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1 THE MAG Official publication of the Hawke’s Bay branch of the vintage car club of New Zealand (inc.) september 2022 Hawke’s Bay Branch Newsletter

2 We specialise in Service & Repair DVD • Stereo • VCR • Record Players • Aerials & Installation • Home Theatre Systems • TVs & Hard Drives • Insurance Quotes • Boat Electronics & Systems • Tag & Test Appliances Anything electronic, no job to big or to small! CALL SIMON BELL FOR FREE ADVICE! Ph 06 844 0679 or 027 496 5592 • Specialising in brake and clutch reconditioning with more than 30 years’ experience. • Brake bonding • Drum and rotor machining • Hydraulic cylinder reconditioning • Brake hose & pipe manufacture www.brakesfirst - 404 Ellison Road, Hastings Phone 027 474 2222 OPEN: 8am-5pm For general enquiries email


20thDEADLINEofthemonth (late contributions are accepted if time allows, please phone to check if this is ok)

The views expressed here in are those of the authors and do not necessarily express the policy or views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material may be held over until there is sufficient space to publish it.


Front page image supplied by Kay Elmsly.

Editor: Kay Elmsly 06 845 0577 or 027 286 6480 during work hours 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday 11 Claridge Place, Taradale, Napier 4112 Please label well, THE MAG HBVCC

Designer: Liv Coleske Ladybug Design 021 474427 during work hours 9am - 4pm Monday-Thursday




Wednesday Run: Barrie Browne p. 06 835

c. 027 464

Committee: Malcolm Blair (Lesley) p. 06 843 7664 c. 021 576 malcolmblair52@gmail.com360

Alastair Chalmers (Jean) c. 020 4088


Allan Harris life member

Spares AssistantJohnManager:Durry (Jenny)

Secretary: Sandra Marsh (Kevin) p. 06 8700493 c. 021

Kevin Cains (Kaye) p. 06 842 2496 c. 021 560 kevin.cains53@gmail.com905

Club Custodian & Room Hire: Steve Donovan p. 06 835 9956 c. 027 217


p. 06 845 0577 c. 027 2866

Graham Bowker (Lyn) p. 06 845

Past Chairman: Ian Elmsly (Kay) p. 06 845 0577 c. 0274 790

Treasurer: Paul Eager (Carol) p. 06 845 4779 c. 027231


Steve Donovan (Pam) p. 06 835 9956 c. 027 217

p. 06 843 5798 c. 022 676 9401

Mag Editor: Kay Elmsly

Club Captain: Paul Anderson (Janine) p. 06 844 2912 c. 0274 463

Groundsman: Trevor Charman (Lyn) p. 06 844 5140 c. 027 292

Trevor Charman member

Spares Manager: Brian Taylor (Margaret) p. 06 844 5982 c. 027 443 6009

HB Branch Life Members

Chairman: Esther Smith (Graham)

Librarian: Allan Twort (Helen) p. 06 845

Wednesday Club Run 12

Delegate’s Report 15

Up & Coming Events

HB Branch Contacts

Report 6

Notice Board 24

Calendar of Events 27

Past Magazines

Volume 101 // Number 09 // September 2022 Club night 2nd Wednesday of month 7.30pm at Clubrooms supper Clubrooms,provided.library & Spares DEPARTMENT OPEN Tuesday morning 9-11am. Morning Tea available. BRANCH DETAILS POSTAL: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142 Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier Phone: (06) 835 1483 (This number is only available on Tuesday mornings or Club nights and Events, or refer to our website) email:

A Night with Napolean


Back to your Rootes - No 8 16

September Run


all Members 30 Wanted 31

Spare News 23

Cadillac LaSalle Speed Record 14

Daffodil Rafffles 13



Report 7


For Sale

Your Branch Photos 18


Notice to


Mid-Week Runs 11



Club Captain’s


By Esther Smith

As an aside to the main event, on the Sunday the Auckland VCC took us to an amazing “shed” where a Texaco petrol tanker restoration is well on the way to being completed, then we were driven back through one of these intensive housing developments where they certainly do pack the houses in, no room for a shed here, the houses don’t even have garages. We had lunch at the Auckland Clubrooms where their basement had been flooded several months ago fortunately the library was boxed up and saved, but all the boxes were stored in the main rooms so we had lunch in the garage where their Club vehicle a

I look forward to seeing you at our branch events.

