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‘n’ Stuff

Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch

The NZ-built RA Vanguard

Buy the latest Octane to read the fascinating history of this car


Role Person Phone Email Partner

Patron: John Loudon 448 7192

Chairman: John Martin

445 0598 021 109 1309

Sheila Wendy

Vice Chairperson: Neil Webster

Immediate Past Chairman Vacant

Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John

Club Captain: John Gray 0274345621


Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry

John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn

Gary Fredrickson TBC TBC Maree

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne

Idle Torque BW; John Gray 0274345621


Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077 Glenda

Area Reps:

Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 TBC Sharron

Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy

Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene

Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

National Daffodil Day Coordinator: Beau Trevathan

Golden Times:

Alan Sutton 027 434 6018

Face book page TBC


There was discussion at theAGM about the need to attract new members, in particular, younger ones. To my mind these are really unicorns, as in, they are mythical beings that don’t really exist. Clearly, there will always be exceptions, but the norm has changed.

When we were young, cars were both expensive and hard to get. You had to make do. They were also unreliable and needed, by comparison with today’s cheap cars, lots of maintenance. How long since you have done a valve grind or even changed a spark plug on your modern car? Indeed, my son was telling me about a garage in Christchurch that no longer does overhauls like replacement head gaskets because the cost and risks associated with major works is too great. They are now a service centre and replacement part specialists of consumables.

I don’t see very many local young car enthusiasts working on their cars or polishing them and there probably are more of our members not undertaking a restoration project than are. (I am not counting projects in sheds that have not progressed.)

So, what is our value proposition we are bringing to the market to attract these unicorn members? I don’t see it.

It is not that we aren’t attracting new members, we are. However, they are mostly older, enjoy mutual interests and the company of like-minded people.

By the time you read this, Rose will be the new President for the Cromwell Rotary Club and, as a result, I have recently accompanied her to other service clubs as they change over their committees. Each club or organisation is different, but the linked theme is they want to improve the community. They each approach solutions in a different way and that justifies why they work so well separately. However, there are times when combining their skill sets and resources delivers better outcomes.

I think this is a concept we could build on and we should put more effort into building relationships with other car clubs and organisations. We would all benefit from sharing knowledge, experiences and activities. I would like to see our committee appoint a liaison person for doing just that. That would be their focus and they could regularly report on progress.

The second thing we should do is try and figure out what our inactive members want and how do we get them involved more than simply paying an annual account.

In my opinion, this will be more productive than trying to find gold at the end of the rainbow or unicorn-hunting.



No separate report this month. Refer AGM Minutes.


It has been a fair mission over the last two weeks, but we have finally established a full ‘Calendar of Events’ for the next year, with most of the dates having an event listed against them. I thank all the members who responded to my previous requests for ideas or suggestions to fill the gaps. This is much appreciated and makes my job so much easier.

However, I am still keen to get more leads on speakers for monthly meetings for next year. Any of you have a story to tell, regards a trip you have been on, your car/cars etc, your job or other things you have done. What may seem mundane to you will be highly interesting to others. Anything really. Also, destinations for any of the trip gaps for next year. All ideas appreciated.

Our first trip, last Thursday, to Welshtown, was undertaken in ‘warmish sunshine’ and there will be a report elsewhere in this magazine.

Upcoming Events and Instructions:

WEDNESDAY 10th JULY - CLUB NIGHT Organiser – John Gray

Member Mike Elliot will present an illustrated talk on his trip around ‘The North Coast 500’, the East, North and West coasts of Scotland. You will be very surprised by how isolated much of this road is, and I am personally looking forward to Mikes perspective of his trip.

SATURDAY 13th JULY - QUIZ NIGHT 2024 Organiser – John and Wendy Gray

Trying something new.The quiz night will be held at the clubrooms in Cromwell. Please be there by 7.00pm sharp, for team formation, briefing, ‘Joker’ round selection, for a start at 7.15.

We look forward to seeing you for a fun night out. No cost. Questions will be selected across a wide spectrum of topics with a few surprises that are tricky enough but fair, aren’t too difficult to answer, and will generate a few laughs. There will be eight rounds, with ten questions in each round.

Please RSVP with names by Thursday 11th July to enable organising teams.


• Teams will comprise of 4 people

• Couples shall be in different teams!!!!

