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Merry Christmas and Happy New year

1 THE MAG Official publication of the Hawke’s Bay branch of the vintage car club of New Zealand (inc.) december 2022 + january 2023 Hawke’s Bay Branch Newsletter
2 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year We specialise in Service & Repair DVD • Stereo • VCR • Record Players • Aerials & Installation • Home Theatre Systems • TVs & Hard Drives • Insurance Quotes • Boat Electronics & Systems • Tag & Test Appliances Anything electronic, no job to big or to small! CALL SIMON BELL FOR FREE ADVICE! Ph 06 844 0679 or 027 496 5592 • Specialising in brake and clutch reconditioning with more than 30 years’ experience. • Brake bonding • Drum and rotor machining • Hydraulic cylinder reconditioning • Brake hose & pipe manufacture www.brakesfirst - 404 Ellison Road, Hastings Phone 027 474 2222 OPEN: 8am-5pm For general enquiries email


20th of the month (late contributions are accepted if time allows, please phone to check if this is ok)


Editor: Kay Elmsly 06 845 0577 or 027 286 6480 during work hours 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 11 Claridge Place, Taradale, Napier 4112 Please label well, THE MAG HBVCC

Designer: Liv Coleske Ladybug Design 021 474427 during work hours 9am - 4pm Monday-Thursday VIEW

The views expressed here in are those of the authors and do not necessarily express the policy or views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material may be held over until there is sufficient space to publish it.

Front page image supplied by Kay Elmsly.

3 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Chairman: Esther Smith (Graham) c. 027 464 7314

Past Chairman: Ian Elmsly (Kay) p. 06 845 0577 c. 0274 790 682

Club Captain: Paul Anderson (Janine) p. 06 844 2912 c. 0274 463 908

Secretary: Sandra Marsh (Kevin) p. 06 8700493 c. 021 2334476

Treasurer: Paul Eager (Carol) p. 06 845 4779 c. 027231 4304

Committee: Malcolm Blair (Lesley) p. 06 843 7664 c. 021 576 360

Alastair Chalmers (Jean) c. 020 4088 4523

Kevin Cains (Kaye) p. 06 842 2496 c. 021 560 905

Steve Donovan (Pam) p. 06 835 9956 c. 027 217 7730 stevedon@xtra

Graham Bowker (Lyn) p. 06 845 0663

Librarian: Larry Morgan (Cindy) c. 021 401 092

Club Custodian & Room Hire: Steve Donovan p. 06 835 9956 c. 027 217 7730 stevedon@xtra

Wednesday Run: Barrie Browne (Lindsay) c. 027 720 1238

Cruise ship Co-Ordinator: Colin Barnes c. 027 695 7075

Mag Editor: Kay Elmsly p. 06 845 0577 c. 027 2866 480

Spares Manager: Brian Taylor (Margaret) p. 06 844 5982 c. 027 443 6009

Spares Assistant Manager: John Durry (Jenny) p. 06 843 5798 c. 022 676 9401

Groundsman: Trevor Charman (Lyn) p. 06 844 5140 c. 027 292 6068

HB Branch Life Members

Allan Harris life member

Trevor Charman life member

Merry Christmas and Happy

New Year

Volume 101 // Number 12 // December 2022

HB Branch Contacts 4

Chairman’s Report 6

Club Captain’s Report 7

Up & Coming Events 9

Club Night 10 Sunday Club Run 11

Cars Needed 12

Safari October 2022 13

Mid-Week Runs 16 November Mid-Week Run 17 Homestead Run 2022 18

Hawke’s Bay Heritage Awards 20 Back To Your Rootes – No 12 21

Art Deco Event 23 Branch Photos 24 Spare News 30 Notice Board 31 Calendar of Events 35 Past

36 For

5 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
37 Wanted 39 CONTENTS
Club night 2nd Wednesday of month 7.30pm at Clubrooms supper provided. Clubrooms, library & Spares DEPARTMENT OPEN Tuesday morning 9-11am. Morning Tea available. BRANCH DETAILS POSTAL: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142 Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier Phone: (06) 835 1483 (This number is only available on Tuesday mornings or Club nights and Events, or refer to our website) email:


As a finale for the year, I have been thinking back on what the Club has been doing. We have had a wide variety of runs both our Club and Wednesday outings, we have been to all sorts of places and there is always something happening. Also Paul has organised some great speakers for our Club nights.

