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MAY - JUNE 2024 Ashburton Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.)
2 Mobile 0274 316 058 CLUB NIGHTS: 3rd Thursday of the Month, 7.30pm Clubrooms and Museum Maronan Road P.O. Box 382 ASHBURTON Telephone: (03) 308 4595 DISCLAMER The opinions and views expressed in Blowout are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Vintage Car Club of Ashburton. No offence is intended, nor will the officers of this club be liable for any breach. NOW AVAILABLE FROM: Bruce McIlroy Limited 309 Methven Highway ASHBURTON 7776
03 308 7282 Email:


3 Patroness Diane Ross (Rob) 308 2356 Chairman Peter Jacob (Annette) 308 8940 Secretary Colin Sweetman (Cathy) 307 7373 Treasurer Grant Cullimore (Judith) 308 8119 Club Captain Graeme Stevens (Margaret) 021 843 813 Committee Trevor Begg 308 3803 Peter Lambie (Susan) 302 0899 Alan Begg (Jeanette) 308 6171 Rod McKimmie (Dawn) 302 5853 David Parkes (Linda ) 027 222 6758 Nat Exec Delegate Colin Sweetman (Cathy) 307 7373 Museum Custodians Les Bennett (Marie) 308 4705 Trevor Coulter 308 4817 John Wells (Deirdre) 307 0009 Colin Sweetman (Cathy) 307 7373 Jim Rooney (Audrey) 308 4441 Ron Winchester (Pam) 307 2981 Parts Custodians Gavin Smith (Gaylene) 308 2297 Alan Begg (Jeanette) 308 6171 Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7992 Grant Cullimore 308 8119 Colin Read (Pauline) 308 6989 Owen Wilson (Lorraine) 0274 345 636 Blowout Editor Chris Gulleford (Alan) 0274 390 718 Blowout Circulation Bernard Egan ( Marlene) 308 3999 Commercial Convener Bernard Bradley 308 9769 Motorcycle Convener John Wells (Deirdre) 307 0009 Vintage Convener Peter Lambie (Susan) 302 0899 Clubroom Custodians (Monthly Roster) See list on last page VCC ID Officer - Pre1960 Peter Lambie (Susan) 302 0899 VCC ID Officer P60V P80V Peter Jacob (Annette) 308 8940 VCC ID Officer P60V P80V Colin Sweetman (Cathy) 307 7373 Trophy Steward Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7 992 Swap Meet Booking Cathy Sweetman 021 372 087, Swap Meet Co-ordinator Noel Batty (Marie) 308 4003 Beaded Wheels Reporter Trevor Begg 308 3803 Groundsperson Rod McKimmie (Dawn) 302 5853 Auditor NIMBA Ltd



4 Sat Ashburton Swap Meet - See page 15

14 Tue Committee Meeting

16 Thur Club Night


18 Committee Meeting

20 Thur Ashburton AGM. 8pm at Clubrooms

See pages14 &15

30 Sun Solstice Run ( Club Captain)


16 Tue Committee Neeting

18 Thu Annual Dinner (Ashburton Hotel)

New Members

Welcome to our Club, we look forward to seeing you at Club Nights and the many events organised by our Committee & Member’s for your enjoyment.

If your vehicle is not able to be driven, please attend in your modern, we have lots of Member’s who have a vast knowledge on all different makes of vehicles from Veterans, Vintage and Classic vehicles, who are willing to help you if needed, just ask.

Steve Hurst - 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood Limo

Dave Galletly - 1986 Moto Guzzi plus cars ex Ron Galletly

Cathy & Barry Kewish -1969 Ford Mustang, 1929 Dodge Coupé


Chairman’s Report

You just cannot complain about the weather, it has been glorious, great for gardening and even better when you take the Sunbeam out for a strop to blow out a few cobwebs.

Lets hope the weather holds for this year’s GDC Wheels Week + which starts April 27th with the Street Sprints and on the 28th is the Annual Rotary Classic Car Run, this year going to the Surrey Hills property of the Griggs. This is a great event with a number of vehicles coming from outside the district, Money raised at this years event goes to Starship Hospital. The final event on this years programme is a gathering of classic vehicles at Lake Hood in conjunction with the Classic boats, all types of vehicles are welcome.

