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2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY BRANCH Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month
Richard Morrison’s 1931 Studebaker
Photographed at the February OCBC. . Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 9 Veteran Report 10/11/12 Vintage Report 13 Commercial Report 15 Motorcycle Report 17/18 Motorcycle Rally Report 19/24 9-90s Report 25 OCBC Report 26/27 Clip on Rally Report 31 New Members 34/35 Entry Forms 24/29/33/38/39 The Mart 40/42 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the March Hub closes on Wednesday 29th March Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS
Cover Photo
Model 54R.


Canterbury Branch Coming Events

Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Moped Run

Wed 8th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 12th Rear Wheel Brake Run

Wed 15th Commercial Noggin

Sat 17/18/19th Jim Toohey M/C Run

Sun 19th Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 22nd North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 25th Commercial Annual Rally


Sun 2nd P Group Annual Rally

Grounds Maintenance Morning

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Tues 11th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 12th 9-90s and Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 15th Scooter Run

Sun 16th Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Sat 22nd Autumn Run

Tues 25th ANZAC Run

Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 4th Noggin and Natter

Sun 21st Ross Butler Grasskhana

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

For up to date information on what’s happening, have a look at our website. You can also see photos of most of this years past events.


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


It’s been a bit quieter this month, but fortunately there’s plenty coming up to keep everyone amused and make the most of the good weather while it lasts. Thanks go to those involved in arranging the upcoming events, and please get your entries in so they know their efforts are appreciated. With the wild weather affecting parts further north, following on from the many disruptions of the last few years, it makes you very grateful to be able to carry on with life as normal in our part of the world. I’m sure many will be feeling for those affected having been through difficult times at the hands of mother nature themselves, all of which serves as a reminder to be kind to each other, and make the most of the opportunities to get out and enjoy yourself when you can.

Even without the more unusual weather events there is still always work to be done maintaining our facilities. Mike Foster and his team of willing helpers do a wonderful job of keeping things looking great, but as time goes on there is always a need for more people to join them to help out. Anyone who can spare a few hours here and there to do their bit to help with the upkeep of the grounds and buildings will be made more than welcome. We need the assistance of willing volunteers to maintain that which was built by volunteers, to prevent an otherwise inevitable decline of what we have.

Looking forward to seeing you out and about. All the best and safe motoring.


Sunday and Third Tuesday Morning Every Month. Come and join us!

Hi all,

Further to my report in last month’s issue of The Hub, the feedback on the Items to be discussed at this month’s Exec Meeting 4/5th March has been nothing short of dismal. Why am I not surprised? Well I can only do so much in bringing the items to your attention and if you are not interested in the direction of the Club, make up of the Committee/Board, Long Service Awards Scheme, etc then so be it.

Now on a brighter note I NEED YOUR HELP in the picking up of delegates from the airport on Friday 3rd and Sat 4th March, then dropping them back to the airport on Sunday 5th. Could you please look at the schedule of flight times below and let me know what times would suit you personally to help out the Club. Contact me on at, or, Phone 03 3382320 or 021 126 3529.

Friday 3rd March:

Between 10.30am and 11am, 4 Delegates 2 cars transport to Bealey Quarter Motel.

Between 5pm and 5.30pm 4 Delegates 2 cars

At 6.30pm 1 Delegate 1 car

At 8.20pm 1 Delegate 1 car

Saturday 4th March:

Between 7.55am and 8.15am, 9 Delegates 4 cars transport to Cutler Park McLean’s Island.

Sunday 5th March:

DEPART Cutler Park 2pm, 1 Delegate 1 car to Airport from Cutler Park 3pm 2 Delegates 1 car

4pm 6 Delegates 3 cars

4.30pm 2 Delegates 1 car 5pm 5 Delegates 2 cars 7.15pm 1 Delegate 1 car

Those who volunteer for Friday pick up from the airport might like


to arrange with these people to transport from the Bealey Motel to Cutler park Saturday Morning by 9.15am. Well that’s it for now. There may be one or two more closer to the time but if you can let me know what times would suit you I can try and arrange this. Also if there are any volunteers who can help make up the team in the Kitchen at Cutler Park on Saturday just serving Morning tea/ Lunch/ Afternoon tea and Dinner all food prepared ready to serve.

Sunday Breakfast/ Morning Tea/ Lunch.

I do have some names for these and will be in touch closer to the time to confirm.

PLEASE CONTACT ME as soon as possible.

Kindest Regards Rod (Secretary)



This month has been busy organising the Annual Rally, which will have been and gone by the time you read this.

