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1 THE VOICE OF THE VINTAGE CAR A Newsletter from the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club for Classic Vehicle Enthusiasts– September 2022 BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) Email: WEB SITE: ACCOLADES FOR ROD BRAYSHAW AT VCC NATIONAL AGM


Due to Rod’s heavy national and international workload he has not been able to participate in BOP Branch activities as much as he would have liked however, he gratefully thanks the Branch for its camaraderie and support over those years. The BOP Branch members would personally like to offer their heartiest wishes and thanks to Rod, and wish him and his supportive wife Jill, all the very best for the future.

After a very demanding and full on 26 years as National Registrar for the Vintage Car Club (VCC), Rod Brayshaw stood down from his VCC management position at the AGM that was held recently in Auckland. Rod continued in this role after he had had a very debilitating stroke several years ago, his tenacity to the Club speaks highly of his commitment, determination, and dedication to ensure we could all continue “Driving our history”.

Amongst many other achievements during his 26 years of service to the Club, Rod was instrumental in developing the VIC system to the highly regarded level it is now, with FIVA adopting it for their use, an awesome achievement.

Rod Brayshaw – Vintage Car Club National Registrar - Retirement

In recognition to Rod’s contribution to VCC NZ, President Diane Quarrie presented him a copy of “Reid Railton, Man of Speed” comprising of two hefty volumes. These motoring books will be of particular interest to Rod as they cover Railton’s connection to the MG’s record breaking by Goldie Gardiner. The presentation was very emotional not only for Rod, but every Branch Delegate and supporter in the room who gave him a most commendable standing ovation.


And then a couple of days later, the cafe opened with Tony Hall, the first customer, who filled in his waiting time by straightening the door track which may result in some attention from Bert Dove to modify the ramps if we are lucky, and there was a good muster with later arrivals for a “brew”, but library book borrowing is slow getting going with the “Chairman’s Choice” not reThenquired.the lead up to the Daffodil Day involved a lot of effort from Linda D encouraging plenty of One Make Clubs to join with us on the day and what a “stunna” it turned out to be weather wise after all the rain. Elsewhere the financial results will be noted, and the plenty more than 100 cars fielded some models I have never seen before (Citroen van), with perhaps, the highlight having to be Jim S being chased over the Kaimais in the Veteran Model T by its much younger siblings, namely the Mustangs that did such a heart warming job of taking the youngsters battling cancer for a “blat” around the block. I think there is no greater sight than following a well driven early Club vehicle, bowling along at a great rate of knots, hub caps glinting in the sun with the crew obviously enjoying “driving our history”. During the motor show part of the day, past Chairman Ken Frew unveiled what has to be the best Branch sign in the whole VCCNZ, proudly emphasising that “Classic” cars, what ever they may be, are now part of our interest. As well as all the foregoing, I somehow found time to attend the National AGM in Pukekohe which will be reported on elsewhere, but the interesting thing that came out of that shows there is a very different approach to how some Branches go about their club night entertainment (or lack of) and I’m convinced we do a good job of trying to please most Members. We have built up a lot of momentum and now need to keep it going with better weather just around the corner, so a little bit of feed back, suggestions and actual help to organise a run would be greatly appreciated by our very new Club Captain’s team.

Chairman’s Chat September 2022

What a bounce back we’ve had this last month with a truly excellent “Klaxon” full of top notch articles and then a capacity crowd for club night with the “Drifters” showing off their “drift cars” as well as some very descriptive video clips with more smoke emitted than any of our cars with worn out piston rings! They arrived not long after 6pm and started the difficult job of getting cars with ground clearance like a lizard over the door frame, leaving a bit of re alignment to be done there later. They were still there around 10pm with a couple of us very appreciative of their efforts to entertain us, trying to assist with the loading of their cars in the dark.