The latest event was our annual Homestead Run, this time we returned to Whanawhana Station the home of Bill and Penny Beamish. We last visited that homestead about 19 years ago, how the years roll by. Starting our run from the Farmers Market works well, I know for us it is the only time we get around to visiting it, thank you to those who brought out their club eligible vehicles, Bill was fascinated by the variety of cars. With the way the weather has been lately rain was definitely our biggest concern, fortunately it held off until mid afternoon then we saw the black clouds coming everyone skedaddled to their cars, we were just putting the signs in the boot of the Renault as it started to absolutely hose down I understand some people had a spectacular journey home with lightening strikes on the road in front of them

Cruise Ships- Are continuing well, thanks to all those who are taking their cars down to the port.

Our Art Deco Committee is taking shape, with Kevin Cains, Larry Morgan and Colin Compton having volunteered to assist, they will be managing the Saturday morning tea.

The other rally events are:

• Thursday Night Dinner: At the clubrooms, the meal is been organised by Lesley and Malcolm Blair with assistance

from Taradale Primary School PTA, Ian Elmsly is the MC with Steve D managing the background stuff.

• Friday Rally: This is organised by Graham and myself, Paul Anderson will be assisting with traffic management

• Sunday Morning Breakfast: Organised by Kevin Marsh with Malcolm and Lesley Blair plus their kitchen crew taking care of the food.

Meanwhile in the background, Paul Eager is Rally Secretary managing the registrations and rally queries, while Steve Donovan wearing his Rally Director hat, is liaising with the Art Deco Trust, managing the special events for this year’s feature Marc the V8 Fords whilst maintaining an overview of the whole event.

We will be asking for assistance on these days particularly with marshalling, if you are available can you please make it known to the person responsible for the day.

Graham and I attended the Hawke’s Bay Heritage Awards prize giving at the revamped Hastings Municipal Building, the Branch was entered in the Heritage Heroes section under the banner of “Driving our History”. The Club won a Highly Commended Award which I was really pleased with. The aim in entering the awards was to raise the profile of the club, to increase awareness of what we do and publicise the fact that we represent vehicles up to 30 years old.

Have an enjoyable break, I look forward to seeing you all next year. Cheers.

6 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Well, it’s almost Christmas and another year done!! The older you get - the faster they seem to speed by.

Writing these notes has given me reason to pause and think about the progress I have made on my Veteran vehicle restoration this year. For your information – not much. But it has also brought to mind one of the key benefits (of the many) of being a member. My very limited restoration skills often have me scratching my head over a particular problem. But generally, a fellow member of the club will poke their head around the door of my workshop and have the answer. Alternatively, I will go to the Tuesday morning gathering and ask the question and generally come up with a solution to the problem. Some of you will have heard me comment rather uncharitably that some of our members have been on the planet a long time and can’t help but have gathered a bit of knowledge. But seriously the point I am trying to make is that there is a wealth of knowledge within the club and they are generally only too happy to assist - you only need to ask.

Also, when considering benefits of being a member, we need to consider our spares / parts department. This is a great resource

within the club for parts for our older cars, many not available at auto parts stores and often at a more favourable price. The Rotorua Safari 2022 is now over and despite a “weather event” causing the cancellation of a car show we were going to attend, we were able to modify the programme and not have too much “down time” (see report later in The Mag). Kay Cains won the quiz prize (100% answers correct). Several others got all the questions correct but faltered on the “baby photo” section after having been given some deliberately misleading information by yours truly.

