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2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY BRANCH Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

The views expressed in ‘The

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo Annual Rally Overall Winners: Selwyn Cox and Lorraine Stewart with their well motored 1923 Essex Model A. A vehicle with a long Branch history. Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 9 Veteran Report 10/11/12 Vintage Report 13 Commercial Report 14/15 Motorcycle Report 18/19 Jim Toohey Rally Report 20/21 Annual Rally Report 26/27 VOG Report 28/29 9-90s Report 31 OCBC Report 26/27 Letters to the Editor 35 New Members 39 The Mart 41/42 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the May Hub closes on Wednesday 26th April Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email
are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Sun 2nd P Group Annual Rally Grounds Maintenance Morning

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Tues 11th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 12th 9-90s and Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 15th Scooter Run

Sun 16th Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Sat 22nd Autumn Run

Tues 25th Malvern (ANZAC) Run

Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 4th Noggin and Natter

Sun 7th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 10th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 16th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 17th Commercial Noggin

Sun 21st Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Wed 24th North Canterbury Noggin

Sun 28th Ross Butler Grasskhana


Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Fri-Sun 2nd-4th The Irishman Rally

Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 7th 9-90s

Sun 11th Restoration of the Year

Wed 14th Motorcycle AGM

Sun 18th Branch AGM

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Wed 21st Commercial Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators



It’s been nice to enjoy some good weather recently, and plenty of events on the calendar to keep busy, hopefully everyone has been able to do the same. It’s getting a bit darker and cooler in the mornings, but there’s still time to get out and about and make the most of what’s left of the warmer months.

The national executive meeting held at the clubrooms was a great success, due in no small part to the efforts of our secretary Rod joining all the dots and wrangling the helpers, thanks to all who assisted to the many aspects of the logistics involved. It also seems that something of a standard has been set, as feedback from the branch delegates who attended was that they would like to continue a similar format for future meetings.

The Annual Commercial Rally was an enjoyable day out, it was particularly pleasing to see the branch truck and fire engine out and about, and I was able to have the use of the branch ute to join in. As usual there were many hands there to help out, and many of the usual hands helping out, anyone is welcome to come along and do their bit to make our events possible.

There is still plenty coming up before winter fully sets in, so hopefully there are some opportunities to enjoy what resides in the garage.

Looking forward to seeing you out and about.

Neil greets the delegates. National Executive Meeting


This year Robyn and I attended the half yearly Executive meeting held at Canterbury Branch.

I passed my speaking rights over to Robyn as I was organising the meeting and my concentration was centred elsewhere. (Thank you immensely Robyn for your help.)

Also while on the subject of organising the meeting we could not have held such a successful event without the help of all members who stepped up to the task. As much as I would like to name all 25 of you, you can all take great pride in the results you achieved and how you promoted our branch. After the meeting was over the President asked the delegates whether they preferred a two-day meeting held at other Branches premises over a meeting in a commercial location. This was overwhelming accepted as a good idea. Now to business of the Exec weekend.

On the Notice Board I have placed an information sheet from the LVVTA (‘Modified Production’ and ‘Scratch – Built’ on the low volume Vehicle Definitions). Do Not Remove this from Club Rooms please.

Strategic Plan 2022-2027 for the Club in General. (Posted on Notice Board)

Reports from National Committee members. It is likely that we will see some traction on 12 month warrants very shortly.

The Notice of Motion will now proceed to the National AGM in August 2023 to be voted on.

‘National Day’ will remain with The Cancer Society for a further three years.

‘Long Service Awards’ will remain as Status Quo.

‘New Constitution’ A workshop was held to discuss the various options set out by the Management Team. There was general agreement that the management structure


had to change. The Management team have taken the feedback on board and are going to consider the matter further and report back at the AGM.

The following people gave very stimulating presentations on the following subjects:

Tony Johnson CEO LVVTA (Booklet on Notice Board)

Garry Jackson regarding the (NZ Federation of Motoring’s Historic and Classic Survey)

Alan Dick: regarding his experiences as a motoring Journalist.

Paul Seaton: Regarding his recovery of the Buick Motor Car from the Waimakariri Riverbed.

A special thank you to Paul and Margaret for bringing their Buick out for display.

Any member requiring any more details on any of the items mentioned here can contact the Secretary personally for a chat. The minutes of this meeting will be available in due course.

Regards Rod

(The heading photo shows Rod with the Time Trial Trophy from the Annual Rally) Ed.


The Branch extends its sympathies to Maureen and the family of Bruce Forbes. and to Ruth and the family of Ken Hands.


The past few weeks have been really busy with many rallies to attend.

I was pleased with how the Annual Rally event went. People enjoyed spending time at Ferrymead Heritage park, riding around on the tram and looking at the various displays. Most had not been there for years so it was very much a nostalgic trip!

The field tests proved difficult for some on the Sunday, with some getting wet! It was also nice to see a new member, Louis Barretto, win the “People’s Choice” award in his Willys Jeep.

Thank you to all that attended and that helped to make the weekend a good one.

I did put it out to the entrants, if they liked the format of the weekend? So far the majority preferred the two day format, with another rally perhaps in the afternoon on the Saturday. I am still open for suggestions. This is the main rally of the year and it is important that we get the most out of what you want for the weekend.

The following weekend saw our branch hold the Vintage Car Club of NZ Incexecutive meeting. Rod Thrower and his teams made many hands make light work and this is what made the weekend a huge success. I spoke to the delegates and they were thrilled to be able to meet their colleagues in person in our fantastic facilities.

The Commercial Rally went off without a hitch on a sunny Saturday morning. The field tests were new, well thought out and were a challenge for some of the best.

Date change: The Grasskhana this year will be held on Sunday 28th May. We still have quite a few events for you to enjoy over the coming monthseven if it has become quite autumnal. So get out there and have some fun.

