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The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

September 2024

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 10th September

Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

Branch email address:

Branch Patrons

2024-2025 Committee* and Officers

Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy

Chairman* Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Vice Chairman* Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Treasurer* Lynne Herron 027 210 4046

Club Captain* Position to be filled at a later date

Assistant Club Captains

Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Bruce Price 027 208 7249

Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281

House Convenor* Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Assistant House Convenor/

Social Committee

Roy Buchanan, Paul Katon, David McDowell

Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935

Festival Rally Organiser*

Katy Parish (03) 208 5505

Assistant Rally Organiser Position to be filled at a later date

Bar Manager

Chris Scoles 027 226 5967

Assistant Bar Manager Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Maintenance Supervisor


Swap Meet

Swap MeetAssistant

Parts Department

Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403

Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Ken Youngson

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Evan Henderson, (03) 208 6479

PartsAssistant Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Hill Climb

Hill Climb Assistant

Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479

Terry Inder (03) 208 7017

Sheriff Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932

Raffles Star McDougall (03) 208 6501

Branch Delegate*

Privacy Officer

Museum & Hokonui Park

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

David McDowell (03) 208 6791

Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634

Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2024/5 Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Daffodil DayAssistant

Vehicle Identity Card


Allan Mollison 027 748 2225

Evan Henderson

John Tremaine

John Parish (03) 208 6479

027 432 0197 (03) 208 5505

Chairman’s Report

I would like, on behalf of the Gore Branch VCC, to extend our sympathy to the family of Errol G Copland, who passed away on the 1st August 2024.

Pleasing to see good numbers coming along to our meetings, which means that when we vote on items like the increasing of our branch levies the numbers are a fair representation of the views of our members.

I have thought that because we have no Club Captain again this year, it is a job that I can take on. I haven’t gone through proper channels and had a vote, so, if anyone feels that I’ve done something that perhaps I shouldn’t have please let me know and I’ll stand aside.

A couple of runs are sort of in limbo at the moment and may need some thought. The Diggers Run last year was cancelled due to lack of interest from RSA members and the Night Trial was also cancelled due to lack of our members. Maybe they have outlived their usefulness.

Email version of The Wiper

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier, (most of) the hyperlinks work – and it saves us money!

Please contact the Editor

Start time 10:00 a.m.

Enquiries Contact: Paul Herron 027 2104131 =dbf3affe-c87b-4aa3-90ae-4869447209e1

Also see page 43 of Beaded Wheels #388, (June/July 2024)

From the Editor’s Keyboard

This month’s issue has been put together on my laptop while away from home, so I apologise in advance if it there are any oversights or inaccuracies!

Thankyou to the regular contributorswho responded to my requests for material to very short deadlines and also to this month’s contributors. Jean Smale recounts her rather harrowing adventure of a “holiday”, Bill Sheddan tells of his much happier experience on the Golden Times Rally and Ann Newland has provided a brief report on the July Tuesday Ramble. The issue is rounded off by Greg Elders story about the history and restoration of his Ford Bonus truck, which some of you will have seen, either at his shed or on display in Regional Ford, Gore.

As I mentioned last month, my stock of stories is all used up so please get busy writing and send me something soon otherwise I will have to resort to filling The Wiper with “jokes” and cartoons – as some other branch bulletin editors are forced to do and I’m sure you don’t want that!

Q: Which four letters can be written forward, backward, or upside down and still be read from left to right?

Answer next month

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser

Q. What kind of tyre doesn't move when you drive the car?

A. spare tyre!

What I Did On My Holidays AHoliday Mishap

Hello Branch members, I guess you have noticed I have been absent for a while. I have been in Europe sailing the Rhine and Danube.

However my story begins at the end, our cruise finished in Budapest and I had a day to spend looking around as my flight didn’t leave until 10.40pm the next day. But I seemed to be developing a bad cough. The next day I checked out of my hotel and got a taxi for the airport knowing I would have to do a bit of sitting around. So by the time I checked in my big bag and got through Customs I wasn’t feeling very good at all. While trying to find Gate 3, I became very hot and very tired and just lost my way. So I stopped some airport staff and asked for help.

They got on their phone and within minutes a paramedic arrived and had a quick look at me and the young lady said, “You are too sick to fly.” After getting all my details they told me my baggage had to go to storage.

Then the ambulance arrived and took me on the roughest ride I have ever experienced.TheambulancedroppedmeatwhatIassumewasA&E.After a consult with the doctor they decided I needed a chest X-ray.