• No electronic devices allowed (No Cheating)

• Each team shall select a ‘Name’ once formed

• Each team shall pre-select a topic as their ‘Joker’ round, which will earn ‘Double Points’

• Keep your voices down when answering questions so others can’t hear

• The Quiz Masters are always ‘right’ when giving out the answers.

Please reply to John and Wendy Gray with names by Thursday 11th July. We look forward to seeing you for a fun night out.

Text: Wendy 0272729137, or

Please bring your own drinks and nibbles and savoury or sweet finger food for a pot luck supper.


I have booked rink space at the new Alexandra Indoor Curling Rink. For those members coming from the north, meet outside the clubrooms at 11.00am, to leave 11.10 for Alexandra. Lunch will be at ‘Industry Lane Eatery’, 59 Russell Street, Alexandra, at 12.00 noon and we will move on, to be at the Curling rink at 1.15 to be ready to start at 1.30.

I have negotiated a discounted rate of $35 per person and full instruction will be given. Wear street-type sports shoes (without cleats), as we will be given non-slip soles to put on our shoes. Our playing time is around 1 ½ hours and should be a lot of fun. Wear a jacket, woolly hat and gloves, as it is on ice, after all.

We need to know potential numbers by Wednesday 10th July, if possible, to secure the correct number of lanes. You can also just come along to watch, so the more the merrier.

Numbers to: John Gray 0274345621,



Twenty-Four people enjoyed the pre-AGM pot luck dinner


27 June 2024

We left Wanaka at about 10:45 am in order to meet up with the others at the big Information sign on Loop Road, Bendigo. We arrived a few minutes early to find Graham Taylor already there and very shortly afterwards the rest of the group arrived from the Cromwell/Alexandra direction. After a chance for a natter and a few words from the Club Captain, John Gray, we all followed John up the hill to the car park at Welshtown.

This whole area is part of the Bendigo Historic Reserve, and the mining history goes back to the 1860s. From about 1862 to 1866 most of the mining here was in the creeks for alluvial gold, but later quartz reefs were discovered, and hard rock mining took over with the area being mined on and off for over 40 years. Once we were all gathered at the car park, most of us walked down a track to see the remnants of the old hotel and then, after a group photo, back to the carpark and our picnic lunch among the ruins of the old cottages at Welshtown.

The old hotel at Welshtown


cottage remains

The day had started off quite cool and overcast but the clouds cleared, the sun came out and we had our lunch looking at some of the most fantastic views that you could wish for.

Alf, Glenda and Gaynor. It really wasn't THAT cold, was it?

After lunch, we had a look around the old cottage remnants at Welshtown and then wandered down the path for about 500-600 meters to where the Matilda Battery had been. On the way we stopped to check out several old mine shafts, all covered with

grates to prevent us oldies from falling in. This area is virtually pitted all over with old mine shafts of varying sizes and depths and with remnants of old cottages and other structures used by the miners. You couldn’t help but admire the vast amount of rock and scree that those old miners had shifted by hand. It would have been an extremely hard life.

We then made our way back up the hill to the car park and then home. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and the weather turned out great. It had been 14 years since Lynne and I were last up there and the road was a vast improvement. There were about 20 people there, mostly in moderns but there were two club eligible vehicles, an early Toyota Landcruiser and a little Morrie Minor.


None notified this month

Group photo


1. Minutes of COVCC Annual General Meeting Clubrooms

Sunday 16 June 2024

Meeting began 2 00 pm.


Graham& Cheryl Taylor

Gary & Maree Frederickson, (Maree is a visitor)

Garry & Rose Grindley

Mel & John Wilson, Beau Trevathan

Colin & Lynley Cameron, ,

Murray George

Greg & Karelan Doran

(Garth Hogan and Murray Pryde (lunch only)


Ewen & Arlene Duthie

Dave Hawkins

Kathy & Hamish McKenzie

Roddy Maxwell

Bryan Anderson

Garth Hogan

Noel Hassed

Previous Minutes – June 2023

Mike & Liz Elliot

John & Wendy Gray

Glenda Guthrie and Alf O'Sullivan

Don & Lynn Yeaman

Neville Ridd

Wendy & John Martin

Tom Hedley

Judy & Alister Gough

Tony Van Gool

Gary Frederickson

Bert Turnbull

Gaynor Miller

John Gurney

Neil Webster

Murray Pryde

Bill Crooks

Correction: Word “controversially” with respect to Noel Hassad was a typo and should be changed.

