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The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc. McLeans Island Swap meet. Austin 8 Van

Chairperson Report

It feels like summer is just around the corner after the last few days of lovely sunshine we have had, though looking at the forecast for the next few days it not set to last for long. The perfect weather for a long weekend. The only thing missing was my MG, unfortunately it’s not back on the road yet but I am sure it will be very soon.

I was having a conversation the other day at work about how many weeks left till Christmas and while having this conversation I realised how busy the next 2 months leading up to Christmas will be with a lot of Vintage Car Club events on. This coming weekend we have our Tea pot rally with Waimate, then the following weekend I am going down to Dunedin for the Taieri Tour. Then I have a free weekend so far before our swap meet on the 19th of November. Looking at December the theme continues. It is great to see how busy our branch is going to over the next few months, especially when you think back to the previous 2 years of not being able to hold events due to lockdowns or covid restrictions.

Plans are fully underway for our Windsor Rally this year taking place on the 3rd December. We will require help on the day with marshalling the cars at the starting venue, help with a check point and with field tests at the lunch venue. If you can help, please contact either myself or Wendy Pringle.

I look forward to seeing you all at our upcoming events, please check the Calendar further on in the Distributor for more information.

Secretary’s Corner – November

Hi Everyone

New Members

As previously reported we welcomed new members James and son Elliot MacKenzie, Ted Rendell and Pauline and Ivan Jeffs. The Monday Morning Cuppa seemed to be a good time to hand these members their branch Welcome letters and name badges. Ivan and Pauline had their badges and welcome letter delivered to Ivan at work.

Ted, Lindsay McLeod and James, with Clive Blunden doing a photo bomb!

Federation of Motoring Clubs Newsletter September 2022

Chris Butler Secretary NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs has sent us the latest newsletter.

Of particular note is the article “Minister of Transport commits to maintaining supplies of compatible fuels for classic vehicles.” It certainly is an interesting read. There are also several other articles of interest to us as owners of older vehicles, looking into the future. The best way to be able to read this material is to click on this link which will take you directly to the newsletter on the Federation of Motoring website. Just remember to hold down the control key (CTRL) at the same time as clicking the link.

Club Hosting Morning Tea 4th December

We will be hosting morning tea at the Clubrooms for VCC members on their way to Dunedin to take part in the 50th Taieri Tour. They will overnight in Oamaru, come up to us for a cuppa, (no food required) then head off. Please come up to welcome them and join in for a yarn. Our Chairperson Rebecca will be participating in the 50th event so we look forward to hearing about it at our Christmas BBQ on the 11th December.

An Action Packed Working Bee

It was all go recently as an enthusiastic team got stuck in to lay a concrete pad. John Law has given the club a tyre changer which needs a solid base to be anchored to. Setting up the tyre changer will begin a chain of actions towards getting the section ready for a new container. The many tyres lying on the section are mostly still on their rims, so once set up, with rims off, a good sort out of what can be kept and what can go to the scrappy will be a welcome step to free up ground and bring in funds towards the overall project.

John has also loaned the club a ride on mower which, along with the club's own petrol mower, will make keeping the lawn tidier much easier.

Here is Charlie blatting round the lawns at breakneck speed doing a sterling job.

October Club Night

On Wednesday 5th October, the day spring forgot to sprung, 11 hardy souls made their way to Jim Carlson's Firearm collection. The weather outdoors was soon forgotten. The size and presentation was impressive. The collection was started by Jim's father who had a special interest in shotguns, some had three barrels!

Jims interest is in rifles and he has accumulated a great range of weapons from limited production to very old, military, hunting and handguns as well as memorabilia. Jim shared his knowledge in an entertaining way. As is often the way in this modern world, red tape has an effect, and security is another problem, so thank you Jim for your persistence and for sharing your collection and experience to us as we appreciated it. Gordon Hay.

Misadventures of an old Restorer.

I like popping into the club rooms on Monday mornings to have chat and a coffee, in fact I like it more than club nights, its spontaneous and unorganized, just like me! But having said that, a lot of work does get done on Mondays, last week the tyre removal machine was concreted into place.

