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2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 8 Veteran Report 9/10/11 Vintage Report 14 9-90s Report 17 Commercial Report 18 Motorcycle Report 20/21 Show Weekend Tour 24/25 Homestead Run 28/29/30 VOG Report 32/33 New Members 34 OCBC Report 35 Annual Rally Entry Form 36 The Mart 37 Officers and Reps 40/41 Copy for the February Hub closes on Wednesday 25th January Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS


Canterbury Branch Coming Events

Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Sat 3rd Vintage Annual Rally Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning Wed 7th 9-90s

Sat 10th Christmas Social Tues 13th Commercial Christmas Noggin Wed 14th Motorcycle Christmas Noggin North Canterbury Noggin (NOTE)

Sun 18th OCBC and Children’s Picnic Mon 26th Boxing Day Run

January 2023

Mon 2nd Motorcycle New Year Run

Sun 8th Picnic Run Sun 15th Old cars, bikes and coffee Wed 18th Commercial Noggin


Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance Morning Wed 8th 9-90s Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 11th Boot Sale Sun 12th Clip on Run Wed 15th Commercial Noggin Sun 19th Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance Morning Sat/Sun 25/26 Branch Annual Rally

Refer Pages 40 and 41 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators
For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.
5 COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission. For up to date information on what’s happening, have a look at our website. You can also see photos of most of this years past events. Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month 9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month North Canterbury Noggin * 4th Wednesday of the month (14th this December) Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30 5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm


Merry Christmas to all.


Maybe it’s a bit early, but this is the last Hub before the holidays are upon us, and the shopping malls have started so I might as well join in. I’ll also add a happy New Year, just to make sure everything is covered, which is a good reminder for you to have everything covered for the events that are coming up towards the end of the year and into the start of the next. There is no Hub or noggin in January, so make sure you have your calendar marked with reminders of everything that is on in the next couple of months.

It is pleasing to see that the branch continues to have new members joining every month with a surprisingly diverse range of vehicle types and ages, clearly there are still things being unearthed in garages or being passed on in families, or perhaps just people becoming aware that the club exists through the events that we run. The challenge we have is to engage with our new members, to get them involved with the activities of the branch, and maybe even pick up some suggestions or new ideas on how we can do things.

The challenge for the members of the branch is to find a way to make new people feel welcome. If you see someone looking a bit lost see if you can help, although most of us know our way around there will be those who are unfamiliar with how our events are run, so might appreciate a friendly face and being pointed in the right direction. A quick hello and a chat to find out someone’s area of interest might mean they can be pointed in the direction of similarly minded people, and you never know when the right conversation with the right person could help you out with the contact, information or part you’ve been looking for.

And to finish, thanks to everyone who has contributed to keeping things going through another unsettling year – many people help out in many ways to keep the branch running, the events happening, and all of the other things which at times might go unnoticed that provide one service or another to our members. Best wishes to you all and your families.





Special thanks to those that abided by our requirement to do a 6 monthly fire evacuation at November Noggin. The prompt clearance of our building was achieved in record time.

A special thanks to those members who have helped the committee in whatever way in the running of our Branch. This huge undertaking is managed by a small committee some of who are still working full time but still manage to give hours of their time to the tasks required.

A special thanks to the three new committee members and their wives for your input though the last half of this year. Daffodil Day and Swap Meet to just name a couple.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


VCC Canterbury Branch Annual Vintage Rally 3rd December 2022 10.00am start at VCC Grounds, Cutler Park
Stop at a lovely country Domain south of start. (Toilets plus shelter available if weather inclement). Field Events followed by Prize giving and Trophy presentation to lucky winners. Estimated rally distance approximate 60 miles. For late entries see page 14


Hi all, Well Santa Claus is nearly upon us and a well deserved summer break!

This year has been an exciting one with lots of successful rallies without COVID restrictions and of course a bumper Swap Meet!

