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The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

October 2024

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 8th October

Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

Branch Patrons

2024-2025 Committee* and Officers

Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy

Chairman* Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Vice Chairman* Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Treasurer* Lynne Herron 027 210 4046

Club Captain* Position to be filled at a later date

Assistant Club Captains

Greg Elder 027 431 8058

Bruce Price 027 208 7249

Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281

House Convenor* Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Assistant House Convenor/

Social Committee

Roy Buchanan, Paul Katon, David McDowell

Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935

Festival Rally Organiser*

Katy Parish (03) 208 5505

Assistant Rally Organiser Position to be filled at a later date

Bar Manager

Chris Scoles 027 226 5967

Assistant Bar Manager Paul Herron 027 210 4131

Maintenance Supervisor


Swap Meet

Swap MeetAssistant

Parts Department

Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403

Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Ken Youngson

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Evan Henderson, (03) 208 6479

PartsAssistant Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Hill Climb

Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479

Hill ClimbAssistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017

Sheriff Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932

Raffles Star McDougall (03) 208 6501

Branch Delegate*

Privacy Officer

Museum & Hokonui Park

Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

David McDowell (03) 208 6791

Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634

Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2024/5 Denis Knight 027 351 3190

Daffodil DayAssistant

Vehicle Identity Card


Allan Mollison 027 748 2225

Evan Henderson

John Tremaine

John Parish (03) 208 6479

027 432 0197 (03) 208 5505

Chairman’s Report

AUCTION NIGHT: at our September Meeting it was decided to again hold our annual auction at our general meeting on October 8th starting the meeting at 7.30 pm, like we always do. So, bring along all of those goodies that have been gathering dust in the shed, or maybe some baking, preserves, jams or veggies. But please, leave behind the stuff that you know will just go to the refuse site. Come along and buy something and have a laugh.

It was nice to see all those who turned out on a not so good day for the Daffodil Day Rally. Thanks need to go to Paul & Lynne Herron for stepping up and taking over for Denis Knight when he had to pull out after suffering a fairly serious medical issue. Thank goodness he is now on the mend. Denis has to take it easy for a while now to let the body recover.

At the time of writing this, Beb Kennedy is in Southland Hospital and has been for a month. He is on the mend and hopefully will be up and about soon. He also will have to take things easy for a while.

Finally, congratulations to Tommy Nicholson, 80 years young a couple of weeks ago.

Email version of The Wiper

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier, (most of) the hyperlinks work – and it saves us money!

Please contact the Editor

Jokes from Gerry Kennedy

Apparently owls can’t mate when it’s raining. It’s too wet to woo.

When fish are in schools they sometimes take debates.

My grandfather invented the cold air balloon but it never took off

A mouse died of a heart attack on a supermarket shelf after seeing the price of cheese.

A lion would never play golf but a Tiger Wood.

Warning! Do not eat liquorice before bed, you dream about All Sorts.

I am considering buying an electric car but I don’t have a current licence.

Two peanuts were walking in the park, one was a salted.

From the Editor’s Keyboard

As those of you who were at the monthly meeting will know, Donna and I are now back after a sixweek holiday (mostly) in the UK, visiting familyand doing some “touristy” things. You may be “treated” to some of the highlights if there is space in coming issues of The Wiper. (In other words, if I don’t have enough material sent in to fill the pages!)

I’m pleased to say that this month’s issue has been (mostly)filledbyyourcontributionsbut Ihavefound spaceto includeapiece about ourvisit to theDrWho exhibition in Wellington. Paul Herron and Denis Knight have provided updates on the Daffodil Day Rally, while Allan & Diane Young report on the August Tuesday Ramble. Raewyn & Keith Dodds had an interesting time on the Opening Run and Alan Ritchie, Greg Elder & Stewart Quertier and Evan Henderson have provided photos from the Daffodil Day Rally, preparations for the DicksonAuction and the Opening Run, respectively.

As always, a huge “Thank you” to everybody who has sent me contributions, no matter how big or small, they are all very welcome!


Q: You walk into a room containing a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. What do you light first?

Answer next month

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser

Q. Which four letters can be written forward, backward, or upside down and still be read from left to right?


Daffodil Rally 2024

Again, with the Cancer Society being the beneficiary of our fundraising, Denis Knight had organized most of the day’s run for Sunday the 25th August. However, Denis had a serious medical intervention and Marie Knight rang me to advise of the situation. Between Lynne and myself we agreed to see the Run completed on Denis and Marie’s behalf.

The weather on Sunday was somewhat disappointing with steady rain and cold. By11am the rain had stopped in time to welcome our 29 entrants with some new faces and even some from the South Otago region.