Our Swap Meet is also just around the corner, our booking officer said at a meeting last night that all the sites in the main ground have been sold with over 70 sold in the Rugby grounds. Thank you to those that have put their hands up to help. Again looking for nice weather to attract the many punters we need.

Thanks to Trev Begg for getting vehicles organised for the very successful Wheat & Wheels event, I understand there were about 30 vehicles on display over the two days.

Pete Lambie’s Veteran & Vintage Run was very successful with a good number of cars attending, planning is underway for next years event.

Restoration of the year, I am now taking entries for this year’s judging, to be eligible, vehicles must have been on at least one VCC run, be warranted and registered and to have been completed in the past 12 months

The Annual Dinner on 18th July will be the time that the trophy will be presented. We will have Alan Dick as Guest Speaker at this year’s event, should be very interesting. If you are keen to go, please let Trevor Begg know.


The notice of the AGM will be posted in this Blowout, another year has gone by rather quickly.

The Parts Shed has had another cleanout of vehicle bodies and old car parts, the Boys have done a great job, thank you.

Hope to see you all at the Swap Meet, if not, that means I may see you at the Rotary Classic Car Run � Stay safe and enjoy the wonderful colour that autumn gives us.


Awarded Annually to the Veteran Vehicle, which covers the most mileage for the season. The mileage includes travelling to and from Calendar events and also includes the Mount Cook Rally.

This trophy is for the combined competition between Canterbury, Ashburton, South Canterbury, West Coast and Banks Peninsula Branches.

All Members who wish to compete for the above trophy should send a record of the rallies attended and their mileage covered to:

Katryna Shaw

Canterbury Branch Club Captain

129b Paparoa Street Papanui, Christchurch 8053

Telephone: 021 027 72375


Henry Little

Canterbury Branch Assistant Club Captain


16A Glenvale Drive, Kaiapoi, 7630

Phone: 03 327 5471 Cell: 027 288 8277

This is is to arrive no later than 1 June 2023.


Club Captain’s Report

Quite a bit has happened in the last few weeks.

The Mid-week Run at the end of February was very good. I would like to thank John and Jill for putting it all together. After arriving we were greeted by our tour guide and shown into the museum where we were given a very good talk on the development of Jet boating in NZ and Overseas. While this was happening we were invited to partake in morning tea nibbles. After having a look around we had a very good lunch at the Cafe on site.

Mid-week Run in March was to Mia Flora at Winchester where we had a lovely lunch with great company.

On the 17th March we held the PV and PWV Run to Whitecliffs Domain. When starting the run the weather was not promising, overcast and cool but after travelling up through Methven and the Rakaia Gorge the sun broke through, We travelled through Coalgate and Glentunnel arriving at the Domain for lunch in warm and sunny conditions.We had 20 cars on this rally.

At our Club Night on the 16th May we are having an Ambulance Paramedic along to show Member’s how to use the Defibrillator so I hope to see a good turn out of Members.

Please make plans to attend the next

Club Night on the 16th of May


This will explain the operation of our Defibrillator with Paramedics in attendance. Starts at 7.30pm with a cuppa after. We need a good turnout to this one - quite a number of Members requested that we purchase the Defibrillator, so you need to come along and support this. You may never need to use one but if a situation arises you will know how to operate one.

Picture only
8 Congratulations Diane & Rob Ross On your 60th Wedding Anniversary on 4th April 2024 SWAP MEET Our Swap Meet is on May 4th Bookings are now rolling in and the good sites are going fast. If you would like to book a site, please call Cathy on 021 372 087 or Email:



The Annual Dinner has been booked at the Hotel Ashburton for the above date.We have a good Speaker coming; Alan Dick is a Motoring person. Also the Service Awards will be given out, so please let the Secretary know if you are due for a badge.

The cost is $50 per head, pay at the bar please.

I need the names to me before the 10th July don"t leave it until the last day please.