The Homestead run this month headed up to the High Country to Glentunnel for a tour through the museum and post office then continued onto the Coalgate Station. This property was bought and settled in 1855. The smaller sheds at the side of the main Homestead now was the original homestead, which still houses the original copper washing station. 78 cars attended. Jim gave an interesting talk about the property. For those wonderingSteven Greenman the plaque on the chair was for a shepherd who worked on the station for many years. Please enjoy the photos from the day. A reminder, not that we mind the odd late entry and will generally always accept them, to please put your entries into rallies as early as possible, it makes it so much easier for the organisers.


and your


Coming Events 10th December Christmas Social 18th December Childrens Christmas Picnic 26th December Boxing Day Picnic 2nd January 2023 Motorcycle New Year Run 8th January 2023 Picnic Run 11th February 2023 Boot Sale 12th February 2023 Moped Run
noggin for the year promises to bring fun,
Christmas Cake!
to sharing
laughter and of course
some with you.
All the best for
and the coming New Year to you


Our Veteran and Vintage outing and display at the Hororata Highland Games on 5th November was a big success and enjoyed very much by all of us who took part. We ended up with 17 cars, ten of which were veterans.

After meeting at the Hororata war memorial about 2km away, we were escorted to the Games venue by an official and parked in a prominent place not far away from the main arena. Once parked the cars were literally mobbed – if only a small percentage of the 10,000 people that attended the event came and had a look it’s still a lot of people! I think though that nearly everyone there would have walked past at some stage a great way to promote what we as VCC members do and enjoy. We were never too far away from the entertainment there was always some competition or other going on if anyone was in need of a strong arm to start one of the cars there were plenty available (not that that was required though!). Watching a kilted male throw a 6m-long wooden post end for end, or a woman lift a 120kg boulder from the ground to the top of a barrel were feats that had to be admired!

One special thing about this display was that it brought two new veteran restorations out on their first club outing. First there was the 1905 Alldays and Onions belonging to George and Sue Lee. George has just finished the sorting-out process and is extremely

Veteran cars prove to be popular

happy with the way the car looks and runs. As with George’s other Alldays restoration, this car is beautifully restored and built, and looks stunning in its bright yellow livery, complete with lots of brass, polished oak and dark-tan upholstery. The other new restoration was Bruce and Shirley Shadbolt’s 1909 Hupmobile – restored in the only way Bruce knows how – as correct as possible and immaculate! This car was originally put on the road by Bruce’s father decades ago but was not correct in many ways, and has been a work in progress for many years now since it was retired from use. Bruce was telling us that really only the running gear was kept, and that basically everything else was then built to the original design. A truly stunning car is the outcome there couldn’t be a better veteran Hupmobile anywhere in the world right now. Thanks Bruce and Shirley and George and Sue for bringing both cars out to share with everyone. As usual the Stanley steam car belonging to Allan Familton and Lesley Colsell also attracted lots of attention – especially when the time came to light the fire before leaving. A huge flare of petrol-powered flame as the boiler kicked into life, together with the whirring and whistling noises accompanying the warm-up process beckoned spectators from near and far. Always a spectacular car to have at a display! With the last boulder lifted and the final caber tossed about 4.15pm, we were free to start heading home. Kilmarnock bonnet’s (beret’s) off to Don and Judy Bennetts who drove their 1912 Albion (the only Scottish-manufactured car at the whole event) all the way from their home in Christchurch to Hororata for the display. We passed at Aylesbury as we towed our Wolseley in a

Bruce & Shirley Shadbolt's immaculate 1909 Hupmobile on its first run.

Alldays & Onions

trailer to the meeting point near Hororata, and they arrived only 20 minutes after us. It’s amazing how much ground can be covered at a steady veteran speed! A special thanks to all of those who took part in the display – we know it was appreciated by the Games organisers and the public alike. Since last month’s report I’ve had some positive feedback about a proposed Brooklands to Brighton Veteran Run, so will proceed to get things a bit more organised now. All the details will be in the February Hub, which by then will be only a month or so away from the date of the run. With the Children’s Christmas Party coming up on Sunday 18th December, it would be nice if a few veteran cars could be brought out to OCBC and then stay on for the party so we could give our young and impressionable children and grandchildren a ride within the confines of the club grounds. I for one am looking forward to our grandson hopefully getting his first ride on our 1909 Wolseley.

Also don’t forget to think about bringing your Veteran to the Banks Peninsula Branch New Year’s day picnic at Little River. We have a nearby area available for trailers so you don’t have to worry about the traffic getting there please give me a call for details.

