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The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

August 2024

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 13th August

Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

Branch email address:

Pauline Price, snapped by Pauline Buchanan at the End of Season Run

Branch Patrons

2024-2025 Committee* and Officers

Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy

Chairman* Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Vice Chairman* Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Treasurer* Lynne Herron 027 210 4046

Club Captain* Position to be filled at a later date

Assistant Club Captains

Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Bruce Price 027 208 7249

Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281

House Convenor* Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Assistant House Convenor/

Social Committee

Roy Buchanan, Paul Katon, David McDowell

Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935

Festival Rally Organiser*

Katy Parish (03) 208 5505

Assistant Rally Organiser Position to be filled at a later date

Bar Manager

Assistant Bar Manager

Maintenance Supervisor


Swap Meet

Swap Meet Assistant

Parts Department

Chris Scoles 027 226 5967

Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403

Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Ken Youngson

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Evan Henderson, (03) 208 6479

PartsAssistant Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Hill Climb

Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479

Hill ClimbAssistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017

Sheriff Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932

Raffles Star McDougall (03) 208 6501

Branch Delegate*

Privacy Officer

Museum & Hokonui Park

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

David McDowell (03) 208 6791

Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634

Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2024/5 Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Daffodil DayAssistant

Vehicle Identity Card


Allan Mollison 027 748 2225

Evan Henderson

John Tremaine

John Parish (03) 208 6479

027 432 0197 (03) 208 5505

Chairman’s Report

Well, my first General Meeting as Chairman is now behind me. Thank goodness we had no dramatic or contentious issues as I really was pretty inept at the job. I called our “Wiper” the “Beaded Wheels” and completely forgot Gerry and the Tuesday Ramble report. Things can only improve from now on.

The Wednesday get-together on the 10th saw the replacement of the broken windows in the museum, thanks to Bruce Price and Roy Buchanan. Tommy continues to tidy up in the parts dept. He’s making up some new shelves. The progress is good except the he’s lost one tape measure and the new one he’s using appears to measure long, because some of the wood that’s been cut is too short and doesn’t fit.

To the members working away on the branch’s facilities on Wednesdaysa big “thank you”.

In Welsh History This Month

17th August

The then-controversial film ‘The Life of Brian’ was released on 17th August 1979. It was directed by Colwyn Bay-born director Terry Jones and featured the Dinas Cross, Pembrokeshire, actress Sue Jones-Davies as the character Judith Iscariot.

The film tells the life of Brian Cohen, who was born next door to, and on the same day as, Jesus Christ, and is mistaken for him as the Messiah. The film was controversial at the time, with some religious groups accusing it of being blasphemous. Thirty-nine local authorities in the UK banned the film, as did some countries, such as Ireland and Norway. However, the film-makers used the notoriety to their advantage with advertising slogans such as "So funny it was banned in Norway!"

Interestingly, the ban was not lifted in Aberystwyth until 2009, when Sue Jones-Davies was elected mayor of the town.

Sent in by Donna North

From the Editor’s Keyboard

Welcome to another jam-packed issue, with plentyto readandsome events comingupto get youmotoring.

Thank you to this month’s contributors: Pauline Buchanan for her End of Season Run report (and Denis Knight for his photos), Diana Rickerby for her story on the Scenicland Rally, Murray & Marilyn Proctor for the Annual Dinner presentations (to which I added the Editor’s Awards), Trisha & Tom Nicholson for the Tuesday Ramble report and, finally, Linda & Keith Nunn for telling us about their adventuresonthe NationalSouth IslandEasterRally. Some great stories, and, again, a bit of catching up.

Talking of which, my stock of stories will all be used up in the next issue –so please get writing and send me something soon otherwise I will have to resort to filling The Wiper with “jokes”andcartoons – as someotherbranch bulletin editors are forced to do and I’m sure you don’t want that!

Finally, a belated “Welcome” to two new members (and, I hope, readers!) – Tim Hanna and Andrew Vaughan. I hope that we will see them at meetings and on runs in their vehicles – maybe they will even send me a story or two to introduce themselves and what they like to do or drive.


Q. What kind of tyre doesn't move when you drive the car?

Answer next month

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser

Q. Name four days of the week that begin with the letter "T."

A: Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow!

