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2 THE HUB Newsletter of: THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND CANTERBURY BRANCH Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month
Rally overall winners Peter and Jane Griffen with their 1978 Mazda RX7 Series 1 Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 AGM Notices 8/9 Club Captain’s Report 11 Veteran Report 12/13 Vintage Report 14 Commercial Report 15 P Report 16/17 Motorcycle Report 18/19 Scooter and Small MC Run 20 Autumn Run Report 22/23 9-90s Report 24 VOG Report 25/26 Big End Knocks 26/27 Malvern Run Report 28/29 New Members 34/35 The Mart 37/38 Officers and Reps 40/41
for the May Hub
on Wednesday 24th May Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email
Cover Photo P

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 4th Noggin and Natter

Sun 7th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 10th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 14th Rural Run

Tues 16th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 17th Commercial Noggin

Sun 21st Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Wed 24th North Canterbury Noggin

Sun 28th Ross Butler Grasskhana


Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Sat 3rd-Sun 4th The Irishman Rally

Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 7th 9-90s

Sun 11th

Wed 14th

Restoration of the Year

Motorcycle AGM

Sun 18th Branch AGM

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Tues 20th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 21st Commercial Noggin

Wed 28th North Canterbury Noggin


Sun 2nd Grounds Maintenance Morning

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Wed 12th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 16th OCBC

Tues 18th Grounds Maintenance morning

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Sun 23rd Winter Run

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 40 and 41 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


It’s been another busy month of events, with plenty on the calendar to make the most of what’s left of the warmer weather before the days get short and the cold creeps in, and there are still some things to come before winter arrives.

Notice of the branch AGM is in this month, so if there is something you would like to raise for discussion at the meeting this is your chance to add it to the agenda. As usual all of the positions on the committee are open for nominations, so this is the opportunity to get involved in making things happen, and make a contribution to the various aspects of keeping the branch running.

Of course there are many other ways to do a bit to help out with the ongoing work around the place, if you have some time to spare. There are also a number of events throughout the year which are organised by members who are not part of the committee, so if you’ve got an idea for one of the events on the calendar put your hand up, there is plenty of help available to fill in any gaps in what you need to know. Suggestions are also welcome for something different, after all we are here to provide for our

The Ross Butler Grasskhana Day

Sunday 28th May

More details Page 31


WHAT! May already, thought it was getting cooler.

Well it’s been an interesting year and now we are around to the lead up to our AGM next month. I will be standing for re-election as your secretary again this year. If somebody would like to nominate me the form will be in this copy of the Hub.

Last year I asked for some new people to help fill the gaps we had on the committee. I was overwhelmed with the response we received and it has been a very productive and smooth run year. The enthusiasm and constructive work done by this new blood I feel has revitalized the old hands. We are all in good heart. There are lots of little jobs and ways you can help out the Branch. Look to the Notice board for something that might interest you for a couple of hours a month whether it be a bit of light duty gardening or helping out at a rally. Just give your name and contact and you might be surprised at the enjoyment to be had. The Branch belongs to you all. Please help support us.


Proof here from Mike Foster that if you come and help out you can go to blazes and do burnouts.

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings.

Rod Grounds Maintenance Group


Notice is hereby given that the 67th Annual General Meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) will be held on Sunday 18 June 2023 at 1.00 pm in the clubrooms, Cutler Park, McLeans Island. Nominations are invited for all positions on the Committee in accordance with Rule 9, which states:

The election of the members of the Branch Committee shall be carried out by secret ballot at each Annual General Meeting of the Branch.

Any financial member of the Branch unable to attend may appoint a proxy to vote at such a ballot on his/her behalf by notifying the Branch Secretary in writing two clear days before the Meeting. A proxy must be a member of the Branch. A proxy may represent one member only. Each such nomination to be signed by the person nominated that they are willing to serve in such capacity. Each such nomination shall require to be proposed and seconded by Branch members and shall bear the signature of the proposer and seconder.”

All nominations must be forwarded to the Branch Secretary, P O Box 11 082, Christchurch 8443, by 22 May 2023.

The Branch Secretary, P O Box 11 082, Christchurch 8443, must receive Notices of Motion or resolutions to be proposed at the Annual General Meeting by 22 May 2023




Membership Number……………………………………………….

Hereby agree to nomination for the position of: (Chairman/Secretary/ Treasurer/Club Captain/Committee Member)




Membership Number…………………………………………...…...



Membership Number…………………………………………………

Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must be financial Members of the Canterbury Branch.


