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The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

Chairperson report

April was certainly a very short month, for me it was as I was lucky enough to have to extra long weekends. At Easter I flew up to Palmerston North to spend time with my sister and her family and then this weekend I was given the Monday off work before Anzac Day create another long weekend. Now I have to wait till June to have a long weekend. Oh, the joys/struggles of working full time.

It was great to get the MG out for our Gold Run, a beautiful sunny morning perfect day for motoring in my MG with the hood down, though once we got up past Duntroon the wind was very strong and I was soon reaching for my warm jacket to put on. I was certainly enjoying the views as I was driving along until just before Kurow my phone went. My parents called to say they had broken down so I did a quick U turn and back down the road I went till I found them on the side of the road just north of Duntroon. Unfortunately, that was the end of the run for me as we then had to go back to Oamaru to get the car and Trailer so we could bring home the Chrysler. Good thing we had a picnic with us and was still able to enjoy a Sunday picnic just on the side of the road not beside the lake as planned. I’m sure those who made it all the way up the Valley and along the lake would of enjoyed the views and the Autumn colours.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Lee Brehaut for her hard work over the last year and a bit in the role of Secretary. Thank you for all your help and support you have given to myself and the committee over this time. You will be missed as Secretary. Enjoy your 3 months holiday in Australia with Derek, we look forward to hear your stories once you are back.

A reminder our AGM is on 11th June 2023 at 1.30 pm. This year we are needing a new Chairman and a new Secretary. Plus we also have Vice Chairman and Club Captain vacant as well. It would be great if we could have a full committee again for the coming year. If you would like to discuss any of these roles then please do give me a call or speak to any of the current committee members.

Happy Motoring


Secretary’s Corner

Hi Everyone

New Member

Welcome to Murray Hayes. Murray was a rider in our recent Gerald LynchBlosse Rally and came away with the overall winner of the day!

For Sale

We have received information about the following three vehicles located in Wellsford.

A 1936 Chevrolet Saloon, a 1973 Morris Pickup, and a 1950 Citroen Lite.

They are soon to be listed on Trademe. Contact either Rebecca on 021 293 7714 to have the information forwarded to you or the seller Felicity Heaven on 027 687 2718.

Its the AGM in June. Sadly, Rebecca is retiring as Chairperson and also Lee is retiring as secretary, so we need someone to step up and serve their club.

I am told that the club cannot operate without a chairperson.

Surely out of over 120 members there's someone out there willing to throw their hat into the ring, I am thinking of trying for chairperson myself, that's if I'm not considered too old!!

All the best, Clive

3rd May Club Night Programme

We are away for a visit to Top Flight at the Mitchell’s Rosedale property on Airedale Road Weston

In 1871 the rich soil around Oamaru was identified as ideal for cropping by an ancestor Henry Mitchell, who committed to natural methods of growing. This approach continues today. The Mitchell and Webster families story began in 1974 when the first sunflower seeds were planted on the Rosedale farm. Now, many more hectares of seeds are planted each year for aviary and wild birds, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. The company has grown and is now involved in supporting many conservation and community projects nationally, regionally and locally. An interesting visit ahead, followed by supper at the clubrooms. Please bring a plate.

We will meet at the clubrooms at 7pm to leave at 7.15 pm.


Sunday 11th June 1.30 pm at the clubrooms

Please bring a plate

Nomination forms have been included in the email with Distributor, so get cracking and talk to people who may be willing to take on a role or be on the committee.

Gerald Lynch-Blosse Memorial Motorcycle Rally 2023

How is this for just getting on with life! Bill Veitch (left) at age 84 and still riding in motorcycle rallies, enjoying a yarn and cuppa with Kevin Mason before heading away.

It was certainly a memorial day for the Weir family as Ralph’s daughter Rose riding the 1936 Velocette, grandson Harrison on a 350 BSA, and son Harvey on a 1959 650 BSA, joined the rally along with entrants from Kaikoura to Te Anau, and between and with our local members.

