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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.


The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month
Cover Photo
Cover and Page 29 Photos: Lynette and Peter Barnett. Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 8 Club Captain’s Report 9/10 Veteran Report 11/12/13 Vintage Report 15/16 Commercial Report 17/18 9-90s Report 20/21 OCBC Report 22 Motorcycle Report 26/27 M/C Reliability Trial 28/29 VOG Report 32/33 Swap Meet Report 35 New Members 37 The Mart 40/41 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the November Hub closes on Wednesday 25th October Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email
The Motorcycle Trials Day: Dave Malcolm enjoying the challenge on his Solex.

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Sun 1st Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter

Fri 6th/7th/8th Swap Meet

Wed 11th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 14th Sun 15th M/C Girder Fork Rally

Sun 15th OCBC and All British Day

Tue 17th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 18th Commercial Noggin

Wed 25th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sat 4th Hororata Highland Games

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 8th 9-90s

Thurs 9th Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 12th Homestead Run

Wed 15th Commercial Noggin

Sun19th OCBC

Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance

Wed 22nd North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 25th Motorcycle Annual Rally


Sun 3rd Vintage Annual Rally/Grounds

Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th Christmas Social/OCBC

Wed 13th Motorcycle Noggin / 9-90s

Sun 17th Children’s Christmas Picnic

Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Tues 26th

Boxing Day Run

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


Welcome to spring everybody, it has certainly been good to enjoy some warmer weather, although as usual a bit changeable at this time of year.

There was a good turnout and a wide range of vehicles and drivers for the women and young drivers rally, it was a bit of a change to be along as navigator for one, as well as moral support for the other, but other than a couple of detours from the planned route it was an otherwise uneventful day. It’s also good to report that both drivers enjoyed their day out, even if the lunch at Kirwee was a little too leisurely so things were running a bit too late to make it to the afternoon’s activities.

The Annual Awards Dinner was well attended, and very well catered with many compliments to the caterers, thanks to Leigh Craythorne for her organisation, national president George Kear for his attendance for the presentations, and everyone else involved for their help. Most importantly thanks to all of the awards recipients for their long standing support of the club, there probably aren’t many organisations that can claim as many members with the length of continuous membership that the VCC has, which is a testament to how the running of the club over the decades has obviously provided what our membership has wanted.

Thanks again to the motorcycle committee for making the arrangements for the motorcycle trial day, lack of a suitable motorbike in functional condition prevented me joining in, but it would seem there was a good turnout despite the less than ideal weather and once again a wide range of machinery out for the day.

Other than that there’s not much to report, except of course for the run up to the swap meet and all of the planning and organising that involves, and hoping that the booking for good weather has been confirmed.

See you around the various upcoming events.


A Request From The Treasurer re Annual Subscriptions

Invoices from National Office for annual subscriptions were sent out recently. These subs are payable to the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (VCC NZ) and not our branch. Despite this I have started receiving payments for subs.

Before you make payment can you please double check that you are paying VCC NZ and not our branch.

A handy hint to help you ensure that you pay the correct VCC branch /office is to set up two entries in your on-line banking payee list as follows:

VCC Canterbury

VCC NZ or VCC National Office

By doing this every time you need to make a payment all you have to do is type in “VCC” and you will have the option of choosing the Canterbury branch or VCC NZ/VCC National Office.

Please note that any subs that are paid to the branch will be paid to National Office at the end of the month they are received. Thanks

Member subscriptions are due end of this month, so if you have provided an email address your invoice would have been sent beginning of September. If you still have not received it by email or post contact National office urgently on 03 366 4461, 9.30 to 1.30pm or email

As a last resort you could try posting but don’t hold your breath. BE VERY CAREFUL YOU PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO VCC NATIONAL OFFICE ACCOUNT (12-3151-0184322 00)

DO NOT PAY TO CANTERBURY BRANCH ACCOUNT (Include membership number / name)

Canterbury Branch now have approximately 1310 members so please give this your urgent attention during October and make my life a lot easier over the next few months not having to chase people up.

Well next week we are around to the busiest weekend in the year SWAP MEET. Please be patient in the traffic and at the grounds, abide by the directions and obey the rules. NO DOGS. Make this the friendly, fun atmosphere it always is. If you require me for any matters I will be around and about or at my caravan in the social corner. Clean up your site when you pack up.

Let’s hope the weather is kind again this year.


The Branch extends its sympathy to Pamela and family, and the many friends of Peter Yeatman.