About two weeks ago whilst I was there, I was asked how the fire repairs were progressing on my Vauxhall/Bedford Pickup, I told them that I could not get any oil pressure, the immediate answer was, "did you remember to put the sump plug back in?' and " have you put enough oil in it?" and a few more not worth repeating, needless to say the room was full of laughter. It was suggested that I double check everything that I took apart.

This week when I went to morning coffee at the club rooms, I was asked if I had sorted the oil pressure problem, and if so, what had caused it, I told them that I had solved the problem, and the cause was ignorance and misadventure on my part, the distributor was not in far enough, a dog on the bottom of the distributor drives the oil pump, it's only an 1/8th of an inch between driving the oil pump and not.

Rebuilding old vehicles is one huge learning curve, as there is no manual that you can refer to, it's like the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again" along with good advice which I always get on Mondays???

The engine is now running great, with 35psi on tick over, next is the respray of the bonnet.

Watch this space!

All the best, Clive.






at 2.00pm and

at approximately 3.00pm for

The rally will commence at the club rooms at 9.30am for rider registration and morning tea. There will be a rider brief at 10.30 and the ride will commence at
The ride will cover
80Km and will stop at a local watering hole for lunch. The afternoon ride will start
will cover approximately 60Km and return to the club rooms
afternoon tea. There will be a backup vehicle available for both rides. Entrants Name Entrants Address Make of Bike Year and Model Contact Details Phone No: Mobile: Email: VCC Membership Number Number Total Entry Fee $10.00 Per Motorcycle $ Lunch Cost $30.00 Per Person (includes choices and 1 drink) $ Total Cost $ Entry forms can be mail OR Emailed to: Peter Bland 2488 Waimate Hwy RD10 Waimate or Terms & Conditions: The final date entry forms will be accepted is Wednesday 11th January - no late entries will be accepted. When paying by Internet Banking please note your Name & Kickstart Rally in the reference boxes. Our Bank account number is: 02-0892-0037123-002 For any further information please contact Peter Bland on 0276443824

Teapot Rally Sunday 30th October

Departing the clubrooms at 10.30 am on a pre-planned route to Morven Domain to meet up around 11.30 with Waimate club members for a picnic lunch. A back up plan is in place if wet.

Following lunch a further pre-planned run will take us back to the Waimate clubrooms for afternoon tea.

Contact Rebecca 021 293 7714 if you have any questions.


Vintage Years North Otago Branch History

Excerpt pages 62 to 63


1962 was Centennial Year in Oamaru and members’ cars were used on a number of occasions to celebrate this event. On December 22nd twenty Veteran and Vintage cars led by the late Alex Shadbolt’s 1901 Northern, and with the participants dressed in period costume, participated in the North Otago Centennial Cavalcade of Transport Procession.

From 1966 to 1994 North Otago Branch of VCC of NZ (Inc.) regularly supported the Floral Festival Processions. In 1966 cars belonging to J. O’Brien, R. Murray, A. Johnston and D. Keech took part.

In 1972 Rex Murray’s Studebaker was used to tow Haywright’s Float. All VCC vehicles drove in these processions and often the Vintage Vehicles were decorated as well. Margaret O’Brien was very good at decorating vintage vehicles and floats. The most memorable year was 1982 when Judith Bringans was a Princess on the NOVCC Float. The theme was 100 Years of Motoring and 100 Years of Frozen Meat. Yellow on a green background were the chosen colours and paper flowers were made in J. Boaden’s workshop. Tussocks from T. Stephen’s farm were on the side of the trailer which was dressed at J. Stanley’s place. Colin Winter’s 1900 Wolseley (from Dunedin) was used, Judith wore an “elegant dress of 100 years ago” and the float won third place. There were fifteen princesses, forty six floats and five bands in the procession that year. NOVCC raffled a sewing machine to raise money towards the cost of sponsoring a princess.

