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2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY BRANCH Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo The two best seats. Eventual winner Pat O’Connell (MGA) in action during the grasskhana. (The girls were in prime position to see their father Gregor Kaiser, when it was his turn). Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 8 Veteran Report 9 Vintage Report 11 Commercial Report 12 9-90s Report 13 Motorcycle Report 15/16/17 Grasskhana Report 18/19 Irishman Rally Report 20/21 Swap Meet Report 24 OCBC Report 26 New Members 34/35 The Mart 36/38 Officers and Reps 40/41 Copy for the August Hub closes on Monday 24th July (EarlyClose) Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Sun 2nd Grounds Maintenance Morning

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Wed 12th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 16th OCBC

Tues 18th Grounds Maintenance morning

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Sun 23rd Winter Run

Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 9th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 15th

Grounds maintenance

Wed 16th Commercial Noggin

Sun 20th OCBC and VCC National Day

Sat 26th ‘Round the Bays M/C Run


Sat 2nd Women and Young Driver’s Rally

Sun 3rd Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th Awards Dinner

Wed 13th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Sat 24th

Motorcycle Trial

Veteran Rally (TBC)

Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 40 and 41 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators



The shortest day has come and gone, so we can start looking around the corner to when the days get longer again, and towards what’s coming up in the warmer months.

Thanks to all who attended the branch AGM, the input and thoughts on running of the branch and events are needed to keep informed of what members want from the branch. With all of the nominations being accepted and no need for any hotly contested election proceedings, the majority of the committee and representatives are continuing for another year. Finishing in their roles we have had Leigh Craythorne as immediate past chairman, Gill Stevenson handing over to Andrea Dallow after 7 years as Bar Manager, Kay Shaskey standing down after over 40 years as librarian, and Tony Becker passing on to Colin Hey responsibility as the branch Beaded Wheels scribe. After many years as maintenance coordinator Mike Foster is looking to hand over the keys (and various implements) to a successor, although in the interim he will keep things ticking along, so if there is someone who can spare a few hours a month please put your hand up to continue this work that is essential to keeping our facilities maintained.

The Club National AGM is coming up next month, so please take the opportunity to provide feedback on the items for discussion at the meeting, so your thoughts can be represented.

See you out and about.



Another AGM done and dusted. Wow the crowds were astounding, 60 members out of around 1300. We nearly had more apologies than members present. Still it is what it is, we had a quorum.

Items of interest this month coming as attachments to the Hub. Your comments back to the committee on these subjects would be appreciated .

The NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. Permission of members to run a survey, You should have received an email from the National President.

Budget 2024 Revision and Discussion Paper for Executive Meeting 11th August 2023

(THIS INVOLVES THE RAISING OF SUBSCRIPTIONS). Bet that’s got your attention. (feed back to committee) for the delegate to take to the August AGM. See Page 25.

That’s all from me

Name Badges

Available by ordering at the bar or by contacting the Secretary.

Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. Let’s keep Mike smiling.


Just letting you know that we have replacement stopwatches and they are now in the club Captain’s office.

The day that the “Restoration of the Year” rally and judging was held, was a beautiful day even if a little cold. Thanks to Colin for his scones which went down a real treat!

It was brought up, at the AGM, the process for judging and widening eligibility criteria for entering Restoration of the Year. A small group is going to look into this and report back to the main committee with their ideas and suggestions.

Congratulations to the winners of restoration of the year. Bob Hayes and Family Trophy - For Post Vintage Restoration of the year - Henry Little - 1936 Austin 7 Ruby.

Ray Sword Family Trophy - For Commercial Restoration of the year - 1964 Land Rover 109 Forward Control - Barry Jones.

Eric Walker Trophy - Best Motorcycle Restoration of the yearPaul Ainsworth - 1976 BMW R100S.

Highly Commended for Best Motorcycle Restoration of the Year- Alan Pattrick 1958 Tiger Cub T20.

After the AGM and discussion around the Calendar of Events, further discussion is required at the next committee meeting as to some future dates. Once this has happened, the Calendar of Events can be formalised and printed.

Coming Events:

Sunday 23rd July - Mid Winter Run. Have a happy and safe month.