A wet start to the aptly named Winter Run


Woman and Young Drivers day was a real blast! Thank you Fraser Kear for organising it. Yes the rumours are true, I did end up down on the Waimak river bed. But with my cunning four wheel driving skills I managed not to get bogged in the stones and make it back to the main rally route unscathed! The poor MG was then thrown into tail spins and drifting as I manoeuvred my way around the Grasskhana, causing my navigator to probably almost throw up! Payback's a bitch! Well Melissa didn’t follow the instructions and got me lost in the first place! LOL.

It has been good to have wine on the new bar learners in the main hall. They match the main bar now and look great. Thank you to our maintenance team from the Parts Shed. We appreciate the effort you have put into making them for us all to enjoy.

It is with sadness that I am letting you know that there is no Show Weekend Tour this year. After asking many members, mentioning at Noggin and in the Hub, Colin Hey had put his hand up. Unfortunately it was too late to get accommodation for the place he wanted to go.

The Club as a whole is changing. We have a mixture of older, middle aged and a few younger members coming through the ranks all with varying expectations of what the club should be achieving for them. As a committee we try to cater for all of the needs/wishes. We are busy people. The team hold down jobs, run households, have a full active retired existence or look after elderly family members.

That’s not to say we don’t care about the position we hold or the

Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All welcome.


responsibility it entails and that previous committee members didn

do this in their time but the nature of society has changed and we must respect this.

I was shoulder tapped into this position, which I thoroughly enjoy and get a lot out of. It would be nice to see our members think of their mate or someone new who may be a good candidate for running a rally or make another contribution to the club like the Sunday gardening days. They don’t necessarily need to be on the committee. Myself, Henry and the committee are always happy to help.

The kitchen is having a small clean out, so we can fit the large pots and catering plates into cupboards. These cupboards will be re-labelled to ensure we can find things and put them back in the appropriate place for the next person. Swap Meet is upon us. Please come and support the Saturday night evening event. $5 for band and supper. The band is not too loud and the music is great for a dance.

Coming Events:

6th, 7th 8th October Swap Meet

14th, 15th October Girder Fork Motorcycle Rally

12th November Homestead Run

3rd December Vintage Annual Rally



I was hoping to get the Veteran motoring season off to a good start for the 2023/24 ‘summer’ with the Annual Veteran Rally on Sunday 24 th September. In fact it was going to be a big weekend all-up, starting with the Hororata Swap Meet the day before on the 23rd . Instead a mini weather-storm came along, and things didn’t quite work out as planned. Luckily the swap meet went ahead, and apart from it raining while some of the vendors set up on the Friday night, the swap meet itself went ahead under grey clouds but without any rain. It did seem, however, that some of the site-holders and public stayed away – perhaps to ensure they kept their goods and money dry for our Swap Meet??

Confident as I was that the rain would disappear in time for the Veteran Rally the next day, it didn’t work out that way. I had in fact decided late on Friday night that we would go ahead anyway, in the hope that the worst scenario would be the rain stopping (as forecasted) before we left our meeting place at the Rakaia Domain, allowing us to do the run up to Barrhill Village without getting wet (somewhat important as none of the cars are particularly water-tight, and some are completely open). Alas the forecast was wrong, and when we assembled in Rakaia it was quite obvious that the rain wasn’t going to ease anytime soon. By the time all of those who had actually decided to come had arrived, we had 6 cars in trailers, and another 3 in closedin cars who had braved the conditions and driven there. An alternative plan was hatched, being that we would travel straight up to Barrhill with the cars still in


their trailers (without doing the field tests or the set rally route) and hope that the weather would clear by the time we’d arrived and had lunch and a look around the village. We’d then do a run around the Barrhill area so at least we’d get some motoring done.

So, off we went, arriving at the Barrhill about 20 minutes later. It was raining even heavier up there! We were greeted by Ashburton member Les Nell, who had the fire stoked up in the old school building by the time we’d arrived, and had also set up some display boards about the history of the village, and some others about his interest in John Deere tractors. Unfortunately it was too wet for him to get them out of the shed and put them on display. He’d also opened up the church building, which is the original dating back to 1877, and still used today. So, with the old schoolroom being warm, we had our lunch, and everyone had a good catch-up before Les Nell gave us a talk about the history of the Barhill area and his interest in tractors, a vintage-era Leyland fire engine he owns, and of course a 1936 Wolseley he restored which is also in the shed. Also of great interest was a restored photograph album that Les and Marie Bennett (from Ashburton Branch) had brought along, which contained 542 professionally taken photographs of veteran and vintage cars, traction engines, tractors, trucks, motorcycles and even aircraft at various events in the district in the 1960’s. People were invited to write anything they knew about any of the photos or vehicles in pencil under the photos. It was a great record of what was around at the time, but the sad thing is there were photographs of so many great cars the whereabouts of which now seem to be unknown.