This year we had at the start Helen Stephens representing the Cancer Society and was also welcoming our hardy motorists.

Entrants at the Gore A&P showgrounds
Helen Stephens (L) talking to Mary Tremaine (in car), John Tremaine in baseball cap

With the raffle boards all sold, we left on the route the Knights had organized to Pukerau and through to the Mataura-Clinton back road, to Clinton, up to Balclutha and heading onto the coast via Kaka Point and to our end at Owaka.

At the Owaka Inn we had a barmaid draw our raffle boards with John and Katy Parish winning the first and Evan Henderson the second.

The bar was very busy, having the Catlins Gravel Sprint and the Catlins Boar Hunt patrons there along with some of our motorists. We had 16 of our own members and 13 visitors attending and raised $805.40 for the Southland Cancer Society.

It was great to see some of our entrants wearing the yellow theme and Greg Elder and John Tremaine even had their cars painted yellow for the theme. We were down on last year’s numbers and believe the cold day had a bearing on this.

Greg Elder arriving at the Showgrounds

Thanks to all who had donated and attended and to the Knights for their organizing.

Hi David, a copy of the letter I sent to the local newspaper

Hi Judy, here is a report on the 2025 Daffodil Rally for you to do a story on in this week’s Ensign.

We had 33 entrants about the same as last few years. We believe numbers were down owing to a cold wet day but there is nothing we can do about that.

As I was unavailable on the day due to a health issue the running of the event was taken over by Paul & Lynne Herron with help from fellow Gore Vintage Car Club members for which I am very grateful. A big thank you also to all the people who entered the event and turned up in their many different variety of vehicles.

The Rally left Gore and wound its way to Owaka via Kaka Point It was a very busy day at Owaka with another car run turning up plus the Catlins Rally Sprint as well as the local Shooting Competition weigh-in but it all went well all the same.

We managed to raise over $800 for the Cancer Society which was a great effort. We have been informed by the community fund raising coordinator for the lower South Island that collectively the combined clubs have doubled last year’s total raised so well done to you all.

Raffles were won by Katie Parish and Evan Henderson.

A special thanks to Aurora Funeral Services Gore for their sponsorship printing posters, entry forms, maps and run sheets. We will be running the event again next year in October 2025 and look forward to another successful Rally.

Many Thanks

More Photos from the Daffodil Rally
Alan Ritchie

We gathered at the Gore Vintage Car Club Rooms car park and at 11am we set off on our trip.

The weather was fine and sunny, we headed through Waimumu on to the Glencoe Highway and then on to Winton for lunch at the Top Pub. Thirty three members and partners had a lovely lunch relaxing in the restaurant. Then it was on to Dipton to meet Dion King at Old Iron Garage.

Agreat afternoon ensued, inspecting Dion's collection which included unrestored 1930s to 1970s cars, (mostly, but not exclusively) old race cars, hot rods, tractors, car parts, signs, oil cans, automotive memorabilia and various motors being rebuilt.

Mid-afternoon we thanked Dion and headed home. Allan & Diane Young

In Welsh History This Month

12th October

The legend of Madog discovering America over 300 years before Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12th 1492. According to the story, Madog was a Prince of Gwynedd, who in 1170 sailed westward across the Atlantic and landed on the American shore. He returned to Gwynedd to recruit settlers and left, never to be seen again. The settlers supposedly travelled up the great rivers before settling down in the Midwest and intermarrying with a Native American tribe.

References to Madog’s discovery of America;

* A site on Rose Island, Kentucky, is claimed as once being home to a colony of Welsh-speaking Indians.

* The references to a seafaring Madog were used during the Elizabethan era to bolster British claims in America. The earliest surviving account to make the claim that Madog had come to America appears in Humphrey Llwyd's unpublished 1559 “Cronica Walliae". John Dee then used this manuscript when he submitted a treatise the "Title Royal" to Queen Elizabeth in 1580

* During the first English navigation of the James River in 1607, Welshman Peter Wynne, wrote that some of the pronunciation of the Monacan language resembled "Welch".

* Another encounter with a Welsh-speaking Indian was claimed by the Reverend Morgan Jones, who said that he had been captured in 1669 by a tribe of Tuscarora called the Deog, whose chief spared his life when he heard Jones speak Welsh, a language he understood.

* Francis Lewis, a signer of the American Declaration of Independence is said to have had a conversation with an Indian chief who spoke Welsh.

* Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States believed the "Madoc story" to be true.

