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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month CONTENTS

Chairman’s Report


MC Annual Rally Report 25/26

Secretary’s Report


Homestead Run Report

Club Captain’s Report


VOG Report

Vintage Report



Veteran Report

30 34/35

14/15/16 Nat Comm Rally Report

Commercial Report


9-90s Report

21/22 The Mart

Motorcycle Report




New Members

Officers and Reps

38 40/41/42 44/45

Copy for the February Hub closes on Wednesday 24th January Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. Cover Photo Motorcycle Annual Rally. Lunch stop at Loburn Abbey with flying display in progress. 3

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events December

Sun 3rd Thurs 7th Sat 9th Wed 13th Sun 17th Tues 19th Wed 20th Tues 26th

January 2024 Tues 2nd Sun 7th Wed 17th Sun 21st February

Thurs 1st Sun 4th Wed 7th Sat 10th Wed 14th Sat17th Sun 18th Tues 20th Wed 21st Sat/Sun 24/25th Wed 28th

Vintage Annual Rally/Grounds Noggin and Natter Christmas Social Motorcycle and Commercial Christmas Noggin 9-90s Children’s Christmas Picnic / OCBC Grounds Maintenance North Canterbury Noggin Boxing Day Run Motorcycle New Year Run Picnic Run Commercial Noggin OCBC and Veteran Picnic Run

Noggin and Natter Grounds Maintenance 9-90s Boot Sale Motorcycle Noggin Clip-on Rally OCBC Grounds Maintenance Commercial Noggin and Natter BRANCH ANNUAL RALLY North Canterbury Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month

9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin

Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators 5

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT It’s good to hear there have been lots of people out and enjoying the spring branch events, even if the weather can still be a bit changeable at times. I don’t have a great deal to report on the activities of the last month, all the more thanks to covid rearing its head which put the brakes on a couple of planned outings, but that aside there have still been a few enjoyable opportunities to have a catch up. Things always seem to get very busy at this time of year, which means keeping an eye on the calendar to try and keep track of everything that’s happening, and hopefully avoid agreeing to being in two places at once. Into the new year the same applies, and as there is no Hub in January it’s time to unwrap next year’s calendar and make a note of the events early in the year, so nothing gets forgotten. From there on it gets even busier, so between holidays and branch events there aren’t many weekends that don’t have something happening. Following on from the last report, Wellington branch are seeking to add an agenda item to the March Executive meeting, to discuss the requirement for a new club constitution and future management of the club. The main concern is that there has not been a fully considered decision to do away with the current club Executive with a delegate from each branch, and leave the running of the club to one of the previously proposed options for only a management committee with a slightly amended structure and members each representing a number of branches. As there will need to be decisions made in the near future in order to get a new constitution in place before the required re-registration date, if you have any thoughts on what the future should look like or need any more information or a reminder of the options that have already been put forward, Rod, Robyn and myself are familiar with the discussions to date so can add any further detail needed or take a note of any feedback. With the end of the year approaching all that’s left to do is wish you all well for the festive season, and look forward to the new year ahead. Merry Christmas Neil Shaskey Chairman.


SECRETARY’S REPORT Hi Folks, Subject this month is New Members. This month the committee are approving fourteen new members, last month Nine, since Jan this year 105. MY QUESTION is how many have you met, how many have the same make of car as you. MY SUGGESTION to you is in this festive month to look back on this year’s copies of the Hub and contact those that fit into this category. We have Jack Porter who does a sterling job contacting all our new members by phone, arranges to meet them at OCBC and noggin. How nice it would be if some of our members who had similar cars in their stables would do the same. If you would like to partake in this but don’t have access to this year’s copies you could send me an email with your make of car and I would be able to help you track them down, or you could look in the library at all our past Hubs beautifully bound to find those listings. I wait with bated breath. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May next year bring huge amounts of enthusiasm from you all to partake in our varied list of events or better still see you at one of our twice a month working b’s. First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings for a couple of hours would be an immense help. Contact Mike Foster if you would really like to become involved in the maintenance of our large grounds and buildings. Cheers and Beers


The Editor and Chief Proof Reader send their best wishes for the festive season and look forward to another year’s activities with friends old and new in this wonderful club of ours.


