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THE WIPER The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. September 2022 Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise) Next meeting: 13th September Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

2 2022-2023 Committee* and Officers Branch Patrons Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy Chairman* Paul Herron 027 210 4131 Vice Chairman* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Treasurer* Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Club Captain* John Parish (03) 208 5505 or 027353 3597 Assistant Club Captains Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Matt Cook 027 379 1131 Greg Elder (03) 202 5710 or 027 431 8058 Tim Walsh (03) 208 3531 or 027 436 8663 Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281 Assistant Editor Position not filled at present House Convenor* Des Brewster 027 845 1752 Social Committee Beb Kennedy, David McDowell, Russell Newland Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan 027 434 2935 Festival Rally Organiser* Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Assistant Rally Organiser Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403 Bar Manager Chris Scoles (03) 208 0052 Assistant Bar Manager Murray Proctor 027 649 1377 Maintenance Supervisor Ken Youngson 027 667 4102 Maintenance Assistants Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Keith Nunn Swapmeet Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634 Swapmeet Assistant Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 PartsAssistants Evan Henderson, Gerry Kennedy, Denis Knight, Bryan Neilson Hill Climb Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479 Hill Climb Assistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017 Sheriff Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932 Raffles Starr McDougall (03) 208 6501 Branch Delegate* David North 021 172 3281 Privacy Officer Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986 Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102 Hokonui Pioneer Village & Museum David McDowell (03) 208 6791 Tuesday Ramble Co ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634 Branch Daffodil Day Co ordinatorPaul Herron, John Parish Vehicle Identity Card Signatories Evan Henderson John Parish John Tremaine (03) 208 6479 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 9670 Front cover picture:

3 Online Bonuses Official Covid-19 information: SouthlandArts Trail: Video of motorbike tank building (from Rae Wilson, Southland Branch): Weird stuff - Critter of the Week: of Southland Branch website: The Editor


Which is correct to say: "The yolk of the egg is white" or "The yolk of the egg are white?" Answer next month

Paul Herron

The national body of the VCC will have held their AGM and we await David North’s report as our delegate in his attendance at this meeting at our next September meeting. Also we will have a guest speaker at this meeting from GWD Motor Group to talk about the electric / hybrid cars available now. The meeting will start at 7.30pm, so don't be late as the

Chairman’s Report September 2022

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser

What disappears as soon as you say its name? Answer: Silence

The weeks and months seem to fly past so quickly and soon to be spring. The month of September will be a very busy one for me with moving the classics of the late Robin Dickson out to Waimumu in preparation for the auction on the 24th. Also the Opening Run is on the Sunday 11th being organized by Tim and Anna Walsh. There are a couple of neighbouring branches celebrating 50th anniversary rallies with Otago's Tairei Tour and South Otago's Clutha Rally coming up in the new rally season.


Sheriff will be watching!

At the August meeting it was unanimously moved that Gerry Kennedy receive the honor as our new Patron of our branch which he has accepted. There is no one more deserving of this honour for his dedication and selfless hard work in which he has devoted during his 50 plus years of membership. Huge congratulations Gerry.


The first Robin Dickson auction is on the 24th of September and Paul is looking for volunteers to help with movingvehicles from Pukerauto theWaimumu FieldDays site.These are being moved from the 1st of September so if you can help contact Paul Herron. The details of theAuction are in The Wiper, go along and purchase your next project!

“Car manufacturer BMW introduced an online subscription service, so that car buyers can turn on certain options if they are needed. For example, a heated steering wheel in New Zealand has a monthly cost of NZ$20. Currently these "in car microtransactions" are only available in Britain, Korea, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa, however other markets will soon follow. BWM emphasised the fact that customers can enable all hardware features for a one-time payment if they prefer.”

Thedays arestartingtowarmupandwiththecoming season of branch events getting closer it is time to make sure your car’s registration and WOF are up to date. I am looking forward to spring and summer after what has been a wet winter.

The next club event is the Opening Run which is on the 11th of September and is being organised by Tim &Anna Walsh. Tim tells meAnna has an interesting destinationinmindsocomealongforagreat dayout.

John Parish What will they think of next?!

