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MAY 2024 Issue 5 VCC of NZ
Viewpoint is the official publication of the Marlborough Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ
Chris Bird, son and grandson at the Highland Fling Rally

EVENTS : May 2024

Sun 19th May (page 8 for details)

Motorcycles Combined run with the Distinguished Gentleman’s ride.

Sun 26th May A.G.M 1.30 pm at Clubrooms

Fri 31st May Soup & Bun night no charge.

Chairman’s Report

Another month has slipped by and with it, some very good outings.

Thursday 25th was marked with an Anzac service and afternoon tea at Wairau Valley where we were invited to attend and display our period vehicles outside the hall. This was a well attended event both by the Wairau local people, and ourselves (160) approx. there were twelve cars, trucks and two motorcycles. A good drive up and back, windy but fine weather made it a very nice afternoon out and a very worthwhile event to attend.

Many took the opportunity for the last steam train ride of the season to Kaikoura and return and I understand all had a great day.

Last weekend, not our event but we had a visit from twenty-two Rolls Royce and Bentley cars of various ages 1920 through to 2016, who were on their AGM and Rally that took them through the Marlborough and Nelson regions. They took the opportunity to stay in Blenheim for a few days, utilizing Patchetts Green for their Concourse judging and were treated to a delicious afternoon tea catered by the wonderful ladies team from our club. Our facilities and goodies were much appreciated by these very nice visitors and their display of vehicles were immaculately presented.

Sorry to hear Terry Watson and Allan Graham have their turn to have the health setbacks this month, we hope you are well on the mend and back to normal health very soon.

Other news; our electrical shed has had some roof reselling and repairs, the trailer shed has had the doors replaced or realigned.

An old Vespa scooter followed Rob home one day, all now running but awaiting the “VTNZ rego saga”.

Kevin’s finally completed his Model A roadster, and Chris reported he had a fantastic time at the Highland Fling Rally In Fielding last weekend in his Model A Phaeton, however a few minor mechanical issues have turned into more major issues and this week there will be an engine swap and recon taking place, before he can think about tackling the Irishman’s Rally next month.

Finally, a reminder our Branch AGM is on the 26th May, get your nominations for our committee in the box. If you haven’t already, think about putting your hand up, its always good to have fresh ideas and personalities!

Have a good month, keep well Cheers Rob.

Sunday 26th May 2024

To be held in the Redman Room Marlborough Branch

at 1.30pm.

Vintage Car Club
Meeting Commences

Club Captain’s Report

Kevin and Helen Jackson had made a great night trial run for us ending in Picton. This was well attended with some of our Picton members coming along for the pot luck tea. I think a twilight run rather than a night time run is a much better idea.

Thirty members made their way to Summerset Retirement Village after a short run around Blenheim’s other senior living options. An enjoyable afternoon tea was had prior to a look around the houses.

Anzac Day

We had been invited to attend the Wairau Valley Service in our Club vehicles for their service and afternoon tea. We had a great turnout of members, cars and motorbike’s. A great afternoon.

The next day it was up early for twenty-nine members to make their way to the Railway Station for a steam train trip to Kaikoura and back - another good turnout and a great trip. You can see this trip on YouTube – Steam excursion – Kaikoura to Blenheim. Fantastic scenery shots.

The Rolls Royce and Bentley Club had the use of our grounds and venue for their get together last weekend. A great display of fantastic old and newer cars. With great comments on our facilities and the afternoon tea we served up.

See you all at the AGM. Cath Millar.

As referred to in Chris Birds “Scribblings” : Bill Hohepa (Member of the NZ Order of Merit) For those who have not seen the NZ TV series, this is available on YouTube. Well worth the watch. Goggle “The Billy Ho Show”.

Secretary’s Scribblings

LAST MONTH I reported I was heading to Feilding to take part in the Highland Fling 2-day Rally around the Manawatu. I attended this along with David and Viki Day representing our Branch. There were one hundred and seven entries from as far afield as Queenstown and Whangarei. This (keen) entrant left at 02.15 am and arrived in Palmerston North at 03.30pm (10hrs 15mins) having driven his 1926 Ford Model T all that way.

We were told that there were entrants from twentyeight of the thirty-six branches around the country.

The runs were great with about 150 miles travelled each day, my co-drivers, my son and grandson on day one and included my daughter in-law on the Sunday, thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had a great time.

If you are on Facebook, have a look at the Vintage Car Club Group page for amazing photos. There will be videos on YouTube about the event, as well as a segment on Dads Old Car with Bill Hohepa (MNZM) who was filming during the rally. I put up a post on the page after the rally and my comments received over eighty likes, but the comments were shut down because it is an open page and we cannot allow anyone outside the VCC membership to see what our views are!!

I wrote..