To be forwarded to the Secretary, PO Box 11082 Sockburn Christchurch

By the 22nd May 2022


Celebration of 100 years of the Air Force

The club had a request from the Air Force Museum to supply cars for the celebration of 100 years of the permanent Air Force. They would like at least 6 cars from the 1920’s They would like to put one or 2 cars inside the foyer of the museum the rest would be on the hard standing outside. The date is Saturday the 17th of June from 9am to 3.00pm. The day would include a flyover from the air force and people in period costume. If you are interested please contact John Enright or phone 027 439 6572

Back Country Run

Please Note: The Back Country Run had been cancelled this year as the venue is not available

Winter Run Advance Notice

David and Pam Dacombe will be organising the Winter Run again this year. Pencil in Sunday 23rd July. There will be an entry form in the next Hub with full details.

RURAL RUN 14th May Start time 10am at Cutler Park (9.30 morning tea) No entry form - just turn up on the day Expect some unsealed roads $5.00 per car Any questions please phone Heather Harris 021 266 4748 Or Henry Little 027 288 8277

Welcome to May!

ANZAC day was a time to reflect on the servicemen and servicewomen past and present who have displayed courage and self sacrifice serving our country.

The team and I are just starting to sort out the “Calendar of Events” for next year, with the AGM coming up in June time is going very quickly.

It was lovely to see Mike Green with his 1922 Overland 4 RO Roadster as our last month's Noggin display. Thank you for standing up and sharing the history of the car with the members. It was really interesting.

We apologise for the date change for the Rural Run, which is now going to be held Sunday 14th May 2023. This is a popular wee run before the Irishman weekend and I am sure you won’t be disappointed. No entry form required, just turn up on the day, with $5.

Coming Events

Sunday 14th May Rural Run

Sunday 28th May Grasskhana




Another good month of veteran motoring as we now pretty much reach the end of the season and begin to focus on what needs doing in the workshop over the colder months.

A few Canterbury Branch members took the opportunity to head down south in the middle of April to take part in the Pioneer Motoring Group’s rally in Clyde. This once bi-annual rally has now evolved into an eighteen-month gap between outings, and is specifically only for one and two-cylinder veteran vehicles only. This was the first time the event had been run in autumn, and we struck it lucky with perfect sunny and calm weather, and of course the autumn colours were on display and are simply stunning in the central Otago setting. The event has a simple but particularly enjoyable itinerary, with a great mix of easy motoring (but with the odd hill providing enough challenge to make it seem like you’ve accomplished something at the end of it), and plenty of socialising throughout the weekend.

Everyone met for a good catch-up at the Old Post Office pub in Clyde on the Friday night, then Saturday’s run was up the Earnscleugh valley, finishing up back at the Dunstan Arm Rowing Club above the Clyde Dam for lunch. Sunday’s run is always out to the Galloway hall beyond Alexandra for lunch – a very quiet and picturesque spot not far from the Otago Rail Trail. Clyde itself is now very busy with cycle tourists taking advantage of the new Dunstan Rail Trail alongside Lake Dunstan, but it was good mixing with them at various places we stopped – there were always lots of questions and chatting about the cars and motorcycles and where we were all from.

It was great to see Bevars Binnie out on his veteran Triumph at this event – I believe it was his first time back riding since a nasty accident over two years


ago. He managed Saturday’s 20-mile run without problems, although both he and the bike decided that was enough for one weekend and Bevars reverted to 4-wheel transport for Sunday. Their efforts were rewarded with the Pioneer Run trophy to look after until we return again in 18 months’ time. Ian and Rosemary Close also got through the whole weekend successfully after a transmission problem has seen their 1904 Oldsmobile out of action for a year or so. Next on the agenda was the Malvern Anzac Day Run on 25 th April, and once again we were blessed with perfect sunny weather for this event. A report will be found elsewhere in the Hub, but I can say we had a great turnout of 40 club cars for this event, of which 15 were veteran vehicles. A big thanks to you all for making the effort and helping making the day so enjoyable. Apart from our OCBC mornings, the next most likely event up on the calendar for our group will be the Restoration of the Year Run on 11 th June. There are at least two veteran vehicles that have been finished and used in the last year, so I hope they will be there?? There will be a short route suitable for veterans on the day, and I hope a good number of members who will come out for a look at the projects that have finally reached completion and are now on the road. Over the next few months we hope to try and have a few very short-notice mid-week outings which will be organised at very short notice depending mostly on the weather. Typically there will only be 48 hours’ notice, and we may meet somewhere north, south or west of town and do a run on quiet back-roads finishing somewhere for a coffee or lunch. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll make sure you are contacted. As long as we get at least two veteran vehicles wanting to go, it will be on.