CLUB CONSTITUTION CHANGES The Chairman and Secretary have requested that the following taken from the Wellington Branch newsletter is repeated in this ‘Hub’ IMPORTANT: Club Constitution - Update Alan Thompson – Branch Delegate Wellington The Sub Committee continues to work on the proposed changes to the structure and constitution of our Club at the national level. When these were announced by the then President some 2 years ago we were told they were required as a consequence of the current constitution not meeting the requirements of the new Incorporated Societies Act. Wellington Branch identified that this advice was not correct and that the current constitution (and associated structure) requires only relatively minor tweaks to comply with the new Act. President George has recently announced however that it is still intended to press forward with the changes. He has stated that at the Executive meeting held in March ’23 “it was clear from those attending there was a need to move to a one Committee Governance structure” and that “good governance could never be achieved through a 46 member committee”. Your Committee has some concerns with these statements: It is actually not clear what the problems with our two tier structure are - other than we have been told by a Lawyer that, in his opinion, we have too many people at our “governance” meetings. If there are any problems with the governance role of the Exec, they are not a result of its size. The issues are that the role and responsibilities of the Exec are not defined, the meetings are not conducted based on a robust governance model and they do not stay at the strategic level. The informal vote for Option 1 (a single committee structure) that was undertaken at the March ’23 Exec meeting was based upon advice to members that we had to change to meet the requirements of the new Act. Wellington Branch identified that this was not correct. We believe then that any “vote” or other decisions made at that Exec meeting are now invalid. We can continue with the two-tiered structure that has served the Club well over the past 75 years. We can also address any problems with the role and business of the two committees. This option must be included in any review of our structure and constitution, once we have discussed and agreed what the problem is.We are preparing a Wellington-sponsored agenda item for the March 2024 Exec meeting to consider these concerns and will be seeking the support of other Branches. Wellington is not opposed to change, but we must ensure that we understand and all agree on why we are doing this. It is very important then that we include all of the options and then get from the membership an informed mandate for any change to our Constitution. As this will require a 75% majority vote from the membership at the 2025 AGM, it is very important that we get this right! In the event that the Exec supports a single committee structure we need to


consider and advise Wellington Branch’s preferences for Option 1 This is basically how the three positions on the single committee are to be split amongst the North Island Branches. Ie, will it be based upon geographical area or on number of members represented? Some discussion may be required on this in the New Year to prepare for that possibility. In the interim, your sub- committee will continue to lobby for including the status quo (with some tweaks) to be included in the decision.

Vintage Car Club, Canterbury Picnic Run 7th January 2024 This year we are joining the “Pegasus Radio Sail Club”. Bring a picnic and have a go at manoeuvring motorised model boats on Lake Pegasus. Or you can just enjoy watching.


BOXING DAY PICNIC Tuesday 26th December 2023 from 10 a.m. This year our picnic will be held at the Groynes. Picnic Area No. 1a

Bring picnic, family, bats and balls, frisbies etc. All family members welcome but please no dogs. Instructions Turn into the Groynes off Johns Road, Turn right at the roundabout to follow Groynes Drive. Turn right at the roundabout and proceed to Picnic Area 1 on your right. VCC sign. Barbecue and toilets are available. Enquires to Don or Judy Bennetts Ph. 3856333



Merry Christmas everybody!

The Homestead Run was a real success. Thank you to Andrew and Justine Marshall who did an amazing job. For more details there is a full report and photos in this Hub. Last Friday evening a group of us got together over a beverage and the outside fire to discuss the Children’s Christmas Picnic! There was excitement all around with what we would like to deliver this year! However I am feeling a bit nervous about how many elves and tutus might attend. Please register the child attending as soon as possible so Santa doesn’t miss anyone out. The picnic is open to everybody if you wish to stay on from Old Bikes Coffee and Cars. The Christmas Social this year is themed “Put your records on”. Bring any record you would like played. We could have a bit of fun with this! The Boxing day picnic (advertised Page 10) has had a change of venue this year. Nice to change things up a bit. Thank you to Don and Judy Bennetts for organising this. It will be lovely to do some walks to help get rid of the Christmas pud and also to enjoy the scenery as well as the company. No entry is required for this. Please just turn up. The Picnic Run on the 7th January 2024, should be a good event. This year we are heading north and there will be some entertainment provided. The Annual Rally is taking shape. This event we will be visiting several places which will allow us to have a rally in the morning and the afternoon on the Saturday. The Sunday will be the Field Tests followed by a BBQ lunch. Hope to see you all at Noggin for a bit of Christmas Cheer and Cake! Yes, the cake is back. 11

Coming Events: Saturday 9th December 2023 Christmas Social Sunday 17th December 2023 OCBC followed by the Children’s Christmas Picnic Tuesday 26th December 2023 Boxing Day Run Tuesday 2nd January 2024 Motorcycle New Year Run Sunday 7th January 2024 Picnic Run Sunday 21st January 2024 OCBC followed by the Veteran Picnic Run Saturday 10th February 2024 Boot Sale Be safe on the roads over the summer break and be ready for an action packed year of rallying.




VINTAGE REPORT It was good to see the one make winners have cars on display for the November Noggin. It also was a great day for OCBC Sunday 19 Nov with a chance to meet new and old friends. We have had an increase of entries, and now have 40 entries to date, for the Annual Vintage Rally which is to be held on Sunday 3rd December. This rally is run for all vintage vehicles including motorcycles. Please turn up on the day either with or without eligible Vintage Cars on Sunday 3rd December. This weekend I am heading out to participate in the Annual Motorcycle Rally and I am sure that this will be another well organised adventure. See you at the December Noggin. With Christmas just around the corner I would like to wish all members and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Graham


