Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models
Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987
Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service
Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please
VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916”
6th Bruce Murray
13th Closed
20th Closed
27th Closed
7th Bill Veitch
14th Closed
21st Closed
28th Kevin Mason
Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night
JAN 2025
3rd Closed
10th Closed 17th Closed
24th Closed
31st Tom Hewson
MARCH 2025
7th Bryan McConachie
14th Closed
21st Closed
28th Bruce Murray
Welcome to New Members
BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)
Contact Branch secretary for entry forms from other branches 2024
DEC Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sat 7th Windsor Rally – North Otago
Sun 15th Branch Christmas BBQ
Wed 18th Last Wednesday morning for the year 2025
JAN Wed 15th First Wednesday back open
Sun 19th Jackson RallyThurs
Sat 25th-26th 71st Dunedin to Brighton Run
Thurs29th Midweek Lunch Run
Fri 30th Club Night & meeting
FEB Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting 1st Southland Rally
TBA Vin/Ladies Run 22nd Gore Festival Rally
Sun 23rd Best of British
Thurs 27th Midweek Lunch Run
Fri 28th Club Night & Meeting
MAR Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting
22-23rd Southern Backroad Adventure
Thurs 27th Midweek run
Fri 28th Club Night and Meeting
Sun 30th PV Run with Classic Motoring Club
APR Fri 4th
Motorcycle Group Meeting
TBA Otago Rally 12-18th South Club Captains Tour 18-20th Easter Rally Christchurch
MAY 2-4th Overnight Run to Ashburton Ashburton Swapmeet
Sun 18th Ladies / Restoration Rally
Sat 25th Garage Raid
JUNE Sun 19th AGM & Pot Luck Lunch
2025 Jan 25 -27tht National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch
February 5th – 7th
National Veteran Rally - Marlborough
National AGM - Invercargill
2026 March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic MotoringNelson
Please WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events. This helps new members to identify you
Christmas BBQ
Sunday 15th December 2024
Vintage Car Club Rooms, 125 Forbury Road
Wednesday 18th December - Last morning open for the year
Wednesday 15th January - Clubrooms reopen for the yearJackson Rally Sunday 19th January 2025
Dunedin Brighton Run
Saturday 25th January
Midweek Run – Picnic Lunch
Thursday 30th January 2025
Picnic or café – weather dependant
Venue to be advised – meet at the clubrooms at 11am
Club Night – 31st January 2025
Clubrooms will be closed from Thursday 19th December and will reopen on Wednesday 15th of January
We must keep our chins up as the year rolls on and it is still as wet as winter.
I went to Oamaru at Labour weekend with the TT truck arriving to a very nice evening. On unloading the truck one ramp broke so had to organise help to reload the truck. Friday night was extremely wet and everything got wet so we went in the Kia for the day. Had a good day and we were fortunate to be staying at the Brydone where the dinner was so did not have to go out in the rain. Sunday was still wet so took the Kia again, when we got back later in the day and checked the TT it was soaking wet, even the plug holes were full of water, so dried what we could and towed it round the car park to no avail so had to tow it onto the trailer to get it home.
After a couple of days in the sun it started on three cylinders so was able to get it inside. It is now going again and very well. Thanks to the Oamaru branch for putting on a very good weekend.
The Taieri Tour was a very good run except for the rain and wind which proved a problem with the wind nearly blowing the cover out of the back of the T, so we turned left instead of right and went to the lunch stop with a tail wind missing some of the route.
Thank you to the organisers of the tour and the helpers and the scouts for the sausage sizzle.
There are still a few things happening before the end of the year and there will be no Roadrunner next month so please support what is happening as help is needed for the January rallies. Thank you and enjoy the holiday season also lets hope we get a summer
From your Branch Secretary
Hopefully everyone is getting ready for the Christmas & New Year break and will get to spend time with family and friends. The club rooms will be closed from Wednesday December 18th through to Wednesday January 15th which is just prior to the Jackson Rally.
Varying the Resource Consent following on from last month’s notes – the secretary is trying to ascertain what level of interest there would be from various groups to renting the club rooms as this will help us determine our next steps. The permitted activities would need to fit under community and leisure and have no more than 50 people in attendance. The rooms available would be the main hall and kitchen plus toilets. While this is solely a fact-finding mission for now and no guarantee of usage, can you please let me know if you know of a group or groups that may be interested and fall under this category.