It’s been rather like a baptism of fire during the past month. In early August I attended the National AGM which was held in Auckland and hosted by the Auckland Vintage and Veteran Car Club, it was a good opportunity to have my first drive along the newly completed Hamilton Expressway, at first it does seem strange to bypass the usual milestones you would generally see along the way, and I couldn’t help wondering just how many zillions of sq m of tarmac had been required to complete this project. Back to the AGM, there was a good attendance from around the country and the meeting progressed at a reasonable pace, this time there seemed to be less of the time wasting nebulous questions, with Diane Quarrie our National president keeping firm control of the meeting. Elsewhere in the MAG is my report to members which highlights the main items of interest and these can be discussed at the next Club Night.

We were fortunate to be able to reschedule our visit to ToiToi followed by the afternoon tea, it was also fortunate the date coincided with the National VCC Rally for Cancer. Thanks to everyone for their support on what turned out to be an amazing day. Special thanks to Glen Pickering from ToiToi for taking us around the Opera House and the Municipal Buildings, he was knowledgeable and informative about the history of the buildings and what had been required to strengthen and restore them. The vaulted ceiling in the Assembly ballroom was a real spectacle, maybe we could hold the 65th Anniversary of the branch there. The financial outcome of the day is that we will be donating approx. $550.00 to the Cancer Society which is made up from a share of the afternoon tea ticket price, the proceeds from the raffle and all donations received on the day.


Renault Charabanc 1915 usually resides, some of us were taken on a “wizz” around the block in the vehicle, solid tyres and all. However my relationship with this particular vehicle goes back along way as when Graham and I marshalled at the 1980 International Rally in Rotorua in the years BC (before children) this same vehicle was in attendance and I can remember some great evenings when it was loaded up with rally attendees and we went off on tours around the town.


future activities. This will be a priority for me going forward.


By Paul Anderson

A couple of members have been active acquiring new vehicles. Tony and Sue Roberts have sold their Buick and brought a 1927 Cadillac La Salle Roadster (see story later in “The Mag”). And Ian and Kay Elmsly have recently acquired a 1972

will bring his Napoleon car along and speak to us at the next monthly club meeting and our monthly run will be to Lake Tutira using secondary roads where possible. See details later in the Mag. Happy motoring.


I would at this point like to give a plug for our Tuesday morning spares and morning tea gathering. The library and spares department are open and any transport related problems / questions you have can generally be solved. Since my time in the club the numbers attending have grown substantially and I enjoy going along for the camaraderie, to hear a few fibs being told and to catch up with what’s going on around the traps. Derek brews the tea and coffee and can usually rustle up a water cracker or better. So, if you are at a loose end on a Tuesday morning or you need to get out from under your partner’s feet, you don’t need a reason, just come along and catch up with what’s going on.

It was great to see another excellent turnout to our recent visit to the Opera house and Municipal Building, followed by afternoon tea at the club. I am sure we were all very impressed with what they have done to the complex and I am sure that it will serve Hastings well as an entertainment and function venue well into the future. The afternoon tea was magnificent and there was plenty of it. Our thanks go to Malcolm and Lesley and the hardworking band of helpers. The other aspect of the day was the raffle for the Cancer Society (Daffodil Day). The prizes for the raffle were donated and all proceeds, donations and a small portion of the afternoon tea price (which amounts to around $550.00 with more to come from the kitchen evening) will go directly to the

been a surge in the number of new member applications being received by the Club which I am sure you will all agree is a great development. I am sure that this is due to the fact that membership can now be applied for directly online through the VCC website. This negates the need for any prospective members having to come to a club event (which may not be widely advertised) or track down a member who needs to get back to them with an application form. The online process is just simpler all around. The challenge for our club and individual members is of course to make sure that our new members (who have not necessarily got a contact within the club) are welcomed and engaged in the


• Where: Meet at HB Vintage Club Rooms


Wednesday 7th September

Wednesday 14th September

Friday 30th September

Put your name on the list at the club or contact malcolm & lesley blair on 06 843 766 or email– no later than Tuesday 27th September.