A very successful and well attended homestead run to Whana Whana was held in November. I understand some fifty plus cars attended and the picnic and address by the owner were held on the lawn in front of the magnificent homestead in brilliant sunshine (the thunder storm came later). Esther and Graham Smith, who have organised this event for several years now are to be congratulated for their efforts in pulling this difficult to organise event together.

7 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Vintage Aviator Ltd; The Manawatu Branch of the VCC is visiting the Hood Aero Drome, Masterton on Sunday 29th January 2023 and we are looking at the possibility (for those who are interested) of joining them for the day.

This will be a practice day for the Vintage Aviator Ltd. The arrival time at the Hood Aero Drome will be approx. 10.30am. The aircraft will be flying - weather permitting and Tiger Moth rides will be available (these need to be pre booked and paid for). The Peter Jackson Museum will be available from midday for members to visit. Further details and possible accommodation package will

follow. Expressions of interest to me please .

The December members meeting has a CARistmas an CARoil theme and John Cocking and Lee-Anne Freeman will entertain. The whole emphasis of the evening is Fun. The December Sunday run will be to a point of interest followed by a shared meal at the club – see details later in the Mag. Have an enjoyable Christmas break and happy motoring.

8 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Wednesday 7th December

ALWAYS 1st Wednesday of the Month.

• Where: Meet at HB Vintage Club Rooms

• Time: 10.00am

More details on page 12.

CLUB NIGHT Wednesday 14th December

SUNDAY CLUB RUN Sunday 18th December

Last Club Run for the year so get your cars out and join us. Details on page 11.


Next Mix & Mingle Night will be February 2023.

Last Club Night for the year so come along and enjoy the evening. More details on page 10.

9 Merry Christmas and
New Year
Merry Christmas and Happy



We will have afternoon tea along the way so bring your chairs and thermos.

Finishing up at the Club Rooms for a shared meal in the early evening.

Arriving back at the clubrooms around 5pm (only approximate) and our shared meal will be about 6pm BYO refreshments

Meet at the Club Rooms at 1.45 for a 2.00pm departure

Bring your food for the shared meal with you and it can be put in the fridge/kitchen before leaving for the run.

This is the last Club run for the 2022 so see you there!

11 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Hastings Art Deco events - Thursday 16th February

Hastings Council is trying to generate more interest in Art Deco events in Hastings and are putting a lot of effort into attracting people during the day and evening of the 16th Feb. They would like around 20 Art Deco relevant cars, or more if we can get them, to be on display in a designated area around the Art Gallery to Albert Square area from 3.30pm to around 8.30pm. The roads will be closed so once the cars are in place they would like them to remain there until the attractions have finished but they will put security on to keep a watchful eye on the cars allowing the owners to participate in the evening’s events.

Could anyone who is willing to help promote Hastings, the VCC and our motoring heritage at this Art Deco event please contact me:

Alastair Chalmers 020 4088 4523

12 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


It was a fine Hawke’s Bay Friday morning as gradually the participants in this epic endeavour gathered at the start line, MG’s, Holden’s, Jaguars, American Iron, British sports even the (very) odd European. Some drivers veterans of numerous previous Safaris some tremulous and nervous on their first. Nineteen brave teams in all. Little did they know as the stentorian tones of the starter called them to order that this would not only the last time they would they would see the Bay for a while, it would be the last time they would see the sun too.

The swift and timely start soon gave way to problems in the guise of Waka Kotahi, a speed limit of 80kph and road works and more road works. Despite this the convoy arrived only moments late at the first checkpoint, the Rangitaiki Tavern where early morning appetites were soon a distant memory, Some eyebrows were raised at the PM’s punctured portrait affixed to the dartboard- politics is obviously a blood sport in the back blocks!