Cheers, Alastair Jones

4 BOP VCC Coming Events 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 12 Club night (members with birthdays bring a plate please) Speaker 12 Coffee Morning at Club Rooms 14 Trip to J Swap Contractors in Matamata (See the notice ) 19 23 North Island Club Captains Tour 19 Coffee Morning at the Club Rooms 25 End of Month Run to Whangamata (Classic Car Garage visit) ( See the notice) 26 Committee meeting 26 Coffee Morning 27 Nog and Natter Tauranga Citizens Club (6 pm) 30 Movie night 31 OCTOBER 2022 10 Club night (members with birthdays bring a plate please) 10 Coffee Morning at Club Rooms 12 Local run to included a visit to Thrupp’s Classic Garage then ending up at cafe for lunch 17 Coffee Morning at Club Rooms 22 24 Manawatu Branch Diamond Jubilee ( see Beaded Wheels for info) 24 Coffee Morning at the Club Rooms 25 Nog and Natter a “ Forta Leza” 28 Movie Night 30 End Month Run TBA 31 Committee meeting. All members should note that when attending Club functions or meetings MASKS ARE OPTIONAL And vaccination certificates are NOT required MembersifitisyourbirthdayforthemonththatyourbirthdayfallsincanyoupleasebringaplateforSupper . Thanks, Jill Whitcombe, Club Captain

5 VCCNICC2022Tour INVITATION Dear BOP VCC Members & Friends You are invited to join the entrants that are travelling on my North Island Club Captains (NICC) Tour to the Welcome Dinner next month that will be held at the BOP VCC Clubrooms. DATE – Monday 19 September 2022 WHERE – 29 Cliff Road, Tauranga TIME – 5.30pm Meet & Greet, Happy Hour for BYO drinks. (A complimentary welcome drink will be provided to guests on arrival.) DINNER SERVED – 6.30pm COST - $25.75 p.p RSVP – Monday 12 September to NICC Kaaren Smylie 021 66 43 41 or email: The VCC entrants on this Tour will be travelling from North and South in their fancy autos to the Bay, therefore, there will be an excellent collection of vehicles on display for your viewing at this dinner. The group travelling will be of a substantial size, therefore numbers for the Welcome Dinner will have to be limited. I am thrilled to report there will be 18 BOP VCC members amongst this large group! Everyone out there “Drivingourhistory” KaarenWarmestregardsSmylieVCCNICC

6 To the lovely ladies that helped in the kitchen for our Annual Cancer Club Run and Afternoon Tea fund raiser Many Thanks for your help and support Jane Thorman, Lynn Howard, Raewyn Hughes, Jill Scott Needed Again I am asking for helpers on Monday 19th September for the NI Club Captains dinner at the Club Rooms I will be needing at least 4 members to help in the kitchen from 5pm until approx 8.30pm Please ring Jill on 027 552 4201 if you can help We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members— Tim and Mel Cumming, 1567 Old Coach Road, Te Puke. Phone 0277552172 They have a 1935 Nash, a 1936 Ford and a 1938 Chevrolet ——————————————————————————————————— ourPleasecontactourChairmanifyouhavenotreceivedyournamebadgebynextmeeting

The Incorporated Societies Act has been worked over with the result that the Club’s governance will have to change. Our Branch will receive a new template probably by Xmas that will tell us how we have to run our local BOP V&V CC Club (Branch) and early indications are that it will not be earth shattering. However, the VCCNZ has been run since the beginning by an elected Mgt Committee acting on the direction of the Executive, comprising at present, one Branch Delegate. That will have to change and I might add there have been suggestions many times at the AGM that we have a very top heavy administrative system.

“Beaded Wheels” has been printed by Ovato who have gone “belly up” and the paper needed for printing has to be imported at higher cost as is postage, all of which has made the publishing of our excellent magazine that much more difficult I don’t envy the Editor his job!


National AGM Report for 12-13 Aug.

Despite our President pointing out that around 1800 Members lived in close proximity to the venue and therefore a good turn out of interested onlookers might like to take advantage of the opportunity, but not many availed themselves, so it was pleasing that Brian Pratt and Gwen motored up there.