Moved as true and correct – Graham Taylor / seconded by Lyn Yeaman

Matters Arising



1. Verification of Branch levies - $50/full member, $15/joint member.

Graham Taylor moved they should stay at this rate / Don Yeaman seconded.,

Chairman’s Report 2024

It gives me great pleasure to present to you my Chairman’s report for 2024

A very pleasing turn out of a wide range of vehicles attended our Daffodil Day last August with around 54 vehicles on site and a donation of $1100.00 going to the Cancer Society. We would love to see you all again this year.

Over the year we have had some excellent speakers at our Wednesday Club evenings, and my thanks go to John Wilson for organizing them.

John Wilson and his team also organised the Sunday and Thursday runs and myself and members thank them for the time and effort that they put into the great well-organized outings Sadly, I was unable to attend any of them because of work commitments but I was pleased to hear the very good feedback from those members who attended the events

Starting the Blossom Festival in Clyde was again a successful idea with a good number of vehicles in the main street starting the day with either a hearty breakfast or at least a coffee. Thank you Ewen, Brian and helpers for a well-organised Rally, run and prizegiving

I was also pleasantly surprised with the large attendance at our Christmas party lunch held on Sunday afternoon last year and Wendy and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. The pot luck food was amazing and enjoyed by everyone who attended. I look forward to this year’s Xmas lunch.

The combined Swap Meet with the Alpine Street Machine Club was another successful event. Both clubs did very well with gate takings, as well as quite a few parts found new homes from the sheds that also helped boost our account. It has now become our main fund raiser for the year so it’s obvious this needs to be an ongoing annual event for our club

A big thanks must go to Brian and the regular Wednesday morning team who turn up to sort the incoming parts and enjoy their informative coffee breaks

Newly installed veranda screens, fresh paint and new vinyl flooring have spruced the clubrooms up greatly along with the warming heat pumps

Lastly to my Committee it’s been great working with you all and I do appreciate all the work you have done leading the club forward into the future in good hear.

Financial Report

Financial report was circulated.

Mel moved that financial report be adopted / seconded by Graham Taylor subject to the following corrections:

• Funds from rallies should not be in both expenditure and income – just income.

• Heat pump costs are part of the building and so a fixed asset (not maintenance).

Corrected report follows:

Neville Ridd raised a question re the increased cost of insuring the buildings. Karelan Doran queried whether full insurance is the correct choice.

Graham Taylor explained that insurance needs to include allowance for any demolition costs. Also, the valuation of the buildings has increased significantly since 2019.

Also need to keep in mind that Vero returns money to the club for members insuring with them.

Action: The new committee will consider the options this in depth when the renewal comes up, including a higher excess or not for the full value.

Election of Office Bearers

Position Nomination Nominated by Seconded by Passed

Chairperson John Martin

Vice Chairperson Neil Webster

Graham Taylor

Graham Taylor

Secretary Graham Taylor Mel Wilson

Treasurer Mel Wilson

Club Captain John Gray

Editor Garry Grindley

Committee member Gary Fredrickson

Committee member Rose Grindley

Committee member John Wilson

Committee member Tony Van Gool

Property manager outside Ewen Duthie

Property Manager inside Alf O’Sullivan

Wendy Martin

John Wilson

Graham Taylor

Graham Taylor

Mel Wilson

John Gray

John Martin

John Martin

Graham Taylor

Beau Trevathan Yes

John Martin Yes

Tony Van Gool Yes

Wendy Gray Yes

John Martin Yes

Alf O’Sullivan Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Cheryl Taylor Yes

John Martin Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Lyn Yeaman Yes

Don Yeaman Yes

Parts Manager Bryan Anderson

Beaded Wheels


John Gray

Alf O’Sullivan

Area Rep -Wakatipu Bill Crooks

Area Rep -Alexandra Barry Walker

Area Rep - Wanaka Graham Taylor

Area Rep- Cromwell John Martin

Health & Safety Officer

Rally Convenor Daffodil Day

Rally Convenor –Golden Times

Rally Convenor –Blossom Festival


Gerry Spencer

Beau Trevathan

Alan Sutton

Ewen Duthie

Tony Van Gool

John Martin


John Martin

John Martin

John Martin

John Martin

Graham Taylor

Don Yeaman Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Don Yeaman Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Rose Grindley Yes

Mike Yes

John Wilson Lyn Yeaman Yes

John Martin

Wendy Martin

Mel Wilson Yes

Tony Van Gool Yes

Facebook page – Check that Bernice Hassad is happy to continue.