Contented and replete the convoy was soon speeding towards RotoVegas via Reporoa and everyone got used to be overtaken by an Austin Healy who was obviously reading kph as mph.

The lunch stop was reached by all without problem except for the few that followed a 80’s Holden who decided to conduct his own tour of the town before sitting down to eat.

It was then off to the Ducks – not the feathered kind but WW2 amphibious vehicles that whipped the group over land and sea (well lake) to the cheery cheeky commentary of the pilot

So to the accommodation – excellent choice (well done again Paul and Janine) - and after having the servants unload we got down to the important task of opening wine bottles in the BBQ area when something we were to get very used to joined the party. RAIN. This was to be our constant companion for the rest of the weekend. The opening (of bottles that is) event was saved by the management allowing us to use their conference facilities for the rest of our stay. Hurrah!

13 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Saturday dawned damp and misty, but staunch and true we set of to show the BoP natives what true grit and old cars can do. After a meandering start we arrived at the Steiner farms to enjoy and be amazed at a tractor museum and (I jest thee not) the largest collection of beer cans in the Southern Hemisphere – 15,000 !! – Only in NZ! It was at this point we had our first mechanical problem – the support car was laid low by a hose failure. Amazingly the son of one of the Steiner brothers was a hose doctor and the offending item was fixed without delay.

Lunch at Lake Aniwhenua was held under drizzling and brooding skies where we picnicked by an offal pit - no I don’t know why either. Undaunted we set off again and soon met one of the organiser’s (deliberate?) mistakes. A group huddle soon solved the problem and off we went – unfortunately

leaving one of the MG’s speeding off in the wrong direction- he did catch up later. By this time the cunning Paul had organised the Healy to be official “sign person” which meant him racing around everyone to be first at the next stop. Something he would have done anyway!!

There he was some 90ks later ushering us into the premises of Colin Sargison, a local notable, where we admired his Packard, Aussie Army Jeep, Maserati and racing Holden’s amongst others. But the day was not yet complete, we sped on past misty lakes and (more) rain to meet with the chairperson of Rotorua VCC , David Tomlinson at his workplace where we viewed his car collection - 4 Rolls Royce’s, a Bentley, Citroen, Mustang and others.

Soon back at our temporary home and after a quick wash and brush up and leisurely

14 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



wine or three we were whisked to a local restaurant for dinner. By more amazing organisation dinner coincided with the All Black test match on the restaurant’s big screen. (The man’s a genius – Paul that is!)

The excitement of the evening was somewhat diminished by the news that a “weather bomb” was predicted for the next day and the Rotorua VCC Car show in which we were to participate was cancelled.

Sunday morning proved the forecasters right. It rained then rained some more and after that just rained. The morning activities were cancelled and lunch was held indoors

But the day was not lost – a visit to Tony Paynes house gave us sight of the most amazing and eclectic collection of …well

everything. Followed by a trip to one of the few remaining vehicle stripping plants in NZ – courtesy of Doug Green.

Back at base there was just time to don our best bib and tucker for the Wind Up Dinneran excellent finish to a super Safari. Speeches were short, the food was good, the company convivial and the wine excellent.

Monday morning dawned fine (wouldn’t you know it) and we all toured home thinking “you know what – that was bloody good!”

A huge thank you to Paul and Janine for organising, for all the helpers helping and for all the participants participating!

15 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


HBVCC Mid Week Runs

Great day in the country on the Nov run thanks to Ivan and Joan Fisher.

Only this run now befor the years end.

December Run Wed 7th Peter and Helen Ball are the team organising this run for us.

So given that we are heading into the festive season Helen is asking you to bring a shared plate for this day.

Also let’s decorate the cars a little and perhaps we could also find a Christmas hat to add colour to the day.

Now that sounds like a nice way to celebrate, you could swap your coffee for a glass of wine perhaps, then finish with the coffee.

Club captain Paul Anderson will assist with the day as we will be doing the Top of the South.

