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Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month
The Daffodil Rally For Cancer: ( A bloomin’ great day). Cherrie and Tiff the cheerful representatives of the Cancer Society, with an appropriately coloured background. Chairman’s Report 6 AGM and EXEC Report 7/10 Secretary’s Report 11 Club Captain’s Report 12 Veteran Report 13/14/15 Vintage Report 16 Commercial Report 17 9-90s Report 19 Motorcycle Report 22/23/26 M/C Mid Winter Run 27 VOG Report 30 Swap Meet Report 33 OCBC Report 34 Daffodil Rally Report 35/36/37 New Members 38 The Mart 39/40 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the October Hub closes on Wednesday 27th September Contact "The Editor", 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email
Cover Photo
The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Sun 3rd Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th Awards Dinner

Sun 10th Women and Young Driver’s Rally

Wed 13th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 17th OCBC

Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Sun 24th Motorcycle Trial, Veteran Rally

Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin


Sun 1st Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter

Fri 6th/7th/8th Swap Meet

Wed 11th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 14th Sun 15th M/C Girder Fork Rally

Sun 15th OCBC and All British Day

Tue 17th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 18th Commercial Noggin

Wed 25th North Canterbury Noggin


Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 8th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 12th Homestead Run

Wed 15th Commercial Noggin

Fri-Sun17th-19th Show Weekend Tour

Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance

Wed 22nd North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 25th Motorcycle Annual Rally

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th

Sunday 9-12pm


The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.

Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators



Hopefully you’re all enjoying the warming weather and looking forward to everything coming up on the calendar of events, if you haven’t got one for your pocket yet they are available at the noggin.

It’s been busy in the last month, with plenty of Vintage Car Club things to occupy any spare time.

The motorcycle mid winter run to Geraldine was blessed with great weather, albeit a bit chilly to start with, and was a very enjoyable weekend away on the bikes with some interesting places to visit ably organised by John Benn.

Along with Robyn Cox as branch observer I attended the Executive Meeting and AGM in Nelson, with Rod Thrower also joining us to offer advice and observe the proceedings. There was a wide range of business discussed, with the main points summarised in the meeting report elsewhere in this issue, the full minutes of both meetings will be available in due course for those who are interested.

Turnout (and weather) for our Daffodil Rally were great given the time of the year, many thanks to Colin Hey for heading the organisation, along with many helpers who contributed to a successful and well run event. I believe Rod managed to sign up some new members on the day, which demonstrates that along with supporting a great cause this is also a valuable opportunity for promotion of the club.


A point that was raised at the Executive meeting was the absence of guidance for new delegates on how the proceedings are conducted, which was noted even by some long standing members of the club who were new to the role, and that there is a degree of assumption that people will know. The same thought applies to our branch events, where it is sometimes assumed that our members know what an event is about, but some more detail in the event advertisements might encourage newer members who aren’t so familiar to come along.

Next on the list is to sort out which of the children are driving which car for the Women and Young Driver’s Rally. It’s a great opportunity to get the younger ones out driving the older machinery in the company of like minded people, so if you have a suitable driver and suitable car why not get them together and come along for the day.

Happy motoring, Neil

Executive meeting and AGM report.

On the weekend of 11/12 August, Robyn Cox and I represented our branch at the August Delegates meeting and AGM of the club. Below is a summary of the key matters from both meetings. Executive meeting.

1. After a long discussion, it was agreed that the annual subscription will increase by $25 per year with affect from November this year, in order to preserve the Beaded Wheels as it is, and account for the loss of interest income when the insurance settlement funds currently held are used for purchase of a new national office building. One thing to note is that the full increase only applies to full members, increase of $12.50 for junior members, and no change for joint members.

2. Murray Trounson talked to the delegates about the quality of the branch annual accounts and confirmed that only four


branches are preparing their accounts correctly. It was pleasing to hear that one of these was Canterbury Branch.

3. On Saturday afternoon the delegates held a Zoom meeting with Steven Moe, a Christchurch Solicitor who is advising the club on matters related to the new Incorporated Societies Act.

He explained what he saw as the options for the club’s management structure under the 2022 Incorporated Societies Act. They range from leaving the current 2-tiered structure in place to having only a management committee.

His view was that our current structure is too cumbersome and inefficient, and the requirement for drafting a new constitution is a good opportunity to review this. He also said that we needed to consider how best to maintain the separation of our governance and management functions.

We will be sharing a copy of his opinion with you and asking for your feedback. This issue will be further discussed at the March Executive meeting, with options to be developed before then for consideration so final decisions can be made then.

4. Diane Quarrie reported to the meeting that the club has been successful in reaching agreement with Waka Kotahi to loosen the rules on how water damaged pre 1976 vehicles are to be dealt with. The rules have not yet been released but are expected to be in place shortly. These changes will make a big difference for club members who live in areas that sustained significant flooding earlier in the year.