We stayed until about 1.30pm, with the weather just starting to clear, then ran into rain again on the way home. Top marks to Bevars and Lois Binnie (1914 Hupmobile), Les and Marie Bennett (1918 Oakland) and Tom and Jenny Stephens (Model A) who all motored from home to Rakaia and then up to Barrhill. It wouldn’t have been pleasant. Not a successful annual rally, but nonetheless a good day out salvaged by Les Nell, and a good social catch-up for some of our group. I think next year we’ll be starting and finishing at Cutler Park. To change topic slightly, it’s good to hear a number of people are planning on going to the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin in January. It should be a good event, and I’m hoping a number of new or recommissioned cars will turn up there. Also, don’t forget that it’s time to get your entry in for the next Hororata Highland Games run and display on 4th November. Entries close on 15th October. All the details are on Page 14 and the entry form is on Page 39.


Photos by Michael Hedgeman and John McDonald Restoration Of The Year Winners. Barry Jones Land Rover and Henry Little’s Austin 7

Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run and Display

Saturday 4th November 2023

The Hororata Highland Games are a fantastic day out and are regarded by many as the best Highland Games outside of Scotland. If you haven’t been before and you can get there in a Veteran or Vintage car, then now’s your chance.

Where you start your run is up to you, but all cars will be required to arrive at the Cenotaph about 1km north of at Hororata on the Coalgate to Hororata Road at 10.00am. Once there the cars and motorcycles will be lined up for the drive down the road to the showgrounds and make a grand parade entrance at 10.30am.

Once there, all vehicles will do a parade lap and then be parked up for display. You will then be free to participate in and enjoy a fantastic day out.

Entertainment includes the various Highlands events, great music for all tastes and various vendors of food and beverages including whiskey tasting. Bring your picnic lunch or patronise the food stall holders

A special entrance price has been arranged and venue entrance wrist bands will be part of the rally pack. The special entry price of $12.00 pp is only available to rally entrants and their passengers. These wrist bands will not be accepted at any of the entrance gates (public entry is $30.00pp). Also your entry means your commitment to remain on display until 4:00pm. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this requirement as the event finishes at 4.00pm and they want everyone there until then.

Vehicles of Vintage era (up to 1932) and earlier are eligible. Feel free to wear Scottish regalia and to dress your vehicle up for the occasion. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the club and our members to display our vehicles to the large number of spectators that attend the games. Get your entry in early because the numbers will be limited. Anyone requiring further information please contact Colin Hey on: 021 883 807.

Hope to see you there. ENTRY FORM PAGE 39 or ON LINE HERE



The weather has improved and with spring and daylight-saving back with us, I expect there will be more daylight time in the evenings for car maintenance.

It was good to see restoration of the year vehicles on display at the September Noggin.

We are now nearly at another Swap meet, boy doesn’t the time fly.

The Annual Awards dinner was another successful evening with 18 long service awards being presented, this evening was well attended with a good meal and company.

Please view the entry form for the Annual Vintage Rally which is to be held on Sunday 3rd December. (Page 36)


Greetings all, I am pleased we have now seen the back of Winter and can move into Spring and better weather for our motoring season!

I have been working on my Austin A30 Van recently which needed some finishing work - it is now done! Seen here proudly parked up with its 4 door sedan sibling. The sedan was my first car at 15 years of age and the one I motored when I was on the Committee back in 1987. I have now owned it for 37 years. The first owner bought it brand new in 1956 and owned it for 30 years. Not many cars get to 67 and have only two owners!

My 17 year old son Adam, drove his first VCC rally on Sept 10th for the Women and Junior Driver’s rally. He had great pleasure driving my 1972 Daimler Sovereign Series 1 down some dusty roads. His favourite part was the grasskana at the end hosted by George and Fraser Kear. He got to put his foot down a bit and throw it around some road cones. He had a grin from ear to ear when he had the rear end hanging out around the course. I hadn't anticipated the rally would be as long as it was so I didn't set off with both tanks full of gas but found out I was needing to top up along the way. Unfortunately I didn't bring my Morleys fuel additive for upper cylinder lubricant so it started to get sticky valves and began running rough - so he wasn't able to complete the grasskana unfortunately. We limped it to Rolleston and I popped into Repco and bought some additive, put a few squirts in the tank and we got home with no more issues. Note to self to


always keep a bottle in the car! Thanks to George and Fraser and team for organising a great day out.

