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‘n’ Stuff

Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch

Surely the ugliest vehicle made. The Tesla Cybertruck

1 June 2024 Issue 402


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Date Event Organizer Detail

Sunday run 9th June 2024

Gordon Duthie Lawrence Car and Tractor Collection just off main road, Gabriel's Gully

Sunday 16th June 2024 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

John Wilson

Let John Wilson know if you are interested. ASAP

• Morning tea at Roxburgh, 103 The Store, 9.30, am

• Lunch 12.00 pm Lawrence, Coach and Horses Hotel A charge of $5.00pp

Also adjacent is the Bell View Gardens and Wetlands for those who feel like a wander.

Graham Taylor Beginning 2 PM

Note: All welcome to a pot luck lunch from 11:30 am.


We have the following new members:

• Colin & Lynley Cameron transferring from Invercargill

• Simon Manning from Auckland

• Brian Mitchell from Queenstown. Welcome to you all!



Well, it has been a tricky month. Fairly serious spinal surgery lateApril with work being undertaken on 7 vertebrae meant my mobility has been fairly compromised and made any time on the computer a tad uncomfortable. Ability to drive has been limited and even as a passenger I found an increased interest in anticipating judder bars However, the good news is that early indications are the operation has been more successful than was expected and the stay in hospital post-op was much shorter than anticipated

I have been grateful for the people sticking their hands up and submitting articles and photos. This has meant a full magazine. There is a little bit of repetition, but I thought it was better that than trying to edit it out and reduce the quality of contributions Besides, Rose tells me most blokes, and especially me, need to be told things more than once

I included an article on the Otago Rally previously published on the Pre-‘78 Classic Racing Saloons web page. The Otago Rally is arguably the most important annual South Island motorsport event and the fact it incorporates a classic event within the main event should be of interest to our members. As far as classic rallies go, the organisers claim with some pride that it is the best in the Southern Hemisphere Give yourself a treat and go and watch the Kuri Bush stage next year or at least look on YouTube

Rose and I competed in this event more than thirty years ago. 0 kms into the first stage my overalls were soaking in sweat. We were in a Bridgeport 12a Rotary-powered Datsun 1200. At full noise it would drain the 7 gallon fuel tank in about 50kms We ran out of petrol as we crossed the finish of one stage. I think it cost us $1000 for the day and that was serious money back then I only did 3 rallies because of the cost but Rose navigated on more. She always reckoned it was good training growing up in a rural area where boyfriends invariably drove utes sideways!

The afterparties were something else. You either drank to celebrate finishing or drowned your sorrows. Didn’t matter, and as you were pretty dehydrated from the day it got pretty noisy, pretty messy, pretty quickly.

Good times




Role Person Phone Email Partner

Patron: John Loudon 448 7192

Chairman: John Martin

Vice Chairperson: Vacant

445 0598 021 109 1309

Sheila Wendy

Immediate Past Chairman Noel Hassed 3908 Bernice

Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John

Club Captain: John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel

Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry

Bert Turnbull 027 434 2339 Bert.turrnbull1940 Jenny

Neil Webster

Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn

John Gray 0274345621 Wendy

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.


Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda

Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne

Idle Torque BW; Don Yeaman 443 2730 id Lynne

Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077

Area Reps:


Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 Sharron

Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598


Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene

Bryan Anderson

National Daffodil Day CoOrdinator: Vacant

Golden Times: Alan Sutton 027 434 6018

Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill



Another very well run and successful Autumn Festival rally. A brilliant display of vehicles down the main street in the morning was a site to behold along with a lot of spectators. A big thank you must go to all those members who attended, to make the day what it was. I do hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.

Allan and your team, well done on an excellent Rally and a very informative prize giving to complete the day. I do think that it has sealed the nominations for you to run next year’s event. Thank you.