The club’s AGM was held on 12 August. There was a lot of business covered at the meeting and the full minutes will be circulated when they are received. In the meantime below are some of the points to note.

1. As you would have seen from the Notice of the AGM five


members including the President were standing down. All positions except Hon Secretary/Treasurer were filled with all nominees for the vacant positions elected unopposed.

Christchurch branch is very lucky to have three representatives on the management team being Murray Trounson, Kevin Clarkson and Andy Fox. In addition to these three, the new president is our own George Kear. Don Muller was acknowledged for the great work that he does as the club archivist and was reappointed to this position

2. It was raised that some members are having difficulty contacting Vero Insurance to resolve issues, this can be done through the club national office, although at present we are waiting for details of a new point of contact at Vero.

3. The Notice of Motion that you were asked to vote on was passed with 89.6% of members who voted, voting in favour of it. The purpose of the motion was to amend the constitution to make it clear that the club may also refer to itself by other names, for example as “The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand”, in addition to its legal name.

4. It was disappointing to hear that the move towards a 12month Warrant of Fitness for historic vehicles is being further delayed due to a change of staff at Waka Kotahi and also a possible change of government.

5. To date no progress has been made in finding new premises for the club’s national office, this is ongoing and needs to be completed before the deadline for vacating the current building.

6. The response to the NZFOMC survey that you were asked to complete in July has exceeded expectation and preliminary results are expected to be available in September. The purpose of this survey is to show what level of contribution motoring clubs make to the NZ economy. The assumption being made is that the contribution is quite large and more


than people think. If this is correct it will give NZFOMC more leverage with government.

7. The Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring Rally 2026 will be hosted by the Nelson Branch and will be held in either March or April 2026. The fact that it is in the South Island should make it easier for branch members to attend.

8. The 2024 AGM will be held on 9 to 11 August 2024 in Tauranga.

Finally thank you to those branch members who travelled to Nelson to attend the meetings. Our branch was clearly the most represented branch there.




Info for those who have bought tickets

Bar opens 6.00 pm

Please be seated for dinner by 6.30 pm.


Hi all,

Not my usual report on the AGM this month as I have stood down as Delegate this year. Our Chairman and Treasurer this year represented our Branch as Delegate and representative at the National AGM held in Nelson last month. I did attend the weekend along with quite a large contingent of 22 Canterbury Members.

Nelson Branch put on a superb weekend. Great venue in a great part of the country, awesome food good company and a great representation from most Branch’s around the country. (Report available elsewhere).

Club Member Statistics as at 28/07/2023 Total 8.455 members; 6,324, Joint 2,131

Canterbury Branch Total 1,296 = 1,015, joint 281 Since Daffodil Day Rally we have processed fourteen new members.

I would like to again thank Michelle and Henry Little for all the help they gave me on the day with the raffles. I couldn’t have done this alone. Thanks also to Silver Ferns Farms for their generous donation of a large amount of the meat, used as prizes. All prizes were claimed and the proceeds added to the branch total going to the Canterbury region of The Cancer Society. Well done everyone.


A wet start to the aptly named Winter Run


Welcome to Spring!

It was fantastic to see so many of you at Daffodil Day, what a wonderful turn out! Thank you to Colin Hey for making up the rallies from all four different sites to Cutler Park and his supporters for collecting money and running raffles. The money raised goes to a good cause.

Hope you all had a chance to look at the new Calendar Of Events card? Remember they are available at Noggin, on the bar or the kitchen servery.

Quite a few events are coming up as you will see below. Please remember to register your interest early to make things easier on the organisers

Don’t forget Women’s and Young drivers day on Sunday 10th September 2023. This year is being organised by a young driver - I imagine there will be fierce competition between the ladies and the young drivers, particularly in the Grasskhana.

The Homestead Run planning is well underway. The registration for this will be in the next Hub.

Coming Events:

Saturday 9th September Awards Dinner

Sunday 10th September Women and Young Drivers Day

Sunday 17th September OCBC

Sunday 24th September Veteran Annual Rally

Sunday 24th September Motorcycle Trial Day.

Enjoy the next month's events.

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All welcome.



Things are now all set for the Annual Veteran Rally on Sunday 24th September, all the information you need to know is on the entry form on Page 41. As was mentioned last month we are starting ‘south of the border’ this year to allow us to visit the Barhill village, probably a destination few will have been to. I can promise you it will be a very good day out, and good easy veteran motoring as well. Any club-eligible vehicles are able to enter this rally, however only veteran entrants will be eligible for the rally prizes. I would especially encourage rear-wheel braked vintages to attend. Also in this month’s Hub on Page 15 and 31 are the details and the entry form for this year’s Hororata Highland Games Display. With there always being such a huge crowd at this event there are few better opportunities to promote our club, but not only that, it’s a wonderful spectacle that’s well worth attending just for the entertainment value. By displaying our vehicles we have the added bonus of a subsidised entry fee. Entry is open to any veteran or vintage-era vehicles – all are encouraged to be there, but especially the veterans. Although the Annual Veteran Rally effectively kicks off the season, things effectively got underway with the Daffodil Rally. What a great day it was too, helped of course by perfect weather. It was great to see George and Sue Lee and Chris and Rose Dyer there with their veterans – I was contemplating taking one of the veteran Wolseleys as well, however the need to be at Cutler Park very early with some equipment and with complete reliability made me re-think that option. I did take one of the newer Wolseley though!

