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THE August

HUB 2022




VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month CONTENTS

Chairman’s Report


Motorcycle Report


Secretary’s Report


Commercial Report


Club Captain’s Report


New Members


Daffodil Rally Info

9/10/11 AGM Minutes


Veteran Report


Winter Run Photos

Swap meet Report


The Mart


Officers and Reps


OCBC Report 9-90s

15 & 24/25


16 Copy for the July Hub closes on

Wednesday 24th August Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. Cover Photo Ready for a mid-winter run. Ian McKinlay, Bruce Miles and Chris Leith. 3

Canterbury Branch Coming Events August

Thurs 4th Sun 7th Wed 10th Wed 10th Tues 16th Wed 17th Sun 21st Wed 24th Sat 27th

Noggin and Natter Grounds Maintenance Morning 9-90s Motorcycle Noggin Grounds Maintenance Morning Commercial Noggin OCBC and Daffodil Day North Canterbury Noggin M/C ‘Round the Bays


Thurs 1st Sat 3rd Sun 4th Wed 7th Sat 10th Wed 14th Sun 18th

Tues 20th Wed 21st Sun 25th Wed 28th

Noggin and Natter Women and Young Driver’s Rally Grounds Maintenance Morning 9-90s Awards Dinner Motorcycle Noggin Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee and motorcycle trials. Grounds Maintenance Morning Commercial Noggin Veteran Annual Rally North Canterbury Noggin

Sun 2nd Thurs 6th Fri-Sun 7th/9th Wed 12th Sat-Sun 15th/16th Tues 18th Wed 19th Wed 26th

Grounds Maintenance Morning Noggin and Natter Swap Meet Motorcycle Noggin Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally Grounds Maintenance Morning Commercial Noggin North Canterbury Noggin


For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators 4

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month

9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin

Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month (Third Wednesday for December)

For up to date information on what’s happening, have a look at our website. You can also see photos of most of this years past events. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Winter is certainly upon us, so it’s nice to see there are people still getting out and enjoying vintage motoring. There was a good turnout for the July OCBC, the numbers increasing as the whiteness of the grass decreased, and included a visit from a number of TR Triumphs stopping by. A few took the opportunity for a short run organised by Colin Hey to Kirwee for lunch. Anyone who has an idea for a similar outing is more than welcome to arrange something. As the weather warms up it will be a good excuse to give the car a bit more of a run after going to the trouble of getting it out of the garage. Observed on other media were some of our branch members in attendance at the Banks Peninsula branch Balcairn trial, clearly some hadn’t had enough of the mud and dirt after the Irishman rally, it’s certainly the right time of year for those who like getting the car dirty. Attendance at the July noggin was good all things considered, it’s understandable if people are happier to stay at home away from the crowds at the moment, and people’s efforts to keep others safe is appreciated. Thanks to Herman and Jonte for bringing their cars out to display. With the calendar being a bit quieter for the winter months it’s a good chance to get some maintenance done (when it’s not too cold in the shed), and catch up somewhere warm for the regular monthly events. The longer days will be here before we know it, so make the most of the time for a rest for you and your vehicles, and get ready for a busy summer and full calendar of events. See you out and about Neil Shaskey


SECRETARY’S REPORT Interesting, wet, wet, and wet. It’s at times like this I’m glad I live on a raised section. We have a problem with the Chalet at Cutler Park leaking again so will be out of action in the meantime, we will be asking our very able maintenance team from the parts shed to brave the weather and do the necessary repairs. The new online membership is working well and certainly makes my job a little easier, but I still manage to get emails wrong occasionally. You cannot check these enough. We signed off eleven new members and one transfer from North Otago last month, welcome to you all. A special thanks to the four members who have volunteered to join our team this year, three on the Branch Committee and one on the swap meet team. Great to think people actually read my report last month. The committee will introduce these folks in the near future. I’m off on my annual pilgrimage to the Club’s AGM in Auckland next month so if you have anything you wish me to raise on behalf of the Branch, please let me know in writing before the 7th August. Regards Rod


CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT I am back after holidaying in Australia. The two weeks away were filled with fun, laughter and wine…… but that unfortunately didn’t stop us getting COVID and spending an extra week in the land of OZ. Luckily we could stay with friends since all 6 of us got it. It looks like we are famous! There is a picture of us in our MG (taken at Vero) in the Air New Zealand in-flight magazine. It turned out our National office was advertising the Vintage Car Club. More fools them looking at a couple of lunatics! Colin shared this picture from Coffee and Cars July. The photo was taken at 9.30am. I believe the morning started off at minus 5.

