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Otago Branch
The North
of the Vintage Car Club
New Zealand Inc.

Chairperson Report

Daylight saving, the time of year when we put our clocks forward an hour to be able to enjoy longer evenings over the summer. Though I do enjoy the benefits of daylight saving it certainly takes a week for the body to get used to it.

In preparation for a summer full of motoring in my MG, I took it to the garage for a WOF. Well, the sad news is it didn’t pass. Hopefully the repairs are not as scary as they look on a piece of paper and the MG will be back on the road before Teapot Rally at the end of this month. Fingers crossed

I enjoyed over the last few weeks planning the Opening Run, it had been a while since I have helped with planning a route so certainly was a bit rusty at it. I was very lucky to have 2 experts who came along to check the route with me, My Dad, and my dog Mr Darcy. I will say one expert was more helpful than the other, Thank You Dad. The other expert was more concerned about not missing out on a ride in the car.

We have a busy month ahead of us with a visit to a gun collection planned for our club night, a mid-week run, an end of month run for the motor bikes, plus we have our annual Teapot rally with Waimate Branch. Full details on these events can be found on the following pages. Make sure you put the dates in your diary and come along.

Secretary’s Corner – October Hi Everyone

New Members

A very warm welcome to Ivan and Pauline Jeffs with their Ford and Zephyr, Ted Rendell who purchased a Rover from Jimmy Boaden before he shifted to Waimate. And James and son Elliot MacKenzie who as a family have a 1952 Morris Minor, a 1960s Triumph Herald, a 1982 Mitubishi Sigma, and a 1989 Hyundai Stellar Prima. It is very encouraging to see these more recent vehicles join the club. And even better, new younger members.


We also have Grant Ward in the process of transferring from Central Otago branch. Welcome Grant.

Hot Rodders Visit

In lieu of not having a Club Captain Report, I thought you would like to know that we were approached at late notice by the Hot Rodders Club next door to see if we would like to open up our clubrooms the following day. The club nationally was running a Bluff to Kaitia run, calling in on their clubs along the way. Gilbert was available to open up and received many visitors. While expecting the participants to visit the precinct, instead, many came up to Stoke Street and access to extra toilets was a bonus. Gilbert was happy to receive many positive comments about our clubrooms. Lark and Stoke Streets filled with Hot Rod vehicles would have been a pretty impressive sight. Thanks Gilbert for being available at short notice. A good opportunity to promote ourselves and support our car club neighbours.

New library acquisition

In view of a budget passed at the AGM to purchase books for the library, a copy of the 60 Years of History of the Otago Branch was purchased at the VCC stand at the 2022 Dunedin Autospectacular. Personally signed by the author no less! It is now available for members to enjoy. I am sure there will be a number of familiar names and events mentioned where our members have participated. Remember to sign it out in the Library Book Loan Record book or just enjoy a flick through in the library.

Daffodil Rally

Our Report to Kaaren Smylie, VCC North Island Club Captain, and Organiser of Daffodil Rally

Total funds raised yesterday by North Otago were $678. We had 43 cars on the run and a wonderful display of vehicles (one for each class) at the clubrooms, where the run ended. I am sure the display of vehicles encouraged many to stop in for a sausage and a drink and have a look at the cars and our upgraded clubrooms. We are feeling very happy with our hard work both in funds raised and promotion of the club.

Kaaren’s reply

“That is a tremendous result Lee, well done to you and the Team”. Cheers

Kaaren Smylie


If there is anything in particular you would like to see in your Distributor newsletter, please let me know. Contributions from Members are always very welcome. Whether it be an item of interest, an event or website you wish to share, or an item such as you would see in a Mail Bag section. Bouquets or Brickbats are all accepted as long as they are written with respect to all concerned.

Next Tea/Coffee Run

Wednesday 19th October

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm

Receive route instructions to leave at 1.30

Destination will be a Tea/Coffee Shop ‘somewhere’!

September’s Run

It was a lovely spring day for the run to Duntroon for the approx. 30 people who took part. Several different routes were chosen, and we decided to go via Pukeuri. Spring was certainly in the air with the calves and lambs in the paddocks, and the golden strings of daffodils along roadside fence lines.

