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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month CONTENTS

Chairman’s Report


9-90s Report


Secretary’s Report


Motorcycle Report


Club Captain’s Report


VOG Report


Vintage Report




Vintage Rally Report

12/13 New Members


Veteran Report

14/15 The Mart

Commercial Report

16/17 Officers and Reps

35/36/37/38 40/41

Copy for the March Hub closes on Wednesday 28th February Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. Cover Photo Blue skies and a “beach”: A perfect setting for the January Picnic


Canterbury Branch Activities and Events




Thurs 1st Sun 4th Wed 7th Sat 10th Wed 14th Sat 17th Sun 18th Tues 20th Wed 21st Sat/Sun 24/25th Wed 28th

Noggin and Natter Grounds Maintenance 9-90s Boot Sale Motorcycle Noggin Clip-on Rally OCBC Grounds Maintenance Commercial Noggin and Natter BRANCH ANNUAL RALLY North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 2nd Brooklands to Brighton Run Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter Sat 9th Moped Run Sun 10th Rear Wheel Brake Rally Wed 13th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin Fri– Sun 15/16/17th Jim Toohey Run Sun 17th OCBC Wed 20th Commercial Noggin Sat 23rd Commercial Annual rally Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin Thurs 4th Sun 7th Wed 10th Sat 13th Tues 16th Wed 17th Sun 21st Wed 24th Thurs 25th

Noggin and Natter P Rally / Grounds Maintenance 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin Scooter Run Grounds Maintenance Commercial Noggin Autumn Run / OCBC North Canterbury Noggin Malvern ANZAC Run

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month

9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin

Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators 5

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Welcome everyone to the new year. It’s been a busy couple of months, with many things on the branch calendar to add to the usual holiday festivities. To end last year it was pleasing to see a decent group of happy people coming along for the Christmas social, the combined motorcycle/commercial end of year noggin dinner, the weather played its part in making the Childrens Christmas Picnic an enjoyable day following on from OCBC, and again for a well deserved picnic lunch on Boxing day in a very pleasant spot at The Groynes. Starting the new year there was a good turnout for the picnic run to add to the show of model boats at Pegasus, an interesting visit to the Ferrymead tram workshops for the commercial noggin, and another fine day for the first OCBC of the year with a few veterans along for their picnic run.

Once again thanks to all involved in planning, organising, or helping out with all of these events, without the support and assistance of a large number of people they wouldn’t be possible. Along with what is a regular theme thanking those who help out, this month there is also a need to ask for some help in the future, with two of our diligent volunteers deciding it’s time to pass on their work to someone else. A replacement is needed for Mike Foster after many years of maintenance coordination keeping an eye on what needs to be done, and to look after the group of grounds volunteers. We are also looking for a new Hub editor, to follow on from Tony Craythorne’s excellent job of getting things into shape after a few disrupted years, so if someone would be willing to take over from Tony I’m sure he’ll be happy to help with picking up what to do.


If anyone is willing to help out or wants to know more about either of these very important aspects of the running of our branch, please get in touch with one of the committee to find out what’s involved. With that it’s time to get back out to the garage to try and get some things sorted out and see what entries need to be put in for the many upcoming events. Happy motoring Neil Shaskey

Have you noticed our newly restored phone box? It was a Christmas camping project by Shona Clarkson assisted by Peter Blacklock. It includes a period phone inside. Wonderful—Superman will be chuffed!


SECRETARY’S REPORT Should be of interest to all members. As I am no longer the Branch Delegate please direct all matters relating to the up and coming discussions which are to be raised at the executive meeting in March to Canterbury Chairman and Branch delegate. As the meeting is being held over the weekend of 16th -17th March at our Branch Club Rooms any input you have must be in writing and with myself or in Neil’s hands by 29th Feb so we can discuss this at our March meeting. You have been circulated with information on these matters recently so please give it your attention now. Our delegate needs to know your opinion. You are entitled to attend this meeting as a member observer but must register with national office if you wish to partake in morning, afternoon teas and lunches or Sat night Dinner as these are limited to registered members.