On the rally the oldest bike was a 1924 Harley and the most modern a 1991 BMW. One of the oldest riders, having recently broken his ankle was relieved to get shot of his moon boot on Thursday so he could more easily manage changing gears! Yes, he was a bit sore, but very elated that he had completed the ride. Determination or was it sheer willpower and bloodymindedness that got him through! Well done Mac!

The “ladies” in the kitchen had an enjoyable time with plenty of laughs, and cheek from one in particular. Thanks for your help Gilbert.☺

New member Murray Hayes was overall winner on the day. Well done Murray!

Once again Robert Hutton and wife Mandy put together an excellent rally and one several members said they kept retuning to from far and away.

Trevor Chalmers Dunedin unloading his Norton

From ODT Archives - 100 Years Ago

Joyriders blight Christchurch

Joy-riding with cars taken without authority from parking places in the city is a form of illicit pleasure that is on the increase (remarks the Christchurch Sun). The police are receiving many complaints from owners of cars, whose machines have been taken and subsequently found in some back street with very little petrol in the tank. A new phase of trouble is that even the locking of the car does not always ensure their being left when owners return.

Editor: what has changed?

Bourbon ruse goes awry

The humours of prohibition in the Unites States have been illustrated by the widespread sympathy extended to one of the best known and richest of American newspaper proprietors, who recently arranged for the purchase of 200 gallons of the finest Bourbon whiskey. To facilitate getting his cargo home, he bought a brand-new petrol lorry bearing the emblem of the Standard Oil company. Into this was poured the precious fluid, which, in its brightly painted tank, arrived at the country estate of the purchaser shortly before midnight.

Owning to the late hour, he instructed the driver to back the lorry into his garage, which he locked, with the intention of having the whiskey put in casks and placed in his cellar the following day. Unfortunately, the newspaper owner failed to take account of the zeal of a young mechanic he had recently engaged. At 7 o’clock in the morning the mechanic entered the garage and seeing the Standard Oil lorry, piped the whole of its contents, to the value of £2000, in to his employer’s large underground petrol tank where it rendered valueless 60 gallons of expensive petrol. Editor;- now wouldn’t that cause a bit of emotional trauma!

SIMU discusses mirrors

At the meeting of the executive of the South Island Motor Union, held in Christchurch on Thursday evening last, at which Mr H Halliday represented Dunedin, several important matters were considered.

“I can give you an instance of the necessity for mirrors” said Mr Halliday. “I was driving behind a loaded motor wagon the other day. It was in the middle of the road when I sounded my horn, for the driver could not hear me, let alone see me. I drew alongside the waggon and as I was about to pass on my proper side, the wagon swung over to its left side, with the result that I was forced into the ditch, and broke a spring. If that waggon had been equipped with a mirror the driver would have known that I was behind”.

Calendar of Events

May 2023

Club Events

3rd May - Wednesday Club night

17th May - Wednesday Committee Meeting

18th May - Thursday Mid-month Coffee Run

31st May - Wednesday End of month Motorcycle Run

7th June - Wednesday Club night

11th June – Sunday Annual General Meeting 1.30pm

21st June- Wednesday Committee Meeting

Check our Other Events Notice Board for information which has been sent through from other branches about their various activities. Also Beaded Wheels is a good source to check out other regional events you may be interested in attending.

Note:-Every effort has been made to keep these dates as accurate as possible at the time of printing. However, check with the Chairperson or Secretary to confirm any particular event of interest or for entry forms.

‘Other Events’ Notice Board - May

For more information on any event listed, please contact Rebecca on 021 293or 7714 or email

Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains Classic Car Run 30th April 2023

The event will start from the Ashburton Showgrounds at 10.30am and finish near Peel Forest approximately 1 hour later. Registrations from For any further information please contact: Owen Moore – 033083442

West Coast Branch is holding its


2023 Rosco Sporting Trials on 18th June 2023

8.30am for vehicle inspection and briefing

9.30 am Competition begins

12.30 lunch

1.15pm afternoon competitions begin

3.00pm approx competition finishes followed by prize giving at Rosco’s workshop

Further information which includes overview, eligibility, classes, rules and regulations, venue & directions, and indemnity forms will be issued on request or on receipt of entry form. Contact Rebecca for an entry form which needs to be received no later than 12th June 2023

At the time of printing, no other rallies have been advised from other branches this month. Check Beaded Wheels if you think something has been missed.