Well unfortunately I had dressed for a cold day in Queenstown so it was off with my dress and the young man standing beside me saying, “Take bra off” and then grabbed my St Peter medal I wear and shoved it in my mouth. X-ray done, everybody stood around while I got dressed again.

I was led out into a corridor where there was a steel bench seat, they had set up an IV drip which they attached to me and I was so tired I just stretched out and went to sleep.

Sometime later I felt tap – tap on my arm, a nurse had brought my bags to meandthe information that theywere movingmetoaspecialist respiratory hospital. And so it was back into a Budapest ambulance, an equally rough ride as the first one, I’m sure the driver was paid by the pot hole!

Three-quarters of an hour later we arrived at a not-so-new hospital and I went through my medical history for the third time that night. Then they said,“Wehavebedforyou.”Thedoctorinformed methatIhadpneumonia.

Hospital Day 1

Life started around 6am and another IV drip. By halfway through the first day I realised that when you entered the hospital you had to bring everything you needed with you, like your own towel and toilet paper and knife and fork and plate.

Breakfast was a slice of bread and two slices of luncheon meat and a cube of butter. Lunch was a bowl of soup and sometimes something you could eat, dinner was the same as breakfast.

Day 2

By the afternoon a new lady came in and I started to take a bit of notice of these people. They were just skin and bone and I reckon my arm was as big around as this lady’s leg. You may be asking how I could make this comparison, well there were no curtains in the Ward. Nurses do whatever procedure is needed while everyone watches on and the lady just dropped her clothes on the floor and put on her PJs. I think they were TB patients.

Day 3

Another round of IV drips. Most of the English was done through interpreter phone, however that afternoon a lady doctor came around and was able to talk to me so I pulled out my Visa card and asked if the hospital would accept it. They did not know but came back later, yes it would be OK.

I was starting to feel so much better, so I sent a text to my daughter and gave her my PIN number for my bank account.

Day 4

Started the morning with the slice of bread and two slices of luncheon meat and another IV drip. Suddenly my phone rang, it was my daughter with flight numbers. Between her and Aimee at HelloWorld they had got me a business-class ticket for that very night, 10.40pm.

That was all I needed, I dressed and packed my bag. A man came and showed me the way to the office and I paid my one thousand Euros for the

hospital bed and I called a taxi for the airport, I was on my way home. It just goes to show how quickly things can go wrong even though you think you have done everything right.

My daughter had arrived at Queenstown to pick me up and when I wasn’t there she made enquiries with the airport and airline but they won’t tell you anything about a passenger. The Police were contacted and a missing person alert was started, also the New Zealand Embassy was looking for me. Eventually I got a message to my family to tell them where I was.

Home again,

In Welsh History This Month

11th September

Today is the feast day of Saint Elvis.

Saint Ailbe (Elvis, Eilfyw or Eilfw), was a 'pre-Patrician' bishop from Ireland who is credited with having baptised St David. The parish of St Elvis (Llaneilfyw) 4 miles east of St David's is named after him.

Sent in by Donna North

Golden Times Rally,Arrowtown, 27April 2024

We haven't done a Golden Times Rally for many years, the last time was in our little blue LHD Sunbeam Tiger. That Rally was a real curly one as we followed an old horse and dray track along the Shotover River, starting at Arthurs Point and coming out at the old Shotover Hotel.Areal rough track which concerned me to the extent I had to stop several times and check the V8’s oil level on the chance I had holed the alloy sump. This time the organiser moderated the driving conditions to the extent that we were on all sealed roads, thankfully.

Early Auburn (foreground) and the Sunbeam in Arrowtown, before the sun came over the hill

We took the newly-acquired Mark 3 Sunbeam (previous models were called Talbot) and left for Clyde after the Anzac Parade on the Thursday. WestayedatClydeand at 7.30amonthesunnybut frostySaturdaymorning we headed off, arriving inArrowtown about 9.30am and parking up on the main street.

Eventually there were over 50 cars from various VCCs as far away as Christchurch with models ranging from early Ford Model Ts to later P60 andP80carslikeaV12Jaguarand1981Maserati.TherewasevenanAston MartinDB2there.MegabuckslinedBuckingham Streetandthentherewas my little Sunbeam. Other Gore Branch members’cars attending were Paul and Lyn Herron’s T, another Herron T driven by Paul Katon, the Model A of Michael Rickerby, the Model A of Lindsay Crooks and the V8 Cadillac of the Elders.