Forms for registration can be down loaded or filled in on line on National Web Site before 2nd Feb. Linked HERE You will still be able to get a cuppa if you wish. You would not have speaking rights, this is left to the Branch Delegate and Branch observer so it is important our committee know your views. Regards Rod Thrower (Branch Secretary)


The VCC of NZ financial year runs from 1st November 2021 to 31st October 2022. Notice to all unfinancial Members as at 12th January 2024. I have just been supplied a list of 127 Canterbury Branch Members who are in arrears or have overdue memberships. You have until 11th March 2024 to pay the overdue account or you will lose your continuity of membership and have to re-apply. Please direct any enquiries to National Office EMAIL; or PHONE 03 366 4461 Hours 9-30am to 1-30pm Regards Rod Thrower (Branch Secretary) 021 126 3529


CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT Happy New Year everybody! Welcome to the New Year and all the good things it has in store for us. The Christmas Social this year was themed “Put your records on”. This was a great success. It was fantastic that Neil Shaskey got the record player that was bought from “Sedley Wells” all those years ago, working again. A few got up for a bit of a wiggle (dance). We may look at doing something similar in the winter and have the fire going? The Nelson branch has invited us to do the Coast to Coast three day rally in February. Please see the advertisement in this Hub. They apologised for the short notice, but if you can’t make it this year, there plans are to do it every year, with the rally starting from opposite ends. (See Page 39). Thank you for the efforts of the organisers for our two picnic runs. Don and Judy for the Groynes, a new destination being successful and John Forster for a fabulous day out at the Pegasus Lake with the model boat club. We had about 80 cars spread along the edge of the lake. We even managed to sign up a new member! Don’t forget to get your entry form in early for the Annual Rally. The long route is a total of 198 km (124 miles) return approx including 8 km of shingle. The short route will be 134 km (83 miles) approximately including 2.6km of shingle. Plus some questions on the way so you don’t get bored - for a prize! On Sunday we will be having music from 11.30am. Looking forward to seeing you there. Coming Events: Saturday 10th February 2024 Boot Sale Saturday 17th February 2024 Motorcycle Clip on Run Sunday 18th February 2024 OCBC (Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee) 24th/25th February 2024 Branch Annual Rally Saturday 2nd March 2024 Brooklands to Brighton for 100 year vehicles. Katryna 10

VINTAGE REPORT Happy New Year. The Annual Vintage Rally was held on Sunday 3rd December with 46 cars in attendance. Good weather and a pleasant lunch stop along with field tests at Loburn Reserve. The Christmas Social Saturday 9th December at the Barn was enjoyed by those who attended with vinyl records being played on the radiogram with John Forster playing the Christmas music on the accordion prior to Christmas “A quality 1924 Cadillac cake. A wonderful supper Seven-seater versus one of quantity, finished off an enjoyable 1928 Ford two-seater,” - Jack Porter. evening It also was a great day for OCBC Sunday 17 Dec with a chance to meet new and old friends. The Children’s Christmas picnic 17th December was again well supported this year, with Louise going to a lot of organising and setting up a grotto for Father Christmas to give presents to the children. Graham


VCC Annual Vintage Rally 3rd December 2023 Sunday morning dawned fine forecasting to reach a temperature of 28 degrees, but with a late afternoon change to a southerly. Arrangements had preceded the rally with a shortened run this year made intentionally to cater for the business of the Christmas season and to allow sufficient time for lunch and the afternoon Field Tests. 46 vintage cars entered this year, with all but 2 vehicles eligible for the vintage trophies. The cars were dispatched from 10:30 am onwards, after a cuppa and biscuit and the usual friendly chatter, with the last cars out of Cutler Park by 11:15am.