Chatsford Retirement Village Santa Parade 21st December the village has invited the branch to take part in their Santa Parade on the 21st December. Can you please contact me if you are interested.
Newsletters from other branches -remember to check the VCC website each month to read what is happening in other branches around the country. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. The website address is https://
Other branch events & National Rallies - please let me know if you would like an entry form for one or more of the following events:
Irish Woman’s Rally based in South Waikato 8th-9th March 2025
South Island Club Captains Tour 12th-18th April 2025 (this will finish in Christchurch in time for the South Island Easter Rally so why not combine the 2 events)
South Island Easter Rally 18th – 21st April 2025 based in Christchurch Wheels at Wanaka 19th-20th April 2025
2024 -2025 Membership renewals – hopefully by now you have all received and more importantly paid your membership renewals for the current year as after the 31st October members will be deemed as unfinancial if the invoice is unpaid. I know some members have had some issues with not receiving their invoices via email so please contact me urgently if you have not received it so I can follow up with National Office. (Editors note –Unfinancial members at the end of December will no longer receive your branch Roadrunner)
Grounds – thank you to Bryan, Trevor, and Ross who have been helping with mowing the lawns however we are still on the lookout for more members to help. Please contact Bill Veitch if you are able to help– many hands make light work and ideally, we would love to set up a roster so it’s not left to the same members all the time.
Phone numbers and emails – I have had some emails bounce back so please remember to let both me and National Office know if you have changed your contact details so we can keep you up to date with what it happening. Along with the RoadRunner – the newsletter editor will be sending out an email each month with local events happening over the next month so having your email address will ensure you don’t miss out.
Branch Facebook page
Did you know that along with the main club Facebook page, Otago branch also has its own page – search for Otago Vintage Car Club. I set it up a few years ago and have been doing my best to look after it however would love to add another administrator who can help with content etc. Please contact me if you are interested.
Branch Activities
We all know the success of the Wednesday morning noggin and natter plus the Monthly Thursday run however - what can we offer members that are not able to attend due to work or other commitments and that may also attract new members. Some suggestions are Fish & Chip nights, Breakfast at Emerson’s (or similar). Please let me know if these appeal to you so we can organise.
VIC and Lighting Endorsement Forms
These are available via the website Vero Insurance
The VCC Vero scheme is solely for financial members and the discount we enjoy ceases when your membership is cancelled either through non-payment of subs, resignation or death. National Office can arrange for it to be transferred to a joint member, so the simplest way to continue receiving the discount is to add your spouse to your membership. This means that in the unfortunate event of the main member passing, the surviving spouse has time to decide what to do without worrying about the insurance. Please contact me if you want more details.
Safe travels if you are travelling over the holidays
The Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ presents…
The 2025 Southern BackroadAdventure
Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of March
This overnight rally for pre 1932 vehicles showcases Otago’s amazing backroad scenery. Leaving Mosgiel’s Black Sheep Restaurant at 10am, we will make our way to Ranfurly where we will dine at the Ranfurly Hotel and stay the night at a place of your choosing. Please book your own accommodation. On Sunday we will return to Mosgiel and have a dinner at the Black Sheep Restaurant where the rally concludes. For those wanting to avoid gravel, a direct route to Ranfurly can be taken. For an entry form contact: or for more info phone: Nevin Gough 0211150312 afternoons or evenings
Get ready for a thrilling auction experience! Explore an exciting collection of vintage automobilia and petroliana, featuring enamel signs, petrol pumps, hubcaps, radiator badges, AA badges, pedal cars, money boxes and so much more. There will be in excess of 100 quality lots.
Register your interest now:
Once you register your interest we will be in contact to give you event information and catalogue details. Floor bidding and online bidding will be available on the day. The photos show examples of items that will be for sale at the auction. Once the catalogue is finalised in December, there will be no sales of catalogue items before the auction.
Auction Date: 14th February 2025 | Location: Napier City Viewing from midday - auction starting at 2pm (Other viewing times will be confirmed)
Email any enquiries:
ENTRIES CLOSE 15th January 2025
The Otago Branch invites you to take part in the 71st Dunedin –Brighton Veteran Car Run.
Vehicles will be flagged away from the Octagon We will then drive to Brighton for lunch and field tests
The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1st January 1919.