George and Sue Lee's new restoration 1905 Vintage Line-up

And in finishing, just a reminder about the following events which are Veteran friendly:

Sunday 18th December Old Cars Bikes and Coffee and Children’s Christmas Party at Cutler Park

Monday 26th December Boxing Day run

Sunday 1st January Banks Peninsula Branch picnic day at Little River Domain

Sunday 8th January – Canterbury Branch Picnic Run

Saturday 21st January – Dunedin to Brighton Run in Dunedin

Weekend of 18th and 19th February – Veteran Car Club

Geraldine weekend – (dates and details TBC by the Veteran Car Club)

Weekend of 25th and 26th February – Canterbury Branch

Annual Rally

Sunday 5th March – Proposed inaugural Brooklands to Brighton Run

Wishing all Veteran owners in our section of the club a happy and safe Christmas, and for those who are also members of the Veteran Car Club, don’t forget the Christmas lunch at Kathryn Smith’s on 4th December.

Colin Hey



If you have missed the cut-off date (27 November) for presents (for children 10 years and under provided by the branch), you may wish to bring a small wrapped present (for those 10 years and under, or family whatever their age) to be slipped into Father Christmas’ sack. Please write their name and age clearly on the outside.

Proposed Programme

(Approximate times, which may have to be changed due to any inclement weather)

10.00 am onwards Arrive at Cutler Park, Candy Floss. 10.30 am 12.00 pm Train rides at Steam Scene (no charge, complements VCC)

10.30 am until lunch. Rides on the Branch Truck and Fire Engine. 12.30 pm BYO picnic lunch. 1.30 pm Races and Tug of War. 2.00 pm (approx.) Father Christmas arrives.

All members and families welcome come and enjoy a day in the sun with traditional Christmas picnic activities.

If wet, come to the Main Hall at 1.00 pm.


VCC November Noggin

Starting with the Noggin on Thursday night. The winner of the best one make display this year was the Model A Ford Club; second was Southern Lotus, and third was the Morris Owners Club. It was an honour to bring the Model A Club of America Canterbury Branch, 1928 Model A Phaeton for the November Noggin. This car was restored by club members in 1986 and is used for vintage and Model A runs for members that don’t have or do not have a roadworthy vehicle available for a rally.

VCC Homestead Run

It was pleasing to see so many cars turn up for this popular event, this also coincided with coffee and cars. After the rain on Saturday it was pleasing to see a sunny day. For the last couple of miles the dust was kept to a minimum. Our lunch stop at Coleridge Station was broken by a brief shower of rain which cleared as quick as it started. A very pleasant day out. Thanks to Katryna and her team of helpers.

Annual Vintage Rally Saturday 3rd December

We have 23 entries to attend this event so far. If you haven’t entered and still wish to attend then please front up on Saturday; a little earlier than the start time of 10am; and we can process your entry.


15 January Picnic Sunday 8th January 11am onwards Orton Bradley Park $10 entry fee Bring change for the raffle Contact John Kuipers

November’s Noggin Display

Prize winners from the Swap Meet One Make Displays. L to R Morris Owners Club, Southern Lotus Register, Model A Club of America (Canterbury New Zealand Chapter).


Hi to you all.

George Nimmo organised this day, and what a day it turned out to be. We had about 60 cars, and the weather you couldn’t wish for better and the venue absolute fabulous.

The cars on display ranging from the first Mercedes, Bugatti's, Hispano Suiza, Bentleys and some cars I had never heard of. A very big thank you Gavin and Sharron for their Hospitality. I had been to their place about 20 years ago so I wished Gavin a long life and hope to see him in 20 years again.

George donated the entry fees to the Governors Bay jetty restoration. A big thank you to George and all his helpers.

I am looking for a few volunteers to organise a run in 2023… make my Christmas special. Give me a ring or tell me at the Christmas lunch and remember No Volunteers NO RUNS

Looking forward seeing you all.

Regards J.K and the team

PS The team and I wish everyone a Happy Christmas ….and a prosperous and healthy 2023.

NORTH CANTERBURY NOGGIN Please note that the December evening will be earlier than usual. Wednesday 14th.


Greetings all,

Just when you thought summer was on the way here we are with MORE rain and colder temps. I hope it warms up for the Vintage Rally on 3rd December!