Next AGM: Sunday 15 June 2025

Meeting closed 2 57 pm


John Martin - Chair

Mel Wilson

Graham Taylor

John Wilson


Bert Turnbull

Neil Webster

2. Minutes of COVCC Committee Meeting


Sunday 16 June 2024

Meeting began 1.00 pm

Rose Grindley

Tony Van Gool

Garry Grindley

John Gray

Previous Minutes – 26 March 2024

Moved as true and correct - Graham / seconded by Mel

Matters Arising

1. Parts Shed – all materials purchased. Just need to install lights, vents, heater etc.


Graham has circulated all incoming correspondence. We have received confirmation that we can participate in the Blossom Festival parade.

Moved as accepted - Graham / seconded by Tony

Treasurers Report

Accounts circulated. Include:

• Lights, vents and heater for parts shed

• Badges

• Stamps

• Central Otago District Council

• Hot water cylinder

• Diesel for heater

Mel noted that there is still no template from National Office for the annual accounts. She has prepared them anyway.

Moved that monthly accounts be paid – Mel / seconded Tony

John Gray raised idea of using Zero for the accounts. Garry suggested maybe MYOB.


John and Garry to look at costs. We will come back to this at the next committee meeting.


We have 165 full members.

General Business

1. We need an organiser for Daffodil Day – August 25th. We will ask for volunteers.

2. Autumn Festival – In the past, funds have been donated to charity. There is no obvious charity this year, so we will leave the money in the club funds.

3. Hiring of clubrooms – These are available for hire. Action: next meeting look at charges.

Next meetings: Wednesday 19 June 2024 at 12.00 noon AND Wednesday 10 July 2024 pm.

Meeting closed 1 45 pm

3. Minutes of COVCC Special Meeting


Sunday 16 June 2024

Meeting began 3 10 pm.


Graham& Cheryl Taylor

Gary & Maree Frederickson, (Maree is a visitor)

Garry & Rose Grindley

Mel & John Wilson, Beau Trevathan

Colin & Lynley Cameron, , Murray George

Greg & Karelan Doran

Mike & Liz Elliot

John & Wendy Gray

Glenda Guthrie and Alf O'Sullivan

Don & Lynn Yeaman

Neville Ridd

Wendy & John Martin

Tom Hedley

Judy & Alister Gough

Tony Van Gool

Gary Frederickson


Ewen & Arlene Duthie

Dave Hawkins

Kathy & Hamish McKenzie

Roddy Maxwell

Bryan Anderson

Garth Hogan

Noel Hassed

Bert Turnbull

Gaynor Miller

John Gurney

Neil Webster

Murray Pryde

Bill Crooks

General Business – proposal to install a Hoist

John Gray gave a presentation (not available) and then discussion took place as follows:

• Garry Grindley - this would use up most of the Club’s equity.

• Greg Doran - Club members had this discussion 5 years ago. It nearly tore the club apart.

• John Wilson – Members are getting older, and it is harder for them to get under their cars. A hoist is a very appropriate piece of equipment for a car club to have.

• Karelan Doran – The Council would have to approve – it is their land.

• Greg Doran – A previous concern was that a hoist would benefit predominantly Cromwell members. This is unfair as it is a large amount of money.

• Graham Taylor – There are new people coming into the area. This would give the club more scope. We are all getting older and need to attract the younger generation.

• Alf O’Sullivan – Last time we discussed a hoist it became very caustic – this was terrible. At this time, there was a show of hands and only 4 members said they would use a hoist. You don’t need a hoist to do oil changes, etc.

• Greg Doran – is not “anti-hoist”. He has concerns over the past process. We need a very good business plan circulated to all members of the club. John’s presentation is a good start. We need to canvas who would use a hoist. Also, we need to consider liability if there were to be an accident. We would need to look into training. We need to consider these things beforehand.