On arrival at the Duntroon Hotel, we were followed by about 8 vintage cars - a Pontiac, 3 motor bikes, a little yellow truck, a Hillman Imp, a Mustang, a Wolseley 25, a Capri, a Triumph, and several others. The Schaffer Rover refused to start on the day, so we had to resort to the Honda! Afternoon tea was enjoyed by all, and thanks to the staff for providing lovely cakes and muffins for us.

Many thanks also to John Gale for again arranging a great outing, very much enjoyed by all.

Month End Motorcycle Run

Wednesday 26th October

Turn up at the clubrooms about 1pm to leave at 1.30. Route and destination will be decided on the day.

50 Vintage Years North Otago Branch History

THAT WORD ‘VINTAGE’ By Margaret O’Brien

The year was 1960, we had built and moved into our new home at Deborah. Our first son was a year old and the family car a posh 1937 Chevrolet. John was managing the new Wrecking Coy, and I began to notice guys standing around admiring these heaps of junk. Then a new word appeared in the mealtime conversation ‘Vintage Car’. An advertisement was put in the paper, and two of the first to answer were Rex and Keith Murray. The Club was formed, and for the next twelve years the monthly was THE night out for the men. Tea had to be on time, and NOTHING stopped the attendance at these Natter & Noggins. We took off to Geraldine with Alf Graham to buy the 1923 Rugby. I could not believe it would ever go when I saw it. So, John became the proud owner of the namesake of his favourite sport. Bill Mitchell bought the Hup from John which had been owned by the late Merv Maynard.

The first outing was at Kenny McLeod’s paddock at Deborah and I still could not understand why they were all going nutty about these rusty old vehicles that had to have a crank to make them go. Temporary Club Rooms were established down the end of Caledonian Road in Caen Street. Here in a farmer’s paddock, they had a shed, and many a hilarious meeting was held by the light of kerosene lamps. Security made this location unsuitable for parts storage though. John was the first Treasurer, and I will never forget the help given by Wilson Spite’s father when he audited the books. I was still using the advice he gave me twenty years later when I did my Small Business Diploma. It was also a pleasure to help Rex Murray, whose thorough research, combined with his quiet efficiency in delegating responsibility, resulted in many successful North Otago Rallies. I could not go in the car in the first Windsor Rally as our second son was only a few weeks old. By now the Rugby had a gleaming new coat of paint, but no hood. I can remember John having to hold the leather up on the other side of the treadle sewing machine as I stitched the upholstery. What a marvellous reception they all got from the huge crowd that lined the Main Street from the Post Office to Weston. At later Windsor Rallies the catering of the Ladies Institute became a legend, something that visitors from other towns returned year after year for. (Oh those Pavs), while the money they earned went to help some very good causes in the district.

The North Otago socials also became famous because of their friendly atmosphere and not knowing what entertainment they were going to get (or provide themselves) next. Kaye and John Adamson have said they will always be grateful that we made them get up and learn to dance at these evenings. The Mid-year socials in the supper room of the Totara Hall always proved popular, with the committee spending all Saturday afternoon decorating the hall and getting wood in for the big fire, and once again a scrumptious supper.

The club staged the very successful Pennzoil Rally at the Racecourse. This was a very busy weekend, with a large display and field events, dinner and dance at night and a picnic next day at Elderslea Park. Bill Mitchell and Keith Cayford were kept flat out back and forth to town, like old time bandits in the Dodge Coupe, to get more change from the Licensing Trust to cope with the huge crowd that came to watch. That was also the year of the Oamaru Centennial, and the Flappers Dress of the 1920’s I made for the parade through town was ideal to cover up the third child I was expecting. A photo of our two eldest boys sitting in the back of the car in the procession headed ‘Two well behaved children’ is something I am looking forward to showing my grandchildren. During the time John was Secretary I sent in a report to the ‘Beaded Wheels’ –and got a quick reply back that they did not have whiskers on them yet!

Two delightful gentlemen with manners that matched the period of the time their cars were born were Archie Johnston and Doug Pedlow, the latter owning the first Veteran car in the club.