Our November commercial Noggin was held in Dave Inwood's spacious garage. Thanks to Dave and Linda for hosting and putting on a lovely supper. I have serious garage envy now. Dave has some impressive cars and a very nice facility in which to keep them!

The December noggin will be held on TUESDAY the 13th of December in the Barn at Cutler park. Please note it is a day and a week earlier than usual due to close proximity to Christmas. Partners are welcome and encouraged to join. Please BYO drinks, meat and a salad or dessert to share.

I was pleased to see a few commercials on the Homestead run. What a stunning location and a beautiful drive into our lunch stop. New Zealand has some amazing scenery and those of us lucky enough to go on Vintage Car rallies get to enjoy more of these out of the way places than the average tourist! Thanks to all of the organizers who put a lot of effort into making this day a great success.

Wishing you all a great festive season and hopefully we will see some Commercials on the Vintage rally.

The January Noggin is to be held on the 18th at 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead.

Happy motoring. Michael

Rally 2023 For all Club Vehicles The Branch Annual Rally will be held over the weekend of 25th and 26th February 2023. Coffee and Cake will be served around 9.15am departing Cutler Park from 10.00am. There will be two rallies. Short and Long. Sunday will be the Gymkhana (which will be organised by the youths of our club) followed by a BBQ lunch and prize giving. Interested parties contact or Further information in February’s Hub or by calling: Katryna 021 0277 2375 or Henry 327 5471


December first month of SUMMER!!! Enjoy your motorcycling!!

Past Events.

9th November – Noggin Night. Last minute cancellation for the Central Fire Station destination, so Smash Palace was a stand-by destination. Only about 6 or 7 turned up… 10th November – Old Codger’s Run. About 19 turned up, then proceeded to the Leithfield Pub for lunch. Great to see some old faces and new members as well.

19th November Fish and Chip Run to Motorcycle Display Ashburton. Absolutely poured with heavy rain all day, so I’d be very surprised if anyone went on this I certainly didn’t. 26th November Annual Motorcycle Rally. Copy for The Hub closes 23rd November, so this will be reported in the February Hub.

Future Events.

1st December Main Noggin in the Hall. Display of the trophy winner motorcycles from the Motorcycle Annual Rally held 26th November. Please bring your bikes to the Noggin about 7.00 pm. 14th December – Motorcycle Noggin, the usual Christmas Bash to be held on The Barn, Cutler Park, McLeans Island. As in the past, we are putting on a Catered Meal for you all; the cost for this is $25 per person. We need to know IN ADVANCE who is coming, and please; you need to pay beforehand. We cannot collect cash on the night. 5.15 pm start, meal served at 6.30 pm. Please also advise Mike Glenday on cell phone 021 1920581 or - we do need to know in advance for catering numbers etc. RSVP by Friday 9th December, please. To Pay, please pay the money into the VCC Motorcycle Bank account, as per: Westpac Bank 03 0802 0099727 00 with your Name and Xmas Noggin in the reference field.


15th December Old Codger’s Run. Meet at “The Store” the Tai Tapu coffee shop, at 10.30 am. Riders decide on a lunch destination or whatever.

17th December There will be a Fish and Chip run in December, but as the Silly Season hits we’ll have it early. Plan is to start at the Yaldhurst Pub car park 10.15 am for a 10.30 departure. A run out west is on the cards.

1st January 2023 VCC Picnic, Little River. Hosted by Banks Peninsular Branch. Always a great day out.

2nd January – Motorcycle New Year Run. Meet at the Island 10.00 am for a 10.15 am departure. Your motorcycle committee will be meeting 1st December so a decision will be made on Destination etc. This will be advised to all via the email mail-out, so look out for this. It will be a good, worthwhile destination.

12th January 2023 Old Codger’s Run. Advise by email prior, so look out for this.

28th January 2023 Fish and Chip Run. First for the year. Meet at PMH 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. Will advise beforehand for the destination, which right now has yet to be decided.

3 6th February 2023 National Motorcycle Rally, Invercargill. Entries closed 30 November 2022.

8th February Motorcycle Noggin. 10th February Old Codger’s Run.

