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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 4th

Sun 7th

Tues 16th

Wed 17th

Sun 21st

Wed 24th

Sat 27-Sun 28th


Thurs 1st

Sun 4th

Noggin and Natter

Grounds Maintenance

Grounds maintenance

Commercial Noggin

Midwinter Run & OCBC

North Canterbury Noggin

Motorcycle Midwinter Run

Noggin and Natter

Grounds Maintenance/Around Town Rally

Sun 18th OCBC

Tues 20th

Wed 21st

Sun 25th

Wed 28th

Grounds maintenance

Commercial Noggin

Daffodil Rally

North Canterbury Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm



Another month has slipped by all too quickly, and while it’s a bit quieter on the events calendar there always seems to be something to keep busy with the always highly anticipated Irishman’s rally was once again well organised and well attended, the extra Friday in honour of the 70th anniversary of the event was a great day of driving back roads and places not normally accessible, and once again a great effort by the organising team. As you would expect there were the usual tales from the weekend, and overall a Kings birthday weekend enjoyed by those who attended the full event. Thanks to all who attended the branch AGM and contributed to the meeting, it was good to have respectful and constructive discussion on the various points raised, and even better to reach a conclusion rather leave unresolved. The suggestions on improvements to the running of the branch and our events are appreciated, as I’ve said before as a committee we don’t know unless the our members tell us.

Thanks also to those standing down from may years of volunteering for the branch, with Kevin and Claire Campion passing on the grounds and facilities booking diary to Rod Thrower, and Paul Ainsworth standing down as Motorcycle representative.

There was also a final farewell to Mike Foster as maintenance coordinator, after officially retiring last AGM but staying on to help out until a replacement could be found. Fortunately we’ve had some volunteers come forward willing to take on the various aspects of the grounds and buildings maintenance, although we have some work to do to come up with the applicable job descriptions, which is something that really should already exist for all of the branch representatives. Looking forward there are a number of winter events coming up, it might be a bit darker and cooler but there are still opportunities to get a bit more value from the WOF on your club eligible vehicles, so looking forward to seeing you out and about.

From The Editors Desk

Wow half way though the year!

Been a quiet month with so much rain so I’ve spent time getting a few things done round the club rooms putting up old photos on the wall that have sat in storage.

Update on emailing we have new software and this is working way better with just over 1200 subscribers to our newsletter.

We have had 1,959 views to our website in the last 30 days, Today I notice I can ask our website to give me set summaries on traffic to set pages, we have 1,456 people just viewing our newsletter page in a month. 760 Viewed our event page.

While I haven’t been at the club I’ve been doing a little work on my new 1980 Renault 18GTS fun fact its only had 3 owners the last owning for 31 years!

Coming up next month we have Around town rally on 4th August and I’ve been busy planning but I’m keeping it under wraps till the day of it but you would want to come for a good drive around the town it will be a good day out.

Till then keep warm


Thank you to all members who attended our branch AGM. Attended 82, Apologies 26.

Copy of Minutes to come in August Hub. Items of interest this year.

Dog while camping trial to cease as from 16th June (Motion put and carried)

No changers in Branch levies or Hub Easter Rally 2025 Sub Committee formed Presentation of Trophy’s

Calendar of Events 2024/25 approved with two changes (All British Day Changed to 3rd Nov 2024 and 2nd Nov 2025)

Discussion on Replacement of Grounds /Buildings/ Machinery Persons. SEE ANY COMMITTEE PERSON if you are prepared to take on or help on any of these positions

Thank you to all members who came along and made the afternoon entertaining and to those who helped serve a sumptuous afternoon tea.



It was nice to see a good turn out for the AGM this year. Approximately 82 members. I know it is not many for a club our size, but at least the meeting was productive and we had some interest in positions that need to be filled.

The winter months are generally a bit quieter for the car club, but that doesn’t mean that we are not working on things coming up.

The Lady and Young Drivers Day, Show Weekend Tour and Homestead Run Rally are all currently being worked on. Of course we have our Winter Rally with a twist this year on Sunday 21st July 2024.

