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CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.
3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo The changing face of the VCC. Swap Meet display area. Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 7 Club Captain’s Report 8 Veteran Report 9/10 Vintage Report 12/13 9-90s Report 15 Commercial Report 16/17 Swap meet Report 18/19 Motorcycle Report 20/21 Girder Rally Report 22/23 Dunvegan Rally Report 26/27 All British Day Report 28 OCBC Report 29 VOG Report 31/32 New Members 34 Entry Forms 36/37 The Mart 39/40 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the December Hub closes on Wednesday 23 November Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Coming Events

November 3rd Noggin and Natter

3rd/9th Taieri Tour

Sat 5th Hororata Highland Games Run

Sun 6th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 9th Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 15th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 16th 9-90s, Commercial Noggin

Sat 19th Motorcycle Run to Ashburton Display

Sun 20th Old cars, bikes and coffee

Sun 20th Homestead Run

Wed 23rd North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 26th Annual Motorcycle Rally

December Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Sat 3rd Vintage Annual Rally

Sun 4th Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 7th 9-90s

Sat 10th Christmas Social

Wed 14th Motorcycle Christmas Noggin

Sun 18th OCBC and Children’s Picnic

Wed 21st Commercial Christmas Noggin

Wed 21st North Canterbury Noggin

Mon 26th Boxing Day Run

January 2023

Mon 2nd Motorcycle

Sun 8th

Sun 15th Old cars, bikes and coffee

Wed 18th Commercial Noggin

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators
New Year Run
Picnic Run
For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.
5 COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission. For up to date information on what’s happening, have a look at our website. You can also see photos of most of this years past events. Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme Noggin Night 1st Thursday of the month 9-90s 1st Wednesday after noggin Motorcycle Noggin 2nd Wednesday of the month Commercial Noggin 3rd Wednesday of the month North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month (Third Wednesday for December) Old cars, bikes and coffee 3rd Sunday of the month Grounds Maintenance Morning 1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30 5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm


Another month has rolled by, with the weather warming and the weekends filling up with things to do.

After an interesting start to the week the rain and snow cleared in time for a good weekend of weather for the swap meet, which was well attended by people both buying and selling. Many thanks to Colin Hey for another year of successfully gathering together all the moving parts to make it happen, and thanks also to all who volunteered their time to one of the numerous tasks that keep things going over the weekend. As the swap meet is effectively the only fund raising event for the year, the contribution to keeping the branch running for another year is greatly appreciated.

Once again there was a good turnout for OCBC, as well as being the start point for the All British day (once again organised by Colin Hey), and although there was a range of vehicles represented anything not of English heritage was well and truly outnumbered. I’m thinking there must be a collective noun for that large a group of Mini’s.

A thought when looking over the Japanese car and motorcycle swap meet display is that this is probably the future of the club, particularly when considering that it all started with young people with cars of a similar age to the 80’s and 90’s ones on display. Looking at the predominant vehicles in the different age ranges, we’ve gone from a mixture of British and American, to predominantly British, slowly drifting into mostly Japanese as the newly eligible vehicles. There has of course always been a good sprinkling of Europeans, and looking at what some of the younger people (and some older ones who should probably know better) are driving, we can probably expect to see more of these turning up as time goes on. The challenge is to make sure we also evolve to keep up.

Looking forward, there’s plenty coming up to keep you entertained, so get your entries in and I look forward to seeing you out and about.



SUBSCRIPTIONS are due NOW not in six months, if you haven’t paid or received your account by now then you need to contact National Office now, not tomorrow phone 03 366 4461 between 9.30am and 1.30pm or email . If you are unsure then send me an email at or give me a call on 03 338 2320 / 021 126 3529 and I can check if you are still listed in the data base.

I need to remind you that if you are not paid by March you will have broken service which affects long service badges. Remember if you are not financial as at March 2023 you are five months overdue and your copy of April 2023 issue of Beaded Wheels will not be sent and for those who subscribe to the printed/posted version of the Hub Canterbury Branch magazine , your copy will cease as of December 2022. Your subscription for this was added to your National Club Invoice as of Nov 2021 and 2022 and now runs from November to October each year. As at mid October we have had fourteen resignations to date. Please, if you intend resigning from the club this year, would you let me or National office know as soon as possible. If you could include reasons for your resignation this would be greatly appreciated, as this helps with the direction of the Club’s future.

