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September 2023

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 12th September

Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

Branch email address:

The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

2023-2024 Committee* and Officers

Branch Patrons Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy Chairman* Paul Herron 027 210 4131 Vice Chairman* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Treasurer* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Club Captain* Position to be filled at a later date Assistant Club Captains Greg Elder (03) 202 5710 or 027 431 8058 Bruce Price 027 208 7249 Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281 Assistant Editor Position not filled at present House Convenor* Des Brewster 027 845 1752 Assistant House Convenor Position to be filled at a later date Social Committee Roy Buchanan, David McDowell Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935 Festival Rally Organiser* John Tremaine (03) 208 9670 Assistant Rally Organiser Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Bar Manager Chris Scoles (03) 208 0052 Assistant Bar Manager Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Maintenance Supervisor Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403 MaintenanceAssistants Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Ken Youngson Swapmeet Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Swapmeet & PartsAssistants Evan Henderson, Gerry Kennedy, Denis Knight, Bryan Neilson Hill Climb Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479 Hill ClimbAssistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017 Sheriff Denis Knight 027 351 3190 Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932 Raffles Star McDougall (03) 208 6501 Branch Delegate* David North 021 172 3281 Privacy Officer Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102 Museum & Hokonui Park David McDowell (03) 208 6791 Tuesday Ramble Co-ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634 Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2023 John Tremaine 027 432 0197 Daffodil Day Co-ordinator 2024 Position to be filled at a later date Vehicle Identity Card Signatories Evan Henderson John Tremaine (03) 208 6479 027 432 0197 Front cover picture: Paul Herron’s Model T at the Gore Lions Gala Day. Photo supplied by John Speden

Chairman’s Report September 2023

With the thanks of John Tremaine the National Daffodil rally is now successfully behind us and makes a start of our upcoming rally season.

The Opening Run is on the 10th of September under Murray Proctor’s organizing so time to get our cars out of the winter hibernation and enjoy our club’s events for motoring.

Thebuildingupgradehas cometoatemporary halt due to discolouring of the vinyl in the kitchen which is a manufacturing fault to be rectified with the supplier. This kitchen vinyl is also the same batch which we purchased for the toilet floor also.

With the National VCC AGM held on the 12 of August David North our branch delegate will have a report at the September meeting with changes anddiscussions regardingtheconstitutional requirements to meet thenew Act and other subjects within the organization’s running.

It is pleasingto hear ofprogress onmembers’cars eitherunderrestoration or simply tidings and maintenance.

The branch has had 3 large boxes of car books kindly donated by Susan Dickson for our library or to dispose of as we see fit.

We still are requiring someone to volunteer to be our Club Captain, so it's time to get out and involved with our branch.

4 Sunday 15th October

In Welsh History This Month

28th September

Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin, the world’s first antibiotic.

OneofFleming's researchstudentswasMerlinPryce from the village of Troedyrhiw near Merthyr Tydfil and, according to reports, it was Price who, whilst tidying up the laboratory, first noticed the now famous Petri dish containing Staphylococci culture that had been destroyed by fungus.

[Welsh comment: So it was a Welshman that first found it. This is why Penicillin has two "l”s.]


From the Editor’s Keyboard

There should be something for everyone in this month’s issue - from the veryserious to the verysilly.

Beginning with the serious, I attended the National Executive Meeting and AGM in Nelson and my Branch Delegate’s report kicks off this issue. If you have any queries I am happy to provide answers or any extra detail (to the best of my ability) – just ask.

This month’s “Spotted” features a number of current, and former, Gore Branch members who seem to have a talent for attracting the attention of the media.

John Speden from the Gore Host Lions has kindly provided some photos of the car display that formed part of their Gala Day, Jim McFadzien takes us down memory lane with his tale of family and famous Austins and other members have provided “gap fillers” and my thanks go to you all.

This issue also includes a story about Gore that I saw in another branch newsletter, I hope you enjoy it – some may even remember it!

Finally, as I was unable to attend the Branch’s Daffodil Day I am hoping somebody who did go will send me some photos (and words?) about it.

Happy reading, David North


Q. What coat is best put on wet?

Answer next month

Answer to last month’s


A man shaves several times a day but still has a beard. Who is he?