The Irishman Rally was a great event and I enjoyed every minute of it! Now I understand why so many attend. I have been told that I was lucky this year because it wasn’t as cold as other years but that hasn’t put me off. I particularly enjoyed the Grasskhana, the scenery and the comradeship that there was. My driver, Brenda, did a fantastic job and I felt very safe Well there were a couple of “shit shit shit” going around some of the corners, but that’s all part of the adventure!

Remember to drive safely to the weather conditions!


There is very little to report this month – as I write this the weather is miserable outside, and even going out into the shed to get on with some useful work needs some extra motivation. It’s hard to believe it’s only a few days past the shortest day, so maybe things will improve from here? Despite the cold, there has still been the odd occasion to get a car out and give it a run. On the second Tuesday of June we had our usual monthly veteran coffee morning catch up at Kirwee. It had rained during the night and it was still drizzling when I got up, but the weather forecast said it would clear so I decided to wait right up until 8.45 before I made a decision whether to take one of the veterans there or just go in the modern. By then it looked promising so I got the two-cylinder (1909) car ready, and by 9.15 it looked like the drizzle was over so off I went. A good run there and back, and it turned out I was the only one silly enough to do it that day in a veteran. It was cold, but I was prepared for it with lots of layers on. Once I left home I was in top gear by the end of the street, and I got the rest of the way there without having to stop or change down again. Coming home it was the same, although there is a compulsory stop on the Old West Coast road that I need to turn right on, so there were two excursions through the gearbox on that trip! There’s a bit of dirt splashed up on the car due to the roads still being wet, but it will all come off easily with a good wipe-over, which it gets before every run anyway. It’s great having both veteran cars sorted to the point where I know they will start easily even when stone cold, and then will comfortably do a good distance reliably (I hope I won’t regret saying that!!).

Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All VERY welcome.


’s Rally

Over King’s Birthday weekend Jenny and I took part in the VCC Irishman’s Run, but doing backup duties again in our Ford Ranger rather than taking part in the event in a veteran car. What a great weekend it was. Friday was a trip up into North Canterbury, winding our way up through mostly gravel roads and a few farm paddocks as far north as the Lake Sumner Road, and then returning through the Pyramid Valley, McDonald Downs Station and then back to Rangiora after crossing over the foothills through Ashley Forest and Loburn. There were a number of breakdowns to attend to, but we got a couple of cars going again with spare parts I’d taken with us (a coil, condenser and an electric fuel pump found new homes), and nobody was left stranded in the middle of nowhere where the car couldn’t be easily retrieved later. We towed a Model A Ford that had stripped a timing gear about 10km to the lunch stop, but the owner was offered a replacement gear that someone had with them, and another person just happened to be carrying the special tool required for the job and it was replaced in an hour and a half on the side of the road by a fellow Model A expert at lunch time. The car started first pop, and gave no further trouble during the whole weekend. Saturday’s run started just out of Sheffield at dawn with a pumpkin cannon salute over the Waimakariri River (you’d had to have been there…..), and then headed south through Rakaia Gorge and the inland highway 72 to the Rangitata River, diverting down a number of side roads to stay on gravel and cross the occasional ford on the way. A howling NW wind with horizontal rain greeted everyone along this leg, but by the time we’d reached the Rangitata River it had cleared up in time for a stunning one hour drive into Mesopotamia Station (west of Peel Forest) on a damp-to-wet gravel road. Once we got to the station we were well and truly at the back of the convoy, so we immediately turned back to go to the ford over the Orari River near Peel Forest to be ready to help anyone getting stuck in the river there. About a dozen cars did get stuck, so the tow-rope and 4WD came in useful extracting them from the river. It was easy to pick those who were experienced Irishman’s veterans and knew a thing or two about which line to take and how to keep water out of the engine bay. We then carried on through some back roads, to emerge on the Geraldine to Fairlie highway where we stayed on the seal to arrive in Fairlie about 6pm.