Pay for your own drinks

Cell 027 608 3803

Home 308 3803


Please keep this date free

Trevor Begg

Veteran and Vintage Rally held 14th April

The day turned out clear and sunny so very lucky. 16 cars met at Peter and Susan Lambie ‘s place on Mitcham Rd to inspect his 2 new sheds and the contents. The cars on the run ranged from Model Ts through to the Roll Royce. Morning tea was had and after a great natter they set off for the Pendarves area. Destination was Mary and Alastair Sprotts place ( Woodvale).

Alastair gave a talk about the history of their farm and lunch was enjoyed in Mary’s garden. A great day out, no break downs .

Thank you Peter for organising this run.

Photo is at Peter Lambie’s place at start of the run

The Wheat n Wheels Rally held 6th-7th April

There was a great show with over 700 vehicles and different items on display with something happening in the ring all the time. Our Branch had about 30 vehicles on display over both days.

Thanks to all those that brought things along.

Trevor Begg

7th National Commercial Rally Labour Weekend 2024

Hosted by North Otago Branch

Rally to be based in Oarmaru

25 - 28th October

Entry forms available in July


12 Commodore Motor Lodge 814 East Street, Ashburton Reservations: 0800 108 006 nz  Garden Setting  All Ground Level Units  Non Smoking  All Refurbished & Affordable  Parking Outside Units  Expansive Off-street Parking  Children’s Playground  3 Star Plus Qualmark rating  AA Rewards  MANZ Member For All your Rural Cartage Requirements Livestock General Freight Grain & Bulk Cartage Fertiliser Hiab Unit Contact us at: Ashburton 308 4079

Chairmans Run held 26th March 2024

At the Parts Shed on a Saturday Owen Wilson & Gavin Smith on right Ollie Hurst_Rod McKimmie _Craig Begg obscured & David Oakley on left. Meant to be stripping old Chev body doesn't look like a lot happening.!



55th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - THURSDAY 20th June 2024 at 8.00pm AGENDA

Notice of Meeting

1) Apologies

2) Minutes of 53rd AGM – circulated in Blowout

3)`````Matters Arising

4) Chairman’s Report

5) Financial Report

6) Parts Shed Report

7) Museum Report

8) Correspondence

9) Notice of Motion

10) Election of Officers


A Chairman

B Secretary

C Treasurer

D Club Captain


Vice Club Captain

F Committee

G Auditor / Reviewer

H VIC Officers

I Museum Custodians

J ` Parts Shed Custodians

K Clubroom Custodians

L Newsletter Editor

M Newsletter Circulation

N Beaded Wheels Contributor

O National Executive Delegate

P Swap Meet Coordinator

Q Swap Meet Booking Coordinator

R Trophy Steward

S Groundsperson T Commercial Convenor

U Motorcycle Convenor

Calendar of Events

Remits 13) General Business




To be held at the Club Rooms

86 Maronan Road, Tinwald, Ashburton

At 8pm, Thursday the 20th of June 2024

All nomination forms must be signed by the proposer, seconder and nominee and be received by the Secretary two clear days prior to the AGM.

All committee positions require nominations.

Any proposed Notice of Motion must be received by the Secretary 21 days prior to the AGM



I hereby nominate: (Name)_______________________________

For the position of: ___________________________

Proposer: (Name)______________________


Seconder: (Name)_____________________


I accept this nomination: (Nominee signature)_____________________

Date: / /24

The Secretary must receive this form by the 17th of June 2024

Nomination forms to be sent to:

The Secretary, PO Box 382, Ashburton. 7740

Or by email to:


South Island Easter Rally 2024

Wednesday 27th March we headed to Nelson to take part in the Easter Rally based at Richmond. We were the only Ashburton entrants until about a week before .Then we discovered there was a late entry being David and Marion Oakley.

We left early as we were transporting a windscreen on a trailer to a friend in Spring Grove. Our plan was also to visit several friends while in the area.

Friends in Spring Grove were leaving early the next morning to attend the Jaguar Rally, being held in Christchurch over Easter.

Well laid out plans don’t always work out, as the road was closed at Springs Junction to Murchison, only opening up between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm

After fueling up and had lunch in our car, as it was “raining” quite heavily at the time, it was another wait of around 30 minutes and by then, quite a queue of trucks and cars had lined up.