The MG is up and running again after a clutch problem, just got to get a warrant and look out I will be back on the roads again. Coming Events 21st August VCC National Daffodil Day 27th August Round the Bays Motorcycle Run 3rd September Women and Young Drivers Rally 10th September Awards Dinner Katryna



This is our big showcase event - Cancer Society Daffodil Run, which is being run on Sunday 21st August. It is being run simultaneously by VCC branches all over the country that day to benefit the Cancer Society. All funds raised at the Canterbury run will benefit the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society. This year there is an all-new format. The runs start at 10.00am in four different locations – Rangiora, New Brighton, Cashmere and Rolleston. The exact start points are detailed on the notice on Page 9. There are short and long run options for each start point, and as you drive the routes you may pass vehicles from other start locations travelling in the opposite direction. You will be able to make your donation (minimum of $10 per vehicle please) as you arrive at the finish, however you can also pay it on-line before or during the run, and show your receipt either hard-copy or on your phone when you arrive. All runs finish at the VCC grounds at McLeans Island Road before 12.00pm, where the Avonhead Rotary Club will have BBQ food and drinks for sale. There will be live entertainment provided there the whole time by an artist specialising in music from 1960 to 1980 period. There will also be prizes for best American, British, European and Japanese vehicles, best motorcycle, best couple dressed in the era of their vehicle, and a special trophy for a vehicle matching the theme of the day chosen by a representative from the Cancer Society.


Please note the event will be run regardless of the weather on the day – we will have indoor facilities open at the finish if we need them. Please also note that this event has had to be postponed the last 2 years due to COVID lockdowns, so given that both COVID and the flu are still present in the community, everyone is encouraged to bring a facemask with them and/or maintain good social distance in public areas. Thanks in anticipation for your support – hope to see you on the day. Colin Hey, Organiser for Canterbury Branch event.


VETERAN REPORT Once again a very quiet month, but this has at least allowed me to get some planning done for the branch Annual Veteran Rally on Sunday 25th September. Everything is now booked in and an event plan prepared, so all we need now are some participants! It will be springtime by then, and our lunch venue in particular will provide a suitable backdrop to enjoy that time of year. I hope all of you out there with a ‘still mobile’ veteran vehicle can summon up the enthusiasm to get it ready, or if not you, then perhaps call on a family member to use it instead. It’s vitally important that we have them out on the road whilst we still can, and with some great national and local events coming up in the next 18 months or so there’s no better time to revitalise idle veteran machinery than now. You will find all of the details for the Annual Veteran Rally on page 27. The entry form is available on line, or if you can’t access that then just give me a call and I’ll be more than happy to sort your entry for you. Planning has of course also continued with the Daffodil Rally on Sunday 21st August which I hope everyone is going to attend, whether in (or on) a veteran machine or other club eligible vehicle, or indeed a modern if that’s what you really need to do to get there. The emphasis is on participation, not just what you choose to drive or ride on the day. However, if you do want or plan to bring your veteran vehicle you will see that there are two routes more suitable for this type of motoring. Details are on Page 11. It will be a busy and fun day, with lots of things going on besides the runs themselves. There are also now two other important dates for the veteran calendar: Firstly, on Saturday 27th August there is going to be an informal memorial picnic at Terrace Station, Hororata, for the late Richard Foster, an identity and friend to so many veteran and vintage enthusiasts from all around the country. We’re planning a veteran run to Terrace Station to be part of this day, which will leave from 12

the Darfield Recreation Centre at 10.00am, and then the Hororata Domain at 10.45am. You have the choice of either start venue, so we will then drive the last 5km from Hororata to arrive together at Terrace Station around 11.00am. Bring your lunch. There will be more information about this on our Branch website and also the Veteran Facebook site closer to the date, or you can call me about it (or see me at the Daffodil Rally). Secondly, news has recently come through that we are invited to put on another veteran display at the Hororata Highland Games this year, which has now been confirmed for Saturday 5th November. Malcolm McGibbon is coordinating this event, which will be run along the same lines as it was at the last Highland Games 2 years ago. You will need to commit to the display until the close of the event at 4pm, but it will be a fun and interesting day as indeed it was 2 years ago, and the ticket price is discounted considerably for those who take part. More details will be provided in the coming months, but mark the date in your calendar now. A great opportunity to showcase our vehicles to a very large crowd of all ages.

Best regards Colin Hey


SWAP MEET REPORT Only three Noggins to go! The rosters are available at Noggins, and we still need lots of volunteers to provide a couple of hours of your time at some stage during the Swap Meet weekend to help do one of the dozens of jobs that ensures the smooth running of the event. Nothing difficult or arduous, and it’s the only time we really need the help of our general members during the year, so do step up and put your name down for something. You will find the rosters just inside the door as you arrive at Noggin, or you can contact me directly and I’ll slot in a time and duty that suits you. At the next 3 noggins we will also have weekend passes (wrist bands) available to pre-purchase. Site holders in particular are encouraged to get these, as it will greatly speed up everyone’s entry into Swap Meet on both the Friday and Saturday morning.