• Mike – If the hoist was a total failure, we could always sell it.

• John Martin – Committee has work to do. We will put out a questionnaire and talk to the Council in the first instance.

• Karelan – asked if the Club has a 10-year plan. This sort of project needs to sit within that. ie - where is the club going to get new membership from?

• John Martin - we need to have a plan for if the Council move us off-site.

• Greg – suggested that we could consider a joint venture.

Meeting closed 4.10 pm


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Pretty full calendar. Thanks John. Note: subject to change but any changes to next month’s event will be e-mailed out

Date Event


Wednesday 10th July Club Night

Saturday 13th July Weekend Run

Thursday 25th July Thursday Muster


Wednesday 14th August Club Night

Sunday 18th August Weekend Run

Sunday 25th August Daffodil Day (Cancer Society Fund Raiser)

Thursday 29th August Thursday Muster


Wednesday 11th September Club Night

Sunday 15th September Weekend Run

Saturday 28th September Blossom Festival Rally

Organiser Detail (Refer to Puff N Stuff)

John Gray Talk by member Mike Elliot on his trip around Scotland on the NC 500.

John Gray Quiz Night, at Clubrooms, Saturday 7.00pm, Names and numbers to John Gray, by Thursday 11th July to enable organising teams, bring a plate for supper.

John Gray Curling at Alexandra Indoor Rink at 1.30pm, discounted, $35 p/p, preceded by cafe, or picnic lunch

John Gray Garth Hogan will talk about his illustrious career in NZ Drag Racing, before our weekend visit to his collection in Wanaka. John Martin will give us a report on the Nat. AGM.

Murray Pryde Visit to Garth Hogans Collection, Wanaka Picnic lunch

Beau Trevathan

Show and Shine, COVCC Clubrooms, Litany Street, Gates open 11.00am, Display 12.00 -2.00pm, Barbeque and Raffles, all proceeds to the Cancer Society.

John Gray/Neil Stevenson Visit to Roxburgh, Juice Factory at Coal Creek, Picnic Lunch opposite Jimmy’s Pies, Colin Robb’s Ford Collection.

John Gray

John Gray

Ewen Duthie

Three female members will display and talk about their fibre craft projects. Cheryl Taylor, Wendy Martin and Wendy Gray.

Thermette Picnic. Run to and picnic at John Creek Reserve, start of Timaru Creek Road, Hawea. Bring your thermette for a brew up.

COVCC Rally, start in Clyde. Entry forms and detail to come.


Wednesday 9th October Club Night

Thursday 11th –Sunday 13th October

John Gray John Martin will discuss timber bending, wood graining and other timber body frame skills.

VCC Christchurch Swap Meet VCC

Sunday 13th October Weekend Run

Thursday 31st October Thursday Muster


Wednesday 13th October Club Night

Sunday 17th November Weekend Run

Thursday 28th November Thursday Muster

We need an organiser?

Annual Christchurch Swap Meet at McLeans Island.

Lake Hayes Domain for a picnic lunch.

John Gray Proposed visit to Wanaka Collection, Picnic or Pub lunch

John Gray TBC /Talk by Santana Minerals re their proposed new mining project, at Bendigo?

Michael Wyatt/John Gray Glenorchy, Lake Sylvan and The Routeburn Shelter. Trip and picnic lunch.

John Gray 4 Wheel Drive trip to Santana Minerals new mine site. Thompsons Gorge Road, visit the Come-In-Time Battery, drive through to Matakanui, visit Tinkers Gully. Picnic lunch along the way. Return via Cromwell Gorge. 4WD vehicle required. From Clubrooms, Share vehicles.


Wednesday 4th or/11th December Club Night

Sunday 8th December Christmas Lunch

Thursday 12th December Thursday Muster


Thursday 30th January Thursday Muster


Wednesday 12th February Club Night

John Gray TBC

Committee/ John Martin

Club Christmas Lunch at the Clubrooms, meat supplied, bring your own drinks, a salad or desert. Presentation of Membership Awards.