2024 End of Season Run ATrip to the Movies

The “Men in Black” before setting off for the movies. (Photo by Pauline Buchanan) Sunday 22nd June was a cool dry winter’s day that saw 34 people converge on the Awarua Communications Museum on the Invercargill-Bluff road. Wewere met byBrendan andRebecca Sparkswho usheredus into aunique and history-filled time capsule – The Regal Victorian Picture Palace, a miniature recreation of the Sparks Theatre which was created by Brendan’s grandfather, the late Warren Sparks. Various architectural pieces from places such as the Bluff & Kaitangata Town Halls, H&J Smith, Municipal Theatre, Regent Theatre, Majestic Theatre, Sparks Theatre, and the Nightcaps Theatre adorn the Picture Palace. (Apologies if I haven’t quite got all the items mentioned). Brendan was instrumental in bringing the theatre fittings and movie collection back to Invercargill in 2023 as these items had been sold to Nelson interests following his grandfather’s death in 1995.

Some of the VCC cars at the Museum. (Photos by Denis Knight) Atrip down memory lane began as off to the pictures we went. Aplethora of adverts “of the day” was shown with many comments from the theatre patrons as they reminisced and memories were brought back. The signal that the movies were about to begin was when five patriotic people stood to the tune of “God Save the King”. We were then treated to a very small portion ofthe1,000 pieces offilm memorabiliathat could beselected from. Brendan makes the selections based on the group visiting and he assured us that if we went back hewould choose a different collection to be viewed.

We watched short clips of New Zealand history – Waiheke Island, (was even a wine centre in its early days), Wellington, a young Selwyn Toogood and “What’s in the Bag”, and the Southern Lakes and Fiords which led to an historic documentary of the Manapouri Project and the building of West Arm Power Station to support the needs of the Comalco aluminium plant at Tiwai Point.As our Health and Safety portfolio holder, Ken, pointed out to me – no health and safety worries in those days.

The interval saw us treated to an ice cream and then the second half saw us enjoying a short “Three Stooges” movie, good clean humour and lots of laughs from the enthralled theatre patrons. Our trip to the movies finished with a short film on “Amazing New Zealand”.

After the movies, we moved into the museum which tells the history of AwaruaStation, which employed45 -70people duringthe twoworld wars.

Thestation, which was establishedin 1913,was originallyaradio telegraph service between a submarine link andAustralia.

Rebecca serving the ice cream Inside the museum (Photo by Pauline Buchanan)
Photo by the Editor
Ice cream time (photo by Denis Knight)
Photo by Denis Knight
Photo by the Editor

There is a great collection of many forms of communication – radios, telephones, Morse code and typewriters to name a few.

A unique collection of our communications history and a place that we as Southlanders should be proud of. It isn’t a well-known place even amongst Southland people.

A great winter’s outing that brought back many memories to all. Many thanks to Pauline and Bruce Price for organising the Run and a most memorable visit for us all.

TheAwarua Communications Museum:

Photo by the Editor

4th August 1954

First flight of the English Electric Lightning

The English Electric Lightning is a fighter aircraft that served as an interceptor during the 1960s, the 1970s and into the late 1980s. It remains the only UK-designed-and-built fighter capable of Mach 2.

West Coast Branch Scenicland Rally

23 March 2024

We departed Riversdale on Wednesday 20th March and our first stop was Arrowtown for the night after a pleasant, uneventful trip.

Thursday: fuelledup andoff to Haast, the scenerywas just magic,brilliant weather but isn't it funny just how much you can see when traveling at 40mph? Michael commented that he had driven this road many times but just never appreciated how beautiful it was.

Friday: the final leg to Greymouth, again in brilliant weather and into our home for the next six days.

(Bottom picture) Our 1931 Model A in the line-up

The Rally day started with a bit of a grey sky but no rain, this in no way dampened the enthusiasm of the competitors, of which there were 68 entered, but only 67 turned up. Someone had bad luck.

The Rally started at the Civic Centre. We headed east into the foothills through a town called No Name, then up into the foothills through lots of bush, thru Kumara along a water race which took us to a Dillmanstown power station.

We continued on past Goldsborough camping ground, through more bush and a huge forestry block which could well be another slash incident waiting to happen. From here we went to Lake Kaniere for lunch. What a beautiful spot it was, the lake was like mirror glass and the sun was shining. All the cars lined up looked spectacular.

