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Diane Ross (Rob)

Chairman Peter Jacob (Annette)

Secretary Colin Sweetman (Cathy)


Club Captain


Nat Exec Delegate

Museum Custodians

Parts Custodians

Blowout Editor

Blowout Circulation

Commercial Convener

Motorcycle Convener

Vintage Convener

Grant Cullimore (Judith)

308 2356

308 8940

307 7373

308 8119

Graeme Stevens (Margaret) 021 843 813

Trevor Begg

Peter Lambie (Susan)

Alan Begg (Jeanette)

Rod McKimmie (Dawn)

308 3803

302 0899

308 6171

302 5853

David Parkes (Linda ) 027 222 6758

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

Les Bennett (Marie)

Trevor Coulter

John Wells (Deirdre)

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

Jim Rooney (Audrey)

307 7373

308 4705

308 4817

307 0009

307 7373

308 4441

Michael Hanley 021 878 804

Gavin Smith (Gaylene)

Alan Begg (Jeanette)

308 2297

308 6171

Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7992

Grant Cullimore

Colin Read (Pauline)

308 8119

308 6989

Owen Wilson (Lorraine) 0274 345 636

Chris Gulleford (Alan) 0274 390 718

Bernard Egan ( Marlene)

Bernard Bradley

John Wells (Deirdre)

Peter Lambie (Susan)

308 3999

308 9769

307 0009

302 0899

Clubroom Custodians (Monthly Roster) See list on last page

VCC ID Officer - Pre1960

VCC ID Officer P60V P80V

VCC ID Officer P60V P80V

Trophy Steward

Swap Meet Booking

Swap Meet Co-ordinator

Beaded Wheels Reporter


Peter Lambie (Susan)

Peter Jacob (Annette)

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

302 0899

308 8940

307 7373

Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7 992

Cathy Sweetman 021 372 087,

Noel Batty (Marie)

Trevor Begg

Rod McKimmie (Dawn)

Auditor NIMBA Ltd

308 4003

308 3803

302 5853



13 Sat Garage Raid - North Otago Branch

16 Tue Committee Meeting

18 Thu Annual Dinner (Ashburton Hotel)

25 Thur Mid Week Run


1 Thur Quizco at Timaru

10 Sat TBC Night Trial - Higher vehicles as going through farms

13 Tues Committee Meeting

25 Sun Daffodil/National Day

29 Thur Mid Week Run


8 Sun Opening Run with Sth Canty Branch at Timaru.

17 Tues Committee Meeting

22 Sun Spring Rally

26 Thur Mid Week Run

Photo on Cover

Last April Ian had owned his Model A for 65 years. Brand new from McAully Motors in Invercargill in 1930 and after four previous owners, it arrived on Stewart Island in 1956.

Ian bought it on April 21,1959 for the princely sum of eighty five pounds. It remained on the Island for the next 40 years, always with the hope of restoring it but marriage and family intervened.

Business interests meant a shift to Invercargill and the long awaited restoration began and was finally completed.

Since then it has been on numerous rallies taking us around the South Island a couple of times and numerous destinations in Southland.

During its lifetime it has moved with us to Kaikoura, then to Picton and now finally to Ashburton where it is on display in the VCC Museum .We have had lots of fun adventures over the years and hope to have a few more in the years to come.

Ian & Val Johnson

Chairman’s Report June 2024

Another financial year done and dusted, Thank You to those Member’s who were able to come to the AGM, it was certainly good to see you, especially the two travellers from Kaikoura, Alan and Chris Gulleford.

As I mentioned at the AGM, without the interest and enthusiasm of our Members to help, our Branch would not be what it is today.

That was very evident during the build-up and the running of the Swap Meet, a quick phone call from Noel Batty and we had very good numbers of Members for putting out numbers, marking out sites, doing parking duty and pack up, Thank You.

Grant Cullimore, Treasurer, presented the Swap Meet numbers at our recent Committee Meeting and also shared them at the AGM. This was the first time we have been able to see a report like this, so we can see what the actual costs of running the Swap Meet against the actual income. For the last two years the numbers have been comparable with cost of holding the event at about $9,500 with the takings for the day around the $23,000 mark. For future Swap Meets we are anticipating some of our expenses to increase, especially around the Traffic Management plan and hire fees, toilets, rubbish bins and printing costs, to that extent we have increased the site charge for the 2026 event to $35.00, site at $30 and site holder $5.00. Spectator entry will continue to stay at $5.00.

The proposed Calendar of Events was presented at the Meeting, and I am very pleased to say that for the next 12 months we have a total of 30 events organised, complete with dates. This List of Events will be included in this Blowout as an insert so you are able to pullout and put on the wall or in your diaries.

Events to look forward to are; Garage Raid to Oamaru on the 13th July, they tell me it’s even better than the last time, fill up your vehicle and head down for a pea, pie & pud lunch, $10.00.

Annual Dinner at the hotel on the 18th July, Guest Speaker Alan Dick, and the Presentation of Year Awards by our South Island Club Captain Mark Wilkinson.