Coming Events

Sunday 2nd April P Group Rally

Sunday 15th April Scooter Run

Saturday 22nd April Autumn Run

Tuesday 25th April ANZAC Run




I’m afraid it’s going to be a rather short report from me this time, as I’m about to jump in the car in a few hours and head to Invercargill for the George Begg Festival. Our ‘veteran’ event for last month was of course the Two Wheel Brake Rally on Sunday 12th March. A good turnout of 22 vehicles, 8 of them veteran was a pleasing response, and we all arrived at the VCC grounds on time and ready to go (in fact almost everyone was early). The weather was certainly on our side once again – still warm enough for shorts and a tee-shirts even on an open car. The run took two routes – the short one running through Templeton with a stop at the Gatehouse Café in Trents Road for a coffee, and the longer run heading out to Lincoln, with a stop at the Robert Harris café there before heading back to town via the Old Tai Tapu Road. Everyone made it to the finish point by about 11am, which was this year’s annual Twin Rivers Vehicle Extravaganza at the A and P Showgrounds. This event supposedly started at 10.30am, but I went straight there in our 12/16 Wolseley and was there by 10.15am and already the grounds were half-full! Fortunately we had an area set aside for our cars (and one motorcycle), and once everyone found it we sure put on a very good display. Talking to the organisers (Avonhead Rotary) afterwards, they said that they had received over 150 entries on line before the event, and registered a further 650 vehicles on the day. There were apparently also a number of cars that entered through the wrong gate which was not manned, so there were well over 800 vehicles on display. Everything from George and Sue Lee’s 1904 Alldays and Onions, right through to a brand-new Lamborghini, from micro-cars to trucks, and petrol vehicles to the latest electric offerings. A very good display that you had to walk around quickly to take it all in. The bonus for our group came at the end of the formal part of the show at 2.00pm with the prize giving. George and Sue’s car won the Best British award, and the Car of the Show award – everyone was delighted for them. George had to take the car up and park it in front of the Stage and answer a few questions about the car. He soon squashed the rumour that he had had the car since new, saying instead that the parts from it found their way to him over many years and he just put them all together. We all know however that there was a bit more to it than that! If you read last month’s Hub you may remember that George and Sue


also won the top award at the Veteran Car Club’s Mid-Summer Run last month, so they are certainly starting to accumulate a few awards for it!

One car I was delighted to see arrive at the start was a 1922 Overland 4 owned by Mike and Janeen Green. Mike bought the car sight unseen off Trade Me a couple of months ago from an elderly gentleman in his 80’s who was moving into a rest home in Wellington. He had owned it since his teenage years, and it had had a ‘sort-of’ restoration way back then, but was very, very original. Roughish looking, but with superb patina which Mike will just leave alone. It hadn’t been running for many years, so Mike went and collected it and took it home to Kaiapoi, and worked his way through it changing oils and giving everything a good service. It then started easily, and now Mike and his wife are out and about enjoying it as much as they can. And so that is the report from the run – a very good day out which I think everyone enjoyed. There were a few who had never been to a Twin Rivers event before and were gob-smacked by the turnout. We may do it again next year in some form or other! Thanks too to Alan Brown who did back-up duties –fortunately only a couple of hiccups that were soon sorted on the side of the road.

Our Veteran event for April is of course the Malvern Anzac Day Run on Tuesday 25th April (Anzac Day). As was mentioned last month, this is a great day out and not only is looked forward to by residents throughout the Malvern area, it is also a meaningful way to remember those who paid the Ultimate Sacrifice in the First and Second World Wars. The run is especially appropriate and focussed on Veteran and Vintage and Pre-1945 vehicles which would have been around

Sue and Geoge Lee accept the

in the Anzac era, but all club eligible vehicles are welcome and invited to attend. It visits the War Memorials throughout the Malvern area, many of which have significance for some of our club members. You can find all the information you need on this event on Page 33 and the entry form is in February’s Hub or on line. Please note that entries close on Thursday 13th April.

So, here’s our list of events for the next month:

– OCBC – if it’s a good day it might be the perfect opportunity to get your veteran or other club vehicle out for a late-season run, or maybe a shake-down run prior to the Malvern Anzac Day run just over a week later.

– Annual Malvern Run. Details on Page 33

OCBC Report

The March OCBC on Sunday 19th March was supplemented by a number of veteran cars, as they assembled for the Veteran Car Club’s annual Creepy Crawly Rally. Once again a beautiful morning (but cool first thing!) bought out a great attendance of cars and motorcycles, members and visitors. Best of all, a new coffee vendor attended and pumped out the coffees and hot chocolates efficiently, keeping everyone well supplied and happy. She was busy from the minute she arrived and set up by 9.00am, right up until she left at 11am.

Next month’s OCBC is on Sunday 16th April. For those who wish, there will be a visit out to lunch at the new Kirwee Tavern (Thirsty Acres) which opened in March. I have been there already and can recommend it. We won’t make a booking as such because we cannot even guess at numbers, so it will be first in, best served on the day. It has plenty of tables though and is a great place to while away the time while you have to wait for your meal.



Model A 16th National held in Methven 4th – 9th March 2023

This last month I have been involved in helping with the running of the National Model A Rally, which was based in Methven, and organised by the Canterbury Chapter of the Model A Club. We had 116 Model A’s present which included participants from United Kingdom and Western Australia coming to drive loan cars. We started the rally on Sunday 5th March in the wet, with the Gymkhana and Assembly Challenge being postponed until the Wednesday.

Monday we visited Bruce McIIroy’s, Bentley and Rolls Royce workshop, followed by a High Tea at Winchmore Gardens.

Tuesday was the Competitive Rally leaving Methven with a lunch stop at Terrace Station, Hororata.

Thursday’s rally took us to Lake Heron Station followed by an Awards Dinner in the evening.

The event had New Zealand Model Aers from Keri Keri to Invercargill all travelling to participate in this biennial event.


Our March commercial noggin was hosted by the Bennetts family at David's new workshop Tyreland in Edmonton Road. 16 visitors turned up on the night. However a few of the usual attendees were absent including our HUB Editor away with covid.