We partook of the club-supplied morning tea on the village green, along with quite a few of the crowd thinking it was a free cuppa for them too, compliments of the VCC. The planned departure time was 10.30am, leaving at one minute intervals. This didn't actually happen as we mostly

Aston Martin DB2

all left together in convoy, some on the short run and some on the long. This created the usual confusion when following a car that is on a different route to you. This always causes problems. We were not immune either and took several wrong turns on the endless confusion of sealed back roads between Arrowtown and Queenstown. We arrived at the lunch stop unscathed and parked up on the grassy forecourt in front of the shed and car collection of Glenys and John Taylor.

“Team Sheddan” at the lunch stop

After lunch we returned toArrowtown and most of the cars participated in the parade along the main street in front of a huge crowd of visitors to Arrowtown, in fact most of them were visitors to New Zealand. I overheard one of the drivers comment “Is there anyone left inAsia?”

We all gathered at the park at the end of the street where the public could wander among the cars and have a chat. This was followed by prize-giving and the presentation of little trophy mementos to all participants which were hand made by the Rally organiser, Alan Sutton. The main prize winners were also given a larger sample of Alan's handiwork, a replica model of an early biplane or race car. Very clever.

Hand-made models given out as prizes

(L-R) Paul Herron, Alan Sutton and John Martin, Club President

We departed about 4pm arriving safely back at Clyde where we stayed another couple of days before returning home. Thankfully the Sunbeam didn't miss a beat with the oil and water levels still at the same position as when we started.

A couple of days later I received an email from Alan Sutton, as I expect other participants did also. He thanked me for attending, complimented me on the car and looked forward to us attending next year. I replied that I enjoyed the day and told him about the previous horrendous Golden Times I had done in the Tiger many years ago. He replied that he had organised that one too. Oh, I never thought of that!

Tuesday Ramble July 2024

After meeting at the Gore Vintage Car Club Rooms at 11 am, about 18 cars headed to the Gore Town and Country Club. We enjoyed a beautiful lunch of blue cod, chips and coleslaw or seafood chowder and a bread roll amongst the good company of the club members.

Duetounforeseencircumstances,wewereunabletovisitGrant andDebbie Finlay’s shed in Gore as planned, so instead we headed to John and Mary Tremaine’s large shed to look at John’s collection of cars ranging from vintage through to modern. From there we headed to a second assortment of cars, his collection of Funho Toys and other memorabilia.

When asked which car was his favourite, the reply was “Every one is.”

An enjoyable day out despite the cold weather.

Ann Newland


A guy was cleaning the windows in an aircraft, on the dash was a book, “How to Fly an Aircraft”.

1 – To start plane push red button. He did and the plane started up

2 – To move plane push green button. He did and it moved.

3 – To fly plane push blue button. He did and up it went.

After flying around for about 20 minutes he turned the page and read, “To land the plane please go to your bookstall and buy Part 2.”

In New Zealand History This Month

2 September 1960

Golden hour for Kiwi runners in Rome

Peter Snell wins the 800 m at the Rome Olympics, 1960 (NZ Olympics Committee)

New Zealand sport enjoyed one of its greatest days in Rome’s Olympic Stadium.

Peter Snell won the 800m and Murray Halberg won the 5000m.

Snell was ranked 26th in the world. Cannily coached by Arthur Lydiard, he cruised through the three qualifying rounds, running impressive times.

The final was run at a red-hot pace. The favourite, Belgian world recordholder Roger Moens, took the lead with 100m to go and seemed certain to win until Snell surged past him on the inside. When he realised he had won in Olympic record time, Snell was too stunned to take a victory lap.

Minutes later, Halberg lined up in the final of the 5000m, for which he had qualified easily. Running to a plan set by Lydiard, he burst ahead of the field with three laps to go and hung on to the finish before collapsing on the infield, completely spent.

Amid the excitement, New Zealander Valerie Sloper (later Young) narrowly missed out on a medal in the women’s shot put, which was going on at the same time.