On the home front, it’s now time to get our two veteran Wolseleys warranted and ready to go. With help from Bevars Binnie I’ve hopefully got the dual ignition on the 1912 sorted (it had indeed been wrongly assembled in the past as I suspected) and it’s now starting easily even on the coldest of mornings. Good job too, as there’s lots of motoring planned for this summer! On that note, entries are now open for the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin at


the end of January next year – just go to the VCC website and download all of the material and the entry form. The event also incorporates the 70th Anniversary Dunedin to Brighton Run, and is immediately followed by the (optional) 3-day Prince Henry Tour, so it will be a special event to be part of. Do get in early and book your accommodation as there’s quite a bit going on in Dunedin at that time of year.

Veteran Rally Entry Form Page 41


Highland Games Entry Form Page 31


Effective immediately the charge for a new member has now increased from $100 to $125. A new Junior membership has now increased from $50 to $62.50. There is no change to the Joint member application fee of $20.

Please note that the single membership fee and junior membership fee are prorated, so that members joining in February, March and April pay 75% of these charges, members joining in May, June and July pay 50% and members joining in August, September or October pay 125% (but this 125% covers them for the next full financial year as well).

The below table clarifies the New Membership Application Fees that now apply.

Please note that effective immediately the charge for a Non-Member VIC/DOMAS Application has increased from $100 to $125.


Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run and Display

Saturday 4th November 2023

The Hororata Highland Games are a fantastic day out and are regarded by many as the best Highland Games outside of Scotland. If you haven’t been before and you can get there in a Veteran or Vintage car, then now’s your chance.

Where you start your run is up to you, but all cars will be required to arrive at the Cenotaph about 1km north of at Hororata on the Coalgate to Hororata Road at 10.00am. Once there the cars and motorcycles will be lined up for the drive down the road to the showgrounds and make a grand parade entrance at 10.30am.

Once there, all vehicles will do a parade lap and then be parked up for display. You will then be free to participate in and enjoy a fantastic day out.

Entertainment includes the various Highlands events, great music for all tastes and various vendors of food and beverages including whiskey tasting. Bring your picnic lunch or patronise the food stall holders

A special entrance price has been arranged and venue entrance wrist bands will be part of the rally pack. The special entry price of $12.00 pp is only available to rally entrants and their passengers. These wrist bands will not be accepted at any of the entrance gates (public entry is $30.00pp). Also your entry means your commitment to remain on display until 4:00pm. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this requirement as the event finishes at 4.00pm and they want everyone there until then.

Vehicles of Vintage era (up to 1932) and earlier are eligible. Feel free to wear Scottish regalia and to dress your vehicle up for the occasion. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the club and our members to display our vehicles to the large number of spectators that attend the games. Get your entry in early because the numbers will be limited. Anyone requiring further information please contact Colin Hey on: 021 883 807.

Hope to see you there. ENTRY FORM PAGE 31 or ON LINE HERE



I have attended the monthly committee meeting.


This Wednesday run departed from Yaldhurst Pub carpark organised by Ken James and Bruce Miles. The weather turned out to be a calm sunny day and we visited a museum in Glentunnel, followed by lunch at Whitecliffs. An enjoyable day thanks to Ken and Bruce for organising this rally.

Daffodil Rally Sunday 20th August.

I joined a number of Model A members at 9am in the Robert Harris Café, prior to joining the rally at Rolleston. The weather was excellent with a number of various classics and vintage cars joining this special day. It was estimated that as many as 700 cars converged on VCC grounds at Cutler Park.

I would like to mention your willing volunteers who work towards making our events enjoyable for all members. Colin Hey is a committee member who does endless work keeping our members entertained. Having prepared and organised a short and long rallies for all four departing venues, Rolleston, Cashmere Club, Rangora and New Brighton. The weather for both these runs was very favourable so I am looking forward to more warm and dry runs as we proceed into spring.


Greetings all,

Seems like we have had a mix of usual winter weather but boy haven't we been lucky with these warm, sunny and windless weekends recently!

The Daffodil day rally on Sunday 20th of one such day and clearly it was perfect for getting out and about in our special interest vehicles! An incredible turnout. Well done to the organisers and helpers who made this happen - you certainly did an excellent job in coordinating this big day!