The next day we were up early again, meeting outside the pub in the main street of Fairlie at 8.30am, The main street and side roads were lined with dirty vintage cars, resembling a scene from the late 1930’s. The plan for the day was to motor to Burkes Pass through the Rollesby Valley (gravel) road, then on to Irishman’s station after Tekapo to arrive by about 10.30 am. The station owners had kindly granted access to the station for the day, including a look through their museum (which has two of the original Hamilton designed jet boats on display), and then after a quick lunch, to the access roads (or more correctly ‘tracks’) right through the middle of the station. We were so lucky the weather was perfect for the day, as if it had of been raining most of the cars would have needed chains to get through the paddocks. There were some very rough parts with steep (luckily mostly downhill) grades, and a couple of decent streams to cross as well. On one of the stream crossings a 1920’s Sunbeam had a major hole punched into the sump, but one resourceful participant had taken a tube of “Kneadit” with him, and once the hole was cleaned up he managed to patch it up. The sump was re-filled with oil and the car got back to Fairlie and then the next day returned to home in Rangiora (believe it or not without any oil leaks!). The farm tracks eventually joined onto the Tekapo canal road about 5km from SH8, and from there we motored back to the entrance to the station, and then back to Fairlie on the highway. The last part of the afternoon was spent at Strathconan Station just east of Fairlie where a grasskhana was held. We only encountered a couple of breakdowns on this day, and the owners were able to sort themselves out. The day was finished off with a prize-giving and supper in the Fairlie community centre, where some very funny stories were told about the early Irishman’s Rally days, and some of the more interesting ‘happenings’ from this year’s event were recounted.

And yes, there were some veteran cars on Irishman’s – hats off to Joseph McClintock and his passenger Paul Ainsworth (1914 Model T Raceabout), and to Allan Dippie who drove his 1914 Talbot Boat-tail all the way. My apologies if there were others I missed. The next day we returned home mostly by ourselves, stopping briefly in Methven so I could visit a motel where we plan to run the Mid-summer Adventure Veteran Car Club rally from next February. It will be a great venue, and all veteran members will hear about it in more detail soon. Jenny did mention to me that she enjoyed the weekend very much, but if she was going to do Irishman’s again, it would have to be in a “real” car. I’m not sure about that, but won’t rule it out yet. I see you can buy plug-in 12V heated seat covers – that might just do the trick, but who would attend to all of those broken-down Model A’s?.

John Lynn's 1911 Mors project progressing

Other Veteran Gossip

I’ve also been party to a couple of restoration visits this month– the first was to see a 1914 Flanders nearing completion at Upper Classics – a beautiful restoration now running and just waiting for some detailing work to be completed before it gets its first drive. And then last week Malcolm and Anita McGibbon and Jenny and I made a visit to Kelvin Finlay’s Ohoka shed to catch up on progress with many of the cars there. I’m always amazed to see the work completed on his cars since my last visit (last time was about 6 months ago). His 1911 EMF Tourer is nearing completion already, the 1919 Nash Tourer is also near the completion stage too and just getting the finishing touches (it was a mere kitset about 12 months ago), and he’s now busy assembling and restoring parts for a 1909 Metallurgique which was also a kitset when I last visited. Already the engine is almost ready for full assembly, the radiator is done, and the gearbox, clutch and rear axle are ready to go into the chassis when that is done. On the other side of the shed are many of the parts that John Lynn has gathered and already restored for his 1911 Mors project, including a lot of the brass parts and some of the running gear. It is a very rare car, and parts are arriving from all over the world after much internet searching and detective work, and from people who know people. John is making great progress on this project and is planning a Speedster body, which will look stunning in its bright orange and brass livery.

Now, one final thing. For all our VCC members who are also Veteran Car Club members, don’t forget the Veteran Car Club AGM, which will be held on Saturday 20th July at 2.00pm at the Vintage Machinery Club clubrooms. The meeting will be preceded with a soup and bread lunch (small fee applies) and a trading table, and followed by an evening meal which will be arranged at the meeting.

Kelvin Finlay's 18911 EMF almost ready for the road now

Paul Ainsworth and Joseph McClintock leaving Fairlie on Saturday in the Model T Raceabout

Main street in Fairlie, Saturday morning

Allan Dippie, 1914 Talbot at Irishman's Station


Noggin June displayed some of the Grasskhana entries

OCBC June saw a much cool Sunday. Thanks to the owners for bringing out their vehicles, this month’s theme was French vehicles. Following this was the Restoration Rally and this year saw 5 vehicles entered

Robert Hayes Trophy Restoration 2024 Henry Little 1939 Chevrolet.