Glorious Autumn: Malcolm and Anita McGibbon’s 1914 Renault with Colin and Jenny’s 1909 Wolseley.


My VCC activity this month has been focused on accomplishing the completion of my Commercial Tudor Delivery. I have owned the Tudor since 1980 and started the restoration not long after. The car was stripped completely with all parts undergoing repair or replacement. Most of the replacement parts have been sourced from Early Ford Parts in Christchurch with the interior trim coming from USA. The engine was started last month after resting for 39 years and a complete rebuild. At this stage the car is a runner with the interior still to complete. I hope to obtain a WOF soon, before completing the interior. I am thankful for the help I have received from the members of the Model A Club Canterbury branch and for their assistance on the restoration journey.

I was unaware that the car had been a delivery until while carrying out repairs to the rear woodwork; I discovered that there had been rebates in the door jams for hinges and catches. The research that followed concluded that the Colonial Motor Company in Timaru had carried out the conversion to a delivery; and the first owner was the “Department of Labour” in Timaru. It was first registered to the Government on 21 Dec 1931 and was sold into private ownership in 1949. Since then it has had 6 owners all in the Christchurch area.



Greetings all,

A big thanks to George Kear, Joseph McClintock and the unseen team at Auto Restorations who were our hosts for the April Commercial Noggin. What a fabulous set up Auto Restorations is! Their new premises are sparkling clean and absolutely world class standards. There must be some really talented people working in this business making and replicating some incredible things. The skills and knowledge of these people is amazing. There were 16 members who turned up on the night. If you are in the market to buy a nice car they have a few there for sale as well. The employees must take immense pride in their workplace - that was evident. Well done!

The overall winner of the Commercial Rally was announced at the April Nogginfor those that don't know it was Roy and Shirley Grainger. They came second in the timed section and also placed in the Field tests - Well done Roy and Shirley! I will get the trophies engraved and certificates handed out to our three winners as soon as I can.

The May commercial noggin is on Wednesday the 17th May. This is to be held at the Bealey Quarter (formerly the Speights ale house) at 263 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch City. Just assemble around a table when you arrive. Bar snacks can be ordered on arrival.




P-Group Annual Rally

Sunday the 2nd of April was the date of the Annual P group rally. The day dawned without the forecast rain which was a great relief. Cars started arriving at 9 am. We had a great turnout of 68 cars. Thank you to all those that supported the rally. It was heartening to have such a good turnout

The field trials began at 10am and were hotly contested, Lyn Scott coming out on top.

After the trials we headed off to our first stop. Daniel Smith’s exceptional car collection. We were all impressed by the range and quality of cars on show. I understand he has plans for a museum in Rangiora, I think we are all looking forward to the opening.

I am very grateful that we were able to visit the collection and he was an excellent host discussing his cars with many of the group.

After the collection it was on to Torlesse vineyard at Waipara. There were two routes , the long route went through Oxford and the other via the inland scenic route to Amberley. Luckily the weather held and the vineyard was a lovely spot for a picnic. The official part of the rally finished with the prizegiving.

Overall winners Peter and Jane Griffen

1978 Mazda RX7

Time Trial winners Peter and Jane Griffen

1978 Mazda RX7

Concours winner was Don Bennetts 1964 Morris Oxford

Best performance Lyn Scott 1935 Chevrolet Coupe

Debbie Enright with Marty Christie Ken Watson’s Austin SX4 Stephen Crooks and Katherine Bennetts Field Tests Lunch at Torlesse Royce and Jan Baker ready for field tests


Autumn – As I write this (ANZAC eve..) it is predicted that the first frost for the year will be tonight…

Wrap up warm!! Winter is really on its way!

Past Events

12th April – Motorcycle Noggin. About 7 or 8 turned up to listen to a presentation by the station officer on the daily goings-on at the fire station. Thanks to the Fire Officer and to Royce for organising.

13th April – Old Codger’s Run. A rather wet and unfriendly day for riding. Only two riders made the trip, they got wet; they had a feed and rode straight back.

15th April – Scooter and Under 250cc Motorcycle Run. Sounds like there was about 18 VCC members plus a couple or so outsiders! Good run from PMH. A good run out into the Selwyn District for the day. See elsewhere for a full report from the organiser.