Firstly, many of the our Members have been critical of the Club for not putting more pressure on NZTA to extend the WOF interval and they obviously have no idea how much behind the scenes work has been done to change this. Finally I’m happy to report that WOF for vehicles older than 40 years is with the Director who has asked for accident statistics before signing off sometime close to Xmas. I would say practically no accidents will have been caused by vehicle defects that might be exacerbated by a longer check period.

Legal advice is being sought the find the best way to navigate this minefield which might be cost effective long term and a Working Group will be formed.

We currently have 355 Members putting us in 4th place and the on line New Membership application has processed about 166 using this option which is considered very satisfactory.

One good thing is that term deposits that were good for 0.89% are now better at 4%. There have been a few who didn’t realise that continued Membership is required to enjoy the extremely favourable premiums offered by VERO. Expressions of interest are being sought from Branches for the next International Rally in probably around 5 6 years. Needless to say, although we may have some suitable venues, trying to motor the number of historic motor vehicles that would be involved on our restrictive roads would be absolutely impossible, so we won’t be putting our hand up.


National AGM Report—Continued National Office has requested some discussion regarding how to manage the 25, 35, 50 and 60 Year awards and have proposed some options for discussion at Branch level and then the 2023 Executive mtg more later.

We have received some excellent brochures selling the benefits of joining the VCCNZ which are useful to keep in the car for hand out when you are speaking to someone who might be a potential new Member.

The only tool that has a small hire charge is the Exhaust Gas Analyzer. This should not have the tube from the exhaust pipe to the machine sitting on the front car seat when you do a check while the vehicle is in motion (ask Paul Beck why this a No No!)

Despite the meeting winding up without nominations for Registrar or Secretary/ Treasurer, I reckon the Club is in good heart and able to manage our motoring interests, and it was satisfying to be part of it.

Jack and Colin have a very good selection of specialist tools you can borrow at no cost to do those jobs you been putting off because the Maintenance Fund is a bit low, and you can’t afford the tool to fettle your historic machine.

VIC application only ONE photo of 6x4 (150x100) on good quality computer photo paper is now required Reported by Alastair Jones


The Parts Shed is open every Monday from about 9am and you can stay for tea or coffee and a bikkie—also at no cost.


For instance, they have ring and spring compressors, ridge remover, compression tester, timing lights, chassis alignment measuring callipers, axle stands etc etc.


Dear Sneeze: If you're going to happen, happen. Don't just put a stupid look on my face and then Vegetariansleave.

Someone just honked to get me out of my parking space faster, so now I just have to sit here until both of us are dead.

Theme parks can snap a crystal clear picture of you on a roller coaster going 70 mph, but bank cameras can't get a clear shot of a robber standing still.

Facial recognition software can pick a person out of a crowd but the vending machine at work can't recognize a dollar bill with a bent corner.

Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers .. if you do find one, what's your plan?

Do not vaccinate health care workers first. If it fails, we're all in trouble. Vaccinate the politicians first. If we lose a few of them, it won't matter.

If you see someone buying candy, popcorn and a soda at the movies, they must be a drug dealer. There's no other explanation for that type of income.

For Deep Thinkers…

After a year of this pandemic, I'm either going out for ice cream or to commit a felony. I'll decide in the car.

Dr. Oz says rubbing coffee grounds on your naked body will get rid of cellulite. Apparently you can't do this in Starbucks. And now the cops are here.

live up to nine years longer than meat-eaters. Nine horrible, worthless, bacon less years ....

My train of thought derailed. There were no survivors.

I know it's time to clean out my purse when my car assumes it's an extra passenger who isn't wearing a seat belt.

When all this pandemic stuff is over, I still plan to wear a mask. It hides the perpetual look of annoyance I have for most people. I never make the same mistake twice. I do it like, five or six times, you know, to make sure.

Someone posted that they had just made synonym buns. I replied "you mean just like the ones that grammar used to make?" I am now blocked.

The more I get to know people, the more I realize why Noah only let animals on the ark.