No veteran activity this last month, except perhaps for Joseph McClintock taking his 1914 Model T Speedster on Irishman Rally. Well rugged-up with his passenger aboard, they got through the whole testing event, and no doubt now it’s been cleaned and looks like it was never on any of the muddy roads covered during the event. Well done to you both.

Matthew and I once again did back-up duty for this event and it would be fair to say we were needed a lot more than last year, but everyone seemed to be happy at the end and no doubt will show up again next year, even those who for one reason or another didn’t complete the whole run. Congratulations to everyone who took part and to the many involved in organising the event – it was a very enjoyable weekend.

It was a shame no veteran cars were entered for judging at the Restoration of the Year Run, or any vintage cars either. I always enjoy seeing what some of our members are capable of doing, and even if they cannot complete all aspects of a restoration themselves it’s good finding out who they delegated the work to and to see what the final outcome is like. This year a very high proportion of work (if not all) was carried out by the owners of the vehicles entered and was a credit to all of them.

It was good to see the “Soapbox” article by Paul Heron titled “Plan Ahead” in the latest Beaded Wheels which gives an insight into many veteran restoration projects which will become available in the not too distant future, so clearly we haven’t got to the end of stock just yet. However I do think that many existing and complete veteran cars in the future will be equally attractive either to be re-restored or just recommissioned after a long period off the road. I think there should be a place or category for them to perhaps be recognised in the judging in future Restoration of The Year events. Whatever happens, we should continue to


encourage people to learn about and restore and maintain any club-eligible vehicle, even those from the 1980s and 1990’s with which potential young members readily identify with. Something for the committee to work on in the coming year. Also good to see at the AGM that a date has now been set for the proposed Brooklands to Brighton Run, which will be open to any vehicle 100 years or older. Pencil in Saturday 2nd March 2024, and keep an eye out for further information towards the end of this year.

At home I’ve been working on our 1912 Wolseley trying to improve cold-starting. My body can only withstand so much veteran-engine crank-starting before the tiredness and pain sets in, so the easier I can make it the better. Some success to date, but I think the magneto is a bit too weak in the spark department and may need some re-vitalisation. Bit like me really – roll on the summer. Good luck with your winter workshop projects!

Colin’s winter project


I have been on holiday for the last 6 weeks and while away I travelled into France and drove to Mulhouse to visit a very impressive collection of Veteran and Vintage cars. The National Automobile Museum Collection. Schlumpf, is an automobile museum located in Mulhouse, France, and built around the Schlumpf Collection of classic automobiles. It has the largest displayed collection of automobiles and contains the largest and most comprehensive collection of Bugatti motor vehicles in the world with more than 450 exceptional cars. In 1957, the Schlumpf Brothers bought an old wool mill where they installed their car collection. The highlight was a dream car “Bugatti Royal” and only 6 were ever built, two of which are in this collection, it is the most expensive (four or five times the price of a Rolls Royce) and it is fast nearly 200 km/hr at the beginning of the thirties.


Greetings all, Winter is a quiet month for the Commercial section. I'm not sure if any of you have been watching the series on TVNZ called Ten Pound Poms? There are some lovely vehicles on there including a beautiful 1930's? International truck with suicide doors and a lovely mid 50's Ford Anglia 100E convertible. Some nice old Holdens too!

The June noggin was held at the Papanui RSA - I wasn't able to go unfortunately. Was a light turnout apparently - I'm hoping Tony might add a few words to my report on how the evening went. (“We had a good chat and roundly criticized those who weren't there. We didn’t win the Quiz night but there was a good reason for that! We all went home happy.“ Tony.)

The next Commercial noggin is on July the 19th - Dave Cooper has kindly offered to host us in his workshop at home on South Eyre Road. I recall he hosted the July noggin last year and had his pot belly stove quietly burning away in the corner making it very toasty.

Neil Shasky has made an arrangement for us to visit a business called Classic Workshop in Woolston for the August Noggin so I will post more details about that in the next Hub.

Don't forget the 6th National Commercial Rally is being held in Wanganui over labour weekend in October this year. Plan to be there if you can! The organisers are Bruce Ardell, Neil Farrer and Rob & Linda O'Keeffe -

Take care and stay warm!