In 1975 members took part in a Jaycee procession in September and then members were heavily involved in Celebrating 75 Years of Motoring in North Otago. This event ran from 11th to 19th October with a Cavalcade of Motoring Progress Procession held on Saturday 18th October and a large number of members’ vehicles took part in the parade.

In 1987 NOVCC members’ vehicles took part in the Heritage Parade to Friendly Bay where vehicles were part of a static display. This was held on 7th November and was part of Heritage Week.

Christmas Parade Nov 28th 1992 was reported in The Distributor” After a multitude of phone calls, arm twisting's and then more phone calls, the day finally arrived. Perfect weather for a parade. Approximately 18 vehicles (including 3 motorcycles and a nearing completion commercial) represented the club. A great turn out ranging from veterans right through to P. W. V. The crowd poured many a positive comment on our showing in the parade, and the display that followed in Tyne Street. In my opinion a most successful day and extremely good public relations for the club. A minibus load of elderly citizens were given a ride in three or four of our cars, through the parade. Kathleen Perry arranged this and we are grateful for the time given by her. My thanks must go to all who attended and helped on the day. I appreciate what a busy time of the year it is. My special thanks to the member who provided four vehicles and built the sign frame. Thanks Jim.” Written by Stephen Hinds.

In The Distributor of April 1994 it was reported that a VCC float was decorated with hydrangeas at Boaden’s workshop on a wet Friday evening. The weather was fine for the Floral Festival Procession but “without the cars, marching girls and bands it would have been a very small procession”.

1997 nine members again took part in the Waitaki Power Heritage Celebrations Cavalcade Procession. Members’ again provided vehicles for the North Otago Highland Pipe Band Centennial Procession in 2001.

In 2006 NOVCC members were again invited to take part in the Heritage Week Parade. Twelve cars and two motorcycles took part in 2008 when the theme was ‘Victorian Wheels’. Branch members continue to take part in the annual parade.

From 2007 to 2010 entrants participating in Windsor Rally were given the opportunity to take part in the annual Christmas Parade.

Editor:- Interesting to read of Past Parades. Note. Formatting has been changed to accommodate Distributor layout.

Currently we are looking for Veteran or Vintage cars for the Heritage Parade on the 19th November, and any vehicles or motorbikes 30 years or older for the Christmas Parade on the 26th November.

Please contact Lee on 027 695 66 44 if you are interested in participating in either of these events. It is a great opportunity to show what we are about and reinforce the message that vehicles 30 years and over are eligible.

The A & P Show in February is celebrating its 150th Anniversary. We will have our own parade of vehicles, so no issues regarding clutches or overheating as we can determine our own speed. Members will be encouraged to dress in the era of their vehicles to add atmosphere to the occasion. Terry Kent has agreed to be our compare. A small description is really helpful to those in the crowd guessing what each vehicle is.

J O'Brien's Rugby leads the cars From Left G Lynch-Blosse, N Paisley, B McLeod J Boaden's truck with VCC Logo Judith Bringans, Princess 1982, on 1900 Wolseley 3rd Place.

Santa Parade

th November 11am

If you want to join the Christmas Parade just turn up in your 30 year old plus car, we (VCC and Hot Rod vehicles) are to line up on the left hand side of Usk Street from 10.15 onwards. From there Organiser Anton will direct us. We are first to head off and can go a little faster than walking speed so we don’t have problems with hot engines or tired clutches.

The parade will make its way down Thames Street to the railway line. Once there, turn left into Itchen Street then into Humber Street to either park up and walk back to see the parade or head off. No water pistols or lolly throwing is permitted, however, people can walk along side a car handing out lollies. Anton is keen to see as many of our cars as possible and a bit of tinsel and Santa Hats here and there would add to the occasion. See you there! Lee & Rebecca

Program for November Club Night –

John Bringan’s Workshop

Meet at the clubrooms at 6.45 to car pool to help with parking, leaving at 7pm. John’s Workshop is on Tutu Hill Road which runs between Parsons Road and Essex Street.

We will return to our clubrooms for supper.