As mentioned last month, one new feature this year will be a special display of VCC eligible Japanese vehicles. This is being organised by our newest committee member Tony Gooding. If you have a vehicle (including motorcycles) that would be suitable for the Japanese display, please contact Tony on 021 359 208, or drop him an email on: Lastly, there are now very few sites available, so if you don’t have one organised already please contact Neil Shaskey as soon as possible to book one. Neil also has site passes for everyone who has already booked sites – you will need these to get into the site gate, but you will also be required to pay the admission charge at the gate when you arrive, so please be prepared with both organised. Colin Hey


OLD CARS, BIKES AND COFFEE (OCBC): JULY What a great turnout for the July OCBC, despite it being so cold that icicles were hanging off the fountain on the lawn when we arrived. Hot coffee was certainly the order of the morning, and Amy kept up with the demand well. It was no doubt especially appreciated by the members of the Triumph TR Register, who used OCBC as the start point for a run to Terrace Downs for lunch. What’s more, they ALL had their tops down – now that’s dedication! As promised last month, I did organise an informal run from OCBC for lunch, but I was a bit nervous about going to an indoor venue because of COVID and the flu being prevalent at the moment so we tried going to Kirwee Showgrounds for a picnic lunch. I would have to say that this wasn’t one of my better ideas – it was bloody cold and there was quite a breeze blowing there! Five hardy carloads came along, but we didn’t hang around after the sammies were eaten! At least it was a pleasant run through the countryside to get there and back home again. The August OCBC is of course the same day as the Daffodil Rally – so it’s going to be on a grand scale indeed! Amy is going to turn up at Cutler Park a little bit later (with coffees ready to go from 9.30), but will stay on at least until midday to nourish Daffodilists as they arrive after their run in the country, complementing the Avonhead Rotary group who will be selling BBQ lunches. Hope to see you all there! Colin Hey


9-90s Hi to you all, The 9-90s mid Christmas potluck… The normal turnout at our outings, about 50 to 60 cars and about 100 to 120 people. This time we set a new record -the lowest number ever; 23 people. The last time we had so few….is it the Covid or the Flu or the Home cooking.. Whatever, we had a great selection of food and the ones who came had a good day. And a box full of food went to the parts shed. Next month. Kerry and Teresa Clements. Meet at the Bunnings car park Orchard Rd at 9.55. September. Rex and Wendy Cameron. Meet at the Halswell supermarket car park at 9.55, destination Ashburton airfield museum. The entry fee is $10.00 per person. The team and I are looking forward to next month. Regards John K


MOTORCYCLE REPORT Not a great month for motorcycling, Christchurch “only” had 4 times its normal monthly rain, “only” 6 days of no rain, and something like 5 hours of sunshine… Not very conducive to dry riding… Past Events. 13th July - Motorcycle Noggin, VCC Archives. As the Archivist was confined to home with a household member catching Covid this night was cancelled at very late notice, but substituted with a visit to the Bealey Pub on Bealey Ave. 6 attended. 23rd July - Fish and Chip Run. Eight riders, including new member Alan Pattrick on his Tiger Cub. Welcome, Alan, hope you enjoyed the run. Essentially a run up the Pacific Coast – New Brighton, Brooklands then to Rangiora Railway Station for lunch. Future Events. 10th August - Motorcycle Noggin. As hinted at last month, a garage raid has been planned. Meet at the Famous Grouse Pub in Lincoln 7.00 pm where you will be advised of the two addresses we have lined up for you. 21st August – OCBC at Cutler Park, plus this is Daffodil Day, VCC NZ’s National Day to raise charitable funds for the Cancer Society. Please refer to other information in The Hub elsewhere, but essentially there are a number of starting points – Rangiora, Southbrook Car Park; Cashmere Club, Colombo Street; New Brighton Club, (Corner Marine Parade/Hawke Street); and Rolleston, Selwyn District Council Car Park, Norman Kirk Drive. Leaves each location between 10 and 10.30 am for a run to VCC Clubrooms, McLeans Island for a public vehicle display from 12.00 midday. There was a leaflet available from the VCC clubrooms at the last main monthly noggin (first Thursday of the month); with some luck these will be available again at the noggin 4th August. 27th August – Round the Bays Run. Meet at The Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) Cashmere Road, 10.15 am meet for a 10.30 am departure. 17

14th September – Motorcycle Noggin Night. This will be a visit to The Classic Workshop, 1014 Ferry Road, Christchurch. VCC member Joe Grose will host this event. More details next month. 18th September – Motorcycle Trial, at Cutler Park, McLeans Island. Please refer to the advertisement below for more details. That is it for this month, August is the last month of Winter, let’s hope it is better for riding than July was. Cheers, CML.

Motorcycle Reliability Trial Cutler Park 18 September 2022

The Motorcycle section will be running its popular motorcycle trial. Any bike big or small including mopeds (does not have to be club eligible) Rider must duplicate their times (it’s not a speed test) Bring your Children /Grand Children for a fun day out. One of last years winners was 5 years old on an electric trials bike. 10am for a 10.30 start. Bring $5 for a BBQ lunch.

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TEAM First Sunday and Third Tuesday Morning Every Month. Come and join us!