Excerpt pages 32 to 33

One of the best club trials I remember was mapped out by Cecil Parker. The instructions of every second sheet took the cars the opposite way at one of the turns, and had everybody scratching their heads and reading their notes over and over again. But no one complained in those days, it was all in the fun of the outing. Neil Williamson was another character who used to call often in his Dodge truck. If John was late for tea, he used to eat his sausages for him. Neil is now living in Australia and breeds Clydesdale horses. (They are the vintage ones).

Then it was time for John to have a turn at Club Captain, with weekends spent mapping trials and by now four boys to get into jackets and longs, with a pile of comics and jellybeans to keep them occupied in the back of the car. The Xmas picnics at Kuriheka were very exciting for our boys, the Murray families, the Mitchell and Graham girls. (Guess who was Santa with that deep slow speaking voice?) The gatherings at our place after these runs had the house bursting at the seams. Stanley’s crib was also to become a favourite picnic outing each year.

Now the Rugby had a hood, so we were all away for a trip to Naseby. How Alf Graham managed to put a Rooster in my bed without waking the boys I will never know. The site of Wattie Malcolm lying in the back of the Vintage Hearse from the Museum, holding a naked lady (flower) looked just the part. By now the second generation of children were being born and on a trip to Hakataramea guess who left the baby’s dinner and all the lunch sitting at home on the kitchen table. Keith vowed no one told him to put it in the car, but it was not so bad as we all took plenty to eat and the eldest Perry enjoyed his banana for lunch. A weekend at Omarama was quite an experience, with a horse coming into the bar for a drink to show that he could get as much attention as the vintage cars. Wilson Spite was helping out at Waitaki Boys, and when we asked a teacher if he had met him, his reply was “Is that the poor fellow who can only afford an old car to drive round in?”. About this time David Hill joined the club and became Secretary. Being a person who always does everything with enthusiasm, he takes a trailer on his HONEYMOON with Trish, to put VINTAGE parts on.

We had now shifted to town and John had his turn as President. He started his own Scrap Metal and Bottle Business and the word Vintage popped up again. Every time the trucks came in there were Vintage Car and Farm Machinery Enthusiasts, Old Bottle Collectors and Antique Dealers knocking at the door. How they could see a certain nut and bolt in the middle of a pile of scrap as it came through town I will never know. I spent a lot of time listening to descriptions of things that I did not have the faintest idea of what they were talking about.

Editor:- Interesting to read of a female perspective. Thanks Margaret. Note. Formatting has been changed to accommodate Distributor layout.

Picnic at Gemmell’s Crossing 1971 Wattie Malcolm inside Hearse at Naseby

The ‘Season’ Begins!

A number of members have regularly joined the mid-month runs over the winter period and may feel little difference, however, it seems to be tradition that there is more activity over the warmer months – yes they are coming – and the words ‘Opening Season’ come to the fore.

Our Opening Season run, though held on a cold day, was a real pleasure, as we saw many stunning blossom trees, and lots of spring flowers and lambs not usually seen daily by us townies. An interesting twist was answering questions along the way. Some relating to places of interest on the route and some general knowledge questions. These kept us on our toes and were a great base for general discussion over a welcome cuppa back at the clubrooms.

Thanks Rebecca for organising a very enjoyable opening to our ‘Season’.

Adventures of a West Coast Rally

Our Wolseley 6/90 joined other Wolseleys on the Wolseley Club’s National Rally to the West Coast. With 15 others and two moderns, the group of 30 people was a good size as we meandered over West Coast roads and visited many interesting sites.

Getting to Greymouth for us was an adventure in itself. We had pulled in to check out Otira Hotel and on leaving there, had to wait on a car to pass, heading in the same direction. It wasn’t too long before we realised we were following a very erratic driver who seemed to have little knowledge of the road rules, or of how to manoeuvre their car around corners, over bridges or along narrow roads. It wasn’t long before we witnessed the car almost hitting the side of a bridge, actually hitting the side of the next bridge, then somehow managing to drive into and out of a ditch, twice! and continue on. How it didn’t roll, end up on its roof or get hit by any oncoming traffic was a miracle. Also that it was still drivable. Fortunately the driver pulled into a picnic area where we and another of our Wolseleys were able to pull in also and provide some assistance. It was very frustrating to watch this driver taking many risks and for us not to be able to pass much earlier and pull it over or to reach the Police.