Rae Trophy Vintage Restoration 2024 Phil Jeeves 1922 Fiat 510S

TW & ET Gooding Cup VCC P80 V (it's a new cup) 2024 Grant Berry/ Brodie Williams 1994 Mercedes Benz S500.

Eric Walker Trophy Best Cycle Restoration 2024 Chris Leith 1972 Triumph 650

Ray Sword Family Trophy Best Commercial 2024 Graham Evans 1930 Ford Model A Delivery

Irishman’s Rally this year is the 70 running of this event and started on Friday from Rangiroa with the first day in the North Canterbury area. Leaving Sheffield on Saturday heading to Peel Forest and Mesopotamia before heading through to Fairlie.

Sunday’s route left Fairlie on the back roads emerging at Burkes Pass, before moving on the Irishman’s Creak Station. Seeing a great display of the history of Bill Hamilton’s engineering skills with his jet boat development. We then drove carefully though the station and back to the main road via the canal embankment. The day finished with the Pete’s Patch The event was wonderfully run with every highlight maned and great backup provided. An exceptional 3 days with well-designed routes that tested the drivers skills.


Question 1. Why is this Rally the most successful annual event run by VCC Canterbury?

Question 2. Why does this event attract VCC members from all over NZ? 214 cars in 2024.

Question 3. Is it because it has a great reputation?

Question 4. Is it because it is organised by different individuals each year under the guidance from an experienced committee?

Question 5. How can we take some of the answers into our other annual and monthly events?

Question 6. How does a three day event compare with a two day event?

We would appreciate your opinion to any of the above 4 questions, contact any of the committee with your input.


A good turn out with some interesting discussions for the committee to debate

Irishman’s Rally. Burkes Pass
Irishman’s Creek Station
Burkes Pass


Well! You all must be a wonderful bunch of people! The weather gods smiled apon us again! this month. A cold frosty morning saw 43 cars turn up at Halswell new world and head out on the Akaroa highway and through the back road past donkeys grazing on the side of the road to bring us back to the main road by the Black Tulip then heading west to Coes Ford, along Lake Rd then instead of turning right toward Leeston we carried on down a part of Lake Rd I hadn’t been on before toward lakeside with views across the lake toward a little bit of mist glowing in the morning sun around the bottom of the port hills. A beautiful sight.

Shingle roads bought us eventually to Fisherman’s point village and the Marae where we were directed to the interesting historic Hone Wetere church which some of us found.....and some of us didn’t. We continued on to Southbridge rugby club rooms, home ground of Dan Carter where we were surrounded by rugby memorabilia including two rugby world cup medals. We were welcomed by Neville carter (Dan’s Father) and well deserved holder of the “Queens service medal“ Who gave us a truly interesting talk about the club and it’s members, many of whom (including himself) have achieved great things.

After enjoying our lunch, a good chat and the raffle in the comfort of the clubrooms we drifted back to our cars thinking of yet another wonderful day out seeing both natural and man made very special things in the company of our 9-90s friends.

Many Thanks to Grant.

Next month is our traditional midwinter pot luck lunch at the Hall. This year I hope to have a locally made 1920s or 30s style silent movie to entertain you as you enjoy your meal. You will probably recognise some of the locations and maybe some of the cast and maybe even the vintage cars on the screen. So as John would say “ Bring for two and eat for one” I don’t know what we will do with all the extra tucker!

See you then.

Happy motoring. Ken


Now shivering towards the middle of winter…

Past Events

25th May – Fish & Chip Run. About 18 of us met at PMH for a run through the tunnel to Lyttleton then Sumner, Old Waimak Bridge, Kaiapoi, Waikuku, to the Sefton Pub for lunch. Those $8.00 steak sammies full of steak, fried onions, sauce and a pottle of chips were the steal of the day!!

Fine sunny day, very enjoyable!!