Adapted from:


Seen in Gore’s free newspaper, “The Ensign”: Gerry & Beb Kennedy spectating at a rugby game during the Albion Rugby Club’s 125th Anniversary celebrations: ?doc=ENS%2F2024%2F07%2F03&entity=Ar01001&sk=3C7F59 34&mode=text and Andrew Welsh playing for Gore Wanderers Football Club: ?doc=ENS%2F2024%2F07%2F17&entity=Ar02806&sk=57FAA 795&mode=text

The Editor

Gore Branch Events for the 2024-25 Season

Event Date Organiser(s)

Opening Run

Saturday 14th September M & M Proctor

DicksonAuction Saturday 21st September Paul Herron

Dunedin Classic Car Club 50th Anniversary

P60 Run

Saturday 28th September

Saturday5th October Matt Cook

Auction Night Tuesday 8th October TBC

Ladies Run

Sunday 11th November Pauline Price

Josephville Hillclimb Sunday 24th November Evan Henderson

Christmas Run

Sunday 8th December Bruce & PaulinePrice


Picnic Run January Rodd Bell

National Model T Convention Friday/Saturday 14th & 15th February

Festival Rally Saturday 22nd February Katy Parish

Swap Meet Sunday 16th March Katherine Welsh

Diggers Run March Bruce & Pauline Price

Frank Robson & Clearwater Capers

Sunday 5th April Greg Elder

National Club Captain’s Tour (meal) 12th April Paul Herron

Night Trial

End of Season Run Saturday 12th June Rod Bell

Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of the month (except December) Co-ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Other Events 2024

28th September Blossom Festival Rally, South Otago Branch

5th – 6th October 56th Dunvegan Rally, Otago Branch

11th – 13th October Canterbury Branch Swapmeet & Display

12th October Post Vintage & Post War Rally, Southland Branch

19th October DunedinAutospectacular

25th – 28th October 7th National Commercial Rally, Oamaru

2nd November Commercial Rally, Southland Branch

2nd November 52nd Taieri Tour, Otago Branch

22nd–24th November Hawke’s Bay VCC 65th Anniversary Rally 2025

25th – 27th January National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu Branch

5th – 7th February National Veteran Rally, Marlborough Branch

23rd – 28th February 17th National ModelAFord Rally, 11th March Race4Life, Teretonga Park

22nd – 24th March COVCC OtagoAnniversary Weekend Run

18th – 20th April Wheels at Wanaka 2026

15th – 21st March Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring

Editor's note to event organisers

If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)

Opening Run

Saturday 14th September

1.00pm: meet at Clubrooms

1.30pm: first car away

A short run around the area finishing with a get-together and shared afternoon tea

Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

24th September

What’s In My Shed?

Restoring my 1948 Ford Bonus V8 Pickup

The Ford Motor Company released a new range of trucks in 1948 and advertised them as the “Bonus Built Line". Starting with the half-ton F-1 Pickup through to the 3-ton F-8 model, they were powered with a 100hp 239 cu inch side-valve V8 or a 6-cylinder side valve of 226 cu inches. Production records say 179,693 trucks were produced for the model years 1948-52.

I well remember as a 10-year-old my father arriving home in 1962 with this Ford Bonus which he purchased fromAVLatty Ltd in Gore (now Regional Ford) for £358.10.6 (£358 pounds ten and sixpence, I have the receipt.)

This was a big step up from the 1931 Chev flat-deck pickup that had been used up to then. I still have the Chev which was my first restoration, with help, back in 1963.

The next 14-or-so years the poor old Ford had a hard life about the farm

The truck before restoration

The Ford was used to teach my five younger siblings to drive along with my wife Daphne. I had always blamed Daphne for a big split in a front guard but have just found out from one of my sisters that she hit a gate hinge on a strainer post and Dad just laughed.

To make it easier to lift the big fat Romney ewes of the time onto the high wooden deck a lower International truck well-deck was fitted by local engineersGeoffand KarlLormans.ItwasthendowntoGoreforarefurbish at, I think, John Paterson’s paint shop, changing to a fawn colour. About this time the engine was reconditioned at Melhops in Invercargill and the diff was replaced because of nasty noises within. I wonder what may have caused that!!!

I became well used to replacing broken parts, including front springs, along with a clutch rebuild one night on the concrete drive during lambing.

In 1974 Daphne and I bought the farm along with the plant. We used the Ford until 1976 when we bought a new Mazda B1600 from Tom Mclean in Gore. The Ford was put in the shed after having its engine removed to power a 1947 Ford 3-ton tip truck that I had just bought with a damaged engine.

Fast forward about 44 years and I decided I must restore the vehicle. So off with the ugly deck and up to my workshop where we massaged the body back into shape.