John Gray Local Cromwell Run and picnic lunch at Bannockburn Inlet

John Gray

Clyde Sheds and garden picnic

John Gray TBC

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run

Thursday 27th February Thursday Muster


Wednesday 12th March Club Night

Sunday 16th March Weekend Run

Saturday 22nd –

Monday 24th March COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run


Wednesday 9th April Club Night

Sunday 13th April Weekend Run

Saturday 19th –Sunday 20th April Wheels at Wanaka

Thursday 24th April


Wednesday 14th May

John Gray Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, Picnic lunch and one other collection.

John Gray Visit to ‘Hook’ at Albert Town, catch your own salmon, have a picnic lunch or a pizza and coffee at the café.


John Gray

John Gray/ Committee


Visit to historic Gold Mining site with poppit head, at Oturehua, picnic lunch.

A three-day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins, visit Invercargill Museums, coastal towns. Return home Monday via Garden of Significance.

Murray Pryde Car and Machinery Show, attend and display your vehicle or Volunteer

Thursday 29th May


Wednesday 12th June Club Night

Sunday 16th June Annual General Meeting Graham Taylor AGM, to be proceeded by a Pot Luck Lunch at 11.30 am.

Thursday 26th June Thursday Muster

Event Organiser Detail


Wednesday 10th July Club Night

Saturday 13th July Weekend Run

Thursday 25th July Thursday Muster


Wednesday 14th August Club Night

Sunday 18th August Weekend Run

Sunday 25th August Daffodil Day (Cancer Society Fund Raiser)

Thursday 29th August Thursday Muster


Wednesday 11th September Club Night

Sunday 15th September Weekend Run

Saturday 28th September Blossom Festival Rally


Wednesday 9th October Club Night

Thursday 11th –

Sunday 13th October

John Gray Talk by member Mike Elliot on his trip around Scotland on the NC 500.

John Gray Quiz Night, at Clubrooms, Saturday 7.00pm, Names and numbers to John Gray, by Thursday 11th July to enable organising teams, bring a plate for supper.

John Gray Curling at Alexandra Indoor Rink at 1.30pm, discounted, $35 p/p, preceded by cafe, or picnic lunch

John Gray TBA

Murray Pryde Visit to Garth Hogans Collection, Wanaka Picnic lunch

Beau Trevathan Show and Shine, COVCC Clubrooms, Litany Street, Gates open 11.00am, Display 12.00 -2.00pm, Barbeque and Raffles, all proceeds to the Cancer Society.

John Gray/Neil Stevenson Visit to Roxburgh, Juice Factory at Coal Creek, Picnic Lunch opposite Jimmy’s Pies, Colin Robb’s Ford Collection.

John Gray TBA

John Gray Thermette Picnic. Run to and picnic at John Creek Reserve, start of Timaru Creek Road, Hawea. Bring your thermette for a brew up.

Ewen Duthie

COVCC Rally, Start in Clyde. Entry forms and detail to come.

John Gray TBA

VCC Christchurch Swap Meet VCC

Sunday 13th October Weekend Run

Thursday 31st October Thursday Muster


Annual Christchurch Swap Meet at McLeans Island.

We need an organiser Lake Hayes Domain for a picnic lunch.

John Gray Proposed visit to Wanaka Collection, Picnic or Pub lunch

Wednesday 13th October Club Night

Sunday 17th November Weekend Run

Thursday 28th November Thursday Muster


Wednesday 4th or/11th December Club Night

Sunday 8th December Christmas Lunch

Thursday 12th December Thursday Muster


Thursday 30th January Thursday Muster


Wednesday 12th February Club Night

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run

Thursday 27th February Thursday Muster


Wednesday 12th March Club Night

Sunday 16th March Weekend Run

Saturday 22nd –

Monday 24th March

John Gray TBC /Talk by Santana Minerals re their proposed new mining project, at Bendigo?

Michael Wyatt/John Gray

Glenorchy, Lake Sylvan and The Routeburn Shelter. Trip and picnic lunch.

John Gray 4 Wheel Drive trip to Santana Minerals new mine site. Thompsons Gorge Road, visit the Come-In-Time Battery, drive through to Matakanui, visit Tinkers Gully. Picnic lunch along the way. Return via Cromwell Gorge. 4WD vehicle required. From Clubrooms, Share vehicles.

John Gray TBC

Committee/ John Martin

Club Christmas Lunch at the Clubrooms, meat supplied, bring your own drinks, a salad or desert. Presentation of Membership Awards.