The cars left Cutler Park turning right out the gate, proceeding onto the Northern Highway before turning off at the Groynes turnoff onto Johns Road then left onto the Main North Road, turning right at the Peg Hotel for Kainga through Brooklands and Stewarts Gully. We turned right to cross the old Waimak Bridge then on to Kaiapoi before veering off at Vickerys Road then left onto Ohoka Road before reaching the outskirts of Rangiora. We headed along West Belt joining up with the Ashley Bridge then on to Loburn. 12

At Loburn Reserve we gathered for the lunch stop beside the lower rugby field along the shelter of the macrocarpa hedge. After a relaxing lunch the field tests were undertaken with most entrants participating in the three challengers. Closing in on 3pm, most cars had moved towards home; with some taking the opportunity to visit friends in Rangiora and others heading home into a fierce southerly.

Winners of this year’s Annual Vintage Rally 2023 Time Trial Challenge Cup 1st Dave Backhouse 1925 Hupmobile Field Tests – Lowden Cup 1st Steve Williams 1930 Chevrolet Peoples Choice Trophy 1st Brian Hayman 1930 Graham Paige (Photo) Overall Winner – Rae Trophy 1st Phil Jeeves 1923 Hupmobile 13

VETERAN REPORT It seems a very long time since the last Hub, committee meeting and the last Noggin, and although it’s great to have a month off writing reports, there’s still been events to organise, start planning for, and of course to take part in. Top of mind right now is the Brooklands to Brighton Run on 2nd March for all vehicles over 100 years old – more of that later.

The Veteran Car Club lunch was one of two opportunities in December to get one of the veterans out, and this time our twocylinder Wolseley-Siddeley got an outing. A very good shared lunch and lots of talking about veteran cars, people and happenings made it an enjoyable time. It was there too that I met Paul Bennetts and Fay England, who now own the 1912 Rover Roadster which was restored many years ago and motored by Fay’s father, the late Ces England. Paul and Fay and their family have now got the car running again and after a bit of maintenance is completed, plan to start motoring it this year. Later in December I took the Wolseley-Siddeley to OCBC and the Children’s Christmas Party, where it was used to convey Santa to the secret grotto in the hall. Great excitement from all the kids as presents were handed out – it was good to be part of it all, and well done to the large team that organised the wonderful day for the children. On New Year’s Day Malcolm and Anita McGibbon and Jenny and I once again took our veteran cars to the Banks Peninsula Branch picnic at the Little River Domain. Malcolm and Anita took their 1914 Swift, and Jenny and I took the Wolseley Siddeley, but I do have to confess we didn’t drive them all the way there – SH75 on New Year’s Day is just a bit busy! Sadly we had the only veteran cars there, but a huge turnout of all makes and models and a bright, warm and sunny day made this a very enjoyable day. The next event was one of the highlights of the Christmas break – the Picnic Run to Lake Pegasus on 7th January. A combined event with the Pegasus Radio Sail Club, the perfect weather and 14

a turnout of around 80 cars (including a few veterans) and a few motorcycles got 2023 off to a great start for our branch. Spread out along the ‘beach’ at Lake Pegasus, we enjoyed watching the radio-controlled model yacht regatta out on the lake, and of course our picnic lunches in the company of other club members. A very enjoyable day out. This was followed up with OCBC and the Veteran Picnic on 20th January – only a few cars on a very hot summer day ventured out to Ohoka Domain where we enjoyed a picnic lunch and a good chat under the shade of a large tree. Driving home again afterwards in our 1912 Wolseley I don’t think we’ve ever been out on such a hot day – a good test for the forthcoming National Veteran Rally and Dunedin to Brighton Run this coming weekend as I’m writing this. Now – the big one. Later in the Hub on Page 34 you will find information on the Brooklands to Brighton Run, to be held on Saturday 2nd March. If you can breathe any life at all into your 100-year- plus motorcycle, car or truck, then you simply must enter this event. It’s hoped it will be the first of what may be an annual run which will showcase all of our vehicles older than 100 years – the big plus being that more and more will be eligible for it as the year’s progress. Note too, that there will be a special prize at this rally for the oldest car/youngest driver combination, so get your children and grandchildren trained up and ready to enter. They will thoroughly enjoy it. We have a good number of registrations already, but we are well short of the 50+ we are sure we will get, so get your entry in now. You must enter by Friday 9th February if you want to get a rally badge, but we will accept entries right up to 24th February if you’re struggling to get a machine ready to bring. If you have trouble using the electronic link, try the one in the Coming Events page on the Branch website, or failing that, just give me a call. Oh, and don’t forget the Annual Rally on 24th and 25th February – that will be another excellent event too. Next month I’ll no doubt be able to report on the National Veteran Rally. Happy motoring Colin Hey 15