VETERAN REPORT The highlight of the month was our Veteran and Vintage display at the Hororata Highland Games, this time on a beautiful late spring/early summer day with a clear blue sky and virtually no wind. The Highland Games never disappoint – there is so much to see going on around the huge grounds that it’s impossible to get bored, and it’s all interesting and enjoyable to watch. As in past years we met at the war memorial outside St Johns Church just north of the township at 10.00am, and in due course our escort arrived from the games to lead us down the road and into the showgrounds where all the action was taking part. We had 17 cars – 10 of them veterans and the rest vintage – all nicely presented and some even a little bit dressed with Scottish regalia. On arrival into the grounds the crowds lined the fences on the way in, and then eagerly gathered around to see the cars once they were parked. Throughout the day lots of people came to see them and take photographs, giving us all a good opportunity to answer questions and even invite people to sit in them to experience for themselves how different they are to modern cars. There were even a few people who were keen to see what the starting procedures looked like (especially on the crank-start cars), so thank goodness all demonstrations ended happily with


running engines. Children in particular were in awe watching how swinging a handle at the front of a car could start it up! The games, Scottish dancing and highland band competitions provided ongoing interest and viewing opportunities all day, and in fact the last of the strong-man and strong-woman competitions were still finishing off as we began leaving at 4.00pm. The marching bands were spectacular, and many people could be seen welling up as the bagpipes blasted their shrilling melodies out over a cacophony of drums as the bands marched forwards towards the thousands of spectators. All the tickets for the event were pre-sold over the internet, and it was reported that 10,000 people attended on the day which was absolutely believable when looking across the grounds – just lots of happy people everywhere. So, all considered, an excellent day out enjoyed by us all. A big thanks to everyone who brought their cars out – especially those who drove their cars from Christchurch and beyond to be there (and yes, one of those was a Scottish car – the 1912 Albion belonging to Don and Judy Bennetts which was driven from their home in Marshland). Hopefully we’ll be invited back next year again. At home our 1912 Wolseley has had a few good outings, one being to what may become a regular fixture for a ‘veteran coffee’ at the Thirsty Acres at Kirwee. For those who are keen to join us we’ll be there on the second Tuesday of every month at 10.00am, which is the time the café opens and the hot scones come out of the oven. Bring your veteran vehicle if you


want, but anyone is welcome to join us there. A great opportunity to talk about who’s doing what, which machines are playing up and what could be causing it, and to de-brief past events and plan participation in those coming up. The next one will be on Tuesday 12th December – perhaps come and de-stress after doing your Christmas shopping?? Next year we may also do one on the north side of the Waimak. Last week I got the 1909 Wolseley Siddeley out as well – it needed a couple of small jobs attended to and it’s now got a fresh WoF and is ready for outings as well. Its first club run will be to Old Cars Bikes and Coffee OCBC) and the Children’s Christmas Party on Sunday 17th December. Later in the Hub on Page 39 you will find information on a new event, the Brooklands to Brighton Run, to be held on Saturday 2nd March next year. If you can breathe any life at all into your 100- year-plus motorcycle, car or truck, then you simply must enter this event. It’s hoped it will be the first of what may be an annual run which will showcase all of our vehicles older than 100 years – the big plus being that more and more will be eligible for it as the year’s progress. Note too, that there will be a special prize at this rally for the oldest car/youngest driver combination, so get your children and grandchildren trained up and ready to enter. They will thoroughly enjoy it. Another event well worth considering is January’s Picnic Run on 7th January at Pegasus, where we will be joining with the Radio Sailing Club to put on a display of cars at the Pegasus lakeside (Pegasus township is just north of Woodend) as the sailing club have a regatta in the lake. It would be absolutely great to have a large display of veteran and other VCC vehicles – it’s hoped this 16

will be a very public event which will be publicised throughout North Canterbury – once again a great opportunity to show our vehicles off to the public whilst enjoying the event (and our picnics) on the lakeside ourselves. More details can be found on Page 9. And before I finish, just a mention too about the forthcoming Dunedin National Veteran Rally and Dunedin to Brighton Run in January. If you have not sent your entry in yet, please do this as soon as possible. Note that entries received later than 12th January will be too late to be listed (with photographs) in the Rally handbook. I have been told that there are a good number of veteran motorcycles entered which is pleasing the organisers. Hard to believe it, but the next Hub will no doubt contain a report of this rally – that’s how close it is! This is a significant event and it would be great to see a good contingent of our branch members attending. Other forthcoming events suitable for veterans are the Boxing Day picnic (short run to the Groynes) and of course OCBC on 21st January. Let’s make the most of veteran motoring this summer!

Next Month veteran owners celebrate 70 years of the Dunedin Brighton Rally. Graeme Sword has sent in this photo of himself, Andrew Morison and Kevin Stevenson at the 50th rally. Graeme’s still riding that amazing little Triumph. 17

Register HERE 18

COMMERCIAL REPORT Greetings all, The November Commercial Noggin was held at Upper Classics in Middleton and there was a HUGE turnout of about 25 members. They are basically a "one stop shop" for car restoration. Terry, our host, showed us through, and gave us a very informative tour of his premises. There are some amazing vehicles there undergoing VERY extensive rebuilds and others just for a recommissioning job or some repairs. I was very impressed with the setup and seeing some of the work that their Owner Terry (right) shows the outstanding extremely skilled crafts craftmanship on an SS body frame people perform! They have separate areas for mechanical, panel and steel work, paint shop, woodworking etc. I was most taken by the beautiful workmanship on a timber frame for a SS Jaguar - seems too nice to cover up! Many of the vehicles they are restoring have come from overseas and will never see our roads before they are shipped home again. A great setup indeed! Thank you Terry for your hospitality! I've really enjoyed all the visits to various businesses and learned quite a bit about various jobs in automotive areas - our hosts have opened their businesses to us outside of their operating hours, been welcome hosts and some have provided us with supper. All above and beyond their normal work duties. Visits to a business have proven popular but I'm running out of ideas. It seems gathering at a bar or club isn't so popular. I also need someone to step forward and offer to arrange the February and March Noggins please as I'm busy with a full time job etc. Feb and March are my busiest months. I'm happy to chat at the next 19

noggin nights or you can give me a call. Even if you have a nice garage/ workshop and don't mind inviting the group there - it doesn't have to be a business. Some of our members have a fantastic setup at home (and I've seen a few of these also - Tony & Leigh Craythorne and Dave Coopers and Inwoods to name 3 in the time I've been convenor) so please have a think about it.