In the 1980s I fell off my bike and hurt my knee I'm telling you this now because we didn't have social media then.

Some people seem to have aged like fine wine. I aged like milk ... I got sour and chunky.

When 14th September 2022. Time tour starts : 10.30 am. Finish approx : 2pm How this will work: Meet at the car park at Swaps in Pepper Street Matamata at 10 am, you can have your morning tea in the car park or go over to the café and have coffee, tea etc from there Pepper Street café.

September birthday members—if coming to Club night please remember to bring a plate for supper.

We still have some seats available for this trip to look around the very extensive J Swap operation in Matamata. There will be a bus tour around their extensive work shops and out to the quarry. This is all inclusive tour and lunch

You will need good solid shoes and warm coats, bring your masks as well as we will be touring around in mini buses. Please ring or txt Jill Whitcombe 027 552 4201 to book for the tour and lunch. This run is organized by Ken Frew.

The Tour starts at 10.30. The cost is $25.00 per person.


September Mid Week Run to J Swap’s at Matamata

Morning Tea break at Anzac Cove, Bowentown Heads, details and maps given out at this point.

Some of these solutions for keeping your home and your precious vintage and classic cars safe thru modern technology will be of interest to members.

So bring out your vintage and classic cars and head on over to Whangamata for a great day ou.t Meeting start point at the club rooms at 8.45am for 9 am start.


Run being organised by Don White 027 476 4465

September End of Month Run

For this month’s run we will be heading over to Whangamata to a Rock and Roll themed garage with Classic and American cars also on display. This is a very classy themed garage and not many of our club members will have been there.


David Babbage from Bay Security will speak on all things in the home security sector.

Solutionsofferedinclude Burglar alarms, Alarm monitoring, CCTV systems, Security cameras, Intercom systems, Access control systems, as well as Smoke detectors and Driveway alert systems.

Bring your own tea, coffee, eats etc for morning tea. We will then travel up to Whangamata visit the garage at around 11am and then we will lunch at Whangamata RSA in Port Road for lunch We will need numbers attending for lunch please in respect of catering for the restaurant at the club. Please reply to Jill 027 552 4201 if wanting to come to lunch.

12 WELLINGTON TRAIN TRIP 21ST -23RD NOVEMBER 2022 Well it is all go for the Wellington Train trip after a letdown last year. We have 36 booked and there is room for 4 more if anyone would like to come. The cost will be $580.00 per person this will include: The Bus trip to and from Hamilton,  Train Trip return Hamilton to Wellington,  2 night’s accommodation (twin share) at an inner city Wellington Hotel,  and taxi service, Train station to hotel return. This DOES NOT include food costs on the train, or in Wellington No need for any payment yet—you will contacted about Mid October for any payment to the VCC. All enquiries and correspondence to John and Jill Whitcombe Phone 027 552 4201 johnandjill37@gmail.comor Some interesting web-site links Double-Click on the underline text to follow the link. You may have to re-open your Klaxon after viewing these sites. A nice feel good article about fellow VCC members in South Canterbury. herald/news/129375409/a place to call home community heeds call of ukrainian family An interesting article from Hagerty Media in USA Girl Power: Send your carburetor to Riley's Rebuilds, the teenage tuners Hagerty Media Supercharged Grand Prix Cars 1924-1939

13 AUGUST CLUB NIGHT DRIFT CARS Our thanks to Adam Davis and Dave Steedman Team DSR Drift Car champions.

Brian Pratt

Photos by

14 Photos by Deidre Rennie

Honestly, we were treated to cars I have not seen for many years.


We all have to respect and applaud all those club members who were prepared to go the extra mile to make it happen. Cannot mention any names, you all know who you are. Lots of nice to see you again comments, a bit of hugging and “how is the car going,” that’s what it’s all about.

In front of our Clubrooms a large group of pre war cars (very nice,) however, the Occupants did not look a day over 50, that includes you Chris.