The driver was from California, showing his elderly parents and aunt and uncle some of NZ. I assume seatbelts saved injuries, but they must have had a hell of a fright and possibly been feeling very uncomfortable for a long time. We finally found enough reception to be able to notify the police and were asked to stay with the group till they arrived. Everyone was most respectful and the driver admitted he hadn’t done a very good job. He thought, as he was able to drive in Sydney and at home, he was capable of this trip. The car was a rental and we were not surprised several days later to hear the group had been seen on a bus!

Day Two of our Rally was a bus trip from Greymouth to Franz Joseph. Those of us in the back (over the wheels) were getting a fairly ‘choppy’ ride, drawing comments from the mechanics on board, but we pushed on. Franz showed us what West Coast rain looked like, but only for a brief period. On the way home we turned off to Okarito. While there, our driver called our rally organiser aside to advise that she thought she had a loose wheel but had checked the nuts and all were tight. Not happy though, she had called for a replacement bus. Once word got out we would be stopped for a reasonable amount of time and why, one of our group, a diesel mechanic of 50 years experience got down and dirty. With assistance from a local garage who bought jacks etc, Hugh was able to effect a temporary repair to a broken rear suspension and we continued on to Whataroa and changed to a School Bus.

Highlights of our tour were, fish’n chips on the beach at Hokitika to watch the sun go down, a visit to the Westland Industrial Heritage Park – an absolute must see if in the area, a tree top walk – a highlight for some!, visits to Blackball, Moana, Shantytown, Punakaiki, (more tracks than when we were last there), a run up the coast to Westport, a visit to the Pike Mine Disaster Memorial, and stops along the way to read interesting panels about each area. Reminding us of severe hardships endured in the past in the hunt for gold or mining of coal and forestry.

We had plenty of sun, warm temperatures, no major breakdowns, lots of food, drinks and laughter, and renewed friendships with others who enjoy being owners of Wolseley cars. The next national run will be in the North Island in 2024, from Whakatane to Gisborne. We’ll be there.

From the Buchanan Family

We wanted to thank you for having us at the beautifully refurbished club rooms for afternoon tea and presentation of Dad’s 50 year membership badge. It was a lovely day celebrating Dad with family and members of the club. We all have fond memories of Dad and his ‘old girl’ aka the vintage, especially Windsor rallies. We found a heap of Windsor rally badges in his shed so decided to put them in a frame with his 50 year badge.

Alon Mayhew Club Captain Southern Region presented the 50 year badge.

“The VCC is 75 years old and the reasons for joining are more varied now than in the beginning. Originally it was a bunch of university students wanting to hoon around in some old banger, go on weekend trips and compete against each other. Today it is a nationally recognised organisation that has some input into how the laws allow us to continue in our hobby and hoon around in our old bangers.

On the whole the desire of most members is around restoration and being able to use our vehicles. Some join because of friendship, which is their inspiration, others because the preservation of history is more important. Along the way there are other benefits like insurance deals, a popular world class magazine and, as mentioned before, the ability of the club to lobby government in areas like 12 month warrants, lighting endorsement for veterans.

Not everybody has the desire to be on a committee, so finds a spot that works for them and their abilities. Some have the ability to work with people and others have the mechanical knowledge to keep theirs and other members vehicles in good working order. So by their generosity, we all win.

Terry was in the latter category as I guess living in Naseby excluded him from holding a position on a committee. He made up for it in other ways. He was one of those people that everybody should have one of in their tool box.

It is a special thing to take something discarded by others and breath life back into it and put it back into daily use for all to enjoy. It is also a special thing to contribute your ability to a club for 50 years, and that is exactly what Terry has done.

Fifty years in any organisation is a magnificent achievement and to have done it with the VCC has benefited all of us. Terry and others have helped build our club and together with others we keep on building.

Last weekend our new office systems told us in real time that we had 16 new members join online from our National Day (Daffodil Rally for Cancer). At the push of a button we can know exactly who our members are and what vehicles they enjoy. This is all possible because it is built on what has happened in the past and all the hard work put in by people who have spent 50 years, along with those working towards that achievement.

Well done Terry. I take my hat off to you!”

