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Indigenous Development
for the training package, while Everick Foundation in collaboration with WK, developed three lesson plans in line with the Grades 5 – 6 Queensland curriculum. Feedback from the school and students confirmed the presentation addressed the curriculum requirements, and was also interesting, educational and well received by the students.
Kestrel is committed to partnering with the Western Kangoulu people (WK) (as the registered native title claimants of the land on which we operate) and Indigenous peoples, to achieve meaningful, sustainable outcomes in heritage, land management and socioeconomic prosperity.
We take our responsibility to protect cultural heritage values and significant areas seriously. Beyond managing the cultural heritage values on the land, Kestrel is also working with the WK people to develop opportunities for Indigenous business and employment that align with our own business strategy.
Following the successful launch in 2021 of the Indigenous Development Program, WK have independently followed up opportunities with other business, government and community groups identified from the launch, while Kestrel has continued to work in partnership with WK to achieve real outcomes.
2022 Outcomes
Kestrel’s Procurement and Human Resources teams both met with WK representatives throughout 2022 in order to identify upcoming Kestrel opportunities that aligned with WK capabilities. These meetings helped to identify direct employment and/or contract opportunities that were provided to WK. Importantly, this process established ongoing contact between both parties, so that details of future opportunities and WK’s growing capabilities, can be exchanged and appropriate opportunities progressed.
In 2021, Kestrel committed to increasing the capacity of WK people through provision of mine site induction and supervisor training programs. In 2022, eleven WK people employed by the WK business Lumburra Bimbi Pty Ltd were put through generic mining industry Standard 11 training programs, followed by Kestrel site specific induction training. A smaller number of WK people were also provided with generic G1, G8 and G9 training packages, and passed through Kestrel’s site-specific Supervisor Induction program. Successfully completing the generic courses are the basis for job opportunities anywhere within the Queensland mining industry, while the Kestrel specific courses mean that these people are ready to commence work at Kestrel at any time.
On 4th August 2022, on National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, two representatives from WK presented a cultural heritage awareness session at the Emerald North Primary School. Kestrel provided funding
Kestrel, WK and the Everick Foundation entered into a collaborative project called the Regional Heritage Pilot Study. The broad objective of the project was to understand historic cultural landscapes using geological fingerprinting of artefacts, sources and places to Link their movements through the Landscape. Research partners included QUT (geological) and UQ (archaeological). The project aligned culture, geology and archaeology. The Pilot study was successful in identifying a range of connections across the landscape, however further studies were recommended to provide greater clarity. The additional stages of the work are being considered by the combined parties.
The Year Ahead
In 2023, Kestrel will:
Continue to expand opportunities for WK to participate in tender processes.
Continue to build WK capability through induction and training programs.
Ongoing utilisation of WK businesses for Heritage Management System (HMS) development, cultural awareness training, school cultural heritage presentations and training development – including a High School cultural heritage presentation program.
Work with WK to identify and assist with providing a base for WK business and development opportunities.

Kestrel is committed to excellence and continual improvement in environment and land performance, being a good neighbour by striving to minimise impacts for people and the planet. Kestrel recognises our responsibility in the shared values of land, water, habitats, ecosystems, people and the resources we interact with.
We operate in an ancient and shared landscape, and we respect heritage, connection to land, agriculture, biodiversity, livelihoods and environmental values in everything we do. We continuously strive to be responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us, and ensure our operation will create a positive and sustainable legacy.