Answer: The barber



We are looking for volunteers to organise the: Christmas Run in December

Night Trial in May

If you are prepared to organise a Rally / Run and the activity / criteria for the awarding of trophies please give the Vice-Chairman a call or text on 027 229 2191 or email Privacy issues prevent me from being able to contact you unless your contact details are freely available in The Wiper. Rod Bell


Daffodil Day on TVNZ’s Seven Sharp (about 12 minutes in)

Email version of The Wiper

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier, (most of) the hyperlinks work – and it saves us money!

Please contact the Editor


The Cost of Restoring a Car


VCC Executive Meeting &AGM Report

11-12August 2023, Beachside Conference & Events Centre, Nelson

Executive Meeting

Report on Membership Status

Duringthe yearended10August2023GoreBranchgained7newmembers and lost 8 (3 deceased and 5 unfinancial). Gore Branch membership at 28 July 2023 was 148, made up of 109 members and 39 joint members. As of the same date, VCC membership totalled 8,455 - made up of 6,324 members and 2,131 joint members.

Appointment ofArchivist

Don Muller was re-appointed asArchivist.

Revised Budget to 31/3/2024

As George Kear was unable to attend the meeting, Murray Trounson presented his report. The paper had been pre-circulated to branches. The budget was originally set two years ago since which time there had been many cost increases with the major ones being related to Beaded Wheels.

There was a detailed and wide-ranging discussion with every branch delegate present posing questions or putting forward suggestions. The majority of the discussion centred around three matters: Beaded Wheels, membership subscriptions and the need for new VCC premises.

I asked about the big increase in travel expenses and was told this was due to Covid previously restricting travel and the number of 50-year badges presented once restrictions were lifted.

Beaded Wheels. Alternative formats have been, and are being, looked at, includinga digital option. Kevin Clarkson (Editor & Chair of the Beaded Wheels Committee) was adamant that it needs to be in full colour and a reasonable size as it is an important “shop window” for the VCC. More advertising could be sought, but must not outweigh the amount of reading matter. On a show of hands only two branches were in favour of reducing the frequency of Beaded Wheels.

Membership subscriptions. Payment byinstalments was raised by a number of branches. There are potential complications with this as people


may only be members for part of the year. A small number of branches (includingGore) advocatedforsmallerincreases morefrequentlyand Iwas asked to raise this again at the Executive Meeting in March.

New premises.Anumber of branches questioned the advisabilityof keeping the building insurance payout money in the bank rather than investing it as this was not keeping pace with inflation. The need to replace the existing premises was also queried and leasing or moving to a cheaper area than Christchurch were also suggested. The membership will be involved once suitable premises have been identified.

Vote: The President proposed a motion that the annual subscription for a member be increased by $25. This was passed by a substantial majority. In accordance with the branch instructions at the July meeting I voted against.

Calendar of Events

2027 National Motorcycle Rally – South Canterbury Branch

2025 National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch

2026 Veteran & Vintage Rally proposed by South Canterbury Branch for the anniversary of the Mount Cook Rally. It was pointed out that 2026 is the next Vero Rally and no other National events take place in the same year.

2024 National Commercial Rallyproposed for LabourWeekend byCentral Otago Branch.

Financial Report (Prepared by Linda Duffell, National Office.)

Ticking along OK but do need to increase subscriptions.

National Office Systems Update (Murray Trounson)

The online application system has been improved and some of the dropdownmessages clarified. SinceMay2022therehavebeen 671applications via the web page, of which 583 have paid a subscription and joined properly. The paper membership form has been redesigned to mirror the online one.

Branch Portal: minor enhancements since the March Executive meeting. Branch passwords updated in June. Nineteen branches are using it regularly.


The Registrar is presenting the new ID Card application form to VIC officersin branches andthenewforms will shortlybeavailableonthe VCC website.

Services offered to branches: National Office can email branch newsletters to all branch members that have an email address. National Office can provide monthly and annual accounting services for branches that may be unable to find a treasurer.


The National Club page had 3,610 followers and 4,913 members as at 31 March 2023.

Branch Financial Reports. Murray Trounson highlighted the fact that many branches are not filing their financial reports with the Incorporated Societies correctly, or at all. He also noted that the Registrystaff make a lot of mistakes processing the filings so it is important to check. A template will be developed and sent to branches, as will a copyof his full comments.

