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From Not the Chairman

As those who attended the Branch AGM will know the position of Chairman was not filled. At the first Committee meeting it was decided that the role would, for the time being, rotate through the five non executive members of the committee, month by month, each Chairing a Committee meeting then the following Branch meeting and any other function/activity in between. This month is my turn.

From the members I would like to thank those who have served on our branch committee during the past year and stepped down this year. Clive who remains as Past Chair, Rebecca who will serve well on the National body, Lee who has left a big secretarial gap in our committee as well as the Custodian role and Robert who has done a long stint as Librarian, including the big sort of the library since the clubrooms refurbishment. Thanks too to all who have helped throughout the year to make Branch events a success.

Thanks, and welcome aboard, to Brian Harrison who is a very new Branch member stepping into the role of Secretary. I know Lee will willingly help him into the role and the rest of the club will give him all the help they can. Welcome too to Murray Hayes, Steve McDonald as Custodian, Murray Bain as Librarian. and thanks to those who have continued in roles in the club.

I note the lack of ladies on the list, something worth thinking about before the year expires.

Next Club night Wed 3rd July.

As you know, our Branch is hosting a National Commercial Vehicle Rally at Labour weekend. We would love to see several local vehicles taking part. the only fly in the ointment is the need for vehicles taking part in a national rally to have a VIC (Vehicle Identity Card). Sounds a bit scarey and "beaurocracy gone mad" but don't be put off.

The paperwork runs to about 15 pages including a preamble, some with nothing that applies to your vehicle, some with one box for you to tick.

You will need to answer hard questions like "owners name", "registration number", "chassis no", " restored" original", "period replica" and tell a brief history of the vehicle like " "I found it lying under the trees on the family farm, checked the oil, pumped the tyres up, put a battery on it and it fired first try".

Then you will need a couple or three photos. Your phone can take them. To help you get use to the idea Branch Vehicle Verifier, Quentin Barrow, will be at the next Branch meeting on July 3 to show you the paperwork and set you on your way. You aren't on your own.

The good news is getting the card is free and it isn't some sort of mechanical inspection. Vehicle condition is irrelevant.

See you there and this is for all members, not just those with commercial vehicles.

Secretary’s Corner – July

Hi Everyone

Allow me to introduce myself, Brian Harrison, your new secretary.

My wife (Janette McKenzie) and I joined the VCC (North Otago) in December 2023, after purchasing a 1936 Morris 12, Series 2.

We moved to Oamaru in 2014. We have spent the intervening years doing house renovations, our own and an 1870’s cottage we bought, and exploring the South Island with our Old English Sheepdog, Rocket, in our caravan.

We also own a 2002 Lotus 7 derivative (Westfield SE) that we bought with us from Australia. Ideal car for Oamaru – no doors, no windows, no radio, no heater, no roof.

I was born in England, spent five years in South Africa as a child and moved my family to Australia in 1982. I have a mechanical engineering background (civilian with the Royal Navy & Australian Navy) with the last 30 years of my working life in Wastewater Treatment (Canberra & two years in Oamaru).

Vehicles I have owned: Austin A60 (plus a spare one I stripped for spares (and never used), Hillman Imp (blown head gasket in the New Forrest so stripped & rebuilt in the spare bedroom); Morris 1100 (used more oil than fuel), Renault 4, Ford Escort (squished by a 40 Tonne truck), Volvo 144 (it happens – someone has to), Mitsubishi Colt, Nissan X-Trail – now just a Ford Ranger & Nissan van (for the dog).

Retirement seems to be busier than my working life, but Oamaru has given me the opportunity to get involved in the community. This includes the Victorian Heritage celebrations, Age Concern (Waitaki), Whitestone Civic Trust and providing the occasional helping hand (free labour) for Fire & Steam and Steampunk events. I am currently a member of the N.O. Scottish Society and the Secretary / Treasurer of the Waitaki Community Patrol.

Thanks to Lee for providing a lot of information on the Secretary’s role and to the other Club members who have guided me – I will get better! Nothing like relearning how to use Outlook after a 10 year hiatus.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you – I will ask someone who knows the answer. Meanwhile please excuse any mistakes.


There was a good turn out for this months car run, at least 20 people. The day was overcast with light rain, ominous mountain vistas hiding behind cloak’s of cloud, but we were all here for a fun drive, good company and didn’t give a jot about the weather. John and Jo had prepared a route with clear instructions to our destination and we thanks them for their efforts.

My directional rock [hubby] decided to be navigator today and did his best to intentionally get me lost. To no avail, as a member of the fairer sex I can multi task, in this instance it was drive, put up with hubby, [I had selective hearing mode switched on] and at all times keep the white Daimler in sight, in front of us, so much for the best laid plans of mice and men.

There were a selection of nice British cars, Wolseley, Daimler, Rover, Jaguar and Charlie in his mint Mk 2 Escort Giha, along with other vehicles as well.

As navigator, hubby spent his time looking at amazing rock formations, [probably relatives], lakes and pastoral views. That was fine by me, as I love driving and he was too busy looking at the scenery to be a nagging back seat driver.

Our destination was the Whitestone Cheese Deli, where they made us feel welcome and set up a long table, so the 20 of us could sit together. A very nice, clean venue with good coffee, food and service. It is always a great time and an opportunity to talk with very nice people with common interests, cars, projects, travel, gardens and other hobbies. Everyone in the club has their own skills and talents.

Once again, thanks to the club members for another enjoyable afternoon and next months lunch run to Moeraki Boulders sounds great. Something to look forward to, getting together with a great bunch of people, with a good sense of direction!! See you there!