For our September commercial noggin we were warmly welcomed to Safe-R-Brakes by owner John. Safe-R-Brakes are one of our HUB advertisers and the advert is usually found on the back cover. If you ever pop in for parts or service please tell them you are a club member and saw the advert in the Hub magazine. Safe-R-Brakes have been in business in Christchurch for 75 years - they opened in 1948. John showed us through the workshop where they have a huge set up of machines and lathes etc for skimming rotors and drums. Bonding and riveting brake shoes etc. They have a separate area in the workshop where they have pioneered the repair of ABS brake units. Prior to now, these units have been a throwaway item if they fail, but John and his team have found ways of refurbishing some of these units which means some of you with "newer" old cars might be able to have a unit fixed if it fails. Many of the older units are no longer available so if your ABS light comes on you might just be able to fix it now and not have to put several layers of black tape on the dash light bulb to hide a lit bulb! (who said that! ). John is himself building a 1/4 scale steam traction engine which is amazing. Thanks John for your welcome hospitality. I sure learnt a thing or two about brakes!

Our October Noggin is on Wednesday 18th October from 7:15pm and will be held at The Papanui Club, 310 Sawyers Arms Road, Bishopdale 8053.

I'm sure you will be looking forward to the Swap Meet - lots of treasures to be found. 6th, 7th, 8th of October. Remember the All British day is on Sunday the 15th of October. Lots of great British names make commercials. See you there!


Homestead Rally 2023

Calling all Vintage Car Club members. The Canterbury Homestead Rally will be held this year on Sunday 12th November

Start: Cutler Park, 661 McLeans Island Road 9.00am for

Coffee, Tea and “Colin’s” amazing scones

First cars heading off around 9.30am. Distance will be roughly around 220 km return $15 per car. Bring your own picnic lunch

Interested parties, please register online. Entries close 8th November 2023

Inquires to Andrew Marshall 027 420 6090

Women and Young Drivers Rally

Jonte Clarke Mazda MX5 (Most entertaining driver) and ’s winner Debbie Enright 1929 Austin Chummy.

On Line

Lloyd & Dianne Bertie organised the September 9-60s run for us and a grand job they did of it!

A great turnout of around 40 cars gathered at the Halswell New World car park in the cool of a beautiful spring morning. It was great to see John K and Colleen back among us and after the usual friendly chatter and hand out of instruction sheets we set out on a pleasant run through the southern edge of the city and into our Canterbury countryside on another beautiful spring day. Haven't we been just so lucky with the weather for 9-90s lately!

After a bit over an hours run in which I think Jill & I were the only one’s to miss an instruction and get slightly lost we arrived at the wonderful Terrace Downs Homestead.

After well organised parking of the cars and collection of the entry fees we were ushered onto the front lawn, ideal to form our usual huge circle for lunch in the sun, followed by a talk from a former owner Kate Foster.

The Terrace Downs Homestead was built in the early 1860’s by Sir John Hall who was the parliamentary advocate for the woman's suffrage movement. It was added on to over the next forty years to become the classic Canterbury homestead we see today.


About one hectare of beautiful garden including a tree walk among giant Sequoias and Douglas firs is now administered by the Terrace Station Charitable trust and is available for visits by prior arrangement.

We also had access to some out buildings including a garage housing several veteran cars and horse-drawn vehicles, a workers bunk room and the “Hutch” a mini museum of colonial era items. I don’t think anyone begrudged paying the $10.00 entry fee.

Another 9-90s great day out. Many thanks to Lloyd & Dianne.

Next month Roy Grainger is taking us on a shortish run very suitable for our older club cars to see a very interesting collection and a prize winning garden so get that vintage out of the shed and enjoy it.

Meet at the Belfast pub 9.55am on the 11th

The profit from the raffle each month goes to a little Xmas present for you at the Christmas lunch each year. I will be taking bookings at the September run so please remember to book in.

The $2.00 coin collected at the start of our runs is to help cover the costs involved in hosting one of these events like printing of instructions, petrol for test runs and the occasional bottle of wine for a venue host so please don’t be shy about contributing.

This year's Christmas lunch will be $30.00 a head and we have a limit of eighty people so please be sure to bring payment with you to the October run as bookings will not be confirmed until paid. Sorry NO eftpos or credit cards.

Happy motoring. Ken.