The P60 Run is on the 8th of October and is being organised by the Cook Family.This is closelyfollowedbyourAuctionNight at the 11th ofOctober meeting night. Have a sort through your treasures and see if there is anything you can spare that you can donate to the club auction. Then come along and buy someone else’s treasures and get entertained by Gerry.


Club Captain’s Report September 2022

(Seen on the internet.) The Editor


I find your monthly bulletin very informative and pleasant to read. It is an important read for me now with the demise of the Southland Club’s Bulletin. I must say I am impressed with the contributions you are able to get. It’s good to get the impression of an active and vital club. Keep up the good work. Rae Wilson [Rae is a former editor of the Southland Branch newsletter and I have, as usual, told him that the credit for the quality of the contributions goes to the many members who respond to my constant pestering! The Editor]

From the Editor’s Keyboard

Welcome to a bigger than normal issue. There are a lot of advertisements for events coming up over the next several months so I have added extra pages to fit them in. I’m a bit short of material but with all the events coming up I should soon be inundated!


This month has Murray Proctor’s “profile” of our new Branch Patron, Gerry Kennedy, and my reports on the National Executive Committee Meeting and AGM plus more of my photos from the August Tuesday Ramble. In addition we have Murray’s report on the JulyTuesday Ramble and the second of his extracts from the old Gore VCC Bulletin while Bill Sheddan has contributed another of his vehicular confessions.

I also received another compliment about The Wiper, see below.

Happy reading, David North Letter to the Editor





[Stolen from Reader’s Digest] Murray Proctor


ThefamilyofthelateNeil McVicarhavekindlydonatedasum ofmoney to celebrate his long membership of our branch of the VCC. Only one stipulation is that the money is not to be spent on the kitchen side of the clubrooms. We have asked for ideas to take back to the family as suggestions from our membership. At the August meeting there was discussion around the ideas brought forward to date. These suggestions Toare:upgrade the bar in some way. Kids’playground upgrade with a tree planting with a plaque. Construction of a decorative timber front desk Or a long membership recipients honour board. Any feedback welcomed to myself or Gerry Kennedy. Paul Herron Chemistry Exam

McVicar Donation

Two guys were studying chemistry at university. They were so confident going into the final exam that two days before, they decided to travel to the city and go to a party with some friends. However, they overslept and didn't make it back to the campus in time to write their exam. They found their professor to explain why they had missed the final. Their excuse was that they had gone up to the city and had planned to come back in time to study, but that they had a flat tyre on the way back. They didn't have a spare tyre, and couldn't get help for ages, so they were late getting back. The professor told them they could make up the final the next day. The relieved students studied that night and went in the next day for the exam. The professor placed them in separate rooms, handed each of them a test booklet and told them to begin. They looked at the first problem, which was worth 5 points. It was something simple. This is going to be easy, they thought. They did that problem and then turned the page.

Question No. 2 said: "Which tyre?" (95 points)

At our last general meeting a nomination was presented by Starr McDougall that, with his approval, Gerry Kennedybe made a Patron of our Gore Branch. I seconded the motion which was passed

Gerry Kennedy – Branch Patron


Dismantle the building we had bought off the MLT (the old H&H depot building) from its site on the corner of Mersey and Fairfield Streets and

1974 and we (Marilyn and myself) were out at a picnic site in the West Tapanui forest along the Pomahaka river.After nibbles and drinks a tall and lean Gerry stepped forward, dropped a hat on the ground and said that if enough money was put into the hat, he would run to the top of a nearby gorse and broom covered hill.

Moving along and work was starting on the new clubrooms. Working bees on the foundations and floors (all dug by hand and concrete mixed on site).

At this point of our branch’s life we were starting to fundraise for grounds and new clubrooms so that we could move from our flood prone Woolwich Street Aroundsite.$5.00 in the hat and away he went. This was to be the start of my memories of Gerry’s many fundraising exploits. Gerry has been involved with goose and chicken processing and dressing, lifting and selling swedes to sell up north, several sponsored bike rides, opening and selling oysters each week during the season (the most for one week was 4 sacks, 70 dozen to a sack, if memory serves me correctly).