COMMERCIAL REPORT Greetings All, This is my first report since being back on the Committee since approximately 30 years ago! I attended my first ever commercial Noggin on Wednesday 20th July in Dave Cooper's impressive workshop. A wood burning stove in the corner keeping it warm and a very tidy display of tools and machinery inside. The supper also looked impressive. This was a nice low key chat with like minded people. A very welcoming start and nice to see some familiar faces. Thanks Dave for hosting. I recalled while I was talking to some of the group that when I was on the committee in the early 1990's that I found out we had a club truck that I never knew existed. That was one of my projects to get it back on the road. The registration had lapsed so I needed to get it road legal again. I attended a couple of rallies in it and I'm pleased to see it is still trucking along (excuse the pun). I might need to get reacquainted with it. The next noggin will be held at the Richmond Workingmen's club on Stanmore Road on the third Wednesday in August - the 17th. Best Regards Michael Hedgman

AJP Photography


NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Douglas Good Barry Mines 1961 Morris Minor Sedan/Saloon Gerald Kime 1929 Ford Model A Sedan/Saloon Philip Dickie 1986 Ford Laser TX3i Sedan/Saloon

Helen Hayes 1968 Morris Mini Minor, Saloon Peter Brooks 1969 Ford Cortina Mk2 Saloon 1980 Yamaha Xs850, Xs1100, TX 650 Motor Cycles Howard Lester 1973 Triumph 2500TC Tourer, 1955 Renault 750 4cv Tourer Allan Frank 1991 Mazda 323 Sedan/Saloon Murray Marshall


John Mock 1951 Jowett Javelin Saloon. 1951 Jowett Jupiter Sports/Racing TRANSFER: Wayne Abernethy North Otago to Canterbury

Secretary Rod has organised new “VCC Wings” stickers for inside your vehicle windows. Available for $3 each at the Noggin 21

BRANCH AWARDS DINNER SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2022 Clubrooms, Cutler Park. Bar opens 6.00 pm Please be seated for dinner by 6.30 pm The dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35, 50 and 60-year membership awards. Tickets ($35 single, the same price as previous years) will be available from branch committee members and at the bar at Noggins. The meal will be catered by our new caterer, who has had a lot of experience catering for large and small groups – she knows just what we like and there will be plenty for all. If there are any special dietary requirements, contact Leigh - 342 9110 or as soon as possible please. Come along and support your fellow members on their special night. 25-year presentations Robin Clements, Ray O’Brien, David Whitfield 35-year presentations Kevin Burgess, George R Kear, Russell Eagle, Tony Skevington 50-year presentations John Croft, Ron Duckworth, Graham Evans, Owen Genet, Garth Moore, Alan McLeod, Jim Ritchie, John Turley, Ross Vesey

60-year presentations Ron Duckworth, Ron Sew Hoy (Please note – the 50-year and 60-year applications are yet to be confirmed as at the closing date of the Hub.)


Women and Young Drivers Rally Saturday 3rd September 2022 9.30am, Cutler Park

Young drivers Matthew and Rebecca Harris are organizing this year's event Free. Pub lunch at your cost Register your interest with Closing date 29th August 2022


OLD CARS, BIKES AND COFFEE (OCBC) July Something in the winter chill seemed to bring out the eight cylinder cars this month. Here’s a look at some of them……...

Stephen Moore’s Rover P5B

Chris Leith’s Bentley Turbo R

Jaguar XK 8

The Grandaddy of them all, Ford’s V8 ..and lurking ‘round the corner, Triumph’s own 3 litre V8 (posed for a VIC photo) Photo: Peter Crew 24

Tim Palmer’s Morgan Plus 8 Jonte and Eric inspect Warwick Alp’s ‘76 Triumph “2.5TC” saloon re engined with Rover V8 Right: Eric and Robyn’s Dodge 8 (all in a row)

MGB GT V8 (above) Roy Ford’s ‘82 Camaro Indianapolis Pace Car

Anthony Dacre’s Rover SD1 Owned since new.


Annual Veteran Rally

Entry Form Entries Close Friday 9th September 2 Eyre Road, meeting there at The1rally will begin at West Eyreton Domain, North 9.30am for a 10.00am start. It will pass through Oxford and stop for a BYO picnic lunch at Ribblesdale Gardens just out of Oxford. After lunch and a look around the garden, we will then return to West Eyreton Domain for the field tests at 3.00pm. Prizegiving will be held at the Platform Bar in Mandeville Village, where people can stay on for dinner if they want. The entry fee is $25 per car and driver - this Tony will include a rally and entry Meikle triesplaque Bob Goff’s Ute for the driver to the private garden where we're stopping for lunch. EachAnton additional person (all passengers) Good surfing the clods will be an extra $10 per person (this is4 to pay for their entry to the private garden where we're stopping for lunch). 3 Entrants Name ……………………………………………………….. Phone(s) ………………………………………………………………. Vehicle Make …………………………………………………………. Model ………………………………… Year ……………………….. Membership number ………………. Long Route / Short Route


Average speed for timed section from 5 start to an undisclosed point on the route) …………mph Post-rally dinner at Platform Bar, Mandeville (opt.) Yes / No Rally Entry: Vehicle and Driver/Rider


Number of Additional Persons ………@ $10

Taylor White having fun

…………… Total =


You can pay by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your the name in the particulars field and the name of the event eg, Veteran Rally in the reference field.