By the time you read my rubbish report, you will already be aware of the fantastic amount of money raised which will be handed over to the Cancer Society. I for one have lost a number of family and friends with cancer.

I truly believe the large motoring fraternity have been hanging out for an event such as this.

Last but not least, instead of going over the hill as far as Te Aroha, Matamata and back to the Club for afternoon tea, we opted to take Victoria out to Forta Leza. We shared stories at one large table with a very nice group of people from the Club who had the same idea as us not to take their vehicle over the hill. Enjoyed a wine and beer etc. and when it was time headed back to the Club for afternoon tea. A wonderful day was had by all. Report by Joe Scott. For Sale / Exchange / Help. Clive Taylor had excellent service recently from Tauranga Glass 2021 Ltd. for some plate glass. They asked what did he need it for and he explained he needed a dead flat surface to rub down a carbon bush. That point led to talking about the BOP VCC and our activities. The gem of information from Justin (who is a 50 % owner with his brother 50%) was that they can make / repair older car mirrors, re silver the backs when they start to break down, instead of trying to obtain 'new' mirrors. In fact they can do anything. Recently they made new windows for a Morris car. The contact details are: Tauranga Glass 2021 Ltd. 22 Palm Grove, off Birch Ave and Waihi Road, Tauranga. Contact Justin Smith Phone 07 571 3324, Mobile 021 574 224, email:

Moving on to the world famous Mustangs. A number of owners rose to the occasion and gave a precious group of cancer patient children the opportunity to blast off down the road for a short distance. It was lovely to see their smiling faces. They truly loved it.

Our club members were treated to a wonderful day on Sunday 21st August. The sun came out which was wonderful, as it brought a large number of the public out to enjoy our wonderful display of vehicles.

Among my recollections, I saw a group of yellow jackets directing an entourage of beautiful cars into their allocated parking spots. It was lovely to see such a wonderful display of vehicles from other clubs. For example: A gaggle of Minis in one section, a heap of Morris Minors, a two door low head light which brings back memories, as we had one when our daughter was just a baby and I took the front seat out so her carry cot could sit on the floor.

Daffodil Rally for Cancer

All the Holdens must get a mention. They all huddled into little groups and talked a load of rubbish. We all had loved ones who were doing the same thing, makes the world go round.

16 CLUB DAFFODIL DAY PICTURES Pictures by Brian Pratt





After the motor & gearbox restoration had been completed it was time to install them back onto the chassis. However, before assembly, I needed to prove that the lubrication nipple to the drive shaft was working before I connected it, as the drive shaft was fitted inside a torque tube with no further access. I scratched the paint off the entry to the nipple & applied my ENOTS oil gun to pressurize it. The nipple was stuffed so I unscrewed another one (swapped it) & removed the paint, pressurized it & out poured grease. Earlier in this project, I had found the oil gun in the boot & had cleaned out the aging grease & re loaded it with new grease. Then I later found out that it should be charged with oil, so I removed the grease & loaded it with engine oil. Vintage car engine oil is thick & sticky. Grease is not to be used, as it could block some of the narrow oil galleries. I had hoped that the car had not been lubricated with grease too many times, as a lot of the nipples were not very accessible.


This story is about the Chassis Lubrication of a 1928 Morris Cowley Colonial, Doctors Coupe


The early Morris cars are lubricated by oil nipples at the appropriate moving points. This car has 38 ENOT nipples. These are different to standard grease nipples, as the spring loaded ball that shuts off the flow of lubricant is at the outlet of the nipple (inside it) instead of the small ball bearing that you will see on the inlet of a standard grease nipple. ENOT nipples are also a different shape.


I had procrastinated in attending to the chassis lubrication earlier, as all the nipples had been sand blasted & were coated with 2 coats of epoxy paint, from when the chassis underwent early restoration. So, they were all painted over.