Photo by Michael Wyatt
Alec and Deborah Beange dressed in the era of their car, 1973. Photo Michael Wyatt

Those members who attended the last meeting will by now have organised their emergency supply kit to last your family up to 3 weeks, as the guest speaker advised us to. I happened to be in a trailer-building workshop where they were building an 8 x4 Box trailer for a client to use for a large emergency storage kit

Sadly my 1913 Studebaker didn’t make this year’s Autumn Festival as I had set it as one of my goals for completion ready for the road. Oh well will try for Septembers Blossom Festival. It’s good to have goals ahead of you even if some are not readily achievable. I’m currently working on the electrics, hood and bows, as well as a few bits and pieces to finish off including an oil, grease and water, then WOF

OurAGM will be on Sunday 16th June starting with a pot luck lunch from 11.00am and then the AGM starting at 2.00pm. Hope you can attend. Some of the positions that require members to take a roll in are:


1. Vice chairperson,

2. Committee x2,

3. Parts helpers,

4. Idle Torque column in the Beaded Wheels,

5. National Daffodil Day Co-Ordinator’s x2

6. Helpers on both the Blossom Festival and Autumn Festival

I always maintain many hands make light work. Please put your name forward if you can help

I went to Frankton to view the classic boat event last month where some awesome wooden boats were on show. Greg took me and Brian for a spin on the lake and I was hooked.

June’s Wednesday Club meeting on the 12th will not be held as the AGM will take its place on Sunday the 16th .

See you at the AGM.

Cheers for now,

John Martin



I have been working through some VIC’s - checked out a very nice ’58 BSA500 locally in Luggate.

The track laps at Highlands were fun - my Son Daniel and Grandson Jaiahn took the 1982 BJ 42 Landcruiser and had a ball.

Ray Anderson, a new member, called in on the way home for a few days, and will be entering the family car from new, a 1961 Pontiac.

Another member, Rodger Smith, is finding out how trying it is to deal with the certification people, and to obtain certification for his vintage Pontiac hot rod.

The difficulty in getting bookings for WOF’s is making the clubs efforts in approaching the LTSA for annual WOF’s simply sensible.

Best laid plans of mice and men, the excitement must have been too much, had a bad night so decided to pull the pin on Arrowtown and Bert had problems with his throttle sticking, not a good look on the Crown Range.

I note Chairman John Martin’s comment re viewing the classic boats - there are a few stored in hangars at the Wanaka Airfield and they are quite beautiful, especially the veneer finishes.



This is a formal reminder of the Annual General Meeting of the Central Otago Branch NZ Vintage Car Club Inc.

As we did successfully last year, we will meet at the Clubrooms at 11:30am for a pot luck lunch (tea and coffee supplied).

All members welcome, the Clubrooms are inviting with new décor, and the heat pumps mean a pleasant temperature.

This has been achieved with an active committee, which I am proud to have been associated with.

Graham Taylor, Secretary


Date: Sunday 16th June, 2pm, at the clubrooms Litany St Cromwell.


• Approval of the previous Minutes 2023

• Correspondence

• Chairman’s report

• Financial report

• Club Captains report

• Election of Officers

• General business

- discussion re-installation of hoist and options



At 1 pm Sunday 16th June, there will be a management committee meeting to formalise the meeting held by phone and e-mail due to inability to have a meeting Quorum 21 -05-24

Which was to:

1/ Approve payments for lights, vents, and heater (tunnel barn)

2/ Preparation of annual accounts (awaiting new format from National office)

3/ Receipt of membership list (165 full members up from 147 last year)

4/Branch levies for the new year 2024-25

5/ Payment of lease 2022-23 147 full members $ 1492.05

6/ Payment of badges $122.45



The Otago Rally is based around Dunedin, and was the first round of the 2024 Brian Green Property Group New Zealand Rally Championship.This component of the event features New Zealand’s leading competitors in modern, state-of-the-art 4WD turbo rally cars, including the exciting AP4 and R5 rally cars.

The event also incorporates the International Classic Otago Rally, for pre-1982, 2WD cars. This event has grown in leaps and bounds since its inception in 1997, to the point where it is the leading event of its type in the Southern Hemisphere. This is an event not to be missed and the classic rally cars should be of real interest to readers of this mag. Every year it attracts entrants and spectators from around the world and always features a past rally champion.

With the kind permission of Wayne Perkins, the Organiser of the Pre-‘78 Classic Saloons race series, I have copied Bruce Farley’s report on his experience of this years classic rally. I first read this on the Pre 78 Facebook page It was too good not to share and really captures the essence of the event

Phew. That was an adventure!