After lunch we had to retrace our steps which took a wee bit of thinking, goingbackwards on our instructions, but again we had some beautiful bush drives, going out to the sea edge and finally ending up at the Heritage Park. This was an extremely interesting place to fossick through, and some even went for a ride in a very old plane which was visiting from, I think, Mandeville.

Our Model A at rest

Departing from here at the end of a wonderful day we all gathered at the Hokitika Club for an evening of lots of chat and wonderful companionship with like-minded people, many of whom we will see again in Nelson.

Crossing a bridge on the Haast Road

Michael and the Model A

Diana Rickerby

Lake Kaniere: Dillmanstown:

Gore Branch Events for the 2024-25 Season

Event Date Organiser(s)

VCC National Day/Daffodil Day

Opening Run

Sunday 25th August Denis Knight Allan Mollison

Saturday 14th September Murray Proctor

DicksonAuction Saturday 21st September Paul Herron

Dunedin Classic Car Club 50th Anniversary Saturday 28th September

Josephville Hillclimb Sunday 24th November


National Model T Convention Friday/Saturday 14th & 15th February

Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of the month (except December)

Evan Henderson Terry Inder

Co-ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers

If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)

Auction: Dickson Collection of Veteran & Vintage Cars & Parts

Saturday 21 September 2024

Start time 10:00 a.m.

Enquiries Contact: Paul Herron 027 2104131 =dbf3affe-c87b-4aa3-90ae-4869447209e1

Also see page 43 of Beaded Wheels #388, (June/July 2024)

Other Events

9th – 11th August VCCAGM, Tauranga.

5th – 6th October 56th Dunvegan Rally, Otago Branch

11th – 13th October Canterbury Branch Swapmeet & Display

12th October Post Vintage & Post War Rally, Southland Branch

25th – 28th October 7th National Commercial Rally, Oamaru

2nd November Commercial Rally, Southland Branch

2nd November 52nd Taieri Tour, Otago Branch

22nd –24th November Hawke’s Bay VCC 65th Anniversary Rally 2025

25th – 27th January National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu Branch

5th – 7th February National Veteran Rally, Marlborough Branch

23rd – 28th February 17th National ModelAFord Rally, 11th March Race4Life, Teretonga Park

18th – 20th April Wheels at Wanaka 2026

15th – 21st March Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring

Email version of The Wiper

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier, (most of) the hyperlinks work – and it saves us money! Please contact the Editor

Tuesday Ramble 27th August

10.30am: meet at Clubrooms

10.45am: depart for Winton

Noon: lunch at the Top Pub

1.30pm: depart for Dion King’s (just outside Winton. He has a collection of cars, petrol bowsers, etc. and Les Andrews tells me it’s well worth a visit)

Numbers by 23rd August for catering

Contact Gerry 027 233 4634

Opening Run

Saturday 14th September

1.00pm: meet at Clubrooms

1.30pm: first car away

A short run around the area finishing with a get-together and shared afternoon tea

Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

In New Zealand History This Month

14 August 1891

Women's suffrage petitions presented to Parliament Organised by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), these petitions were signed by a total of 9000 women.

They contributed to the introduction of a Female Suffrage Bill, which received majority support in the House of Representatives but was defeated in the Legislative Council (the upper house).

Over the following two years the WCTU and its allies presented two much bigger petitions to Parliament. In 1892 their hopes were again dashed in the Legislative Council, but in 1893 women’s suffrage legislation was passed by both houses of Parliament. On 19 September the Electoral Act was signed into law by the governor, Lord Glasgow, making New Zealand the first self-governing country to grant the right to vote to all adult women.

Adapted from:

Annual Dinner & Prize Giving, 6th July

I won’t write a report, as I was one of the organisers and I might be biased.

IwillsaythoughthatitwasgreattohaveMarkWilkinson (R above) present Barry Lawrence with his 50-year badge and citation.

Congratulations to all of the branch’s prize winners. Well done to you all.

I think that the evening went well. Jim McFadzien won one of the raffles and collected a couple of petrol vouchers which went down well because he was celebrating his 88th birthday on the night.