Happy and safe summer motoring, Regards Rod

A Reminder

Payment Details: Don’t forget that when making payments to the Branch you can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put your the name in the particulars field and the name of the event eg, rally name in the reference field.


Wow another month down in 2022!

This month saw the Swap Meet come together with all of its helpers sharing fun and laughter. We were lucky with the weather and having so many people through the gates. There were an array of activities from pony rides to COVID jabs and of course watching the hotdog and soft serve ice creams getting devoured at 9am in the morning added to a very special weekend!

A reminder that the

Run is on Sunday 20th November.

Cutler Park 10am. Pay on the day $10 per car.

The entry form for the Annual Rally next year at the end of February will be in next month's Hub.



else to look forward to!

Happy motoring over the up and coming month.

Mike Foster’s partner, Heather, up to Hijinx with Rod Thrower
November Homestead Run 26th November Motorcycle Annual Rally 3rd December Vintage Annual Rally 10th December Christmas Social

Our next event is the display at the Hororata Highland Games on Saturday 5th November for which we have 17 cars registered. A few of them are vintage era but the whole display will be pre-1933 so it will certainly be interesting for the crowd that gathers at this iconic event. We are meeting at the war memorial on the corner of Downs Road and Hororata Road about 1.5km north of Hororata and will be piped into the grounds when we arrive there together. I’m sure it will be an enjoyable day.

The next event after that is the Veteran Car Club garage raid on Sunday 13th November always a good day out and interesting to see what goes on in other people’s sheds. The starting place and time is yet to be announced but no doubt Chris Dyer will get the details out beforehand.

Next on the list is our own Branch OCBC and Children’s Christmas Party on 18th December. This will be a great event to bring your veteran vehicle to, perhaps even conveying some grandchildren to the event or staying for a picnic lunch in the grounds and offering some rides to our very impressionable youngsters?

After that the rush starts with the post-Christmas events – the Boxing Day run, the Banks Peninsula Branch New Year’s Day picnic at Little River Domain (where we will make special arrangements for getting there in veterans), and our own branch picnic on 8th January all good shake-down runs for those who wish to go to the Dunedin to Brighton Run on 21st January. At this stage I’ve pencilled in Sunday 5th March for an inaugural Brooklands to Brighton Veteran Run, so if you could pencil that date in your diaries now that would be good. The concept at this stage is meeting in Brooklands at 9.00am (where there is plenty of room for trailers for those who need them, and from there we will head off through Spencerville, Prestons and Parklands, and then pass through New Brighton initially to carry on to Sumner for a morning tea break along the Esplanade. We will then return to


New Brighton for lunch in a reasonably prominent spot as near as possible to the Pier.

So here’s the key dates for veteran drivers:

Saturday 5th November Hororata Highland Games display

Sunday 13th November - Veteran Car Club garage raid

Sunday 18th December Old Cars Bikes and Coffee and Children’s Christmas Party at Cutler Park

Monday 26th December Boxing Day run

Sunday 1st January Banks Peninsula Branch picnic day at Little River Domain

Sunday 8th January Canterbury Branch Picnic Run

Saturday 21st January Dunedin to Brighton Run in Dunedin

Weekend of 18th and 19th February Veteran Car Club Geraldine weekend (dates and details TBC by the Veteran Car Club)

Weekend of 25th and 26th February Canterbury Branch Annual Rally

Sunday 5th March – Proposed inaugural Brooklands to Brighton Run

Happy veteran motoring, Colin Hey Results of One Make Car Display 2022 Swap Meet 1st Model A Club of America (Canterbury NZ Chapter) 2nd Southern Lotus Register 3rd Morris Owners Club
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PICNIC SUNDAY 18th DECEMBER 2022 AT CUTLER PARK FROM 10.00 AM (ENTRIES CLOSE 27 NOVEMBER 2022) The branch would like to provide a small present at the Christmas picnic to all financial members’ children and grandchildren aged 10 years and under. Please email Leigh Craythorne with the following information: Parents/Grandparent’s name and membership number. Children’s full name, age and gender. Email: (preferred)


Awards Dinner September 10th:

I would like to thank Leigh and her support team for another well organised dinner. This evening is a special occasion for those who have achieved continuous service as members of the VCC Canterbury Branch. I was fortunate to be one of the 50 year award recipients and felt very privileged to have the club acknowledge this milestone. The passing of Myra Saunders: It is with much regret that we have lost Myra Saunders, a respected member of the Vintage Car Club. Lyndsey and Myra were of great help to me in the running of last year’s Vintage Rally and along with Mark Drury, helped me organise the rally. Myra was responsible for preparing the afternoon tea at the NZ Vintage Machinery grounds. My condolences go the Lyndsey and the family.