As promised last year, I have started working on a “Rally Pack Checklist”. This will help the newer members who are currently organising rallies and encourage any member to not be afraid to put their hands up should they have a great rally destination up their sleeves.

This is having a test run and will be published soon, to give you an idea what is involved.

Coming Events

Sun12th Rear Wheel Brake Run

Sun 5th Moped Run

Fri/Sat/Sun 17th, 18th, 19th Jim Toohey Rally

Sat 25th Commercial Annual Rally

With plenty coming up, happy motoring and enjoy your month.


The Commercial Rally’s coming up, and just a reminder that all these Branch vehicles are available to members by application to the Committee.



Jenny and I have just got back from the Veteran Car Club’s Mid-Summer Adventuresa weekend of veteran motoring around the Geraldine area. With all the destruction having happened up north earlier in the week I have to admit to feeling somewhat guilty about being away enjoying ourselves when others face complete ruin and disaster, including no doubt some of our fellow club members and extended family –a very sad outcome! Hopefully we can contribute to the cause in some meaningful way in the time ahead.

A good attendance of 20 cars – many of them from our branch –made it a most enjoyable weekend, with runs on both the Saturday and Sunday, and plenty of socialising before, during and afterwards.

The Saturday run took us down to Pleasant Point, stopping off to look at a unique collection of shearing memorabilia (shearabilia??) on the way to the domain for lunch, and then an afternoon visit to the Pleasant Point railway station and museum to see what they are up to at the moment. It turned out the Model T railcar was out of service due to a broken half-shaft, but we were able to see the new replacement being machined up in the workshop there when we visited. One would wonder how a Model T could break a shaft the size of the one they were making up, but I guess with the torque required to propel solid wheels and a dozen or so passengers it wasn’t surprising that something probably twice the thickness of a standard axle was needed. We were quite happy in the restored carriages being towed by a diesel shunting engine anyway.


Sunday’s run was to the Orari Estate and homestead on SH1 beside the Orari River Bridge, stopping off first at the Mes Amis Café at the Orari Road intersection on the way. I had often glanced at the Homestead on my way south over the years and wondered what its history was, as it is very prominent from SH1. The current owner Rosie Morten was on hand to tell us all about the history of the property and the garden, which dates back the 1850’s when the original station extended from Geraldine in the West to the sea on its eastern boundary. Nowadays of course it’s a mere portion of its original size, and includes a very busy seedcleaning operation run by the family. Interestingly, Rosie had the original inventory of trees and shrubs purchased when the garden was established – a fortune was spent back then, as many plants had been sourced from overseas. We especially enjoyed motoring in a different area. There are some nice undulating roads around the Geraldine district and lots of nice straighter ones that are not too much of a challenge for the lower-powered veterans, although George Lee was seen to jettison Sue from their recently restored single-cylinder Alldays and Onions to finish off the ascent of one hill! The best thing however was the weather – warm enough to be motoring in shorts and teeshirts (with plenty of sun-block applied of course). There were a couple of casualties from the weekend, including one car with a run big-end bearing, and a Model T which came to a halt on the way to the start of the first day’s motoring with no spark. The fault was soon tracked down to a broken connection inside the ignition switch by a local garage owner, who just happened to be passing and stopped to help and fortunately had a multi-meter in his tool-box and a rudimentary knowledge of Model T’s. Malcolm and Anita McGibbon were very grateful!

Sue and Geoge Lee accept the Overall Winner Trophy

The next Veteran section event on our calendar is the Two Wheel Brake Rally on Sunday 12th March. All the information can be found on Page 32. In summary this is a great opportunity for a very enjoyable club outing combined with a great public event, and best of all a fantastic chance to promote our club and show off our cars. I do hope that everyone with a Veteran vehicle or early two-wheel braked vintage will take the opportunity to be involved. The online entry form can be found here, or in last month’s Hub. Please do your very best to get there – a back-up vehicle and trailer has been offered too.

Following in April we have our Annual Malvern Anzac Day Run on Anzac Day, Tuesday 25th March – this year supported by Auto Restorations Ltd. This is a great day out and not only is looked forward to by residents throughout the Malvern area, it is also a meaningful way to remember those who paid the Ultimate Sacrifice in the First and Second World Wars. The run is especially appropriate and focussed on Veteran and Vintage and Pre-1945 vehicles which would have been around in the Anzac era, but all club eligible vehicles are welcome and invited to attend. It visits the War Memorials throughout the Malvern area, many of which have significance for some of our club members. You can find all the information you need on this event on Page 36 and the entry form is on Page 37.