When the time came to fit some of the new nipples, I noticed a red rusty looking substance inside the front leaf spring shackle bolt, that the nipple was to screw into. I poked a small screwdriver in to pick it out. The hole was about 50mm deep & the grease wouldn’t all come out. So, I got a drill bit the correct size & twisted it to pull the rusty mess out. Then cleaned the hole with a twisted paper towel until the mess was cleaned out. At this point I decided that some of the other oil galleries were probably full of grease too, so I removed them one by one & applied the drill bit. I am glad that I did, as there was dirt in many of the galleries which had been pumped in by a grease gun. (Note: this dirt had been deposited in the nipple as dust (on dusty roads), as there was no ball bearing at the front of the nipple to keep the entry clean).


As it turned out, the oil gun worked successfully on the grease nipples (which are the grey ones) & I was delighted to see oil ooze out of the joints as I completed my restoration.

The Differentials Oil Change

The next procedure was to change the diff oil. When I removed the drain plug, all this lovely golden oil came out & I thought that maybe I should have left it alone. Next, I poured about ½ a liter of kerosene into the filling elbow & rotated both wheels back & forth to splash it up onto the gears & could see it swirling around, then drained it again. This time dirt had settled at the bottom of the container. I repeated this process several times until the dripping had stopped. Even overnight. I also noted a layer of black dirt at the bottom of the filling elbow, so poked at it with paper towel on a screwdriver until it disappeared. About 2 liters of kerosene (days later) when the dripping had stopped & it was clean, I filled the diff up with the appropriate Penrite Vintage Oil. It then occurred to me that the dirt was from the dusty roads & had entered in through the breather hole in the top of the filler cap. I then recalled that the gearbox had dirt in it also. I then considered that maybe I should tape the breather hole temporarily if driving on dusty roads. Maybe not.



23 Birch Avenue Radiators SteveandJanJones VINTAGE, CLASSIC OR MODERN CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE, SALES, REPAIRS FOR ANYTHING THAT NEEDS COOLING Call in for an obligation free quote 86B BIRCH AVENUE, TGA Ph: 07 5779883 PANEL BEATERS Bob Hyslop Proprietor ——————————————● QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ● ALL REPAIRS ● COMPETITIVE PRICES 74 Courtney Road Tauranga Phone 07 578 2654 CLASSIC TYRES For all your tyre needs Beaded edge , Cross ply, Radial, Wide whitewall Imperial or Metric. For Car, Truck or Motorcycle. We also supply Whitewall trims, Steel & Wire wheels. 027WOODENDPETERMobile6054040 Email:


Sulphur City Rally and Rotorua VCC 50th Anniversary.

This year was quite special as the Rally has not been held for 2 years due to “that virus” we are all well aware of, but also because this was the 50th Anniversary of the Rotorua VCC and they would be celebrating!

McAlpine’s Vintage Fenn’s PostJack‘sVintageCapri and entrantsother

Last Friday, 26th August, Graeme and I left Waihi Beach in our 1934 Graham Bluestreak, heading for Rotorua to take part in the Sulphur City Rally, organised on the last weekend in August each year, by the Rotorua VCC.


We left the Beach in Sunshine, which slowly disappeared as we approached Tauranga and by the time we were on the Eastern Link Toll Road, had turned to solid rain, and boy did it rain, all the way to Rotorua. As we passed through Tauranga, we spotted the Smylie’s “Road Train” heading in the opposite direction and figured they must be heading elsewhere with their Model A. We stopped at the Clubrooms to collect our Rally Packs and were greeted with friendly smiles and hand shakes. It was wonderful to catchup with people we hadn’t seen for sometime. We have all aged and are very respectful of “that virus”, but were keen to enjoy the beautiful home cooking with a cuppa as we all chatted. Then it was off to our accommodation at the Millenium Hotel, where the Rotorua VCC had organised a good deal for us. Saturday morning dawned rather damp and dismal, but by the briefing at 8.45, we were assured that the rain was finished for the day and that proved correct. It was really great to see Kaaren and Jim, Helen and Les Duggan, and Thelma and Graham Jack, plus ourselves, from the Tauranga Branch. We were told that this was to be a very relaxing day, with no Timing Section (Yay!), no silent checks, no straight line navigation. It was planned as a lovely day out in the country.