Annual Quizco against South Canterbury, Tuesday 1st August, we are travelling to Timaru, this time to bring back the trophy.

Our Mid-Week Runs are continuing to be very popular, it’s a great way to catch up with friends, and go to a different place for lunch or afternoon tea. In some cases the organisers have arranged visits to things or places of interest. If you have a good idea for a destination for one of these outings, please put your hand up at the next event or please contact our Club Captain.

There has been more activity in the Parts Shed with the Lean-to being added to, to house the wheel rims and a few tyres, looks great, thanks Alan & Owen. It is also a nice place to stand in the sun and chat .

The Shortest Day is now behind us, and for me Ruralco’s Instore Days are just two very short weeks away. This signals to me that Spring is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to attending the many events we have got planned, so hope to see you there.

Stay warm and keep as active as you can and don’t forget to laugh.

Cheers, Peter

Welcome to the following new Members

D Galletly

C & B Kewish

B D Begg

We welcome you all and hope we will see you at our events.

Editor: Could you please send in an article giving us a short story of your vehicle/s, restoration or condition it is in, Rallies or Runs you have been on etc, it would be much appreciated. Thanks Chris


Richard Joseph, left and Alex Quigley, right from MayfieldMt Somers St John's, giving us a talk on how to use our defibrillator and some CPR. We hope we never have to use it but if we do, we have some Member’s trained to use it.


A little silver haired old lady rang her neighbour. "Please can you come over here and help me with this killer jigsaw? I can't figure out how to get started." Her neighbour asks "What is it supposed to be when it is finished?"

"According to the picture on the box it is a rooster" she replied. Her neighbour decides to come over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle pieces spread over a table.He studies it for a minute, looks at the box and then says to her, gently, "First of all, no matter what we do, we are not going to be able to assemble all these pieces into anything resembling a rooster". He takes her hand and says. "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let us have a nice cup of tea and then", he said with a deep sigh...... "We will put all the cornflakes back in the box"


Saturday 13th July

Assemble at the NOVC Club Rooms

2 Stoke St (off Eden) St By 10am for morning tea and directions. First Cars away by 10.30am

Lunch is the normal fare for this eventPea, pie and spud $10 each. Complimentary tea and coffee

Hope to see as many as possible there.

Any enquiries; Contact Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

On the 25th May seven cars from the Ford Cortina Club from Christchurch, came to have a look through our Museum and Parts Shed

Update on the Oakley Pre-Christmas Tour

The Pre-Christmas Run will begin on the 11th to 17th December 2024, and will be suitable for Vintage and Post Vintage Class Club eligible vehicles with good road clearance only. As accommodation may be limited, an indication of interest in attending is advisable..

Please contact David and Marion Oakley 021 370 956

Old age can be embarrsing at times. Thanks to Bernard Egan. Aine Whiting who is a great collector of funny stories has shared this one with us.

Coming with the warning this could happen to any of us it’s the story of a lady who upon leaving a meeting desperately gave herself a personal search for her car keys.

The lady relates the story like this.

She said her search was fruitless so she went back and searched the meeting room.

Also to no avail.

Then she thought I must have left the keys in the car.

Frantically she headed for the carpark remembering as she went her husband had often scolded her for leaving her keys in the ignition.

His theory being the car could be stolen.

Her theory being it was a good place to leave them.

Scanning the car park she came to a terrifying conclusion.

His theory was right – the carpark was empty.

So she immediately called the Police provided her location and confessed to leaving the keys in the car which had obviously been stolen.

The lady said the next call was even more difficult. She phoned her husband –“hello my love” she stammered.

In her account she goes on to say “I always call him my love in times like that”.

She told her husband “I left my keys in the car and it’s been stolen”.

This was followed by silence, she thought the call had been disconnected but then she heard her husband’s response which was “I dropped you off!”!

Embarrassed she said “well come and get me” (no mention of “my love”).

His response “I will as soon as I convince this policeman I haven’t stolen your b@#&&$y car! “

Note no doubt like us you’ll have been amused by this story from Aine – a reminder laughter is the best medicine.

The good news is we’ll be sharing another of Aine’s stories some day.



Trevor is now getting a good response from those Members who are attending the evening.

Starting at 6.00pm with dinner at 6.30pm, we have an interesting evening planned with noted Motoring Journalist Alan Dick as our Guest Speaker.

We have some 25th year badges to present and our South Island Club Captain, Mark Wilkinson, will be there, so it will be your opportunity to catch up with him and hear what is happening in the National Scene.

Please get your responses into Trevor Begg ASAP so that he can comfirm the catering by the 10th July. The cost is $50 per head pay at the bar. Pay for your own drinks.

Swap Meet 2024 Report

Another Swap Meet has been and gone thanks to the work of about 60 Ashburton VCC Members and Spouses. Your input across so many fields, prior to, on the day and afterwards made for a great event.

We had many positive comments from both site holders and the General Public, re the site plan, tidy environment, parking, access and administration.

The foggy start probably put a few off attending but the crowd was on par with other years.

We instigated a few changes this year and it was great to see they all added to the success of the event.