The Otago Rally is like Targa on gravel, Even the two days of recce / note checking was hard core. 5.30am starts to be out the back of nowhere by 6:45. Ten-hour day / 550km Thursday. Eight hours Friday. No breaks. Raining hard. My first ever recce! First ever use of Allport notes. In Targa we get stage videos and different notes.

It's an incredible rally. FAST!! And brows! OMG! Blind flat brows. Corners on brows. Corners just over brows. It's for the brave and was baptism by fire.

I just wanted to dial self and car in slowly which was fine till stage 4 then the car sick thing hit. Blew me away. Wasn't going to stop so had no choice but to let rip !! EVERYWHERE. What a bloody mess.. Poor Glen. He just kept reading the notes. Didn't miss a beat. And poor Gary - he had to clean it up ! Medication after the fact didn't work so to get back in the stinky car for 5 more stages was toughest thing I've done for a while ' I felt terrible and could last a few K's then ......

I Caught and passed theAvenger V8 in 43km Berwick stage with a rag over my mouth. Worst one was Waipouri Gorge. Vomited whole way. Stuck it in third -listened to Glen


- drove one handed while filling up an ambulance sick bag. When I glanced down to check capacity I saw my helmet mike in the bag stirring the mix!! When bag was full, I threw it out the window. OK Enough graphics.

Sunday with sleep. medication. and Gary removed the big windscreen banner which gave much better vision. We started to get a handle on the car and post some quicker times. We had one little off on the last stage right in front of the big crowd and TV camera! This is a very class field and before the start I though a top 15 would be pretty good so to claw back to 14th overall after Saturday’s disaster is pretty satisfying. We finished one place behind Allan and Paul in the lovely Porsche.

Scott O'Donnell in his RX3 deserves a medal' No notes. No recce. Attacking the 100's of brows at speed blind to come home 20th is a brave effort.

Kris Meeke. All class. Incredible. Professional

That's it. Another Farley rave. Probably too long. I'm in Haast now with my 15-year-old grandson Ryder who is having a grandad adventure. Checking out the Fox River Bach tonight then on the ferry to Taupo V8 Supercars early Thursday and then some chill time at the Kakahi land. And then .......... back to work to pay all the bills!

I'm thinking of starting a Give a Little fund to do the Silver Fern in November ! Just joking. But it's certainly on my bucket list and this little car is strong. Gary has done a great job rebuilding much of it.



Story and Photos – John Gray

As part of the annual Festival of Speed race car meeting held at Highlands Park from the 5th – 7th April 2024, the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand were offered a racing class at this event. Competitive speed racing events, covering the VCC classes of vehicles, seems to be a rare occasion these days, compared to the wide range of speed events that were organised by most branches when I first joined the VCC, back in the mid 1970s.

At that time, regular speed events included hill climbs on both gravel and sealed roads, standing ¼ mile and flying ¼ mile events, gymkhanas, as well as closed road and track races. It was therefore great to see the VCC class vehicles on the track at Highlands, where I am a regular volunteer track marshal. Other classes racing at this meeting included Historic Tourings, mostly of the ‘Group A’ and ‘Group C’ class as raced at Bathurst and the Wellington Street Races in the 1980s/90s, such as the Dick Johnson Sierra, Whittaker’s Sierra, Paul Radisich Mondeo, Zackspeed BMW’s, Jaguar XJs etc, and the real deal were all there, many of which are worth north of a million bucks each.

‘Mainland Muscle cars’ of the 70s and early 80s era were also well represented with a field of around 22 cars, along with ‘Modern Classics’ and ‘Nostalgic Classics’ classes. This meeting also served as Round 3 of the ‘Sprint Series’, which together are divided into 4 classes. This series, which runs as 4 rounds over the 6 months racing season, is for the keen amateur racer who turns up with whatever they have, from 850HP Falcons and Holdens, fast Porsches, down to Toyota 86s, Mini Coopers and Datsun 1200s, Corollas, etc. The classes are determined by practice and actual race times, with points gained over the 4-race series. The ‘Sprint Series’ cars race on the reduced track length of sections B and C only, whereas all other classes raced on the full track which includes the ‘Bus Stop’ and the large ‘Southern Loop’, which is referred to as track section A. The track layout has been cleverly designed to enable both track layouts to be raced at the same meeting in consecutive races, with no delays.