You are welcome at our clubrooms Friday Night. For a Noggin and Natter and Supper and Entry packs will also be available from 7.30pm
The event will start from the First Church Carpark –Enter the Carpark off Lower Moray Place and follow Marshalls directions.
Rally packs will be available at 8.45am. and the briefing will be at 9.15am sharp.
The cars will leave in order for the short journey to the Octagon, with the Official Opening of the DCC Festival programme. We need to be in the Octagon by 9.45am
Entrants will depart the Octagon from 11.00a.m. for Brighton, which includes the timed section.
Field Tests will be held at Brighton Domain.
Concours Judging will take place at First Church, and at Brighton Domain.
The Concours is a separate competition and is not taken into account in the rally results.
Dinner and Prizegiving will be at The Edgar Centre, Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin
SUNDAY we intend to have a leisurely amble to Careys Bay for natter and lunch, at your own cost.
ENTRIES CLOSE : 15th January 2025
Enquiries regarding the Rally should be made to Colin Winter Phone (03) 456-4382, (021) 232 1993 email
Please credit: VCC of NZ Otago Branch Inc
Internet banking: 03-0903-0390951-00 with Brighton and name as Ref.
Send entries to: Nevin Gough email: or 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair Dunedin, 9012
I wish to enter the following vehicle in the 2025 Dunedin – Brighton Run.
In consideration of the acceptance of this Entry, I agree to be bound by the regulations of the event.
Sat Night Buffet Meal & Prizegiving No ___@ $50.00 pp $
Please advise in advance of any special dietary requirements.
NB: Please advise bank acc no – should a refund be required
Please complete the following:
How many previous Dunedin – Brighton Runs has your vehicle completed? …………….
Please write a brief History of your Vehicle for Octagon commentary.[2 or 3 lines]
The stewards of the Rally may exclude from the event any driver or passenger who, by his or her behavior, costume, or general approach to the event is in their opinion, likely to bring discredit on the event.
No Electronic Navigational Aids allowed.
Late Entries may be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. NB: Late orders for meals will not be accepted after closing date The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1st January 1919
Marshalls needed for Dunedin Brighton Run Saturday 25th of January.
Please contact Colin Winter or Nevin Gough if you are able to assist with Marshalling at First Church, Octagon, Brighton Domain, and or Field tests at Brighton.
Christmas BBQ
Sunday 15th December 2024
Vintage Car Club Rooms, 125 Forbury Road
Doors open from 3.30pm
With BBQ ready to be served at approx. 5.30pm NB: ALL FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED Cost: $15.00 per person
$5.00 child under 10 Children under 5 free Drinks will be available to purchase from the bar For Catering purposes, numbers are required by 12th December to: David Ross 4558800 or email:
Friday 11 April – Friday 18 April–Friday 2025
Friday 11th: Arrive Dunedin
Saturday 12th: Dunedin to Gore
Sunday 13th: Gore to Te Anau, or Gore to Te Anau via the George Begg Festival at Teretonga Park (as an option)
Monday 14th: Te Anau – Tourist attractions and run to Milford for those that wish
Tuesday 15th: Te Anau to Alexandra
Wednesday 16th: Alexandra to Twizel
Thursday 17th: Twizel to Methven
Friday 18th: Methven to Christchurch (This is registration day for the South Island Easter Rally based in Christchurch)All touring routes will be sealed with alternative gravel sections for those that would like to use them. For Entry Form and accommodation details please contact Mark Wilkinson via email
This rally marks the beginning of motoring events in the Branch for the New Year.
G.C. (Gerie) Jackson was a long-time member of the branch who lived on the Otago Peninsula and loved its sights, so close to but so different from the city. Not long before his death he raised the idea of this rally and outlined his concept of what it should be to the Branch Committee.
When the Committee later decided to take up his idea his family donated the trophy, which bears his name.
The Mary B. Jackson Trophy
For Best Motorcycle at the VCC Otago Jackson Peninsula Rally
Donated by Bill Veitch and Ron Gilbert in memory of Mary Jackson MA (Hons) wife of Gerry Jackson who instigated the Peninsula Rally. Mary was a BSA and Norton rider at a time when few women rode motorcycles. Mary nee Kibblewhite had a distinguished academic career earning University scholarships and prizes. She later taught at Otago Girls High School and St Hilda’s Collegiate School. The trophy is a Norton kick-starter shaft.