Coming events:

The Canterbury branch Christmas social is on Saturday 9th December. Please look for details in the HUB. This is a friendly and relaxed social evening to enjoy with your VCC friends. Please note the December Commercial Noggin - we have been warmly invited to join with the Motorcycle section for their Christmas social. It is being held at the Barn, Cutler Park on Wednesday 13th December. This is a fully catered meal and is $30.00 per head. RSVP please to Royce Baker, by email:, 03 322 5529 or mobile 021323571, by 08th December 2023 and payment of the $30.00 per head to: VCC Motorcycle Section 03 0802 0099727 00. The commercial Christmas social was a quiet affair last year due to our regular date unavailable and so close to Christmas so hoping this year will be an enjoyable evening. As there is no HUB in January I have gone ahead and sorted the January Commercial Noggin in advance. Brian Fairbrass, one of our loyal commercial noggin attendees, is hosting us at his place of work. The Ferrymead Tramway is at 269-275 Bridlepath Road in Ferrymead, Wednesday 17th January 2024 from 7:15pm. Brian tells me this will be the 4th time he has shown us through the workshop there. This month we will need some idea of who will be coming please - so if you can let me know in advance and I'll create a list. You can call, text or email me. I'm looking forward to it! Take care, Happy motoring and a Merry Christmas to you all. Michael


9-90s Les Sloan seemed a bit vague about our first stop this month when I spoke to him about it a few days before. I know why now. WOW! What a collection. With a great turnout of 48 cars under threatening skys we had the usual chat while waiting for the last of the cars to arrive then set off for an interesting drive around some new subdivisions in the Rolleston and Lincoln area where I think a few of us developed a bit of shed envy as we passed by some of the larger sections.

We arrived at a cottage hidden by shrubs and trees in Greenpark. After a brief talk from Judith about the property, Bruce’s sheds and the garden we walked up the drive past a hut that looked over a hundred years old. As a few people chanced a look in the door the crowd grew and excitement mounted as we exclaimed over the contents. A wonderful selection of items from days gone by, and as we moved further into the property we found more and bigger sheds! all with great character and all chock full of a wide variety of interesting items. The sheds were surrounded with some larger pieces like blacksmiths forges and anvils which really set the scene. Then we came to the beautiful cottage garden with a multitude of plants many of us had never seen before among some nice stone work, a fish pond, water wheel and some garden art. After spending an hour or so in a 21

place where I could spend a week we set off again for a short trundle down the road to Graham & Helen Barr’s lovely garden where once again the group was too big to all sit in the usual big circle for lunch and Annette and John ran yet another popular raffle. Just like old times. After lunch Graham gave us a tour of his carton die making business “Southern Dies” and a demo of the work that goes into building a die for cutting and folding cardboard cartons. It can take around 30 hours of skilled work to make a die which with careful operators can make a million cartons. All in all another terrific 9-90’s day out. Many thanks to Les ably helped by Brian. Next month of course is the Christmas lunch now completely sold out. Thanks everyone. See you then. Looking forward to February 7th, but at time of writing we don't have a volunteer to organise the run. Please give me a call if you can help!

Cheers. Ken. 021 2225086. CONDOLENCES The Branch extends its sympathy to the family and friends of the following members: Gill & Kevin Stevenson on passing of Gill’s Father Frank Crehan. Family of Peter Searle. Family of Tracy Webster (Nee Sim) Daughter of Iain and Margaret Sim. Ken, sons Garry and Shane and the family of Deann Whitaker. Don and the family of June McClelland. John and the family of Sue Le Brun. 22

MOTORCYCLE REPORT At last!! Summer begins this month!! Enjoy the real season for motorcycling!! Past Events 28th October – Fish and Chip Run. We met at the Bunnings carpark, by the airport, for a run out through the gorges to Oxford, with lunch at the Oxford Pub. About 14 or so made the trip in good weather conditions. 9th November – Noggin Night. Only about 4 people ventured out on a bloody cold windy night to Smash Palace’s biker’s night… not that conducive to outdoor el fresco entertainment… 15th November – Old Codger’s Run. About 15 met at the Yaldhurst to do the Oxford loop in the opposite direction with a deviation via the Cooper’s Creek road, then to Ashley for a later lunch… 25th November – Motorcycle Annual Rally. A very successful event, attracting about 40+ entries. Please see elsewhere for the write-up and trophy winners. Future Events. 13th December – Christmas Noggin. As in past years, this will be held in The Barn, McLeans Island, and take the form of a catered meal. Both the Barn and Caterer has been booked; the meal will be $30 per head this year. We will need attendees to advise Royce Baker directly they are coming; you’ll find Royce on 021 323 571 or email Can you please advise of your attendance by Friday 8th December. Also, please pay your money into the motorcycle section bank account 03 0802 0099727 00 (Name and Xmas Noggin as references) PRIOR so we do not have to collect money on the night. We have to pay the caterer in advance, so we need your money in advance. Meet 6.00 pm, with the meal served from about 7 – 7.30 pm. Members of other sections are welcome to join in. 16th December – Fish and Chip Run. Being brought forward as later weekends clash with Christmas break. Meet at PMH, 10.15am for a 10.30 am departure. We do have an interesting collection of vehicles lined up for you; to find out where just turn up for the run… 23