There are several events with no information other than announcing their existence. For these events as information comes to hand the motorcyclists on the database will be advised in due course. Cheers, CML

GROUNDS MAINTENANCE TEAM First Sunday and Third Tuesday Morning Every Month. Come and join us!


the paperwork
to sample our new vendor
s coffee
RUN START) Henry and Katryna busy with
while father George chats with Gay Goodman.
and Jan Baker about

Early Show Weekend Tour Incorporating the 50th Taieri Tour 2022 in Dunedin

The Show Weekend Tour was a very successful event with 25 cars at the start where Dave and Linda were ready for the very well organised tour with as many as possible roads, some shingle away from the Main Highways, giving us a chance to see places that a lot of us would have never seen in our lifetime. On behalf of everyone on the tour a big thank you to Dave and Linda and all of their friends who helped Dave supplying rally routes and venues along the way.

Day One. To Oamaru 81 instructions 350kms. Starting at West Melton with 25 cars and 52 members heading to Ashburton VCC. Very nice newly decorated club rooms, one of the first large groups to use it for morning tea, with tea and biscuits. Thank you to the members for their hospitality. The route was straight forward taking in Rakaia and Pendarves to get us off the main road. After morning tea we headed towards Geraldine, through Pleasant Point then onto some very nice hilly winding shingle roads with nice views of the sea from the top of the hills, the odd ford and nice views of the country side before coming into the back of Waimate for our late lunch stop. After lunch it was an easy run via the main roads to Oamaru.

Day Two. Oamaru to Dunedin 34 instructions 156 kms. Meeting at the North Otago VCC, again a newly decorated Club Rooms for morning tea and biscuits Thank you to the VCC members for their hospitality. With a quite short run today we


headed inland for some distance before crossing the main road to the Peninsula traveling down the coast as far as we could go before heading back to the main highway for a very short distance before heading inland again through the very interesting Trotters George, (this was my favourite place we visited on the rally) then on to lunch at the Machinery Club Thanks for their hospitality. After lunch it was time to continue through Palmerston then back to the coast through Seacliff then over the Mt Cargill road, once again very nice views of coast line before going to our accommodation then heading down to the Rugby Club to pick up our rally packs the briefing and a get together before the Taieri Tour starts.

Day Three and Four. The 50th Anniversary of the Taieri Tour. The rally was very good with around 115 entries, a very well organised rally with every one enjoying the roads and the fantastic views from the top of the hills and the coast roads which we drove on. It was great to see so many of our Club members enter this Rally, I would say we had over 40 entries and we were lucky enough to pick up four of the section prizes at the Prize Giving Spit Roast Dinner which was one of the best that I have been to. Sunday we had time to go to the VCC rooms before we went to Mosgiel on a short run for a picnic and BBQ lunch which was very well supported nice and sunny with nice country views all around. After lunch it was time to go next door to see a very large collection of memorabilia, anything car related. Petrol pumps, cars, trucks, bikes etc. After this quite a number of our members went to another collection of cars, 15 BMC Minis plus others, then onto the

Organiser Dave Inwood at the start

local Machinery Club just along the road. At this time most of us headed back to Dunedin before going to a local restaurant for dinner to finish off a great weekend with likeminded people.

Day Five. Dunedin to Cromwell 45 instructions 308 kms. We all met at the Rugby Club Car Park to be given our rally route for the day heading out of Dunedin via State Highway one turning off to go through Middlemarch and Hyde where we went up a newly graded rough shingle road to a very interesting place ‘’En Hakkore’’ Community Retreat with very large buildings once used as a Sanatorium then a Borstal before being let to go to wrack and ruin. The couple that eventually bought it thirty seven years ago use it to help people in need, with 14 families now living there and the rebuilding programme still going on without any help from the government. We need more people like them in the world and it would be a better place. On to Ranfurly for lunch then to Hayes Engineering for a look around the museum before heading to the overnight stop at Cromwell with a BYO Dinner at the VCC Club Rooms. Thank you to the VCC members for their hospitality.