We arrived at our destination in Spring Grove at about 3.30pm.Once again to an upheaval a planned power cut, so no water as they rely on power to pump for water.

Luck would have it, we still had hot water in a thermos flask and they had one flask of hot water left, so we had a cuppa with them. Leaving our trailer at their property for the weekend, on we went to our accommodation in Richmond.

The next morning was a free day so we walked to the shops and had a good wander around Richmond, then travelled to Motueka in the afternoon, a most pleasant drive.

Good Friday, we did not have to register until late afternoon at Nelson Clubrooms, so we made visits to other friend’s during the day. Nelson V.C.C. put on a cuppa and some eats. Here we met up with Member’s from Christchurch and South Canterbury Branches.

Saturday morning. As usual, we entered the long route on the Rally. Briefing was 8.30am. No time trial, which was great. The Rally is officialy open


Only Silent Check Points which we considered quite good. You were then able to travel and stop at your leisure. Looking out for the eight checkpoints in total. Five in the morning on your way to the lunch venue and three in the afternoon on return journey to the Clubrooms. We motored through some beautiful countryside on our chosen long route. There was about 7kms of gravel less on our route than the medium route, with the drive taking us on back roads to Motueka, many roads we had never been on before. Lunch venue was in Motueka.

Being told we were not to leave before 2pm, we arrived at 12pm so there was plenty of time to wander around and have a yarn and view vehicles. The return trip was just as interesting as the morning run, coming on to the Main Road just out of Richmond. In the evening, we dined at the Waimea Club with a prepaid meal, so another enjoyable evening.

Sunday was Field Tests or Gymkhana as they called it, sitting around in the sun chatting, a lazy relaxed sort of day. Presentations and meal on Sunday evening, was again held at Waimea Club. What a great meal it was.

Because of numbers, we put in with South Canterbury for Penzoil Trophy. This was not a separate test. Results were taken from how well you did in field tests and silent checkpoints. Canterbury Club won .They had also won the last time Nelson held the Easter Rally in 2004.

Sadly a lot of Member’s that were up in Nelson for that Rally in 2004 are not with us anymore.This is when we miss them most, but always remember their company.

A most enjoyable weekend Nelson Branch, thank you for the organisation and friendly company.

We believe Canterbury Branch is hosting South Island Easter Rally 2025.

Being closer for Ashburton Member’s we hope more of our Member’s will make the effort to attend.

Some of the vehicles attending



Mid Canterbury

Workshop open

5-1/2 Days

WOF *$5.00 Discount to VCC Members

LPG Certificates

All work carried out by Qualified Tradesmen

Ph:307 2415



Our Sunday Run was organised by Graeme Stevens. We had quite a good turnout of cars.

After leaving the Clubrooms we travelled over the bridge and up through Alford Forest Road to Winchmore. Then up to Pole Road at Lauriston then followed that to and through Methven. Noticing of course that Methven is an ever growing town.

A nice drive up to the Rakaia Gorge bridges. There was quite a few boats and people down on or by the water. It is always interesting climbing up out of the Gorge through all the zig zaggy bits up the hill.

Then we drove up through Glentunnel and into the Whitecliffs Domain for lunch.The weather turned out to be a beautiful day.

Whitecliffs Domain is a lovely spot to spend a few hours or a day or two, as there are good toilets on site.

Everybody enjoyed themselves,afterwards we had a leisurely drive home

Thank you Graeme for a great day

Some of the vehicles which attended the rally

March 2024 Executive Meeting Report.

I attended the Executive Meeting as Delegate representing the Ashburton Branch as Colin was unable to attend. I found this Meeting to be one of the best that I have attended. A report of the Meeting is as follows;

We had a very successful Executive Meeting in Christchurch over the weekend of 16/17 March. The Meeting was attended by 29 of our 36 Branches and many observers were present. The written reports from the various Management Roles were received with a few additions added along the way before we moved on to General Business.

Gareth Wishart, MD of Innovation for the HW Richardson Group gave a very interesting presentation on steps they are taking to transition their truck fleet across to a Hybrid Diesel/Hydrogen fuel system. The impact on emissions for this Country are significant and they are making a huge investment personally to achieve this. One truck converted removes Carbon Emissions equal to that which 17 Electric vehicles do when replacing Petrol/Diesel cars. This is where the Government should be placing its efforts rather than targeting just Petrol personal vehicles. We can see that when it comes to fuel emissions there is more than one way to achieve the goal.