Our August Commercial Noggin was held at Classic Workshop in Ferrymead. Thanks to Joe Grose, Kevin and Mike for opening up your business and collection to show the group. There were over 20 in attendance which was a larger group than normal with many faces I haven't seen before along with most of our regular group. Classic Workshop is one of our HUB advertisers and has a comprehensive workshop for all manner of repairs from mechanical to structural and cosmetic. There was also a display of lovely old motor bikes as well as Kevin's collection of big American cars of various makes and models - they all had one thing in common and that was size! They are usually kept under covers but these covers were peeled back for us so we could see them in all their glory. Not just one make and model either - there were De Soto, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Edsel, Oldsmobile, Cadillac - the list goes on!

I was most taken by Joe's own 1919 Nash recovery truck which has an amazing history. Nice set up - well done!

Our September Noggin is at one of our other Hub Advertisers, and that is Safe-R-Brakes at 87 Fitzgerald Avenue on Wednesday 20th Sept from 7.15pm. John will be our host for the evening.

After my V8 pickup build in July I have been working on my real car (1925 Lagonda) in August doing a few jobs getting it ready for a few days out in the coming Summer. The clutch and starter motor have been playing up a bit, so all going well I might manage to start it on the button and not have to knock it out of gear to


avoid stalling at every intersection despite the clutch pedal being hard on the floor!

Coming events to look forward to are: The Women and Young drivers Rally on 10th Sept, The Veteran Rally on 24th Sept, The All British Day on 15th Oct. Get your entries in!

Looking forward to Summer!

Joe Grose’s wonderful 1919 Nash recovery truck


Hi Everyone.

As our good mate John K has injured himself (old men and ladders don’t mix) it is left to me to write this report. (Some people will do anything to get out of driving a Roller....Fuel is expensive)

Bruce Miles & myself organized the August 9-90s (with help from my brother Laurie and partner Jill who did a test run.) We were all very lucky that the day turned out beautiful after a cold start, calm, clear and sunny bringing a great turnout of 36 cars and lots happy people who enjoyed chatting before heading off. We couldn’t have asked for a better day to enjoy viewing the snow covered Southern Alps as we headed out of Yaldhurst and south on the country roads then west toward Coalgate. A few brave souls tackled the ford (which turned out to contain very little water after having about a foot of water in it on the previous Thursday)

Everyone arrived at the Glentunnel Museum and enjoyed a good look around and a rare chance to see inside the Library next door which is designed to match the shape of the kiln. The bricks to build it were made in at the nearby brickworks.


We then carried on to Whitecliffs to sit in our usual huge circle in the sun for lunch outside the community hall which is undergoing restoration. Annette & Rose did a great raffle and 11 lucky people left with a prize. Thank you to all who donated at the library, Museum & the Hall fund.

John is recovering well and we hope to see him next month.


Lloyd & Diane Bertie

Meet at Halswell New World Car park. 9.55am $10.00pp entry fee.


Roy Grainger. Meet at Belfast pub 9.55am.

If anyone would like to volunteer to host a run next year please ring Ken 021 2225086.

See you all next month. Cheers. Ken J

(Welcome to these illustrious pages Ken.)

Mike Foster snapped these pictures of our old water tanks being taken down by our friends at Protranz. A great job done. Neil Stevenson and his building team have finished building a new shelter to go at the main gate for Swap Meet.


September!! The first month of Spring!! Enjoy those longer days with warming temperatures as you go for a blatt on the bike!!

Past Events.

29th -30th July – Mid Winter Run to Geraldine. Excellent event; 18 riders, a couple of cars, and a certain 1923 Hupmobile that was the only casualty of the whole trip (thanks to a wayward lock-nut that took out the points plate in the magneto…) Saturday was for checking out the Geraldine Auto Restorations followed by the Geraldine Motor Museum. Excellent dinner at the Village Inn, then Sunday, before the run to Chch, was the much anticipated visit to the Roger Mahan Transport Museum on the outskirts of town to the north. This did not disappoint!! Fine, sunny weather all weekend with a nippy frost in the mornings. Thanks to John Benn for the organising, and Graham Barnett for driving the back-up.

Future Events.

9th August – Motorcycle Noggin. Cold, wet, windy, blustery. In spite of this, some 30+ members enjoyed the hospitality of Mike Pero (he was in attendance...) at the Mike Pero Motorcycle Museum. Great collection of bikes on display, with many gems that have considerable rarity value, both in terms of numbers built or history.