John Gray Local Cromwell Run and picnic lunch at Bannockburn Inlet

John Gray Clyde Sheds and garden picnic

COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run

John Gray TBC

John Gray Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, Picnic lunch and one other collection.

John Gray Visit to ‘Hook’ at Albert Town, catch your own salmon, have a picnic lunch or a Pizza and coffee at the café.

John Gray TBC

John Gray/ Committee

A three day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins, visit Invercargill Museums, Coastal towns. Return home Monday via Garden of Significance.


Wednesday 9th April

29th May


Wednesday 12th June Club Night


VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Date Event

Sunday August 24 2024

Organizer Detail

Daffodil day VCC

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka

To come

Celebrating 100 years Of Caterpillar


The Taylor 1982 Toyota HJ60! The A40 is spare parts for the Daniel /Jaiahn. A40 MK2 project

Landcruiser v Land Rovers

Our club secretary sent me an email this month about the virtues of the Cruiser v Land Rover

I cannot leave it unanswered

25 years ago, because Rose was having problems with back issues in our Toyota Hi lux 4wd so I brought a Discovery. Admittedly it was against my best judgement because my first car, a British Ford, soured me against all things British.

I thought I would keep it two years but ended up having it for 18. It was so good.

It wasn’t maintenance free, like most thoroughbreds, but it wasn’t bad either. When I retired, and my days of serious 4wding were behind me, so although I wanted a Range Rover, I thought I would be sensible and buy a Toyota Harrier to poke around with. Unfortunately, about 5 years ago a Range Rover Sport popped up on Trade me at a deal I couldn’t resist so I brought it.

Bit of a dilemma to justify to Rose, so I sold the Harrier. Arguably it was the answer, but we hadn’t bonded

The Sport has been great to date, and with probably Ford influence, the mechanicals has been very good reliability wise. It is my go-to vehicle.

However, getting to the point the Land Rovers are remarkable luxury 4wds. For almost 25 years and only two vehicles they have served us well. And Graham, the secret to Land Rover V8’s not over heating is simply

• Correct antifreeze

• Radiators not clogged with aluminium from using the wrong antifreeze

• Using genuine viscous fans

If you want a tow truck buy a Cruiser. Rose would still like me to buy another Discovery. Our one ended up with a Detroit locker in the back and a LSD in the front and it would eat full sized Cruisers for breakfast off road and would deliver us home like royalty. Not as nice on road with the diff modifications. However it is still in the family after almost 25 years

Compliments to the Property Team,

We attended the annual Rotary Changeover meeting last night at the clubrooms. There was much praise from those attending as to the look, feel and comfort of the rooms. The caterer and others commented on the cleanliness of the toilets and the kitchen compared to other venues in town so “Well done team”.


Hi Garry,

The carburettor, is it a The Wheeler - Schebler , Brass - Bronze , and is the owner John Martin for his. Studebaker Regards

Murray. Pryde

Close but not right, see last issue


Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event and I enjoy it when others help with contributions, like they did this month.This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.

For Sale

Four Yokohama A001 tyres. Never been fitted to rims. Bought for a project that didn’t happen. Stored in the dark in a cool place.

Contact Garry Grindley 021 279 5064


Small section of 3/8” steel rod, approx. 9.5mm dia, min 200mm long. For restoration of 1927 visible Petrol pump. John Gray 0274345621,

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has for sale a 1953 MG Magnette

This would be an ideal project for an enthusiastic person looking for a classic car.

It appears that all the parts are there and a previous owner had started by removing the front fenders and other parts and has worked on the front right guard. The radiator is wrapped in polystyrene and appears to have been reconditioned. There is some rust around the wheel arches on the rear guards and some along the bottom of some of the doors which one would expect in a vehicle that is 70 years old.

The engine turns over on the crank handle and the vehicle rolls freely on its own wheels. This car would be a great starting point for restoration and at an asking price of $2000 ono it should enable someone to own a Club eligible car. The registration is likely to have expired and the vehicle is “ sold as is where is” the car is stored indoors as it would have been for most of its life and can be viewed at the Vintage Car Club in Cromwell, Central Otago by contacting Bryan Anderson 021 2049390 or John Martin 021 1091309.

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)

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