9th June – Restoration of the Year. Four cars and one motorcycle turned up for the judging; about 20 or 30 on the circuitous run to Rolleston and return… Congratulations to two motorcyclists for their success in the Restoration of the Year: Phil Jeeves – Vintage Restoration of his 1922 Fiat 510S car, Chris Leith – Motorcycle Restoration of his 1972 Triumph Bonneville 5 speed 650.

12th June – Motorcycle Section AGM and Noggin. Kicked off at 7.30 pm, followed by the usual multi-course supper courtesy of Jan Baker; Many Thanks, Jan!!

Results of the election of officers for the next year were:

Convenor: Vacant

Treasurer: Royce Baker

Secretary: Mike Glenday

Committee: Jens Christensen, Dave Malcolm, Quentin Wearing, Paul Ainsworth, Joseph McClintock, Graham Barnett; and Stuart Skurr and Brian Hayman were welcomed on as new committee members.

Hub Scribe: Chris Leith.

The vacant convenor position will be sorted at the first committee meeting.

A special presentation was made to retiring committee member Barry Townshend. Barry had served for some 50+ years on the motorcycle committee, and his late wife, Susan, had served for many years as secretary. Congratulations, Barry, so very well done and Thank You for your many years of service!

A presentation was also made to Jan Baker; for many years now she has provided a supper at the AGM Noggin. Many Thanks, Jan; always highly appreciated. Many thanks to other retiring committee members: John Benn and Kurt Ebrecht.

After three years as the Motorcycle Convenor to the branch committee, Paul Ainsworth is standing down. Many thanks for your leadership, Paul; for your no-nonsense approach, and thank you for remaining as a committee member. Trophies presented at the AGM included:

The Dave Sparrow Memorial Award for the best performance on a 4 cylinder motorcycle during the year – Alistaire Kermode.

The McGregor Trophy for the best performance on a PWV Motorcycle – Steve Murray.

The Tolhurst Trophy presented to the best performing motorcycle that entered both the Branch Annual Rally and the Motorcycle Annual Rally – Graham Barnett.

The Miles Family Trophy for the best performance on a BSA motorcycle – Peter King.

The Triumph Trophy for the best performance on a Triumph motorcycle – Dave Malcolm.

19th June – Old Codger’s Run. Cancelled, look out for the first post-winter run in August.

Future Events

28th June – Fish & Chip Run. Planned to change the day to Friday 28th which is the public holiday to commemorate Matariki Maori New Year. Paddy Snowden is running a motorcycle show at the Pump House that day so we thought that supporting this with a run to a lunch destination afterwards is a must… Meet PMH 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure to Tuam St. After a couple of hours or so rider’s choice to a suitable lunch destination. For more info on the show google “Matariki Bike Show” and it is there it is, under “”

10th July – Noggin. Noggin night, Dinner at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Meet there at 6.00 pm for a 7.00 dinner. Need to advise numbers etc., so PLEASE indicate your interest to Royce Baker cell phone 021323571 or email . Also, you NEED to pay for your meal IN ADVANCE, so please pay your $30 per person to the section bank account 03 0802 0099727 00

17th July – Old Codger’s Run – Cancelled this month.

27th – 28th July – Mid Winter’s Run. This will be an overnight run to Hanmer, staying at (probably) the Kakapo Lodge just at the beginning of the “down town” area. Queries to Phil Jeeves, cell 022 025 9924 or email . Look out for an event reminder email with full details. Entry form will be in the July Hub, and is also on-line.

If other (non-motorcycling) members of the branch would like to enjoy a run to Hanmer for the night you’d be most welcome to join us – as would those motorcyclists who hate cold fingers and are more likely to drive rather than ride… Club eligible vehicles optional…

27th July – Fish & Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but there is an opportunity for those who do NOT want to go on the (overnight) Mid-Winter Run. You can join in on the run north to Hanmer, but peel off wherever you like to return to Chch. I’d be guessing, but using the back roads via Sefton, Balcairn, Broomfield to Glasnevin seems like a good idea, then maybe going through Waipara, Waikari and Culverden (lunch break Waikari or Culverden, I am guessing…) so you can return from either –Just a suggestion.