Hi to you all

Ray Maginness organized a great day, the Destination, the weather it couldn’t have been better. A great turnout much bigger than I expected. If you have not been to see the Roger Mahan collection, it is a must see. It is well worthwhile. We had lunch outside the building in full sunshine, a good raffle where I found out that I have lost my job of selling raffle tickets. A good day was had by all. Graeme Sword organized for the ones who wanted, another night in Geraldine in the motels at the motor camp. Seven couples stayed. Afterwards we had a great little social at Ross and Lorraine Andrews unit and finished the day at the local pub for a meal.

Next day we went to Pleasant Point for a wander and by chance we stopped at the local garage for coffee where we found a great collection of cars, motorbikes and even a half finished D type Jaguar made in Oamaru and a friendly garage owner who told us just to look around and asked anything. After this we went for lunch to the Pleasant Point pub where Graeme got a call from the motels from the 7 couples who stayed there. Three left something behind……does that tell you something…..


July: Mid Christmas Lunch. Meet at 11.30 at the barn. The fire will be going. Bring homemade food if possible. Bring for TWO and eat for one.

August: Ken James and Bruce Miles. Meet at the Yaldhurst pub carpark 9.55 am

Looking forward seeing you all

Regards J K and the Team



The dinner is held annually to present branch members 25,35,50 and 60-year membership awards.

Bar opens 6.00 pm, meal 6.30 pm

Tickets ($40 single) will be available from branch committee members and at the bar at Noggins from August.

Come along and support your fellow members on their special night.

(Names for the awards will be confirmed in the next Hub.)

VCC of NZ AGM Nelson August 1th-13th

The registration for the AGM is now live on the club website you can register online using the link below.

Graham Barnett. Field Tests

Alternatively, there is a printable PDF version below simply fill in and email along with your flight details to


Please provide flight details if you require pickup from the Airport to venue.

=Advance Notice=


If you did not know it, Winter is here – with vengeance! At least Canterbury has not more than doubled its rainfall for the year – yet!!

Past Events

8th June – Old Codger’s Run. June & July’s OCR’s have been cancelled; too bloody cold.

11th June – Restoration of the Year. Congratulations to our Motorcycle Convenor, Paul Ainsworth; he won the motorcycle restoration of the year with his 1976 BMW R100S. It was pleasing to see that the motorcycle class did have more than one entry!

14th June – Motorcycle Section AGM and Noggin. About 50 or so members fronted up, drawn by the promise of a supper after the AGM proceedings. A bit predictable; with the return of all office holders elected unanimously. Office holders are:-

Convenor – Paul Ainsworth

Secretary – Mike Glenday

Treasurer – Royce Baker

Committee – Barry Townshend, John Benn, Graham Barnett, Joseph McClintock, Quentin Wearing, Dave Malcolm, Jens Christensen, Kurt Ebrecht. Hub Scribe – Chris Leith.

The supper did not disappoint – Thanks Royce & Jan!

2023 Trophy winners were:

Tolhurst Trophy – Graham Sword – 1914 Triumph. Oldest vehicle entered on both Branch and Motorcycle Annual Rallies.

Triumph Trophy – Chris Leith – 1969 Bonneville – Best Performance on a Triumph.

Indian Trophy– Alan McLeod – Best Performance on an Indian.


Dave Sparrow Memorial – Jens Christensen – 1979 Honda CB750 – best performance by 4 cylinder.

Miles Family Memorial – Dev Dhurvas – 1952 BSA C110

McGregor Trophy – Peter Lambert – 1956 Triumph – best performance by a PWV bike

24 June – Fish & Chip Run. Cold, wet & miserable. Two turned up, one went home, and the other had a right royal blast out to

Annual Trophy Awards presented at the Motorcycle Section AGM. Award winners from left to right:

Jens Christensen : The Dave Sparrow Memorial Trophy.

Peter Lambert : McGregor Trophy.

Alan McLeod : Best performance on an Indian Motorcycle.

Chris Leith : Triumph trophy.

Graeme Sword : Tolhurst Trophy.

Dev Dhurvas : Miles Family Memorial Trophy.

Ian McKinlay : Presenter of the trophies on the night.