A & P Showgrounds Ettrick St OAMARU

Public Entry from 8am - $5 per adult Children under 15 FREE Hot Food and Coffee available

Enter your Vintage, Classic Car or Hot Rod in the Show & Shine

Site Holders entry from 7am - $15 including 1 free entry

All inquiries to The Secretary, or Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

There has been some discussion about members wanting to sell some of their accumulation of ‘spares’. If there is enough interest a joint site ($15), could be shared alongside the Club’s own sites. Contact Clive Blunden on 021 184 2435 or email

Special One Off Project for someone please!

Running the Christmas Raffle

The committee discussed whether to have a Christmas Raffle this year as was done in 2019 and 2020. Tickets were sold at all three supermarkets, the Swap Meet, and Windsor Rally and within our membership, which has raised between $800 and $1,000.

The task would be to purchase a laundry basket, collect items from members, book selling days at each of the Supermarkets, and arrange assistance to help sell tickets. We have small notebooks as ticket books and material to promote the club. Selling at the Swap Meet is from the Admin tent and Windsor Rally is alongside the Windsor Rally own raffle which will be drawn on the day. The Christmas Raffle would be drawn on 11th December at the Christmas BBQ. If you would like to pick up this task which is just for a few weeks, or would like to know more before making a decision, please contact Lee on 027 695 66 44.

Next Tea/Coffee Run

Thursday 19th November

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm Receive route instructions to leave at 1.30

Destination will be Odette’s private open garden at Morven which serves Devonshire Teas.

Note Change of day to THURSDAY

October Run

A run through Weston, Cormacks-Kai Ora Rd, Round Hill Rd, through Gemmells Crossing and down the Kakanui Valley Rd on to Maheno was another pleasant jaunt. Afternoon tea was enjoyed by all at Maheno Tavern who had opened early for our group. This was much appreciated as many destinations are currently only open Thursday through to Sunday. Great to see classic cars not seen for a while, getting an airing. Many thanks to John Gale for again arranging an outing, very much enjoyed by all.

Month End

Motorcycle Run

Wednesday 30th November

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm to leave at 1.30. Route and destination will be decided on the day.


For more information on any event listed, please contact Lee on 027 695 66 44 or email

If any member has a rally they wish to have included here please don’t hesitate to send material through to me. Communication between members and branches is essential to provide new opportunities to participate in events.

Car Show at Kurow. ‘Show us your toys’ Racecourse. 29th October

South Canterbury All American Day - 13th November 2022

This years All American will be a one day event only format with a short display at Caroline Bay North Car Park between 11027 378 6149am and 12.30pm followed by a cruise, all on sealed roads to a mystery destination. Entry fee is $10 per vehicle payable at Caroline Bay plus $5 per person payable at the destination – half normal price. Eftpos available. Enquiries to Grant

Combined Rally – Cromwell 19th & 20th November 2022 Combined Rally based around Central Otago on the above dates. Entry closes 4th Nov.

South Waikato Branch is running its 2022 T.T.T. Rally Sunday 27th November. Please contact South Waikato Branch directly with any queries or entries on

Southland Branch 56th Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally to be held on the 12th and 13th November 2022. Entries Close on Thursday 27th October 2022. Ring 027 695 66 44 or email me for more details and an entry form.

Southland Branch Commercial Rally Saturday 5th November. Entries Close on Thursday 27th October 2022. As above ring or email me for more information and an entry form.

Taupo International Motorsport Park Historic Grand Prix

21st and 22nd January 2023

The Historic Grand Prix is New Zealand’s leading classic race meeting and will feature eight different race categories in 24 races over the two days. Formula 5000, Historic Formula Ford/Formula Junior & Invited Historic single-seaters, Historic Muscle & Saloon Cars, Historic Sports Sedans & Invited Allcomers, TRANZAM, Heritage Touring Cars, Formula Open NZ and Vintage Car Club Pre-1965 Saloons & Sports cars.