* Llewellyn Harris, the missionary who visited the Zuni tribe in 1878, noted that they had many Welsh words in their language. Sent in by Donna North

Opening Run 2024

At the start

(L-R) The Austin 7, Allister Graeve’s Valiant, Greg Elder’s Ford Bonus (on its first Club run post-restoration) and the Brewster’s Triumph (obscured)

Saturday the 14th September could not have turned on any better weather. The sun shone, the wind did not blow and there was not even a threat of rain. Twenty-one vehicles, from right through the categories of Vintage Car Club, took part in the run organized by Murray and Marilyn Proctor.

We started with the proverbial two questions as we left the grounds. One about when thefirst moon landingwas andtheotherwas howmanycolours in the rainbow. Nothing to do with cars which should make it easier than remembering what you have read in the Beaded Wheels or The Wiper. But no.“Wherewerewewhen theylandedonthemoon??”Countingbackfrom now to then to work out our age, then the year??? The correct answers were 1969 for the moon landing and 7 for colours of the rainbow.

Allan & Diane Young in their Model A on its first Club Run

We had our lovely clear instructions for every turn required plus an instruction to count all signs that we had to follow not including the yellow suggested speeds for bends in roads etc. The interpretation of ‘not including’ was varied but made for an interesting trip along each road. Following instructions, checking for road signs and discussing the trip and said meaning of instructions. Thank goodness there were no weather stresses! Thirty-two signs was the required answer. An interesting request that opened up lots of banter when we all arrived safely back at the Clubrooms for afternoon tea.

The route took us out toward Dolamore Park, turning off at Lady Charlton Road, back down Waimumu Road then past the cemetery before turning onto the main road toward Mataura. Across the Mataura River then up Doctors Road. Here wemust say-formost vehicles.OurweeAustinSeven doesn’t do hills like that without a verybig run up! Great instructions made it easy for us to turn and pick up the instructions back at the Bridge.

A wee tiki tour around Mataura then back onto the main road and a quick left turn onto Glendhu Road. The next instruction was right turn onto Glendhu Road. ‘Which way do you want me to go? Make up your mind!’ was heard in one car that we heard of and no doubt in many others. But the instructions were correct. Glendhu Road does have a definite right turn at the top. Stunning views as we drove along looking for the “right turn”. We then came down through Waimumu and re-travelled the same road but this time all the wayinto town.Aquick deviation around some Gore streets and past NPD to check today’s specials then back to the Clubrooms for an amazing, over-catered, shared afternoon tea. And, of course, lots of chat. Thanks Murray and Marilyn for a great run to start our season. Best of luck for the Organisers of the rest of the runs to come. You have a lot to live up to, just getting the Weather Gods on your side for a start.

Raewyn and Keith Dodds

(Photos from Evan Henderson)

Preparing for the DicksonAuction

(Top to bottom) Loading up, loaded, at the Auction venue
Greg Elder

Run Saturday 5th October

10.45am: meet at Clubrooms

11.00am: first car away

Bring a picnic lunch and something to sit on

There is an optional $5 donation for use of the lunch venue and/or admission to an interesting local landmark (or you are welcome to picnic outdoors and make your own arrangements for the rest of the day)

Matt Cook 027 379 1131



OCTOBER 8th, 7.30 pm


Hi everyone, this is an invitation for you all to check out your sheds and look out a few treasures that could be auctioned off at October’s meeting.

I only ask that you do not bring along a bunch of stuff that is of no real value to anybody.

Please ensure it is something that will help raise funds for the running of our club. Items may be dropped off on the Wednesday prior to the auction or ring me.

We hope to get a few members from out of town attending so we really do need some items that may be of interest to them.

As usual baking, vegies, plants, jams etc. are very well sought after and very welcome items. Also bring along plenty of cash for purchasing said items.

Gore Branch Events for the 2024-25 Season

Event Date Organiser(s)

Dunedin Classic Car

Club 50th Anniversary

P60 Run

Saturday 28th September

Saturday5th October Matt Cook

Auction Night Tuesday 8th October Denis Knight

Ladies Run

Josephville Hillclimb

Christmas Run

Sunday 11th November Pauline Price

Sunday 1st December Evan Henderson

Sunday 8th December Bruce & PaulinePrice 2025

Picnic Run January Rod Bell

National Model T Convention Friday/Saturday 14th & 15th February

Festival Rally Saturday 22nd February Katy Parish

Swap Meet Sunday 16th March Katherine Welsh

Diggers Run March Bruce & Pauline Price

FrankRobson & Clearwater Capers

Sunday 5th April Greg Elder

National Club Captain’s Tour (meal) 12th April Paul Herron

Night Trial

End of Season Run

Tuesday Ramble

Saturday 12th June Rod Bell

Last Tuesday of the month (except December) Co-ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers

If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you.

