakers
Sign up ifipartners.org/groups
to improve their conversational skills and form friendships.
International Friendships (IFI) has opportunities for small
We ask for a one hour/week commitment with your student.
groups to help “reach the world” together including prayer,
Timing will be determined by you and your ESL student’s
preparing food for a Bible study, making welcome bags,
greeting new students, and hosting a used furniture sale.
Missions Care Team
Media Arts
Contact Dotty Christensen, dbchristensen77@gmail.com If you enjoy hospitality, encouraging others, hearing how God’s
Video, Audio & Lighting Support
working, or want to give gifts, time, energy, or money, then
Contact media.arts@vineyardcolumbus.org
get involved with missionary care. Use your creativity to help
We’re looking for passionate, quick–thinking people who
expand care to those we as a church send to the nations.
value quality to support the sights and sounds of the weekend
International Friendships (IFI)
service. If you love to use technology to help people encounter God, contact us to start making a difference in your church.
Contact Jon–David Hawks, 740.258.4042 or jondavidhawks@yahoo.com International Friendships (IFI) partners with Vineyard Columbus
Prison Ministries
to promote friendships and show hospitality to international
Help inmates grow into disciples of Christ. To join us serving
students at OSU.
those in prison, contact Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or
IFI English Conversation Partner or Friendship Partner
Art for Self-Awareness Instructor
Visit ifipartners.org/culture–cuisine–church–small–groups.pdf
Contact Ellice, Ellice@pathwaysWesterville.com
Become a conversation partner and help students practice
We are looking for women interested in teaching an art class
English, learn about American culture, and more. Individuals
in the women’s prison. There are two training classes being
and families can be friendship partners who meet with an
facilitated by Ellice Park. The training will be facilitated in the
international student or couple monthly for a meal or activity.
prison setting. Learn art techniques that assist us in opening
IFI Internship Program Contact Estera Pirosca, e.pirosca@ifiusa.org Visit ifipartners.org/interns.php#give (financial donations)
ourselves to God and others within the context of the prison environment. RSVP to Ellice to plan for supplies or if you need additional information.
industry, actuarial science, finance/accounting, statistical
Aunt Mary’s Storybook Project: Volunteers at Franklin County Jail
analysis, web design/media, and marketing.
3rd Mondays, 6–8pm
IFI would like to place interns (20 hours/week) in the chemical
Meals for IFI Friday Night Bible Studies Contact Tiria, exec_assistant@ifiusa.org IFI always needs people to help organize, prepare, and distribute food at our Friday night Bible study when students and volunteers share a meal together. Contact us if you or your small group are interested.
Contact Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org The Franklin County Jail staff want to offer the Aunt Mary’s Storybook program to all residents. Volunteers record parents reading a story to their children, then wrap and send a CD of the recording and the book to the children. We need both men and women volunteers to commit two hours every other month. We also need a volunteer to lead and coordinate the small group. Training is available.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
kevin gilmore
Women Serving Women: Prison Ministry Contact Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
r e c i p i e n t o f n a a awa r d
There are different ministry opportunities for women to serve at the Ohio Reformatory for Women and Franklin Medical
The National AfterSchool Association announced
Center – Zone A.
the 2017 Next Generation of Afterschool honorees. The honorees are “emerging professionals who
Franklin Medical Center Parenting Class Volunteers
are active in the afterschool community – young
Contact Deborah Scott, deborah.scott@vineyardcolumbus.org
We would like to offer parenting classes for pregnant moms
at the Franklin Medical Center, the prison hospital. We will
commitment to youth.” Representing the State
provide class materials and necessary training.
of Ohio is Kevin Gilmore, Director of LAUNCH
Men Serving Men: Prison Ministry
at Vineyard Community Center. He was selected
We minister to men during worship services at multiple
from 125 applications from all over the country.
facilities. Volunteer with worship, prayer team, or help at the service.