Mark Barrett (Lotus 23) leads Sam Smith (Lycoming) from David Owen (Jag C Type) and Tracey Barrett (Lotus 23).

Friday 5thApril was practice and qualifying for all classes, with two sessions of practice and one session of qualifying for each class spread across the 7-hour track day. Saturday and Sunday were race days, with the VCC class cars getting two races each day, the same as all other classes. The VCC class was represented by a wide range of club cars, numbering around 16. The entries varied from a series of very historic, period single-seater New Zealand-designed and built specials, such as ‘The Lycoming Special’ raced by Bruce McLaren in his early days, ‘The Citroen Special’originally built by Hec Green from Light 15 mechanicals (and potentially one of the first post war rear engine race cars throughout the world), ‘The Spangeralli’, Holden engine special, and several others. Other entries included Paul Coghill’s 2.4lt XK Jaguar special, a couple of late 50s Mistrals, Lotus Elite, a very smart looking Jaguar ‘C’ Type replica and Colin Hays’ late 50s Wolseley 1500 saloon.


Local member Richard Tyree (Lotus 23c) and Royce Bayer (Bello RNB1)

Abrace of three, very well-presented, Lotus 23 replica sports cars, built by Barry Leitch from Invercargill put on a great show, two of which were entered by husband-and-wife team of Mark and Tracey Barrett. The other was entered by new branch member Richard Tyree, which I understand was only finished the day before the event, and had a few initial teething problems, as one would expect of a fresh build, straight on to the track.

The other local branch member out for a ‘fix of adrenalin’ was Chris Read of Arrowtown, in his historic single seater ‘BCM Special’, which he has owned and raced for around 30 years and performed well over the weekend.

Under Motorsport New Zealand rules, the VCC class races are run independent of the rest of the meeting classes. At the start of each VCC class race, the MSNZ ‘Clerk of the Course’ steps back in the control room, and a VCC NZ appointed ‘Clerk of the Course’ steps in for the VCC race duration. For this meeting the VCC COTC was our own Branch member, Murray George, who is in charge for making decisions for the duration of the race. Scrutineering of the VCC class cars, was also undertaken by local branch members Graham Taylor and Greg Doran. All did an admirable job, enabling the VCC club members to get their cars out onto the track and have some fun. Thank you for your input, guys, which enables these speed events to still happen.


As is usual in the VCC class these days, where everyone is lumped together, certain cars are more competitive than others, therefore the spoils at the top of the field are usually shared between just a few cars. Paul Coghill from Dunedin in the Jaguar Special won two races and was second in two. Mark Barrett in the Lotus 23b replica also had two wins and two seconds. Sam Smith of Dunedin, in the Lycoming Special, had two thirds, one forth and one fifth, while Tracey Barrett, in the other Lotus 23b replica, had one third and three fourths. David Owen had a single third place with the immaculately presented Jag C Type replica and driver. I understand a very good weekend was had by all the VCC racers with, to my observations, a great spirit of sportsmanship and comradery shown by all.

Don Gerrard (Mistral) leads Ethan Kemp (Citroen Special) from Christopher Read (Mistral) Kevin Stevenson (Shadetree Special MK1)


24TH APRIL,2024

Story and Photos – John Gray

It was with much anticipation that we waited to participe in our first Central Otago Branch ‘GoldenTimes’Rally, which is held each year as part of the “ArrowtownAutumn Festival”. Being new members of the branch, and coming from Marlborough, we had heard a lot about this event, but had never had the opportunity to participate.

We had been joined for the rally by good friends, Wayne and Deneise Henderson, from Dunedin, who had come up to stay with us, in their 1938 MG TA sports car. The morning of the event dawned fine and clear, and we left Cromwell before 7.30am on route to the start in Arrowtown, before collecting friends; (and prospective new members) near Bannockburn who would ride with us in our 1968 MK 2 Jaguar. We arrived in Arrowtown, around 8.30 am and were instructed to form up on opposite sides of the main street, respectively divided into pre and post war vehicle groups. It wasn’t long before we were joined by an incredibly varied range of club eligible vehicles numbering around 50, with the lone motorcycle, also being the oldest entry; that of Andrew Roxburgh from Dunedin; on his 1910 Triumph.