So, here’s our list of events for the next couple of months:

Sunday 12th March – Rear Wheel Brake Rally – see details on Page 33

Sunday 19th March – OCBC, and then the Creepy Crawly Run organised by the Veteran Car Club – for veteran cars only –contact myself if you need more information.

Canterbury branch members who are not Veteran Club members more than welcome to attend – short run from Cutler Park, bring a picnic lunch.

Anzac Day Tuesday 25th April – Annual Malvern Run. Details on Page 36 and entry form on Page 37.



My VCC activity this month included transporting my motorcycle behind my motorhome to Invercargill for the Southland Rally, followed by the National Motorcycle Rally. This was my first National on a Motorcycle. Canterbury Branch was well represented, and I was impressed by the hospitality and the smooth organisation of this event. The Southland Branch can be congratulated for seeing the potential of running these two events to coincide with the popular Burt Munro Challenge.

120 motorcycles descended on the Southland Club grounds on Saturday 3 February for the Southland Rally which included vintage cars. We all arrived at Wyndham Race Course for lunch under the shelter of some welcome trees, before returning to the Southland Club grounds for an evening meal and prize giving.

Sunday: 130 motorcycles assembled at Surrey Park for field tests and an open day for the public to view the bikes; unfortunately the weather forced an early end to the day.

Monday: Time Trial with three routes short, medium and long. We arrived at the lunch stop, Riverton, before returning home. A dinner at the Ascot Hotel was followed by the awards. An excellent long weekend which was a huge credit to the Southland Branch.

Moped Run

The Annual Moped Run is being held on the 5th March 2023 Meet at the Halswell New World car park at 10.00 am

Briefing and mopeds away by 10.30 am

An interesting course has been set, to a suitable pub for lunch. Back up provided, so no excuses, dust of your moped and see you there.

Enquires/organiser Graham Barnett 027 240 6297


Come and join us on the P group rally on the 2nd April 2023. We will begin at Cutler park .

There will be a concours for those who wish to enter. Please be there at 9am if you wish to take part in that.

We will then leave for a short drive to our first stop. This is a private car collection which includes interesting and rare cars. We then continue the rally to a winery for lunch. There will be two routes a long and short route to cater for the wide range of vehicles.

For those who are unsure the P Group covers the following Vehicles

PV - Post Vintage Vehicles 1932-1945

PW - Post War Vehicles 1946-1960

P60 - Post 60 Vehicles 1961-1980

P80- Post 80 Vehicles constructed after 1981 and are 30 years old. ALL Commercials or Motorcycles that were produced between 1932 and 1993.

The cost will be $10 for the rally and $10 for the optional plaque . Payments should be made directly to the Canterbury VCC Account 03 1594 0096832 00 Please put your name in the Particulars field and P-Group rally in Reference field.

Please register using the link below or via email.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me Cell.027 439 6572

Please put P Group in the subject line of any emails

Or via the entry form on page 38


Model A Ford Club of America Canterbury Branch – one make display winners. Ian and Marilyn McKinlay 1928 Austin 16/6 Dave and Felicity Backhouse 1925 Hupmobile Selwyn Cox and Lorraine Stewart 1923 Essex Michael Hedgman 1925 Lagonda 12/24 Graeme and Kay Shaskey 1920 Essex Gill Stevenson and Club Captain Katryna in the Branch 1929 International truck


The February Commercial Noggin was held at DA Panel Beating in Rangiora. Thanks to Dave, our host and Richard Spencer-Bower for arranging it - I will get one of the attendees to write up a report to submit in next month's hub.

The Commercial Rally is on Saturday 25th March. Assemble at the VCC club grounds in Cutler park at 10am. There will be a briefing and vehicles will get underway after 10.30. There is a short and long route.

Please get your entries in so I can order your plaques. If you have any questions on the rally please call me or email me

The March Commercial Noggin will be on Wednesday the 15th of March from 7.15pm at Tyreland, 17 Edmonton Road in South Hornby. Edmonton Road runs off Halswell Junction Road. Our host for the evening is David Bennetts.

Our thoughts are with all our fellow club members who have had devastating damage in the Hawkes Bay and in the far north. I suspect a few of our members may have lost some of their precious vehicles in the floods.


Our friendly and skilled hosts at D and A panelbeaters



Enjoy the remainder of the summer! It won’t last forever!!

Past Events.

3 – 6th February 2023 – National Motorcycle Rally, Invercargill. Quite a number of the Canterbury riders attended this event, with varying degrees of success when it came to winning the trophies on offer.