Whatunanimously.makesa patron? If you were to Google “patron” it will turn up some 5.5 million results. The general definition, I think, is “one who encourages or helps a club, a promoter, a person who protects, supports, a defender, a person of distinction.”

15 transport it to our Waimea Street site. Months and months of volunteer work setting up and fitting out, all while a family was growing and of course holding down the daytime job. Now that the clubrooms are finished Gerry’s work continues, still fundraising, along with organising and running the popular Tuesday Rambles and the Swap Meet, he’s a dangerous auctioneer and whenever a volunteer is needed Gerry’s hand is often the first to be raised. He has also held many office positions over the 50+ years of his membership. I can’t think of a person who would be more deserving of being elected Patron than Gerald (Gerry) W Kennedy. Murray Proctor [More of Gerry’s “history” is in the September 2019 issue of “The Wiper”. The Editor]

VCC National Executive Committee Meeting 12-13August 2022

Report on Membership Status (pre circulated and an update tabled)

Budget for 1/4/2022 to 31/3/2023 A new arrangement with Vero means that the VCC will receive $25K per year instead of the previous variable amount. Branches will still receive commission on insurance policies taken out by members as before.

The year ended with a slight deficit ($2,500), next year is budgeted for a surplus of just over $15k. This includes a sum for VIC training but this may be carried out online. No increase in subscriptions was recommended.

At the start of the meeting the President reminded delegates of their duty to report back to their Branches on the proceedings. The President also said that “the National Office” consisted of two paid part time staff who were not members of the VCC and who made no decisions on VCC policy.


Costs for Beaded Wheels look set to increase considerably due to increases in the price of paper and postage.

MattersArising from the Minutes of the previous meeting (held by Zoom on 12 MarchFormat2022).ofaddress labels. Awork in progress. I have volunteered to assist Murray Trounson (VCC Management Committee) with this.

Gore Branch membership as of 11 August was 110 + 44 joint members. Total national membership was 8529.

Reports Several of the Reports were covered in more detail during theAGM. The Branch Manual is to be updated over the next 12 months. The Vehicle Technical Code is to be updated and will be available on the VCC website. The Strategic Plan will be updated. The new VCC publicity brochures were distributed to delegates. Further supplies are available from the National Office on request. Each branch will get a pull up blind and, eventually, a teardrop flag for use at runs, rallies Expressionsetc. of interest are being solicited for the next Vero Rally. See notice in the latest Beaded Wheels.

Facebook Report (taken as read)

Hon Sec/Treasurer’s Report (1April to 30 June 2022) - Chris Leith

The online membership form is working well, so far 166 members have joined that way. The paper form will be aligned with the online one.

Total operating surplus was a healthy $24,227 against a budgeted deficit ofBalance$1,316.Sheet: members funds have increased by $21,608 and term deposits by $47,382.

Subscription revenue over budget by11.6% ($7,203); income from services to members (VICs, Historic Racing Licences, etc.) over budget by 48.7% ($1,656).

The VIC stationery has been redesigned, digital photos can now be used and applications can be emailed.

There is now just one design for all the Long Service stationery, but with different watermarks for the different awards.

Total membership at 30 June 2022 was 4192, with 3224 followers.

Administration expenses were down by 30%. Postage costs were well up as enough pre-paid stationery to cover all postal requirements to members for the rest of the financial year was purchased ahead of the 1 July postal increase. Management Committee travel costs were well down due to having Zoom meetings instead of face to face.

National Office Systems Update Murray Trounson

Operating Expenditure was down by 21% ($12,958) but some expenditure budgeted for this quarter has yet to be manifested.

Beaded Wheels income was down by $7,203, this appeared to be due to advertising. Production and other expenses were down by $10,193 leaving a slight profit of $1623.

Afew branches are using the Branch Portal a lot, a few have still to do so. Increased functionality to allow branches to make their own updates may come.What "Suppressed" means in terms of members and vehicles will be explained.

Branches are invited to submit details of events they would like promoted on the national page, send an email to or asking for the details to be posted on the page.


AWorkshop was held where branches put forward their answers to the pre-circulated questions about the 5-Year Strategic Plan. These will be collated and sent out to branches.