Isn't it great that we still have a very strong VINTAGE group in the VCC. The photos from the Highland Fling show our wonderful Vintage Cars, PRE 1931 age group.

My passion has always been this age group of cars and it is great to see over 100 on the run at the weekend in Feilding, and greater numbers at the likes of the Irishman Rally, and 120 to 150 Model A Fords at the rally for that make every 2 years.

Where else do we see similar numbers of any other group within the VCC? Post Vintage cars, or Post war or even 1960s or 1980-s? Where are the rallies for these with over 100 represented? Not the Vero rallies or the Easter Rallies, they are for all groups.


From discussions with other likeminded people over the weekend, they all say, this era of vehicles is still what many of us want. And you do not need a VIC to enter these Branch organised rallies, which many members will not get for their cars.

I had a great time, along with my son, 8-year-old grandson and daughter in law, who had never been on an event like this before. My son at aged 34 is going to join the VCC as he had so much fun. Where are all your sons and daughters?

I have given my son my 1936 Ford V8 car as he loves it so much. How many others are doing this rather than leave the car in a shed as it is supposedly worth a lot of money?

We will be back in 2025!! Bring on more events like this!!! (as I said earlier 80 likes!)

From our Committee Meeting on Wednesday. The finances of the Branch are looking healthy with the proceeds of the sale of surplus items having been banked.

There are extra security cameras being installed around the park organised by BHPA. The Vintage machinery group have applied to extend their engine shed by three bays.

We have three tilt-a-doors which were salvaged when the burnt shed was demolished. If anyone wants them, talk to a committee member. They are 2600 wide and 2800 high.

We also have forty chairs for sale after the sale of these fell through. Steel frames and wooden seats and backs. On sale at $1 each.

A working bee will be called very soon to tidy up around Harris Glade, to install some timber sleepers around the garden edging, trim some of the trees and shrubs, and trim some of the trees overhanging the bank behind the sheds. Please come and help when asked. The more people we have the shorter time it will take.

That’s it for this month, I am off to join in the Irishman rally at the end of May, along with another son and his family who will be my crew, but, only after we have changed the motor in my car which sadly has developed a rather noisy knock in the big end!!

Have a great month of Heritage Motoring.

Chris Bird

Further Delegates Report from March Executive meeting.

Since my report last month, we have received the “official” minutes of the March Executive meeting. They are very similar to the Presidents report posted last month. They are not a true and accurate report of the meeting and who said what.

The general info from reports is there, but most that does not tie in with the management committee’s agenda for change was left out. It has been pointed out to National Office that the NI Club Captains poll asking delegates if they would stand for regional delegate and they all said no, was left out. It came back that “we do not record every conversation” but they would be added as an amendment at the next meeting. Trivial comments can be left out of the minutes, but important points discussed should be included. The minutes record a list of issues being read out at the meeting. It does not record who by, and other delegates do not recall this happening. The issues were apparently the result of the March 2023 meeting but were not recorded in those minutes and were not distributed in any other way.

The presentation by Alan Thompsons, from the Wellington Branch was also missing. He pointed out that we only needed minor tweaks to the constitution to comply with the deadline set by the Incorporated societies, and that amendments could still be made after this date. There was no mention made of what would happen if the required vote of members of 75% failed. The Club would be left with little time to comply with the act. It would be much easier to get the required 75% if only small changes were made to the constitution.

It is a shame that the Management Committee felt the need to edit out views which differed from their own.

The Wellington Branch constitution sub committee has written to President George Kear, also sent to all Executive members, asking that the omissions and additions be addressed at the August Executive Meeting. They have also suggested solutions to the issues without thy need for major change.

Any further information required, please contact me.

Chris Bird


Update from Your Kitchen


Another month has whizzed by us, and again don't know where the days have gone.

April started off with some of us going to the Easter Rally in Nelson, had a great weekend. We had three functions for the month, 60th wedding anniversary, 70th birthday party and afternoon tea for the Rolls Royce club.

May is a quiet month with June the start of the ‘midwinter Christmas’ functions. If anyone would like to come along and help in the kitchen we would love to see you.

Our ‘Natter & Noggin’ is on Friday the 31st May. This is a Soup & Bun night no charge.

Cheers from the folks in the kitchen.

road riding North to Picton. We will meet there from 9am ready for a 10am start.

Motorcycle Report

Well, it had to happen sooner or later, we have towed the bike trailer from one end of Marlborough to the other without having to put it to use, this month it earned it’s keep but that was only one issue among many this month.

After riding twenty-seven happy untroubled miles to the park the Matchless failed to fire up, fortunately Steve was on hand and stepped up to kick the brute into life and kick it he did vigorously and with feeling, hope quickly turned to frustration followed by distain of all things Matchless so it was thrown on the trailer, the only upside was it loosened Steve’s leg muscles for what was to come.