September’s OCBC was another good one, with around 60 cars and a couple of motorcycles turning up on what was a very pleasant and warm morning – so good in fact that there were a number of cars motoring with hoods down, and in the case of one Landrover – no roof at all! The October OCBC on Sunday 15th will be another big one, as it’s the meeting and start point for this year’s All British Day, so there should be a lot more cars and maybe motorcycles present. The coffee will be up and running by 9.00am, and we’ll be aiming to get the All British Day runs underway at 11.00am, leaving those who are unlucky enough not to own a British vehicle behind. There will be two runs using quiet roads to the finish destination – a quiet tree-lined country domain about 30 minutes north of Christchurch. The notice for the All British Day is on Page 38.

Meikles and Seatons enjoying the sunshine


The Annual Awards’ Dinner was held on Saturday 9th September with 88 people attending, a very respectable number when considering other years. Since its inception nearly 20 years ago, it has become one of the most important events the branch holds considering the disappearance of an annual dinner and various other social events.

Our 60-year recipients each spoke very eloquently about their time in the branch and the comradeships they had made, thanking everyone for their friendships.

A special thanks to Leigh and Tony Craythorne, not only for the work in this and previous award nights, but all the work generally in the branch.

In terms of numbers, George Kear our National President and Canterbury Branch member presented 2 x 25 to be presented later) 5 x 50 year and 3 x 60 year award badges.

Thanks must go on the night to bar staff Andrea Dallow and Philip Jeeves, waiters (once again) Mark Drury and Peter May, flowers by Esme Humm (get well soon Esme) helped by her sister Ngaio.

The atmosphere well aided by Graham Humm with the bagpipes, catering by Country Feasts.

Well done by all to make a very memorable night.

National president George Kear with 60 year recipient Gay Goodman

The 2023 Awards

50 Years L to R: Bernard Crossen, Brian Hayman, Barry Elcock, Phillip Kiesenowski, and Lindsay Paynter.

Awards Dinner

25 Years: Arthur Poll and Bob Hayes

35 Years: Michael Hedgeman and Charmaine Garth.

(presented later Peter and Pamela Yeatman)

60 Years: Gay Goodman, Bob Humm, Alan Wills.



The days are getting longer and warmer; Daylight Saving has begun, so a great time to get out on the bike!

Past Events

13th September – Noggin Night. This was held at the VCC National Office in Aberdeen Street. Not a great turnout, only 8 or 9 came along to hear Don Muller give a talk on the archives. A light supper ended the night, thanks to Don for hosting.

14th September – Old Codger’s Run. A slight change of plans this month; we went to the Wheatsheaf for lunch. The pub has been sold, and the new owners, the Buddhist Temple, take over at the end of September.

24th September – M/C Trials event at VCC Grounds, McLeans Island. A well-attended event, some 38 or 39 riders, some sharing the same bike which is all good. The pleasing part was there were about the same numbers of Classic Riders’ Club guys as there were VCC riders! A great mixture of bikes, from Solex’s, a Puch moped, a 1914 Ariel, through to more modern trials and road bikes! Thanks to all concerned, special thanks to Royce and Jan Baker for the BBQ, and Joseph McClintock and Peter Barnett for setting the courses and generally running the event.

Future Events.

30th Sep – 1st October – Dunvegan Rally, Otago. A contingent of about 25 – 26 riders from Canterbury is riding to Dunedin this weekend for this long traditional rally.

6th – 8th October – Swap Meet!! There will be a display of 4 cylinder motorcycles through the ages in The Barn; we are looking for volunteers to man the display table. Graham Barnett (0272406297) is the man to contact for this.

11th October – Noggin Night. This will be at Motorcycle Corner, McLeans Island, from 7.30 pm.

14th – 15th October – Girder Fork Rally to Akaroa. Entry form in last month’s Hub, plus on-line entry is available. Mike Glenday is the organiser. Great day on the Peninsula is


planned, lunch stop at the Deuvechelles Hotel. Route via Diamond Harbour and a variety of Banks Peninsula roads. The usual afternoon run via the Summit Road to Akaroa to finish. See elsewhere for more information, including on the enclosed entry form. One thing, if you do not have a girder bike you are still welcome to come along on the run, stay the night in Akaroa, and join in the fun of an overnight run out of town. You just do not qualify for the gongs, that’s all…

18th October – Old Codger’s Run. Note, THIRD Wednesday of the month, from now on. Meet at the Peg Hotel, Belfast, at 10.30 am for a run to the Greta Valley Tavern for lunch. This will be via Waikari, turning onto the Waikari-Scargill Road to the Greta Valley for lunch.