A marvellous workshop with access between pits, great lighting and areas for tools etc within interconnecting areas. Most of David's work is alignment, camber, toe in, wheel balancing etc and setting of axles correctly on mainly trucks - although they also work on cars including vintages.

Everything is measured with cameras and relayed back to computers onto screens visible to the technician from almost anywhere - with some very impressive equipment.

David explained, to my surprise, that the new trucks are not set up correctly owing to different surfaces and road cambers in the countries around the world. Also over the pit was a brand new Volvo being prepared for a petrol tanker. We learnt quite a bit about regulations etc for fuel tankers. Many thanks to David, Don and especially Judy for the wonderful supper.


……..and from Michael

Greetings all,

The Annual Commercial run has now passed. 18 entries from Veteran to P80V. Hopefully those who attended enjoyed the day and those that were unable to make it enjoyed their day also. I’m aware it clashed with the Scenicland rally which affected our numbers a bit.

Thanks to the members of our committee and my family, who assisted on the day and with the planning – your assistance was much appreciated. Colin has excelled himself yet again with those date scones!

Ian and Marilyn McKinlay

1928 Austin 16/6

1925 Hupmobile

How lucky we were with the weather for the field tests at Cutler Park, but unfortunately the weather at Cust domain didn’t hold back and we were showered upon unfortunately. Nice to have the covered seating area and some large trees to shelter under!


The timed section:

1st Don and Judy Bennetts in the Albion with a nominated speed of 25mph and clocked in at 24.82.

Selwyn Cox and Lorraine Stewart

1923 Essex

2nd Roy and Shirley Grainer in the Diamond T with a nominated speed of 28mph and clocked in at 27.52

Michael Hedgman

1925 Lagonda 12/24

3rd Peter Munro in the Mini Wellside with a nominated speed of 30mph and clocked in at 29.44 Field tests were won by:

1st: Brian Fairbrass in the Morris

2nd Neil and Louise Shaskey in the Nissan Ute

3rd Mark Drury in the Mitsubishi L200 4WD Ute (Birthday boy!) Well done to our winners.

Nice to see all three of our own club vehicles entered on the Rally – looks like the crew on the fire engine had lots of fun!

Graeme and Kay Shaskey

1920 Essex

1929 International truck

The March commercial Noggin was held at Tyreland in South Hornby. Thanks to David Bennetts for hosting us and showing us your premises and profession. Some impressive machinery and tools needed for keeping vehicles driving in a straight line! Even seeing a truck cab being tipped forward and back was incredible.

The April Commercial Noggin will be held at Auto Restorations, 10 Kennedy Place, Hillsborough off Opawa Road from 715 pm on Wednesday April 19th. Hosted by Joseph McClintock.

See you there

Model A Ford Club of America Canterbury Branch – one make display winners.


Dave and Felicity Backhouse Gill Stevenson and Club Captain Katryna in the Branch

Commercial Rally 2023.

Being somewhat surprised at being asked to write a report for “The Hub” at the conclusion of the event, I now sit down wondering where to start. My competing in what must now be nearly thirty Canterbury branch commercial rallies doesn’t make the task of writing about them any easier. Having a truck that requires a Certificate of Fitness, I try to get by with getting just one of these a year. I have found usually that if I get one just before Swap Meet, I can usually get the Commercial Rally in the 6-month period. This year I made it by three days.

Our new commercial convener, Michael Hedgeman, is not new to VCC rallies, and having known Michael for many years, I was sure that it would be well organised. I was not disappointed.

Our esteemed scone maker Colin (who I have been told by good authority has taken over full time the household kitchen) met us when picking up our rally packs at Cutler Park, with some of his fresh baked scones plus tea or coffee. Much appreciated!

Next on the agenda was a short catch up with fellow entrants, this then followed up by Michael giving a short briefing, and then onto field tests. Three tests were held before departing, and very capably run by some of our committee members under the watchful eye of our club captain Katrina. We then left in our own time for the time section of rally, recording our own start time on club clock provided at the start, and then writing our start time on our score cards. Not something I have come across before – but I thought an excellent idea. Our rally then took us out into the Ohoka area by a very devious route, avoiding the motorway and other busy areas. Because old trucks and old bodies don’t really go well together, we were on the shorter of the two routes, and I understand there was some confusion by some entrants when these routes split. How many times have we heard ‘you should not follow the vehicle in front’?! I didn’t see the time check at Ohoka, but my navigator did, and it


would seem that we weren’t too far from where we should be. Along the way we had to count the petrol stations passed, and as the time check was by one of these, I was probably that excited by finding another one that I missed seeing the checkpoint.

Onto our final destination at the Cust domain, in a very interesting way, I thought I had covered all of these roads on past years on different rallies, but it would seem not. A heavy shower of rain met us on arrival, however it soon passed thankfully, and lunch was had in very pleasant surroundings. All club vehicles were on rally; the club truck, fire engine, and parts shed ute –with a very happy team of well-dressed fire persons on the fire engine. One of the drivers of the fire engine was heard to say that he was not short of instructions from those on the back, and nor were cyclists who were being passed. These could be heard above the noise of the siren, would you believe. I understand there were approximately 20 entries, including late ones, however unfortunately a couple had problems before arriving, so that brought the total back a little. At the time of writing this, I don’t have a complete list of prizewinners and place-getters, but I’m sure it will be published elsewhere. (page 15))

All round, I though it was a great day out that was well organised, and I hope we can do it all again next year.



Autumn – Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness… Past Events.

5th March – Moped Run. See elsewhere for a write-up on this run.

8th March – Motorcycle Noggin. Not that well supported 5 or 6 made the trip to Leithfield Pub with 2 or 3 riding their bikes.

9th March – Old Codger’s Run. Again, not well supported, 5 only met and in the face of supposed showers in the afternoon we all went home after.

17-18-19th March – Jim Toohey Run. Very successful, well supported with 22 riders to Blenheim and 1 other who joined from Nelson. The Saturday run had an additional 17 from local riders join in to make a very successful day’s riding. See elsewhere for the write-up.