General Business (Dealt with after theAGM)

The maim items I considered to be of interest to Gore members were: Updating of the online Branch Manual. Now Diane Quarrie is no longer Club President she said that she will have more time to do this.

The teardrop flags for branches were deleted from the budget as a cost-saving measure.

The VCC governance/committee structure will be discussed at the March Executive meeting.

Internet voting – a Notice of Motion is being worked on. Proxy voting may be looked at. It was emphasised that there must be a paperbased alternative as well


MattersArising from the Minutes of the 13August 2022 meeting: Long ServiceAwards – status quo to be maintained.

Annual President’s Report

The President made some valedictory remarks in addition to her precirculated report.


Andrew Anderson (Life & Founding Member) gave his traditional address to the AGM, this time on the subject of “charisma”. He also “farewelled” members of the Management Committee who were retiring.

Annual Financial Statement (prepared byLinda Duffell, National Office) Questions were asked about “insurance” (this includes cover for the existing building and the Club’s third party insurance); “meeting expenses and travel” (also raised at the Executive meeting); “member’s funds” (why are these not being used to offset the cost increases rather than raising the subscription? Answer was that it is generallyconsidered bad practice to use accumulated funds to pay for operating expenses and the money will be needed for any new property to replace the existing building).


In total, 483 x 50-year badges have been awarded – 55 since the lastAGM; 75 x 60-year badges – 7 since last AGM; 2 x 70-year badges – 0 since last AGM; 1 x 75-year badge (AndrewAnderson).

Strategic Plan 2022-2027 (Gaynor Terrill)

Reviewed in July 2023.

Acoach-building and fabrication apprenticeship trial is underway. The VCC website is to be updated. Training sessions for Branch Secretaries and Speed Stewards are to be started.

Legal Opinion Zoom presentation

Steven Moe of Parry Field Lawyers Limited spoke to the legal opinion regarding the VCC committee structure that has been circulated to branches. He illustrated the difference between “governance” and “management” by comparing the Club to a ship. “Management” steer the ship and make decisions about what’s happening onboard, “governance” are in a helicopter overhead and can see further ahead than those on the ship. Theyareconcerned with wheretheship is goingandwhat will happen to it in the future. In the case of the VCC the Management Committee has been moving into a governance rôle. He also reviewed the four options for VCC structure outlined in the paper, noting that it was ideal to keep governanceand managementseparatebut thatit was inevitabletherewould be some crossover. It was important for the VCC to decide what problems the re-structuring was trying to solve.


Reports (pre-circulated)


NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs: much better response than expected from the recent NZ Historic & Classic Vehicle Survey. Results to be published soon.

Low Volume Vehicle TechnicalAssociation

North Island Club Captain

South Island Club Captain

National Speed Steward – Tony Haycock did not seek re-election, replaced by Ray Saunders.

Beaded Wheels


National Day:“instant”donations canbemadebyscanningtheQR codes sent to branches. Each branch has their own specific code. More support from the Cancer Society has been evident this year.

NZTA Waka Kotahi: more senior staff changes so progress with 12-month WoFs has stalled. Will re-start efforts after the General Election.

FIVADelegate’s report

Calendar of Events

2026 Vero Rally. Three branches had put in very good bids and Nelson had won out. Ray Robertson is Festival Director.

John LGoddard Trophy

Five nominations were received and this year’s recipients were Steve & Sue Keys for their restoration of the 1938 Texaco Diamond Tpetrol tanker.

Notice of Motion

For: 89.6%; Against: 10.3%; Invalid: 0.1% - Carried. (1,158 votes cast.)

Presentations were made to Management Committee members Tony (& Lindsey) Bartlett, Alon (& Tracy) Mayhew, Tony (& Maria) Haycock, Kaaren (& Jim) Smylie and Diane (& Geoff) Quarrie who were retiring after many years of service.

General Business

Mainly notifications or reminders of coming events: North Island Club Captain’s Tour: 2-11 March, 2024, lower North Island.