10th August – Old Codger’s Run. The gremlins that caused the cancellation of this particular run twice before almost struck again. Snow was falling lightly in parts of Chch, but the very hardy 4 bikers and 2 cars persisted with the run to Cust. After the obligatory coffee to warm up they voted to carry on to Oxford for lunch, then a circuitous route back home. While the wind was “brisk with a sharp coolness” there was absolutely no rain at all and certainly no snow!!…

26th August – Round the Bays Run. This also doubled as the Fish and Chip Run for the month. My enquiries revealed


that about 28+ bikes lined up for the start outside PMH, in fine sunny conditions. This has to be one of the better Round the Bays runs for many years! The run went Purau via Gebbes Pass, Governors Bay, Diamond Harbour then return to DH for lunch. From there via Governors Bay to Lyttleton and up to Evans Pass above Sumner and out to the Godley Heads. Great day out, enjoyed by all.

Future Events.

13th September – Noggin Night. This will be held at the VCC National Office in Aberdeen Street, Central City (just off Manchester St) and take the form of a visit to the National Motoring Archives. Don Muller, VCC Archivist, will host the meeting. A supper will be provided, and meeting time is 7.30 pm.

14th September – Old Codger’s Run. A bit of a difference this month. We’ll try out the Wheatsheaf Tavern, Teddington. As it doesn’t open until 12.00 pm each day we’ll do the event a little differently. Meet at PMH, Cashmere Road 10.45 am for a 11.00 am departure for a run out via Tai Tapu and Gebbes Pass, and a suggest return run via Governors Bay and Lyttleton.

24th September – M/C Trials event at VCC Grounds, McLeans Island. We’ll be joined by the Classic Trials Club, who have attended in past years as well. We need MORE VCC members to enter this event!! This event is suitable for ANY type of bike!! Have a go! You do not have to be a VCC member to have a go! All prospective members also welcome! Joseph McClintock is the organiser. 10.00 start, and a BBQ lunch ($5 PP) as well. See next page for more info!

6th – 8th October – Swap Meet!! There will be a display of 4 cylinder motorcycles through the ages in The Barn; we are looking for volunteers to man the display table. Graham Barnett (027 240 6297) is the man to contact for this.

11th October – Noggin Night.

12th October – Old Codger’s Run.

14th – 15th October – Girder Fork Rally to Akaroa. Entry form in this Hub, plus on-line entry is available. Mike Glenday is the organiser. Great day on the Peninsula is planned, lunch stop at the Davauchelles Hotel. Route via Diamond Harbour and a Cont. Page 26

Dressed for the occasion L to R: Tracy Henderson and Jim Gardiner, Heather Harris, and Mary Connelly.

variety of Banks Peninsular roads. The usual afternoon run via the Summit Road to Akaroa to finish. See elsewhere for more information, including on the enclosed entry form. We are moving out of the winter doldrums into spring so your committee is preparing a varied and interesting schedule of events. Support your committee as they put in a lot of effort for your motorcycling enjoyment!

That’s it for now, CML

Motorcycle Fun Day / Trial

Cutler Park 24th September 10am Start

The motor cycle section will be running a fun day / trial. Any type of motorcycle welcome. Motorcycles / Mopeds don’t have to be Club eligible or Registered or have a WOF so get that bike out of the back of the shed and come and have some fun. This is not a speed event the aim is to do two runs at the same speed The Classic Trials Group will be setting up their own courses to demonstrate low speed Motorcycle handling. The other courses will be suitable for all types of Motorcycles including Veterans and

Bring your Children, Grand Children

Prospective new members welcome. Multiple Riders can use the same Free entry, BBQ lunch $5 per person

Motorcycle Mid Winter Run to Geraldine.

The Motorcycle mid winter run was held on the last weekend of July, after a gap of several years due to covid etc.

About a dozen motorcycles were at the frosty Halswell start along with a few others with the luxury of four wheels.The chosen route was through Lincoln to Leeston and on to our first stop at Rakaia. There was a short delay while the back up arrived with two passengers. Seems the Hup had failed to proceed near Doyleston, and needed to be parked up. Then on to the boring Thompsons Track with the odd pot hole to make sure you are paying attention, then into Geraldine, where most of us found accommodation at the Andorra Motel.

After a quick lunch it was time to gather at Geraldine Auto Restorations, where the owner took us through to see work in Progress. A vintage Buick, Bedford truck, two Falcons. a Cadillac and a Valiant were all work in progress. Next it was 'round the corner to the Geraldine Car and Machinery Museum. Some cars had changed, but things were much the same as when I last visited about fifteen years back. Always sad to see cars in a museum with flat tires. The most interesting part for me was the mezzanine in the tractor shed - lots of interesting nick nacks.

Dinner was at the Village Inn. Excellent meals all round. Some hardy souls stayed up to watch the rugby (ABs v Oz), but most chose to wait for the score in the morning.

10am Sunday and we were at the Roger Mahon Heritage Centre. 5600 sq metres is one big shed. Veteran cars and motorcycles, plus a huge collection of earth moving equipment through the ages all takes some time to see and think about. A lot has changed in the last century or so.