COMMERCIAL REPORT Hi All, Tonight I find myself sitting in a Kombi Cabin near the southern shores of Lake Taupo at Motuoapa Bay writing this report. I'm relocating my Daughter's Yaris to Hamilton and bringing my Son's Jeep Cherokee back next week - that can be in the next report. For now it will have to wait! The Christmas function in December with the Motorcycle section was a most enjoyable evening. The food was fantastic and it was an excellent crowd. Thanks to Royce Baker, Paul and the team for arranging it all and including the Commercial group in your numbers. The January Commercial was held at the Ferrymead Tram restoration workshops. Thanks to Brian Fairbrass and his work colleague Graham for hosting us. These two are very passionate about their work and are real crafts people. Some of the trams running on the Ferrymead tramlines have been restored quite a number of years now and have a certain patina about them but still look amazing! Testament to the quality of the restoration. They have also restored and continue to maintain the other Trams that we see plying the lines around Christchurch central city. Well done for having the skills to keep these pieces of history alive! I noted with interest the gauge of the tramlines compared to our national train lines. Trains being 3ft 6 inches and Trams being 4ft 8.5 inches. Seeing as they are old I'll stick with imperial measurements just in case someone was going to pull me up on not using metric! The February Commercial noggin is to be held at Dave Inwood's workshop at 126 South Eyre Road on Wednesday 21st. Thanks Dave for putting forward the invitation. I've been to Dave's on a previous occasion and he certainly has a shed to be envious of! The Commercial Rally is to be held on 23rd of March. The entry form will be in this hub. There is a short and long route. I am aware it clashes with the Scenicland rally but there is no other 16

date we can change it to. More details will be in the March Hub once I get it all organised. Don't forget the Canterbury Branch Annual rally is coming up as well as the Brooklands to Brighton run for vehicles that are 100 years or older. Keep on trucking! Michael

The “Beast” track maintenance travelling workshop.

See, you just push that and pull this and turn that......

Part of the extensive workshop


2024 Annual Commercial Rally Saturday 23rd March Entries close 10th March (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name: …………………………………………. Address:

…………………………………………. ………………………………………….

Membership Number: ……………………………………. Phone no:


Email address:


Vehicle year:


Vehicle Make/Model: ……………………………………. Route (circle one)



Average Speed For Timed Section: …………………….

Entry fee $20 (including rally badge) Payment directly to Commercial Convenor, or by internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Commercial Rally" in the reference field.

Online Entry Form HERE 18

9-90s Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the festive season and got lots of work done on your cars so they are all set to go for 2024. We had a very nice family picnic for Christmas day. 9-90s is on again on the 7th of February and Tony Becker has organised a really good one to start the year off. We are meeting at Princess Margaret Hospital at 9.55 am. NOT in the eastern car park. Look out for the VCC signs. We will be heading southwest for a fairly short run and there will be a hall available to have lunch in if the weather is not good. Looking forward to it. See you there! Ken.


CANTERBURY BRANCH VINTAGE CAR CLUB ANNUAL RALLY 2024 Bring some “culture” into your life by joining us on the Annual Vintage Car Club Branch Rally in February 2024. Starting from at Cutler Park, with some morning tea for sustenance. We are venturing into the countryside again with several places of interest to be viewed. This event will provide a morning and afternoon run. You can choose from a Long or a Short run. Fields tests, BBQ lunch (optional) and the prize giving will be on the Sunday.