8th February – Motorcycle Noggin. In the rush of doing stuff I forgot to attend, not sure how this went.

16th February – Old Codger’s Run. Delayed one week due to people being away for the NMR in Invercargill. Further delayed until Monday 20th due to heavy rain!! This Old Codger’s Run went out to Oxford, meeting at the Sheffield Pie Shop. About a dozen bikes turned up, including one or two bikes we had not seen for a while! A BSA Bantam, Terry Chapple’s old 1928 Harley plus side chair, plus an Oxford local on a 1930’s James V-twin; all good stuff! We’ve seen the James before, a nice bike!

18th February – Clip-on Run. Doug Watkinson and Denise McKenzie were the organisers. Linda White was on the event, so see elsewhere for her report.

19th February – OCBC + Fish and Chip Run. Brought forward so as to not clash with the Branch Annual Rally. Perhaps not a good idea, only one or two decided to take part…

25 – 26th February – Branch Annual Rally. Clash with the Fish and Chip run, so the latter was held a week early.

Future Events.

5th March – Moped Run. Graham Barnett is the organiser of this event; it will start from the New World supermarket in Halswell at 10.30 am. Please see elsewhere in this Hub for more details.

8th March – Motorcycle Noggin. This month’s noggin will take the form of a run out to the Leithfield Pub for a meal. Meet at the Bunnings car park, John’s Road, by the airport at 6.00 pm for a ride to Leithfield.

9th March – Old Codger’s Run. How about the new coffee place, Suburban Rascal, 53 Caulfield Ave, Halswell? It’s in the new suburban development south of Halswell Junction Road. Been there, nice place. Meet at 10.30am then decide the rest of the day’s run?

17-18-19th March – Jim Toohey Run. This year the Jim Toohey is going to Blenheim for a day’s riding as organised by our Blenheim members, Colin


Grant and Russell (AKA Ziggy…) Lane. We’ll be riding up to Blenheim on Friday

17th ; the main ride/garage raid day is Saturday, then back to Ch Ch Sunday

19th . More details see elsewhere; entry form in this and the February Hub and on-line. There will be a back-up on this ride.

25th March – Fish and Chip Run. Meet at PMH 10.15am for a 10.30 am departure. This month the run will be a bit shorter, out to the Café On The Green, 2597 Homebush Road, Glentunnel. This is at the Hororata Golf Club.

12th April – Motorcycle Noggin. Your committee has jacked up a visit to the Christchurch Central Fire Station, Kilmore Street. More details in the April Hub, so look out for these.

13th April – Old Codger’s Run. Just a heads up, so look out for a destination next month’s Hub.

15th April – Scooter and Under 250cc Motorcycle Run. Again, a heads up for the event, but look out for more information in the next Hub.

29th April – Fish and Chip Run. There may be a change of meeting place as we are riding to some place north of the city as we are trying to organise a run up to Waikari to conduct a garage raid off the Waikari – Scargill road up there. Look out for more information next month!

That’s it for this month, March heralds the first month of autumn, so enjoy the Indian Summer of motorcycling!

Cheers, CML


The VOGs

(Velosolex owners Group) will be back next month. VOG1 (Royce), and Jan are having a well earned break.

The Clip-ons ready to go.


The 2023 VCC National Motorcycle Rally was held in Invercargill over Waitangi weekend. For us the trip started on Thursday morning, meeting at Mike Becker’s place in Springston, where around 20 gathered to travel down. We headed out through Leeston to Rakaia, then down SH1 to Waitati, and over the hill to Port Chalmers, then into Dunedin. We travelled in warm fine weather with the only stops being for petrol or food and everyone’s bikes behaved themselves until Waitati. Graham’s Royal Enfield has coil ignition and either a cell or plate failed in the battery. The bike has an emergency system fitted that allows the battery to be bypassed but this resulted in a much reduced speed climbing the last hills to Dunedin. Arriving just as everything was shutting we were unable to get a new 6 volt battery so caught up with the rest of the group who were staying in Dunedin. As we were booked to stay at Lake Waihola, Harry generously gave Graham his bike to ride there, and put the Enfield in the van.

Friday, and the main group headed through Brighton and the Taieri Mouth to meet us at Lake Waihola. There Graham swapped to driving the van and Harry rode his bike. We all headed to Balclutha, then inland following the Clutha River to Beaumont where the one lane bridge with traffic lights is currently being replaced. After some refreshments we headed south through Tapanui and Gore to arrive at our motel for the next week. A few other Canterbury members arrived who had trailered bikes down travelling the whole way on Friday. A very warm day being 32 degrees, and we did get there early enough to find and purchase a battery, with the Enfield then running faultlessly for the rest of the trip.