Back down that long road to Rakaia for lunch, then home. We managed to find the two best days of sunshine, perfect for a mid winter run. Thanks John Benn for organising. We look forward to next year.


Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally

The Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally as hosted by the Otago Branch is on the 30th September and 1st October 2023.

Entry form available from David Hastings 022 192 8366

If YOU would like to go, and be a part of the VCC Canterbury group Phil Jeeves is organising suitable accommodation etc. Here is the guts of that notification: Ride down to Dunedin on the Friday prior, stay overnight in a motel, do the rally Saturday & Sunday (all accommodation and meals generally provided), then ride back Sunday PM to Chchwith a stop overnight Sunday night if necessary. This year the Dunvegan is finishing in the Herbert district, which is about 22 kms from Oamaru. This gives a run of about 270 kms or 3 1/2 hours back to Christchurch. We are looking for indications of interest so that suitable accommodation can be booked in Dunedin for the Friday night. We have a couple of motels in mind, but need to know numbers. Please indicate your interest to Phil Jeeves, cell is 022 025 9924 or email is


14/15 OCTOBER 2023

The Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks. REMEMBER CHANGE OF START VENUE- The rally will leave from Auto Restorations, Kennedy Place, Hillsborough. Meet 9am onwards for a 9.45am start. Back up trailer available, if staying overnight try and carry your luggage. The morning run will finish with a lunch stop at Duvauchelle Hotel. Lunch is up to the rider themselves. After lunch there will be a trip to Akaroa or by riding around the Summit Rd to Akaroa.

Accommodation to be organized by the entrant. The evening will be based around the Madeira Hotel. Breakfast up to each rider. On Sunday meet in the side carpark of The Madeira Hotel at 9.30am prior to leaving. Sunday stop and prize giving at Gebbes Pass Café (corner Gebbes Pass Rd and State Highway 75) before heading home. Have your morning coffee here instead of Little River.



RIDERS NAME:_____________________________


POST CODE:________

PHONE NUMBER:_________________

EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________

VCC MEMBERSHIP NUMBER:__________________

MAKE OF MOTORCYCLE:_____________________

YEAR:______________ cc RATING:____________

Details required for our new Health and Safety protocols –Next of Kin: ____________________________

Phone: ___________________

ENTRY FEE $15.00

Veteran bikes free entry Plaques only supplied if ordered, extra payment of $11.00 required per plaque $_____________

TOTAL $_________

Make payment via internet banking- 03 0802 0099727 00, please ensure you put your name and name of the rally with the payment and email secretary with your entry if you’re not using the electronic entry form via The Hub or the clubs web site.

ENTRIES CLOSE – Tuesday 10 October 2023

Secretary – M Glenday, 03 344 0425/021192




(The VOG’s)


Fifteen Hardy Souls including our backup turned up at the start at Nga Puna Wai sports grounds on a fresh winter morning the 8th August – a mere 6 degrees at crank up time of 11am. What a teamwe were all rugged up ready for the cool slipstream created by hooning along at 29kmh. This was the first time the “Gang” have been on their bikes since May so it was a thrill to finally be on the roads again and listen to the synchronised purr of 49cc of sheer power as we travelled in tandem along the route.

A “complicated” route was arranged for the day by Dave Robinson one of our newer members so complicated in fact that he had us going around in circles as he searched for the elusive streets that were there when he first set out organising the day but somehow with the pressure of the day and 14 bikes bearing down on him it all turned to custard. This was all within the Wigram Skies area so there was no way we were going to get lost as we knew where the lunch stop was and we probably saw some streets in the area that we didn’t know existed – an unexpected scenic tour. So needless to say Dave was the prime recipient for the Trophy of the month. No breakdowns on the day due to the loving care and attention our bikes had received during winter hibernation.(Read that as topping up the petrol and blowing off the dust) It was good to see Paul Bailey this month on the late Alastair McKenzie’s Solex. Paul purchased this bike from Denise and is now proudly riding it on our runs.

The Solex has been refurbed by Paul and looking very smart with new black paint and gold pin striping. No further excitement to report from this run, we’re now in our 8 th year and still going strong. Royce VOG 1


VOGs ready to go and Paul’s new restoration



ENTRANT’S NAME ………………………………………………..

PASSENGER NAMES ……………………………………………..

PHONE NUMBER …………………………………………………..

EMAIL ADDRESS …………………………………………………..

VEHICLE MAKE MODEL…………………………………………. YEAR …………………………………




TOTAL TO PAY $........................

Overall winner Pat O’Connell with officials Paul, Royce and Joseph.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sunday 10th September 2023

8.45am for a 9.00am start at Cutler Park Pub Lunch (at entrants cost)

Grasskhana optional in the afternoon (weather permitting)

Inquires to Fraser Kear on 0278664118 Cost $5 per car

To register and enter on line click HERE



$5.00 entry

Entrant’s Name: ……………………………………………..