When asked, “What impact do you hope to make
Delaware County Jail: 1–2 Saturdays/month, 10–11:30am
through your work in afterschool?,” Kevin said the
Franklin County Jail: 3rd Saturdays, 8–10:30am Jackson Pike: 3rd Saturdays, 6:45–8:45pm
following: “I hope to impact the minds and hearts
Contact Scott Osborn, 740.244.6528 or
of the students, as they are our future leaders and
thescottrock@hotmail.com. Franklin County Jail: 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 8–10:30am
deserve true motivation and inspiration. My heart is
Contact John, 614.578.8371 or seymour1546@yahoo.com.
to help them love who they see in the mirror. I love the
Special Needs
thought that I ponder daily, ‘the created creates,’ and I want my students to k now that they are beautifully
Bridge Builders
and wonderfully named. Each one of them has worth
Contact christy2311@att.net (children/middle schoolers)
and they are unique individuals who bring positive
Contact deb.petermann@vineyardcolumbus.org (teens/adults) Befriend a child, teen, or adult with special needs who wants
change to this world. My heart and hope is that the
to be part of our church community.
time I am blessed to spend with them will impact
Body Builders Class (Special Needs)
each of them as individuals in a very special way.”
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact Deb, 614.259.5418 or deb.petermann@vineyardcolumbus.org Adults who are VC members are needed for our Middle School or Teens/Adults classes with special needs. Can you be kind, laugh, sit at a table, color, listen, pray, and sing worship songs? Join us twice a month.
Sensory Break Room/Buddy Connection Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus Contact Christy Smith, 614.374.4859 or christy2311@att.net Befriend a child who needs an extra hand getting used to church and children’s ministry. If their special needs interfere with learning Jesus loves them, maybe they can meet Jesus through your guidance and love. Become a mentor buddy in our nationally–known program called the Sensory Break Room. Serve on a rotation. 24
MARCH 2017
p. 31
Special Needs Intervention Support Team
Food Pantries
Sundays, 9am, Cooper Road Campus
Our Urban Ministry has two food pantries that serve the
Contact Deb, 614.259.5418 or
community of Columbus. For more info, contact Rhodie
Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org,
If you have training in behavior intervention, special education,
or visit vineyardcolumbus.org.
autism, and/or mental health support, consider being on call to help us create a safety net when the Special Needs ministry needs extra help.
Opportunities to Serve: • 5th Avenue Food Pantry 181 East 5th Avenue
Support for Life
Saturday, 8am–12pm
Become a Lay Counselor
so contact Rhodie. Carpool if possible, parking is limited.
Contact Debbie Johnson, 614.259.5289 or debra.johnson@vineyardcolumbus.org We're looking for leaders to meet with individuals on a short term basis to provide a listening ear, supportive encouragement, empowered prayer, and biblical guidance. If you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and
Small groups need to be scheduled to serve at the pantry,
• Northside Food Pantry 4664 Cleveland Avenue To serve, park along Chester Road to allow guest parking around the building. You can also help once a month to sort food at Vineyard Columbus. • Monday Night Service
freedom, you may wish to help others by providing similar
Mondays, 6pm
support on a one-on-one basis.
5th Avenue Food Pantry, 181 East 5th Avenue Contact Jenney, 614.259.5370 or
Become a Support for Life Group Leader
Next session begins Tuesday, April 11
Small groups can plan, prepare, and serve a meal (we can
Contact/Register rhonda.bates@vineyardcolumbus.org or
provide meal ideas).
614.259.5472 We are looking for leaders who can create groups that offer a safe environment for those who are struggling to experience the love of Jesus and the care of his community. If you've benefited from support and healing during a difficult life season or situation that has resulted in growth and freedom, you may wish to help others by leading a support or recovery group related to the same issue.
• Licensed Barbers and Cosmetologists Contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org We are looking for licensed barbers to offer free haircuts for 2–4 hours at our pantry locations on Saturday mornings and licensed cosmetologists to volunteer services at our Northside pantry. • Pantry Drivers & Helpers
Urban Ministry
Contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
Urban Ministry is a bridge between our church and the people
Drivers and helpers needed for MidOhio Food pick–up for
of Columbus. We feed the hungry, care for the sick, and bring
Northside pantry. Take a Budget rental truck to MidOhio
hope to prisoners and the homeless. For ways to volunteer,
Foodbank every other week. You pick the day and time.
visit bit.ly/servewithurbanministry or contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.org.
Need to be strong enough to unload. • Food Sorting Contact Jenney Rice, jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5370 If you have one or more hours during the week, please consider helping sort food donations for our pantries.