22nd April – Ride Forever Course. Not too sure if this went head; a week ago there wasn’t enough riders for the course to proceed.

29th April – Fish and Chip Run. The drop dead date for the next Hub is before this event so will be reported on next month.

Future Events.

10th May – Motorcycle Noggin. In the Barn, from 7.30 pm. We’ll have a chat with David Rennie; he is from Melbourne and has a considerable collection of motorcycles and cars.

11th May – Old Codger’s Run. A run out to the Route 72 Café Bar and Emporium at Cust. Meet there 10.30 am; tell BS stories then your choice for a lunch venue etc.

27th May – Fish and Chip Run. Change of meeting place; meet at Cutler Park, Motorcycle Corner, 10.00am. A run out to Rangiora or Cust areas for something interesting to look at….


28th May – Grass Khana, being run on behalf of the Branch. See the separate advert in The Hub; this is being run by Joseph McClintock and the motorcycle section on behalf of the Branch.

8th June – Old Codger’s Run. Keep a look out for an email with details of a meeting place.

11th June – Restoration of the Year. Time to present your latest restoration project for judging in this prestige event. Your bike needs to have completed 1 run prior to this to be fully eligible.

14th June – Motorcycle Section AGM and Noggin. Time to get re-elected, or to elbow your way onto the committee. As a further inducement after the proceedings have been completed it is not unknown for some bribery supper to be put on by the section. Come along with YOUR ideas on the running of the section, YOUR input is vital to the ongoing success. Balloon goes up at 7.30pm.

24th June – Fish and Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but meet at the PMH as usual, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure. Destination? Your choice on the day. Keep an eye out for the

WANTED assistant bar manager for our clubroom’s bar Please contact Andrea Dallow for further information 03 388 2838

Annual Scooter and Small Motorcycle Run April


The Annual Scooter and Small Motorcycle Run took place on April 15th. Eighteen riders set off from Princess Margaret Hospital, on a 117 km journey, taking them through Heathcote, Ferrymead, Mt Pleasant, Summit Rd, Evans Pass, round the bays, over Gebbies Pass, Motukarara, Coe’s Ford, Leeston, Lincoln, and finishing at the Halswell Pub.

Stops for morning tea, lunch and prize giving were had respectively, at the White Rabbit Café (Motukarara), Crate and Barrel Tavern (Leeston), and Craythorne’s Public House Halswell).

A good assortment of scooters and bikes (up to 250cc) were represented, ranging from a 1947 BSA C11 (250cc) to 1993 Honda Jazz, a bizarre, 50cc factory-model chopper.

A catch-up at the Evans Pass lookout

Prize winners were:

Best Performance Trophy went to Herman Van Der Wert, on a 1951 Royal Enfield. Herman confessed to me that despite him being past retirement age and having had a motorbike licence since 15, he had NEVER ridden a bike on hills before! Plus, this was his first long trip on the Royal Enfield.

The Hard Luck Trophy went to Tony Burgess (the first of three on the back up trailer), for a puncture on his 1976 Honda CT90, about 200m before the morning tea stop.

The Publican’s Choice ($50 Mitre 10 voucher) went to Alan Pattrick, for his beautiful 1958 Triumph Tiger Cub, and winner for The Oldest Bike was Dev Dhurvas, with his 1947 BSA C11 (A bottle of bubbly, kindly donated by the Leeston Publican). The weather played its part, and an enjoyable day was had by all. A big thank you goes to Royce Baker for driving the back-up trailer – knowing there’s a trailer following, gives everyone some peace of mind.

STOP PRESS...Just received as the Hub goes to print.

Hi Everyone

We have been negotiating with Peter Martin from Targa with regard to various issues of concern the VCC has about the event going forward, specifically around entry pricing, communication and the level of organisation and support to our entrants. We have not been able to make satisfactory progress and sadly Rod and Anne Corbett have made the difficult decision to stand down from the position of Speed Steward and their involvement for the event. On behalf of all of us, our very grateful thanks go to Rod and Anne for their untiring commitment to the event and their hard work is very much appreciated.

Regretfully I have to advise that the Vintage Car Club has made the decision that it will be in the best interests for the Club to withdraw from Targa this year. We must have absolute confidence in the organisation and integrity of any event which is run under the Vintage Car Club/VCC name.

We understand that Targa NZ may be considering running a time trial event of some sort in October 2023, but the VCC is unable to confirm this. For anyone who has already entered or is possibly considering entering, we recommend that you contact Targa NZ directly, especially if you would now like to withdraw and require a refund.