Mid-Month Winter

Coffee Run

Thursday 18th May

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm


Contact John Gale on 03 437 1112 if you need to know more.

Our first Winter Coffee Run was a jaunt out to the Five Forks area via a route given to us by John, returning via The Fort at Enfield for a welcome hot drink and a yarn. Great atmosphere there and plenty of cheeky banter among friends. Thanks John and Jo.

Month End Motorcycle Run

Wednesday 31st May

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm to leave at 1.30. Weather permitting!

The route and destination will be decided on the day. Ring John Gale 03 437 1112 if you need to check on anything.

Rover 220 Project

I have bought a 1996 Rover 220 Coupe (also known as Rover Tomcat) and these vehicles are nearly at the 30 year inclusion so I thought I would go over the repairs I have done. The Tomcat when released was the fastest Rover to date despite only 4 cylinders. 150mph and 0-60 in 5.8sec

It achieved this with the T series engine and was an evolution of the B series but with 2.0 litre, twin cam, 16 valves, Fuel injection with Rover’s MEMS computer and a Garrett G23 Turbocharger. 200Bhp. (Aparently MGBs go quite well with them fitted)

Rusty fuel tank

This is something I have had to deal with with most of my fleet over the years.

The latest project is no exeption. No fuel coming from the fuel pump. This is an in tank pump so tank removal required. Fortunately a relatively easy job.

That crusty foot like thing is the fuel filter. The pump was dead but Banks managed to find a replacement pump and filter.

The sender gauge was full of silt too so gently flushed that out.

The top of the tank had a couple of small rust holes so soldered up by Oamaru Exhaust.

To prevent ongoing issues and eliminate the rust I used the POR 15 tank repair kit.

Next month It has a computer! Pre ODB2 so how to talk to it?

POR 15 tank repair kit

I got this from Frontstore Oamaru ~$200

Stage 1 Degreasing. Use supplied degreasing fluid with warm water and agitate the tank. The drained liquid looked like beer. This gets rid of fuel residue and silt.

Rinse with water and allow to dry.

Stage 2 Rust neutraliser and surface preparation. Pour in solution and rotate tank for even coverage. Takes 30min or more if required but don’t allow to dry out.

Rinse and wash thoroughly with water. The tank must be completely dry after this step before using sealer.

Stage 3 Pour Sealer in to tank. A silver paint that is resistant to all fuel types when cured. The tank will need to be rotated, gyrated and flipped to get the interior surfaces completely covered. Use compressed air to blow out small breathers in the tank so they are not blocked. It took me about an hour before I was satisfied all the interior was coated. Drain as much of the paint out as possible. It now takes about 4 days to cure. Place in warm dry spot.

The kit will do one med to large tank such as Rover but one kit did the Austin 8 and Allegro.

Tank interior

Thanks, Graeme

Newsletter submissions.
are Open-office, Libre-office or MS Word as an attached document. Plain emails create extra work. Please, no “enter” key at the end of every line. Contact me for advice if not sure.
for the Newsletter can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka lane, off Saleyards Road Or emailed to



Club email address

Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome. Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)

Chairman Rebecca George 021 293 7714 Vice Chairman Vacant Club Captain Vacant Secretary Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 66 44 Treasurer John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112 Committee Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207 John Law (Colleen) 027 226 0963 Geoff Ellis (Daphne 021 115 8044 Gordon Hay (Joy) 028 400 7586 Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729 Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526 Beaded Wheels Scribe Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207 Custodian Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644 Librarian Robert Hutton (Mandy) 03 437 0774 Archivist Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226 Newsletter Editor Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 027 293 1059 Spare Parts Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609 Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518 Vehicle Verifiers Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570 Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306
Omaka Airshow Easter 2023

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