20th December – Old Codger’s Run. To be advised, via the email list. 2nd January 2024 – New Year Run. Meet at the Motorcycle Corner, Cutler Park, 10.00 am. This will probably be a run out south west; destination to be finally decided but we will advise prior by email. 17th January 2024 – Old Codger’s Run. To be advised, via the email list. 20th January 2024 – Kickstart Rally, Waimate VCC. Not strictly an event for Canterbury riders, but refer to mail sent out regarding this event. We went last year; it was a great event, worthy of your support. 27th January 2024 – Fish and Chip Run. The first for the new year! Meet at PMH 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. Will advise beforehand for the destination, which right now has yet to be decided. 14th February – Motorcycle Noggin 21st February – Old Codger’s Run. 24th February – Fish and Chip Run. There are several events with no information other than announcing their existence. For these events as information comes to hand the motorcyclists on the database will be advised in due course. That is it for this month, and this year. Can I wish all Canterbury Motorcyclists a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and remember; keep the rubber to the road this festive season! Cheers, CML


THE ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RALLY This year's annual rally was held on November 25th, starting at the social corner of Cutler Park. The day dawned a bit overcast and a few spots of rain on the visor heading in from Rangiora came to nothing. After signing in, I had a glance at the route sheet, having lived in Rangiora all my life, knew all the roads, so folded up the sheet not to be needed again. Once riders briefing was held about 42 motorcycles departed Cutler Park after completing field test and nominating a speed for the time section, although one rider was seen doing a wide berth on the grass then out the gate. After riding around some of North Canterbury backcountry roads both long and short routes ended up at Ivan Campbell's " Loburn Abbey" airfield in Loburn for lunch. After the lunch break Ivan gave us a talk on how he got started, his aircraft business and how he got into making hard shell leather flying helmets which have saved the life of about 35 pilots around the world including Harrison Ford the actor. Ivan then fired up the Spitfire and gave us all an impressive flying display that you generally only see at air shows. Leaving Ivan's place everyone made their own way home although a reasonable size group headed to the Ashley Pub for a debrief. The day finished at Cutler Park for an evening meal and prize giving. I would like to thank the organizers for a great day out. Dave Chambers Concours PV PWV Veteran Vintage P60

Motor cycle combination Leigh & Tony Craythorne 1955 Panther

Brian Hayman 1935 Ariel Chris Leith 1955 Triumph Graham Sword 1914 Triumph Philip Jeeves 1924 Triumph Terry Cole 1975 Honda

Nut Strangler Award Chris Stevens 1935 Triumph Overall Class Winners PWV Dev Dhurvas Vintage Philip Jeeves Veteran Graham Sword P60 Bruce Miles P80 Taylor White

Time Section and Field Events Vintage Philip Jeeves 1924 Triumph PVV Brian Hayman 1935 Ariel Best Woman Rider Linda White 1988 Suzuki Best 2 Stroke Ian McEwen

1975 Suzuki


Overall Winner Dave Chambers

1947 BSA 1924 Triumph 1914 Triumph 1971 Honda 1985 Honda

1952 BSA

Paul does the briefing. (What’s that woman doing without her patch?) Below: Host Ivan Campbell with scale Spitfire. Bottom: Some of the prizewinners.


THE HOMESTEAD RUN The Homestead run - truth be told, I haven’t been on one for over 20 years. It was a day of old and new. Organised by Andrew and Justine – they are new members, but I’ve known Andrew since high school so old friends. It was a new experience for them – their first chance to organise a rally. You did a great job old friends. Everyone seemed in positive spirits. There were about 60 cars, a real mix of old and new. Of course, the vintage and veteran cars but it was great to see the “new” cars also. I had a chuckle at the Ford Laser - a good friend of Andrew’s and mine drove one of those at high school! We took off from Cutler Park and headed out towards Hororata. The first Homestead was Cotons Cottage. What a find - a beautiful old cob house (Historic Place Category 2), that now serves as a museum. The enthusiasm of the community volunteers from Hororata who look after the cottage was great. I hope others got to marvel at the collection of old barbed wire on the fence at the gate. It was at Cotons Cottage that we almost picked up new entrant –he diligently followed the marshals’ instructions and parked up with the other vehicles. He then approached the marshals to ask where he might find his father. Apparently, his father drives an old car. The man saw our old cars so thought we