VCC Swap Meet Oct 7-9th:

Starting with the Noggin on Thursday night kicked off what was to be a great return to our annual swap meet. Friday morning dawned fine with a chilly 4 degrees. The weather continued stay fine throughout the weekend. Judging by the content at the sites there appeared to be more car parts on sale than normal. A big thanks to Colin Hey and all the volunteers that made this weekend so successful.

Model A Ford Club of America Canterbury Branch – one make display winners.

All British Day


short run,


lunch at the Selwyn Huts




group that gathered there were



Sunday 16 October:
80 British Cars left VCC grounds at Cutler
for a
Domain A lovely
Amongst the
21 Austin
Graham See Pages 14 and 36 for Vintage Rally Information and Entry info. 1925 Lagonda 12/24 Tourer Michael Hedgman 1933 Humber 2 Door Coupe Bob and Andree Hayes 21 Minis!
14 VCC Canterbury Branch Annual Vintage Rally (Vehicles 1919 1931) 4th December 2022 10.00am start at VCC Grounds, Cutler Park (Allow time to gather talk before starting). Lunch Stop at a lovely country Domain south of start. (Toilets plus shelter available if weather inclement). Field Events followed by Prize giving and Trophy presentation to lucky winners Estimated rally distance approximate 60 miles. Field tests will be undertaken during the Rally. Entry Forms available in this Hub Magazine. October’s Noggin Display Two winners: From the Women and Young Driver’s Rally, Rod Thrower’s Triumph driven by Daniella Judge and from the Veteran Rally, Malcolm and Anita McGibbon’s Model T.


Hi to you all.

October’s outing had Les Sloan as organiser . The weather turned out to be good after a hesitant start. The venues very interesting to say the least. The Globus bus company: To see busses being assembled was fantastic. It was great to see how it is done. To organise and run a company like that, was impressive and we were encouraged to asked any question about anything.

A very big thank you from all the 9-90s We had 40 cars on this run and $73.00 went to the Ellesmere Hospital. Thanks Les, I hope that you will never need them.

Then for lunch we went to John Winchester’s workshop / showroom / garage. I don’t know how to describe it.. Yes I found the word. Man shed. Thank you John for your help and hospitality.

Next month: George Nimmo the organiser………Please note this run is a week later than normal: 16th November. Meet at the Ferrymead carpark 50 Ferrymead park drive this is off Bridle Path road. Time 9.55 am look for the VCC sign. The venue is Gavin Bain’s at Governors Bay. If possible please take your Vintage car…… Gavin would like some photographs of VCC Cars in front of his buildings…..and it is only a short run, so no excuses.


The Christmas Lunch

I am sorry but we are fully booked. The Team and I are looking forward seeing you all in your vintage cars. Regards John K



Greetings all,

I hope you all enjoyed the swap meet and picked up some much needed (or not) treasures!

The All British day turned on perfect weather and was thoroughly enjoyable - thanks and well done to the organisers for this event.

The October commercial noggin was held at the VCC Archives in Christchurch . Special thanks to Don Muller for making us so welcome and preparing some "special interest" items for the members to view. Also thanks to the ladies in the National office for allowing us to use the meeting room for supper - Much appreciated. I had no idea the Archives housed so many interesting things from memorabilia, books, photo albums, magazines, workshop manuals etc. If you ever get the opportunity to visit it is well worth it! Well done to Don and previous Archivists who have put so much work into recording and cataloguing history for not only the VCC but anything motoring in general.

In particular I was delighted to see a copy of the May 1965 Vintage & Veteran magazine had a photo of a 12/24 Lagonda on the front cover that competed in the Haast Rally of the same


year. Also the photo album of the same rally with all the entrants in B&W images. I have since sent them to the previous owner in Auckland and the new owner in Tokyo. Nice to see these cars are still on the road and in use! Some even saw photos of themselves in their vehicles from rallies past - what a great history!

For our November Commercial Noggin we have been invited to Dave Inwood's property at 126 South Eyre Road on the evening of Wednesday the 16th -Thanks Dave!

Just a heads up - the Wanganui Branch is hosting a National Commercial Rally over Labour weekend 2023. If you would like further info please get in contact and I will send you the flyer.