ALWAYS 1st Wednesday of the Month.

An outing to Lake Tutira. All details on page 10.

Please note the earlier time to be at the Club Rooms is 10am as Barb Speers wants all cars away by 10.30 at the latest.






• Time: 10.00am


A Night with Napoleon – Pondering what this is all about - All details are on page 9.

Sunday 18th September


So come along and support our guest speaker and enjoy a cuppa after the meeting.




Mike Perry will be our guest speaker on the 14th September our Club meeting night and will be bringing along his veteran Napoleon car for all to look at. Mike is a member of the CHB Branch of the VCC.


Meet at – The Club rooms Time 1.15pm for a 1.30pm start.


The monthly run will be out to Lake Tutira (on secondary roads where possible) with an optional run up "Darkies Spur" on the way home.

I will see if we can get into the Church that Garth Eyles spoke about at the last Club meeting. See you there!


Paul Anderson

Club Captain 0274 463 908

Ivan will need to know numbers prior to the day therefore to help Ivan please email your numbers Ormossbank1943@gmail.comto;call 021 239 8041.

HBVCC Mid Week Runs.

September Run Wed 7th Good As Gold. Note early start time, Barb Speers wants us all to be at the club rooms at 10.00am sharp with all cars away by 10.30 at the latest.

Don’t forget your EFTPOS cards.



There is a very good reason for this so please be on time.

Jim and Barb Speers surprise package. You need to bring $5 per person for something special. There is a lunch stop at the end of the run, but it’s not the Something Special. You need to bring lunch. Tea and coffee provided.

November Run Wed 2nd Lunch at Patangata

Our very own John Cocking QSM and Lee Ann are working on this and knowing these two it will be a most interesting day out, don’t miss it.

October Run Wed 5th


This run is being organised by Ivan Fisher, and promises to be a most enjoyable country cruise finishing out at the Patangata Tavern.

December Run Wed 7th

That only leaves us with December to sort out, what would you like us to do for the last run of the year? We welcome your ideas and suggestions. See you all bright and early on Wednesday Sept 7th BarrieCheersBrowne 027 720 1238

The Brownes certainly had gone to heaps of research. He titled it “a bit of Deco” and it certainly opened our eyes to the amount of Deco houses we had no idea were in Hastings!We set off from the Clubrooms and arrived in Jim’s and my suburb, Raureka. From there it was round Parkvale and the famous Pepper Street houses, before we set off down Heretaunga Street, admiring the updated Opera House and Municipal building update. There was a quick, muddling! trip round “Ned’s Folly”(so named because, according to Jim, the “Ned” that originally developed that area way back about the 20’s,most sections in those days had a certain amount of room for a certain number of houses, but Ned decided that if he set the roads corner to corner, he could fit more sections in, therefore getting more revenue).People are often taken in those little Elm/Oak Roads to get their driver’s licences, as the right-hand giveways are murderous, and confusing.

Not sure what part of the Old Country that saying came from, but apologies to Bertie. No insult


Whatever,intended!Wednesday the 3rd August was the Browne’s Run. Poor Barrie. His last effort (July) was cancelled due to almost nobody tuning up. And on this Wednesday only 5 cars (including Barrie’s) did.

Next month, Sept 7th, is Jim’s and my run, titled “Good as Gold”. No we aren’t going to ask you to compete in road races/high jumping/diving feats! Just come along and find out why I’ve titled it that. There is a $5 charge for a special surprise, and it’s an easy run with nice views and good roads. And something really nice to do at the end, after lunch. Please support us. I will be broken hearted if we don’t get a good turnout. And if the runs keep getting small like this last one, people won’t be wanting to come along, so it’ll all fizzle out-and that would be such a disaster.


were honoured to have Mark with us for his first run-in a US assembled Dodge Challenger, no less! Jim’s eyes fair popped, but no, HE WON”T be buying one!!!!!!