25th March – Fish and Chip Run. 7 riders met and rode up the Old West Coast Road to Glentunnel, dodging rain showers most of the day. We didn’t get wet, but the rain followed or went round us.

Future Events

12th April – Motorcycle Noggin. This will be a visit to the Central Fire Station, Kilmore Street, Christchurch. Meet outside the main entrance on Kilmore St at 7.00 pm. Please be ON TIME!

13th April – Old Codger’s Run. A run to the Blue Pub in Methven. Instead of meeting there at 10.30 for a coffee, we’ll meet at 12.30 pm for lunch… You can decide on a route/whatever for the trip back… For those who want to, meet at the Yaldhurst Pub Carpark 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure to Methven. Otherwise, ride there independently.

15th April – Scooter and Under 250cc Motorcycle Run. Starts PMH 10.00 am for a 10.30 am departure. 120km long, no gravel! More details from John Benn 022 078 2002, and see elsewhere for more details.

22nd April – Ride Forever Course. This will be held; please get in touch with Paul Ainsworth (0274321391 or to register your interest and entry. First in first served, only a few places available. Details; google on line. Will put a note out on the motorcycle database emails with more info after the committee meeting.

29th April – Fish and Chip Run. Meet at PMH 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure.

10th May – Motorcycle Noggin. In the Barn, we’ll be having a chat given by a bloke who owns a huge collection of Harley Davidsons and other quite rare


American machinery. More details next month.

11th May – Old Codger’s Run. A run out to the Route 72 Café Bar and Emporium at Cust. Meet there 10.30 am; tell BS stories then your choice for a lunch venue etc.

27th May – Fish and Chip Run. Look out for more details in the May Hub.

28th May – Grass Khana, being run on behalf of the Branch. More details next month.

Quite a lot on, so please support the work of your committee by attending the events put on for your enjoyment. Cheers, CML.

Jim Toohey Run 2023

I have just recently joined the VCC and this was my first big trip away with them. Having been involved with classic bikes over many years it was not surprising that I already knew a lot of the crew. It was going to be a great weekend.

We assembled at the clubrooms around 9.30am, had a bit of a natter before we were introduced to Sharon who was graciously driving the backup vehicle (It was about that time I thought we maybe in trouble here as the trailer looked like it carried 3 bikes yet, there were a lot of Triumphs on the run, however we are all optimists at heart).

We were talked through the run sheet, Kurt gave us a health and safety speech then we were off, first stop Cheviot for a regroup and a cup of tea. I’m pretty sure it was about this time Dave Malcolm’s bike started to play up in the ignition, he and others tried to get it running properly but in the end the trailer had its first Triumph and Sharon had someone to talk to.


Next stop Kaikoura. Some stopped at Norm’s garage raid for a look and chat then stopped with the rest of us at Bernie’s Diner. (A late 50’s place with a car display). Worth a look. It was very warm at this stage so some of us removed the liners from our jackets and trousers. Off again heading to Blenheim, trying to arrive by 3.30pm to avoid the build up of traffic as you enter the town. We all had a nice ride into Blenheim, but I do believe another Triumph had had enough and wanted to jump up onto the trailer. We all settled into our accommodation, married couples at the Blenheim Bridge Holiday Park and the rest of us over the road at the Grove Park Motor Lodge. Both places very good. We all got ourselves sorted, the majority of us wandering over to the Grove Hotel where we all socialized and had something to eat (there can’t be any vegetarians or people that want small portions in Blenheim as the meals were huge). A few of the Blenheim group came to the hotel to greet us which was great. We all had a fun time and good catch up.

Saturday morning. Covid in the camp. A husband and wife had to go home; one not feeling too good. Most of us got together in small groups and cooked our own breakfast. Roger Abel did the cooking in our group, I think I’ll travel with him more often. Off we go to the Rugby grounds to meet up with the Blenheim group at 10am. I’m not sure exactly how many came along but there would have to be another 20 bikes to add to our 17 or so plus the cars. It was great what a neat group. They had organised the events and run for the day. Paula doing the backup, which Sharon got to ride instead of drive (at least Dave got to chat to Paula). The run took us through a lot of wine country before heading on to Picton. Left into Queen Charlotte Drive heading for the Linkwater Hotel. It is a lovely bit of country through there narrow winding roads, a couple of stops for red lights where there are road repairs in progress. Lunch at the Linkwater Hotel. Well worth the stop great place, great company, perfect weather, and lots of motorcycles. Off again, heading into Havelock and left onto SH6 from there we wound our way through the country side heading for what turned out to


be one of my highlights of the trip. Ziggy’s place. What a fantastic display of Harley Davidsons, Ford Pickups, Coupes and Model ‘A’ and the best Ford Thunderbird I’ve ever seen in the flesh. Ziggy was a great host and I know I’m not alone in thanking him for showing us his toy collection. Even the view from his workshop was a picture. From Ziggy’s, back to the motel and park the bikes. From there we gradually wandered over to the Grove Hotel, some even tried another Hotel in an attempt to convince themselves that they really didn’t like craft beer. Ziggy and his partner plus a few others from the Blenheim group joined us all for a great night.

A huge thanks to the boys and girls from the Blenheim group who organised such a great day for us all.

Sunday morning:

More covid another rider up early and headed home.