Happy Motoring


Archivist Don Muller talks to Brian Fairbrass while Arthur Bodger has found something interesting. (Jeeps Arthur?)


During Swap Meet weekend someone asked me if I enjoyed being on the Swap Meet committee. My answer was that for 11 months of the year it’s good fun –the meetings are focussed but enjoyable and sometimes even funny. The last month leading up to Swap Meet is busy, but the last week and the actual weekend is full of problems, and is actually stressful and at times hard work. I liken it to skydiving - during the weeks leading up to it you think about it sometimes and organise the logistical stuff, but once you climb in the plane and it’s taken off on the day there is no going back. Then you have to jump out of the plane thinking “why did I ever sign up to this” and try and enjoy the earth hurtling towards you while someone tries to tell you life is over now and rip your clothes off and pull your false teeth out at the same time. Then it’s all over and you think “well that wasn’t so bad”. An hour later the adrenalin has gone and you can’t wait to do it all over again!

Well, Swap Meet has come and gone, and thankfully it went well and actually exceeded our expectations. At last we had great weather for all 3 days, we had enough help (although it was stretched at times), many site holders reported great sales and hung around until Sunday afternoon, and best of all we had great numbers of people visiting who found lots to buy. It’s too early to say yet just what the financials look like, but we can already say that it was the best outcome we’ve had for many years.

The Swap Meet committee met for the official debrief on 20th October, and as we do after every Swap Meet, we worked our way through a long list of things that went well and not so well, and things we’ll change for next time. It would be true to say we were a bit rusty this year and we’d forgotten a few of the finer points (like who have we organised to clean the toilets!!), but overall the whole weekend ran smoothly with no problems we couldn’t overcome or cope with. There is no secret to the event other than having a dedicated committee who know what their job is and just get on and do it. Associated with them is a huge number of members who in some way, whether it’s a small or large job, happily offer to help and put in some time before, during, or after the weekend to help it all run smoothly. A special thanks especially to you all, including those who responded to my final-week email for more help with the rosters. Thanks too to the members of not only our club, but also one-make and special interest clubs, who brought along cars and other vehicles and items to display.


Also to our neighbouring clubs Steam Scene, the Kustom Car Club and the Vintage Machinery Club who all allowed us to use their grounds for parking and supported us with manpower, especially the Vintage Machinery Club who also provided transport from their grounds to Swap Meet and looked after the rubbish collection for us. We are indeed fortunate to have like-minded clubs around us so we can support each other’s events and fundraising activities. For those who were involved in the one-make club displays, the winner of the best one make display this year was the Model A Ford Club; second was Southern Lotus, and third was the Morris Owners Club. The Maurice Coombes Trophy for the best vintage car on display was won by Don and Marleen Muller with their immaculate Ansaldo Tourer. Well done to you all.

Oh, and before I finish, I should apologise for the not-so straight line-marking in places. It was my fault (or were the worst bits those done by Paul Ainsworth?). Contrary to what people think, I hadn’t had too much to drink the night before –the steering on our ‘new’ machine (which is a re-purposed ride-on mower supplied by the maintenance crew) may need some work? More often than not though it was sometimes hard to spot the mark I was heading for. Sorry Barry maybe next year it will be better!

And last but not least, our sincere condolences to the family and many friends of David Cook (Cookie) from the West Coast. David passed away suddenly whilst quietly socialising with friends on his site at Swap Meet on the Thursday night, despite the best efforts of several people and emergency services who came to his aid. His death notice in the Press mentioned he died doing something he loved, which is some comfort to us all.

Twelve noggins to go until the next Swap Meet!




November is the last month of Spring; next is the first of Summer, so get out on the bike while you can!!!

Past Events.

24 September – Fish & Chip Run to the Mechanical Swap Meet at Hororata. Understand a few went out to this, but not a solitary bike… Not a surprise really.

15 – 16th October – Girder Fork Run to Akaroa. All new event –new start place, new route, and new destination. About 28 bikes began, but only about a dozen stayed overnight in Akaroa. See elsewhere for the right-up. Many thanks to the organiser, and to Auto Restorations Ltd for the start venue.

29th October Fish & Chip Run. In the future as I write this, but in the past when you read this. Report next month.