This year's rally will take place on Sunday 19th January 2025
If possible, the result of the afternoon competition will be announced during afternoon tea, before everyone returns home, failing that the result will be posted in the Clubrooms on the following Friday. The overall winner will be awarded the G.C. Jackson Memorial trophy
The event is open to all classes of vehicle accepted by the V.C.C. of N.Z.
All entrants must be financial members. Those who wish, are welcome to take part in a modern vehicle, but will not appear in the final results.
Enquiries to: Branch Secretary Bill Veitch 0272010565
Entries Close: Friday 17th January 2025
The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
V.C.C. Peninsula Rally 2025
For the G.C. Jackson Memorial Trophy & Mary B. Jackson Trophy
Sunday 19th January 2024
Meet at the Otago Branch clubrooms 125 Forbury Road At 12.45 pm for 1pm start NB: Afternoon tea will be provided
Entrant’s Name:……………………………………..……
Drivers Name:………………………………………………………
Model:……………………….. Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)
ENTRY FEE: $5.00 per vehicle - Cash on day please
POST TO or drop of on Wednesday mornings to:
Clubrooms 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin, 9012
NB Cash payment can be made on the day
Please notify Bill Veitch of your intentions for catering
From the Editor
Thank you to John Noble for his article and photos on the Taieri Tour. The following weekend Bryan and I attended the Clutha Rally – driving our Model T tourer to Balclutha. Thankfully the temperature was very pleasant and the odd drop of rain soon evaporated. The South Otago Team put on another good run. Those not to familiar with the territory ended up at a Road Closed sign – towards Toko Mouth. Thanks to Stu and Lynn who sent those people back on the right road. We probably doubled the population of Waitahuna as we parked up for lunch and a catch up with other entrants, and the cyclists who were enjoying the spectacle of seeing all these vehicles parked up. The route back to Balclutha took us past the Windmills at Mount Stuart. The afternoon ended with afternoon tea and prizegiving. Congratulations to Nevin and Janeane who gained 1st place for Vintage cars. Bryan and Sue Bush, Stu & Lynn Neil, Colin & Joan Pearce, Gil & Ruth Edmunds, Neil Gamble, Stu Campion were the Otago Branch members who attended.
There continues to be good numbers attending the Thursday lunch time runs. Lots of good banter and competition as to which venue provides the best icecream sundays or iced chocolates. Good to see some of our newer members attending these runs. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- Some work has been happening within the library and a data base has been set up in order for us to transfer details of all the items we have in the library. This will take some time – but slow and steady should see it completed. There are some double ups with the books and magazines that we have. Some of these have been put out into the hall for members to take if they would like to have a look.
Taieri Tour
Photo by John Noble
The very first Taieri Tour (TT) was held on Saturday 3rd in November 1973
The tradition of holding the TT on the first Saturday in November continues through to this day'
The main organizer for the first TT was Wayne Henderson.
The rally plaque/s of the early TT's were about the size of a half-crown and featured a basic outline of a small pioneer’s cottage. along with the year etc.
In those early years the TT entrants assembled and departed from opposite the then Mosgiel Railway station in Gladstone Road (now Gladstone Road South)
In later years up until the 90's the assembly and departure point was the large car park behind the then Fairfield Tavern.
I compiled my first TT entry form in 1978 having just completed the rebuild of my 1930 Ford Model A.
I vividly recall the weather that day as comparable to that of this year’s TT. Lunch break that day was held at the Taieri Historical Societies park, overlooking the Taieri river road bridge on SH 87
The long term forecast for early November this year was not that fantastic The air pressure on the Friday was extremely low
The usual assembly at the clubrooms combined with issues of rally packs and morning tea followed by a brief driver briefing.
Around about our start time (entrant number 31) the first of several cold fronts started to make an appearance, some drivers were in open top vehicles. The joy of vintage motoring
At one stage the wipers on the MGB GT were struggling to keep the glass clear. Once clear of Dunedin suburban streets and out on the Taieri's back roads a Four Seasons song came on the radio I thought that was very appropriate as that is what we were currently experiencing.