Kind regards


Oh no! Another wet day, I thought, as I got ready to get to Cutler Park. Better take wet weather gear & hope that there's shelter for our picnic lunch.

The weather improved greatly as the day progressed and by the time we were all sitting down outside the Sheffield Community Hall, we were enjoying a lovely, warm, sunny day.

Getting there, for me, was another story as I had opted for the "Long morning route with sealed roads", and reading Neil's instructions was a Joy!

Luckily he calls a "spade a spade" and is a man of few words ; "Straight ahead at stop", "right at stop", "left at stop", "first turn right" !

Not until instruction 10 did I have to remember a road name ; "First turn right into Melton Grange Road". And then "straight ahead at stop" X 4 ! (Where the hell am I)?

By this time I had latched onto Eric & Robyn Cox who passed me in their Morris Minor. Ah ! I know what to do, I'll just follow them because they know where they're going!

Nec minute I'm negotiating 20 miles [seemed like it anyway] of gravel roads full of pot-holes, corrugations, and water lying everywhere from yesterdays downpour. Even the stream we had to "Ford" in Malvern Hill Rd ,was slightly swollen ,but no prob for the old Chrysler. So much for no gravel roads!

Watch out ! Eric's stopping ! He's low on petrol, so out comes spare tin from the boot. This was a good opportunity for me to take a pit stop behind a nearby tree, but Murphy’s law says another participant had to come pass and rib me about it didn't they? But seems I'm not the only one who had toilet issues…..

22 Autumn Run 22nd April

Back on the road, I'm thinking this "track" can't possibly lead to any sort of "Civilization", but lo and behold we joined up with a sealed road to somewhere eventually.

A really great drive in the Canterbury Countryside and I'm sure everyone else would have enjoyed their trip as well . Many thanks to Neil the organizer.

Regards from John Forster. [Chrysler 66]


(for continuous membership of the VCC)

Those members who are entitled to their 25 or 35-year badges, please contact me as soon as possible to enable the paperwork to be completed intime for their presentation at the branch Annual Awards Dinner (9th September 2023.)

The award will be issued to members of the VCC who have achieved twenty five or thirty five consecutive (financial) membership of the VCC regardless of branch.

Leigh Craythorne

The Clip-ons ready to go.

03 342 9110


A big thank you to Mick and Rose Mariner and Tony and Annette Meikle for taking care of The April Outing…and a big thank you to Margaret Seaton for writing the report. It seems I might be out of action for a wee while, so I have asked Tony and Annette to take over temporarily and they are happy to do so.

May. Fred Carpenter: Meet at Rolleston Community Centre

9.55 am

June. Ray and Linda Maginnes: Meet at Dunsandel Sport grounds 9.55 am

Hoping to see you all soon

Kind regards

John Kuipers ……………………………………………………………………….

Our April 9-90s run started from Kaiapoi and headed out via the Old North Road, then on to the Main North Road. We turned off at Amberley passing numerous new homes as we headed for the beach where we drove round the well established settlement. From there we returned to the Main North Road and to the settlements at Leithfield Beach and Waikuku Beach. It was an interesting drive and it was great to see the diverse range of properties at these beaches. From there we took a winding shingle road back to Woodend and finally out to Pines Beach Hall where there was a choice of having our lunch sitting outside on the deck or inside out of the sun. Annette and Barbara took charge of the raffles as unfortunately John wasn’t able to be with us.

Many thanks to Mick and Rose Mariner for great run.

Margaret Seaton



April run

The VOG’s were on the roads again on a bootiful Tuesday morning April 18th . Starting point at “Woolston Club” 12noon . Somewhat of a mission getting to the Club with road closures in the area. Hargood St closed from Ferry road as was Tiford St in fact the only way into the Club carpark was via Compton St but never mind all 14 riders on the day made it to the start on time. Barrie Walker was our leader this time and with a different format of an afternoon run as he had arranged a visit for us to Auto Restorations at 3:30pm. So it was lunch first at the “Club” with an extensive lunch menu to chose from. Something for everyone even Bob Kinnaird who chose a “Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae” as a change from his normal bowl of fries. We thought maybe Rose was only going to serve him up meat and three veg for dinner so he was having his dessert first . After a long leisurely lunch break killing time and chewing the fat it was on the roads for a ride of confusion especially for Pieter Maat who was doing backup for us this time. Barrie had planned us a ride around the Linwood, Woolston and Heathcote areas along the many new cycleways in these areas. It was when we came to Heathcote Valley that the trouble started for Pieter, as the roads that had been chosen were all closed for maintenance work. It was ok for us riders as we could mount the footpaths to ride on. Unfortunately Murphy struck again when Wayne McCrone had a break down along Bridle Path Rd and alas there was no Backup in sight so there was a bit of pedalling required by Wayne until we tracked down Pieter and the backup trailer along Humphries Drive – Wayne was consequently chosen once again to receive the Hard Luck Trophy for the month. Fortunately there were no further casualties on our return trip back to the Club. It was then load up our bikes and head off to Auto Resto’s where George Kear was there to welcome us and conduct a very