2023 The first mid week run will be Wed Feb 1st we need run organisers for March and April please. Don’t be shy if you know of a nice finishing spot that is a bit of a secret then that’s a go, thank you.

To all wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas, great times with families and friends not no Covid visitors.

Barrie Browne 027 720 1238

16 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Mid Week Run Nov 2nd 2022

Out in the country and across to Patangata Tavern

Ivan Fisher was our tour setter for this very interesting run. An excellent turnout of 12 cars headed off from the club and onto Taradale then on through Fernhill and into SH50, now some of must have wondered where Ivan was taking us as heading in this direction was totally unexpected.

However our drive took us up Valley Rd then on into Raukawa Rd, this part of the country side is probably one of the more picturesque around these parts and made the drive interesting.

Next instruction had us going down Te Onepu Rd. Now probably many of the club members would have, like me, driven at break neck speed, up this hill in our HB Car Club days and some members may still do that.

Ah they were great times and my little Red 1963 Anglia had some get up and go, as is shown here from the Car Club book Off The Record, if I had missed the grass the time could have been quicker.

Out onto SH 2 down the road to Te Aute Trust Rd, across to Middle Rd and on to Patangata Tavern for lunch.

A good country drive which had John Cockings little Austin Seven needing a rest to cool off or was it the driver or the navigator perhaps??

The menu was more than satisfying, the atmosphere very relaxing, the cold beer more than deserved, mine hosts Aaron and Rhonda Bartlett serving us with a smile, noted on the wall a Hawkes Bay Rugby jersey no 5 which was Aarons as he was in the team some years ago.

Can you spot where you are in this photo? No well that’s probably because you were not there and should have been, our Club Captain Paul Anderson was, so you missed a real treat.

Thanks Ivan and Joan for your time involved in making sure the Wednesday run should not be missed.

17 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


For over 20 years Esther and I have organized the annual Homestead Run. We learnt the ropes by attending many homestead runs organized by the late Gilbert Lloyd. Gilbert seemed to know the history of all the various homestead and their families in Hawke’s Bay and the makes and model of all the vintage cars owned by the families.

It has always been an honour and privilege for the club to be able to visit these early homesteads that date from and before the veteran and vintage periods as we know them, and to wonder at the energy and commitment that goes into maintaining these properties. We have therefore felt it important that the club members respond by visiting in club eligible vehicles if at all possible. It was great to see the variety of club cars that attended this year, with few moderns amongst the 52 vehicles.

Club eligible cars were:

1971 Renault 16TS

1946 Packard Clipper

1931 Studebaker President 8 1989 Citroen 2CV

1953 Chevrolet 1939 Ford V8

1982 Ford Capri 1928 Ford Model A

1969 Chevrolet Camaro 1955 Vauxhall Cresta

1929 Ford Model A 1986 Holden VK

1978 Triumph 2500 1978 Jaguar XJ6

18 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


1930 Ford Model A 1951 Vauxhall LIP

1931 Ford Model A 1973 Triumph 2500

1992 Toyota Corolla Hatchback # 1925 Sunbeam 14/40 Tourer 1952 Ford V8 1973 Triumph Stag

1937 Dodge 1928 Ford Model A Pickup 1934 Ford V8 1939 Ford V8 Coupe

1939 De Soto 1938 Morris 8

1965 Ford Anglia 1961 VW Carman Gia 1951 MG 1953 MG

1981 Triumph TR7 1939 Chevrolet Coupe 1938 Chrysler 1946 MG 1969 VW 1967 Holden 1987 BMW Convertible 1975 Jensen Healy

1938 Ford V8 1964 Lotus Cortina

1972 Holden Torana GTR 1960 Ford Zephyr 6 1989 Jaguar XJS Convertible

Plus club eligibles in the making: 2005 Ford Mustang 1997 MG RV8

# The very nice 1992 Toyota Corolla Hatchback of John and Sharon Hayes would have to be our newest eligible club car, with a span of 67 years back to the oldest car on the day, the Sunbeam of Alistair and Jean Chalmers Graham Smith