Sulphur City Rally and Rotorua VCC 50th Anniversary Continued

Smylie’s Model A A rare niceAdebakerStu-pairof Holdens


Our route took us South East initially, before turning into Bryce Road and travelling on beautiful rural roads in the area and eventually past the Waikite Valley Hot Pools and on up the very long steep hill to the Waiotapu Pub, where we turned right and soon after left, to cover some interesting country around Reporoa, including the long straight road (Goudies Road), often used for New Zealand Land Speed Record attempts, before crossing State Highway 5 and heading to the Mihi Primary School for lunch and later a small, but very challenging gymkhana. The afternoon route was much shorter but also very enjoyable, as we travelled back through the Waikite Valley and back into Rotorua to meet at the Clubrooms for another cuppa with fresh home cooking and much, much chatter among friends. Interestingly, we only saw Thelma and Graeme at the lunchbreak, but saw the Duggans several times as they flew past us going our way and then not long after, heading back towards us!! This was just as we realised the answer to one of our questions had just been passed on a long downhill stretch and Graeme was testing the braking ability of the Graham strenuously!! And so it was that the Duggans, Fenns and Smylies all arrived at the same gate, looking for the same answer, at the same time! What fun! (And I learned what smoking brakes smell like!) Kaaren, Jim and I also spent some time walking around a school, looking for the year that the school was established, gave up and got back in our cars, only to find the answer about 40 metres further on, standing proud on a large sign……..


Dinner on Saturday night was attended by a good number or ralliers and marshalls, as well as many long time members of the Rotorua VCC and former members (including our own Adele Lamb), 5 recipients of 50 year badges and 3 recipients of 35 year badges, all presented by VCC National President, Dianne Quarrie.

Nothing unusual about that you may think, except that Bill is 91 years young and his car is 92 years old, making a combined total of 183 years! Bill and Adelai also attended the dinner where founding member of Rotorua VCC, Bill was awarded his 50 year Badge! Very Bill and Adelai Skelton—see story!

Sulphur City Rally and Rotorua VCC 50th Anniversary Continued

Another brilliant weekend’s entertainment by

As for the winners, well Kaaren and Jim were second in the Vintage Class, Graeme and I won the Post Vintage Class. Russel and Jocelyn McAlpine (Auckland), won Vintage, Colin and Pam Bell (Auckland) won Post War Vintage, Gavin Welch and Sophie (Auckland) won P60 and Steve and Joy Growden from Eastern BOP VCC won P80.

What a lovely day we had. There were some 31 questions to be answered on the morning run, plus 3 more asked by the Marshall at the entrance to the lunchstop, and a further 6 questions in the afternoon. All the answers were well placed and easily identifiable (well mostly!)

Very special mention must be made of Bill and Adelai Skelton, who took 3rd place in the Vintage Section, in their 1929 Austin 7 Chummy. Because their wee car is so slow, they left half an hour before the rest of us, they got a puncture and with the help of two young ladies competing in a 1938 Morris 8, they were soon back on the road and finished the rally.

Rotorua VCC. Why not give some thought to joining us next year? ThanksRaewyn!


Gymkhana Fun—Graeme all concentration! the

27 Sent in by John Carroll thanks John!

28 SUMMIT TYRE SERVICES LTD Come to 200 Waihi Road next to the BP Summit Talk to TONCI BARCOT about tire's. We provide a fast friendly service at a very competitive price. We supply and provide Tires, new & old, Wheel Balancing, Wheel Alignment, WOF Repairs & Batteries Ph. 07 578 2381, Mobile 027 2899484 Your connected accountants At Walton Railton we understand you have goals and we are passionate about using our knowledge to help you reach them 415 Cameron Road, Tauranga (Cnr Eighth Ave & Cameron Rd). 07 5786161 | Certifying Plumber & Gas Fitter covering the Western Bay of Plenty Mobile 027 439 4335