Photo from Royce Baker

Leeston for lunch, then onto Rakaia Huts, Coes Ford, Selwyn Huts, Lincoln then home. Cool and windy, but dry roads all the way… Thanks Peter Lambert for the report.

Future Events

12th July – Motorcycle Noggin. This will be a dinner meeting at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Meet there at 6.00 pm for a 7.00 dinner. Need to advise numbers etc., so PLEASE indicate your interest to Mike Glenday, or 021 192 0581. You all have had a rark-up via my event reminders, but if you are a late starter, still get in touch.

13th July – Old Codger’s Run. Cancelled, but look out for the revival of this event in August.

22nd July – Fish & Chip Run. It has been decided to CANCEL this run, in favour of the Mid-Winter Run next week. For those who do not want an overnight run the suggestion is to join the MWR to travel south, but peel off at any time to return to Ch Ch. One suggestion is the MWR will probably stop in Ashburton; you could return to Ch Ch from there.

29th – 30th July – Mid Winter Run. John Benn is organising, and there will be visits to a couple of collections etc. just to make the trip a bit more interesting. Visits to Geraldine Restorations Ltd and the Geraldine Vintage Car & Machinery Museum are planned on Saturday. Plenty of accommodation in Geraldine; but the Crown Hotel is closed for renovations. Try Andorra Motels or Top 10 Holiday Park… Sunday’s run home will take in the Roger Mahan Heritage Centre. See elsewhere for more info. No shingle. Will boot bums with a reminder about the middle of the month…

9th August – Motorcycle Noggin. At this stage looking at a motorcycle collection to go and view, more details later…

10th August – Old Codger’s Run. Just to ease our way back into OCR’s might do the run to Cust that we tried some time ago but the weather beat us… Route 72 Café Bar and Emporium at Cust. Meet there 10.30 am; tell BS stories then your choice for a lunch venue etc.

26th August – Round the Bays Run. This will also double as the Fish & Chip Run for the month.

That is about it for this month, keep warm!


Ready for the start

What a handful! Harry Dawber in the Pontiac.

Barry Jones bravely exercises the big newly restored Land Rover Overall winner Pat O’Connell with officials Paul, Royce and Joseph.

May the 28th turned on the perfect day weather wise for a play on our grounds at Cutler Park.

With 19 VCC club members and 8 Holden club vehicles joining us the range of vehicles was varied in age from 1927 through to 2013. We even had 2 motor bikes compete in the 3 test sections. It was good to see a large group of spectators turn up to watch and enjoy the beautiful day.

The first course was based on a Cambelt design with 6 cones placed on the outside circumference with a centre cone in the middle. The idea being to go around each outside cone returning to the centre each time before stopping across the finish line. Being the first test of the day the grass was slightly wet which resulted in some rather untidying driving. Not many of the entrants got the idea of stopping aside the finish line.

The second event was set up like a T where you started at the bottom going up the centre before turning right circling the top section before returning down the centre. The grass had dried out a bit but this did not stop the swarm of Mazda MX5’s covering the spectators in clouds of dust and rubble. With Harry Dawber in the 1965 Pontiac making them jump up and run from their seats on his first run. The final section is known as Ever Decreasing Circles where you start and race up to the furthest cone away before looping back down to where you started before heading back to the second furthest cone and so on. This event allows for lots of speed along the straights and with our bumpy grounds threw a lot of vehicles off their course.

The Holden club seemed to enjoy their day out. Many had never driven their vehicles in anger on a grass paddock but quickly caught on to the concept. The selection of younger members in the MX5 certainly put on a show with wheel spinning 90% of the time and several spin outs around the cones. I don’t think they caught on to the fact that spinning wheels don’t propel you forward.

At the end of the day all this action was in vain as the purpose of this event is regularity. Points are deducted for the time difference between your first and second run. No matter how fast you go, or the better show you put on, it’s consistency that wins the day. All the effort put into adding limited slip diff’s and rally tyres did not count in the end with Pat O’Connell using his years of experience to achieve an almost perfect score in his MGA. A great fun event, utilising our club grounds for a bit of fun.