Enter on line HERE 26

Annual Veteran Rally Sunday 25th September 2022 Entries are now open for our annual Branch Veteran Rally, which will be held on Sunday 25th September 2022. The run will begin at West Eyreton Domain, North Eyre Road, meeting there at 9.30am for a 10.00am start. There is plenty of room for trailers and parking there, and toilets are also available. The domain is right next door to West Eyreton School, and we will invite the school community to come and have a look while we’re there. Once on the road, the run will travel via a common route and then split into a short and long route. The long route (approx. 40km) will travel to Oxford via View Hill, and the short route (approx. 25km) will proceed to Oxford via a more direct route. All of the running is very suitable for veteran motoring and on quiet sealed backroads. After a short stop in Oxford, the run will carry on and stop for a BYO picnic lunch at Ribblesdale Gardens just 3km away. The garden here will be at its springtime best. After lunch and a look around the garden, we will return to West Eyreton Domain for the field tests at 2.30pm. Prizegiving will be held at the Platform Bar in Mandeville Village, where people can stay on for dinner if they wish. The entry fee is $25 per vehicle and driver - this will include a rally plaque and entry for the driver to the private garden where we are stopping for lunch. Each additional person (all passengers) will be an extra $10 per person for their entry to Ribblesdale Gardens. Entries close Friday 9th September. The entry form is available now on the branch website Only pre-registered vehicles will be able to attend on the day – this is to ensure we can advise you of any changes (especially if the weather is bad on the day) and will also ensure we can make prior bookings at the venues we visit. All veteran-age vehicles are invited and encouraged to attend, including any from outside of the region. Veteran motorcycles are especially encouraged to join in. A back-up vehicle with trailer will accompany the run. Two-wheel braked vintage vehicles also very welcome, but will not be eligible for awards. Likewise, if there are any veteran owners who for some reason cannot bring a vehicle but want to join in, please just give me a call so we can accommodate you. Any enquiries, please contact: Colin Hey, VCC Canterbury Branch Veteran Convenor, Phone 021 883 807, email 27

VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ CANTERBURY BRANCH (Inc.) Minutes of The 66th Annual General Meeting

PRESENT: Leigh Craythorne (Chairman), Rod Thrower (Secretary), And 71 members. APOLOGIES: 22 List filed with the minutes. MOVED: “That the apologies be accepted.”

Michael Lavender / Colin Hey CARRIED SCRUTINEERS: MOVED: “That Andrea Dallow and Tony Meikle be appointed scrutinisers.” Leigh Craythorne / Rod Thrower CARRIED Confirmation of the minutes of 65th AGM held on 20th June 2021 MOVED “That the Minutes of the 2021 AGM as published in the August 2021 Hub be confirmed as a true and complete record of that meeting.” Andrea Dallow / Murray Trounson CARRIED MATTERS ARISING: Leigh raised matter of Lyndsey Saunders’ question on more rallies for P Group Cars, and further letter received on this, to be discussed in Calendar of events. ANNUAL REPORTS: Annual reports were published in the Notice of 66th Annual General Meeting. MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Assistant Club Captain, Veteran, Vintage, PV/PWV/P60V/P80V, Commercial, Motorcycle, Swap Meet, Bar, Library, The Hub, Vehicle Identity Cards, Spare Parts Department, 9-90s Maintenance Crew, OCBC, Web Site reports as published in the Notice of 66th Annual Meeting be accepted. Marilyn McKinlay / John Coomber CARRIED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT A copy of the 2022 Annual Financial Report reviewed by Ainger Tomlin was included with the June HUB. The Report was also available at the meeting and a copy is filed with the minutes. In the absence of Robyn, Murray Trounson explained parts of her Report, and congratulated Robyn on the superb way she had managed the club financial affairs during the year. 28

Leigh Craythorne reiterated this, followed by applause from the meeting. Questions invited : Colin Hey raised the point that the Metal Drive had raised $850 which had been integrated into the Parts Shed Accounts. MOVED: “That the Financial Accounts and Balance Sheet as presented at the 2022 AGM be approved.” Murray Trounson / Colin Hey CARRIED APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT REVIEWER Ainger Tomlin Ltd had agreed to perform an independent review for the coming year. There being no more nominations or discussion. MOVED: “That Martin Davies of Ainger Tomlin Ltd be appointed as Branch Reviewer.” (Accepted) Murray Trounson / Graham Evans CARRIED APPOINTMENT OF SOLICITOR Alexander McPhail of Clark Boyce had agreed to accept nomination again this year. There being no more nominations or discussion: MOVED: “That A. McPhail of Clark Boyce be appointed as Branch Solicitor.” Katryna Shaw / Neil Shaskey CARRIED ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE The Secretary had received the following nominations by the closing date of 22nd May 2022. Chairman: Neil Shaskey Proposer: Leigh Craythorne Seconded Rod Thrower Secretary: Rod Thrower Proposer: John Coomber Seconder: Andrew Foster Treasurer: Robyn Cox Proposer: Linda White Seconder: Don Bennetts Club Captain: Katryna Shaw Proposer: Bryce Shaw Seconder: George M Kear Committee: Colin Hey Proposer: John Coomber Seconder: John Forster Graham Evans Proposer: Lyndsay Painter Seconder: Brent Miles Michael Hedgman Proposer: Ian Hedgman Seconder: Rodney Strachan Immediate Past Chairman: Leigh Craythorne These were duly elected onto the Branch Committee. The New Chairman then taking his place to continue the meeting. There were no further nominations. MOVED: Marilyn McKinlay / John Coomber CARRIED 29