informative tour through their premises. Mind boggling as usual with all the exotic vehicles there undergoing restoration or complete rebuilds. Interesting to hear from George that if you get a vehicle that has the rego’ expired and you are rebuilding it from scratch you need every weld, panel replacement or other work to be certified along the way to be able to get a final compliance. They have several vehicles in there under that situation.

What an amazing array of vehicles we saw in the workshop or on the floor for sale. I don’t think any of our Velosolex’s would even come close to cover a deposit on these. The red Alfa Romeo sports on show at 1.1 million would look good in my garage. A big thank you to George for his time showing us around.

Its that man again! Philip Jeeves on an earlier restoration of his. 1924 Triumph Model P



The other day I went in the workshop for a screw driver and picked up a 30-year old Motorcycle magazine. As you do, started thumbing through and found an article on a 1927 Villiers powered machine. I think it was a Levis. Anyway, it was beautifully restored and the owner had given the engine a thorough rebuild with new bearings etc. The disappointment came when he tried the ride. It started well and ran, but was totally gutless, could hardly drag its shiny self along, let alone a rider.

Now the funny thing at about this point of the story, I remembered now about 30 years ago I was given a big old Atco lawnmower with a near identical Villiers engine, also a 1927 model. It was a very elaborate spec’ machine with a triple roller and a blade that left the grass like velvet, but weighed a ton! To start the thing,

Big End Senior?

you had a crank handle and it was always at least ten brisk cranks before it popped into life with a cloud of blue smoke that drove away the birds and made my eyes water. The funny thing, it would run and tick over nicely, but in a blue haze that was a danger to the lungs.

In a fit, I decided (with the help of my neighbour’s 11 and 9-year old boys) we would strip it down and give it a clean. The crank case had a quarter inch layer of thick black sludge for the boys to scrap off. We did little more than scrape off carbon and re assemble it. To combat the smoke, I went all modern and put it on a diet of modern two stroke oil. The boys were well impressed when it started and ran with almost no smoke. But the damn thing wouldn’t pull the machine along, let alone cut grass. I couldn’t work out what was wrong and the 8-year old said “I think it’s too old to give up smoking.”

My Dad had a similar Atco where he worked when I was a boy and I remembered his words, “Half a pint of Castrol to the gallon boy.” So, I tried and yeah verily the smoke did come back and slowly so did the power and the lawn did get mowed. Anyway, back to the magazine. As I read on and turned the page, our hero had come to the same conclusion and his horses slowly got stronger. In fact, he had done the “Banbury Run” and it climbed the notorious Sunrising Hill (a mere pimple compared with Cashmere.)

It seems those old Villiers engines with plain bronze main bearings need the amount of oil which is what, 8 to one? The smoke it seems as the boy said, these old two strokes are too old to give up smoking.

I found some more to read in the Motorcycle magazine so never did get the screw driver.


Malvern Anzac Run Report

This year’s Malvern Anzac Run on Anzac Day 25th April was once again wonderfully successful, with 40 entrant’s enjoying a beautiful autumn day touring the Malvern district as their way of celebrating Anzac Day and paying tribute to those who served and fell during the great wars of last century.