All up and breakfasted as the day before, however before we left we had prize giving. One chap who will remain nameless was given a chair, as for two nights in a row his legs were failing him and he was becoming wobbly (possibly craft beer, no stabilizing additives). Then came the big prize The Jim Toohey trophy. Well bugger me I won it, what an honour, what had I done to deserve it? Was it because Paul Ainsworth was handing out the trophies and only him and I were riding Norton’s? All that finished, we fuelled up and headed to Kaikoura, Sharon’s trailer loaded with Triumphs. We all arrived having had a good ride from Blenheim. I was having a coffee and a bun when Chris and Paul approached me informing me that as the proud winner of the Jim Toohey Trophy I was expected to write a report on the run. What a devious pair they turned out to be. There I was patting myself on the back for doing something so special to win the trophy when all along they were setting me up. (Given time I will forgive them). Still in shock, I left with the others and headed inland to Waiau then to Culverden for another catch up and snack. Between Kaikoura and Waiau I saw an unusual sight in the distance. I could see what looked like a big bloke all hunched over in the middle of the lane with what looked like a wheel stuck up his backside. I was quite relieved when I got close to find that all was good. It was just Kurt on his Puch steaming along (what a good bike, everyone should have one). After another chat and drink we all headed off, some heading to Waipara, through Balcairn and home. All in all a fantastic trip. Well organised. Great people. Great weather. I will be along again.


The Branch Fire Engine

As most will know, our branch fire engine, the 1939 Dennis, caught fire coming back after the lunch stop at Cust on the 2018 Commercial Annual Rally. Thanks to the professional action of the crew on board led by volunteer firefighter Donald Crawford, a complete loss was avoided using the limited equipment on hand. It was towed back to the Tunnel Barn at Cutler Park the same day - $700 later.

Thanks to Vero Insurance, we came to a good agreement although the fire engine was under insured. Our branch received a pay-out and it was left to our branch to sort things out. It was decided to proceed with the repair of the badly damaged vehicle.

This is an historic vehicle having served originally as Wellington’s No.1 engine. It then went to the West Coast before moving to the Canterbury Frozen Meat Company (CFM). It was the CFM which generously donated the engine to Canterbury Branch. The fire engine was towed away to have the motor removed, then brought back to the Tunnel Barn again.

Once again it was towed to south of Lincoln for panel and paint by George Campbell.

A new wooden dash board was made by the late Colin Clutterbuck, the wood supplied by Donald Crawford (Crawford Mouldings) as well as the varnishing. The carburettor (which melted and fell off) has been converted to a SU type.

David Bennetts and his work Volvo truck with a straight bar, and attachment made by Don Bennetts has done all the towing since the fire engine arrived at the Tunnel Barn free of charge.

Electric work (lots of it) was carried out by Roy and Annette (Kaiapoi Auto Electrics). Roy had a huge job.

All this work was overseen by Don Bennetts and vehicle custodian Mark Drury.

Other work included

George Campbell – Paint panel and bonnet remade.

Anything Mechanical - Lead by Kerry (George) Sloane with Mike Taylor, Andrew Freer, John from Clutch Rebuilds and Mike Spronach from SJS Mechanical (who did the COF at a very special VCC rate), engine removal, refit and clutch overhaul as


well as other miscellaneous work.

Roy Adams – all electric work.

Gary Arps – new, old type wiring and fittings (no charge)

Don Bennetts – carb mounting, block/towing help and towing mounting front axle.

David Bennetts - towing

Tony and Leigh – help pick up, deliver back and forward from branch grounds to Anything Mechanical.

Donald Crawford – supply wood and making holes in dash.

Colin Clutterbuck –cutting and making new dash

Tony Craythorne – making holes for the switches and fitting gauges.

Apart from a few minor cosmetic details, the fire engine is now complete and with a new COF, entered the 2023 Annual Rally and Commercial Rally, five years after its near demise.

Phoenix Rises

It was a great feeling to crew this wonderful old vehicle as it emerged onto the road again for the Annual Rally. Mark, Lyndsey, Tony and Leigh made up the crew for this maiden voyage after restoration.

As a heavy traffic licence is required for this, the men took turns at driving while Leigh did the navigating. It drove beautifully although not one of the drivers could make a silent gear change every time! (Which made each one happy).

The Clip-ons ready to go.

It was out again for the Commercial Rally, this time crewed by a large and enthusiastic group from the Motorcycle Section piloted by Kevin Clarkson.

Great to see and so good to have it back again.


Canterbury Branch Annual Rally 2023

Jane and I arrived at Cutler Park in our trusty Model A Phaeton for the 2023 VCC Canterbury Branch Annual Rally bright and early, enabling us to catch up with VCC friends whilst fuelling up on tea, coffee, and cake! The day’s activities included two different length runs, and as most had, we opted for the longer one.

After a briefing by Katryna, we set off on our journey, ready to take on whatever lay ahead. The time trial section ended between Clearwater Resort and the Groynes, where we spotted a white car parked on the grass berm. Initially we thought it might be a mufti police car, but caught speeding was never going to be an issue for us in the Model A! We crossed the Waimak River and enjoyed the lovely countryside around South Eyre Road, Manderville, Rangiora, Tuahiwi, Spencerville, and finally ended up at our destination, Ferrymead Heritage Park for a picnic lunch where everyone spread out around the Park square and grassed areas.

After lunch we were free to wander around at our own pace or take a tram ride if you felt inclined. The park was full of wonderfully interesting historic sites, and many people commented that they had not been there for years and how this had rekindled lots of memories for them. Tony Craythorne and I were very pleased to see the Vickers Viscount and Fokker F27 aircraft restored and nicely displayed undercover, as both of us had worked respectively on these aircraft during our employment with NAC and Air New Zealand. Apparently, one of the nacelles (a streamlined enclosure for an engine on an aircraft) on the Viscount still had painted on the inside the initials

“Overhauled by TC and TK,” which I understand stood for Tony Craythorne and another staff member Tony Kenworthy. Back in the 1960’s they had decided at the time maintenance was being performed, it would be a good idea to leave their mark for posterity! We spent several really enjoyable hours mooching around before heading home from the Park around 3pm. Sunday was field test and BBQ lunch day, and we were ready to take on the challenges that awaited us. The knowledge questions were usual fare, but things got interesting with a new skills tests


where we were handed a toy plastic gun and instructed to shoot six soft foam bullets at five bottles from the car. Turned out I should have been a sharp shooter, hitting all five bottles, surprising both Jane and me. The Branch’s fire truck was also entered this year and crewed by the admirable team of Leigh and Tony Craythorne, Mark Drury, and Lyndsey Saunders. They all looked like they were having an extreme amount of fun together while doing the field tests. Around midday, a lovely BBQ lunch was provided to those who had opted for this option in their entry. The prize giving ceremony followed, and someone commented that it looked like there were nearly enough trophies for everyone.

