Undergraduate Architecture Thesis | APIED 2021 | We all have been to such places with enormous dynamic activities, huge
a crowd of people hustling all around, surrounded by the chaos of all sorts of
noises all together wrapped within this beautiful environment of colors
and smells called “ Market “. Every city has these markets which throw the
essence of the city. If we look in a way then these markets are a crucial part
of the city which somehow to people living within are neglecting or ignoring. I live in the central areas of Surat city, Whenever, I visited
these markets or any sort of market in Surat I grieved about the bad shape
they are in today. You could see the vendors selling vegetables outside of
public toilets, on roads around dirty mud puddles, vegetables, fruits being
dirty by the dust coming from vehicles on road, and even people selling
that and much more. It gives me a thought to address this issue which is seen not only in Surat but
majorly throughout the country.