THE WEDNESDAY RUN REPORT, or “Well, I’ll go to our ‘ouse…..


And for another Pommy quote-“Well, I’ll go to the bottom of our stairs” (which is an expression of surprise from The Midlands, I believe). Up the stairs we went, to share lunch and reminiscences, and admire the beautiful blue sky reflected in the sea. It was such a nice day for a car run. Where were you all?

What has happened to our Wednesday Runs? I know that the Covid scare has kept people at home, and petrol skyrocketing hasn’t helped, but it’s a heap of work for the organisers to go to, setting the run, re-checking it at least once, printing out the run sheets…so sad that VCCC members don’t patronise it.

Then it was back through Clive and round the fertiliser works to all the marvellous Marewa/ Tom Parker Ave.,/Georges Drive areas to admire what seemed to be endless Deco houses we didn’t even know existed. We(me and Jim) got lost trying to turn in front of the Masonic Hotel, but a quick bit of backtracking soon sorted that out, and it was down Emerson Street again, and off out to Ahuriri, over the west Quay, ending up at Barrie and Lyndsay’s posh apartment, with breathtaking views over the Pandora Pond.

13 The Daffodil Raffles We would like to thank our sponsors for their generous contributions for our raffles, to raise funds for Daffodil Day. We raised a total of $585.50 Our sponsors were. Oderings Garden Centre BNT BeautyFringeNapierBenefitsinYou The prize winners were Dianne Hurley and Gary Peacock Thank you to all that participated to help the Cancer Society




The First Production ‘V8 Muscle Car’?

Built by Cadillac to its high standards, but at a dedicated factory at Wyoming Road Assembly, the LaSalle soon emerged as a trend-setting automobile. Harley Earl was then placed in charge of overseeing the design of all of General Motors' vehicles.

The LaSalle 303 of 1927 were equipped with Cadillac's 5 litre, "Ninety Degree V-8", making the car fast, while its smaller size made it sportier and more agile. This was the first production V8 in the world and Cadillac followed up the V8 with V12 and V16 engines.

The 1927 Cadillac LaSalle Roadster.

On June 20, 1927, a LaSalle driven by Willard Rader, along with Gus Bell, on the track at the Milford Proving Grounds, achieved 952 miles (1,532 km), averaging 95.2 mph (153.2 km/h) over ten hours, with only seven minutes given over to refuelling and tire changes. In comparison, the average speed at that year's Indianapolis 500 was 97.5 mph (156.9 km/h) for only 500 miles! The LaSalle’s mudguards and windscreen had been removed and a taller differential gearing used to achieve the higher speed.

Tony Roberts with his 1927 Cadillac LaSalle, still with its mudguards and windscreen!

2. Online membership-Going well-Not clear what is happening with the branch levy as a basic membership rate has been set which doesn’t take into account the levys from individual branches-The committee will get an answer on this one and report back


5. Membership-Nationally still about 8500

12. Revision of Incorporated Societies Act. National office will supply us with a new template for our constitution, Branch offices might have to be vetted, the upcoming changes could mean a change to the VCC Executive structure, which currently is made up of a delegate from each of the 36 branches plus the elected Management committee

1. Name Change to include the word “Classic” do we want to formlise this through the Incorporated Society’s register. What does the name “Classic” mean/Represent, Nth Shore said they didn’t care, but when we talk to other Govt Depts ie NZTA or organisations, it could be important to have this defined

9. Service/Membership Awards how these are to be awarded and by who. Good debate, decision deferred to March 23 exec meeting to give branches more time to get feedback from members. Should be called membership not service awards.