Rally entrants could vote for the People’s Choice award, and this year it was won very deservedly by a new member, Louis Barretto, in his 1942 Willy Jeep. Overall, it was a fantastic weekend, and we are already looking forward to next year’s event.

Thank you, Katryna, and all your organising team, for putting on such an enjoyable 2023 Canterbury Branch Annual Rally, very much appreciated I am sure by all who attended. Peter Griffen.


The nomination form and full details were in the March Hub.

Nominations close Thursday 13th April

All enquiries to Colin Hey 03 359 8737

The Barretto family and friends with their JEEP


Weren’t we lucky weatherwise for Tuesday 14th March-it didn’t rain after it being such an ‘orrible day on the Monday

Twelve devoted riders turned up at the New Brighton Club carpark for a morning of joyful riding in the brilliant sunshine around Christchurch’s “ Riviera” of New Brighton and North Beach. This was the same start point that Brian Newberry had chosen for his February run when VOG1 and Jan were swanning around the country in their caravan – doing a great adventure in the Nelson / Takaka areas. I had official word that the February run went well with a journey out Southshore way right out to the spit and Rockinghorse Rd. As usual poor Gary Thompson had bad luck on the starting grid once again with the ole’ girl not wanting to go. Not so for March as his machine went like a dream this time after pumping up the rear tyre which had “somehow gone flat” on the bottom between his home in Halswell and New Brighton – and what’s more, it was on a bike rack at the back of his car. The March run was not without incidences as we had got well along our way into the journey and during one of our stops to check if all was well with the riders, I did a bit of a roll check and discovered Bob Kinnaird was missing – oh dear where could he be (we’re a very “caring” lot) – don’t know we said, oh and Dave Malcolm was also missing, oh goodness. So a quick phone call to Dave allayed our fears-they were back at the Brighton Club carpark. Turned out Bob’s sparkplug was playing up right from the start so he stopped to change it and “trusty” Dave was there to help and by the time Bob’s bike was mobile again the team had disappeared into a smoky blue haze – that’s what happens when you don’t print out a route sheet. Bob said he would be “tail end Charlie” but not quite that far at the back. All went well again until we got back to the carpark and discovered Grant Lomax wasn’t there – blimey where’s he gone? Another phone call and Grant explained his bike had stopped and


he was way back down Marine Parade near South Brighton. A quick mercy dash by Dave Backhouse in his van soon had Grant rescued and back to join us for lunch. Just the month we don’t have a backup, “Murphy” strikes and things go wrong.

Another “beaut” ride on a fantastic day. Thanks to Dave Backhouse for organising.

Its that man again! Philip Jeeves on an earlier restoration of his. 1924 Triumph Model P



Scooter & Small Motorcycle Run (up to 250cc)

Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023

Start: Princess Margaret Hospital

Time: Gather 10:00 a.m. for 10:30 a.m. departure

Course: 120 km (with stops). No shingle this year!

Organiser: John Benn (022 078 2002)


Annual Rally 2023 – Trophy Presentations

Concours Trophies

Veteran Motorcycle

GT Paterson Trophy

Graeme Sword 1914 Triumph

Vintage Motorcycle

DM Bain & Sons Trophy

Peter Barnett 1929 AJS

PWV–P80 Motorcycle

Motorcycle Sub-group Trophy

Kevin Clarkson 1984 Yamaha 250

Vintage Concours

EJS Walker Trophy

Roy Grainger 1929 Graham Paige

PVV Concours

MS Coombes Ltd Trophy

John Smith 1935 Chevrolet

PWV Concours

Bonnie Bell Cosmetics Trophy

Heather Harris 1960 Holden FB

P60V Concours

Des Fowler Trophy

George Kear Snr. 1966 E-Type Jaguar

P80V Concours

No trophy – certificate only

Bob Hayes – 1985 Toyota Cressida

Commercial Concours

Cresta Car Sales Trophy

Louis Baretto 1942 Willys Jeep

Gymkhana & Field Tests

Trophies (excluding concours)

Veteran or Vintage Motorcycle Field


Pacific Car Sales Trophy

Peter Barnett 1929 AJS

PWV Motorcycle Field Tests/Overall

Patterson Bros Tyre Services Trophy

Graeme Barnett 1961 Royal Enfield

Vintage Field Tests/Overall

Manchester Car Sales Trophy

Selwyn Cox 1923 Essex

PV Field Tests/Overall

Simes and Co Trophy

Ray McGinness 1938 Chevrolet

PWV Field Tests/Overall

Whittaker Motors Trophy

Heather Harris 1960 Holden FB

P60 Field Tests/Overall

Bruce Ackroyd Trophy

Ian & Marilyn McKinlay 1971


P80V Best Overall

Copyprint Digital Trophy

Bob & Esme Humm 1985 Toyota

Commercial Overall

Commercial Trophy

Tony & Leigh Craythorne/Mark Drury/

Lyndsey Saunders

Overall Trophies

Moore Rutgers Trophy

Best Performance by a Lady driver

Heather Harris Holden FB Special


Best Field Tests Overall

Gymkhana Competition Cup

Simon Cox 1923 Essex

Best in Time Trial

Time Trial Trophy

Rod Thrower 1974 Triumph 2500

Entrants Choice

Lorraine and Trevor Stanley Trophy

Best vehicle of any class concours –

Louis Baretto 1942 Willys Jeep

Club Captain’s Trophy Best


Overall Winner

Selwyn Cox 1923 Essex


On an overcast day with showers threatening, 36 cars left for our 9-90 monthly drive. Unfortunately our Leader was not able to be with us. We all wish him well. We headed west out of Cutler Park, a leisurely drive on quiet roads and stopped at a historic site that was very interesting. An early Canterbury farmer had planted many rare and lovely trees one of which was a nutmeg tree. I have never seen one before. We had lots of fun with the many large puffballs growing there (boys will be boys ) After leaving here we headed for our lunch stop at Glentunnel Domain. By now the sun was out and it was very warm. Annette and Tony stepped up and did the raffle, a very happy and successful day. Many thanks to Alan and Barbara Hill.