(N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)

Other Events


28th September Blossom Festival Rally, South Otago Branch

5th – 6th October 56th Dunvegan Rally, Otago Branch

11th – 13th October Canterbury Branch Swapmeet & Display

12th October Post Vintage & Post War Rally, Southland Branch

19th October DunedinAutospectacular

25th – 28th October 7th National Commercial Rally, Oamaru

2nd November Commercial Rally, Southland Branch

2nd November 52nd Taieri Tour, Otago Branch

9th November Clutha Rally, South Otago Branch

16th November North Otago VCC Swap Meet

22nd –24th November Hawke’s Bay VCC 65th Anniversary Rally

22nd –24th November South Canterbury Branch 3 Day Tour


25th – 27th January National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu Branch

5th – 7th February National Veteran Rally, Marlborough Branch

8th February Southland VCC 70th Anniversary Rally

23rd – 28th February 17th National Model AFord Rally,

8th March Nelson Swap Meet Bazaar

11th March Race4Life, Teretonga Park

22nd – 24th March COVCC OtagoAnniversary Weekend Run

11th – 18th April South Island Club Captain’s Tour

18th – 20th April National South Island Easter Rally

18th – 20th April Wheels at Wanaka 2026

15th – 21st March Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring

Tuesday Ramble 29th October

10.30am: meet at Clubrooms

10.45am: depart for Mossburn Hotel

Noon: lunch at Hotel (order off the menu)

Trying to book somewhere to visit, if no luck then we will have an afternoon relaxing at the Hotel!

Numbers before 24th October

Contact Gerry 027 233 4634

Ladies Run Sunday 17th November

1.00pm: meet at Clubrooms

1.30pm: first car away

(The Run will be approx. 140kms in total, including 5km of good gravel)

Bring your thermos and afternoon tea

Pauline Price

027 454 1954

In New Zealand History This Month

Denny Hulme wins Formula One title

22 October 1967

In 1967 Denny Hulme became the first – and so far only –New Zealander to win the Formula One World Championship. In his 10 seasons in F1, Hulme won eight races and stood on the podium 33 times. He finished third in the overall standings in 1968 and 1972.

After winning a Driver-toEurope scholarship in 1960, Hulme became a protégé of the legendary Australian driver Jack Brabham, whose F1 team he joined in 1965.

The 1967 championship comprised 11 races. Hulme won at Monte Carlo and in Germany, and secured enough podium finishes elsewhere to claim the championship by five points from his boss. He also finished second in the Canadian-American Challenge Cup series and fourth in the Indianapolis 500. He was named New Zealand Sportsman of the Year.

In 1968 Hulme joined the team of fellow Kiwi Bruce McLaren (see 2 June). This time two victories were not enough for him to defend his title. He remained with McLaren until his retirement in 1974.

Hulme later turned to touring car racing and died from a heart attack during the 1992 Bathurst 1000 race in Australia.

Adapted from:


FOR SALE & WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FREE to Club members. Advertisements will be published in three consecutive issues. Please contact the Editor.

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

VCC name badges: are available to order by contacting the Branch Chairman (cellphone 027 210 4131). N.B. If you’re not wearing one at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined!

You are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Join the VCC online at

Both Bluebridge and Interislander Ferries offer discounts to VCC members:

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost.

Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Editor.


The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00

Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer

More Photos from the DicksonAuction Preparations

Transport arrangements

Organiser Paul Herron and some of the cars

These photos are shifting out of Robin Dickson’s shed, four truck and trailer loads!! Also some at the Auction site. Paul & Lynne Herron have done an amazing amount of work for the coming auction. Stewart Quertier

What We Did on Our Holidays

Doctor Who Worlds of Wonder Exhibition

The author and the TARDIS in the entrance lobby

Donna and I flew up to Wellington in June to go to this exhibition in the new Tākina Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre. We both watch(ed) Dr Who, although our “Doctors” are different due to our ages. I remember the beginning, with William Hartnell in black & white in 1963, well beforeDonna’stime. Ithendippedin andout,not really“gelling”with any until David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker (2005-2022). Donna’s favourite was Tom Baker, with his long scarf, (1974 to 1981). The various companions didn’t appeal to her and it's probably best not to dwell too much on them, suffice to say that Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, River Song, Amy Pond and Clara Oswald made an impression!

In the foyer of the Centre, we were greeted by Daleks and a TARDIS.