Saturday was the Southland VCC Annual Rally catering for all branch vehicles, but swelled by the number of visiting motorcyclists. 126 vehicles took part, of

Morning tea at Temuka

which 80 were visiting motorcyclists. Starting at the VCC clubrooms, the route choices were 50 or 80 miles to lunch and we headed north though back roads, then east to arrive for lunch at Wyndham Racecourse. We had one field test to complete on the way in and another on the way out. Another extremely hot day at 32 degrees again, so everyone was parked in shade under the trees. After the obligatory look though the parts shed, the dinner was held at the VCC clubrooms and the number attending meant two sittings were required. The team in the kitchen did an excellent job despite have two power cuts during the course of preparing the meal.

Jason Roberts, 1913 BSA Model C, was third in the Veteran time trial and third equal in Veteran field tests. Somehow he had ended up at the wrong racecourse but a phone call got him heading in the right direction.

Peter and Lynette Barnett, 1986 BMW R80G/S, won the P80 time trial and were joint first equal for P80.

Sunday was the official start of the 38th National Motorcycle Rally with a display and field tests at Surrey Park. The National Rally had 131 entrants, with 32 from Canterbury Branch comprising 3 Veterans, 2 Vintage, 3 Post Vintage, 11 Post War, 9 P60, and 4 P80 motorcycles. While the day started off grey with some showers this did change to periods of heavy rain in the afternoon.

Three field tests were laid out, and the concours judging was done, though the weather reduced the public turnout to see the bikes. The final event for the day was the inter branch competition with the Canterbury team comprising Joseph McClintock, 1917 Henderson Model G; Phil Jeeves, 1924 Triumph Model P; Garth Boulton, 1939 BSA WM20; and Paul Ainsworth, 1969 Norton Commando. The event was a relay race and heats had to be held, with Canterbury not making the final after finding braking from speed difficult on the wet grass. The winner was Southland with South Canterbury a close second.

Graham Barnett. Field Tests

Dinner at the clubrooms again with two sittings of pies, peas, and pud using the locally famous “Fat Bastard Pies”. The branch also ran a quiz matching motorcycle model names with the name of the manufacturer which was won by Graham Barnett receiving a nice bottle of wine and tickets to Transport World.

Monday was the main rally day and was wet and very windy. Again starting from the clubrooms the first competitors set off at 10:30 heading on one of three routes to the lunch stop at Riverton Rugby Club. The short route was 80kms, the medium route, 130kms heading out to Tuatapere then following the Southern Scenic route back to Riverton. The long route was 210kms doing a longer loop through Ohai then on to Tuatapere before following the Southern Scenic route to Riverton. The weather did improve but the wind particularly made the morning ride challenging.

The National Rally finished with a prize giving and meal at Ascot Park Hotel. Those from Canterbury who received certificates or trophies were:

Joseph McClintock, 1917 Henderson Model G, third in both the Veteran time trial and Veteran field tests finishing third Veteran overall.

Brian Hayman, 1951 Ariel VH Red Hunter, third in the Post War time trial

Graham Barnett, 1961 Royal Enfield Crusader Super 5, first in the P60 field tests and second P60 overall.

Peter and Lynette Barnett, 1986 BMW R80G/S, first in the P80 time trial, second in the P80 field tests, finishing first P80 overall to win the Northland Cup, actually a beautiful piece of kauri.

Damon Page, 1941 Indian 741B, Hard Luck Prize after stopping when the motor became noisy.

Many thanks to Southland Branch for organising and hosting the National Rally.

Its that man again! Philip Jeeves on an earlier restoration of his. 1924 Triumph Model P

I am sure that the busy kitchen volunteers will be taking a well earned rest. With the rally over a few headed for home, but most stayed on Tuesday. With showers continuing those that stayed visited Motorcycle Mecca, or Richardson’s Transport World, both excellent venues. We went to Transport World Tuesday and Motorcycle Mecca Wednesday including the mandatory visit to E Hayes and Sons as the showers continued.

A large group of Canterbury members left on Wednesday heading for Wanaka and returning to Christchurch via Haast and Lewis Passes. Special shout out to Joseph who rode his 1917 from Christchurch for the event in Invercargill and then home through Haast. A great distance for a veteran motorcycle. The smaller group that remained in Invercargill stayed on for the Burt Munro Challenge comprising a number of racing events over four days. The “Burt” has been running for 16 years celebrating the achievements of past local, Burt Munro.