19 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
20 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


The following article is one of a number I wrote several years ago for the Humber/Hillman Car Club’s ‘Torque’ Magazine - Graham Smith 2022

Around 1976, shortly before we left Wellington, I took a wheel off the 1951 Humber Imperial into a local garage to have a slow leak repaired. When I called to pick it up at the end of the day I found that the rim embellisher had been removed and was lying on the floor and the retaining clips were nowhere to be seen. I asked to see the person who had done the ‘repairs’ but he had already left for the day. I duly searched the garage floor and finally found the clips. Now firstly, there is no need to remove the rim embellishers to remove or fit wheel weights, and secondly, if you do need to remove them you just unscrew the clips from the back of the wheel. The clips are a bit like a cut off and straightened section of a hose clip with the tightening screw on one end and the other end bent into a hook. However, it was clear that the monkey on the wrench didn’t have the brains to look at the back of the wheel. Anyway I took the various bits home, repaired the clips and the rim embellisher and fitted it all back. It’s frustrating how often so called servicemen will butcher something in the name of fixing something else.

Speaking of tyres on the Humber Imperial., the correct size was 7.00 x 16” but apart from heavy tread commercial tyres they were almost impossible to get in the 1970s. I used to get my warrant at a garage in Strathmore, Wellington. When one of my tyres got down to having little tread the garage wrote a letter ‘to whom it may concern’ to say that tyres were currently unavailable for the car and that letter was supposed to get me off the hook if I got

pulled up for a worn tyre. I never had to put it to the test. I eventually put 6.50 x 16”s on the back rather than running on balding tyres.

On a similar note, when I worked at Lands and Survey Department in Auckland in the mid.1960s I used to go to regular meetings of the Land Settlement Committees and Marginal Lands Committees in Whangarei and Kaitaia with the Commissioner of Crown Lands. He was the chairman of the committees and, I, the secretary. He told me that in the 1950s he was the personal secretary to the Minister of Lands and that the open road speed limit of 50 miles per hour, apparently introduced as a cost saving measure during the war, didn’t apply to people on ‘urgent Government business’. I never had to try that excuse but there was one occasion I nearly had to. Lands & Survey in Auckland used to get ex Traffic Department cars as office cars. They were generally about two years old and I suspect they had been tweaked for traffic cop use. The office had a c1964 EH Holden and two c1964 PB Vauxhall Veloxs. They were still in the Traffic Department livery of black with white roofs but the single flashing red roof lights had been removed and the Ministry of Transport crest replaced with the Lands and Survey one, which was similar. Anyway, on one occasion I travelled to Whangarei with the Commissioner and was asked to drive one of the Vauxhalls back to Auckland. Now, those who know the North will know that the Ruakaka straights are just south of Whangarei and a favourite spot to put the foot down. That

21 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

model Vauxhall had a drum type speedo that rolled over from green to orange at 30 mph and then to red at about 50 mph. It was a nice day and I had a young lady to pick up in Northcote, Auckland so was stocking it down the straight. Halfway down the straight on the right-hand side was a small shop, a dairy I think. The traffic cops used to sit out of sight in alongside the shop waiting for the next speedster to come along. In those days I wore a suit to work so I had a white shirt and dark tie on with my suit jacket over the front bench seat beside me. The speedo had rolled well into the red as I shot past the shop. Needless to say there he was in an almost identical car. I just waved, he waved back, and I carried on. I often wonder how far I was down the road before he realised my car had the wrong crest on the front door to be one of theirs! Maybe he just realised he had little chance of catching me. Anyway that day remains as the fastest I’ve ever driven, just over 95, and that as I say was pre metrication. I did Whangarei to Northcote, 110 miles, in two hours flat and that was when the motorway north finished at Northcote Road. The car was a bit twitchy and could have done with a couple of bags of cement in the boot, and

was on crossply tyres. No seatbelts either. Anyway I didn’t have to try the ‘urgent Government business’ excuse and drove a bit more sedately in future.