4. 12month vehicle warrants? is still working it’s way up through the system at NZTA, trying to get it through under existing legislation as a change in legislation would take ages. These 12 month Warranties would be for vehicles over 40 years old as per the reduced vehicle registration and they will have to have a VIC,

7. New VCC Advertising Pull Up blind supplied by National office and on display in the clubrooms

6. Next Vero rally no later than 2027. If Hawkes Bay are interested in having the event based here, the ROI has to be in National Office by the end of October

10. VERO Insurance-Profit share scheme, the contract with Vero is up for renewal, the proposed outcome is Vero will pay a fixed amount of K24 per annum to the club, over the years this has been about the annual average

11. Conversion of our vehicles to Electric-would be a major conversion, they would no longer be an historic vehicle or VCC eligible (This question was from one of the Auckland members)

8. Branch manual is going to be updated soon

My report notes from the AGM, I have picked out those items that I think will be of general interest to members, please let me know if you have any comments


3. Online VIC’s. Important for keeping our historic vehicles on the road, currently 50% of VIC’s sent in are incomplete-you can now send digital photos with application

The following article is one of a number I wrote several years ago for the Humber/Hillman Car Club’s ‘Torque’ Magazine - Graham Smith 2022.

I booked a large car trailer from a firm in Seaview, Lower Hutt and on the Friday afternoon drove there in the Humber Imperial in preparation for an early start on Saturday. On collecting the trailer I found that the over-run brakes on it weren’t working (I did a couple of other long tows with similar trailers and neither of them had brakes that worked either!!). The hire firm didn’t have any other car trailers available so I set off with it for home in Strathmore, Wellington but halfway along the foreshore at Petone the Humber Imperial quietly died. I coasted into the kerb and got out. Plenty of petrol and the starter wound over OK but no spark whatsoever. As luck would (not) have it, I hadn’t yet transferred my toolbox from the Hillman Minx to the Imperial for the trip so I had no tools, no spares, nothing. I locked up the Imperial car and walked to the Petone railway station, only to realise I didn’t have my wallet so no money either (no credit cards or cell phones in those days either). I found a taxi rank and, at some cost, got a taxi home where I got my wallet and paid him. Then back out to Petone in the Hillman Minx to try and sort out the Imperial but without any joy.



I saw an advertisement in the magazine of the Wanganui (no optional ‘h’ in those days – not even in the river) Branch of the Vintage Car club for a 1935 Humber ‘Pullman’. I had never seen such a vehicle and the owner had thought it was a Royal Tour car (aren’t all Humbers!) from the Duke of Gloucester’s tour. The car was in fact a 1935 Humber Snipe ‘80’. A letter from Mr V(ern?) Percival at Todd Motors Wellington conveying information “from our good friends at Rootes Limited” advised the former owner that the car was despatched to Rootes Limited, Export on 25th July 1935, so it certainly wasn’t one of the six Snipe ‘80s’, one Pullman and one tourer sent out for the Duke’s 1934/35 tour of Australasia. Dating on the crankcase (Feb 1935) and Lucas equipment as well as the Triplex glass also confirm it as built in 1935 – towards the end of the model line first introduced in 1929. The actual Pullman from the Duke’s tour resides in Christchurch and is undergoing restoration.

In the last issue I wrote about buying our Series III Super Snipe and selling our IIIB Hillman Minx. I’ll come back to the Series III Snipe later as just before we bought it in 1975 we added another Rootes car to our collection – a car we still have and is ‘nearing’ the end of a 40 year restoration! (ps this was written in 2016 – Graham!)

Anyway, after reading what little information I could find on 1930’s Snipes I decided to buy the Snipe ‘80’ sight unseen (the ‘80’ I think relates to either the bore size which is 80mm, or the brake horsepower which is 77 – someone might

be able to put me right on this) and paid a deposit of $50, with the balance of $200 to be paid on collection. I then planned to pick up the Snipe ‘80’ from Wanganui with the help of my former flatmate Trevor, using our ‘trusty’ 1951 Humber Imperial as the tow car. So began a weekend where, if anything could go wrong, then it did! It all went something like this:


The 1935 Humber Snipe ‘80’ leaving Wanganui for Wellington behind Trevor’s 1958 Mercedes Benz 220S in 1975