Next meeting: 12th April meet at Countdown car park Charles St Kaiapoi at 9.55 am. Hope to see you all there.

Rose and Mick Mariner.

……..and a PS from John.

Hi to you all, May meeting: Fred Carpenter… at the Rolleston community centre 9.55 am

Looking forward seeing you all. And a big thank you to all the people who helped out in March

J.K. and the team

You had better supply your own caption for this photo of Mick



Donated by J.A. McLachlan

Awarded annually to the veteran vehicle, which covers the most mileage for the season. The mileage includes travelling to and from calendar events and also includes the Mount Cook Rally. This trophy is for the combined competition between Canterbury, Ashburton, South Canterbury, West Coast and Banks Peninsula Branches.

All Members who wish to compete for the above trophy should send a record of the rallies attended and their mileage covered to:

Katryna Shaw – see below for details.


Awarded to the Veteran Vehicle competing in the greatest number of Canterbury Branch events for the 2022/2023 season.


To be awarded each year and available to Members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver and vehicle (car or motor cycle) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed. Contact Ron Hasell for updated criteria Phone 942 1105

All Members who wish to compete for any of the above three trophies send all relevant details to: Katryna Shaw, 129B Paparoa Street, Papanui, Christchurch 8053

Canterbury Branch Club Captain

This is to arrive no later than 1 June 2023



THE RAE TROPHY for Vintage Cars



CJS and M HEY TROPHY FOR P60V Vehicles

ERIC WALKER TROPHY for Motorcycles

RAY SWORD FAMILY TROPHY for Commercial vehicles

The Awards are for any vehicle restored to re-restored by the present owner in the 2022-2023 Season. The trophies are for Canterbury Branch members only. Vehicles must have completed at least two Club Events. Judging will take place after the Restoration of the Year Run at 1.00pm on the drive outside the Main Hall (or if wet, in the hall) at Cutler Park, Sunday11thJune

Any enquiries to Katryna Shaw (Club Captain)


The correct criteria for judging of the Restoration of the Year, as agreed by the then Committee and the Donors of the Trophies are as follows:

1. A vehicle must have participated in at least two official VCC events.

2. Judging to be done by a panel of at least three judges.


Judging to be based on:

a) The amount of work carried out by the entrant themselves, showing their ability in different aspects of the trades, e.g. mechanical, electrical, Panelling etc.

b) Having regard for the condition of the vehicles before restoration started.

c) Final appearance and standard of work.

d) Regard to originality.

Would entrants please bring photographs etc. for the judges to view. Trophy winner will be announced at the Branch AGM

Event Information

This is the sixth year that this event will be held. Once again we are very fortunate to have a sponsor for the event, this year for the first time being Auto Restorations Ltd, our very own Christchurch-based vehicle restoration specialist.

The run will be preceded by a public display of the vehicles in the Darfield recreation ground carpark from 10:30am to 11:30am, so please assemble from 10am when your day’s rally pack will be available. Please park where instructed.

The route travels on secondary roads (no shingle, easy veteran motoring) through the Malvern District and passes the War Memorials of Darfield, Sheffield, Hororata, Glenroy and Glentunnel. Please feel free to stop and pay your respects with a poppy at each Memorial.

The total distance is approximately 50 miles (80ks) return to Darfield ‐ with a shorter route for veterans if required. The event will be held wet or fine, but in the event of a storm event please check the branch Facebook page.

The featured vehicles, as before, are those built prior to and during the war years, and a participation certificate will be presented to vehicles 100 years old and over (VIC number is required). All club eligible vehicles are welcome with those produced after 1945 more than welcome to participate in support of the event.

Lunches will be available for collection at the Glentunnel Hall, at the end of the run. Entries will close on the 13th April. Regretfully no late entries can be accepted. Come and join us on what is a very special day, remembering those that made the Ultimate Sacrifice and doing it in cars and on motorcycles that they would recognise.

Event Organiser:

See last month’s HUB for entry form or enter on line HERE



The 2023 Autumn Run will be a one day run in the countryside on Saturday 22nd April. Starting with a drink, morning tea and a chat at Cutler Park from 9.30am, with departure time to suit the speed of your vehicle and chosen route.

For the morning there are three route options - a shorter route of around 40 miles, longer sealed route of around 60 miles, or for the more adventurous a longer route of around 70 miles with some gravel roads. There may be some questions to answer along the way.

After lunch there are options to make your own way around 30 miles directly to Christchurch, or follow one of two slightly more scenic routes of around 50 miles with options with or without gravel. Entry $10 per car. Entry form to 8 Autumn Place, Christchurch, or online form. Payment to branch bank account

Entries to be received by Sunday 16th April. For further information contact Neil on 027 289 6201 or email

ENTRANT’S NAME ……………………………………………………

VEHICLE MAKE AND MODEL………………………………………..

VEHICLE YEAR ………………………………………………………..

MEMBERSHIP NO. ……………………………………………………

MORNING ROUTE (Circle one)

Short / Medium / Long

AFTERNOON ROUTE (Circle one) 30 / 50 with gravel / 50 without

On line payment to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and “Autumn Run” in the reference field

Enter on line HERE


Letters to the Editor


It may be worth remembering that on the 19th April 1973, Canterbury Branch signed the lease for Cutler Park. There was a lot of discussion going on at this time regarding going to Ferrymead, buying the Sydenham Fire Station or going to McLeans Island.