28th October – Fish and Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but we’ll put out a notice to all on the database email list as to what is going on.

9th November – Noggin Night. Note, THURSDAY NIGHT, CHANGED FROM 8th as this will be at Smash Palace, their biker’s night. From 7.30 pm.

15th November – Old Codger’s Run. To be advised, via the email list.

25th November – Motorcycle Annual Rally. The route has been organised, and the entry form is in this Hub as well as On Line. Please note, the lunch will be at Loburn Abbey; this place has a WW2 airfield set up and is run by Ivan Campbell. Ivan constructs ¾ size aircraft. It does cost $15 per person to visit this attraction, but to grease your palms your committee has voted to subsidise this cost by 50% for all participants.

Organisers Paul Ainsworth and Mike Glenday. There will not be a Fish and Chip Run this month.

13th December – Christmas Noggin. As in past years, this will be held in The Barn, and take the form of a catered meal. More details next month. That’s it for this month, keep the rubber to the road, and enjoy the longer evenings.

Cheers, CML



24th September was the day of the Motorcycle Reliability Trial. For the third year, the Motorcycle Section invited the Classic Motorcycle Trials Club to join us for a relaxed, low level competitive day of motorcycling.

We started off the day with a winding route between the trees and up and down the banks near the tennis court. The course was such that all the bikes could compete equally. The idea was to do two circuits in the same time. Some took it slow and steady, others had other ideas! There was a huge range of motorbikesfrom a 1914, belt drive Ariel, to Velo Solex and mopeds, road bikes and moto cross bikes, to the latest electric trials bike, and with riders' ages from 6 (on his little electric trial bike) to a long way past retirement. With approximately 35 riders - evenly split between VCC and Trials - this took up the morning nicely. It was then time for a tasty BBQ lunch prepared by Jan and Royce Baker, and Jens Christensen. After lunch, it was time for the second test which was set out by the Trials Club around the earth banks by the Oval. It was set out so that the trials boys could practice their art over the lumps and bumps, and the rest of us could go around the outside, again two circuits at the same speed.

The final test was a “round the cones in ever decreasing circles” , which was again enjoyed by all. After this was completed, we all adjourned to the Social Shelter for prize giving. The general consensus of opinion was that it was a very successful day, and from a personal point of view, it was so good to see the grounds full of people just enjoying themselves. A big “thank you” to Jan and Royce Baker, Jens Christensen for the lunch, to Paul Ainsworth, Joseph McClintock, Peter and Lynette Barnett for setting it up and making it happen.


Philip Jeeves

Best overall Zac Polen

Oldest Bike & Rider Kelvin Merrin

Best Female Lynette Barnett

Forza trial bike

1914 Ariel

1974 Yamaha

Youngest Rider Koby Pascoe (about 6yrs old) Oset trial bike

Best air award Phil Jeeves

1963 NSU

Evil Knivel Award Jonte Clark Honda

Kelvin Merrin 1914 Ariel Brian Chambers 1951 Royal Enfield Daryl Johnson Matchless John Benn 1966 Honda


14/15 OCTOBER 2023

The Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks. REMEMBER CHANGE OF START VENUE- The rally will leave from Auto Restorations, Kennedy Place, Hillsborough. Meet 9am onwards for a 9.45am start. Back up trailer available, if staying overnight try and carry your luggage. The morning run will finish with a lunch stop at Duvauchelle Hotel. Lunch is up to the rider themselves. After lunch there will be a trip to Akaroa or by riding around the Summit Rd to Akaroa. Accommodation to be organized by the entrant. The evening will be based around the Madeira Hotel. Breakfast up to each rider. On Sunday meet in the side carpark of The Madeira Hotel at 9.30am prior to leaving. Sunday stop and prize giving at Gebbes Pass Café (corner Gebbes Pass Rd and State Highway 75) before heading home. Have your morning coffee here instead of Little River.

At the OCBC: A very nice Land Rover and Frank Ryder with his immaculate ‘32 Ford



RIDERS NAME:_____________________________


POST CODE:________

PHONE NUMBER:_________________

EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________

VCC MEMBERSHIP NUMBER:__________________

MAKE OF MOTORCYCLE:_____________________

YEAR:______________ cc RATING:____________

Details required for our new Health and Safety protocols –

Emergency Contact ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

ENTRY FEE $15.00

Veteran bikes free entry Plaques only supplied if ordered, extra payment of $11.00 required per plaque $_____________

TOTAL $_________

Make payment via internet banking- 03 0802 0099727 00, please ensure you put your name and name of the rally with the payment and email secretary with your entry if you’re not using the electronic entry form via The Hub or the clubs web site.