must be going in the same direction. Turns out he was supposed to meet his father in Kirwee! Back on the road for a lovely drive through Rakaia Gorge – it never gets old, then a right turn into the road to Mount Hutt. We didn’t go to the ski field (thank goodness), but we did stop at Awa Awa Reserve to enjoy the Rhododendrons over a cup of tea. Good conversations. Kevin still tells the same old jokes. From the reserve we went through “Green Street” to Ashburton where we visited the final Homestead – “Coniston”. Coniston is still farmed but also now includes a number of other interesting sights, including the old original homestead, Coniston Chapel and expansive gardens. There was plenty to take in, including a replica Benz and a jet engine – quite a new experience to see and hear that running! It was a great day, a lovely run and a new experience for me driving my every-day car from university days (a 1971 VW Beetle) on a VCC Rally. It was my navigator’s first run so another “new” for the day – he did well. And thanks to all the people who put in the hard work to organise and run this day of old and new. Bronwyn McKinlay

Photos from Linda Inwood and Jack Porter


Annual Rally Entry Form

Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February 2022 Entrant: ……………………………………………….……………………………… M/ship Number: …………………. Address: ……………………………………………………………………………… Phone: Home / Cell: ………………………………………………………………… Vehicle: Make/Model Year: ………………………………………………………… No of Cylinders ………………………. Section: CAR


Competitive YES /NO


Average Speed in KMs per hour …………………………… Route: Short Long (circle)

Entry Fee: Plaque (optional)

$15.00 @$10.00


Sunday: Entertainment and Prize Giving Lunch Please remember to enter number of lunches if you are not doing the rally and doing the entertainment and prize giving only on the Sunday) Number @ $10.00 ………… $............ TOTAL $.....................

Enter online HERE Or by email to

Or mail to Mrs K Shaw, 129b Paparoa Street, Papanui, Christchurch 8053. Payment by direct credit, with your name and “Annual Rally” to: VCC Canterbury Branch. 03-1594-0096832-00 Entries Close Wednesday 21st February 2022



November 2023 run Tuesday 14th And they’re racing – that was the tune for the New Zealand Trotting cup on the 14th and the VOG’s were also out on that very hot November day maybe not racing but more of a pacing as 15 riders were under starters orders from the Yaldhurst Hotel carpark for a “leisurely ride” in the country organised by Wayne Gath. As backup this month I realised what an impressive sight it was watching a procession of Hi Vis jacketed Jockeys ambling along the so called quieter roads of Yaldhurst and Templeton. Wayne had promised us a stress free ride this time with very little traffic but oh no all the locals must have decided to hit roads on that day which made for an interesting ride having to be alert at all times watching out for speeding drivers and large trucks. The ride was not without incidences with some of the jockeys steads not behaving themselves and no matter how much whipping or muttering one rider Grant Lomax had to succumb to having his stead retire and loading it onto the backup trailer and completing the course in the air-conditioned comfort of my Ford Falcon. I’m sure Grant was quite happy about this outcome after working up quite a sweat due to massive amounts of pedalling in the quest to get his filly to trot along and complete the course. Even our leader Wayne in his own words commented “started first and finished last” – a very fit person Wayne must be as he seemed to pedal his mount for almost a quarter of the distance. I’m sure Wayne will have his machine in good order again soon as it has been taken to the “Backhouse Stables” for some overdue TLC. Great to see our 2 new riders out again this month both answering to the name of Dave. They had both joined us in October and enjoyed themselves so much they returned again for another blast. Such is the “power and charm” of these little machines. No run planned for December – but a sociable get together for an extended lunch reflecting on the year gone by. Wow how philosophical is that. Royce (VOG1) 30

WEST COAST EXCURSION 17th 19th NOVEMBER At the last minute and by word of mouth 28 of us spent a very happy Show Weekend away thanks to Lyndsey's many friends and acquaintances on the West Coast. The weather forecast was not the best but as luck would have it we had 3 glorious days. Our first day was to travel to Hokitika stopping at Waddington, here we met a very clever man who made small replica steam engines that were powered by Batteries. Three of the ladies took up his offer of a ride around the streets. From there we went on to Arthurs Pass for lunch then to Hokitika each to our accommodation. Then later out for dinner at Stumpers Hotel. The next day we spent time at Heritage Park. Lots to see here and don't forget the ride on the train. After this, we travelled through Ross. Entertainment here with music and a welcome drink at the Historic Pub. across the road to another extra large men's shed with a great collection of motor bikes and other memorabilia. Next to Hokitika Gorge stopping on the way to inspect the memorial at Kowhitirangi. In 1941 a deranged farmer shot and killed seven men. We found this very interesting. After visiting the Gorge it was back to get ready for the evening meal which was delicious and very good value at the Hokitika Workingman's Club. Some of us later on in the evening walked up to the glow worm caves.Lots of twinkling lights a lovely way to finish the night. Sunday we left for home Lyndsey had 31

arranged morning tea for us all at the Hose and Hydraulic shop in Greymouth. The shop was great, full to the brim with stock. Models of planes hung from the ceiling. Also, model motorbikes were beautifully made. Thanks to Kaye and Teresa for making the drinks. We are now off to Joe Gillman's collection of vehicles. What a character he is with a great little dog by the name of Jess. The view from his house was to die for looking out on the Grey River. We could have stayed there all day on his deck, we all really enjoyed this stop. Well last but not least we stopped at Dutchies. We have never seen so many Land Rovers, must have been hundreds. After this, we stopped again for lunch at Lake Moana. We could go on and on. It was a fun-filled weekend which we all enjoyed.