GeneralIndemnityBusiness waivers: a club cannot contract out of its legal liabilities. Club activities do not come under WorkSafe,ACC covers accidental injuries, personal vehicle insurance should cover any damage to a vehicle while being driven on the road. The general indemnity section of the VCC's Public Liability insurance covers third-party damage during an event. The Event Safety Checklist and the Clubroom Safety Checklist are to prevent liability through negligence so use them! They create a paper trail showing all possible hazards have been considered. The VCC insurance covers all members but not guests (non members) unless an entry form is filled in. (Only appropriate if there is an "activity" involved, so not needed for events such as swapmeets, car displays.)

VCC NationalAGM, 13August 2022 MattersArising NZTA discussions re. 12 month WoFs have progressed well. This is now with the Director of the NZTAfor approval.

Once again, the practice of stipulating on entry forms that vehicles must have WoF and Rego for road events was discouraged as these are already legal requirements.

Annual President's Report (pre-circulated to all members) Addenda: as per the President’s Message in the latest Beaded Wheels plus Branches were reminded to follow up on unfinancial members to find out why and to look out for new members when they first appear. Aconcerted effort is to be made to recruit more VIC examiners.

Management Committee voting. The North Shore Branch Delegate raised the issue of Management Committee members having a vote each at the Executive Committee meetings. Each Branch has one vote also and the fairness of this was questioned.Amendments to the Constitution to comply with the new Incorporated SocietiesAct may change how the VCC is managed.


North Island Club Captain, South Island Club Captain, Beaded Wheels (approx.. 10,000 copies are distributed each month), National Speed Steward, Archivist, NZFoMC Representative, VCC National Day - Daffodil Rally (the March Executive Committee meeting will discuss whether or not to stay with the Cancer Society which, like the VCC has regional branches.)

Andrew’s main point was that we are the Vintage Car Club and vintage wine comes in all sorts of varieties, as do our vehicles. Our main concern should be to keep our machinery cranking. To do that we need to attract young people and this means “competitiveness” a force of life for the Theyoung.following

Reports were pre circulated and taken as read: Registrar’s Report. A new lighting requirement was highlighted a lighting endorsement will be required if the rear licence plate is not sufficiently illuminated.

Election of Officers


As is customary the President invited Founding and Life Member AndrewAnderson to address the meeting.

Suitable persons will be co-opted to fill the vacant Hon Sec/Treasurer and Registrar roles.

Presentations were made to Chris Leith Hon. Sec/Treasurer since 2020. Rod Brayshaw Registrar since 1996. John LGoddard Trophy to Rod &Ann Corbett. General Business Long Service Awards: the President presented a discussion document outlining the logistical and cost issues that will arise and some suggestions for alleviating these. Branches will be contacted and it will be discussed in detail at the next Executive Committee meeting. (March 2023). Incorporated Societies Act 2022. The new Act requires all clubs to update their constitutions and re register by September 2025. The VCC is taking legal advice on certain aspects and a Working Group will be set up. A discussion paper will be circulated to branches with “broad brush” changes proposed and discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting.

20 August 2024 is the target date for the final version of the VCC Constitution to be voted on. AGM 2023 will be on 12August in Tahunanui, Nelson. The above is a summary of the items from both meetings that I consider are most likely to be of interest to members. I am happy to answer any questions and can supply full copies of the Reports mentioned on request, just get in touch. David NationalNorthDelegate, Gore VCC

21 More Photos from the June Tuesday Ramble (Above) Lunch at the Wallacetown Tavern (Below) Some of Alan Waghorn’s collection