Vehicle: ……………………………………………………….

Number attending:…………………………………………..

Phone: ………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………….

Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and the name of the Rally in the reference field. Entry may be paid on the day but online account preferred. Send written entry form to:

Fraser Kear

40 Rossendale Road RD5 Christchurch



Only two Noggins to go (counting the October one the day before Swap Meet), and by the time some get their posted version of the October Hub, Swap Meet will be over!

Don’t forget, if you have a club eligible Japanese car, on the old tennis court Tony Gooding will be arranging a special display for these cars, and Tony would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for this area. Please contact him on 021 359 208 if you want to be involved. Promoting these vehicles in front of the public at Swap Meet is very important for the future of our club, so help him out if you can. A reminder too that the rosters to volunteer your time for one of the many jobs that needs to be done during the event will be at the September noggin. The more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone. If you cannot get to the noggin and would like to offer a couple of hours to help out during the weekend then please give me a call. None of the jobs is onerous, but we need someone to do them.

We still have some coreflute Swap Meet adverting signs available, so if you can put one on your front fence or know of a prominent location where you can put one, these can be picked up from the Spares Shed or at the September noggin. Also, a couple of ‘wanted’ items. If you have any old white or light coloured water-based house paint left over from your redecorating projects, please drop it off at the Parts Shed. We

33 VCC of NZ AGM Nelson August 1th-13th

need it to mark out the lines around the grounds. Also, if anyone has a source for small hessian bags, we need quite a few to fill with sand to weigh down our road signs during the event. Please let me know if you can help.

Thanks and regards


The August OCBC was of course combined with the Daffodil Rally, so just check out the report for the Daffodil Rally if you want to know what happened. Suffice to say, it was an excellent day, and the coffee cart struggled to keep up. Next year we’re probably going to have two there!

The next OCBC is on 17th September – same informal gathering, same place (our wonderful club grounds) and now that the days are drawing out it should be even more enjoyable out there. This will be the last one before daylight saving kicks in, and even better – the October OCBC will also combine with the start point for the 2023 All British Day.


By now most will have read the National Office summary of the VCC National Day 2023 – better known as the Daffodil Rally. In short, a huge success for the whole Club nationally, despite the challenges some branches had because of their weather on the day. A hugely successful fundraiser for the Cancer Society, a real boost in new members, and most of all a day enjoyed by motoring enthusiasts across the spectrum of ‘auto genre’ who attended the event across the country.

Our own branch event ticked the boxes for all 3 categories. Judging by the interest and enquiries received before the event, it became very obvious that provided the weather did its bit we were once again going to get a huge turnout. I had several one-make clubs contact me and ask for areas to be set aside in the grounds for their members, and at the two motoring events I attended just to hand out flyers before the event, many people were telling me they already knew all about it and would be there. That was very encouraging!

As was done last year, we had four start points (Rangiora, New Brighton, Cashmere and Rolleston) and there were queues waiting at each one to get underway on the morning. For those who used the same start point as last year the routes were slightly different, but a number of people chose a different starting point to ensure some different country was covered. The Rangiora and New Brighton starts used similar routes but in opposite directions, as did the Rolleston and Cashmere routes. Meanwhile at Cutler Park, preparations were well in hand while we waited for the cars and people to arrive, and arrive they did from about 10.30 onwards. By the time they got there Philip Chapman and his band of musicians were belting out the songs, the Avonhead Rotary Club barbeque was pumping out steak sandwiches and sausages, and the coffee


cart was struggling to keep up. And not only were people coming in from the rally start points, there were many who just went straight to Cutler Park, where of course our normal OCBC morning was happening anyway.

It’s impossible to know exactly how many vehicles attended, but our estimate is around 600, which included a dozen or more motorcycles and even a couple of trucks. At the gates, many were donating more than the requested $10, so it was not simply a case of dividing the take by 10 to arrive at a reasonably accurate number. Thankyou everybody for being so generous! On top of the funds taken at the gates, a significant number of on-line donations were made using the QR code printed on the rally sheets, and we also had meat raffles running, and a raffle for a large smoker/ barbeque donated by one of our members.