They were; No through traffic by the Parts Shed; Lions Caravan moved to the western end; Toilets by the Museum and Site Bookings for 2024 and 2025 taken from Friday afternoon.

Ashburton Lions assisted us with entrance collection and their food facilities served food and beverages throughout the day.

A few Member’s need a special Thank you

Cathy Sweetman – Office Team leader, bookings throughout the year and supervising the office on Friday afternoon and Saturday.

Alan Begg – Team leader for the marking and setting up of sites across both fields.

David Parks - For leading the signage team.

Trevor Begg – Team leader for SH1 advertising sign (erecting, taking down and repairing) and SH1 directional signage on the day.

Rod McKimmie – Grounds – Mowing and marking.

Peter Jacob, Chairman: Colin Sweetman Secretary:

Grant Cullimore, Treasurer: for their work leading up to, at, and after the event.

Marie Bennett/Anne Hart - Afternoon tea for working bees on the Thursday and Friday

Jim Rooney and team - Museum

Gavin Smith and team - Parts Shed Donations have been given to Tinwald Rugby Club for the use of their grounds and Tinwald Scout Group for the Leaders, Parents and Cubs, patrolling the boundaries.

Ryal Bush Transport allowed us to use their yard for VCC and Lions Club vehicle parking.

Eion and Chris Matheson allowed us to have a sign on their property at Fairton on SH1.

Cathy reports forward bookings are at 206 for next year May 3 2025 so put it in your diary.

Thanks everybody – Noel Batty

Mid-week Run to Pleasant Point

Mid-week Run to Pleasant Point


Attention All New and Existing Members

I would love for you to write an article about your vehicles restoration or journey you have taken in your car. If possible, could you please include a photograph, even if it’s just a pile of rusty coloured metal bits and pieces.

If you don’t have a computer don’t worry, just post a handwritten copy to me or if you do have one just do it in Word, Note Book or whichever document programme you have on your computer and is the easiest for you. No item is too big or small.

As you will see in this Blowout there are no write-ups on rallies, restorations, only some photos from 2 people and I thank them for contributing those.

Also I thank those that organise Rallies, Runs and such like. Can you please try to nominate someone to do a writeup, it doesn’t have to be a book.

This is a bi-monthly publication and I note that the Members who want Monthly Blowouts often don’t bother contributing any articles to it, it is just easier to sit back and let someone else do it.

If nobody bothers to answer the call for copy, you may end up just receiving an A4 page. So you have 2 months from now, start writing.

Now that I have grumbled at you, I look forward to receiving some articles in the near future, Safe and happy motoring.


Morris 8 Series E/Minor Piston Rings

I’m looking for STD Rings to suit 4-ring pistons for a late side valve 918cc engine. What’s out there? They will help put another car back on the road. Must be well priced for my tight budget!

Contact Alan Gulleford (Member)


A photo of some of the 224 cars on the Rally.Taken at Mesopotamia Station. Regards David and Marion Oakley

7th National Commercial Rally Labour Weekend 2024 Hosted by North Otago Branch Rally to be based in Oamaru 25 - 28th October

Entry forms available in July



After working very hard and putting everything they had into establishing their business, there came a time when the clever partners of what became a very successful enterprise could socialise at the end of the week.

Something they deserved but also time which was put to good use. Serious matters were dealt with at a suitable venue. the Hotel Ashburton. They had total support from their wives and families in everything they did.

It was in the days before microwave ovens and even when they first appeared the families were mindful of the high cost of those appliances. After a Friday night meeting one of the partners arrived home to discover the typically tasty meal his wife had prepared was cold. He explained what his mother would have done to keep it warm. The old trick of serving the meal on a plate which was then placed on top of a pot containing hot water and covered with the pot lid.

Politely he said doing this would ensure the lovely meals his wife prepared would remain fresh and not be spoiled. He said it always worked well and maybe his wife could do that in future. His wife agreed.

The following Friday he phoned home to let his wife know when to expect him and to check she had remembered how to keep tea warm. She confirmed she remembered what to do but double checked just to make sure saying “you want me to serve your meal and keep it warm over hot water”.

“Yes that’s right thank you dear, see you soon I’m looking forward to tea”.

He got home to discover the instructions had been correctly followed but the meal that evening was cold meat and salad. Needless to say, Hank never asked again.

And we have heard when microwaves were available it didn’t take too much, if any persuasion, to get one.

The neat thing about this story is that the gentleman concerned who along with his family and associates have gone on to do so much for our community has often enjoyed telling this story against himself. And it has gone down in the family folklore.

A true story contributed by Bernard Egan


FREEZER BAGS: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

PHOTOCOPIERS: These are female, because once turned off; it takes a while to warm them up again.

TYRES: Tyres are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated.

HOT AIR BALLOONS: Also a male object, because to get them to go any where, you have to light a fire under their butt.

SPONGES: These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.

EGG TIMERS: Egg timers are female because, over time, all the weight shifts

HAMMERS: Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at

Ed: Not sure if I agree with all these, but gives you a smile.


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