23 The Editor

24 Gore Branch Events for the 2022-23 Season Event Proposed Date Organiser(s) 2022 Opening Run Sunday 11th September Tim &Anna Walsh DicksonAuction Saturday 24th September Paul Herron P60 Run Saturday 8th October Matt Cook Auction Night Tuesday 11th October (Meeting Night) Gerry Kennedy Ladies Run Sunday 6th November Trish Buchanan Josephville Hill Climb Sunday 27th November Evan Henderson Christmas Run Sunday 11th December John Parish 2023 Picnic Run Sunday 8th January Rod Bell Festival Rally Saturday 25th February Murray Proctor Gore Swap Meet Sunday 19th March Gerry Kennedy Diggers Run Saturday 25th March John Parish Frank Robson & Clearwater Capers Sunday 16th April Greg Elder Night Trial Saturday 6th May Matt Cook End of Season Run Saturday 3rd June Rod Bell Tuesday Ramble Last Tuesday of the month (except December) Co ordinated by Gerry Kennedy Editor's note to event organisers If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)

25 Other Events 2022 10th September DunedinAutospectacular 24th September Blossom Festival, Central Otago Branch 1st 2nd October Dunvegan Rally, Otago Branch 1st 2nd October Horse Power rally, Timaru. See advert pp.30 31 7th 9th October Canterbury Branch Swapmeet. Information at 14th 16th October Marlborough Branch Biennial Rally. Based in Blenheim. Contact 14th 16th October N.B. date changed! VCC 2 Day Time Trial, Nelson. Contact Rod Corbett, phone 027 4338772 4th 6th November 50th Taieri Tour, Otago Branch 11th 13th November 50th Far North Tour, Northland Branch 12th November 50th Clutha Rally, South Otago Branch 19th November North Otago Branch Swapmeet 2023 January Dunedin-Brighton Run, Otago Branch 21st January Kickstart Motorcycle Rally, Waimate Branch February (TBC) National Veteran Rally,Auckland Branch 3rd 6th February National Motorcycle Rally, Southland 9th 15th February National Model T Rally, 6 day tour starting and finishing in Oamaru. 11th March Nelson Branch Swap Meet 8th 9th April Wheels at Wanaka: See advert page 29 2024 January National Veteran Rally/Dunedin-Brighton Run, Otago Branch

26 Opening Run 11th September Please be at the clubrooms for a 9.45am: pre-run briefing 10.00am: first car away approximately 97km (60 miles) each way Please bring something to sit on, drink and your lunch. There will be a couple of cafés around if you prefer to buy something. Fingers crossed for good weather! Tim Walsh (03) 208 3531 or 027 436 8663



29 Tuesday Ramble 27th September 10.30am: meet at Clubrooms 11.00am: depart for Dipton Visit Kim Spencer-McDonald who recycles old rubber inner tubes to make earrings and necklaces 12 noon: picnic lunch (Bring you own food, hot water and seating) Early afternoon: demo & talk with Kim Please advise numbers by 24th September Phone 027 233 4634



32 P60 Run Saturday 8th October 10.00-ish am: departure time Destination: a BYO picnic at the Fiordland Military Museum Matt Cook (027 379 1131)

33 Auction Night Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm start Bring along baking, veges, sauces, jams, seed potatoes, parts and anything of value NO JUNK PLEASE BUT PLENTY OF CASH!! Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634



Pulling in and finding a parking spot I got out (have I mentioned that it was cold?). Directly in front of me was a Header, a Burrell traction engine and a 1927 Whippet well-side truck. Tippy toeing, I went into the closest shed (you would have thought that living in Southland and going out in the rain I would have put in my gum boots, but no, I was wearing sneakers) where Gerry introduced our hosts Jeff & Bev Henderson. Jeff gave a short talk about their collection of goodies stored in and around the sheds. After the introductions we were free to wander round at our leisure and take it all in. The sheds had crawlers, tractors, trucks, bailers, ashtrays, bottles, tobacco and cake tins and many odd and unusual bits and pieces. One item in the first shed was a large wooden and shallow bowl with a hand cranked toothed gear used for pressing water out of butter. Outside we had tractors, some modern, the remains of a binder, a salvaged 3.3 FD Vauxhall Victor.

11.00 am I backed the car out of the garage into cold wind and drizzle, which meant that washing the car yesterday was really a lost cause, but at least it was clean when we set out for the Town and CountryClub.At about 11.30 we settled in with a pre lunch drink while waiting for everyone to arrive. Then we all moved through to the dining room, paid for our lunches and sat down to a very nice meal of roast chicken and ham, roast veggies (potatoes, pumpkin, parsnips) cauliflower in white sauce, peas and carrots and finished with gravy. Perfect, just the thing on a cold day (have I said that it was cold out, before?) finished off with a tea or coffee.