MOVED: “That the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer require Two of Three to signing rights to the Branch bank accounts.” Marilyn McKinlay / John Coomber CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SUB GROUPS TO THE BRANCH COMMITTEE: Rep Parts Shed Wayne Stocks Chairman Swap Meet Colin Hey Bar Rep Gill Stevenson Maintenance Rep Mike Foster Motorcycle Section Paul Ainsworth VIC Signatory Don Bennetts Beaded Wheels Scribe Tony Becker Librarians Kay Shaskey and Ted Hockley 9 – 90s John Kuipers Velosolex Group Royce Baker Barn Bookings & Camping Kevin & Clair Campion North Canterbury Noggin Alan Hill Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne Hub Editor/Web Master Tony Craythorne New Member Liaison Jack Porter The Chairman then read the list of Representatives of the Sub Groups MOVED: “That those named be confirmed for the respective positions.” Andrea Dallow / Tony Meikle CARRIED PRIVACY OFFICER MOVED: “That Rod Thrower be appointed Privacy Officer.” Leigh Craythorne / Murray Trounson CARRIED DELEGATE: MOVED: “That Rod Thrower be appointed Delegate.” Leigh Craythorne / Colin Hey CARRIED PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES: MacLachlan Trophy (Awarded by formula to the Veteran Vehicle which covers the most miles for the season.) No Applicants were received Max Smith Memorial Trophy (Veteran vehicle competing in the greatest number 30

of Canterbury Branch events) No Applicants Received Use Not Abuse Trophy (Awarded to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver with the option of two vehicles (car or motorcycle) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed by members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches). This was presented to Russell Yates (Banks Peninsula Branch) at their 2022 AGM.

MOTORCYCLE TROPHIES PRESENTED AT THE 2022 MOTORCYCLE AGM Tolhurst Trophy (Awarded To the Oldest motorcycle attending the Annual Rally and the Annual Motorcycle Rally) Trophy Peter Lambert 1956 Triumph 6T Ian McGregor Trophy ( Awarded for the PWV motorcycle, which attends the most Canterbury Branch runs for the 2021/2022 season on the same PWV motorcycle. It has to include two of the following – The Annual Rally, Annual Motorcycle Rally, and /or Jim Toohey Run) Mike Glenday 1956 Triumph 6T Triumph Trophy (Awarded for the best performance on a Triumph over the year.) Tony Burgess 1973 Triumph

The Miles Trophy – This trophy was donated by the family of Alan Miles in his memory to the Corsair Motorcycle Club (no longer functioning) and the family has now donated it to the Canterbury Branch VCC and is awarded to the rider riding a BSA to the most events during the past year. Trevor Lightfoot 1928 BSA Dave Sparrow Trophy – Best performance on a 4-cylinder Motorcycle. Dave Warren 1930 Indian Indian Trophy – Best performance on an Indian Motorcycle. Alan McLeod 1923 Indian

TROPHIES PRESENTED AT THE 2022 BRANCH AGM: Rae Trophy – Vintage Restoration of the Year Herman Van Der Weert – 1931 Austin 7 Box Saloon Ray Sword Family Trophy – Commercial Restoration of the year –Donald Crawford 1930 Ford Model A Truck Certificate of Merit - Tom Stephens – 1928 Ford Model A Tudor The Judges (George R Kear, Don Bennetts, and Mark Drury were thanked for their deliberation. 31

Restorations of the year trophies not contestedNoel Beecroft Trophy – Veteran Robert Hayes Family Trust Trophy – Post Vintage Vehicles Noel Beecroft Trophy - Post War Vehicle CJS and M Hey Trophy - Post 1960 Vehicle Eric Walker Trophy – Motorcycle. Special Events Trophy - Awarded to Malcolm McGibbon (Citation read by Leigh Craythorne) The donors of these trophies were acknowledged for their generosity. CALENDAR OF EVENTS CANTERBURY BRANCH 2022/2023 2022 July Sun 24th Winter Run August Sat 13th National AGM (Auckland) Sun 21st VCC National Day (Daffodil Run) Sat 27th Around the Bays Motorcycle Run September Sat 3rd Women Driver Rally and Young under 25 Drivers Rally Sat 10th Awards Dinner Sun 18th Motorcycle trial Day Sun 25th Annual Veteran Rally October Fri-Sun 7/8/9th Swap Meet Sat-Sun 15/16th Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally November Sat 5th Left open for members to join the Otago 50th Taieri Tour Sun 20th Homestead Run 26th Motorcycle Annual Rally December Sat 3rd Vintage Rally Sat 10th Christmas Social Sun 18th Children’s Christmas Picnic Sun 26th Boxing Day Run 2023 January Mon 2nd Motorcycle New Year Run Sun 8th Picnic Run. 32

February Sat 11th Boot Sale Sun 12th Moped Run Sat 18th Clip on Run Sat/Sun 25th-26th Branch Annual Rally March Sat 11th Back Country Run Sun 12th Rear Wheel Brake Run Sun 12th Moped Run Sat 18th Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run Sat 25th Commercial Annual Rally