Thursday was the Bluff Hill Climb in clearing showers. Most that attended managed to get a lift in the car. A great event marred by injuries to spectators after bikes lost control and went through barriers. The event was only completed after pulling all spectators off the hill. A few went to the Twilight Drags at Teretonga.

Friday dawned warm and without wind. The beach racing was excellent, well run, and thankfully the ambulance didn’t move all day. The beach conditions and weather were the best I have experienced in several visits over the years to the Burt.

Saturday was circuit racing at Teretonga with many club eligible bikes present or

Veteran line up. Bevars Binnie 1915 Triumph, Jason Roberts1913 BSA

competing. From mid afternoon Oreti Speedway was also in action. Both events were well run and the day needed plenty of sun block.

The Police had a presence doing PR and recording speeds for the fastest racers of over 260 km/hr at the end of the main straight.

Sunday was the final day of competition with Street Circuit racing in Invercargill. Another hot day, with a well run event, and a number of club eligible bikes taking part.

On the Monday the group split up with most either trailering or riding home to Christchurch in a day. We chose a more leisurely pace bypassing Gore to stay away from SH1. Initially we had some fog or low cloud and north of Dunedin we struck gusty side winds so stopped at Moeraki for the night. Leaving early the next morning we made it home with only one heavy shower and no wind. So 13 days away on the bike covering just over 1,000 miles in a mix of weather, with excellent hospitality from Southland Branch. Pencil in 2025 and the next rally hosted by Manawatu.

Photos from Peter, Lynette and Graham Barnett Joseph McClintock’s 1917 Henderson. 1000 trouble free miles.


ENTRANT …………………………………………………………

EMAIL …………………………………………………………

CELL …………………………….

MOTORCYCLE …………………………………………………..

MODEL ……………………………..

The run for 2023 will travel to Blenheim and be a three day ride starting Friday morning. We will be staying at Grove Motor Lodge, Blenheim. Saturday will be a local run and home Sunday. Friday’s start will be at Motorcycle Corner, VCC grounds - meet 9.00am for 9.15am start. Back up trailer provided but try to carry your own bag please.

Accommodation -

Single shared $65pp

Entry fee $20.00

Total $.................

If you want your own room then get in early by ringing Paul and we can arrange that, of course it will cost a bit extra. There are some 2 bedroom units or studio units that we could use.

If we are over subscribed for the run and have not reserved enough beds and the Grove Motor Lodge cannot take everyone then I will book where ever we can close by. Costs may then change for those staying in those other venues.

Payment for the run to our treasurer – Royce Baker with your name and Jim Toohey as reference – via the listed below.

VCC Canterbury Motorcycle account – 03 0802 0099727 00.

Email entry form to

Paul’s cell 0274 321 391. or enter online. HERE


8th February 2023

Hi to you all

Today’s trip was organised by Marty Christie and John Bartlett and with the help of a few friends.,

They organised a great day the weather perfect and a first for me a visit to the 3 Boys brewery and I have to say their lager is the nicest I have ever tasted. And then onwards to the Rhodes reserve in Tai Tapu. And Annette and I did the usual raffle. We had a good start with 38 cars for the first run.

Next month

Alan and Barbara Hill

Meet at the VCC grounds at Mc Leans Island at 9.55

Looking forward seeing you all

JK and the team



Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC) March



Unfortunately I was unable to make it to Old Cars Bikes and Coffee for February due to being in Geraldine for the weekend. After finding a replacement vendor following the last vendor placing their business on the market, we should have been all set for a seamless handover to the new supplier. I was not impressed when I received a text message in Geraldine at 9.15pm on the Saturday night saying they were not coming because of a ‘busy event that day’, and the owner having a sore back!

A rather hasty message to our unflappable Katryna Shaw first thing the next morning was all I could do, and between her and Henry Little they managed to provide a non-espresso alternative. My apologies for that (I am currently on the lookout for another vendor - hopefully permanent for March and onwards), and my thanks to Katryna and Henry for their work on the day.

The March OCBC is on Sunday 19th March – hopefully we will be graced by a few Veteran cars, as they assemble for the Veteran Car Club’s annual Creepy Crawly Rally.

Swap Meet Report

I am pleased to announce that we have now opened nominations for our Swap Meet Committee for 2023. If you would enjoy working with an enthusiastic bunch of members who can pull together to get this event underway and run for the 2023 year, then we’d love to hear from you. The details and nomination form are on Page16. Please don’t hesitate to give me a call if you would like more information on how you can help.