After lunch we went back outside and into the cold and rain and motored off via the heavy traffic by pass crossing the bridge and continuing along State Highway 1 before turning into Hankey Road. Here our leader Gerry took us up to our hosts’house (which was not where we were supposed to be). So, back out the drive and continued up the road for a couple of kms to the correct set of sheds.

36 Tuesday Ramble July 2022

In another shed there were some gigs and traps (now don’t be too critical if that’s wrong. I always think of them as gigs and traps). About now I moved back to the main shed and warmed myself beside the Burrell. There were a few still inside warming hands and body with a cup of tea or coffee, all provided by Geoff and Bev.

37 The Whippet The butter press (photos by Murray) Geoff and the Burrell warming the shed (photo by the Editor)


I had a great afternoon, and it would have been even better if the weather had been a bit kinder. Did I mention that it was quite cold?

Sent in by Gerry Kennedy

Abig thank you to Jeff and Bev for opening their sheds to us. It’s generous to allow us to wander around, to look at and in some cases handle their goodies and, they didn’t check our pockets when we left. On the run we had 17 cars, six of which were club-eligible and 34 persons. Thanks Gerry. Murray Proctor Help! I need someone to brush their teeth with me. My dentist said brushing alone will not prevent cavities!

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Editor or the Secretary.

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

The Editor




Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00 Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost. Email version of The Wiper

VCC name badges: are available from Van De Water Jewellers at a cost of $35. N.B. If you’re not wearing one (and on the right side of your chest) at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined!

Joining the VCC can now be done online. Go to:

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier and (most of) the hyperlinks work too! Just let me know if you would like to try this. If your VCC-eligible vehicle is off the road or unsuitable you are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Bedazzled by a Sunbeam - October 1999

Twenty two years ago I wrote for The Wiper about my Sunbeam Alpine. As The Wiper Editor is desperate for pages to fill I will try to oblige with a rehash of myAlpine experience.

From 1989 up to 1999 I had rallied the 1939 Chev. Tudor. It drove OK but was a bit of a handful made worse by the crossply tyres. The only mishap I had in my twenty-six years of ownership was a broken pushrod that it developed at Raes Junction one Friday evening on the way to the Blossom Festival. We did a roadside repair by torchlight with another pushrod that Jimmy Haydon bought up from Gore and a couple of hours later we were on our way again. However I digress. I was looking for something more sporty but not too radical. Iliked the early MGs but Isat in one owned bya Balclutha member at the Blossom Festival Rally but found the driving position difficult with the steering wheel up against my chest. I liked Jags and Daimlers but was wary of the possible maintenance costs involved. I liked theAustin-Healey but it had very limited room for our little four-legged companion and Jensen Healeys have temperamental motors suitable only for mechanics. Isettledon theSunbeamAlpineas it met the criteria,roomy, not expensive, easy to maintain, ready supply of most parts as it is based on the Rootes cars, Hillman Humber etc. So where to find one. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I know now I should have joined the one make club attributable to themake, inthis casetheSunbeam CarClub. Clubmembersknowwhere and what cars to buy and at the right price. I had been following Turners Classic Car Auctions and in October 1999 there was another sale and it had a Sunbeam Alpine entered. I phoned Turners and was told that it was very tidy and had had a total rebuild. So off we go to Turners in Christchurch. The sale had just started when we got there so I just had time to register and grab a catalogue when Lot 5 came up. The little Sunbeam looked hot and the info in the catalogue said “Complete body off /bare metal rebuild and respray. New upholstery, hood and tonneau. Brakes, suspension overhauled. Engine, gearbox diff. checked”What could go wrong? So Istarted bidding but had a little trouble with somebody that I couldn't see across the other side of the shed bidding against me.


What to do? I contemplated going back to Turners or even to the garage at Westport that issued theWOF. Icould envision the case going to court with more expense involved and it being thrown out because “Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware”.

Rule 2. Set your max. price you want to pay prior to the auction and stick to it.