Day Six. Cromwell to Fairlie 26 instructions 271 kms. Starting at the Big Fruit car park we were down to 12 cars as some of the entrants went straight home, so away we went towards Bendigo where we turned off onto shingle through a ford then up a hill where seven of us missed a corner because a gate was closed and onto a road which turned into a goat track with large ruts and rocks with plenty of dust. (Mini summer


Irishman’s roads 4 wheel drive roads) after quite a distance over two hills Dave was able to get phone coverage to let us know we were on the wrong road. Luckily we were at a place where we could all turn round and get back to where we should have been. Surprisingly we all made it back without too much trouble to where Dave was waiting. Our next stop was at a very nice church where we had morning tea then onto Omarama where we had lunch at Murray Stewart’s very interesting property where everyone had a good look around. Thank you to Murray and Sharon for hosting us at their lovely property. After lunch we had an easy main road drive to Fairlie to our accommodation and a get together at the local Hotel.

Day Seven. Fairlie to home 239 kms

Today everyone made their own way home on whichever roads we wanted. Our route took us through Cave and Pleasant Point then onto the main road. Our total mileage in the old Honda, home to home was 1561 kms. of quite hard driving without any trouble in a small car which was heading for the scrap metal yard when we got it!

Graeme Sword 1987 model Honda Civic Wagon. Photos thanks to Andrew Morison.

Letter to the Editor

I would like to thank Dave Inwood and wife Linda for organising the Taieri Tour 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th November.

Travelling over many roads from modern tar seal, shingle, clay and a couple of fords.

Altogether a very enjoyable tour. Regards, Kevin Burgess


Homestead Run

The original homestead Happy homesteaders at Coalgate (Photos from Katryna)

Homestead Run, 20th November.

I always look forward to the Homestead Runs – they always take us to places we’ve never been before, and as an added bonus there’s usually a historic building or two involved and a nice garden to stroll through. This year’s outing proved to be true to form.

The day began with our normal monthly Old Car, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC) session at Cutler Park, where we were to assemble no later than 10am. Most took the opportunity to arrive a little earlier to grab a coffee before they departed this time from our new vendor, Little Beanie Coffee. The owners Viki and Rob did a great job of keeping up with the queue and provided very good coffee as well. Many eyes were skywards and discussions aplenty were about the weather as the day before had been stormy and very wet, but for now the sky was blue and the temperature warm, so fingers crossed it would be good for the whole day.

Until we paid our entry fee and received the instructions from Katryna Shaw and Henry Little outside the clubrooms, most had no idea where we were going, except that we had been warned that we were heading ‘up-country’ and to come with a full tank of petrol. Flicking through the instructions soon revealed we were heading up the Rakaia Gorge somewhere – here’s hoping the weather would hold out up there too. Never mind, we were committed now, so the worst that could happen would be picnic lunches in our car up in the high-country somewhere. It wouldn’t really matter!

With a nice coffee under our belts we headed out the gate at 10am on an easy route that took our group of around 60 cars us up the Old West Coast Road, then on to Kirwee and Darfield, turning onto the Inland Scenic Route to the first stop in Glentunnel. Here we had the option of a visit to the ever improving small museum in the township, or morning tea in the domain or the café at the golf course. Every option was popular, and with a request to continue on the run after 11.45am, we could relax and enjoy whichever one we chose. Back on the inland road we continued to the Windwhistle garage where we turned towards Lake Coleridge, beginning a gradual


uphill drive with beautiful views across the Rakaia River valley and further inland to the foothills and Southern Alps. Soon we crossed the Acheron River bridge, and following the instructions we then turned right into Homestead Road, which soon turned to gravel.

The recent rain meant the road was damp, and there was very little dust which I’m sure pleased everyone. The turnoff to “The Homestead” was about 7km down this road, and Jim and Viveene Miles were there to direct us to the parking area by the implement sheds.

Jim’s brother Bruce Miles now owns this property, which consists of the original Lake Coleridge Station homestead and outbuildings, and across the road the woolshed and some now derelict service buildings that were used when the station was huge and somewhat isolated. Nowadays there are several other stations that have been subdivided off this one, but it is still a productive farm specialising in high quality merino fleece for export. The homestead is still in use so we were not able to look through it, but it is still very much in its original state and in quite good condition. We were able to enjoy our lunch in the lawn and garden area amongst century old trees and several very noisy bellbirds. After lunch Jim gave some of the history of the farm, which incidentally was the first connected to the electricity grid when the Coleridge power station came on line in 1914.

Just after Jim finished his talk we were treated to a very brief shower of rain, which soon had the gathered picnickers seeking some shelter. It soon cleared up though, and this gave us the opportunity to look around the homestead and outbuildings and explore the grounds around them.