Next morning, Saturday, Trevor and I left early in his 1958 Mercedes Benz 220S as the replacement tow car. We unhitched the trailer from the Imperial, towed the Imperial into a side street and then put the trailer on the Merc and headed for Wanganui with the weather progressively closing in. We loaded up the Snipe ‘80’, which was largely in a dismantled state. This took a couple of hours and we then headed for home. It was now pouring and the combination of a wet road, the swing rear axle set-up on the Merc and a trailer with not enough nose weight meant that anything over 40 MPH and the trailer started to take over. It was a slow trip home with several stops under petrol station canopies to check the load. On arrival at Wellington, with the help of another friend Robin, we unloaded the Snipe ‘80’ and all the parts into an awkward large shed that the three of us rented in Evans Bay. We

More on the Snipes and Imperial next time.

arrived back at our house in Strathmore for dinner that Esther had made for us, wet and miserable (us not the dinner). It was now after midnight. About an hour later Trevor went to go home but his battery was flat. I duly towed him up the short rise in the road with the Hillman Minx and he then coasted down the hill, jump started the Mercedes and went off home. I went to the bottom of the hill, turned the Hillman Minx around and promptly ran out of petrol. It was now raining hard again and I, now with no coat, trudged the half mile home to get the lawnmower petrol can, walked back to the Hillman and finally got to bed sometime after 2.00am pretty exhausted. There was an omen in there somewhere that the restoration of the Snipe ‘80’ was not going to be as straightforward as I had naively thought!

18 YOUR BRANCH HAWKE’SPHOTOS//BAYOPERA HOUSE// » Gathering outside the Opera House » Gathering outside the Opera House » Inside the room used for Events/ Dinners » Inside the room used for Events/ Dinners » Paul Anderson- Club Captain /Steve DonovanOrganiser/ Glen Pickering our guide

» Lead light doors into the theatre » Mosaic tiles that where original that were re-laid in the entrance to the foyer


» the theatre that has been done up





» Glen telling us the history of the ballroom Outside of the Opera house Art outside the Opera House The beautiful ballroom The Shakespeare Room originally the council chambers




» Mural on the side of a Building on Queen Street Hastings » Back at club rooms for High tea



» RIGHT: This is a feature in side the Opera House as a display. It is a Mawdsley’s M type DC Generator Believed to have been installed when the Opera House was first contructed in 1915. It was used to power the Stage arc lighting.




» ABOVE: Mural on the building that was the HB Farmers Co-op building repainted to Represent the Garage it used to be when it operated in the 1930’s

For any enquiries phone Brian Taylor on 027 4436009 or contact the Club’s Spares Dept. on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.

Hi MyAlllast

column informed you we had some Austin 7 spares to arrive, but when they turned up they turned into TR3 parts, so a big thank you to Rodger Joblin for these spares, a lot of them have been snapped up already, and just a quick note to say some of the team took some of the spares to the Palmy swap meet, and some went on trade me and we had great success with selling quite a few of them. Talking of success we had a good write up in the Petrol Head magazine re the HBVCCC swap meet with lots of photos, so this should help with next years swap meet.


By John Durry


Over the last month the team have been working on the spark plug display. (photo attached) The display was originally put together by Stan Doherty, who was involved with Charlton Motor works, there workshop was on the corner of Nelson & Eastborne Streets, Hastings and were involved in the Manufacturing of the Charlton Machine Gun during the second world war. The spark plug display was given to the club in the late 70’s and when a few rare spark plus went missing Digby Young added a glass cover, this stopped the temptation.

Remember next month is shed clean out time, please get hold of your spare parts manager if any assistance is required.

Until next time.