A vote of over two to one decided to go to McLeans Island. Thanks to the vision of Pat Cutler, we now have the best facility of all the other branches in New Zealand. We have easy access to the roading North, South, East or West for our rallies. Can you imagine trying to get out of Ferrymead with a rally entry of 150 – 200 vehicles?

So, it is now fifty years on the 19th of this month since the lease was signed.

Thank you very much Pat.

Beaded Wheels old Zinc plates 1955- 1974. (trying to locate them)

An Auckland member is trying to locate the zinc plates of all the photos that were published in the Beaded Wheels from 19551974.

In 1974, it was published in the North Shore “Progress” magazine that Paul Geisler, a long-standing member of the Beaded Wheels committee and Canterbury branch member had in his procession the above zinc plates and was filing them.

I would imagine that a box with nearly 20 years of zinc photo plates would be large and heavy.

I know this is a long time ago, but if anyone can help with any information, it is appreciated. Please call: Don Muller, VCC Archivist on phone 385 6850 or email


The Irishman Creek Rally

3rd/4th June 2023

This year’s rally will start from the Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora at 7.30 am Saturday morning. Rally packs can be collected from the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms at the Noggin meeting on Thursday 1st from 7 pm. The bar will be open and out of town visitors are welcome to join us. Again they will also be available on the Friday 2nd from 6pm to 8pm from the club rooms. We encourage early collection to allow for a smooth departure on the Saturday morning.

As per last year, lunches will be the responsibility of each entrant. With over 400 people attending getting a volunteer group and a venue to cater for this many people is now not possible.

Prize giving and supper will be in the community hall on Sunday which will open from 6.30 for a 7.30 presentation.

While back up vehicles are provided all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry chains for mud or snow and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. As we will be crossing private farms strictly NO DOGS are allowed.

The Irishman Rally is open to Vintage Car Club Members only and for Vintage and Veteran aged vehicles. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating.

All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge there is a team behind you.

The entry form is in last month’s Hub or on line HERE


Two prize-winners from the Annual Rally: The Barretto family’s Willys Jeep and Ian and Marilyn McKinlay’s Volkswagen.

Name Badges

$12.00 each

Available by ordering at the bar or by contacting the Secretary.

25, 35, 50, 60 and 70 - YEAR BADGES

(To be presented at the Branch Awards’ Dinner Sat 9th September 2023)

If you are eligible for these badges, please contact me (Leigh Craythorne) for the appropriate form.

me. Please contact me, preferably by email and I will email it to you, or alternatively give me a telephone call (342 9110) and I will post it to you. -year badge must have been presented with a 50year commemorative badge for a 60-year badge and a 60–year commemorative badge for a 70-year award. Please attend to this and contact me asap, as the badges have to be approved by the branch committee before being processed by the Management Committee (at least 3 months before the presentation) via National Office and forwarded to us - delay may mean a wait until next year’s Awards’ Dinner for presentation.

Members do not have to have been in the same branch for 25, 35, 50, 60, 70 years

– it is recognition for continuous membership of the Club.

Leigh Craythorne

Please note - contact me please - do not contact National Office.



A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Warrick Alridge

1962 Norton Atlas Motor Cycle (Pictured with grandson Rory)

Oscar Stein

1951 Jowett Bradford TO-Tourer

Peter Pumpa

David Jones Vauxhall Victor SE

Ruth Hand

Barbara Port

1959 Vauxhall Victor Super F (Pictured with daughter Alexis)

Mike Green

1922 Overland 4 RO Roadster, 1927 Whippet 96 SE Sedan (Photos below)


Final Event Reminder

Scooter and Small Motorcycle Run

Saturday 15th April

Autumn Run

Saturday 22nd April







1955 Hillman Californian

Very good condition. 12 months rego, WOF, VIC. Log book, workshop manual. Owned for 46 years.

Restored for the VCCNZ 50th Anniversary.

Offers over $15,000 Phone Ted 323 7183 evenings

Sell My lovely 1928 BSA Sloper

Single port OHV 500 cc Restored and ridden by me for 51 years. Has all its original Lucas Equipment and they are all working well, including the one piece Magdyno charging the battery for daytime riding. Original bronze Amal Carb and air cleaner. Side stand.

Will be Rego and WOF.

Nice patina . Leather saddle cover Terry style. Stacks of spares included. Price $15,000. Trevor Lightfoot Ph 384 5211

1987 Ford Fairmont Ghia XF6

144,000 genuine kms

Gold. No rust. Near new tyres and flaps. Louvre rear window. All the bells and whistles. Garaged and dust cloth covered. All original.

Phone 022 325 9905 or 327 4939 Tuesday nights.


FOR SALE (Continued)

Air shears for panel steel (Desouter) $25

Elephant brand chain hoist $50

Length of channel with holes in web ,plus two 10 ton Porterpower chains with claw ends and bottle jacks .This has straightened more body frames than I can count $40

Cowley level with wooden tripod $50

"X" shaped panel stand with rubber on top bars $25

Alan Wills 021 087 00692

Manufacturing of vintage electrical equipment

David Mason has sent details of a company manufacturing vintage electrical insulating parts.

Here is a link to their website



Chevy 37-38 engine complete, prefer runner, also looking for a 35 Chevy junior gearbox.

Please Phone or Text Murray 0272465754 or 035476067

Wanted Continental Red Seal engine 6 cylinder ( any condition considered ).

Years 1918 - 1924

Contact John 027 448 1430


1938 Chev ½ ton pickup, looking for a chassis or information that could lead to one.

Phone John on 027 344 7155



See Notice board posters for more information.

Note: This is the same day as our OCBC and the run to Kirwee afterwards.

Gerald Lynch-Blosse Memorial Motorcycle Rally 15th April

Full details from: Robert Hutton Phone 03 437 0774

Vehicle currently available in the Parts Department Photos from Wayne Stocks (How can you resist them!)

Note: Bob Gough not included.

North Otago Branch

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

03 332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

03 327 5743

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

020 4081 9909


Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill)

03 323 7183

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

03 421 2426 027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle


Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


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