24th and 25th February 2024 Cutler Park 9.00am morning tea and 9.30am set off. Cost $15 per vehicle. BBQ Lunch $10 Entertainment by our helpers – Free! Please enter online. Happy to take registrations if you only can do cash, at the February noggin. Registrations close Wednesday 21st February 2024 Entry Form Page 21 20

Annual Rally Entry Form

old cars so Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February 2024 thought we must Entrant: ……………………………………………….……………………………… be going in M/ship Number: …………………. the same Address: ……………………………………………………………………………… direcPhone: Home / Cell: ………………………………………………………………… tion. Turns Vehicle: Make/Model Year: ………………………………………………………… No of Cylinders ………………………. Section: CAR


Competitive YES /NO


Average Speed in KMs per hour …………………………… Route: Short Long (circle)

Entry Fee: Plaque (optional)

$15.00 @$10.00


Sunday: Entertainment and Prize Giving Lunch Please remember to enter number of lunches if you are not doing the rally and doing the entertainment and prize giving only on the Sunday) Number @ $10.00 ………… $............ TOTAL $.....................

Enter online HERE Or by email to or mail to Mrs K Shaw, 129b Paparoa Street, Papanui, Christchurch 8053. Payment by direct credit, with your name and “Annual Rally” to: VCC Canterbury Branch. 03-1594-0096832-00 Entries Close Wednesday 21st February 2022






MOTORCYCLE REPORT The Silly Season has passed, now for some serious motorcycling… Past Events 13th December – Christmas Noggin. The Commercial Section joined the Motorcyclists for a Christmas Noggin in the Barn; about 48 – 50 people enjoyed a buffet meal and Christmas Cheer. Thanks to the Bakers for organising a great night out. 16th December – Fish and Chip Run. Brought forward, about a dozen undertook a run to view an interesting collection of VW and Porsche cars – with a few Puch and Auto Union scooters mopeds thrown in… There was an adjournment to the Valley Inn afterwards… 20th December – Old Codger’s Run. An excellent turnout of about 20 bikes enjoyed a ride out to the Café on the Green at Glentunnel Golf Club, then a run to Oxford, Birch Hill Road Loburn, to the Ashley for lunch. 2nd January 2024 – New Year Run. Met at the Motorcycle Corner, then a run to Methven and back to sample the hospitality of the Thirsty Acre at Kirwee. About a dozen riders rode in very fine, sunny conditions. Would have been better if I had not stripped the nipple off the clutch cable… 17th January 2024 – Old Codger’s Run. A repeat of the very first OCR; ride to The Flat White Café, Pegasus Township, then onto the Leithfield Pub for lunch. 20th January 2024 – Kickstart Rally, Waimate VCC. Not strictly an event for Canterbury riders, but was supported last year. Will report next month re any Canterbury involvement. Future Events. 27th January 2024 – Fish and Chip Run. The first for the New Year! Meet at Motorcycle Corner, McLeans Island 10.00am. We have a garage raid to go to, well worth of your support. Just front up and learn where you’ll be going. 2nd February – Brooklands to Brighton, 100 Year old Vehicle Run. Some of you guys will own motorcycles that are100 years or 24