The Irishman Creek Rally

3rd/4th June 2023

This year’s rally will start from the Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora at 7.30 am Saturday morning. Rally packs can be collected from the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms at the Noggin meeting on Thursday 1st from 7 pm. The bar will be open and out of town visitors are welcome to join us. Again they will also be available on the Friday 2nd from 6pm to 8pm from the club rooms. We encourage early collection to allow for a smooth departure on the Saturday morning.

As per last year lunches will be the responsibility of each entrant. With over 400 people attending getting a volunteer group and a venue to cater for this many people is now not possible.

Prize giving and supper will be in the community hall on Sunday which will open from 6.30 for a 7.30 presentation.

While back up vehicles are provided all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry chains for mud or snow and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. As we will be crossing private farms strictly NO DOGS are allowed.

The Irishman Rally is open to Vintage Car Club Members only and for Vintage and Veteran aged vehicles. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating.

All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge there is a team behind you.



June 3 – 5, 2023

Entrants Surname ……………………………………………………

First Name …………………………………………………………...

No. of Crew…………. Entrants must be financial VCC Members

Address……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….

Home Phone………………………… Cell……………………….

Email Address………………………………………………………..


Registration Number………………………………………………... Year…………………………..

VCC Member Number……………………...

Irishman 2023 Plaque @$10.00ea $...........

Total $............

Entries to: George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD 5, CHCH 7675

Make payments to VCC Canterbury Branch by direct credit to a/c 03-1594-0096832-00. Please reference payment with name and Irishman Rally. Any queries to George on 027 221 4332 or email:

Entries close 13th May 2023


$55.00 $55.00
Fee Per Vehicle

February’s Noggin Display

Winners of the Vintage Annual Rally: L to R: Backhouse’s 1925 Hupmobile, Rogers’ 1928 Chevrolet, Hedgeman’s1925 Lagonda


The peaceful morning was shattered by the loud roar of 7 mighty clip-on bicycles (putt-putt-putt whirr cough) on 18 February.

A short run was organised by Denise McKenzie and Doug Watkinson, starting with a river view from Cashmere through St Martins and Opawa to The Tannery. The rate of attrition was very high with only 3 of the 7 starters actually getting to our morning tea location under motor power: 2 got there under pedal power, and two others were picked up by follow-up vehicles. Before coffee was even ordered there were plug spanners, sandpaper/feeler gauges, cans of "Start you child-born-out-ofwedlock" and much pull starting.

All bikes were successfully resurrected, and a well deserved refreshment was enjoyed.

Denise announced her retirement from organising this event after many years of successful and enjoyable clip-on rallies. Thank you Denise for all your time and efforts over the years.

Pre – rally brief from Mike Glenday


The 2023

Rear Wheel Brake Rally

Sunday 12th March 2023

*If your vehicle was originally fitted with only front-wheel brakes but has been upgraded in the interests of safety, you are also welcome to bring it on the run.

Two runs will be held – a short route more suitable for lower-powered single and twin cylinder vehicles, and a longer one for those vehicles that can maintain a steady 50km/h speed. The runs will have a short stop along the way at a café to sustain you for the rest of the journey. The runs will begin at Cutler Park at 9.30am (please arrive by 9.15am), and finish at the Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza at the A&P showgrounds where the vehicles will be put on a special display together and form part of the Extravaganza event. The Twin Rivers entry fee is covered in your registration cost, and is the same regardless of how many people you bring along in or on your vehicle.

Please bring a picnic lunch, or there are plenty of outlets at the event if you prefer to buy lunch there.

A commemorative certificate will be issued to every vehicle entering and participating in the event. The entry fee is $25 per vehicle. Please complete the entry form on-line, or contact Colin Hey on 021-883-807 or by email (see page 45) if you are unable to complete the on-line form.

Please also contact Colin if you have any enquiries.



12th March 2023

Entries Close Friday 3rd March

Entrant’s Name ………………………………………………….

Vehicle Make and Model ……………………………………..

No. of Cylinders ………

Contact Phone number(s)…………………………………….

Email …………………………………………………………………

Car / Commercial / Motorcycle (Circle one)

Short or Long Route (Circle one)

Rally Entry Fee @ $25.00

Paid on-line or directly to organiser (Circle delete one)


Payment is by direct credit to the branch to account number 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your name in the particulars field and ‘RearWB Rally’ in the reference field.