Future Events

9th November Noggin Night. It is about 95% sure that this noggin will take the shape of a visit to the Christchurch Central Fire Station, Kilmore Street. Gather there about 7.00 pm for a 7.30pm kick-off at the Station. If the brown stuff hits the fan and a change is necessary we will advise via the email database list.

19th November – Motorcycle Display Ashburton. This WILL be the Fish & Chip run for the month, a week early due to the Annual Motorcycle Rally being on the 26th; run to Ashburton Motorcycle Show at the Ashburton Racecourse. Meet at BP Rolleston 9.00am for a 9.30 am departure. The Motorcycle Show opens at 10.00 am.

26th November – Annual Motorcycle Rally. This is the premier motorcycle event of the year. Start from Cutler Park with a morning run to Rolleston for lunch and field tests. Afternoon run, then a pot-luck meal and trophy/prize giving at Motorcycle Corner, Cutler Park, in the evening. The On Line entry form has been up and running since October, and The Hub November will have the entry in published form. This is the Premier Motorcycle Section Event, so put a ring around Saturday 26 November to save the date!! More info, get in touch with Mike Glenday,


03 344 0425 or cell 021 192 0581. 14th December Motorcycle Noggin, the usual Christmas Bash to be held on The Barn, Cutler Park, McLeans Island. As in the past, we are putting on a Catered Meal for you all; the cost for this is $25 per person. We need to know IN ADVANCE who is coming, and please; you need to pay beforehand. We cannot collect cash on the night. 5.15 pm start, meal served at 6.30 pm. Please also advise Mike Glenday on cell phone 021 192 0581 or - we do need to know in advance for catering numbers etc. RSVP by Friday 9th December, please. To pay, please pay the money into the VCC Motorcycle Bank account, as per Westpac Bank 03 0802 0099727 00 with your Name and Xmas Noggin in the reference field.

31st December –

There will be NO FISH & CHIP RUN this month. 2nd January Motorcycle New Year Run. Meet at the Island 10.00 am for a 10.15 am departure. Your motorcycle committee will be meeting 1st December so a decision will be made on destination etc. This will be advised to all via the email mail-out, so look out for this. It will be a good, worthwhile destination. As you can see, a full programme to keep you guys off your feet and “on yer bike!” to kick off the summer months. Cheers,

CML Annual Motorcycle Rally SATURDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2022 Entries close 20 November Meet at motorcycle corner, Cutler Park at 9.30am for a 10am start. Back up provided for both runs. Long and short routes. BBQ Tea –this year we will again have a pot luck evening prize giving meal at motorcycle corner. Provide your own meat for BBQ and salad/breads etc you bring to be placed out and shared with everyone. We are going to an interesting venue for lunch and field tests. More info and entry form see page 37 or….. Enter On Line HERE

Girder Fork Rally 15th October

Saturday morning saw 20 or more motorcyclists assemble in Auto Restorations carpark to travel to Akaroa. Having recently purchased the old club Ariel I duly lined up wondering if she would indeed make it although quietly confident that the engine I rebuilt should do the job and not again require the services of the backup trailer.

Having had a good safety briefing we set off on a route that took us through Heathcote Valley, onto the Tunnel Road and heading towards Governors Bay and on to and over Gebbies Pass. Riding on the straights in the prevailing winds, riders rode at varying speeds and the old Ariel I decided liked about 40 - 45mph running in speed and judging by the oil residue when stopped at Little River for fuel top-up, the total loss oil system was set about right.

At this point we had the option of riding on to Duvauchelle or like me take the longer route which I had never been on. The climb up Bossu road around and over Saddle Hill gave excellent views of Lake Forsyth and on one more steeper windy bit, the Ariel required a short rest and the oil dripper cranked up. Proceeding on, shingle was encountered, more steeper windy bits towards the summit, required low gear selection which eventually shook the front brake lever out of the

Vintage Bikers Graeme Barnett, Dave Richardson, Dave Warren and Alistair Kermode enjoy a nice cup of tea.



to all for

handlebar end making the shingle road descent later on into
all that more interesting. Onwards to our lunch stop at Duvauchelle we regrouped, swapped stories and some chose to make running repairs. Many riders travelled on to overnight at Akaroa, some of us instead returned to Christchurch. An excellent ride thanks
organising a most enjoyable event. Daryl
Girder Rally Prize Winners Veteran Class Darryl Johnstone 1928 Ariel Post Vintage Class Brian Duke 1939 Ariel Publicans Choice Peter Barnett 1926 Ariel Time Trial Joseph McClintock 1917 Henderson Hard Luck Trophy Quentin Wearing 1929 AJS Overall Winner Darryl Johnstone 1928 Ariel Peter (Publican’s Choice) and Joseph (Time Trial) ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RALLY See Page 37 Or Enter on line HERE

On Friday, 30 September, sixteen keen motorcyclists took off from Rolleston in perfect motorcycling conditions to ride south to Dunedin to attend the 50th Dunvegan Rally. Alan McLeod was trailering down his Indian and was travelling with his daughter Fiona who was kind enough to provide us with backup all weekend.