I will have the catalogues for Club Jackets and Caps at the next meeting for members to order if they wish to purchase these.

Have a look and see what you think. Give me a ring if you would like to meet up with me to discuss your options.

Phone Ernest 0272090609

Heritage Celebrations November 2024

My name is Elizabeth Prentice. My business is Maneland Photography. Presently on the corner of Wharfe and Itchen streets.

Last year a goup of friends and I took part in the Heritage Celebrations, based in the Precint.

This year we are working with The Station Yuan to give a great experience. In the old dining room of the station we will be setting up four photo sets - two Victorian, 60s and 70s.

Im writing to ask if any of your members are interested in getting involved, specifically on the Saturday?

The plan is to have a shuttle service to ferry people between the Precint and the Railway Station. Hopefully two vehicles alternating between the shuttle service and being used as a background for photos.

I'm very happy to come along and discuss this and any suggestions the club has.

Thank you

Elizabeth Prentice

Maneland Photography


021 246 1919

1969 Triumph Herald Convertible. It is in a good condition but is not on the road (no WOF and registration is on hold).

I would be grateful if you could alert your members to this opportunity. I am based in Auckland.

David McEwen <>

Coming Events


3rd Wednesday 7.30pm Clubrooms. Gordon Hay to speak about upcoming National Commercial Rally. Lindsay McLeod is to speak about VIC Cards for Vehicles. Members to talk about the Irishman’s Rally. A plate for supper please.

13th Saturday Garage Raid. Meet at Clubrooms appox 9.30am. Briefing 10.15am. Contact Derek Brehaut 021390518 if you can help. Thanks.

17th. Wednesday Committee Meeting 7pm Clubrooms.

18th Thursday Mid-Month Run Meet 10.45am at Clubrooms. Lunch at Moeraki Boulders Restaurant. John Gale 0276554296

31st Wednesday Motorcycle Run. Clubrooms 1pm Start 1.30pm John Gale 0276554296


7th Wednesday Club night. Potluck Tea 6pm.

9th- 11th National AGM. Tauranga.

15th Thursday Mid-Month Run. More details later. John Gale 0276554296

21st Wednesday Committee Meeting 7pm Clubrooms.

25th Sunday Daffodil Day Contact Gordon and Joy Hay 02840077586 if you can help.

29th Wednesday Motorcycle Run Meet 1pm Clubrooms. Start 1.30pm from Clubrooms John Gale 0276554296.


4th Wednesday 7.30pm. Clubrooms Auction Night. Get your bits and pieces out that you would like to donate and bring them along to auction them off. Don’t forget to bring cash along on the night to buy something from the auction. Need an auctioneer and helpers please. Money raised goes to St. John. A plate for supper please.

18th Wednesday 7pm. Committee Meeting Clubrooms

19th Thursday Mid-Month Run. Meet 1pm Clubrooms Start 1.30pm John Gale 0276554296.

25th Wednesday Motorcycle Run. Meet 1pm Clubrooms. Start 1.30pm John Gale 0276554296.

Events for other Branches may be found in Beaded Wheels or in NZVCC website under Branch Newsletters.

If there place you want to visit or someone to talk to our members about a subject. Let me know and we will try to arrange things.

With up-coming events there’s a name besides the event. Contact the person and offer to help them.

If there’s no name besides the event. Contact me, so I can put you as the event organiser or part of the team to help. Thank you. Ernest.

Calendar of Events for National Calendar.


19th Saturday Teapot Rally with Waimate Branch they are hosting this event.

25th-28th National Commercial Rally. Oamaru. Wendy Kent 0274401621


16th Saturday Swap-meet. A&P Show-grounds. Oamaru Derek Brehaut 021390518

16th Saturday Victorian Parade Pre-1942 Vehicles. Assembly by Scott’s Brewery 11.30am Start Noon. Ernest George 0272090609


7th Saturday Windsor Rally Ernest George 0272090609

January 2025

25th Saturday Moped Rally.


15th All British Day. Vehicle of the Day Rover


12th Saturday Gerald Lynch- Blosse Motor-cycle Memorial Run


8th Sunday Clubrooms 1.30pm. AGM North Otago

10 Pin Bowling

Our Sunday lunch and Ten Pin bowling with the Waimate branch was a good way to spend what was a miserable day outside. Ten members attended from both branches. The “Gold Card” menu went down well with everyone and it is fair to say that the bowling pins were the winners on the day. Derek scored best and retains bragging rights from last year.


For Sale

1963 Chrysler Royale, no motor or gearbox but everything else is there.

Easy project. $5,000 (I will take more, won't take less) and pick up only.

Car is in Oamaru.


ph 0274 349 055

Items for the Newsletter can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka lane, off Saleyards Road Or emailed to

Newsletter submissions. Preferred formats are Open-office, Libre-office or MS Word as an attached document. Plain emails create extra work. Please, no “enter” key at the end of every line. Contact me for advice if not sure.

Thanks, Graeme




Immediate Past


Vice Chairman

Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

Secretary Brian Harrison (Janette) 03 434 2148

Club Captain

Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609

Treasurer John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112

Committee: Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729

Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526

Athol Caldwell (Patricia) 03 437 0897

John Adamson 0274 347 009

Gordon Hay 028 400 7586

Murray Hayes 027 239 9009

Beaded Wheels Scribe




Newsletter Editor

Spare Parts

Vehicle Verifiers

Clive Blunden 03 439 5207

Steve McDonald 027 928 0002

Murray Bain 0211 785 783

Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226

Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 027 293 1059

Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518

James MacKenzie (Angele) 029 770 7105

Wayne Croft 027 608 0002

Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570

Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306

Club email address

Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members Welcome. Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)

All British day Oamaru 2024

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