By then it was getting around to about 2.00pm so it was time to depart. A nice downhill drive again back home, encountering a bit of heavy rain between Windwhistle and Glenroy. It was good to see a few of our group stopping off for an ice-cream in Darfield. A big thanks to Jim and Viveene Miles, Katryna and Bryce Shaw and Henry and Michelle Little for organising an excellent day out, and to Bruce Miles for allowing us to visit the property.

Colin Hey
31 Christmas Social Saturday December 10th From 7 pm The Barn Cutler Park Enjoy an informal evening with friends to celebrate the festive season BYO a plate for supper and your own drink No charge but please let Leigh know if you plan to come. 342 9110 or


November 2022 run Tuesday 8th

A rural ramble was the order of the day for our November ride. Grant Lomax organised a run starting and ending from the carpark at the Tai Tapu Hotel with a jaunt around quiet country roads in the Tai Tapu / Ladbrooks area with 15 riders following the leader at not a very rapid pace in fact most of us had the throttle locked on slow and one hand flicking on and off the brakes just to hold the beasts back.

Most of us had finely tuned our machines over the past month ready for a record breaking blast along Old Tai Tapu Rd but this was not to be although it did give us the opportunity to admire the many large new homes along the way so that was a bonus.

Wow Lincoln is sure spreading out, at one stage of the ride we stopped at the corner of Ellesmere and Lincoln Tai Tapu Rd’s and noticed that what was once fine arable land on the right hand corner is now houses under construction as far as the eye could see. Where are all the people coming from and where are all the cars going to travel on these once rural roads I often wonder about this and think I’m pleased that I am no longer a commuter facing the traffic each morning and evening on my way to and from work.

Punctures seemed to be the order of the day this time as Grant noticed the moment that he mounted his stead that there was no air at the bottom of the tyre. Fortunately one of TEAM VOG must have known the Boy Scouts’ motto “be prepared” and luckily for Grant – Paul had a pump so after a few strokes on the pump Grant was on his way and all would be good ( we thought) as not far along the road it was necessary to go through the exercise again with a few extra strokes for topup. This seemed to do the trick as all was good from then onwards.

Unfortunately we did have another flatty, this time it was Chris White on his first ride for some time but he wasn’t so lucky and ended up in the backup vehicle for the rest of the journey.Oh well a simple fix when he got home. Apart from that no other


incidents occurred during the ride even Gary Thompson had a run of luck this time with this bike performing extremely well. Not sure what number of his fleet it was but he sure picked a winner this time. Stick with it Gary.

Until next time.



First, a big thank you to those members who have donated books over the past few months. We have received some very interesting books and these are always appreciated and are valuable additions to the library. While sorting out magazines recently we found more copies of branch newsletters, some dating back to the beginning of the Vintage Car Club. Some material has been passed to Don Muller for the Club archives, but the newsletters have been sorted out into date order and are in file boxes in the library, where anyone who is interested could have a look at them. Quite interesting looking back at the early days of the club. Also, a big thank you to the members of the motorcycle section who have helped out in sorting through the huge donation of folders and booklets of information from the estate of the late Peter Cornelius We appreciate their help and advice. An ongoing project!

Lastly, thank you to all those who have helped out in the library during the year, especially with the new shelving, which has been a life-saver with the large donations of books we have received this year, and thanks, Graeme, for your ongoing help with shelving, updating plaque boards and general help. Merry Christmas to all, and we can all look forward to more motoring in 2023.

34 NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events. Ben Crosson 1984 Ford Falcon Utility Tatahau Taite 1973 VW Kombi. 1974 Honda CB550 Motorcycle Gavin Pateman 1979 Fiat 131 racing sports Simon Bennett 1940 Chevrolet 15CWT Pickup Commercial Andrew Moss 1950 Rover P3 Tourer, 1992 TVR S3 Sports Jason Garvey 1984 Renault 11 TSE. SE Alan White 1926 Austin Clifton Tourer, 1929 Austin Chummy Tourer Alan with his Austin Clifton. He has owned it for 62 years!