After refreshment stops in Temuka and Oamaru, we arrived at our various motels with plenty of time to visit the Carisbrook Hotel before heading to the VCC club rooms for supper and to catch up with old friends and make new ones.

On the day of the rally, we were again greeted by beautiful sunshine, and around sixty motorcycles assembled at the Chinese Gardens in the heart of Dunedin, with the usual mix of mostly English, American and Japanese bikes, but also the odd specimen from Europe.

This year saw a return to Dunvegan station, where it all began. After a great mix of asphalt and well-formed gravel roads, we arrived at our morning tea stop at the VCC club rooms in Balclutha. From there, the time trial began


which ended at our lunch destination, Dunvegan station. After soaking up some more of the sun, we assembled at the DUNVEGAN sign for a group photo and to meet the current owners of the farm.

Then it was a mad dash for some and a gentle ride for others to get back to Dunedin to get ready for a generous dinner and prize giving at the Otago club rooms. Kurt Ebrecht of Canterbury branch on his 1963 Puch won the time trial by a whisker and was declared the overall winner.

Cheers, Kurt Christmas Social Saturday December 10th From 7 pm The Barn Cutler Park Enjoy an informal evening with friends to celebrate the festive season BYO a plate for supper and your own drink No charge but please let Leigh know if you plan to come. 342 9110 or

All British Day

The annual All British Day was held on Sunday 17 th October one week after Swap Meet. It was hard to believe that just one week earlier the grounds were full of selling sites, food stalls, and thousands of people! The date (deliberately) coincided with October’s OCBC, so British cars streamed in the gate and soon dominated the assembly area, with probably around 150 cars arriving by 10.30am. Unfortunately our coffee van didn’t show up, so tea and coffee was instead dispensed from outside the clubrooms while everyone waited for the All British Run to get underway about 10.45am. The weather was picture perfect after a very light frost early in the morning.

This year there were two runs plotted out, with the finish destination being the Selwyn Huts domain just beyond Lincoln. The short route was fairly direct and took around 50 minutes from Cutler Park, and the longer route did a loop to Doyleston before returning to the domain across Coes Ford, taking just over an hour to complete.

A large variety of cars and a couple of motorcycles took part all up around 100 vehicles arrived at the domain and enjoyed their lunch in absolutely splendid weather. As has become tradition with this event, there was a short prizegiving held around 1.45pm to award prizes to the winners of each route (determined by whoever gets closest to the designated time for each run), and the Peoples’ Choice award for the most popular vehicle on the run. The run raised $600 which has been donated to the Sumner branch of Deaf Education New Zealand (Ko Taku Reo) for a special project of their choice. Thanks to everyone who took part – I trust you enjoyed your day.


Hey All British Day results Winner Short Route Mark Cumming, 1959 MGA Roadster Runner-up Short Route - Paul Collison, 1952 Jowett Javelin Winner Long Route – Gavin and Teresa Agnew. 1972 Mini Clubman Runner-up Long Route – Russell Taylor, 1965 Triumph TR4A Winner Peoples’ Choice – Herman van der Weert,, 1931 Austin 7 (See photo Page 38) Runner-up Peoples’ Choice – Ian Clements, Jaguar XK140 Roadster

morning started cool with a very light frost, but soon warmed up into a perfect spring day,

Unfortunately, our coffee van didn’t show up, so tea and coffee was instead dispensed from outside the clubrooms not the ideal substitute, especially for those who like espresso coffee and expect it to be available. This has happened twice before, so we will have a new vendor from November onwards.

The November OCBC will be on Sunday 20th November. It will also double as the start for the Homestead Run that day, so you can either go on the run (note, no prior entry form is required), or if not going on the run you can simply carry on with your day after the Homestead Run participants depart. Hope to see you there.