The Irishman Creek Rally

Photos by Mason Inwood (age 11)

Irishman Creek Rally 2023

On behalf of all participants I wish to congratulate and thank Richard Spencer-Bower, John McDonald and John Campbell for their efforts in organising a marvellous and enjoyable rally. Also helping along the way Wayne Franklin, Colin Hey, Bruce Burney, Andrew Marshall, Gary Collison and Amber Inwood. Thank you to all for the Back-up service. Thanks to Dave and Pam Dacombe who were entered in their Model A, however a last minute change meant they came in the 4WD and took on full Backup responsibilities. A special thanks to Geoff Townshend who sat patiently at the Oxford end of Lees Valley Rd all morning to warn vehicles travelling into the gorge to expect 180 odd vintage vehicles on the road coming towards them on the one way sections. Also thanks to Don and Judy Bennetts, who were not on the rally, but drove out specifically to man one of the gates until everyone passed through.

A pleasant surprise for us on the small helping group was the speed with the setting up of the hall prior to prizegiving and all the help cleaning up after the function. Thank you to all the rally participants who lent a hand. The cleanup was done and dusted (swept) in minutes. Keep up the good work next year.

Now an important heads up for next year

2024 is the 70th anniversary of the Irishman Creek Rally . We intend to organise a 3 day event, starting Friday morning 31st May somewhere around Christchurch probably north of the Waimak. We will start Saturday morning, 1st June in the Sheffield area. As usual Fairlie is the base for Saturday and Sunday

Cheers, Dave Inwood (11+)


assistant bar manager for our clubroom’s bar

Please contact Andrea Dallow for further information

Branch Committee and Representatives
1 2 5 6
L to R: Mark Drury (Vehicles), Mike Foster (Grounds), Wayne Stocks Rod Thrower (Secretary), Andrea Dallow (Bar), Katryna Shaw (Club Colin Hey (Veteran, Swap Meet), Tony Craythorne (Hub), Royce (22/23 year responsibilities. Some

AGM Presentations

1. Gill Stevenson (Retiring Bar Manager)

2. Leigh Craythorne (Retiring Past Chairman).

3. Paul Ainsworth (MC Restoration of the Year).

4. Graeme Shaskey on behalf of Kay (Retired Librarian).

5. Mike Foster (Retiring Grounds Convenor).

6. Henry Little (PV Restoration of the Year).

7. Barry Jones (Commercial Restoration of the Year).

Representatives 2023/24 (Parts), Don Bennetts (VICs), Michael Hedgeman (Commercial), (Club Captain), Neil Shaskey (Chairman), Robyn Cox (Treasurer), Royce Baker (VOGs), Henry Little (Ass. Club Captain) Some members absent.)

3 4 7

Only four Noggins to go (counting the July one)! Planning is continuing and site bookings are progressing well. We’ve had a number of suggestions come forward on how to make the event a bit easier to get around, with a bit more focus in particular on providing and improving places around the grounds to have a break, and assisting people to get heavier and more bulky items back to their vehicles. We are also becoming increasingly mindful of security for the event overall, given what is going on in our communities nowadays, and some changes are being made to account for this. There have also been comments from other swap meet de-briefs that have mentioned site-holders finding more items going missing from their sites whilst their attention is being given to honest customers. Something for us all to be mindful of sellers and buyers alike.

I just want to mention again too that there will be two special displays this year. On the old tennis court Tony Gooding will be arranging a display of club-eligible Japanese cars, and Tony would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for this area. Please contact him on 021 359 208 or by email at if you can display such a vehicledoesn’t matter how old it is, as long as it’s Japanese and Pre-1994 he’d love to hear from you. Promoting these vehicles is very important for the future of our club, so help him out if you can.


In the Barn, the Motorcycle Section will be organising a very special display of four-cylinder motorcycles – Paul Ainsworth is coordinating that one, and you can contact him on 027 432 1391 if you have such a machine and haven’t heard from him already. A reminder too that the coreflute Swap Meet adverting signs are now available at Noggins, as will be the rosters to volunteer your time for one of the many jobs that needs to be done during the event. The more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone. None of the jobs is onerous, but we need someone to do them.