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Pantry Help Needed! Contact Rhodie Shreve, 614.259.5441 or
VC Students
We are in need of men to help deliver food from the Mid-Ohio
VC Students Small Groups & Weekend Services Leaders
Foodbank to our food pantries. Ability to drive a box truck (stick
Contact Shane Huey, shane.huey@vineyardcolumbus.org
shift) and forklift is helpful, but not necessary. Deliveries/Pick-
(VC High School)
ups are on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during the daytime
Contact Michael Doom, michael.doom@vineyardcolumbus.org
(depends on order). Approximate time commitment is 4 hours
(VC Middle School)
every other week. Please contact Rhodie if you can help!
Volunteer with VC Students in two special areas: Small Groups
Helping Hands Saturdays, 9am–12pm Contact Jenney Rice, jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org. Helping Hands is a ministry supported by men who serve
and Weekend Services. We’ll be sure to train you before leaving you alone with teenagers!
Vineyard Community Center
families in our community that need help with minor repairs
Artists Needed
and upkeep around their homes. These families are usually
Contact vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com
made up of single–parent homes, the elderly, or those who cannot afford to pay for the repairs on their own.
Homeless Backpack Program Contact Jenney Rice, jenney.rice@vineyardcolumbus.org. We are looking to fill 90 backpacks for men and women who are homeless in our community. We will accept donations for the following items: backpacks, thermal underwear (tops and bottoms in sizes L – 3X), winter gloves, hats, socks, sweatshirts, flashlights, all size batteries, personal care items, hand and feet warmers, and cards of encouragement. Please label donation packages with “Homeless Backpack Program”.
Visiting the Elderly Contact Chuck Fisher, 614.259.5403 or chuck.fisher@vineyardcolumbus.org (to learn more information before you go) • Heartland of Westerville
Contact Vineyard Columbus Artists if you are a member of the church and interested in teaching an arts or crafts class.
New Artists Small Group Contact vineyardcolumbusartists@gmail.com Come with ideas to share and plan a course of growth beginning with a book study. All artists are welcome. Send us an email if you're interested in being a part of this group.
Coaches and Referees Needed! Contact Jerome Smith, 614.259.5395 or jerome.smith@vineyardcolumbus.org. Help with our Vineyard Athletics/NFL Flag Football and Cheerleading league. Vineyard Athletics Youth Basketball and Cheerleading. We need coaches and referees for grades K–6.
Vineyard Free Health Clinics Volunteers Contact Carol Achmoody, 614.259.5512 or carol.achmoody@vineyardcolumbus.org
1060 Eastwind Drive
We need dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists,
2nd Saturdays, 12:30pm
pharmacists, and prayer team members (Meeting God 301
• Edgewood Manor
required for prayer team).
140 N. State Street 3rd Sundays, 10:30pm • Villa Angela
Volunteer with After–School Program or LAUNCH
5700 Karl Road
Monday–Friday, 3:30–6pm, August–May
4th Saturdays, 2pm
Contact Nikki Mills, nikki.mills@vineyardcolumbus.org
• Bryden Place
Volunteers can serve as classroom helpers, homework helpers,
1169 Bryden Road
reading buddies, and tutors with grade school, middle school,
Thursdays, 7:20–8:30pm
or high school students. A few hours a week can make a big difference in the life of a child.
MARCH 2017
One Child One Community Contact Anna Fullen, 614.259.5452 or
Vineyard Women
Vineyard Women Event Team
Serve by mentoring a student or adopting one of six Columbus
Contact Liz Ward, liz.ward@vineyardcolumbus.org
Schools in the Northland Area. Mentors meet monthly with a
We are looking for women who enjoy meeting people,
5th grade student during school lunch and go on monthly field
serving others, and offering hospitality to join our Event
trips or other activities. Mentor training is required. We are also
Team. Some of the ways you can help include promoting
looking for groups and individuals to serve by adopting one of
the event, administrative help, decorating, greeting,
the schools to volunteer at or provide donations on a regular
registration, and more. We have a great time serving
basis. For more info or to get involved, contact Anna Fullen.
together and would love to have you join us!