I have since made up a set of rules:

I broke all three rules, bought the car and drove it home. It drove OK but the motor was a bit rattly. Also there was a problem with the doors not shutting properly when sitting in the car. It had the engine replaced with the later model 1725cc Hunter motor but I didn't mind that as it is a popular upgrade. It also had overdrive, an option on later models. It was not too tidyunderneath and as I wanted a second opinion on the state of my purchase I took it to the Vehicle Testing Station where they gave it a good check over. I was then greeted by the testing bloke with the comment “You enjoy the next five and a half months driving it as it will be the last WOF it will get” Gulp. I knew in the back of my mind something like that would happen. I could taste lemon as soon as the auctioneer’s hammer went down the week before. I should have smelt a rat when I read the catalogue “body off/bare metal rebuild”Thebodydoes not come off.Unitaryconstruction.The body and the chassis are one. Also the trouble with the doors was that the whole car bent in the middle when somebody sat in it. Two people in it and you couldn't shut the doors and that is not solelycaused bythe weight but rather the rusted out sills of which there are three layers each side, inner, outer and one strong brace down the centre of each sill.

Rule 3. If you smell a rat during the auction pull out.

Rule 1. Inspect the proposed purchase thoroughly prior to the auction.

Instead I took it to Michael Hood Panelbeating to see what had to be done. Once he started on it with a sandblaster there was no going back and there was not much left either by the time the sandblaster had finished. To say that I was sucked in by a shiny paint job and an enhanced catalogue description is an understatement. I was bedazzled.

When I told my contractor I didn’t want carpeted steps, he gave me a blank


The Alpine at the Josephville Hillclimb in 2021 (photo by the Editor)

It was an expensive lesson and one I have not repeated since. Cheers, Bill Sheddan. Feb 2022 Say It Like It Is...

Prisonstare. is just one word to you, but for some people, it’s a whole sentence.

A commander walks into a bar and orders everyone around. How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced? A buccaneer. I once worked at a cheap pizza shop to get by. I kneaded the dough.

Sent in by Bill Sheddan

Twenty-two years later I am still driving a super-reliable little sports car without any rust whatsoever with a rebuilt motor, new wiring and rebuilt or replaced everything else and a shiny hot orange paint job.

43 Gore VCC Supper Roster 2021/2022 The same names keep popping up here – wouldn’t it be great to have some new people givingit a go and letting the “old hands” have a rest?! September Roy Buchanan ONSWAPPLEASEYOURIFYOUAREUNAVAILABLEONROSTEREDNIGHT,CONTACTMEORWITHSOMEONEELSETHELIST.THANKS,DES We need to cater for about 30 to 40 members each night. The cuppa and servingof the supper is to be arranged within the Social IfCommittee.necessary, ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account. October Katherine Welsh November To be advised December To be advised January To be advised February To be advised March To be advised April To be advised May To be advised June To be advised July To be advised August To be advised

44 Scanned from our 1974 Bulletin. (Back in the day before it was called “The Wiper”.) Murray Proctor

45 ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE It’s time for a clear out! 1929 Plymouth 4-cylinder motor (has had some work done) and gearbox, need putting together. Plus various other parts. Also four 1937 Dodge hubcaps. Please call for full details. Open to offers. Garry Mulqueen, 03 208 9232 3/3 FOR SALE 1929 Essex Super Six, restoration Needsproject.some panel work, and Mostupholstery.ofthe hard to get parts are available to complete this car. Open to reasonable offers Phone Murray 027 649 1377 3/3 WANTED Desperately seeking a complete driveshaft universal joint for a 1954 3100 Chevrolet. It sits just behind the gear box. Greg Carter: phone 0274542148 or email

46 WANTED Can any member who has half an idea of how to alleviate too much slop in my Worm and Sector type steering box please ring me in the evening on (03) 2076773 or text only your contact details to 027 234 7027. Would really like to be able to stay in my lane most of the time. Vic Green 3/3 Tailpiece Sent in by Des Brewster

47 Run reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome. The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail: physicalnorthd14@gmail.comandmail:4TrotterStreet, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281 Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements. The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350


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