14th August – Motorcycle Noggin. For info next month.

21st August – Old Codger’s Run. Yes, back into this event for the spring and summer times; look out for more info later.

31st August – Round the Bays Run / Fish & Chip Run. For info next month.

Looks like a lot happened over the last month, but in reality just a lot to report.

Cheers, CML


27/28 JULY 2024 TO HANMER

This year we will be staying at Hanmer. Accommodation is at Kakapo Lodge where we have stayed previously. Bunk room style accommodation. If riders need their own rooms then please feel free to book directly with Kakapo Lodge and see what they have available, just say you are with the VCC but please put an entry form in so we have an idea of numbers coming.

The start will be in the front car park of Bunnings, 655 Russley Road, ChCh Airport. Meet 9.45am for 10am start.

Accommodation -


$70pp - bunk room style accommodation, all linen provided plus continental breakfast. This figure includes backup.

Payment for the run to our treasurer – Royce Baker with your name and Mid Winter as reference – via the account listed below. Other payment contact the organizer.

Account number – 03 0802 0099727 00.

Organizer - Phil Jeeves – 022 025 9924.

Date for final entries is 17 July.

The photo is of the trophy winners of cups awarded at our M/C section AGM held on the 12th June.

Caption : Left to right

Alistaire Kermode : The Dave Sparrow Memorial Trophy for riding a four cylinder motorcycle on a rally in the past year.

Steve Murray : The McGregor Trophy for best performance on a PWV motorcycle in the past year.

Graham Barnett : The Tolhurst Trophy presented to the rider who competes in both the Annual Motorcycle Rally and also the Canterbury Branch Annual Rally.

Peter King : The Miles Family trophy for best performance on a BSA motorcycle in the past year.

Barry Townsend : On behalf of Dave Malcolm (apology on the night) who was awarded the Triumph Trophy for best performance on a Triumph motorcycle in the past year.

Barry Townsend : A presentation by Motorcycle convenor

Paul Ainsworth to Barry for his 50+ years service on the Motorcycle section committee. Barry has well and truly deserved his retirement for all these years of service to the section.

Restoration Of The Year

Robert Hayes Trophy PV restoration

2024 Henry Little 1939 Chevrolet.

Rae Trophy Vintage Restoration

2024 Phil Jeeves 1922 Fiat 510S

TW & ET Gooding Cup VCC P80 V ( it is a new cup )

2024 Grant Berry / Brodie Williams 1994 Mercedes Benz S500

Eric Walker Trophy Best Motorcycle Restoration

2024 Chris Leith 1972 Triumph 650.

Ray Sword Family Best Commercial

2024 Graham Evans 1930 Ford Model A Delivery.

Cutler Park Special Event Trophy

2024 Dave Inwood

McLaughlan Trophy

2024 David Oakley 1914 Rover

Photos on our Instagram.


A sum of cash money found outside Hawarden Hall at lunchtime on the Irishmans Rally, Friday run, 31 May. Contact Dave Inwood at the next noggin night or phone 03-3274156. If no person comes forward it will just have to go into the club's account as a donation.


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions.

Contact Rod Thrower 03 338 2320

Swap Meet Report

As of last month, 83% of site bookings were confirmed, so get in and book one if you haven’t already done it, especially if you want one in a specific area. We welcome Mike Green to our committee – he will be helping Andrea Dallow with the camping areas (they are also filling fast so get it now if you want to camp at Swap meet), and taking over from Andrea fully from next year.

Our large advertising signs are going to go up this coming month, but we could do with a couple of new prominent locations to put them up, so if you know of anywhere that is in a safe but busy location please let me know. We will also have the smaller advertising signs available from next noggin, so if you have a front fence or a good spot where you can put one up, please collect them at Noggin or from the parts shed on Wednesdays if you go there. The roster board will be on hand at Noggins from this month until Swap Meet – please remember that the committee cannot run this event by itself – we need every branch member to do what they can by helping us out for some task or another over the weekend. As has often mentioned in the past, the Swap Meet is our one big annual fundraising opportunity and we need a hand from as many members as possible to make it work and to make it easier on everyone.