Alon Mayhew and Anne Buchanan Geoff Onmet speaking on behalf of club members

Club Night - Wednesday 5th OctoberGun Collection Visit

This month we are going to visit a Gun Collection. Meet at the club rooms at 6.45 pm, we will Carpool from the Club rooms to the location of the collection. Departing around 7pm

We will return to the Clubrooms for a supper, please bring a plate

Teapot Rally– Sunday 30th October

Join us for our Annual Teapot Rally with Waimate Branch. This year Waimate Branch are the hosts.

Meet at our clubrooms at 10.30 am for a run to the Lunch Venue at Morven Domain, Please BYO Lunch.

After lunch, we will join Waimate Branch for a run to end at their club rooms for Afternoon Tea

‘Other Events’ Notice Board

In an effort to reduce the amount of space used for advertising various events that we are notified of, (as often they come through as a full A4 PDF page), we will trial more of a notice board concept.

For more information contact Lee on 027 695 66 44 or email

If any member has a rally they wish to have included here please don’t hesitate to send material through to me. Communication between members and branches is essential to provide new opportunities to participate in events.

From South Canterbury Traction Engine And Transport Museum

Major Vintage Machinery Sale 29th October 2022, Timaru. Club Member’s Ian and Margaret Urquhart will be offering up for sale their collection of early Fordson tractors, vintage machinery, vintage cars, workshop tools, roofing tools, farm equipment and parts. A detailed listing will be circulated soon, watch the usual newspapers and website’s for further details.

South Waikato Branch is running its 2022 T.T.T. Rally Sunday 27th November. Please contact South Waikato Branch directly with any queries or entries on

Southland Branch 56th Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally to be held on the 12th and 13th November 2022. Entries Close on Thursday 27th October 2022. Ring 027 695 66 44 or email me for more details and an entry form.

Southland Branch Commercial Rally Saturday 5th November. Entries Close on Thursday 27th October 2022. As above ring or email me for more information and an entry form.

Queen Elizabeth II enjoyed her cars and was even able to repair them thanks to her WW2 experience.

Princess Elizabeth: The Mechanic

Queen Elizabeth II's Private Car Collection

The British Royal Train

Top Gear ~ Queen Elizabeth II's Rover P5







Trade License (if

Goods being sold (please define broadly)

Car/car parts, (new/old)



Crafts ______________________


Approximate site size is 10 x 4 metres. Number of sites required @ $15 each

Each site includes admission for one person. Number of extra admission tickets @ $5 each ___

Children under 15 are free with a paying adult.

Swap meet site fees and extra tickets should be deposited in the Club’s bank account 03 0937 0205996 00 Reference – your name and Swap Meet

Scan and email a completed copy of the application form to

Or post Application form to NOVCC Swap Meet Organiser P O Box 360, Oamaru 9401

Conditions of Entry

NO FOOD STALLS (these are prearranged so food will be available)

NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING ON VCC SWAP MEET SITE DOGS must be on a leash at all times.

Gates open 7 am for site holders. Public entry 8 am. Contact Lee on 027 695 66 44 or Derek on 021 390 518 or email us if you have any questions.

We wish you an enjoyable and successful day

Thank you for supporting the North Otago Vintage Car Club

19TH NOVEMBER 2022 A & P Showgrounds Ettrick Street Oamaru
_____________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________Post Code _______
Phone Number __________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
applicable) ____________________________________________________
_____________________________ Motorcycle Parts ____________
_____________________ Plants __________________ Clothing ___________________
___________________ Books _________________ Jewellery _________________

Calendar of Events Club Events

19th October – Wednesday

Mid-month Run

26th October - Wednesday End of Month Motorcycle Run

30th October - Sunday Teapot Rally with Waimate

4th November - Friday Morning Tea at the Clubrooms for Chch members on their way to 50th Taieri Tour