One Child One Community: Adopt a School
Worship Arts
Contact Abby Fahmi, 614.259.5467, abby.fahmi@vineyardcolumbus.org
Serve with Worship Arts
If your small group is looking for a place to serve together,
Contact danielle.evans@vineyardcolumbus.org
One Child One Community needs groups to partner with us to
The Worship Arts Ministry is looking for experienced
support Columbus schools. For more info on how your group
musicians (all instruments and vocalists) for all worship
can serve, contact Abby Fahmi.
teams. We are also looking for bilingual vocalists. Email
VineyardKids Kids’ Worship: Campus Volunteer Recruitment
Danielle for more information.
Other Opportunities
We are looking for teens and adults who would like to help lead
Baker’s Delight
kids in worship at our campuses. Each campus handles kids’
Contact Mia Byrne, 614.751.5083 or mtjondro@hotmail.com
worship differently and needs people who want to help the
We bake for the women’s shelter, single moms, children’s
little ones connect to God through the worship arts. No need
volunteers, women’s ministry events, nursing homes, and
to play an instrument! We offer training, provide all necessary
others. Great for friends, families, and small groups who
materials, and include you in a volunteer rotation.
are looking for outreach opportunities. Join us!
Worship Club Register vineyardcolumbus.org Cost $10 participation fee Contact Lilia.morales@vineyardcolumbus.org If you're currently in your school band or orchestra, then this is for YOU! Our March Worship Club focuses on worshipping with band and orchestra instruments, as well as other Worship Arts. We will play arrangements (with varying ability levels) of three modern worship songs, and work towards leading worship for KidzQuest and additional places outside the church.
Ohio Benefit Bank Counselors Needed Visit ohiobenefits.org
Guide clients through a user–friendly, web–based computer program to access public benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid, free tax filing, etc. If you are a church member, contact Rhodie Shreve, rhodie.shreve@vineyardcolumbus.
org or 614.259.5441 (for the 5th Avenue or Northside Food Pantries), or Maria Broeckel, maria.broeckel@ vineyardcolumbus.org or 614.259.5296 (for the Vineyard Community Center).
If you don't play a band or orchestra instrument but would like to participate, we will also have classes for: Voice, Dance, Keyboard, and Guitar (must have 2 years of lessons already), Percussion and Tech-Arts (we will be building a Rube Goldberg machine to use in Kidzquest for our lessons).
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Welcome Ministry Volunteer Opportunity Contact Adrienne Ash, adrienne.ash@vineyardcolumbus.org
Homeless Ministries Donations (Urban Ministries)
If you love to talk and make people feel welcome, then
Please donate men’s T–shirts (sizes L–3XL) and any size of
you should join the New Visitors Call Ministry! Each
men’s sweatshirts, socks, and jeans. Also, used/clean or new
Monday our team calls the visitors who turned in a
blankets and propane. Please mark and place donations in the
connect card or decision prayer card during one of the
Urban Ministry bins located near the church entrances.
weekend services. We make them feel welcomed and that we are excited they visited our church home. We give
One Child One Community: Donations
them information about ways they can get connected in
Contact Abby Fahmi, abby.fahmi@vineyardcolumbus.org.
our church and upcoming events they can attend. Most
We partner with six Columbus schools for mentoring and
importantly we want them to know that in our large
support. This month we are collecting donations for the
church, they were seen, and that they are important to us.
following: children’s hats and gloves, winter coats, pants,
You can make calls from your home or come to the church
socks, and underwear. Drop off donations in the One Child
and make your calls. Contact Adrienne Ash to learn more.
One Community bins at the Worship Center or Ministry Center
G I V E & D O N AT E
Online Giving & TEXT to Give
Aunt Mary’s Story Book Project: Donations (Prison Ministries)
Contact 614.259.5443 or
Contact Deborah Scott, 614.259.5348 or
You can make a one time offering or you can schedule regular
giving by visiting vineyardcolumbus.org/give. You can also
Our women’s prison ministry offers a program to incarcerated
TEXT your amount to 614.333.0330 and follow the prompts.
moms that enables them to record themselves reading a book
For more info, contact our Finance department.
to their children. We wrap the CD and book to send to the children. We accept donations of new infant and toddler board books. Drop off in bins at entrances and label “Aunt Mary’s.”
Automobile Donations
Pantry Donations (Urban Ministries) We always need personal care items like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Drop off in the metal bins by the Cooper Road Campus entrances.