Barry Mines with his Austin Big 7 First time out


October 2022 run

Tuesday October 12th dawned a magic morning – thank goodness for that. Some of us were still a bit weary as a result of a busy weekend at Swap meet but that didn’t deter us from cranking up the MIGHTY Solex’s and heading off for a day of excitement. Wayne McCrone had organised the run this time but it was a rather slow false start from Nga Puna Wai Sports complex, due to technical difficulties with Grant Lomax’s highly tuned beast, it started but wouldn’t keep going so he didn’t pass go, nor collect $200 and the bike ended up on the backup trailer in disgrace right from the offset. This worked well for our backup Ray Oakes as he now had a navigator but this was not what Grant had really planned.

The run was an interesting one taking us around the Aidanfield and Wigram Skies subdivisions and through a lot of new housing areas that I never even knew existed and I live in the area. (I’ll have to get out more). All the other bikes performed well on the day apart from poor ole Gary Thompson once again who had his newer Black ‘n’ Roll (a modern Solex) out for a run. Seems this machine must have had “go slow” juice in the tank as about all Gary could get out of it was about 5kmh whereas my machine managed to get up to a breath taking 33kmh. Must have been due to the fact we had a tail wind on the day. We even had hills to contend with this time around the Southern Motorway Cycle trail and the bridge over Aidanfield Drive.

cluster’ of Solex’s

VOG1’s bike performed well on these rises not needing any “pedal assistance” as a few of the other bikes required a bit of grunting and groaning to get to the summit. Great for the fitness levels.

The lunch stop was greatly appreciated at the Good Home gastropub in the Landing shopping precinct. The “gang” had a readymade audience as we pulled into the quadrangle lots of Mums with their children who were attending the movies stood aghast with fear as our motors revved their way through the crowds and parked up. This was a sight to behold and the kids were well entertained with this added feature. Another great day with a further 2 new riders joining us today to swell the numbers yet again.

Thanks to Wayne for organising.


First Sunday and Third Tuesday Morning Every Month. Come and join us!



RUN 2022 The Homestead Run will be held Sunday 20th November. We are heading up to the high country so please have a full tank, packed lunch and repellent! (just in case) There will be several stops. One stop will include a place to have morning tea if you wish to support the local community (which will be at your own cost). A small amount of shingle on the road into the lunch stop. Leaving Cutler Park from 10am rain or shine! Pay on the day with the cost being $10 per car. Enquires to Jim Miles or Katryna Shaw


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Veronica Maher 1963 Holden EH Premier Sedan. 1952 Ford Thornton F6 Commercial Vehicle. Lindsay Reeve

Murray Doak 1973 Triumph Stag Roadster

Jonathan Abel Louis Warburton 1960 Lancia ,Flavia saloon. 1929 Auburn 6 88 Sedan Peter and Christine Donald 1928 Ford Model A Phaeton Graham Lloyd 1956 BSA D3 Bantam C3NRE

Teresa Good Neil Youngman

1986 Mazda RX 7 Savanah series 4 Manual SP Sports

35 ...and a late entry from last month. Steve Cunningham’s MGB GT Three of Veronica’s vehicles
36 ANNUAL VINTAGE RALLY ENTRY FORM 10.00am start at VCC Grounds, Cutler Park (Allow time to gather and talk before starting). Lunch Stop at a lovely country Domain South of start. Field Events followed by Prize giving and Trophy presentation to winners Estimated rally distance approximate 60 miles. Field tests will be undertaken during the Rally. Get your entry in now. Driver’s / Rider’s Name …………………………………………….. Membership Number ……………………………………………….. Phone No. Home …………………………………………………… Phone No. Cell ……………………………………………………… Email Address ……………………………………………………….. Vehicle Year ……………Average Speed 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 (tick) Vehicle Make …………………………………………………………. Entry Fee $10.00 Plaque (optional) if you require a plaque you must enter before 11th November. $12.00 Enter online: HERE or mail to: Graham Evans, 78A Jeffreys Road, Christchurch 8052 Payment by direct credit, Please put your name in the particulars field and the name of the event Annual Vintage Rally in the reference field. Any queries contact Rally organiser. Graham Evans 351 5919, ENTRIES CLOSE 23rd NOVEMBER
37 ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RALLY SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2022 ENTRY FORM Entrants Name ………………………………………………………. Address ………………………………………………………………. Postal Code ………………………………………………………….. Email address ……………………………………………………….. Phone number(s) ……………………………………………………. VCC Membership Number …………………………………………. Combination Yes / No Moped or Scooter Yes / No Make …………………………………………………………………... Year ……………….. CC Rating …………………. Route Choice Short / Long Entry Fee: (Veteran and vintage bikes free) $12.00 $…………. Plaque if required: $12.00 $…………. Lunch Number required@ $12.00 each $………… Your total to pay $............. Pay via internet banking - 03 0802 0099727 00. Please put your name in the particulars field along with Annual Rally in the reference field Entries close 20 November ENTER ON LINE HERE