16th November - Wednesday

Mid-month Run

19th November – Saturday Swap Meet

30th November - Wednesday End of Month Motorcycle Run

3rd December - Saturday Windsor Rally

7th December - Wednesday Club Night deferred to 11th

11th December – Sunday Afternoon Christmas run and BBQ

3rd week in January Date TBC Fish n Chip Lunch run to Moeraki

18th February 2023 - Saturday All British Day

25th February 2023 - Saturday North Otago A & P Show Parade

5th March 2023 - Sunday Wee Wheelie Wander

15 April 2023 - Saturday Gerald Lynch-Blosse Memorial Motorcycle Rally

National and Regional Events

7th - 9th October Canterbury Swap Meet

15th October Waimate 50 yr badge Dinner

21st - 24th October South Canterbury Mt Cook Rally

4th - 6th November 50th Taieri Tour

4th - 6th November South Canterbury Safari Weekend

5 November Kaitangata Car Show & Run

12th - 13th November South Canterbury All American Weekend

26th November

21st January 2023

3rd - 6

South Canterbury Vintage/Veteran/Commercial Run

Kick Start Motorcycle rally Waimate

February National Motorcycle Rally – Host Southland

8th - 12th February

Burt Munro Challenge - Invercargill

Note:-Every effort has been made to keep these dates as accurate as possible at the time of printing. However, check with the Chairperson or Secretary to confirm any particular event of interest or for entry forms.


Club night on the 7th of September was a very interesting visit to AcuCut in the North end trading estate, Matthew Melton started the business about 6 years ago in his father's garage, it started to do well, so he expanded both into a larger building and a very expensive computer-controlled CNC precision water cutting machine, although second hand it still set him back nearly half a million dollars, his faith in his work has paid off, AcuCut is now an established business, and now that we are out of the Pandemic it will do even better.

Garnet sand is fed into the water jet to create friction, the machine he showed us working has a water pressure of 45000psi it flows through a 2mm nozzle, there was a great selection of work that he had done on display.

Many of our club members have had parts made at AcuCut including me, for my Bedford.

Attached is a video link showing what a water cutter can do, for those of you who could not make it to AcuCut.

A great thank you to Matthew for giving up his time for us.


For Sale/ Wanted ads

Keep those ads coming. Remember these ads are read by members of other branches and car clubs.

Parts Department

Normal Monday morning opening for parts has resumed

Open Mondays 10 – 12noon

Starts with a Cuppa.

For Sale

Wolseley 15/50 parts including two 1500cc BMC motors, gearboxes and diffs, suspension and steering parts. Some body panels for these in reasonable condition.

Selection of Hillman Avenger-Hunter lights

Ford Falcon EA exhaust manifolds

Morris 1000, Chevy, Vauxhall parts as well as an assortment of oil filters

Good selection of body panels, mud guards and bonnets for various models.

Contact Ernest or Derek if you are looking for something in particular.

Selling on behalf

Ford Model A diff and front axle assembly

Enquiries call

Ernest George 027 209 0609

Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

Parts Department Report October 2022

Hi everyone, this month’s specials are carburettors.

There are many makes and models, do come and look and see what you want for your vehicle and make us an offer.

Wayne Croft 027 608 0002

Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

Ernest George 027 209 0609

Items for the Newsletter can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka lane, off Saleyards Road Or emailed to

Newsletter submissions.

Preferred formats are Open-office, Libre-office or MS Word as an attached document. Plain emails create extra work. Please, no “enter” key at the end of every line. Contact me for advice if not sure. Thanks, Graeme





Rebecca George

Vice Chairman Vacant

Club Captain Vacant

Secretary Lee Brehaut (Derek)

021 293 7714

027 695 66 44

Treasurer John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112

Committee Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

John Law (Colleen) 027 226 0963

Geoff Ellis (Daphne 021 115 8044

Gordon Hay (Joy) 03 434 5754

Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729

Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526

Beaded Wheels Scribe Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

Custodian Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644

Librarian Robert Hutton (Mandy) 03 437 0774

Archivist Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226

Newsletter Editor Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 03 434 8285 027 293 1059

Spare Parts

Vehicle Verifiers

Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609

Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518

Wayne Croft 027 608 0002

Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570

Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306

Club email address

Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome. Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)

NORTH OTAGO SWAP MEET Coinciding with the Victorian Heritage Weekend SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER 2022 A & P Showgrounds Ettrick St OAMARU Hot Food and Coffee available Enter your Vintage, Classic Vehicle or Hot Rod in the Show & Shine Public Entry from 8am - $5 per adult Children under 15 FREE Site Holders entry from 7am - $15 including 1 free entry All inquiries to The Secretary, or Derek Brehaut 021 390 518

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