Greetings all,

The June noggin was held in Dave Cooper's toasty warm workshop. Thanks Dave for the invitation - always appreciated.

The National commercial rally is labour weekend in Oamaru, hosted by the North Otago branch. 25 28 October 2024, Entries Close 27th September 2024.Give me a shout if you are interested and I can forward you the entry form and rally details.

One of our regular attendees was missing from the noggin this monthArthur Bodger who has been unwell I believe. Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

July noggin is to be held at Bruce and Liz McCormick's house. 31 Cullahill St off Crofton or Gardiners Rd.Wednesday the 17th of July for you to mark it in your calendar.

Take 2: The photo in my report this month was kindly given to me by Russell Barnard who is a long time member of the VCC Canterbury. The truck is an AEC dump truck that was assembled by Russell's dad Spencer Barnard and John White in the Christchurch Tramway Workshop in approximately 1959. John then drove it to Takaka for the Golden Bay cement factory. The dialogue on the back of the photos states they had to let the tyres down to get it under Hawks Crag in the Buller Gorge! The car in the background is a 1939 Singer 10.

I am looking for suggestions for the August Commercial Noggin - please let me know if you have any ideas or would like to host.

The 2025 Commercial Rally has been moved to February so I am hoping now that it doesn't clash with the Scenicland rally there might be a few more entries.

Take care and stay warm


National Daffodil Day Rally

Sunday 25th August

Please note this date on your calendar and in your diary now, and if you are also involved in any One-Make or other motoring club please ensure your club committee is aware of this date as well.

Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any veteran, vintage, classic (old or new), hot rod or collectible vehicle or motorcycle.

The VCC National Office have now produced our regional promotions poster and this can be sent to anyone who wants it. Hard copies in A4 and A3 size are also available if you have somewhere you can put them up – just contact Colin Hey.

This year the event will start by meeting in 5 locations at 10.00am, the last one (Amberley/Liethfied) being a new one for this year. They are:

• Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt

• New Brighton Club in Marine Parade

• Cashmere Club in Colombo Street

• Rolleston Park’n’Ride car park opposite the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive

• Amberley/Leithfield at the Better Half Café, 14 Ashworths Beach Road.

All runs will have short and long routes, once again with slight variations on previous year’s routes. All of the runs will converge at Cutler Park by 12.00 noon, where all of the vehicles will be on public display for the early part of the afternoon.

A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society.

Prizes for Best American, British, European, Japanese, Australian, motorcycle, Best Dressed, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.

If you would like to help with the organisation – especially at any of the start venues, please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807 or email:


The June OCBC was nothing short of exceptional! The theme was French vehicles, initiated by the Citroen Car Club which went to a great deal of trouble to assemble a good number of ‘Traction Avant’ cars (Light 15’s) to celebrate 90 years since the first model was manufactured. There were many other Citroen models there as well, and plenty of other French vehicles including Renaults old and new, and even a ‘vlock?’ of Solex’s brought out and ridden around the grounds by our enthusiastic and intrepid group of Voggers. Well done guys! Even our editor Brodie Williams went and bought a 1980 Renault 18GTS in the week leading up to OCBC – not sure if it was because of the special display or just a nice car he couldn’t resist for the money.

There were also lots of other interesting cars to look at, including a stunning 1930 Ford Model A Special turned out by new member Russell Sherwin which must have been looked at by everyone there at some stage. He arrived with Jack Porter in/on his Model A Speedster, and the two cars looked just great parked in front of the telephone box.

The hall was open from the beginning at 9.00am because it was a pretty cool day, but it was hardly used at all – people were more than happy just strolling around with a hot coffee in their hands just looking at the cars and bikes and chatting with friends and other owners. It was fantastic to see many members stay on for a light lunch and then the AGM, which commenced at 1.00pm – OCBC was a great introduction to the meeting that followed.

July’s OCBC does not have a special theme but don’t let that stop you attending, however look out for August, which will be for German cars and bikes. So if you have a BMW, Mercedes Benz or VW that is roadworthy or needs a bit of work to get out, start to get it ready! As usual, any vehicle special to you is more than welcome as well.