Organiser Colin Hey Ph 021 883 807



A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

1982 Motoguzzi V50 Monza

1976 Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV SE, 1979 Wainwright Kombi Saloon

Glen Bolton Tim Prebble Shelley Carter 1938 Pontiac Silver Streak SE Peter Riley 1961 Morris Minor, SE Ian Gardner 1949 James Motorbike MC

Steven Noad

1936 Austin 10, SE

Neil Frost

Ryan Coleman

Louis Barreto

1942 Jeep Willys MT.

1958 Fiat 600D CP.

1980 Toyota BJ40 Landcruiser CO

Recent new member

Adrian Ryan’s Mercedes

Peggy Barrett

1977 Datsun 120Y SSS, SE.

1970 Ford GTE Cortina SE


John Armiger Marlborough to Canterbury

(Welcome back John.)

on line HERE


9am, 2nd April 2023.

We will be starting from Cutler Park . We will drive to a private car collection and then on to a winery for lunch

Entrant’s Name………………………………………………………..

Membership Number………………………………………………….

Vehicle make and Model……………………………………………..

Vehicle Year…………………………………………………………...

Email Address………………………………………………………….

Phone Number(s)………………………………………………………

Are You Entering The Concours? Yes No (circle one)

Average Speed For Time Trial……………………………………….. Mph km/h (circle one)

Route Choice Short Long (circle one)

Send this form to: P Rally Organiser Foresters Crescent Parklands 8083

Any questions please contact John Enright via email or phone 027 439 6572 ENTER ON LINE HERE



Saturday 25th March

Entries close 10th March

Entrant’s Name: ………………………………………….

Address: …………………………………………. ………………………………………….

Membership Number: …………………………………….

Phone No: ………………………………………….

Email address: ………………………………………….

Vehicle year: ………………………………………….

Vehicle Make/Model:…………………………………….

Route (circle one) Short Long

Average Speed For Timed Section: …………………….

Entry fee $20 (including rally badge)

Payment directly to Commercial Convenor, or by internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Commercial Rally" in the reference field.

Convenors address: 54 Manderville Park Drive RD2 Kaiapoi 7692

Convenor’s Phone: 03 745 9240

Online Entry Form HERE


Very good condition. 12 months rego, WOF, VIC. Log book, workshop manual.

Owned for 46 years.

Restored for the VCCNZ 50th Anniversary.

Offers over $15,000

Phone Ted 323 7183 evenings


Sell: My lovely 1928 BSA Sloper Single port OHV 500 cc

Restored and ridden by me for 51 years. Has all its original Lucas Equipment and they are all working well including the one piece Magdyno charging the battery for daytime riding. Original bronze

Amal Carb and air cleaner. Will be Rego and WOF. Nice patina . Leather saddle cover Terry style. Price is a guess $18,500.

Trevor Lightfoot Ph 3845211


Our regular advertiser Kaiapoi Auto Electric (Page 47) advise that they now stock cloth tape. Several widths.

1955 Hillman Californian

1987 Ford Fairmont Ghia XF6

144,000 genuine kms Gold. No rust

Near new tyres and flaps.

Louvre rear window. All the bells and whistles. Garaged and dust cloth covered. All original.

Phone 022 325 9905 or 327 4939 Tuesday nights.


Lester Tire Company 7.0-21 set of 4 tyres for sale. Have been used but plenty of tread on these tyres. Photos available. Normally $600 new per tyre. Set of 4 for $800 ono.

Phone John 027 448 1430.




Continental Red Seal engine 6 cylinder ( any condition considered ).

Years 1918 - 1924

Contact John 027 448 1430


Four 5.75/6.00 x 16 inch tyres. Only required for rolling a vehicle under restoration, so any condition able to hold a normal pressure OK.

Phone: Bill 03 312 8900 or


For 1967 Riley Elf, a pair of rear overriders as shown. If anyone has one or two available, or knows of someone who may have some, please contact Peter on 021 057 0078.


1938 Chev ½ ton pickup, looking for a chassis or information that could lead to one.

Phone John on 027 344 7155



See Notice board posters for more information. Highland

For information contact

Scenicland Rally 40th Anniversary 25th March
Fling 21st—23rd April
For information contact: Kaaren Smylie VCC NICC (Vintage Car Club North Island Club Captain) CELL PHONE: 021 66 43 41 EMAIL:

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

03 332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

03 327 5743

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

020 4081 9909


Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill)

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

03 421 2426 027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Hub Editor

And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


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