Donate used cars to Vineyard Columbus to bless others in
Planned Giving
our congregation. We accept all kinds and conditions and
Contact Kent Irwin, 614.259.5505 or
provide a receipt for your tax purposes. If a car or small–to–
medium sized SUV is well–maintained, we check it over and
If you would like to discuss estate planning, contact Kent
provide it to a person or family. High mileage cars are O.K., as
long as vehicles have been maintained and are in fairly good condition. Other cars, not suitable due to condition or needing expensive repairs, will be sold, and the funds used for the car ministry. To donate a car, contact Mandi, 614.259.5384. If you’re a member of Vineyard Columbus and in need of a vehicle, call 614.259.5408.
Business Owners Contact Rita Itsell, ritsell@pdsplanning.com We are planning a new program for business owners looking to expand their knowledge in overall business management. Please continue to visit vineyardcolumbus.org/ financialministry. For more info, contact Rita Itsell.
MARCH 2017
Project Venezuela Contact Irene Casale, Irene.casale@vineyardcolumbus.org, 614.259.5254 There is a severe shortage of food, medicine, and other basic needs in Venezuela. We want to offer some relief to this country by sending some of these necessary items. There will be designated containers at the entrance of the church where you can donate items to ‘Project Venezuela’ for the next several months. These items will then be sent to Venezuelan churches that can distribute them to the populations in greatest need. Please consider participating in this demonstration of God’s love. Specific items needed: • Nonperishable foods: Rice, sugar, pasta, dry beans, corn flour, powdered milk, salt, peanut butter, ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. • Medicines: Tylenol/Motrin, antibiotics, allergy relief, and First Aid supplies. • Babies: Diapers, infant formula, baby food, and wipes. • Hygiene: Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, hair conditioner, toothbrush, and deodorant/antiperspirant.
Transitions Ministry Contact transitions@vineyardcolumbus.org Cooper Road Donation Drop–off: Ministry Center lobby
throughout the week. Campus Donation Drop–off: During weekend worship
services. Help us replenish our supplies for those in transition from homelessness. This month we are collecting pots and pans sets, new pillows, queen–sized sheet sets in package, and serving dishes.
Value Life Donations Contact transitions@vineyardcolumbus.org. Thank you so much for your generous donations of baby clothing. Because of your support, our closets are full! Now that winter is here, we are in need of crib blankets, receiving blankets, all size diapers, and Similac brand formulas. Drop off items in the Ministry Center lobby. There are bins marked “Value Life”. For more info on ways to serve, like Value Life on Facebook or visit vineyardcolumbus.org/ ministries/value–life.
p. 20
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
Stephanie Santino thinks of her life and her heart as a
“[I imagined] faces of people I loved looking at me with
house, because at age 12 she read a booklet called “My
detest… including God. I probably truly believed that
Heart, Christ’s Home.” The metaphor continues to be
God didn’t love me.” Breaking down that door required
a reminder for her that God’s love can be present in
strength that didn’t come from her. “[Looking back] I can
every area of her life… if she gives him access. But when
almost hear him on the other side,” she says, “Calling out
Stephanie survived a sexual assault at age 19 during her
and saying ‘You’re my daughter! I love you! I created you! I
freshman year in college, it took more than 20 years for
know everything that’s happened. There’s no secret!’” Still
her to admit it to herself, God, or anyone else.
crying, Stephanie goes on, “Even though I had marks, I had
She clarifies, “I was a Christian, went to church, was in
scabs on my face that didn’t heal right away… even with a
children’s ministry, and sang in the choir. I had a lot of
physical reminder, I thought it was hidden.”
Godly relationships in my life. But, there was absolutely
Three years ago, Stephanie stumbled across that hidden
a room I didn’t open. Not to God, not to myself, and I
room of her heart when her therapist asked her why she
didn’t open it to anyone who could’ve helped me. There
thought it bothered her so much when someone didn’t
was just so much shame. When I look at my heart at
like her. She blurted out, “Because I was raped!” She had
that point, instead of a door to the room there was a
never used that word before in her own mind, let alone
brick wall that said SHAME and boards across it that said
spoken it aloud. That was when the door started breaking
CONDEMNATION.” Stephanie’s eyes fill with tears, she
open. Stephanie describes it as equal parts pain and
twists a little blue foam cross in her hands and continues,
sweetness. “Once you open the door it’s like an episode of
MARCH 2017
Extreme Hoarders,” she explains as a chuckle replaces her
them I’m proud of them because they’re there and they’re
tears. “You’ve got to really start digging out.”