April Sun 2nd P Group Annual Rally Sat 15th Scooter Run Sat 22nd Autumn Run Tues 25th ANZAC Run Sun 30th Rural Run May Sun 21st Ross Butler Memorial Grasskhana June Sat – Sun 3rd-4th Irishman Rally Sun 11th Restoration of the Year Wed 14th Motorcycle AGM Sun 18th VCC of NZ( Canterbury Branch) AGM (To be confirmed) July Sun 23rd Midwinter Run August Sun 20th VCCNZ National Day (Daffodil Rally) Sat 26th Around the Bays Motorcycle Run September Sat 2nd Women Drivers Rally & Young Drivers Rally Sat 9th Awards Dinner Sun 24th Motorcycle Trial Day Sat 24th Annual Veteran Rally October Fri-Sun 06/07/08th Swap Meet Sat-Sun 28/29th Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally November Sat 4th Vintage Annual Rally Sun 12th Homestead Run Fri 17/18/19th Show Weekend Tour Sat 25th Motorcycle Annual Rally December Sat 9th Christmas Social 33

Sun 17th Children’s Christmas Picnic Tues 26th Boxing Day Run Events in italics are not organised by the branch 9-90’s OUTINGS: PARTS SHED WORKING BEES: Wednesday following the Noggin Night. 3rd and 4th Sunday morning each month 9am – 12 MOTORCYCLE NOGGINS: Noon and every Wednesday 1pm – 4.30 pm 2nd Wednesday each month COMMERCIAL NOGGINS MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE WORK DAYS: NORTH CANTERBURY NOGGIN: 4th Wednesday each month 7.30pm Rangiora RSA. Calendar of Events: MOVED: “That the Calendar of Events be adopted.” Katryna Shaw / John Forster CARRIED Letter from Lyndsey Saunders tabled raising the matter again of there not being many rallies for PWV vehicle’s (see reply from last years AGM minutes below). The OCBC convenor suggested that any members could organize a run to start at, or after the OCBC mornings for their group if they wished. The Chairman and P Group Convenor advised they would look into it and see what other opportunities were available. As Lyndsey and the past P Group convenor were not present this year it was left to the incoming committee to work on. DATE OF 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MOVED: “That the 2023 Annual General Meeting be held at 1pm on Sunday 18th June 2023.”

Royce Barker raised whether the start time would be the same, at 1PM Discussion whether earlier time was suitable for after OCBC and lunch. MOVED “That the 2023 AGM start time be 1.00pm” Neil Shaskey / Katryna Shaw CARRIED PRESENTATION: as recorded (Special events Trophy Awarded to Malcolm McGibbon for The organizing and running of the Anzac Run for the last five years )


GENERAL BUSINESS: Bob Humm asked that recognition be given to Members who have passed during the year as this was omitted from the beginning of meeting. MINUTES SILENCE: For Members who have passed away during the year Bob Humm expressed his wish that the Beaded wheels Committee be informed that Idle Torque remain as a Column in the Beaded Wheels Andrea Dallow asked if the numbering of the camping power boxes be redone as the numbers inside the boxes didn’t match the numbers on the outside. Left to Mike Foster to arrange. Gay Goodman thanked all the volunteers who help in every way at all our Branch events, a round of applause followed. Bruce McCormick asked that commercial vehicle rallies be reduced in distance travelled. Suggested from chair that participants contact rally organisers to make sure early, routes will be suitable for their vehicles. Tony Meikle pointed out that all Club eligible vehicles are welcome to go on any rally short or long they are just not eligible for trophies.

Thanks were then given for all those who attended today’s meeting, and afternoon tea was served. There being no further business, The meeting was closed at 1.40 pm. Signed ……………………………………..Chairman Date ……………………………………..


The Winter Run

Organised by David and Pam Dacombe

Peter and Pam Yeatman’s newly restored Vauxhall VX490


Daffodil Rally Sunday 21st August See pages 9 -11 Women and Young Driver’s Rally Sat 3rd September See page 23 MOTORCYCLE RELIABILITY TRIAL 18th September See Page 18 BRANCH AWARDS DINNER SATURDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2022 Clubrooms, Cutler Park. See Page 22

Annual Veteran Rally Sunday 25th September See Page 27 Irishman Creek Rally 2023 Advance Information The 2023 rally will start in Rangiora

AJP Photography



8 Taieri Tour (Replacing the Show Weekend Tour)

After discussion with folks interested in taking part, we have decided to leave Christchurch on Thursday, 3rd November staying the night in Oamaru and continuing to Dunedin on Friday 4th. So if interested book accommodationJohn in Oamaru for theDodge Thursday Forster’s night. 9 Coming home from Dunedin we will stop for a night in Cromwell on Monday, 7th November and plan to stop in Fairlie for the night of Tuesday, 8th November. If you wish to do the same run book accommodation in Cromwell, Monday night and Fairlie, Tuesday night. Alternatively, travel straight home from either Dunedin or Bob Goff. Oldest Entrant Cromwell. 10 (82) All other info at this time is as July Hub . Obviously you will have to enter the Taieri Tour with the Otago Branch of the VCC when their entry form becomes available. We will have a separate entry form in the September Hub. 12 George Kear gives the mini a work out Dave Inwood