older, so how about it? See page 39 of the December Hub for more info, and click on the link therein to enter. 14th February – Motorcycle Noggin. BBQ Noggin, M/C Corner; from 6.00 pm. Committee will provide the BBQ, with salads; please BYO meats etc. 17th February – Clip On Run. John Benn, cell phone 022 078 2002, is the organiser. Start from The Famous Grouse Hotel, Lincoln, 11.00 am. Please see elsewhere in this Hub for further details. 21st February – Old Codger’s Run. Meet at The Store, Tai Tapu, 10.30 am, for a coffee, and then ride to the newly refurbished Little River Pub for lunch. To be confirmed via the email mail-out prior. 24th February – Fish and Chip Run. This is cancelled; please support the Branch’s Annual Rally. 24th February – Canterbury Branch Annual Rally. There are a number of trophies for motorcyclists, so consider supporting the Branch’s Premier Event of the year! Entries accepted via the on-line entry portal. 9th March – Moped Run. Graham Barnett – is the organiser of this event; it will start from the New World supermarket in Halswell at 10.30 am, there is no formal entry so just turn up about 10.00 am for the anticipated start. Questions? Contact Graham on 027 240 6297. Please see next page for more details. 13th March – Motorcycle Noggin. We have a destination in mind, but this is to be advised by email out to the troops. Not fully finalised yet. 15th – 17th March – Jim Toohey Run. This will run to Westport on the Friday, ride to Karamea Saturday, home Sunday. Most likely over Lewis Pass, home via Arthurs Pass. See elsewhere for more information and entry form. 20th March – Old Codger’s Run. Still working on this one, look out March Hub or the email list for details closer to the date. 30th March – Fish and Chip Run. Starts outside PMH, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. We have a destination in mind, but for you to find out about it you’ll need to front up to the start. More


info will be sent out via the email to Canterbury riders. There are several events with no information other than announcing their existence. For these events as information comes to hand the motorcyclists on the database will be advised in due course. That is about it for the next couple of months, quite a busy programme for you all to enjoy. Ride safe, keep the rubber to the road. Cheers, CML


JIM TOOHEY MOTORCYCLE RUN 15/16/17 MARCH 2024 WESTPORT ENTRANT ...................................................................................... EMAIL .........................................................CELL ........................ . MOTORCYCLE ..........................................MODEL ...................... . The run for 2024 will travel to Westport and will be a three day ride starting Friday morning. We will be staying at motels (to be advised) in Westport. Saturday will be a local run probably through to Karamea and home Sunday. Friday’s start will be at Motorcycle Corner, VCC grounds - meet 8.30am for 9.00am start. Back up trailer provided but try to carry your own bag please. Accommodation per person / 2 nights $170.00 Entry fee $ 20.00 Total $................. If you want your own room as a single, then get in early by ringing Paul Ainsworth and we can arrange that, of course it will cost a bit extra. If we are over subscribed for the run and have not reserved enough beds then I will book wherever we can close by. Costs may then change for those staying in those other venues. Payment for the run to our treasurer – Royce Baker with your name and Jim Toohey as reference – via the listed below. VCC Canterbury Motorcycle account – 03 0802 0099727 00. Email entry form to or enter online Paul’s cell 0274 321 391.




DECEMBER and JANUARY RUNS Well that’s the Festive Season done and dusted for another year and a what fine ole time it was too with plenty of Cheer and Foodles to satisfy the soul. Hope you all had an enjoyable time with family and friends. The VOG’s ended 2023 with a lunch at the Cashmere Club instead of a ride and what a wise decision that was as Tuesday 12th December was a rather damp day and not conducive to cruising along on a Velosolex. A large group of 28 of us including some of our wives who finally got to meet the “Team” instead of being bored to tears listening to their husbands rabbiting on about all our expeditions during the year. The coveted trophy was awarded this time to Dave Backhouse but not for hard luck but renamed as the “DSA” trophy (Distinguished Services Award) – Dave always acts as our “Tail End Charlie” and is always there to lend a hand to an unfortunate rider that has a small mechanical issue along the way and Kay Hirst presents Dave with the "Distinguished more often than not our man Dave can have Service Award" us up and running again. He is also helpful as a tail end navigator to those that haven’t printed out the route sheet. So a great end to another year of fun and frivolity. As the initiator of this little group I really appreciate the continued support I get each month.