Early Morning Assembly in Arrowtown

There were a good range of other Veterans, including a couple of Ford Ts from Gore, another from Southland, along with a very nice 1917 Cadillac and the local 1912 Fiat of John Taylor. The Vintage era was also well represented, with the usual brace of Ford Model As, along with the attractive little David Palmer Bull Nose Morris, the Martins’ in their polished bodied Alvis, the impressive Duncan Packard, Philip Boults’ Studebaker, the Roy Turner Bentley and the Ross’s all the way from Ashburton, in their much travelled Chrysler.

The Post Vintage class was also well represented, from the small to the very large. The small, was the 1938 Henderson MG TA from Dunedin, while the large was the 1938 V12 Lincoln, of Trev and Rayner Toshach. The in-between was represented by the very attractive 1934 Ford V8 Roadster of Kylie Duncan of Wanaka and a couple of Chevs and a Buick.

From Stateside, the Post War cars included the 57 Chev Belair of Lynette Duncan and the 57 Ford T-Bird of Sarah Pollard, while the Brits were represented by the Duthie’s 55 Austin, McDonald’s 54 Triumph, Bill Sheddan’s 56 Sunbeam Talbot and Neil Begg’s 54 MG TF roadster.

A very wide range of cars covered the 60s, 70s and 80s period, from a brace of Mustangs and Falcons, through to the exquisite 1968 Maserati Ghibli of Michael Wyatt of Queenstown. Others included Alex and Deb Benge in their 73 Corvette, a couple of Triumphs, a Morris and an Austin and Burt Turnbull in his 73 Rover.

Arrowtown’s Main Street

There was plenty of time to look over the vehicles and catch up with old friends in the main street of Arrowtown amidst the growing throng of the public who had also appeared to view the display. We also enjoyed a cup of tea or coffee with yummy eats provided by the committee, until event organiser Alan Sutton called the briefing soon after 10am, with the first car away soon after.


By this time of the morning, the streets surrounding the centre of Arrowtown were chocka with parked cars of Festival goers, and pedestrians, and progress away from the main street was slow, owing to the overall congestion and the somewhat inconsiderate driving and parking of certain members of the public. Once clear of the general mayhem, we headed east towards Lake Hayes, a left turn took us through rolling country back towards Arrowtown and then through a very attractively designed elder citizens village where many of the residents were sitting out on their decks with their morning refreshments to watch us drive through.

The next detour was through the very picturesque Millbrook Resort and Golf Course, with its many speed humps that, despite slow speed, lead to exhaust pipe damage to the very low level of the twin exhaust headers on our MK2 Jag, which wasn’t helped by the fact we were traveling 4 up. Oh well, another repair coming up, until I can get the car to a specialist exhaust repairer for a permanent solution.

Rallyist enjoying the Thurlby Domain

To-ing and fro-ing through the Dalefield area took us into Thurlby Domain, the Old Hallenstein property, where the Mainland Cheese ad was made, where we stopped amongst the stone building remains and the deciduous trees in their full autumn colours, for photographs and a chat to other participants. The location and surroundings were awe inspiring and a real treat to behold.

Exiting this site and taking a right turn took us back to the Arrowtown-Queenstown Road, where a left turn had us traveling towards Queenstown. A further left into the undulating Little’s Road, and a few miles later we turned into our lunch stop at John and Glenys Taylor’s delightful property, where the picnic chairs came out and the rallyists divided into familial groups to have a chat and consume their lunches in


these most pleasant surroundings and autumn sunshine. There was also plenty of time to inspect John’s superb car collection shed and associated automotive ephemera.

At the start briefing, we had been informed by Alan Sutton that at our lunch stop there would be a “Hard Quiz”, involving a display board, on which there were nine items which needed to be identified and that our answers would be recorded on a form which was in our rally pack.

The collective brains trust of the rallyists congregated around the said board and inspected the displayed collection of inanimate objects of mechanical idiom with wonderment and some degree of expert knowledge of derivation, source or nature. I immensely enjoyed the chit chat from the assembled throng as to the potential identity of this amazingly diverse range of objects.

Well done Alan, to assemble this range of objects, of which around three or four provided divisive opinion and two of these complete conjecture, which lead to some amusing suggestions. This very refreshing and entertaining process provided the only competition of the day, which was a delightful change from the usual timed sections or field tests.