Secretary Rod organised some cars for the Ashley Church 150 year celebration, however John Forster found a local Kea interfering with James Polden’s Renault wipers.

Herman van der Weert, 1931 Austin 7. Winner People’s Choice on the All British Day



Lester Tire Company 7.0-21 set of 4 tyres for sale. Have been used but plenty of tread on these tyres. Photos available. Normally $600 new per tyre. Set of 4 for $800 ono.

Phone John 027 448 1430.

MGB Gearbox For Sale: 1972 4 Synchro, non overdrive. Complete. Offers. Contact Charles. Ph 027 604 5380.

GARAGE ENGINE CUPBOARD (Steel). Free to a good home. Has been used to store engine blocks and gearboxes for a car which has now been sold. Dimensions (approx.) 1200x630x Overall height 860mm. Contact Charles Ph 027 604 5380.

Panelbeating Equipment

Hydraulic body jacking kit 4 ton complete with spreader, pipes, pads etc $200 . Haynes Workshop manual Austin A99 and 110, Wolesley and Vanden Plas Mks I and II. $20. Jaguar Service Manual, Mk II models, 2.4 3.4 and 3.8 litre Genuine factory book delivered with car No. 208751.DN with five typed pages of all the racing specs done to this car ex factory, including brakes and suspension. A collector’s item $75 Alan Wills 021 0870 0692

40 Caravan 1986 Zephyr 16ft caravan with excellent awning. Island bed, fridge, electrical WOF and registered. Phone Mike 021 192 0581. Number Stamps/Punches Does anyone have a set of old looking number stamps/punches they would like to sell. I want some around 3/16” tall (4.7mm) and with a flat top to the number 3. Kevin 03 318 1454 WANTED The Parts Shed committee has decided that they wish to discontinue the hiring of the parts shed trailer . Wayne Stocks Parts Department Rep.

A Note From The Editor


The South Canterbury Branch of the VCC invites entries from fellow members for a 3 day tour in December 2022. Leaving Timaru with first overnight stop at Oamaru Friday 9th Dec, second night Omarama Sat 10th Dec, third night Timaru, 11th Dec. Your choice of all sealed roads or a combination of sealed and unsealed roads. Accommodation and meals are entrants responsibility. Get in early to book your accommodation. Entry forms from All enquiries to Grant Stewart 027 378 6149 or Alistair Day 027 203 5007

you send something for inclusion in The Hub, I will always acknowledge receipt of it, so if you don’t hear back from me please assume that it has disappeared into the ether or something.


EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.


Sun 13th November Caroline Bay north Car Park, via Virtue Ave Timaru

Display 11am to 12 30 then depart for Cruise to a Mystery Destination

$10.00 per vehicle payable at Caroline Bay

$5 00 per person payable at Cruise venue, eftpos available here. Proceeds to “Cardiac Kids ” Mid and Sth Canterbury Enquiries, Grant 027 378 6149

43 Selwyn Motorfest 2022 Sunday 20 November 2022.

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

John Kuipers (Colleen)

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333


Mike Foster



Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion



Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin) 03 327 5743

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

020 4081 9909


Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

03 352 5217

Asst Librarian

Ted Hockley (Jill) 03 323 7183


Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359


North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara) 03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire) 03 421 2426 027 446 6964

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison Jack Porter (Dorothy) 03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Hub Editor

Tony Craythorne (Leigh) 03 342 9110 027 772 8660

Neil Shaskey (Louise)


8260 022
7255 027
8737 021
807 Swap Meet Sites
03 352 8802 027
And Web Site
2022-2023 Representatives

2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony) 03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda) 03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor Graham Evans ( Anne) 03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor Colin Hey (Jenny) 03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor Michael Hedgman (Claire) 03 745 9240 027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572 027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain Henry Little (Michelle) 03 327 5471 027 288 8277

46 BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255
47 Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

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