The ride through to the Rai was uneventful for most of us apart for one rider who going up the hill out of Canvastown had the misfortune to be pulled over by one of New Zealand’s most dedicated police officers, if it had been for speeding he would have gleefully flashed the ticket to prove that a single cylinder thumper of ancient origins was capable of indeed actually reaching the speed limit and in this case surpassing it while going uphill but no, perhaps he was riding in a manner to endanger other road users and scaring the local cow population, nope he received a dressing down and a warning for traveling at 83 km an hour in a 90 km zone up hill on a single cylinder bike and he could hold traffic up.

This raised a couple of questions,

1. what am I to do with three bikes I own that aren’t capable of the open road speed limit. one of which has no speedo, and god forbid should Ben actually ride the C90 Honda step thru on the open road and 2, I look forward on my next drive around the Queen Charlotte track seeing the local constabulary in the interest of fairness pulling over all the cyclists travelling under the speed limit and holding traffic up. I’m yet to see one pull over and stop to allow traffic past, rant over.

Unfortunately, while having discussions on the road side his partner not seeing him behind her turned around rode past not seeing him hidden behind his new friend’s car and proceeded home looking for him, bugger.

Everyone else made it to the Rai and were enjoying lunch when the backup arrived, Steve set off to deal to


the Matchless and he did, with one kick it fired into life showing that bikes do have a sense of humour or a malicious streak.

After a quite lunch in the sun some of us left, with the matchy ticking over sweetly all Steve had to do was start the Norton and dear god, did he try and try and try.

With the concern of exhaustion setting in I suggested a push start before realising I was the only one left apart from Trevor and he wasn’t looking like stepping forward. My attempts at pushing a 490-pound Norton plus Steve around the Rai tavern carpark resulted in pops, bangs, backfires and complete physical breakdown on my part, fortunately my helmet was on and the panting, sweating and eye bulging went unseen. In desperation Steve gave one last kick and it fired and he got going while the going was good, ironically, he has a nice new shiny electric start conversion for it sitting on his bench at home.


I have received the following email from Paul asking us to be a part of the following event, several of us had a chat about it at the Rai and thought it would be a good cause to participate in it has fallen on our normal monthly ride weekend so will be the ride for this month.

Combined run with the Distinguished Gentleman’s ride 2024

I am the ride host for this year’s ride raising funds for research into Prostate Cancer and Men's Mental Health. It would be great to have your Marlborough Vintage Car Club/ Motorcycle section members along for the ride. The ride starts at NPD/ Springs Creek Dairy and Takeaway, 2238 State Hi Way 1 on the L side of the road riding North to Picton.

We will meet there from 9am ready for a 10am start. We are then heading to Blenheim after a 360 turn at Spring Creek roundabout.

We will do a tiki tour of Blenheim main Sts and then regroup at Fidelio Café at the railway station. After 30 mins we will head off to Renwick with a regroup short stop opposite The Runway Cafe. The finish of our ride is The Woodbourne Tavern, 80 High St Renwick at Approx 11.15 Max 30km.

The website for Registering and Donating (no Min $ set) is: The Distinguished Gentleman's ride / NZ. Then go to Blenheim ride.

We have a few Sponsors prizes which we will raffle off at The Woody so ask your riders to bring some cash.


Paul Knight


Any parts advertised for sale from the Parts Shed are able to be inspected Wed mornings.

Contact: Tris Winstanley

M: 0274440834

Chevrolet radiator badge selection.

Dodge car radiator surround, circa 1930/31, has a good badge.

Dodge light truck s/v engine circa 1953/4.

Essex four engine and rear axle assembly.

Ford Escort n.o.s. water pump. P. O. A.

Fordson E83W selection of parts.

Hudson 1929 parts, body panels and some mechanical.


An assorted selection of mid to late 20s Hupmobile mechanical parts

1934 to 1937 International light truck C1 ?, excellent chassis on powder coated wheels with new tyres, two engines, rear axle , two front axles, drive shaft, fuel tank, front fenders plus other sheet metal and woodwork for patterns, POA.

1930s Morris Minor Front axle with wheels and bumper

MGB 1.800 engines. One complete and turns over.

Mopar s/v head selection includes Chrysler and DD Dodge.

1930s Morris 10 or 12hp s/v engine P.O.A.