ENTRIES CLOSE – Tuesday 10 October 2023

Secretary – M Glenday, 03 344 0425/021 192 0581 - ——ENTER ON LINE HERE——



September 2023 Run

West Melton was the starting point for the VOG’s September run. As it was a wee way out of town I thought maybe we might be a bit down on numbers but no - a keen team of 17 riders turned up at the West Melton Tavern’s carpark on a brilliant Spring morning 13th September, so keen in fact that the majority had arrived in advance of the 11am meeting time even yours truly VOG 1 was late - albeit only about 2 minutes. The run I planned for the team was a short journey around the “village” of West Melton and man was every one blown away by how large West Melton has become and continuing to be with more and more land being developed on the east side of the West Coast Rd. No small homes or sections there and we all commented on how quiet the streets were with just the odd retiree out mowing lawns or grooming their large plot of land. We thought most couples would be away working to help pay off the large mortgages that would be required to own a piece of paradise out there. It seemed a most impressive township even with its own supermarket, school, medical centre and most other convenience shops including a great bakery café – I can vouch for the food there as Jan and I sampled some of their yummies whilst we were planning the route. The chicken, cranberry and brie pies were mouth watering.

Solex riding is such bliss you could drop off to sleep!

After a fulfilling lunch at the West Melton Tavern part 2 of our day started off. This was a trip out to Aylesbury (in our vehicles not the Solex’s!) on the main West Coast Rd to a newly set up business out there “Motor Sport Solutions” originally in a premises at Ruapuna Raceway but now a whole new workshop and ancillary buildings


including a 3D printer that is used for making moulds for various alloy parts as used in the race cars (eg a mould for a sump and a bellhousing were spotted on a bench) There’s even a soundproofed room for dyna testing engines that have been rebuilt. They can be throttled up to maximum revs and testing equipment allows the technicians to sortany problems that may show up. This was a very interesting visit that had been organised by our VOG member Barrie Walker.

Overall a great day out for “Team VOG”.




Check out page 37 Royce!)




Entries close 19th November

Entrant’s Name: ___________________________________


Postal Code:________


VCC Membership No:__________

Combination: yes/no Moped/Scooter: yes/no

Make:__________________Year:_______CC Rating:________


Routes Choice – Short/Long

Entry Fees (covers back ups/trophy engraving/misc expenses)

Entry fee $15.00 $

Veteran and Vintage bikes no entry fee

Plaques only supplied if ordered @ $12.00 each $................

Subsidized Display entry ($15.00) @ $7.50 each $................

Lunch - number required - ………….@$12.00 each $...........

Total $........................

Pay via internet banking - 03 0802 0099727 00. Please put your name in the Particulars and Annual M/C Rally in the Reference field and post/email me the entry form. ( The entry form is also on the Branch web site. Important : Meet at motorcycle corner, Cutler Park at 9.30am for a 10am start. Back up provided for both runs. Long and short routes. Run destination is Loburn Abbey at which we will view the display (subsidized entry) and enjoy our lunch.

BBQ Tea –this year we will again have a pot luck evening prize giving meal at motorcycle corner. Provide your own meat for BBQ and salad/breads etc you bring to be placed out and shared with everyone.

Entries to – Dave Malcolm, 8A Amdale Avenue, Christchurch 8042.

Ph:021 117 1382

Email –

Enter on line HERE


By the time most of you receive this report we’ll be busy setting up the grounds and preparing for the 3 busiest days of the year for our Branch. If you haven’t already volunteered to help at the gates or to keep an eye on the displays, it’s not too late to put your name forward. We’ll have the rosters at the Noggin on Thursday 5 th and will be looking at filling any holes (and there are still a few). Also if you can get to Cutler park during the week to help set up that would be appreciated – there are a multitude of tasks that need doing and the more hands (and legs) we have to do it, the easier it is on everyone. Help will also be required on Monday 9 th to pack up and return the grounds to their pristine state – it’s simply a matter of turning up – morning tea will be provided. Here’s hoping for good weather, lots of happy buyers, and busy trading for our site-holders. And for those who have put advertising signs out, please don’t forget to take them down as soon as possible after the weekend, and return them to us either at noggins, the Parts Shed, or at OCBC.



Sunday December 3rd

ENTRANT’S NAME:…………………………………………………..