Winter Run and High Tea

Sunday 21st July

This will be an easy navigational run with a fun competition thrown in. We will start in Ferrymead at the Mitre 10 Mega car park, Ferry Road, at 4.00pm. The run will be 60km long, with some hill work. It will finish at a popular pub for dinner.

Vehicles used must be club-eligible – no moderns please. Note that it will be winter, and it will be dark before you arrive at the finish venue, so please ensure lights and wipers are in good working order. A working heater might be a bonus too.

You must have a navigator. You will also need a smart phone, I-Pad or similar tablet to download the instructions, which will be made available by email and through the club website at the start of the rally. No paper instructions will be issued. If you are a bit uncertain about your ability to manage this, don’t fear – it won’t be hard. We can get you sorted at the start – either that or take a younger family member with you to help – they will enjoy it. There will be places you need to photograph on your device along the way, and also solve a cryptic phrase and answer some simple questions to be in to win some fun prizes at the location of the High Tea.

There will also be a prize for the best dressed couple, dressed in the period of their car (this is completely optional).

Entry Fee is $10.00, and it will be your responsibility to pay for your own dinner at the finish venue (as a guide, allow at least $50 per person).

Entry is strictly limited to 35 cars or 70 people, whichever comes first. Entries must be completed on-line (if you cannot manage this, please contact a committee member and they will talk you through it). No late entries will be accepted. Entries can be made HERE and close on Wednesday 10th July.

Note, entries close on Wendesday 10th July, or once a maximum of 35 cars or 70 people have registered.


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Mr Luke Mehlhopt 1990 PEUGEOT 405 SRI, 1968 PEUGEOT4 04

Mr RichardWright 1971 VAUXHALL Viva

Mr Harold Blewett 1973 DUCATI 450 desmo

Mr Duncan Smith 1965 TRIUMPH Spitfire, 1947 INDIAN Chief

Mr Allan Boulton 1929 Dodge DA.

=Advance Notice=



Clubrooms, Cutler Park

The dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35,50 and 60-year membership awards.

Bar opens 6.00 pm, meal 6.30 pm.

Tickets ($40 single) will be available from branch committee members and at the bar at Noggins from August.

Come along and support your fellow members on their special night.

(Names for the awards will be confirmed in the next Hub.)



Most of my stuff has gone but here is a further tranche .

1. 100 + 'Lift the dot' fasteners with back plates ,punch and ditto single height LTD studs to suit . $60

2. 'Aylesbury' brand bifurcated rivet outer tin ,these Orange tins would have contained 12 smaller tins inside ,comes with 4 original tins with variety of rivets ,one medium sized tin ,and one small Green hollow rivet container complete with two hand rivet holders .Collectors item .$50

3. Approx 1/2 Kg solid copper rivets with washers 25mmX8g. plus 100 ? tubular copper rivets 3/4" X 1/4" (poss. brake lining rivets) $35

4. 'Lazymans' concertina 'Pop' rivet tongs plus 100+ 3/16" rivets


5, Gas welding plant gas economiser auto-cutoff with pilot light $30.

6, Wheeled attachment for gas cutting torch -guarantees accurate lines $10

7, 'Dremel' electric table-top jigsaw with extra blades $35

8, 'Simanco' #121089 Singer sewing machine drive belt tool .cuts ,punches and clinches joining clips for round section drive belts . collectors item $30

Alan Wills

021 08700692

1947 Lanchester LD10 saloon in good original condition both inside and out. Three owner vehicle, has a pre select gearbox and runs well. Registered until May 2025.

Phone Murray to view and for further details.

Phone 027 2207526.

Rally Holders are now available through Henry Little.


Set of Four

14 inch steel wheels with 114.3 stud spacing suitable for our Ford Cabriolet (Laser /Mazda)

Alan Wills

021 08700692


See Notice board posters for more information.

2023-2024 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss) 027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks 03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333

Maintenance/ Clubrooms

Barn Bookings/ Camping

Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

027403 4511

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury 03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams 027 848 7775


2023-2024 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240 027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277

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