As well as locking in 25 August this year for our National Daffodil Day, Kaaren Smylie reiterated the importance of all Branches having the event on the same day so that we all convey the same message throughout the Country. A new national poster is also being produced. The main focus should be about creating exposure for our Club. We were also brought up to date on changes to the Club Procedures Manual (CPM), previously the Branch Manual then renamed the Club Manual. Diane Quarrie gave a presentation on the new format and how it will work with an index that will allow a simple click of the mouse to take you to the relevant section required. Past President Diane has been focussed on this mammoth task over the last six months and her efforts will make life easier for those who access the CPM from time to time. Our expectation is that this will be loaded on to the website over April.

The main topic that was discussed and workshopped over the two days was changes to our Constitution. Wellington Branch had requested that we take time to understand what the issues with our current Constitution were and Alan Thompson, Wellington’s Delegate, used a Power Point presentation to deliver a very well put together discussion paper.


Their motion to allow for more discussion around this was passed which then opened the floor for each Branch to raise concerns. A summary of the issues raised at last year’s meeting was read as part of this. The end result was an overwhelming majority voting to change away from our current 46-Member Committee being responsible for the governance of the Club.

A vote was then held to determine the makeup of a new 12-Member National Committee using results of workshopped questions from the previous year. As the new structure will have six new Regional Representative positions on the Committee, each representing a group of Branches, we went on to determine suitable boundaries for those representatives covering the Branches. Each Island was discussed individually to create boundaries that were considered best for the Branches, and also taking into consideration that a new Representative needed to be able get around the Branches as required.

We also welcomed Garry Jackson, President of The Federation of Motoring Clubs, to bring us up to date on the final wrap up on the survey completed last year. He also advised that now that the final results from the survey are in, lobbying within Government circles has commenced. The total dollar spend from the Recreational Vehicle sector has now come up to $16 billion annually, so it is expected that FOMC should get a good hearing.

It was a busy two days, and with the dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning being catered at the Canterbury Branch premises, the conference type Meeting over the weekend allowed for plenty of catching up between Delegates and Members.

Only a Blonde

The scene is a Harvey Norman store. A blonde is asking a salesman: “What kind of TV is this?” He says: “Sorry, we don’t sell to blondes.” She returns the next day, her hair dyed red, and asks a different salesman the same question. “Sorry, we don’t sell to blondes.” She returns a week later having changed her whole appearance by putting on a false moustache and a goatee beard. And she disguises her voice by talking in a deep baritone. “I want you to sell me that colour TV.” “Sorry,” is the response, “we don’t sell to blondes.” Whereupon she bursts into tears. “Why, why, why won’t you sell me this TV?” “Because it’s a microwave.”



The morning dawned overcast and misty as 13 cars with drivers and navigators arrived at the Hotel Ashburton for the February mid week run. It was an earlier than usual start but needed for the 104 kms/65 miles across to Springfield.

Our destination was Jetboat World, a museum to the history of jetboating in NZ, in the very place where much of the early development and experimental jet boating took place off Woodstock Beach on the Waimakariri River.

As we drove down to the river terrace and parked, the clouds had already begun to lift. We were met by Paul Mullen, a co-owner of Springfield Adventure Park and Event Centre, of which the museum is part.

Morning tea platters were provided as we listened to Paul tell stories of the people who were part of the pioneering history and explain the processes in the evolution of the jet propulsion unit. Continuing he talked about the early jet boat expeditions by New Zealanders around the world. One of the earliest and most daring was the famous Colorado Expedition in USA which saw the only successful traverse upstream through the Grand Canyon. This was followed by expeditions including the Ganges, to Zaire in Africa and the Sepik River in Papua New Guinea

Finally, Paul spoke of the modern expeditions with Duncan Storrier of Ashburton being the visionary for these. Expeditions included AlaskaArctic Circle, Tasmania and South America.