Thanks to Lyndsey and your helpers Annette and Tony Rose Mariner

Grounds Maintenance Group Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All VERY welcome. 32

CANTERBURY BRANCH VINTAGE CAR CLUB ANNUAL RALLY 2024 Bring some “culture” into your life by joining us on the Annual Vintage Car Club rally in February 2024. Starting from at Cutler Park, with some morning tea for sustenance. We are venturing into the countryside again with several places of interest to be viewed. This event will provide a morning and afternoon run. You can choose from a Long or a Short run. Fields tests, BBQ lunch (optional) and the prize giving will be on the Sunday. 24th and 25th February 2024 Cutler Park 9.00am morning tea and 9.30am set off. Cost $15 per car. BBQ Lunch $10 Entertainment by our helpers – Free!

Please enter online. Happy to take registrations if you only can do cash, at the February noggin.

Registrations close Wednesday 21st February 2024 Entry Form Page 29 33

OCBC November’s OCBC was very busy, with the owners of around 80 cars, a couple of trucks, and several motorcycles turning out to enjoy a coffee and chat in the warm sunshine that morning offered. The earliest cars were two 1912 veterans, and the newest a quite new Mini Cooper, so the full range of ages was well covered. The coffee cart arrived right on 9.00am and was very busy until it left at11.30. Worth a special mention is John and Christine Coomber in their Renault Floride Caravelle convertible (this time with a working clutch) and also Andrew Marshall who brought out his 1980’s Audi Quattro, back on the road after a long spell in a panel and paint shop. Also great to see some everyday and used classics, including Austin Sevens, Morris Eights, and even a well-worn Wolseley 6/110 recently purchased by new member Grant Berry which is now undergoing a rolling restoration after sitting unused in Nelson for many years. After OCBC a few of us drove to the Gatehouse Café in Kirk Road for lunch, which was very pleasant. December’s OCBC of course coincides with the Children’s Christmas Party, so we’re expecting a very good turnout again, and of course the excitement of Father Christmas arriving to dispense the presents in the afternoon. The coffee cart will be staying on until the early afternoon, so do come out any time after 9.00 for this the last one for 2023, and feel free to stay on for a picnic lunch in the grounds to enjoy the fun and games with the children and their families. There will be OCBC in January – mark Sunday 21st January in your diary now! Colin Hey


Evan Hamblin in his well motored Austin 7

John & Christine Coomber’s Renault Floride

Oops three British—no balance in this newsletter!

‘52 Morgan Plus 4

Austin Healy 100

Something for the real petrol heads. ‘63 Chev.


National Commercial Rally A Canterbury Viewpoint In 2021 my mate (Alistair Stevens) purchased a very straight rust free 1982 Datsun 1200 utility. Although the engine and suspension had been refurbished the vehicle needed considerable work on the panels, painting, upholstery and tuning plus all the other things that pop up when you start a project like this. Work proceeded slowly for a time until I became aware of a VCC National Commercial Rally coming up in Wanganui later in the year and suggested that we finish the restoration and attend. Progress went into high gear with us finding a retired panel beater/ painter willing to take on the job. After this was completed, it was sent to the upholsterer for the seats and carpets to be redone. As per the rules of VCC National Rally we had to get the vehicle VIC’d and this was done within plenty of time. All the final jobs were conducted by us at home over the next few weeks. This was not as easy as it sounds as I live in Christchurch and the Datsun owner lives near Methven approx. 120 Kms apart. Finally, we had completed the list of tasks, but when testing was undertaken, we found overheating problems. Out came the radiator for cleaning, a new thermostat, and a flush of the engine, seemed to fix the problem. The time came to take off on our trip to Wanganui where the Rally was to be held. We left a day early and stayed the night in Picton as we were not too sure of getting across Cooks Straight on the Ferries, but we needed not to worry as it all went smooth and on time. After leaving Wellington we headed up SH 1 intending to go the old route near the sea but somehow, we ended up on the new Transmission Gully Highway, which is long, uphill for a considerable amount of time and not as smooth as other new motorways we have driven on. This caused the Ute to overheat again with hot water coming out of the heater and onto our feet. We finally made it over the top and down the other side and called into a garage to put in a by-