2025 National Motorcycle Rally: 25 – 31 January.


2024 National Veteran Rally, entry forms now live on the VCC website.

2024 Monte Carlo-style Rally, open to all VCC categories. Based in Taupo, 14 & 15 September.

2024 Vintage-only Rally, 5-7 February, Marlborough.

2024Art Deco Rally, Hawke’s Bay.

Highland Fling film on Youtube (see Online Bonuses).

Vero problems: members experiencing serious issues can contact the National Office who have access to senior people at Vero.

Sponsorship: Andrew Anderson (Life Member) suggested that the VCC should be looking for sponsorship of members’fuel costs for participating in (major?) rallies as had been the case in the early days of the Club.

2024 AGM: to be hosted by the Bay of Plenty Branch at the Armitage Conference Hotel in Tauranga.

If you would like to see any of the Reports that were presented please contact me or the Branch Secretary.

David North, Branch Delegate


…on the internet:

Margaret McLennan recently received a Long Service Award from Riversdale Arts Inc.

and in the July 19th edition of Gore’s free newspaper, The Ensign, we have Charlie Davis being busy on page 9,


a profile of Annette Ainge on page 20

and, overleaf, Margaret McLennan appeared on page 6 of the 26th July edition


and, finally for thismonth, Lynne Herron appears onpage 21 of the 10th August issueof the Southland Express:


Gore Branch Events for the 2023-24 Season

Event Date Organiser(s)


Opening Run Sunday10th September Murray Proctor

October Run

South Otago Vauxhall

Club BBQ & evening

Ladies Run

Josephville Hillclimb

Christmas Run

Picnic Run

Festival Rally

Sunday 8th October

Saturday 21st October Des Brewster

Sunday 12th November

Sunday 26th November (Provisional date) Evan Henderson Terry Inder

Sunday 10th December (Provisional date)


Saturday 20th January

Frank Robson & Clearwater Capers

Night Trial

End of Season Run

Annual Dinner & Prize-giving July

Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of the month (except December)

Co-ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers

If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)

Swapmeet March

Other Events


23rd September Blossom Festival Rally, Central Otago Branch

23rd – 24th September Biennial Springtime Rally, Nelson Branch. See page 26 of the branch newsletter:

30th September to 1st October 51st Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally, Otago Branch. Contact David 022 192 8366

Canterbury Branch Swapmeet & Display.

6th – 8th October



15th October TuatapereArt Exhibition

14th October Autospectacular, Edgar Centre, Dunedin

20th – 23rd October 6th National Commercial Rally, Wanganui Branch

4th November 51st Taieri Tour, Otago Branch

18th November Mataura Motoring Mad Car Show & Cruise

18th November MMXXIIIAutomobileAncienne Monte Carlo, Banks Peninsula Branch. Phone 021 212 3074


25th – 31st January

National Veteran Rally/Dunedin-Brighton Run & Prince Henry Tour, Otago Branch. See p.28

27th – 28th January Edendale Crank Up, featuring Ford

29th – 31st March

Warbirds Over Wanaka

Gerry’s Jokes

I just noticed two large bumps on my car battery. Had them tested and one came back positive. Hope it’s not terminal.

Seen a sheep dressed in a swim suit driving a car. Could be a Lamb Bikini. Sent in by Gerry Kennedy


Easy route – all sealed roads

Please be at the clubrooms for a 1.30pm start

Shared afternoon tea

Open to vehicles of ALL ages (including moderns!) Ph. Murray

Opening Run 10th September
Proctor 027 649 1377

Tuesday Ramble 26th September

10.30 am: meet at Clubrooms

10.45 am: depart for Lumsden

12.00: lunch at “The Whistle Inn”

New pub in Lumsden opening for us for lunch so make an effort for a good turnout

Lunch (roast & vegs) $35

1.30pm: depart for Daryl Paskell’s to view his fishing museum

He hasn’t got a collection box but we will collect a gold coin per head

Contact Gerry (027 233 4634) no later than 22nd September for catering


The registration information and entry forms can be accessed on the VCC NZ website under 'National Events':


You are invited to…..