Mark 1 Ford Cortina and Escort mechanical parts, engines, gearboxes, rear axles

Wolseley 1250cc Engine

complete with after market cast aluminium tappet cov-

Set of four near new 15 inch cross ply tyres, suit EIP Vauxhall etc

Vintage era steel rear trunk

Cars For Sale

Ford Anglia 105e

Barn find in very good original order, but will need paint. Showing 65000 miles. Comes with another spare but damaged Anglia. This would be an easy restore,

Contact Rob Galloway 0211299133 / 03 5782395

Ad Ends May


Marlborough BRANCH


Patron:Trevor Harris 578 4142

Chair Person : Rob Galloway (Adelle)

Mobile 021 129 9133 578 2395

Club Captain : Cath Millar (Kevin)

Mobile 021 208 9166 579 1147

Secretary: Chris Bird Mobile: 027 247 1089

Treasurer: David Bool 579 4716


John Russell (Mary) 577 5087

Don Laing (Linda) 027 315 6227

Dale Nicholas 021 0265 7507

Bill Nicholas 027 578 4322

Jim McLean (Jean) 021 0257 3069

Gary Vercoe (Sue) 578 8570

Model ‘A’ & ‘T’ Custodian :

Kevin Millar (Catherine) 579 1147

Mini Custodian : Rob Galloway (Adelle) 578 2395

Motorcycle Section Rep (s)

Trevor Harris 578 4142

Glenn Harris (Paula) 577 6453


Ron Hebberd (Shirley) 575 7196

Ray Fairweather (Lyn ) 578 6841

Pat Pascoe 573 8964

Parts Custodians

Tris Winstanley (027 444 0834) 578 3343

Tiger Lyons (Eileen) 578 9139

John Russell (Mary) 577 5087

Earl Preston (Rose) 577 7839

Neville Grant (021 1957 709) 578 6747

Security - Mike Gray (Karen)

Mobile 0274 303 001 578 1435

Librarian: Barry Wilson (Margie) 578 1587


Museum Custodians

Mike Gray (Karen) 027 4303 001 578 1435

Bill Nicholas (Dale) 027 578 4322

Don Laing (Linda) 027 315 6227

Gary Vercoe (Sue) 578 8570

John Monson (Dot) 578 9044

Kevin Jackson (Helen) 573 6962

Keith Thoms (Chris) 020 4193 6671

Kitchen Custodian :

Grounds Administrator

Cath Millar (Kevin) 579 1147

John Russell (Mary) 577 5087

Jim McLean (Jean) 021 0257 3069

Beaded Wheels Scribe

Linda Laing (Don) 021 09054895


Linda Laing (Don) 021 09054895


Newsletter Editor

Chris de Wagt (Mac) 577 7238


Newsletter Distribution


Delegates to the Executive

Rob Galloway (Adelle) 578 2395

Observer: Chris Bird 027 247 1089

Brayshaw Park Admin Delegates

Don Laing (Linda) 027 315 6227

Gerry Roodakker (Jeannine) 5793001

Branch Spokesperson

Rob Galloway (Adelle) 578 2395

Clubrooms Phone : 578 0616

Dale Nicholas (Bill)
02657 507
Barry & Margie Wilson
1587 Health & Safety Officer Gary Vercoe
Next Month July Sunday 14 July - Snow Run to St Arnaud. Sunday 21 July - Prize Giving.

The Grapevine News

The body panels for Rae F’s 1904 Oldsmobile are in the paint shop. The panels for John P’s 1904 Oldsmobile are only a short step away from being ready for painting also. The smart bets are on both restorations being entered in the National Veteran rally we are hosting next year.

The ex-Dimock, Clunies-Ross, Chris Richards 1931 BSA B-31-2 is now owned by Mindy C, not sure which room in the house she has put it in. Older members may remember back about 30 years when the BSA was long term resident in our museum display.

Still on two wheels John R has acquired a 1962 Triumph T.A in need of lots of restoration and love.

Chairman Rob has scored a 1965 Vespa barn find which required two hours of restoration before it ran like a clock. That was the easy part. The number plate was missing. Rob has used all the ink out of two ball points pens filling out forms and is making appointments with certifiers, inspectors and JPs in Nelson and Marlborough trying to get it road legal.

Cam K’s collection is down by one, his son has taken away the rare, in NZ, 1952 Hudson Hornet. A Hudson Hornet averaged 112.68 mph on a two-way run over the salt flats and managed 132mph on a one-way run. Will we meet it on the road sometime in the future? Not at the speed, I hope.

From the Editor

Its been eleven years of Viewpoint issues in the A5 format you are used too. That’s 130 issues I have produced since taking on the Editor role, before this one. Time for a change?

I see many branches are changing to a more relaxed, magazine style for the newsletter and this month I have given it a shake-up, but I am not yet satisfied it’s the right layout, there may be some trial and error.

1. A4 printed with columns is cheaper to produce. We will compare costs with this issue.

2. Less pages so easier for Margy and Barry to fold and stamp

3. The print is clearer on a larger format.

That’s not to say this could be a one-off.

FEEDBACK negative or positive requested. Please pass on your comments to the committee or direct to me direct via email

If members want to stay with the old format that’s fine too, Make sure you have your say!

Regards Chris

Joke from Mac McKercher - needed to fill a gap so I could get this issue finished. Thanks Mac



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