This month we welcomed our new coffee vendors Viki and Rob from Little Beanie Coffee, to our grounds to serve great coffee to our assembled car and bike enthusiasts. By the time the first few cars had arrived through the gates they were up and running and very happy to be busy. This month’s OCBC coincided with the start of the Homestead Run, so we had a very good turnout of probably around 100 cars (and one motorcycle). The numbers probably thinned out considerably when the Homestead Run participants departed, but once again it was a good chance to catch up with other members and enthusiasts and to get the car out for an outing, and even possibly visit the spares shed. Good to see some different vehicles again I even spotted a club eligible Mitsubishi L300 truck in nice condition now obviously enjoying a pampered retirement. Next month OCBC happens on the same day as the Children’s Christmas party on Sunday 18th December, so there should be plenty of people around. Keep and eye out for children if you do come, and perhaps even consider bringing out your picnic lunch to enjoy the fun. Coffee will be available from about 8.45am.


(There’s Meikle’s Vauxhall photo bombing again!)
36 ANNUAL RALLY ENTRY FORM 25th and 26th February 2023 Entries Close 23rd February Entrant’s Name …………………………………………………. Vehicle Make and Model …………………………………….. No. of Cylinders ……... Contact Phone number(s)……………………………………. Email ………………………………………………………………... Car / Commercial / Motorcycle (Circle one) Short or Long Route (Circle one) Competitive / Non competitive (circle one) For time trial: MPH ………….or Km/hr ………... Rally Entry Fee @$15 .00…………………………..$15.00 Plaque (optional) $10.00 ………………………………….... Sunday Barbeque Lunch. (Optional) $10 pp ..………. Total ……….. . Payment is by direct credit to the branch to account number 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your name in the particulars field and ‘Annual Rally’ in the reference field. ENTER ON LINE HERE



Lester Tire Company 7.0-21 set of 4 tyres for sale. Have been used but plenty of tread on these tyres. Photos available. Normally $600 new per tyre. Set of 4 for $800 ono. Phone John 027 448 1430.

MGB Gearbox For Sale: 1972 4 Synchro, non-overdrive. Complete. Offers. Contact Charles. Ph 027 604 5380.

GARAGE ENGINE CUPBOARD (Steel). Free to a good home. Has been used to store engine blocks and gearboxes for a car which has now been sold. Dimensions (approx.) 1200x630x Overall height 860mm. Contact Charles Ph 027 604 5380.



Hydraulic body jacking kit 4 ton complete with spreader, pipes, pads etc $200 . Haynes Workshop manual Austin A99 and 110, Wolesley and Vanden Plas Mks I and II. $20. Jaguar Service Manual, Mk II models, 2.4 -3.4- and 3.8 litre Genuine factory book delivered with car No. 208751.DN with five typed pages of all the racing specs done to this car ex factory, including brakes and suspension. A collector’s item $75 Alan Wills 021 0870 0692

No wanteds this month!

...and with a little bit of space left over here is another look at the changing face of the VCC.

Show Weekend Tour at Hokitika quite a few years ago. There’s a once familiar figure coming down the line. (And an attractive young woman by that Morris.) Proof reader do not remove

A Note from VCC National Office

Membership Cards for those members who have paid up to and including 9th November 2022 have now been printed and are in the process of being posted out. Members should receive them by late November /early December.

39 Canterbury Prize Winners of the Taieri Tour POST WAR: 1st = RON HAMMER CUP: Peter Yeatman - 1956 Morris Minor POST 60: WATERLOO CUP 2nd = Ian McKinlay 1971 VW 1302S POST 80 2nd: Bob Humm 1985 Toyota Celica OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss) 027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep. Wayne Stocks 03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen) 03 332 7926

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333


Mike Foster 03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin) 03 327 5743

Amanda Franklin (Wayne) 020 4081 9909


Kay Shaskey (Graeme) 03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill) 03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807 Swap

Alan Hill (Barbara) 03 313 6008 021 161 5866 Beaded

Tony Becker (Ngaire) 03 421 2426 027 446 6964 Trophy

Kevin and Claire Campion 03 312 7255 027 407 5344

Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

VIC Representative
Barn Bookings/Camping
Meet Sites
North Canty Noggin
Wheels Reporter
Web Site
Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660 New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041 Hub Editor And

2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise) 03 352 8802 027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman (Claire) 03 745 9240 027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572 027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277

42 BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255
43 Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

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