The Hard Quiz Board Boiling the Billy

Picnicking in the Autumn sun

Following the lunch stop, we proceeded back to central Arrowtown, via Speargrass Flat Road and the Lake Hayes-Arrowtown Road, where reserved parking was provided for us in the Butlers Park Reserve below the main street, in front of Dudley’s Cottage and the Chinese Village, and where the vehicles were further available for viewing by the public. This was a great location and a fantastic spot to park, and a surprise to us as first-time participants. From there we were able to have a quick look around the market stalls and then proceed up to the main street to await the traditional mid-afternoon street parade.

The parade was also well organised, with a good variety of floats, community groups and around a dozen of our fellow rallyists entered, and was enjoyed by the considerable assembled crowd.

Around 3.00pm, the prizegiving was held in the Butlers Park Reserve where our cars were parked, where Alan Sutton, immaculately attired, presented all the entrants with their plaque, which was mounted on a piece of Arrow River stone - a nice touch. The winners of the main competition “The Hard Quiz”, identifying the inanimate objects displayed on the board, were Ewen and Arlene Duthie, with John Heineman highly commended.

Alan also announced a range of other awards for ‘People’s Choice’ and the selected ‘Best of Show’ for the various categories, with some excellent prizes awarded to the recipients.

Overall, I was very impressed with this rally. The organisation by Alan was superb. The format very relaxed, the motoring very enjoyable; not too long; and within a reasonably compact area. Entry numbers were restricted to around 50, which in my


opinion, was large enough to have a great variety of vehicles, but not too large that it stretches the events logistical management.

The stops were well selected; offered peripheral interest in addition to the main event; and allowed plenty of time to look around and talk to other entrants. We also enjoyed the lack of competitive driving tests, as these seem to have become somewhat of a farce at some classic car events we have been to over recent years. We look forward to next year’s event with positive anticipation.

Waiting at Butlers Park for the Prize Giving


Sorry, I apologise but I have no idea where I got these photos from but they reminded me so much of our holidays as a kid at Frankton that I had to share….


These U-drive boats were available to rent as a kid. I vaguely remember being really annoyed one year when I was deemed too young to rent one when was allowed to the year before.

This was really state of the art at the time. Don’t think we could afford a ride but so cool.




Photos courtesy of Highland’s webpage



To be held at the Clubrooms Litany Street Cromwell

On Sunday 16th June 2024

Beginning 2 PM

Note: All welcome to a pot luck lunch from 11:30 am





Minutes of previous AGM

Matters Arising Correspondence

- Chairpersons Report

- Financial Reports

- Any others

- Election of Committee

- Appointment of Non-Committee positions

- Notices of motion

- General Business

- Meeting closed

Followed by general discussion of club matters.



Nominations are invited for all positions on the committee for the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 16th of June.

These should be forwarded to the Secretary, Graham Taylor.



VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Date Event

Sunday August 24 2024

Organizer Detail

Daffodil day VCC

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka

To come

Celebrating 100 years Of Caterpillar



Quiz for last month

What is it? It is a Koala carburettor owned by Neil Stevenson. There were no answers even close

Thanks Neil.




On Sunday 25 August the Daffodil Rally for Cancer is happening. From Kaitaia, to Bluff, the yellow flower we are so familiar with will be on display far and wide. This is the one day of the year our members get the opportunity to join simultaneously and showcase to the public our awesome VCC organisation, and at the same time fundraise for our chosen charity, the NZ Cancer Society.


I personally have a few goals. One is to light up the Sky Tower in Auckland, secondly to have most of our branches participate as we did in 2023, and three, to raise $100k!

The monies we have raised over the years from our annual campaigns have increased every year exponentially. So, folks this year, let’s go for gold.


If you haven’t already received an email from Karen Proctor at National Office, it’s on the way. Karen will be requesting from you the following information.

1) Who your coordinator is, and their contact details for this year’s campaign, and

2) What you are planning to do this year

This invaluable information will be collated into the VCC generic poster with your own branch personalised details.



I am thrilled to say that I have the support of two very capable ladies with this campaign. Karen from National Office, and Rebecca George from the Management Team!