Lunch was served in The Woolshed with Peggy, a pet lamb present. The meal consisted of a gourmet burger, sweet treats, juice, tea and coffee.

Jetboat World has displays of early jet boats, water jets, photo boards and videos so many ventured back after lunch to read the information and together discuss what was on display.

Then Paul lead a group through a rejuvenating native forest loop explaining the predator programme they have in place and the increasing number of birds that are returning.

The sun was now shining so the outdoor couches overlooking the river were well used.In all it was a pleasant day visiting a mostly unknown destination.


Anne Hart's Famous Pavlova Recipe

2 x egg whites

1 x tsp cornflour

1 x 1/2c sugar

1/2 x tsp vanilla

1 x tsp vinegar

4 x tbsp boiling water

Place all ingredients in a bowl and beat for 8 minutes. Put on baking paper lined oven tray. Cook 15 minutes at 160deg, turn off and leave in oven at least 1 hour. I leave in oven overnight.

DON'T open oven door while cooking. Can double mixture if a really big pav. is needed.


An update on the Ashburton VCC Member who is taking part in the 2024 Alpine Scooter Safari on the 18 th May 2024. This is a ride intended for Mopeds and Scooters with 50 cc engines and travels from Christchurch to Hokitika in one day over Porters and Arthur’s Passes.

It is a fund raiser for the Cancer Society and is held every two years. The Ashburton VCC has sponsored me to the tune of $75 but individual Members are free to make individual donations/ sponsorships. Anyone interested in helping out to help me reach my target of $1500 please just Google Alpine Scooter Safari and follow the instructions or contact me directly on 021 370 956. Yours in anticipation. , David Oakley.

Update on Pre-Christmas Run

The Pre-Christmas Run will begin on the 11th December 2024, probably six nights away, and will be suitable for Club eligible vehicles with good road clearance only. As accommodation may be limited, an indication of interest in attending is advisable..

Please contact David and Marion Oakley 021 370 956


National Veteran Rally held 26th January 2024

On 25th January we loaded the 1914 Rover on to the trailer and headed for Dunedin for the National Veteran Rally, the Dunedin to Brighton Rally and the Prince Henry Rally. Rob and Diane Ross with their 1907 Cadillac and Gavin and Annette Hunt with their 1903 Darracq were also joining us on the National and Dunedin to Brighton Rallies.

After gathering at the Sunnyvale Sports Centre on Friday 26thfor the National Veteran Rally, cars travelled into the suburbs and visited Chatsford Retirement Village for a drive past with many residents out to see the cars. Our instructions took us further afield to Outram Domain for lunch. A pleasant drive and fine weather.

On the Saturday we assembled at the First Church car park for the 70th Dunedin to Brighton Rally. All 80 vehicles and motorbikes travelled the short way to the Octagon for public display before the Dunedin to Brighton Rally. Many participants’ were dressed in period costume. A thunder storm the night before with heavy rain and hail was worrying for organisers but all was clear by the morning. Cars left from the Octagon at minute intervals flagged away by the Mayor. The Rally took us out and over a steep climb to Green Island which was one of those interesting “are we going to make it to the top moments” before venturing onto Brighton. Many cars took the scenic drive to the Taieri Mouth. Returning to Brighton for field tests and lunch in the sun.

A rest day followed before we joined the cars travelling on the Prince Henry Rally in Mosgiel at the Black Sheep café. The Hunts and Rosses returned homeward. Our travels took us along interesting back roads out to Outram and onto Kaitangata for lunch in warm sunny conditions. The drive through the Clutha Valley we enjoyed and continued onto Gore for the night.

Only two vehicles made it in time to cross the Clutha Rriver via the ferry, which is a unique experience well worth taking. By this time we were keeping a close eye on our leaking radiator in the Rover. After topping up with stop leak a second time it was not looking good. We arrived in Gore for the night and regrettably decided not to continue on the southern tour as the radiator was alternating heavily between incontinence and perspiration.

That evening we viewed a shed full of cars that are to be sold by auction in September. We borrowed a vehicle from a generous local VCC member and travelled back to Dunedin to collect our trailer and towing vehicle, and were homeward bound next day.


Thanks to all who helped us. The others continued their travels to Owaka in the Catlins and back to Mosgiel. Fine weather all the way.