MEMBERSHIP NUMBER…………………………………………….

EMAIL ADDRESS:…………………………………………………….

PHONE NUMBER(S)………………………………………………….

VEHICLE MAKE AND MODEL……………………………………….





Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the entrant in the particulars field and Vintage rally in the reference field.

Any Enquiries contact the rally organiser Graham Evans 351 5919 or 027 320 7048

Entries Close 26th November




A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Robert Spooner

1938 Morris 8 Series 2 1936 Austin Ruby 1930 Ford A

Matthew Bale

1952 Austin A40

Simon Eastwick

1942 Ford Jailbar 1970 Holden Kingswood

1951 Daimler Lanchester

1952 Morris Minor 1952 Desoto Diplomat 1947 BSA M20

Paul Prendergast

1991 Nissan 200

Anthony Richards

Dave Pringle

Cornelis Tabak

1960 Peugeot 403 SE.

Denis O’Rourke

1937 Rolls Royce 25/30 1949 Jaguar, Mark V, 1953 Jaguar Mark VII. 1954 Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire 346.

Andrew Fletcher

Jon Poultney

1959 BMW Isetta 300+ 1977 BMW e12 520 1992 BMW e34

R Franklin.

1956 Morris MCV.

Murray Smith

1940 Austin 8 1972 Bedford CF 1989 Holden Commodore

George Schwass.

Six x 1937 to 1949 Morris Fourteen x 1950 to 1973 Solex

John Haggitt

1936 Chevrolet Master Deluxe. 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe.

1973 Ford Falcon



Sunday 15th October

The 2023 Canterbury All British Day will be held on Sunday 15 th October.

The start point will be the Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee morning at our Vintage Car Club grounds on McLeans Island Road, where vehicles will need to assemble between 8.30am and 10.00 am. At 11.00 all British vehicles will depart on a scenic run which will take participants to a country domain for lunch. The entry fee will still be $10.00 per vehicle, with all proceeds going to the Van Asch Deaf Education Centre in Sumner. Please bring a picnic lunch, or food may be purchased on the way to the Domain. A coffee van will be operating at the VCC grounds at the start point from 8.30am. The event is open to British vehicles of all ages (veteran to modern) and all types - motorcycles, cars and trucks.


As British as it gets: Kelly Brass in action Women and Young Driver’s Rally




ENTRANT’S NAME ………………………………………………..

PASSENGER NAMES …………………………………………….


PHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………..

EMAIL ADDRESS …………………………………………………..

VEHICLE MAKE MODEL………………………………………….

YEAR …………………………………




TOTAL TO PAY $........................

Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account: 03 1594 0096832 00.

Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and the name of the Rally (Highland Games) in the reference field.




1954 Morris Minor 1000

Running and complete but no registration (not on hold).

VCC Certificate of Authentication available.

Can be viewed at the swap meet. $2000 ONO. Contact Bill, 027 777 2925

Riley 4-72

Two cars

1 with live rego. $1000.

1 with dead rego. $800.

2 Marina motors

For more info phone 021 062 8989

1950 Vincent Comet

Imported 2018 ex VOC

Has had a number of upgrades including new forged piston c/w Rebore; New primary G/Box shaft and seals; Magneto Rebuild; Crankcase Primary drive oil seal fitted; New Amal Carburettor.

UK Registration Documents and Original number plate. Frame ex Factory Dec 1949, Motor ex Factory on a Comet C” January 1952.

VCC Identification completed.NZ Registration currently on hold. Vehicle in Christchurch – needs to be used. Contact or 027 452 2149 for further details


Ford Telstar 2 litre, 1994 GLEi Auto $1500.00

197577 km, 2 owners

New WOF and Rego until Feb24

3 months off being vintage eligible

Selling on behalf. Phone Graham 027 320 7948

Pre War Triumph Vitesse

Two axles plus New and Used Riley Parts


For more info Phone 0210 628 989


BSA Dandy

BSA Dandy parts kick start and carburettor cover required, and interested in other any Dandy parts.

Please phone Barry on 021 310 458

GYS-Cairns Motoc

Information & or parts wanted

Please phone 021 294 6121



See Notice board posters for more information.

Sunday 26 November 2023 – 10am – 3pm


Invites you to attend the ANNUAL MT COOK RALLY.

Labour Weekend 21, 22, 23 OCT 2023


For any queries, contact Michelle Munro 021 1726168 (evenings) or email


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

43 Christchurch Self Drive Sheds of Interest Tour 4th November Further info: http://

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James

03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919

027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

47 Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

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