Thanks & regards

Colin Hey

Budget 2024 Revision and Discussion Papers for National Executive Meeting 11th August 2023

Our committee has asked that the subject papers are made available to Branch members and requests any comments by 27th July to:

Discussion Paper HERE

2024 Budget Comparison Report HERE

June Old Cars Bikes and Coffee was combined with the AGM on Sunday 18th June, and was also the first one where we relocated the OCBC gathering to the western side of the main hall to take advantage of the garden and seating area there. It also provided more ready access into the clubrooms, which worked really well given the weather wasn’t at all good. It’s also a bit handier to the spares shed, where quite a few people tend to head off to at some stage of the morning. A smaller than usual turnout of around 30 vehicles this month, which included a small Nissan fire truck recently purchased by member Danny O’Malley. Given the day was so cold and dreary this was still a good turnout, and all those who attended seemed more than happy to be there. We had a different coffee provider just for this month too, and she did a great job for us, including bringing a freshly made batch of scones to have with the coffee. Next month’s OCBC is on Sunday 16th July – coinciding with



The Mid-Winter Motorcycle Run is back!

We’ll be visiting both Geraldine Auto-Restorations Ltd., and the Geraldine Vintage Car and Machinery Museum, on the afternoon of Saturday 29th. On the way home, on Sunday 30th, we’ll visit the Roger Mahan Heritage Centre (a new and massive vintage car, bike, and machinery museum).

Please sort your own accommodation. The Andorra Motel is recommended. Ring Sally and state you’re from the VCC. There are a variety of room set-ups. There is also the Geraldine Top 10 Holiday Park. Both are close the centre of town. I’ve been in touch with both – first in, first served. Most rooms available at this stage. Note the Heritage Hotel (Crown Hotel) is closed for renovations.

The Village Inn Restaurant is booked for us, on Saturday night. I need to give the restaurant confirmed numbers by Tuesday 25th July, so please let me know by then.

Chris Leith will send a reminder email out, closer to the date. Get your motor running – get out on the highway ....

Start: Saturday 29 July

Gather: Halswell New World carpark, from 9:00 a.m. onwards

Leave: 9:30 a.m. sharp

John Benn (Organiser): 022 078 2002


National Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer

Sunday 20th August

It’s now all go for Daffodil Day, and the advertising material is starting to get out there. Please book this date on your calendar, and if you are involved in any One-Make or other motoring clubs please ensure your club committee is aware of this date as well. Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any vehicle, whether veteran, vintage, classic (old or new) or a collectible vehicle or motorcycle. It’s also open to any member of the public to come along and enjoy in their modern vehicle if they wish, or just come to Cutler Park to see the vehicles arrive and/or on display. This year the event will once again start by meeting in 4 locations at 10.00am:

• Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt

• New Brighton Club in Marine Parade

• Cashmere Club in Colombo Street

• Rolleston in the Park’n’Ride car park beside the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive

All runs will have short and long routes with slight variations on last year’s routes, each converging at Cutler Park no later than 12.00 noon, where all cars will be on public display for the early afternoon. There will also be BBQ food available to purchase for lunch at the clubrooms. A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society. There will be prizes for Best American, British, European, Japanese, Australian, motorcycle, Best Dressed, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.

We will also be running two raffles – a meat raffle, and this year we have also been donated a brand-new large “Oaklahoma Joe’s” Smoker and BBQ which will be another raffle prize. Also, a special thanks to those who have already offered to help with the organisation on the day. I could still do with a few more– especially at the start venues, and at Cutler Park as the cars arrive after the runs. Please contact me on 021 883 807 or by email on if you can help.


Start and finish at Cutler Park

Morning tea 10am for 10.30 start. $5.00 per vehicle

Organised by David and Pam Dacombe

On Line Entry Form HERE Or manually below

Winter Run Entry Form

Entrant’s Name: ……………………………………………..

Vehicle: ……………………………………………………….

Number attending:…………………………………………..

Phone: ………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………….

$5.00 entry to be paid on the day

Send written entry form to: D and P Dacombe 2 Green Street Rangiora 7400

Sunday 23rd July

One spare page to fill this month folks so here are some bonus

9-90s enjoy lunch in the sun –Geraldine. Fraser Kear surfs the clods. Old ladies at the Air Force Museum Spectators bask in the warmth. Ross Butler Grasskhana.


s from Tony Becker, retiring at 87 from his 27 years of Beaded Wheels reporting responsibilities ( Well done Tony)

Barry Jones’ 1964 Land Rover 109

Alan Pattrick’s 1958

Triumph Tiger Cub with Paul Ainsworth’s 1976 BMW R100S in the background.