Over Waitangi Weekend we took the 1926 Austin to Blenheim for the National Vintage Rally. A public display day at Bradshaw Park was well attended and field tests completed despite many of the participants wilting in the 34 degree heat, many of them dressed in period costume.

Over 42 vehicles took part in a great days motoring out to Redwood Pass with lovely view over the acres of grapes through the Awatere Valley, our lunch stop. From there we travelled to Seddon and onto Reserve Road. The corrugations made for slow going but the journey was interesting. After crossing the Highway we went over Taylors Pass back to Bradshaw Park to hand in our question sheets. Another enjoyable vintage motoring day away from home.

Below: 1913 Rolls Royce Alpine Trial Silver Ghost

A line up of some of the other vehicles attending the Rally



Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like other peoples.

A grandfather is a man & a grandmother is a lady!

Grandparents don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the shops and give us money.

When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.

They show us and talk to us about the colours of the flowers and also why we shouldn't step on 'cracks.'

They don't say, 'Hurry up.'

Usually grandmothers are fat but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses and funny underwear. They can take their teeth and gums out.

Grandparents don't have to be smart.

They have to answer questions like 'Why isn't God married?' and 'How come dogs chase cats?'

When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.

They know we should have snack time before bed time, and they say prayers with us and kiss us even when we've acted bad.

A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. .”Oh'' he said, ''she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport.''

Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but I don't get to see him enough to get as smart as him!

It's funny when they bend over; you hear gas leaks, and they blame their dog.

29 ALLENTON AUTO CENTRE WOF - Discount to VCC Members Tyres Servicing Full Workshop Service 24/7 Fuel Corner Harrison Street and Allens Road Phone: 308 6194 RICHARD BEGBIE PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING LIMITED Certified for ALL Plumbing Drain Laying & Gas Fitting For Prompt Efficient Service Anytime Town & Country Phone 027 484 6000 or 308 4690 after hours RICHARD BEGBIE PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING LIMITED


Grant Cullimore



Gavin Smith 308 2297 Tony Adams 0211 267 992

Grant Cullimore 308 8119 Alan Begg 308 6171

Colin Read 308 6989 Owen Wilson 0274 345 636

Other Regions Parts Shed Hours

Canterbury Every Wednesday, 1pm-4.30pm. 3rd & 4th Sundays 9am - 12 Noon.

South Canterbury Phone John Campbell, 03 686 0282

or post


Ph: 0274 390 718

send to:
to: Chris Gulleford 29 Bayview Street KAIKOURA
Wilson 1
Read 11 Gavin Smith 8 Tony Adams 20 Alan Begg 18 Grant Cullimore 15 Owen Wilson 27 Tony Adams 25 Colin Read 22 Gavin Smith 29 Grant Cullimore
Alan Begg



6 John Wells 4 Trevor Coulter

Michael Hanley 13 Les Bennett 11 Colin Sweetman

Jim Rooney 20 Michael Hanley 24 John Wells

Jim Rooney

Trevor Coulter

John Wells


John Wells 307 0009

Trevor Coulter 308 4817

Colin Sweetman 307 7373

Les Bennett 308 4705

Michael Hanley 021 878 804 Jim Rooney 308 4441

Clubroom Custodians Roster

2023/24 as per AGM

If the month allocated to you does not suit please arrange to swap with someone else.

June 2024

Phil Kenny & Sue Tanner

Ian & Sharon Moore

Percy & Heather Ralston

& Isla

& Stuart Hart

Owen & Lorraine

John Wards & Jill Blacklock

Noel & Marie Batty

Bernie & Kevin Harkness


Deirdre & John Wells


Rod & Dawn McKimmie

& Marion Oakley

July Roger
Jones August
Wilson April
May David
& Marion Oakley
25 Les
Colin Sweetman
32 Two fully qualified restorers, dedicated to restorations only Insurance and Private Work Loan cars available Accepted by all insurance companies Locally owned and operated family business Phone: 03 3085238 or Duncan 0272831513, Debra 0272921969 104 South Street, Ashburton – email We work along side Goulds Towing and provide a HASSLE FREE SERVICE.

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