Ph: 327-4156


North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month Rangiora RSA 82 Victoria Street

Contact Alan Hill 03 313 6008 or 021 161 5866 for further information

021 161 5866 38

FOR SALE Singer 9hp rolling chassis. 1937, underslung and lightweight so ideal for Balcairn special. No motor or gearbox so you can make it totally unique! With front and rear axle and bolt on 17” wire wheels Photos available on request All offers considered Kevin 03 318 1454 Mazda Bulbs poster 1927 ,well tacked and worn but now laminated. Great looking display item $25 ‘Dort’ car bulkhead plate ,well used ,Model 69 Radiator cap ornament 50 mm high Knight with full face visor ( Minerva ?) $15 Harley Davidson cap new plus 1960 s cloth patch $30 Mercedes Benz 1000 Miglia cap new $20 Austin Healey Club of Ireland cap new $20 Austin Healey club of Italy car badge new $25 Austin Healey ‘Longbridge’ badge now obsolete new $25 Alan Wills 021 0870 0692

Dixie Model M1 Magneto Pat No. 11 January 1904, 28 July 1914 Made in USA. Russell Barnard Ph. 349 8869


Bond Equipe The Parts shed has just received this 1970 Bond Equipe with Registration on hold. A great project car with all Triumph Vitesse Running gear. Enquiries to Parts Shed.


WANTED Towbar for MGBGT. Need one for bicycle rack to fit on the car. Mike 021 192 0581

Number Stamps/Punches Does anyone have a set of old looking number stamps/punches they would like to sell. I want some around 3/16” tall (4.7mm) and with a flat top to the number 3. Kevin 03 318 1454 Heritage Festival Car Display

Sunday 16th Oct 12 noon to approx. 4pm (Weekend after Swap meet) OCBC and All English Rally Day. Ashley Church 39 Canterbury Street Ashley I require 7 to 8 cars one each decade from 1920's through to 1980's Please let Secretary Rod Thrower know as soon as possible if you are willing to help. 021 126 3529 If possible to meet up and drive down Ashley main street to Church

Available to Members Braked tandem trailer for hire, Members only. Day hire sixty dollars plus a deposit required. Weight limit two & half tons, Contact Wayne 03 3831380 41

OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

Taieri Tour 50 Year Celebration

Winchester Swap Meet

4th—6th November 2022 Contact Travis Michelle David Mills

Now 10th September

Hororata Mechanical Swap Meet 24th September at the Hororata Domain Sellers entry from 7am $15 per site, buyers from 8am $5 per person.

Selwyn Motorfest 2022 Sunday 20 November 2022.

VCC Targa South Island 2022 Time Trial Date Change Now Friday 14th, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th Oct. 2022. For latest info contact

National Veteran Rally

Friday 24 – Sunday 26 Feb 2023 Rural Tuakau, Franklin bordering north Waikato, 56 km south of Auckland ENQUIRIES: Barry Birchall Tel. (09) 8188755 or 0277225225 Open to all veteran vehicles manufactured before 1918, with VIC. 42

MARLBOROUGH BRANCH MARLBOROUGH SPORTING TRIAL SUNDAY 14th AUGUST 2022 AT BLENHEIM We have a new venue this year in the Kaituna Valley between Renwick and Havelock. Bring your gumboots! All inquiries to: Peter Thwaites, 70 Murphys Rd, Blenheim. Ph (03) 5785036, or 0211777487 Email:

OTAGO BRANCH 50th Dunvegan Rally 1st / 2nd October Entry forms will be sent to all branch secretaries and can also be requested by writing to “The Rally Secretary” P.O.Box 5015 Dunedin.

Central Otago Branch

Blossom Festival Rally Saturday 24th September Enquiries to Ewen Duthie phone: 0278388324 email:

A Reminder Payment Details: Don’t forget that when making payments to the Branch you can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your the name in the particulars field and the name of the event eg, rally name in the reference field. 43

2021-2022 Representatives Motorcycle Convenor Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

Bar Managers Gill Stevenson (Kevin) 027 432 1391 03 327 5743 Velosolex Group Royce Baker (Janice) Amanda Franklin (Wayne) 020 4081 9909 03 322 5529 Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator John Kuipers (Colleen) 03 332 7926 VIC Representative Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333

Librarian Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217 Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill) 03 323 7183 Swap Meet Colin Hey (Jenny)

North Canty Noggin Alan Hill (Barbara) 03 313 6008 021 161 5866 Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

03 421 2426 027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041 Hub Editor

Maintenance/Clubrooms 03 359 8737 Mike Foster 021 883 807

03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping Kevin and Claire Campion 03 312 7255 027 407 5344

Swap Meet Sites Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201


And Web Site Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

2021-2022 Main Committee Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Imm. Past Chairman

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807

Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660


Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman 03 745 9240

Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529

Treasurer Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375



The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255


This valuable advertising space is available Please contact the treasurer for details

Our advertisers help us to produce this newsletter Please support them (And let them know you saw their ad).

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—



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