With three days of Veteran motoring from Dunedin- Gore – Owaka –Dunedin. Startingon Monday29th January2024, followingthe National Veteran Rally in Dunedin. Returning Wednesday 31st January. We will be travelling at a relaxed pace, with a backup trailer for peace

The 2024 Founders Prince Henry Tour SOUTHERN SCENIC TOUR 29TH – 31ST JANUARY 2024
Mark these days on your calendar! Tour organiser is: Nevin Gough or 021 115 0312 Marion McConachie or 027 338 7008
of mind.
Photos from the Lions Gala Day

More of Gerry’s Jokes

A mandate isn’t a law, it’s when two men go out for dinner.

I don’t usually brag about going to expensive places but I just left the petrol station.

Sent in by Gerry Kennedy

Photos supplied by John Speden

Tuesday Ramble Lunch July

One of our lady Ramblers suggested that we have a pot luck lunch at the Clubrooms. We had one a few years back and it was very successful. The table was all set up on the Friday beforehand so on the Tuesday we were good to go.

Twenty-odd membersturnedup with a great range of yummyfood.Soafter a natter, lunch was served. Veryenjoyable, and, yes, this was followed with dessert plus tea & coffee.

I had planned a quiz, or just go round members to see what or where they had been up to but the members were enjoying just sitting back for a natter and enjoying each other’s company. So the day went off very well.

Big thanks to you all for the food and clean up after lunch.

Cheers Gerry (Kennedy)

Photo (taken early on) by the Editor


What’s In My Shed?


My parents had fourAustin cars: a 10hp from about 1932; anAustinAscot 6-cylinder about 1935; then, new in December 1950, an A70; then, new again, in 1957 an A90. Between my sister and brothers we had an A60 pickup, Austin Allegro, Austin A110. I had an Austin A50, an A99, an Austin Gypsy and a 6-ton Austin truck - 11 in all. We also had three Morris Oxfords,Austins in disguise.

Thelocal agent forAustinwas P. H.Vickery, hewas afriendof LordAustin before coming to NZ and certainly sold Austins by the dozen. I was at Vickery’s one day with my father and wandered into the showroom with all the latest cars, on the window was a big brochure which said “A40 10,000 miles in 10,000 minutes World Record”. This told about the World Record attempt etc.

Look up

If you haven’t got a computer, get a friend to print it off for you

PH Vickery must have had a big import licence as in the 1950s there were new Austins everywhere. Still seem to be about 80 Austin A40s still running at WOF standards in NZ

Jim McFadzien

[Also see: Pre-War Dealerships – P. H. Vickery, Ltd.

The Editor]


In New Zealand History This Month

2 September 1975: First New Zealand representative women’s football team winsAsian Cup

Victorious New Zealand women's football team with the 1975 Asian Cup (New Zealand Football) In their first outing on the international stage, the New Zealand women’s football team won the invitational Asian Cup tournament in Hong Kong, beating Thailand 3–1 in the final. They had beaten Hong Kong 2–0 and Malaysia 3–0 in group play before outlasting arch-rivals Australia 3–2 in the semi-final. Vice-captain Marilyn Marshall was the top-scorer in the tournament with six goals.

Gamblers angered by the unexpected New Zealand victory threw rubbish at the team as it ran a lap of honour around Hong Kong Stadium, then followed up by hurling rocks and bottles at their bus as it departed. One player was slightly injured.

The New Zealand Women’s Football Association had been formed a few months earlier to enable a national team to be selected. Coached by Dave Farrington and captained byBarbaraCox,the15-strongsquad was selected from Auckland, Wellington and Canterbury, the only regions with established women’s leagues. Team members raised funds to help meet their travel and accommodation costs.


My Favourite Things – Senior Version

A Humorous Parody

Words: Anonymous. Music: “My Favorite Things,” Richard Rodgers

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting, Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings, Bundles of magazines tied up in string, These are a few of my favourite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts and hearing aids and glasses, Polident and Fixodent and false teeth in glasses, Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, These are a few of my favourite things.

When the pipes leak, when the bones creak, When the knees go bad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad.

Hot tea and crumpets, and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions, Bathrobes and heat pads and hot meals they bring, These are a few of my favourite things.

Back pains, confused brains, and no fear of sinnin', Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinnin', And we won't mention our short shrunken frames, When we remember our favorite things.

When the joints ache, when the hips break, When the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I've had, And then I don't feel so bad.



FOR SALE & WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FREE to Club members. Advertisements will be published in three consecutive issues. Please contact the Editor.