Please address any enquiries to Tim Hill, Operations Manager, Historic Racing Club Inc HRC Events Ltd 44 Stoddard Road (Rear of Building), Mt Roskill, Auckland Office: 09 629 4438 Mob: 021 614600

‘Other Events’ Notice

Calendar of Events Club Events








Tea at the Clubrooms for Chch members on their way to 50th Taieri Tour

Swap Meet


of Month Motorcycle Run

Windsor Rally

Night deferred to 11th

Christmas run and BBQ

Fish n Chip Lunch run to Moeraki

British Day

North Otago A & P Show Parade

Wee Wheelie Wander

Gerald Lynch-Blosse Memorial Motorcycle Rally

Regional Events

Taieri Tour

Safari Weekend

Car Show & Run

American Weekend

Motorcycle Rally Waimate

Rally – Host Southland




- Invercargill

made to keep these dates as accurate

at the time of printing. However, check with the

or Secretary to confirm any particular event of interest or for entry forms.

th November - Friday Morning
th November - Thursday Mid-month Run 19th November – Saturday
26th November - Saturday Christmas
30th November - Wednesday End
3rd December - Saturday
th December - Wednesday Club
11th December – Sunday Afternoon
3rd week in January Date TBC
th February 2023 - Saturday All
th February 2023 - Saturday
th March 2023 - Sunday
15 April 2023 - Saturday
National and
th - 6th November 50th
4th - 6th November South Canterbury
5 November Kaitangata
13th November South Canterbury All
26th November South Canterbury Vintage/Veteran/Commercial
21st January 2023 Kick Start
3rd - 6th February National Motorcycle
8th - 12th February Burt
effort has been
as possible

For Sale/ Wanted ads

Keep those ads coming. Remember these ads are read by members of other branches and car clubs.

Parts Department

Normal Monday morning opening for parts has resumed

Open Mondays 10 – 12noon

Starts with a Cuppa.

For Sale

Wolseley 15/50 parts including two 1500cc BMC motors, gearboxes and diffs, suspension and steering parts. Some body panels for these in reasonable condition.

Selection of Hillman Avenger-Hunter lights Ford Falcon EA exhaust manifolds

Morris 1000, Chevy, Vauxhall parts as well as an assortment of oil filters Good selection of body panels, mud guards and bonnets for various models.

Contact Ernest or Derek if you are looking for something in particular.

Selling on behalf

Ford Model A diff and front axle assembly

Enquiries call

Ernest George 027 209 0609

Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

Parts Shed November 2022

Hi Everyone. Spring is now well and truly here, our new plantings have blossomed and the grass has been cut.

While spares sales have been fairly slow we have taken advantage of this to get the tyre machine pad poured and will get the large stack of old tyres off their rims and disposed of.

The parts shed is open on Monday morning 10am – 12noon. Always starts with a cuppa and a chat, all welcome and if you need parts to keep that vehicle going we can help there as well.

For Sale

Selection of Hillman Avenger-Hunter lights Ford Falcon EA exhaust manifolds Morris 1000, Chevy, Vauxhall parts as well as an assortment of oil filters

Good selection of body panels, mud guards and bonnets for various models. Triumph 2000 MK11 motor and gearbox, Wolseley 10hp Motor in excellent order as well as various other motors, gear boxes and other parts.

While Wayne Croft has recently joined the parts team, Ernest has decided to step back for a few months so if you are looking for something in particular contact Derek or Wayne.

Enquiries call Derek Brehaut 021 390 518 Wayne Croft 027 608 0002



Chairman Rebecca George 021 293 7714 Vice

Vacant Club


Secretary Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 66 44

Treasurer John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112

Committee Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

John Law (Colleen) 027 226 0963

Geoff Ellis (Daphne 021 115 8044 Gordon Hay (Joy) 03 434 5754

Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729

Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526

Beaded Wheels Scribe Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

Custodian Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644

Librarian Robert Hutton (Mandy) 03 437 0774

Archivist Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226


Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 03 434 8285 027 293 1059

Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609 Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518

Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570 Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306

Spare Parts
Vehicle Verifiers
Club email address Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome. Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)
McLeans Island Swap meet. Renault club cars

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