What a great way to do it whilst enjoying our vehicles. A big thanks is due to Auto Restorations, who kindly sponsored the event and supplied the souvenir rally plaques for the event. The weather couldn’t have been better, with a first light frost for the year soon disappearing and turning into a clear and sunny day with tail winds in both the morning and again in the other direction in the afternoon to send us home again. Of the 40 entrants, a total of 15 veteran vehicles took part, including Colin and Judy Winter (1900 Wolseley) and Stephen and Helen Kidd (1914 Talbot) who journeyed all the way up from Dunedin to join us, and Ashburton’s Percy Ralston (1915 Douglas motorcycle) and Rob and Diane Ross (1907 Cadillac) who came up from


Ashburton. There were also a very high number of vintage-era vehicles, including new member Jeremy Wise doing his first run in a recently purchased and impressive 1924 Cadillac V63 Tourer. The day began with a public display at the Darfield Recreation centre between 10 and 11.15am, with many local residents arriving to see the assembled vehicles. Soon after, the last post was played by Graeme Willis (who was driving Malcolm and Anita McGibbon’s 1914 Renault) and the Ode of Remembrance recited by Terry Hutchison (Chairman of the Darfield RSA). Everyone was then flagged away by Selwyn Mayor Sam Broughton. The run followed the now traditional route, stopping at the memorials in Sheffield, Coalgate, Hororata and Glenroy, before finishing for a picnic lunch outside in the sun at the Glentunnel Community Centre. Many locals were out watching the cars pass by along the way, and a number of Glentunnel residents came down to the community centre to see the cars and chat to those participating in the event in the early afternoon.

Thank you everyone who took part, and thanks again especially to Auto Restorations, and to the Kirwee Challenge Garage, Bridgestone Darfield, Darfield Automotive, Selwyn Hiab Services and to Birchfield Energy and Resources who supported an advertising feature in the Malvern News for us. A big thanks too to Malcolm and Anita McGibbon for assisting with a lot of the background logistics, and to Gavin Bain and Allan Familton and Lesley Colsell who hosted visits to their collections the day before Anzac Day.

All up a very special day out and a good fund-raising event for the RSA. I’m sure we’ll do it again next year.




RAE TROPHY - for Vintage



C.J.S. and M. HEY TROPHY - for P60V

RAY SWORD TROPHY Donated by Graeme Sword and Family for Commercials

ERIC WALKER TROPHY - for Motor Cycles

The awards are for any vehicle restored or re-restored in the 2022 - 2023 season. The trophies are for Canterbury Branch Members only.

Vehicles must have completed at least two Club events. Judging will take place after the Restoration of the Year Run at 1 pm on the drive outside the Main Hall (if wet in the Hall) at Cutler Park, Sunday 11th June 2022.

Any enquiries to Katryna Shaw Ph: 021 0277 2375


The correct criteria for judging of the Restoration of the Year, as agreed by the then Committee and the Donors of the trophies, are as follows:

1. A vehicle must have participated in at least two official VCC events.

2. Judging to be done by a panel of at least three judges.

3. Judging to be based on:

(a) The amount of work carried out by the entrants themselves, showing their ability in different aspects of the trades, e.g. mechanical, electrical, panelling etc.

(b) Having regard for the condition of the vehicle before restoration started.

(c) Final appearance and standard of work.

(d) Regard to originality.

Would entrants please bring photographs etc for the judges to view.

Trophy winners will be announced at the Branch AGM 18th June 2023



Sunday 28th May 2022

The Grasskhana will be taking place again this year. The event is still being held at Cutler Park. The event is open for entries from club eligible vehicles. This is a perfect opportunity for encourage younger family members and their friends to demonstrate their driving abilities and have a fun day out.

The same team who organised this event last year, which was extremely cool, is doing it again this year! So, watch out.

Start time: 10.00am

The Irishman Creek Rally

3rd—4th June

Starts Rangiora Racecourse 7.30am

See Entry Form in the March Hub or the website for full details.

Entries close Saturday 13th May

Restoration of the Year Rally and Judging

Sunday 11th June

Information on the run in next month’s Hub

Those wishing to present their restoration for judging please complete the form HERE or provide details to George Kear. or


The Irishman Creek Rally

3rd/4th June 2023

This year’s rally will start from the Rangiora Racecourse, Lehmans Road, Rangiora at 7.30 am Saturday morning. Rally packs can be collected from the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms at the Noggin meeting on Thursday 1st from 7 pm. The bar will be open and out of town visitors are welcome to join us. Again they will also be available on the Friday 2nd from 6pm to 8pm from the club rooms. We encourage early collection to allow for a smooth departure on the Saturday morning.

As per last year, lunches will be the responsibility of each entrant. With over 400 people attending, getting a volunteer group and a venue to cater for this many people is now not possible.

Prize giving and supper will be in the community hall on Sunday which will open from 6.30 for a 7.30 presentation. While back up vehicles are provided, all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry chains for mud or snow and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. As we will be crossing private farms strictly NO DOGS are allowed.

The Irishman Rally is open to Vintage Car Club Members only and for Vintage and Veteran aged vehicles. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating.