24 NOTICE BOARD// If you want to add any notices to the notice board please contact the Editor. Refer: for details Contact: Rod Corbett 027 433 8772 photo: proshotz photography Join us for the drive of a lifetime!toyouinvites 2020ReBtoCo18-13ultimatehet2020ialtRimet PhotographyProshotzPhoto lifetime!aofdrivetheforusjoinPleaseamaintaintokeepingtimeanddrivingpreciseinexerciseanbutrace,aNotsetaveragespeedthroughallclosedtarmacstages. eligible,VCC/VICinmembersVCCforavailablefeeentryDiscountroad-legalcars.Nospecialcarmods(rollcageetc),required. detailsforwww.targa.nztoRefer8772433027rod.corbett88@gmailCorbettRodContact: “Top of the South 2022” INVITES YOU TO Not a race, but a test of precise driving and time keeping. No special car mods (roll cage etc), required. Inaugural event - Nelson and Tasman Districts First time ever to the Upper South Island New Dates: Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th October, 2022 (Scrutineering, Documentation & Briefing Friday 14th October, 2022) DEs gN: Nz CLassIC DrIVEr National Veteran Rally February 2023 WHEN: Friday 24 Sunday 26 WHERE: Rural Tuakau, Franklin bordering north Waikato, 56 km south of Auckland ENQUIRIES: Barry Birchall or 0277225225 Open to all veteran vehicles manufactured before 1918, with VIN. Hosted by Auckland Branch WELCOME TONEW 1973Wendy1960RichardMEMBERSBennett–FordZephyr&SteveSutton-1960HoldenFBTedBos–Triumph2500PIDenisSnelgrove–1987BMWE30325iTerryNorthcott

25 See Ron or Paul J YOUNG MOTORS | 590 Main Road, Bay View Ph: 836 6126 | 7113096AA *Refers to 136LiL & 136LiHD45






FOR SALE 2 small Fords 1935 Model Y a 2 door and a 4 door also 2 model CX De Luxe 4 doors they are striped down for rebuild some work done. Email or phone Glenn 027 293 4024.

FOR SALE: Four cross-ply tyres 6.70 x 15” these are retreads less than a third worn. Have been kept in the dark. $100 the set. Graham Smith phone or text 027 2290158 or email

RELUCTANT SALE: Chevrolet Master Sedan. Older restoration; regularly serviced and maintained by local mechanic for the 20 years of current ownership. Very good all-round condition. Contact: 027 244 5938.

FOR SALE: CLOTHING TAPE Mend your furs in time for Art Deco Festival 2023. $4 per metre. Phone Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or email

Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.

At present we are FULL and have to do our own Thankdecluttering!you.

It is very nice to think of the Club when you are decluttering at home

But can you please talk to Steve Donovan for general goods Malcolm and Lesley Blair for kitchen items

To see if they are of any use before DROPPING them at the clubrooms.





WANTED: ROYAL ENFIELD MOTORCYCLE BITS. Indian or English, anything up to a complete derelict considered. Particularly looking for gearbox and clutch. David 06 835 9492 or

WANTED: OLDER VEHICLE. Ideally we want a vehicle that is user friendly i e that will cruise at 95 – 100 kph as we will be using it for trips away and on daily trips out. We do not want a ‘show queen’ but something clean and tidy. Ideally it will be a coupe. It needs to be Registered and WOF. I am 73 and are past restoring vehicles but just want to drive and enjoy. I’m thinking a 1934 Chrysler, Dodge, Desoto, Plymouth coupe would be good. Possibly a Model A Ford but it would need to have period speed equipment and overdrive to attain the travel speed we need. 1932 33 34 Fords and Chevys are probably more than we want to spend. I’m aware of a ’34 Plymouth Roadster for sale on trade me which would be good but it’s a Roadster and we are both past being baked in the sun or getting wet and cold. Contact dave Goodman Ph: 027 4427325.

Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.

WANTED: Road wheel for Standard Vanguard car. Early to mid 1950s. Geoff Johnston 879 9700 or 0273421 696.

WANTED: 1 PINION SEAL FOR 1946 DODGE. Outside diameter 3 9/64” or 3 3/16”, Inside diameter 1 7/8”, Width ½” or 9/16”. Please phone Lance on 027 464 2018.

32 Phone 06 835 7490 56 Thames Street


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