And now to 2024 – goodness gracious me how the years keep rolling on. January 9th was the day and what a ripper it was with 15 riders plus our backup for the day Grant Lomax turning up at the Wigram Skys New World carpark for an 11am crank up. A route had been arranged by Tony White taking us along bike trails following the Southern Motorway and on through to Lincoln Rd to hit the newer trail around Domain Tce and eventually ending up by Princess Margaret Hospital to follow an older track on the side of Heathcote Stream –caution was the name of the game along here as it’s a very popular track used by mums and bubs, joggers, “oldies” out for their morning walk plus cyclists. Having safely navigated this track it was then on to Colombo St to battle with motorists breathing down on us – gosh it’s a minefield out there when all you have is a tiny frame and a tinier motor to save you from disaster but we made it eventually to another safe cycleway along Strickland to Antigua Streets over Brougham St and without boring you anymore with a blow by blow narrative of our journey we ended up back at Wigram Skys and our lunch stop at “The Good Home” Wigram. But this was not without some trials and tribulations of a mechanical nature on various riders machines plus a puncture on our leader Tony’s bike. All in a days riding and adding to the fun of it all on a hot January morning. Keep smiling. Royce VOG 1



Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC) January’s OCBC was very well supported, especially given we’re still sort of in the holiday period. After a couple of very hot days before, a light southerly brought much lower temperatures and it was very pleasant walking around talking to people. Our usual coffee vendor had a substitute due to her van needing some engine work, but unfortunately the battery failed on the substitute van about 10.30 so no more coffees could be made. Fortunately most people had arrived by then. We’ve been promised normal service will resume next month! By 11.15 many had departed to continue with other activities, including a few veteran cars and a small group of others who departed for a picnic lunch at Ohoka Domain. February’s OCBC will be on Sunday 18th February, and for those who like that sort of thing, it will be an optional “Bonnets Open” meet. So, if your engine bay is something you’re proud of or has some particular redeeming feature, bring your vehicle along and let’s see it. Rod Thrower has also set up a special area for new members to park their cars just by the telephone box, so if you’ve recently joined the branch please come along and feel free to park there so we know you’re new and can come and meet you. Colin Hey

Grounds Maintenance Group Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All VERY welcome.



NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Shirley Jenkins 1972 Triumph Toledo Sedan Matthew Withers 1926 Studebaker Duplex Phaeton Tourer, 1974 Leyland Mini S Coupe Paul Hamblin 1929 Austin Seven Coupe, 1929 Austin Seven Roadster. 1931 Austin Special Roadster, 1924 Austin Seven Tourer. Corey Weir 1929 Erskine 50 Commercial . 1956 Chevrolet Belair Sedan. 1995 Rover Cooper Coupe Ian McEwen 1975 Suzuki GT55M Motor Cycle. 1972 Kawasaki H1B-500 Motor Cycle. Lynette Shingleton 1951 Ford Prefect Tourer Alan Currie 1959 Austin Healey Sprite Graham Pascoe Alan Greenstreet 1956 Land Rover SWB UN Lester Dickson 1937 Austin Ruby Sedan 32

Jack Spring 1991 Mazda 323 GLX Sedan James Fuller 1938 Morris 8 Sedan Robert Gordon 1930 Essex Super Six, Sedan

This event is open to all vehicles Motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractors




FOR SALE 1954 MG TF 1250 Chassis up restoration by present owner in 2001.Photos available. 16,000 miles since. In excellent condition with a few stone chips. Matching numbers. $45,000.Phone Kevin 027 365 1938. 1978 Triumph 2500 S Manual overdrive Factory Mag Wheels Power Steering Tow Bar Reg. W.O.F Good Dry Body $7500 ono Phone Lindsay on 027 644 7892

1988 Nissan Bluebird Widetrack. Daily user until start of November, reg and wof. Clears has started coming off bonnet, roof and boot but otherwise pretty good. A good runner, head gasket August 2022. Towbar. Two family owners. Have a look and make a reasonable offer. Mike - 021192 0581