Both these ladies are there to assist you


What makes our annual campaign a little unique is that our fundraising styles will differ from branch to branch across the country; however, our one common thread is, the assembly of historic vehicles, their owners, and their passengers. One of the added advantages is, this is not a member only event, and the more legs we can get on the ground to be involved is to our advantage, with a larger amount of money being raised.

The participation and involvement from our branches, the one-make clubs, and the public, is invaluable to a successful campaign. And the highlight is, whether someone drives a 1911 Model ‘T’ or 2022 Kia Sorento, all are invited to participate. Many of our branches reported that after the last campaign they received numerous new applications to join their branch – this is precisely our intention, and why we all make a big effort towards this annual campaign.


Please don’t forget to get your phones out folks, and click away. The team at Beaded Wheels will be eagerly waiting to receive your fab ‘snappy’ photos.


The girls and boys at the Cancer Society once again are all on board for the Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer.

PLEASE NOTE - If you would like extra hands to assist you on the day of your specific event, and if you haven’t already contacted your local Cancer Society, I ask you please to do so. They have personnel willing to assist you, and get involved.



The advertising of the 2024 Daffodil Rally for Cancer has been booked with the various publications Petrolhead, Classic Car, The Shed, Classic Driver, Beaded Wheels, and social media, all excellent platforms to spread the word to the masses about this grand event.



As in previous years a $300 contribution will be made available again for each branch to put towards any community advertising they do of their event.

A Reminder - How it works.

1) Branch Coordinators are to organise with their local newspapers their own advertising of their event.

2) Branch Coordinators/Branches make payment of the invoice directly to their respective advertiser.

3) IMPORTANT – to receive the VCC adverting reimbursement, coordinators must forward their advertising receipts to the National Office so they can be processed for reimbursement.


You will receive from me shortly a special non-members entry form, along with a letter explaining the significance of non-members filling out this form. Whether it is a Run, or a Static Display you are planning, this form is required to be used so that any non-members that are involved, are covered under the Club’s Public Liability policy in case something untoward should happen, which could make the Club liable.


Please remember, unlike so many other charities funds that are raised nationally, go into one big pool. Our point of difference with this campaign is, monies raised by your branch, I can assure you will remain in your district for the benefit of your local Cancer Society.


From now until Sunday 25 August, you will be receiving regular updates from me to keep you informed and updated on everyone’s progress with the VCC Annual National Day.



Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event and my knowledge of VCC is limited. I enjoy when others help with contributions, like they did this month. This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.

For Sale

Small 6X4 Trailer requires small number of repairs to get a WOF. OFFERS Contact John M 021 109 1309.

Four Yokohama A001 tyres. Never been fitted to rims. Bought for a project that didn’t happen. Stored in the dark in a cool place.

Contact Garry Grindley 021 279 5064


Small section of 3/8” steel rod, approx. 9.5mm dia, min 200mm long. For restoration of 1927 visible Petrol pump. John Gray 0274345621,


Advice required with interior trim on the nearly restored 1938 Austin Big 7. Just a quick look over a finished car would be great.

I've nearly finished restoring a 1938 Austin Big 7 and I'm looking for help from an owner of a completed car.

Help required is just a viewing of the interior trim around doors and windscreennothing to major. Please call/txt Chris on 021 988 434.

198 Striode Rd


021 988 434

VCC Membership Number 01/29376

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has for sale a 1953 MG Magnette

This would be an ideal project for an enthusiastic person looking for a classic car.

It appears that all the parts are there and a previous owner had started by removing the front fenders and other parts and has worked on the front right guard. The radiator is wrapped in polystyrene and appears to have been reconditioned. There is some rust around the wheel arches on the rear guards and some along the bottom of some of the doors which one would expect in a vehicle that is 70 years old.

The engine turns over on the crank handle and the vehicle rolls freely on its own wheels. This car would be a great starting point for restoration and at an asking price of $2000 ono it should enable someone to own a Club eligible car. The registration is likely to have expired and the vehicle is “ sold as is where is” the car is stored indoors as it would have been for most of its life and can be viewed at the Vintage Car Club in Cromwell, Central Otago by contacting Bryan Anderson 021 2049390 or John Martin 021 1091309.


Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

COVCC members
Stickers for
Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd 114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. 443

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)

Return Address: C/- 3 Shine Lane RD 3 Pisa Mooring Cromwell 9383 THE REAR END:

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