(Photo by Marilyn Proctor)

Prize Winners

Hard Luck Trophy: J Smale

Beginner’s Trophy: PKaton

Opening Run: M Proctor

Most Rallied Vintage: M Rickerby

Most Rallied PV/PWV: ARichie

Most Rallied P60V: K Nunn

Best Presented Veteran/Vintage: M Rickerby

Frank Robson Trophy: J Tremaine

Clearwater Capers: M Proctor

Ladies Run: PPrice

House Convener's Trophy: R Buchanan

Club Captain’s Trophy: R Buchanan

McBride Pre 1945 Trophy: H Hay

Scobie Commercial Trophy: B Neilson

Most Rallied P80 Trophy: J McFadzien

Editor’s Trophy &Awards Winners 2023-24

Editor’s Trophy: Bill Sheddan (2318 words)

(Back to winning ways after being Runner-up last year, and the winner in 2019/20 and 2020/21)

Runners-up: Star McDougall & Julia Evans (2085 words)

Honourable Mention: Paul & Lynne Herron (1304 words)

Junior Reporter of the Year: Liam Welsh (8 years old)

Youngest Contributor: Duncan Welsh (6 years old)

Tuesday Ramble, June 25th 2024

Thirty souls left the Clubrooms at approximately 11.00 am, heading for Beaumont for lunch.

We turned left at the milk factory for Maitland, through Maitland to Kelso. Right turn to the main road, turned right at Raes Junction, then over the hill to Beaumont to thehotelforlunch. Lunchwas roast beef &porkwith veges and apple crumble for pudding.

(Photo by the Editor)

We wandered to the bridge. Under the bridge was amazing, a lot of work had gone into the panels of carving along the walkway. This was very well done, and also onto the upper sides of the bridge. The bridge was verywellfinished top and bottom.

One side of the bridge parapet, Mata-au is the Maori name for the Clutha River (Photo by the Editor)

The other side of the parapet (Photo by the Editor)

The walkways to the bridge. (Photo by Trisha Nicholson) We headed for home via Rankleburn Road. This road was good motoring following Roy Buchanan in the Holden Station Wagon that was hard to keep up with as the Galaxie took up most of the road.

Stopped for a look at the Tuapeka Punt at the river then onto the Clydevale hotel named the Greenfield Tavern for a cuppa coffee (and a large cuppa coffee not a small one like you usually get them) and headed home. Came out at Clinton Main Road then home.

The old bridge. (Photo by the Editor)

The new bridge. (Photo by Trisha Nicholson)

Agreat day out, thanks Gerry, Trisha & Tom Nicholson

Under the new bridge. (Photo by Trisha Nicholson)
Tom (R) and brother, John, on the Tuapeka punt (Photo by Trisha Nicholson)

2024 National South Island Easter Rally

On 23rd March we set off for Nelson and spent a few days with family on the way. We then drove over the Lewis Pass staying in Murchison, then on to Nelson on 28th March.

The following afternoon the Welcome and Registration was held at the Clubrooms at Richmond where we met up with some familiar faces from other VCC Clubs and fellow Gore members Michael & Diana Rickerby. Two entries were from as far away as Wellsford andAuckland.

Earlynext morning it was back to start the Rallyon a nice warm sunnyday. Agreat collection of cars including three Veterans and four motorbikes. We left in the order we were parked, all getting an Easter egg, then driving through an archway where a photo was taken. Our run was the Medium59.5 miles, including 6.8 miles of gravel. No timed section just Silent Checks. They were paint tin lids on a stake with the make of a car on them, and it wasn’t hard to miss one when looking down to follow instructions!

The route took us through Richmond, then roads west of the main Highway before going east through Wakefield and along Dovedale Road where the 2019 Pidgeon Valley Forest fires started. We continued on to Motueka wherethelunchstop was held in theRecreation Centreandthepubliccould get a look at the 98 vehicles entered. The afternoon run took us through Mapua and we spent time at the old Mapua Wharf and the shops there. In the evening we met at Club Waimea for dinner.

EasterSundaywelinedupattheRichmondA&PShowgroundstodoField Tests. There was a Public Display and we all got to look around the cars and vote for our favourites and enjoyed another packed lunch.At night the Prize-giving dinner and entertainment was also at Club Waimea, ending in the winner being announced – Gil and Ruth Edmunds from the Otago Club in their Mini Clubman.