At 1.30 we drew the raffle winners, and then gave out prizes for the cars and motorcycle picked out as the best on the day according to their country of origin. The Cancer Society staff who attended on the day (Tiff Wafer and Cherie Roper) then announced their choice for the best-dressed couple, and their choice of a vehicle which embodied the spirit of the event. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the names of a couple of the owners – but here’s the trophy winners:


Best American – 1934 Ford V8 Cabriolet, Graham Freeman

Best British – 1967 Mini 850 Automatic

Best European – 1935 Citroen Cabriolet, Graham Tulett

Best Japanese – Toyota Supra (Red)

Best Australian – Holden HSV GT (Gold)

Best Motorcycle – Honda 750 Four (Blue)

Best Dressed Couple – Jim Gardener/Tracy Henderson

Cancer Society Choice – 1922 Overland Roadster - Mike and Janine Green

A huge thanks to all of our branch members who volunteered their services for the many jobs that needed doing before and during the event – from those who got the grounds ready, the marshals on the day at the start points and at Cutler Park, to the people who looked after the raffles – you all know who you are and I can’t thank you enough! A huge thanks too to Philip Chapman and his friends (including our own club members John and Jenny Forster) who made up a marvellous band to play lots of popular songs right through the morning and early afternoon. Also to BNT Christchurch who paid for the commemorative stickers (I have a few of these left which will be at the September Noggin if anyone missed out on the day).

And the outcome – to date there are still funds coming in, but it looks like it will be close to $9,000 that has gone directly to the Cancer Society. Well done everyone who contributed!

Oh, and what about the weather – a beautiful sunny and warm early spring day. Couldn’t have been better.

Colin Hey


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Steven Turner

Phil Yarrall

1963 Jaguar MK10, Tourer

1968 Triumph Vitesse Tourer

Clark Richards

1938 Chevrolet Master

Jeff Wright

1977 Harley FLH

1973 Triumph 750

1972 Mercedes R107



1972 3500 Rover V8 Auto. Lovely car. Runs well. Great condition. Registered. Shouldn’t fail WOF. Well maintained with records. New carpets recovered seats and paint in original dark green.

Garaged Rangiora

$15,000 for more info

1967 Daimler V8

Auto Power steering upgrade. New tyres. New English wire wheels. Engine reconditioned by Finlays Ch Ch

Registered. Shouldn’t fail WOF. Well maintained with restoration and maintenance records. Reconditioned seats. Lovely car. Runs well. Great condition

Garaged Rangiora $45,000 for more info

1938 Pontiac Silver Streak

Original interior in reasonable condition, original paint, no rust. This has been garaged its entire life. 3 NZ owners from 1938. Will be sold with new WOF and reg. I have all service receipt paperwork from 1938, completely original other than the indicators which were added for safety. This is a genuine car no tyre kickers please. $20,000.

Thanks, Shelley Carter 021 150 0457

Riley 4-72

Two cars $1000 each Live rego

Plus two spare 1800 Marina blocks

Situated West Canterbury Phone 021 062 8989


Riley used and new old stock parts 1928 –1969 Phone 021 062 8989 or see at the Hororata Swap Meet 16th September.



BSA Dandy

BSA Dandy parts kick start and carburettor cover required, and interested in other any Dandy parts.

Please phone Barry on 021 310 458


Sunday 15th October

The 2023 Canterbury All British Day will be held on Sunday 15 th October. The start point will be the Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee morning at our Vintage Car Club grounds on McLeans Island Road, where vehicles will need to assemble between 8.30am and 10.00 am. At 11.00 all British vehicles will depart on a scenic run which will take participants to a country domain for lunch.

The entry fee will still be $10.00 per vehicle, with all proceeds going to the Van Asch Deaf Education Centre in Sumner. Please bring a picnic lunch, or food may be purchased on the way to the Domain. A coffee van will be operating at the VCC grounds at the start point from 8.30am.

The event is open to British vehicles of all ages (veteran to modern) and all types - motorcycles, cars and trucks.



Organiser: Colin Hey, Phone 021 882 807




See Notice board posters for more information.

Hororata Mechanical Swap Meet

Saturday 23rd September 2023 Hororata Domain

A true mechanical swap meet catering for vintage, veteran, classic cars, motorcycles, parts, tools and mechanical-related stuff.

Sites $20, cash on the day, no bookings required gate opens

6.30am. General Public $5 per person, kids free, gate opens


On wet or fine.


Invites you to attend the ANNUAL MT COOK RALLY.

Labour Weekend 21, 22, 23 OCT 2023


For any queries, contact Michelle Munro 021 1726168 (evenings) or email



Sunday 24th September 2023

Bentley Downs.

Kevin Mercer 027 200 9474


The 2024 Founders Prince Henry Tour


– 31st JANUARY 2024

With three days of Veteran motoring from Dunedin- Gore – Owaka –Dunedin. Starting on Monday 29th January 2024, following the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin. Returning Wednesday 31st January.

We will be travelling at a relaxed pace, with a backup trailer for peace of mind.

Mark these days on your calendar! Tour

43 NATIONAL COMMERCIAL RALLY Wanganui Labour Weekend Contact .
021 115 0312 Marion
organiser: Nevin
or 027 338 7008

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James

03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110 027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672 027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919

027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 RATES QUOTED FOR Vintage Car Club of NZ A full list of the rates was published in the February 2023 Hub. This is available on the Branch website under “Newsletter” ”Previous Issues”
47 Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

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