Heading South West on Tirohanga Road my mind flashed back to around ten years previously when an unmarked Police vehicle's speed detecting equipment was used to log the speed of that years TT entrants. We had been advised not to park on the playing fields at the Outram Football grounds and to utilise the gravel car park instead Most entrants didn't seem too enthusiastic about participating in the field tests
Lunch was held inside the clubrooms with members of the Mosgiel Scout group were kept busy with the BBQ with hot food
Looking forward to the 53rd event hopefully the weather gods might be in a better frame of mind
Photos and text provided by John Noble
This years Taieri Tour wasn’t all that great weather wise. But I would like to thank all the entrants who still came along for the ride. Thank you also to the 10 plus scouts and ventures who came along and helped with the field tests – these would not have happened with out them. Their Sausage Sizzle and raffle sales were also very well supported – I think the cold weather helped here. Congratulations to Amy who won the Scratchie Raffle.
Trevor and Ray manned the end of the timed section out on the Maungatua – Berwick Road. Interesting that not everyone managed to get to that point. For some it was understandable as Colin and Joan Pearce were struggling with the wind and the rain, so were directed straight to the lunch stop at Outram Domain. A few others with open vehicles did the same thing. There was a silent check posted by a STOP sign as well, not all of you performed the legally required Stop at this point. Hence points were deducted from your results. The answers to the 4 brain teasers were: Hole in one, Potato, apple pie and back pedal.
Congratulations to the prize winners as listed below.
Scouts manning the field tests. Taieri
I have already indicated that I will not be organising this Tour next year – so time for some others to put their heads together – it is not an onerous job and two to three people could sort this
Text by Marion
VETERAN : 1 ST - COOKE HOWLISON CUP - 1914 Talbot – Gary Winter
2nd 1915 Model T Ford– Nevin Gough
3rd 1914 Sunbeam – Colin Pearce
VINTAGE : 1ST - AUTO PARTS CUP - 1931 Model A Ford – Robert Michell
2ND 1930 Model A Ford – Brian Michelle (Travis)
3RD 1928 Model A Ford – Paul Herron
POST VINTAGE: 1ST - EMSLIE & FLOCKTON CUP - 1937 Chevrolet – Stu Campion
2ND 1935 Plymouth PJ Delux Ernest George
3RD 1939 Dodge D11 Stu Neill
POST WAR: 1ST - RON HAMMER CUP -1952 Triumph Renown – Murray Lloyd
2nd 1953 MGTD Tom Grant
POST 60: 1ST PRIZE = WATERLOO CUP - 1963 Triumph – Peter Petchey
2ND 1963 Hillman Minx – Merv Thomson
3RD 1964 MGB – Rebecca George
POST 80: 1st - POST 80 CUP – 1992 Toyota Hylux – Neil Steel
2ND 1986 Honda – Bill Veitch
1ST - MCIVER & VEITCH CUP -1982 Yamaha – Andrew Roxburgh
1ST - TRIGON CUP - 1971 Chrysler Valiant – Robert McAuliffe
2nd 1939 Dodge D11 - Stu Neill
3RD 1929 Chevrolet - Brent Willems
1ST - AUTO COURT CUP - 1963 Triumph – Peter Petchey
HARD LUCK 1st PRIZE – 1917 Moon – Travis Michelle
PEOPLES CHOICE - 1961 Ford – Paul Katon
1ST 1980 TR7 – Colin Deaker
2ND 1961 Ford – Paul Katon
3rd 1982 Yamaha – Andrew Roxburgh
Andrew and Donna on their 1982 Yamaha Taieri Tour
Cook Strait Ferries
VCC exclusive Discounted Fares - T&C’s apply
Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferries- from 1st November 2024 until 31st October 2025- Promo Code: ANTIQUECAR
Interislander Cook Strait Ferries – from 1st February 2025 –15th December 2025-Discount Code – WH5465
Further details are available from your branch secretary: Nicola Wilkinson:
The Best of British is back for 2025 and will be held on Sunday 23rd February starting in the Ice Stadium Car Park and finishing at the Outram Rugby Club. The charity for 2025 is Life Matters Suicide Trust. We are looking for volunteers to marshal at the gate at Outram from 10.00am onwards. Ideally, we need a minimum of 4 marshals however the more the merrier to help cover breaks etc. so, you could go on the run and then help out.
Please contact either Mark or myself if you are available. Nicola – 021 1803225