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

VCC name badges: investigations are still proceeding to identify a more affordable alternative supplier. Watch this space!

You are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Joining the VCC can now be done online. Go to:

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost.

Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Secretary or the Editor.


The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00

Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer

Thank you. The Treasurer


[I saw this in the August 2023 issue of “Split Rim”, the South Otago Branch magazine and thought Gore members might be interested. It is reproduced with permission. The Editor]

The Great Train Meet Could have been a great robbery

In 1967, New Zealand converted the currency from the cumbersome pounds, shillings and pence system to a decimal system. A great logistical event was set in motion,most of which the general population was unaware of. Everyone turned up to their banks on the morning of Monday 10 July to receive the new notes and coins. People were mostly ignorant that on Friday 7 July all this money arrived by various means to every bank in the country. In Gore, everyone was oblivious of the small drama that occurred in the southern end of the main street as night began to fall on that day.

Try to picture the town of Gore on a Friday night in 1967. Certainly not exactly the sleepy hollow you think of today. There was late night shopping. Folk from all around would come to town to catch up, get supplies and generally spend some time together. The ‘boy racers’ of the daywould be going around and around the centre parking, placed down the centre of the main street, showing off. In everyrespect, a verybusy country town.

At that time, the ANZ Bank in Gore sat on the corner of Main and Ashton Streets. Directly across Main Street from the bank sat the railway station. The main entrance of the bank was right on the corner of Main andAshton. However, on Ashton Street at the back of the bank was a small-enclosed yard. There, one could park a car in privacy and have access to the back door. It was secured by a typical pair of tall double gates that, when closed, completed a high wall. One gate had a long bolt that slipped into a concrete pad in the middle allowing the other to latch on, thereby closing the yard.

At the time, the bank employed me as a teller. The other teller was one Ewan McLeod. We were both 20 years old.

My car then was a 1955AustinA50. Those who know these cars will know there is a copious boot in them.Ahigh lip to lift over but deep with a level floor. There are no obstructions, as the spare wheel is located in a drop tray


underneath. Tools neatly clipped onto the sides of the boot. Good for putting the odd body in if one needed to.

On Friday 7 July, Ewan and I were instructed on the procedure for meeting the regular Limited Express train at the railwaystation due to arrive around 7pm that night. As stated, the Bank was immediately across the road from the station. We were to collect all the money for Gore and bring it across Main Street to our bank and lodge it in the vault. On Monday morning, the other banks would collect the allocations made to them from us and it was our job to parcel that out. We also had some other extra responsibilities. The first was signing for the keys to the main vault in the bank. Unheard of for such junior staff. The second was the signing for an ancient looking Smith and Weston revolver. Note…no instructions on how to use the thing, not that we needed any as it was ‘sans bullets’!

The evening wore on. In due course, we drove across the footpath kerbing, there being no crossing ramps or kerb lowering, and up the southern ramp onto the station platform. From there we drove down to the northern end and parked where the guard’s van would normally stop. We waited. No one questioned us why we had a car on the platform. The express duly arrived pulling up with the guard’s van right beside our parked car. It was late. The doors opened and the guard directed us to a pile of ammunition type boxes. He was the only person in the van. There were no assigned guards, apart from him. We had to move quickly as they were trying to make up time. Ewan and I proceeded to load the ones pointed out to us into the car. The boxes contained all the coins and bank notes of the new currency for the town of Gore. To say the consignment was heavy would be a bit of an understatement. The back end of theAustin got lower and lower.There was no stopping or taking some awayand coming back for a second load. It had to go in the car there and then. The boot shut with a comforting click. The back seat had no more room. We locked it all and set off. There was no paperwork or signatures required. The tow bar was now less than 6 inches off the ground.