Jim and Kyra Wareing, who were part of the Easter organising committee, also had planned a tour around Golden Bay and a lot of those entrants were at the morning tea on Monday morning. Twenty-one cars headed off the next morning over the Moutere Hill to Motueka then climbed the Takaka Hill. Our lunch stop was on top of the hill at Ngarua Caves. Many of us took the chance to have the very interesting 45-minute guided tour underground before climbing up a steep ladder back out into the sunshine. Great views then of Golden Bay descending down the hill to Takaka and our accommodation at Pohara Beach Camp. Jim & Kyra have a house at Ligar Bay, a short drive away, and we were welcomed there for a Happy Hour and light meal that evening.

The Ngarua Caves:

Wednesdaywe all assembled at the Camp and proceeded to Paul Sangster’s private collection of ‘just about everything’ – from an army tank to the smallest Matchbox toy. The Pupu Springs was the next place to visit before going to have lunch in Mussel Inn Café at Onekaka. The Anathoth Pottery was an interesting place to go on the way to Rockville where an old Dairy Factory was now a local museum. Our last stop that day was the Bainham Langford Store on the road to the Heaphy Track. It is a quaint old historic place with one of N.Z’s oldest Post Offices where you can still have a card hand-stamped and posted.

Thursday some left early to catch the bus that goes to Farewell Spit at Collingwood (something we had done before). Some also went to Wharariki Beach which involved a 40-minute walk through bush and soft sand to the beach. We took our time driving up the coast to Pupounga and the Spit carpark, then returned to Collingwood to have lunch with those who went to the beach. That evening we all gathered at Molly’s Caféacross the road from the camp - for a Farewell buffet meal.

Lots of happy memories of exploring the Nelson area again, and many thanks to those from the Nelson Branch who made such a great job of running their Rally and Tour.

Linda & Keith Nunn

Mapua Wharf:

Club Waimea:

Takaka Hill:

SPOTTED (sort of!)

IrecentlyreceivedanemailfromRodneyClague,Editorof“The Carlton”, the Gisborne Branch newsletter saying: “Greetings m'lad, just to let you know via the grapevine a 1933 MorrisMinorasadvertisedintheBeadedWheelsisaboutto(or may have already) landed at your branch destination from Gisborne. Don't know who the madam was that zipped up here and back with a ute and trailer, but it appears she is not averse to restoring vehicles. Rod”

A follow up email included the further comment that it was “Last registered in 1966, shed stored since. A little purler!”



SPOTTED Competition

A friend sent me this photo recently. A small prize is offered to any reader who can correctly identify the car (by make and model) and the location. A (slightly) larger prize will go to the most complete and accurate answer. Answers must be sent to the Editor by email or “snail mail” ONLY and must include your name and contact details. All entries must be received before Wednesday 4th September. Winners will be notified on or after Tuesday 10th September and will be listed in the October issue of The Wiper. The Editor’s decision will be final.

The Editor

Online Bonuses

TheAwarua Communications Museum:

Beaumont Hotel:

Pupu Springs:

Mussel Inn Café:

Anathoth Pottery:


Southland Branch website:

Gore VCC Supper Roster

August Diana Rickerby

September Murray Proctor

October To be advised

September To be advised

November To be advised

December To be advised

January To be advised

March To be advised

April To be advised

May To be advised

June To be advised

July To be advised



Weneedtocater forabout 30to 40 members each night. The cuppaandservingofthesupper is to be arranged within the Social Committee.

If necessary, ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.


FOR SALE & WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FREE to Club members. Advertisements will be published in three consecutive issues. Please contact the Editor.

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

VCC name badges: are available to order by contacting the Branch Chairman (cellphone 027 210 4131). N.B. If you’re not wearing one at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined!

You are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Join the VCC online at

Both Bluebridge and Interislander Ferries offer discounts to VCC members:

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost.

Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Editor.


The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00

Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer


FOUR MGB spoked wheels with knock off spinners, in good condition.

$500.00 for the lot.

Contact Starr McDougall: 03 208 6501 or 027 610 3357 3/3


Windscreen and rubbers for a 1949-51 Austin Atlantic (will consider anything).Also radiator grille & surround for a 1937 Dodge sedan. Chris Scoles, phone 027 226 5967 – NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER 1/3


New volunteers for meeting night suppers. The “old hands” keep putting their hands up but it would be great to see some new faces stepping up to ease the load. If we had 12 volunteers/teams each would only need to do it once a year. The House Convenor


Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome.

The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month

Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper

If you don't have a computer I can get a hand-written article typed up or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how!


physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822

telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch

The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350

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