The entrance to the exhibition itself was through an arch in the shape of the TARDIS’ door. The walls leading up to this entrance were adorned with a series of quotes from various of the Doctors, plus scientists and writers. Some of my favourites were these:

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke

Thefirst areaincluded a recreationofthefirst TARDIS control console and the costume worn by the first Doctor (played by William Hartnell).

The Tardis console Mk1, the “original”

The exhibition was “Created in collaboration with BBC Studios, scientific themes such as artificial intelligence, DNA manipulation and cloning – all of which have featured in Doctor Who episodes – are explored and explained.”

As you went through the various areas, the exhibition combined artefacts from the television series with text, video, “talking heads” and interactive touchscreen displays delving further into different aspects of Dr Who, the making of the series and some anecdotes from people involved with it.

This was complemented by similar features discussing areas of “real” science, such as black holes, whether time travel is actually possible, and why the TARDIS is bigger on the inside.

Then into “The Monster Vault”, where “visitors will come face to face with many of the Doctor’s alien adversaries and learn about their connections with real science.” There was a warning at the entrance that “This room does not have a sofa to hide behind. Parents should be accompanied at all times by responsible children” (!). Oddly, the vault also included K9.

A Time Lord’s best friend, K9

The first monsters, predictablyenough, were two Daleks, one of which was open on one side for sitting in and having photos taken. Next to the other Dalek was the chilling sight of the ultimate mad scientist himself, Davros, next to a selection of Cybermen, followed by several of the Doctors’ other adversaries, mostly (I think) from the more recent series:

Weeping Angel (“Don’t Blink!”)

The Meep and, towards the end of the exhibition, The Lady Cassandra

From the exhibition website:

“Doctor Who is one of the longest-running action-adventure television series in the world spanning 60 years and winning over 100 awards. This quintessentially British show has a huge global following, with 9.6m fans across social platforms/channels and 100m video views on YouTube in the last year alone. It has been honoured by Guinness World Records as the longest-running science-fiction series in the world.”

We both thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition. The mix of “real” science and Sci-Fi worked very well and the scientific explanations were clear and easy to understand. We spent about four hours there and, after we left, I realised I’d forgotten to go back to one of the touchscreen “tables” to finish exploring some of the Dr Who elements, so it should have been longer!

For “Whovians” (and others) who didn’t know about it, or haven’t seen it, the exhibition is on until the end of October and, in my opinion, is wellworth making the trip to Wellington. (The Exhibition Centre is just across the road from Te Papa and there are many other museums and places of interest in Wellington, so there’s plenty to make a day, or a weekend, of it.)

(Photos by the author and Donna North)

Online Bonuses

Dolamore Park:

Dr Who Exhibition:

Dr Who:

New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. (newsletter page):

Southland Branch website:

SPOTTED Competition –

The Winners

Readers were asked to “identify the car (by make and model) and the location”.

The car is the Editorial 2017 Fiat 124 Spider Abarth andthelocationisthe corner of Timaru & Orari Streets in South Dunedin.

Much to my surprise, I only received two entries. The first correctlyidentifiedthecar(atgreatlength,thanks,Isuspect to Dr Google) but failed to give either the location or their contactdetails.(Failuretoreadthequestionthoroughly?!)The second correctly identified the car and the (exact) location (also offering “on the back of a truck” as an alternative location) and included their name & contact details.

First Prize therefore goes to Graham English and

Second Prize goes to Rod Bell

Both prize-winners have been notified and will receive their prizes the next time I see them at a meeting or Run.

My congratulations to both entrants!

The Editor


What does a clock do when it’s hungry? It goes back 4 seconds!

Sent in by Des Brewster


New volunteers for meeting night suppers. The “old hands” keep putting their hands up but it would be great to see some new faces stepping up to ease the load. If we had 12 volunteers/teams each would only need to do it once a year. The House Convenor

Gore VCC Supper Roster

October Mary Tremaine

November To be advised

December To be advised

January To be advised

March To be advised

April To be advised

May To be advised

June To be advised

July To be advised

August To be advised

September To be advised



Weneedtocater forabout 30to 40 members each night. The cuppaandservingofthesupper is to be arranged within the Social Committee.

If necessary, ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.




FOUR MGB spoked wheels with knock off spinners, in good condition.

$500.00 for the lot.

Contact Starr McDougall: 03 208 6501 or 027 610 3357

Windscreen and rubbers for a 1949-51 Austin Atlantic (will consider anything).Also radiator grille & surround for a 1937 Dodge sedan.

Chris Scoles, phone 027 226 5967 – NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER



Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome.

The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month

Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper

If you don't have a computer I can get a hand-written article typed up or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how!


physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822

telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch

The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350

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