Henry Little’s 1937 Austin 7 Ruby

Some of the Canterbury Branch vehicles at the Air Force Centenary



A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Dennis Shrimpton

1990 Mercedes 560SEl..

1973 Mercedes 350SLC.

Craig Laby

1961 Holden EX,SW. 1966 Holden HD CO. 1967 Holden HR SW.

1977 Holden HX SE. 1999 Holden VT SE.

1994 Chevrolet Camaro SP

Mark Lovell

1963 Triumph Herald

Peter Mcgrail

Ian Mclachlan

1930 Chevrolet Imperial

Rob Waghorn

1973 Ford Fairlane, . 1971 Ford Mk 4 Zephyr

Graeme Carr

1928 Austin 16/6 .

1975 Rover P6B

Barry Burgess

1929 Ford Model A SE, 1963 Triumph Herald

Steven Mcphee

Motor Cycles

Steve’s ‘bikes Barry with his immaculate Model A Mark’s Herald Graeme’s Austin 16/6. Spent 40 years disassembled in a shed but put back together in 2019.


1938 Morris 8

Very good condition , runs well

Blue with Black guards

Current WOF and Rego

Two operation and maintenance manuals.

Spare starter, generator, and some electrical items

Some previous ownership information available.

Fully restored for 2000 Hamilton rally by a previous owner

Price $ 10,000.

Phone Steve Williams 027 436 9004


Hard cover book on Morris Minors ,'The Worlds Supreme Small Car' by Paul Skilleter $30

16 Quality English Adjustable hand reamers ranging from 1/4 " to over an inch, plus 5 fixed machine/hand reamers 1/2" and 5/8" (new 1/4" $113 and new 1-1/8" $260) $250 for the lot.

4 brake cylinder flexi shaft hones ,two twin stone and two triple stone $40.

30 BSW and UNC taps, some never used, includes set of three Left Hand thread BSW 3/8" $20.

Ryobi 254 mm table saw. Rise and fall and tilt table $50.

Rare 'Condor' brass bulb holder accessory, holds six spare bulbs ,ideal finishing touch to your vintage restoration. $150.

Alan Wills

021 087 00692


James Flying Cadet motorcycle, 1955. 150 cc, Villiers 2 stroke engine. Currently in pieces, but all bits are there. Ex Deceased Estate; needs an enthusiast to restore and reassemble. Any offers?

Please contact Tony Constable on 021 351 155 for details and photos etc.

BMW motorcycle pannier box, one only Right Side, with frames for both sides, offers of what it is worth to you. Can Email photos,

Craig Vetter Windjammer Fairing with mountain frame, suit 1970 / 80s bike, price by negotiation. Can send photos. Jeff, 022-131-7235, Email

Irishman Rally start photos from early bird Tony Becker.



Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 224 5045 or

Sankey Rims

23" / 5 Stud with 4" centre. Call John 027 448 1430

For 1922 Overland

21 inch split rims and any other parts

Mike 027 259 3335

1927 Harley Davidson Model J parts. Anything considered. Contact Geoff Sutton West Coast branch member - 027 958 9736

Information Wanted

1930 Ford Model A Fordoor

The original owners of this vehicle would like to forward photographs to the new owners. We believe the rego is ‘30 MOD A’ and the vehicle has a navy blue body with red wheels and was sold from Dannevirke about twelve months ago possibly to a Canterbury branch member.

Any information to John Hastilow at



See Notice board posters for more information.

Model 40 Convention

If you own a 1933 or 1934 Ford, you’ll want to be a part of the Model 40 Convention to be held March 8-10 next year. For more information follow the event on the 1933/34 Ford New Zealand Facebook page. Expressions of interest and requests for registration form to Enquiries to the convenor; Lloyd Wilson 021-436-432



Labour Weekend



2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

03 332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838 Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill)

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919

027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie)

027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


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