Minus the rear deck

I was fortunate that I had a container coming out from the USA with a couple of race cars so was able to bring parts out including an upholstery kit (which Star McDougall fitted very nicely), door glass and handles, front chromed bumper, along with new water pumps. I gave the engine a valve grind along with a major clean and paint. I fitted a new replica well-side deck and running boards which were nicely-made in the North Island along with new rear guards from Hamilton.

Painting parts

I sanded the bodywork back to bare metal and sprayed it all with an epoxy undercoat. Then I removed the body and all panels from the chassis and it was down to Gore for Paul Herron to work his magic on the painting.

The chassis

Then the cab and panels were brought home. The fun started with putting it all back together again carefully. I tidied up the wiring loom and rewrapped it with special tape.

Southland beech timber was cut and sanded for the deck floor which I put a sealer on to protect it. I lined the cab, bulkhead and doors with sound deadening mat before fitting the new head lining etc.

The chassis, fully-painted
The motor

The cab before painting……

Chassis with motor

….and afterwards

Cab and chassis

Next was compliance, so it was off to Dunedin in the trailer. Unfortunately, the brake adjustment was not up to spec on the roller test, also, because of some previous welding which had been done on the floor, they decided it needed a body cert. I had to return home and get this all sorted so after

spending over $1500 it was again registered on its original plates and legal to be driven on our roads. It was a shame I had let the registration lapse.

Finally completed!
Happy with modern Fords

So, as you read this the Bonus is having a well-earned holiday back in Regional Ford’s showroom in Gore keeping warm for the winter!!

Happy Motoring.

And, coincidentally, Rhonda Wilson sent this:

Ford Bonus Trucks:

Online Bonuses

New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. (newsletter page):

Southland Branch website:

Sent in by Bill Sheddan

Gore VCC Supper Roster

September Murray Proctor

October To be advised

September To be advised

November To be advised

December To be advised

January To be advised

March To be advised

April To be advised

May To be advised

June To be advised

July To be advised

August To be advised



Weneedtocater forabout 30to 40 members each night. The cuppaandservingofthesupper is to be arranged within the Social Committee.

If necessary, ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.


FOR SALE & WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FREE to Club members. Advertisements will be published in three consecutive issues. Please contact the Editor.

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

VCC name badges: are available to order by contacting the Branch Chairman (cellphone 027 210 4131). N.B. If you’re not wearing one at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined!

You are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Join the VCC online at

Both Bluebridge and Interislander Ferries offer discounts to VCC members:

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost.

Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Editor.


The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00

Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer



Hello! I am writing to you on behalf of the Estate of David Kennedy McIvor, that is selling a classic piece of automotive history: a meticulously maintained 1913 Sunbeam 16/20 Convertible.

I understand that my colleague reached out to you earlier this year, and as the vehicle has not yet sold we are trying one last time, at a reduced price. I believe your members might be interested in learning more about this unique opportunity.

This vehicle boasts: Elegant design capturing the essence of a bygone era

Powerful 4.0L 4-cylinder engine for a thrilling driving experience

Open-air motoring for enjoying the wind in your hair and the beauty of the open road

Meticulously maintained condition ensuring longevity and enjoyment

Given the car's unique nature and historical significance, we believe it would be a valuable addition to the collection of a passionate vintage car enthusiast. We encourage your members to reach out if they have any questions or are interested in viewing the car in person (the vehicle is based in Invercargill).

Please note: Serious inquiries only, as the estate seeks a buyer who truly appreciates the value and history of this classic vehicle.

We are offering this rare collectible at $35,000 ONO. (Photos overleaf)

For more information, please contact me directly at orby phone at 03 955 3779 or027 463 4906. Thank you for your time and consideration.




FOUR MGB spoked wheels with knock off spinners, in good condition.

$500.00 for the lot.

Contact Starr McDougall: 03 208 6501 or 027 610 3357

Windscreen and rubbers for a 1949-51 Austin Atlantic (will consider anything).Also radiator grille & surround for a 1937 Dodge sedan. Chris Scoles, phone 027 226 5967 – NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER



New volunteers for meeting night suppers. The “old hands” keep putting their hands up but it would be great to see some new faces stepping up to ease the load. If we had 12 volunteers/teams each would only need to do it once a year. The House Convenor


Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome.

The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month

Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper

If you don't have a computer I can get a hand-written article typed up or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how!


physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822

telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch

The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements.

The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350

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