alive, and they did whatever they had to do to get out of
Stephanie participated in a weekly group called “Healed
the situation, and I know God’s sitting beside me saying
From The Inside Out” at Vineyard Columbus. They would
it at the same time. There’s nothing people can say that
physically pick up rocks and write words on them. They
will make me not love them. I believe they all deserve
would draw their shape on a wall and write down the lies
God’s love and I want to make sure that they know that.”
that have been spoken over them so they could deal with
Stephanie even has random people open up to her in
them one by one. “It was so visceral…and healthy…but
other places like airports. “They’ll say, ‘I never tell people
hard,” says Stephanie.
all this… I don’t know why I’m telling you,’” Stephanie
As a busy mom of two pre-teen girls and an executive in
explains. But she knows it’s because they are seeing Jesus
the fashion industry, Stephanie was busy, but satisfied in
in her.
many areas of her life. She says that helped get her to the
Stephanie credits the freedom of her “cleaned out room”
door. Being in small group, being in community, having
for helping her get well in other areas too. For example,
solid church relationships was key. “I learned that even
she stopped drinking soda. She stopped depending
when you’re mad, or even if you cuss, [people] still love
on television to fall asleep. Now she doesn’t always
you,” she explains. And that gave her hope that people
need noise around her because her mind is healthier.
would love her even if they knew her secret. Week after
Acquaintances have even wondered if something physical
week in the group, she contemplated who to tell outside the group and how. “Yet,” she says, “every time I shared it with someone, it felt like things were coming out of that
has changed. “One person asked me if I had botox!” Stephanie says, laughing. “I explained it’s not botox, it’s healing. So, it has definitely had an external impact.”
room and God was always there.” Stephanie explains that when you have garbage-filled rooms in your home you can’t fully enjoy your house. Similarly, if you have garbage-filled rooms in your heart— even tiny ones—full of things you are refusing to face, then you aren’t fully alive. “We can kid ourselves that we are living healthy and that we are living whole… it’s our Facebook existence. But we all have [an area] that’s not whole and we have to be able to identify the lies on the door that tell us to keep out. That’s not [the life] God has intended for us,” Stephanie insists. “I can’t believe the amount of healing and change that came from letting God in. And the grace for other people who are hurting.” Because of that grace, Stephanie now volunteers her time with SARNCO (Sexual Assault Response Network
There are practical things she does to stay emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Stephanie does hot yoga—she feels like she sweats out negative stuff. She is more intentional about sleep. She keeps a strict routine with her volunteering to be sure her trauma isn’t triggered—doing the same four shifts a month, wearing the same clothes, and taking them off immediately afterwards. She journals after every shift before she gets home, and she does recognize that she’s still in process. Sometimes she still finds a trunk in the “room” that needs to be cleaned out, or an attic, but she knows how to face it and do the work. Forgiveness is crucial. “Forgiveness is not accepting WHAT happened, but that it HAS happened,” she says.
of Central Ohio) to be with women who have just been
While life is far from perfect—Stephanie is weathering
assaulted. Stephanie serves as an anonymous but friendly
marriage issues and is transitioning out of her current job
support to walk through the physical and legal process
without knowing what’s next—she knows she’ll be okay.
of reporting the crime. “Every time I’m sitting with a
Smiling, Stephanie concludes, “I know who I am through
survivor, in that moment, saying to her ‘this is not your
Christ and that’s the most important thing.” She knows
fault’, I hear God saying it to me.” She continues, “I tell
what it feels like to be Fully Alive and it’s worth it. V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
MARCH 2017
p. 17
p. 13
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G
B O O K S TO R E 614.891.6440 M O N D AY Closed T U E S D AY 12-5pm W E D N E S D AY 12-5pm T H U R S D AY 12-5pm F R I D AY 12-5pm S AT U R D AY 5:30-8:15pm S U N D AY 8:45am-1:45pm Closed during services
MARCH 2017
V I N E YA R D C O L U M B U S . O R G