All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge, there is a team behind you.

The entry form is in the March Hub or on line HERE

March’s Noggin Display
$12.00 each Available by ordering at the bar or by contacting the Secretary. Mike Green’s Overland 4 RO Roadster with an interesting history
Name Badges


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Kenneth Watson

1977 Austin FX4 London Taxi SE

Darryl Densem

1967 Ford Cortina GT SE Sedan, 1966 Ford Cortina GT SE Sedan

Simon Williams

1935 Singer IS 9 Saloon SE Sedan

Glenn Kimber

1929 Ford A Tourer

Ian Shrimpton

1926 Oldsmobile 30DT TO Tourer

Matthew Lawrey

1919 Hupmobile R Roadster

Paul Richardson

1955 Ford Popular SE Sedan.

1963 Wolseley 6/110 SE Sedan

David Hendry

1952 Ford Consul Sedan, 1953 Ford Zephyr Sedan, 1965 Ford Coup Mustang Hatch Back, 1936 Bedford Truck

Matthew Saunders

1957 MANURHIN Hobby Motorcycle

Glen Daly

1930 Ford Model A


Ken’s Austin

Ian’s Oldsmobile

Some more photos from our recent events

Bruce and Shirley Shadbolt VCC Helpers at the Achiever’s Dinner P Rally Start Auto Restorations: Commercial Section ANZAC DAY Malvern Run


Sell: My lovely 1928 BSA Sloper

Single port OHV 500 cc Restored and ridden by me for 51 years. Has all its original Lucas Equipment and they are all working well, including the one piece Magdyno charging the battery for daytime riding.

Original bronze Amal Carb and air cleaner. Side stand. Will be Rego and WOF. Nice patina . Leather saddle cover Terry style. Stacks of spares included. Price $15,000.

Trevor Lightfoot Ph 384 5211

Air shears for panel steel (Desouter) $25

Elephant brand chain hoist $50

Length of channel with holes in web ,plus two 10 ton Porterpower chains with claw ends and bottle jacks .This has straightened more body frames than I can count $40

Cowley level with wooden tripod $50

"X" shaped panel stand with rubber on top bars $25

Alan Wills 021 087 00692 021 087 00692

Give Away. . .Light trailer. No electrics, no Rego, no WOF. Good chassis. Long drawbar. Ideal for off-road farm use/ lifestyle block/ etc. Could probably be made road legal for a modest cost. Located Loburn/Ashley area. Contact Bill 03 312 8900. or

1985 Nissan Sunny

110,000kms, Two Senior Citizen owners.

White, always garaged. Owner not driving now. Contact Ivan 03 323 8769



Wheel Spinners for Rudge

Whitworth Wire wheels

I am looking for some knock on spinners for wire wheels as pictured. These are the type with flat wings and slightly bigger than usual, with the thread measuring about 67mm internal. They often have makes engraved, typically SS, Vauxhall, MG, Sunbeam or Rudge-Whitworth- Any make will do.

Kevin 03 318 1454

Wanted new or second hand tyres

Sizes 31" x 4 1/2" / 32" x 4 1/2" / 33' x 5"

Contact John 027 448 1430

For 1922 Overland

21 inch split rims and any other parts

Mike 027 259 3335

Chevy 37-38 engine complete, prefer runner, also looking for a 35 Chevy junior gearbox.

Please Ph. or Txt Murray 027 246 5754 or 03 547 6067.

Continental Red Seal engine 6 cylinder ( any condition considered ).

Years 1918 - 1924

Contact John 027 448 1430

1938 Chev ½ ton pickup, looking for a chassis or information that could lead to one.

Phone John on 027 344 7155



See Notice board posters for more information.

VCC Ashburton Branch Swap Meet

Saturday 6th May

Rosco Sporting Trials

The West Coast Branch is holding its 2023 Rosco Sporting Trials on 18th June 2023 and we look forward to welcoming regular participants as well as first timers. The event will take place in Reefton at Rosco’s on the 18th June. Time table as follows:

8.30am for vehicle inspection and briefing

9.30 am Competition begins

12.30 lunch

1.15pm afternoon competitions begin

3.00pm approx competition finishes followed by prize giving at Rosco’s workshop Further information which includes overview, eligibility, classes, rules and regulations, venue & directions, and indemnity forms will be issued on request or on receipt of entry form.

Organiser – Nick Harrison email 027 541 9296


2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

03 332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838 Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill)

03 323 7183 Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

03 421 2426

027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


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