We set off along the platform to the southern end and ramp. Steering was extremely light and initially I thought it was not going to turn onto the ramp! Down it went. The front wheels did not register crossingthe kerb but the back end surely did. The graunch was deafening and, as the car appeared to become grounded, to use the vernacular, I floored it. With a


tremendous lurch, it broke free and launched itself across the path of oncoming southbound traffic, through the centre parks and onto the other side of the road into the path of northbound traffic. Thankfully, the ‘boy racers’were elsewhere. Somewhere along the line, theAustin remembered where it was to go and we got around into Ashton Street to the smallenclosed yard at the back door. There was a metal plate ramp to cross the kerb, but still the tow bar made a clanging sound as it scraped across the ramps and up onto the footpath. Then a small obstacle that we completely forgot about spoke up. The tow bar found it. The concrete block in the centre of the gateway that the bolt for the one gate to lock into. I must have had the car dead centre of the gateway. The block snaring itself on the tow bar, became uprooted, dragged along and jammed under the spare wheel tray. That meant we could not close the gates securely. Ewan latched them together but they sat there daring us to turn our backs, threatening to open up as soon as we turned away. We set about relieving the poor car of the load, all the time watching and checking the gate. When the car came up far enough, we retrieved the concrete block and forced it under the gates locking them more securely.

OurinstructionsdidnotincludewhattodowiththeSmithandWeston(sans bullets) when we were finished so I locked it in the vault with the cash.

To this day, I have no idea how much money I had in my car that day. It wasallthecashneededforalltheTradingBanksandtheSouthlandSavings Bankin Gore. Ifwemade arunforit,weprobablywouldnot havetravelled far as the first hill would have stopped the poor car dead.

Yet More of Gerry’s Jokes

A blonde takes helicopter lessons, she crashed after 2 hours in the sky. The pilot asked her what happened and the blonde said, “I got cold so I turned off the fan.”

There’s no reason to tailgate me when I’m doing 50 in a 35 and those flashing lights on top of your car look ridiculous.


Only in Spain

An Australian stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Madrid. While sipping his wine, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table.

Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, “What is that you just served?”

The waiter replied, “Señor, you have excellent taste! Those are called Cojones de Toro, bull's testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!”

The Australian said, “I will have the same please.”

The waiter replied, “I am so sorry Señor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy.”

The following day he returned, placed his order, and that evening was served the one and only special delicacy of the day.

After a few bites, inspecting his platter, he called to the waiter and said, “These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday.”

The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Si, Señor, sometimes the bull wins.”

A Wish to Live Forever

I met a magical fairy yesterday who said she would grant me one wish.

"I wish to live forever," I said.

"Sorry," said the fairy, "that is the only wish that I'm not allowed to grant."

"Fine," I said. "Then I want to die the day after Parliament is filled with honest, hard-working, bipartisan men and women who act only in the people's best interests!"

"You're a crafty little devil," replied the fairy.

Both sent in by Bill Sheddan


Gore VCC Supper Roster

Helpers are also required for the Otago Vauxhall Club BBQ in October. Des Brewster

September Mary Tremaine

October Des Brewster

November Murray Proctor

December Michael & Diana Rickerby

January To be advised

February To be advised

March To be advised

April To be advised

May To be advised

June To be advised

July To be advised

August To be advised



We need to cater for about 30 to 40 members each night. The cuppa and serving of the supper is to be arranged within the Social Committee.

If necessary,ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.


Online Bonuses

1938 Texaco Diamond T tanker restoration:

2023 Highland Fling:

New Zealand adopts decimal currency, 10 July 1967:

Decimal currency song, 1967:

Areplacement for the Sinclair C5?:

New Zealand Federation of Motoring Clubs Inc. (newsletter page):

Southland Branch website:



Murray Storey from Alex paid a visit to our Parts Dept. He is looking for hubcaps for wire wheels, air cleaner, 1 x 17” wire wheel, 1 x 16” 10-hole solid wheel, steering wheel, horn button, bumper for a 1934 PE Plymouth. Also a 1936 overdrive gearbox. Phone Murray 021 064 4427 1/3


Malcolm Thompson (Balclutha) says someone at our swap meet had a sand blaster on a trailer for sale. If you can help phone Malcolm 03 418 2047 1/3


Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact: Les Pearson 027 2245 045 or 3/3



Gareth Edwards auditioned for the role of Superman in 1977. He stunned director Richard Donner by actually flying across the room and attracting a rugby ball into his hands using his mind. Edwards was offered the rôle but had to turn it down as filming clashed with the Five Nations. Anon


Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome.

The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month

Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper

If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand-written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how!


physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822

telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch

The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements.

The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350

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