Morris Eight 2-door Saloon Hi Car Club Friends, A Lower North Island car club friend advises availability of a 1936 that is very suitable for restoration. One family owned, apparently complete and in long term dry storage. Please be in touch if you, or someone you know, could be interested in bringing this potentially rewarding piece of history to life. Only cost is its removal from its Lower North Island location! Tony Becker 027 446 6964 1961 P4 Rover 100 Current mileage - 179,000 miles. Two tone green and in good condition all round. One family since new and always garaged, Last WoF 2005, but is regularly started and driven up and down the drive. Brakes and steering work done in 2019, comes with new door and windscreen rubbers. Reg on hold. Open to offers from someone keen to restore. Contact Barry on 021 883 806 or email Barn Find (45 Years ago) My barn find for sale. A late 1929 Model A four door with five new Firestone tyres Martin Rooney 03 312 4090


1938 Singer 10 This car has recently arrived at our Parts Shed. The bodywork is in remarkable condition due to it been dry garaged for the last 40 years. The engine has been reconditioned and is inside the car wrapped in greasy paper. Many other parts have been reconditioned as well. There is also a spare parts car which has been stripped down but I think is complete. If any of our branch members could be interested in this easy restoration I urge you to contact a Parts Shed member as soon as possible as cars in this condition only turn up very rarely. Wayne Stocks spare parts co-ordinator. Phone 383 1380 Miscellaneous Brake tools, bleeder spanners (open/ring) Spring removal tool, Square profile adjusting spanners. $35 Patience and Nicholson counter top drill dispenser, with divisions from 1/16" to 1/2" including approx 100 drills. $50 Stocks and dies. Little Giant USA. BS Pipe 1/2" 3/4" 1.1/4" Taps 3/4" and 1.1/4" $20 Hundreds of solid rivets, flat, c/s, round head with rivet setting tools 1/8" to 5/16" $20 New unopened Repco Dot 4 brake fluid, Three 1L bottles (retail $40) $15 each Mititoyo Micrometer 0 to 25mm $30 Alan Wills 021 087 00692


1993 Suzuki Bandit GSF250 Club eligible, tidy bike for it's age, light weight so easy to handle and no issues travelling at open road speed 250cc water cooled 4 cylinder, electric start, six speed gearbox. New chain, sprockets and rear tyre when purchased around 2 years ago, new battery end of last year. Will be sold with new WOF and rego to 7/24 Advertising on behalf of family, please contact Neil on: 027 289 6201 for more details. BMW-R100s Motorcycle, 1981 49,000 Miles, ex UK, have owned the bike since 1984, comes with all original fittings, e.g. Fairing, gauges, H/Bars. Has WOF & Rego, Ready to ride away. asking price $11,000. For more info Ph 022-131-7235, Email - . Canty Mem, Jeff Rogers

WANTED Nothing? - Hard to believe!


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255


OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

The Jaguar Drivers’ Club of Christchurch is hosting the National Rally for Jaguar drivers of New Zealand at Easter this year. There will be a display of all the Jaguars (nearly 200) in attendance from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 30th March at the Airforce Museum, 45 Harvard Avenue, Wigram. This free event is open to the public. Donations boxes will be available for our chosen charity Hato Hone St John.


2022-2023 Representatives Motorcycle Convenor Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529 Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator Ken James 03 980 0547 VIC Representative Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333

Bar Manager Andrea Dallow (Gilbert) 03 388 2838 Librarians Ted and Jill Hockley 03 323 7183 Swap Meet Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin Maintenance/Clubrooms Alan Hill (Barbara) Mike Foster 03 313 6008 021 161 5866 03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Barn Bookings/Camping Colin Hey (Jenny) Kevin and Claire Campion 03 359 8737 021 883 807 03 312 7255 027 407 5344 40

Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660 New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041 Branch Vehicle Custodian Mark Drury 03 342 9297 Hub Editor And Web Site Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

2022-2023 Main Committee Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Secretary Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807


Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman (Claire) 03 745 9240 027 516 0029

Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain ‘P’ Group Convenor John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375

Asst Club Captain Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277



Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.



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