Back to the 1970s. In 1977 I got a transfer from Wellington to Gisborne and Esther and I moved there along with our various cars. We used the Series III Super Snipe to tow the 1935 Snipe ‘80’ to Gisborne over two days. We stopped overnight in Waipukurau at the then VCC clubrooms on Hatuma Station. Day two and we faced the challenge of the steep hills between Napier and Gisborne. A bit north of Wairoa is the Morere scenic reserve and hot springs and the particularly steep Morere Hill. We climbed the hill with the car locked in first gear (automatic) getting slower and slower. I asked Esther to look up the manual beside her to tell me the revs at which the engine developed maximum torque. By my rough calculation the max. at 1800 rpm equated to about 10 mph in first so I knew that if we got much below 15mph we were lost. The car hung on at just over 15 mph and we made it! I never tested the Series Snipe so severely again, especially with a trailer with no working brakes!

The 1960 Super Snipe towing our 1935 Snipe ‘80’ having a breather at Lake Tutira on the way to Gisborne in 1977. The trailer all-up must have been well over two tons. More on the Snipes and Imperial next time - Graham Smith, Napier

22 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


15-19 FEBRUARY 2023//

A selection of events over the Napier Art Deco weekend aimed at vehicles 1945 and older, so fitting into the period when the Art Deco style was to its fore. The feature group for 2023 is Early Ford V8’s (to 1945), who will have visits arranged specifically for them Wednesday and Thursday 15th - 16th February. Then there’s a celebration dinner on Thursday 16th open to all entrants and the club’s main rally, picnic and display on Friday 17th. Saturday 18th is the run for up to 300 vehicles through Napier CBD with a display at the end, and finally there’s a brunch at the club rooms on Sunday 19th with a live band, also open to all entrants.

BOOKINGS CLOSE ON FRIDAY 6TH JANUARY 2023 at Enquiries: Paul at or Steve on 027 217 7730.

23 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
24 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// SAFARI 2022// » Into the water we go! » From the Bar » Cars & can collection at the Steiner Brothers property » Rangitaiki Tavern for morning tea » Cans from all over the world. » A truck load of duckies
25 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// SAFARI 2022// » Colin Sargison’s collection - Maserati » Jaguars and Bedford truck »
collection of
» Colin Sargison’s collection - Jeep » Lovely Wooden speed boat »
Dave Tomlinson’s
Rolls Royce’s
Colin Sargison’s collection
26 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// SAFARI 2022//
» Doug Green’s car body stripping factory » Tony Payne’s collection on his property
27 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// HOMESTEAD RUN 2022// » Looking across the
on our way to
Malcolm & Lesley Blair handing
out the run sheets »
Cars leaving the farmers Market for the
run » Owner Bill Beamish talking about the history of the homestead » Everyone listening to Bill’s story sitting under the beautiful oak tree
28 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// HOMESTEAD RUN 2022//
» Whana Whana Homestead
29 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year YOUR BRANCH PHOTOS// HOMESTEAD RUN 2022// » VCCC Cars line the drive behind the homestead » Cars parked at the back of Homestead » The family pet enjoying the attention


Hi all,

Good to see we have increased our numbers for the Tuesday group, we were up to 35 last week. I have to make a small announcement & apologies as I got Derrick’s age wrong, he is 84 years young.

We also have some MK1 Zephyr doors for sale, thanks to Barry Evans for dropping them off to us, they are 2 rear doors, a left & right sides, and 1 front right door, photos attached, so get in touch with me if you have any interest.