pass hose to eliminate the heater system. This fixed our overheating problems. We then had to backtrack a short distance to visit Southwards Auto Museum which I had not visited for several years. We were a little disappointed with the visit although the collection is great and holds a world class selection of rare, exotic vehicles and memorabilia, the overall effect has not changed much over the years. Onwards to Wanganui through Levin, Foxton, and Bulls, finding our motel in Wanganui for the next four nights. Next day was spent visiting friends and sightseeing around the Wanganui area even climbing the lookout tower (176 steps) to gain a magnificent view over Wanganui before attending the Official Opening Ceremony at 6pm where we received our final rally instructions for the weekend. Next day we assembled at a local park for a Public Display and Concour’s judging then proceeded to the Wanganui VCC Clubrooms for afternoon tea. Sunday was Rally day with an exceptionally long, rough, dusty route which took us on an interesting big loop around the outskirts of the Wanganui countryside arriving back at the VCC Club Rooms for lunch. Field tests were held in the park next door to the Club Rooms before heading home to our Motel for a clean up before heading to the Wanganui Racecourse complex for the final dinner and prize giving. Next morning (Monday) we assembled at the VCC club rooms again for a final morning tea then took a short drive to visit a large shed. Enclosed within was an enormous collection of old cars and a varied collection of other old collectable items. Although we had a wonderful time and tried our hardest with the competition aspect of the rally, we did not feature in the list of prize winners. On leaving Wanganui at lunchtime, we stopped in Palmerston North as we had a business meeting arranged, after that we then proceeded onwards to Shannon to visit friends. Continuing southwards we stopped at Paekakariki to visit the Railway Museum, but it was closed, and all locked up. A bit sad as quite a few other people were also wanting to visit this establishment. Onto Wellington to find our accommodation then ventured out to sight see some of Wellington, taking a ride on the Cable Car, drove past the Beehive (saw Chris - do not know which one was packing or


unpacking cardboard boxes through the window). Got told to move on by a Parking Officer, traffic was bad, and everyone seemed to know where they were going except us, but we got there. Up early next morning to catch the Ferry. Breakfast on board with a smooth sailing. Visited a couple of friends in the Picton area before heading home to drop me off in Christchurch and Alistair to drive home to his Barhill farm later in the evening. Apart from a couple of problems with the Datsun Ute which we overcame, the weather was good, we made some new friends, viewed some new country, and had a wonderful time. This was the first VCC Commercial Rally held for some time and moves are already being discussed by Rally entrants to hold another Rally in the future in the lower South Island. Lyndsey Saunders (Canterbury)

NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Lynn Townsend 1933 Rolls Royce 20/25 Sedan Rodger Eade 1964 Holden EH, Sedan John Poynter 1979 Citroen GS, Sedan. 1961 Ford Mark 2 Zodiac, Coupe. 1954 VW Beetle, Sedan. . Marcello D’Ambrosio 1972 Jaguar XJ6 Sedan Susan Lovell 1963 Triumph Herald Sedan Brodie Williams 05/30676 1962 Wolseley 6-110 Sedan Grant Berry 1962 Wolseley 6-110 Sedan Mr Dave Taylor 05/30695 1970 Triumph T120RT, Motorcycle 38


FOR SALE 1978 Triumph 2500 S Manual overdrive Factory Mag Wheels Power Steering Tow Bar Reg. W.O.F Good Dry Body $7500 ono Phone Lindsay on 027228 6292 1989 Honda VT250 Spada New WOF, reg on hold, 37000ks. In very good condition for a 34 year old bike, light weight low seat height club eligible bike. Typically reliable over engineered Honda with electric start quad cam water cooled v-twin engine, only produced for 1989 model year with Italian cast aluminium frame and 17” wheels. $2950 ono, contact Neil 027 289 6201 1988 Nissan Bluebird Widetrack. Daily user until start of November, reg and wof. Clears has started coming off bonnet, roof and boot but otherwise pretty good. A good runner, head gasket August 2022. Towbar. Two family owner. Have a look and make a reasonable offer. Mike - 021 1920581 Barn Find (45 Years ago) Still a barn find. 1929 four door Model A 5 new tyres Martin Rooney 03 3124 090 40

Morris Eight 2-door Saloon Hi Car Club Friends, A Lower North Island car club friend advises availability of a 1936 that is very suitable for restoration. One family owned, apparently complete and in long term dry storage. Please be in touch if you, or someone you know, could be interested in bringing this potentially rewarding piece of history to life. Only cost is its removal from its Lower North Island location! Tony Becker 0274466964 1961 P4 Rover 100 current mileage - 179,000 miles. Two tone green and in good condition all round. One family since new and always garaged, Last WoF 2005, but is regularly started and driven up and down the drive. Brakes and steering work done in 2019, comes with new door and windscreen rubbers. Reg on hold. Open to offers from someone keen to restore. Contact Barry on 021 883806 or email


WANTED BSA Dandy BSA Dandy parts kick start and carburettor cover required, and interested in other any Dandy parts.

Please phone Barry on 021 310 458 GYS-Cairns Motoc Information & or parts wanted Please phone 021 294 6121 Caravan Wanted Modern, large preferred. What is on offer? 0273575092


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255




2022-2023 Representatives Motorcycle Convenor Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529 Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator Ken James 03 980 0547 VIC Representative Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333

Bar Manager Andrea Dallow (Gilbert) 03 388 2838 Librarians Ted and Jill Hockley 03 323 7183 Swap Meet Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin Maintenance/Clubrooms Alan Hill (Barbara) Mike Foster 03 313 6008 021 161 5866 03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Barn Bookings/Camping Colin Hey (Jenny) Kevin and Claire Campion 03 359 8737 021 883 807 03 312 7255 027 407 5344 44

Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660 New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041 Branch Vehicle Custodian Mark Drury 03 342 9297 Hub Editor And Web Site Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

2022-2023 Main Committee Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Secretary Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807


Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman (Claire) 03 745 9240 027 516 0029

Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain ‘P’ Group Convenor John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375

Asst Club Captain Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277



Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.



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