Cleaning with out chemicals or abrasives, it is eco friendly and cost effective way compared to other methods such as media blasting or paint stripping. It can remove light rust off delicate car/engine parts. It will easily clean a metal head gasket previously impossible with conventional cleaning methods. Benefits are no harsh chemicals, no abrasives, no expensive set up cost (as with media blasting), no loud noises during the process, no hazards as with high pressure equipment, very precise cleaning and no clean up

Thiscost!cleaning can be done in your garage if required as it is plug and play! Cost is dependant on size of job

29 FOR ALL CONTACTNEEDSGASKETINGYOUR — DARYL & ANNETTE WAKEFIELD PH 07 574 8740 14/68 Tukorako Dr, Mt Maunganui 3116, Bay of Plenty BOP RADIATOR SPECIALISTS LIMITED Contact—Julian Parbery Telephone—07 573 9109 Fax 07 5738915 259 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke, 3119, Bay of Plenty Email


I’m not saying I’m old and worn out, but I make sure I’m nowhere near the curb on trash day. As I watch this generation try to rewrite our history, one thing I'm sure of .it will be misspelled and have no punctuation. As I’ve gotten older, people think I’ve become lazy. The truth is I’m just being more energy find yourself feeling useless, remember it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, and four U.S. presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. Turns out that being a "senior" is mostly just googling how to do stuff. I'm on two diets. I wasn't getting enough food on one. I put my scale in the bathroom corner and that's where the little liar will stay until it apologizes. My mind is like an internet browser. At least 19 open tabs, 3 of them are frozen, and I have no clue where the music is coming from.

Seniors' - Sent in by Joe Scott

It’s not my age that bothers me, it’s the side effects.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake.

My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously there's a new strain out there. (Politicians mostly)

Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling.

“The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.” Bill Watterson

Apparently, RSVP ing to a wedding invitation "Maybe next time" isn't the correct response. She says I keep pushing her buttons. If that were true, I would have found “Mute" by now. Sometimes the Universe puts you in the same situation again to see if you’re still a dumbass.

There is no such thing as a grouchy old person. The truth is, once you get old you stop being polite and start being honest.

I’m responsible for what I say, not what you understand. Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it.

Morning Thoughts




34 BOP VCC Operational Information The Club Rooms are 29 Cliff Road. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3144. Key contacts are: Chairman Alastair Jones 07 5761124 Email: Secretary Michael Thorman 07 5444291 Email: Club Captain Jill Whitcombe 07 5524201 Email: Monthly events Club night (except January) 2nd Monday, start time 7.30pm Mid week run — Wednesday following the club night End of the month run Held on the last Sunday of the month. Committee Meeting Last Monday of the month Noggin ‘n’ Natter 4th Tuesday at 6pm Location Sequence of Noggin ‘n’ Natter 1, Tauranga Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road. Contact is Kaaren Smylie phone 021 664341 or 07 576 4180 2. TePuke The Anann restaurant. 4 Palmer Place. Contact is Paul McIndoe phone 5733328 3. Tauranga Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road. 4. Katikati- Forta Leza Café, SH 2, Katikati. Contact is Owen Smith, phone 07 570 2000 If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide a plate for supper. Thanks to last months birthday people for their food. Please remember to wear your name badges to all events. BADGES ARE FREE TO NEW MEMBERS. LIBRARY HOURS— The library is open on club nights from 7pm. Also on most Monday mornings Yvonne & Paul work in the library until midday. Members are welcome to call in to search for or return books. If making a special trip please phone them at home on 07 572 0163 or 027 6098510 beforehand to ensure that they will be there. We are accepting good clean car service manuals or books that relate to automobile history or travel for our club library PARTS SHED—Clean out your sheds and bring those surplus parts down. They may be just what someone else needs Parts shed open most Monday morning. Contacts are Jack 07 5766346 or Colin 027 2629161 CONTACTHELPUSHIREOUTTHECLUBROOMS!KAARENSMYLIE075764180OR021664341

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