As you go through the foyer there are 2 Brass plaques, photos attached, one was awarded to Mr J W Hood, of Hood motors by the Standard Car Company and the other was presented to Anderson & Hansen Ltd by the Austin Motor Company, both these Company’s were from Dannevirke & we want to acknowledge Digby Young for saving them & giving them to the club, they are worth a look. Until next time.


For any enquiries phone Brian Taylor on 027 443 6009 or contact the Club’s Spares Dept. on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
31 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year NOTICE BOARD// If you want to add any notices to the notice board please contact the Editor. National Veteran Rally February 2023 WHEN: Friday 24 – Sunday 26 WHERE: Rural Tuakau, Franklin bordering north Waikato, 56 km south of Auckland ENQUIRIES: Barry Birchall Tel. (09) 8188755 or 0277225225 Open to all veteran vehicles manufactured before 1918, with VIN. Hosted by Auckland Branch WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS Chris Hurst Austin A70 1952
32 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year See Ron or Paul J YOUNG MOTORS | 590 Main Road, Bay View Ph: 836 6126 | 7113096AA *Refers to 136LiL & 136LiHD45
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
New Year
Christmas and Happy


New Year
Merry Christmas and Happy


FOR SALE: CLOTHING TAPE Mend your furs in time for Art Deco Festival 2023. $4 per metre. Phone Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or email

FOR SALE: Four cross-ply tyres 6.70 x 15” these are retreads less than a third worn. Have been kept in the dark. $100 the set. Graham Smith phone or text 027 2290158 or email

FOR SALE 2 small Fords 1935 Model Y a 2 door and a 4 door also 2 model CX De Luxe 4 doors they are striped down for rebuild some work done. Email or phone Glenn 027 293 4024.


$6500 - ONO


Tidy interior and exterior, no apparent rust, new radial tyres, new brakes, original tools. Motor has had some work but not sure what it was. However it starts easily and runs well with no foreign noises. Not currently registered or warranted but will be sold with both.

Please phone Bernard 06 876 9234 or 027 640 6046.

37 Merry
New Year
Christmas and Happy



Full Metal body Sprite Soft top Sports car-Twin SU 1 1/8in carburettors/ Iris Blue colour. Updated from 948cc engine in 2011 on the programme Wheeler Dealers UK.

Now it has 1275cc engine, disc front brakes,Minilite-look wheels, Mira-Lite steering wheel.

Excellent peppy sports car which is fun to drive and keeps up with modern driving on the highways and byways.

PNLOPE no plate not included.

For more details call Lee-Anne 0276119714 or email

Price on request. Lots of Photos available.

Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.

38 Merry Christmas
New Year
and Happy


WANTED: OLDER VEHICLE. Ideally we want a vehicle that is user friendly i e that will cruise at 95 – 100 kph as we will be using it for trips away and on daily trips out. We do not want a ‘show queen’ but something clean and tidy. Ideally it will be a coupe. It needs to be Registered and WOF. I am 73 and are past restoring vehicles but just want to drive and enjoy. I’m thinking a 1934 Chrysler, Dodge, Desoto, Plymouth coupe would be good. Possibly a Model A Ford but it would need to have period speed equipment and overdrive to attain the travel speed we need. 1932 33 34 Fords and Chevys are probably more than we want to spend. I’m aware of a ’34 Plymouth Roadster for sale on trade me which would be good but it’s a Roadster and we are both past being baked in the sun or getting wet and cold. Contact dave Goodman Ph: 027 4427325.

WANTED: 1 PINION SEAL FOR 1946 DODGE. Outside diameter 3 9/64” or 3 3/16”, Inside diameter 1 7/8”, Width ½” or 9/16”. Please phone Lance on 027 464 2018.

WANTED: Road wheel for Standard Vanguard car. Early to mid 1950s. Geoff Johnston 879 9700 or 0273421 696.

Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.

39 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
40 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Phone 06 835 7490 56 Thames Street Napier


41 Merry
New Year
Christmas and Happy

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