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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. August 2023 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. Flashback: 2020 Daffodil Day Deliveries for the Cancer Society

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

Men and Women

 1920’s - 1970’s era

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin)

03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Graeme Duthie 488 5242 PAST CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 476 4004 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 453 0404 CLUB CAPTAIN HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 489 1626 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Sabin Perkins 474 5101 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 476 4005 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 027 221 5208 LIBRARIAN Tom Hewson 453 4829 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 487 7281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 487 7281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed


125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586



Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm

MOTORCYCLE NIGHT First Friday of the month

MONTHLY MEETING Last Friday of the month 8.30pm


Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm.

Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please


Please quote Otago “Agent No

H0300145 Inspector No 916”


Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night AUGUST



If you have attended an event and feel moved to put pen to paper for a report – please do so and email it to our Editor: It would be nice to read other people’s stories.

4th Tom Hewson 11th Closed 18th Closed 25th Bill Veitch OCT 6th Bryan McConachie 13th Closed 20th Closed 27th Tom Hewson SEPT 1st Kevin Mason 8th Closed 15th Closed 22nd Closed 29th Bruce Murray
NOV 3rd Bill Veitch 10th Closed 17th Closed 24th Bruce Murray

BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


AUG Fri 4th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 20th Rally for Cancer

Fri 25th Club Night

Thurs 31st Midweek Run

SEPT Fri 1stMotorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 17th PWV/P60/P80 Run

Thurs 28th Midweek Run 23rd Blossom Festival Rally, Central Otago

Fri 29th Club Night - Dunvegan Rally Registration

Fri 30th - Oct 1st 51st Dunvegan Rally

OCT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting 7-8th Canterbury Swapmeet

Thurs 26th Midweek Run ` 20-23rd 6th National Commercial Rally Wanganui

Fri 27th Club Night

NOV Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 4th 51st Taieri Tour 11th South Otago Annual Rally

TBA Commercial / Veteran Rally

Fri 24th Club night

Thur 30th Midweek Run

DEC Sun 3rd Moped Rally

Sun 10th Branch Christmas BBQ


JAN Sun 21st Jackson Rally

Sat 26-28th National Veteran Rally incorporating the 70th Dunedin Brighton Run

FEB tbc Vin/PV/ladies Run

MAR tbc Overnight Run

April tbc Garage Raid





October National Commercial Rally - Wanganui

January National Veteran Rally / Dunedin Brighton Run - Otago Branch

2025 Bid to hold National Motorcycle Rally - Wairarapa

My Vintage - is a new online marketplace devoted to all those people who are passionate and enthusiastic about Old Cars and other old vehicles.


Please remember to WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events – especially as we have a good number of new members attending our events – and it is a good way to identify people


Sunday 20th August

Daffodil Deliveries - Monday 21st August

Details elsewhere in this edition

See page 15

Last Friday of the Month Club Night

Friday 25th August - 8.00pm

How about bringing along a game or two so we can trial a games night for a few hours.

Midweek Run - Midwinter Lunch time

Thursday 31st August

Meet at the Clubrooms at 11.00 am. A destination for lunch will be advised. Please let Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie know if you intend to come

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday

From 9.30 am until 11am

A cuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation

This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to


Here I am back as your Chairman and I have attended my first meeting. The branch appears to be operating quite well at this time. The mid-year dinner went very well as did the quiz night afterwards; good to see so many attending and enjoying the evening.

It is great to have Kevin Mason still organising events for us outside the committee, so please support what he is doing as it keeps the club alive.

The National AGM is coming up in Nelson so I will be attending it and catching up on things at the top. I urge you to read the Roadrunner and attend what you can and support the work others put in.

You are invited to…..

The 2024 Founders Prince Henry Tour SOUTHERN SCENIC TOUR 29

TH – 31ST JANUARY 2024

With three days of Veteran motoring from Dunedin - Gore –Owaka – Dunedin.

Starting on Monday 29th January 2024, following the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin.

Returning Wednesday 31st January.

We will be travelling at a relaxed pace, with a backup trailer for peace of mind. Mark these days on your calendar!

Tour organiser is:

Nevin Gough or 0211150312, Marion McConachie or 0273387008

Graeme Duthie

June’s Midweek Run to the Must-Hang Café at Milton saw our group fill the café with 30 plus members. We enjoyed lunch in a relaxed atmosphere and many enjoyed reminiscing over the old record covers that lined the ceiling and walls. One or two saying that they used to get their record player out and have competitions as to who could guess the song and the singer. Maybe we could do that one afternoon or evening at the clubrooms? I’m sure many of you still have a record player and those records.

Branch Annual Dinner – saw almost 40 members come together for a delicious two course meal. Catered by the St Barnabas Team. Afterwards everyone stayed on to take part in the Quiz that our Treasurer put together. He has done this for us for some years now. With the sheet of Dingbat Puzzles and another sheet of portrait photos to try and identify during the course of the quiz he also came up with 8 other rounds of 10 questions. One round needed answers with the word ‘king’ in it. Another round we needed to identify the last 10 kings and queens including King Charles. With teams of 4-6 people the “Owhiro” team of four came up trumps, having gained the most points. Lots of fun – thank you David. Thank you also to Bill Partel and Alistair Drummond for setting up and the helpers who helped clear the tables afterwards.

51st Taieri Tour – 5th November - Last years Tour was a great success. Lets make this years one as well. The committee needs some willing helpers to assist with planning this years tour. Committee members will be involved but we would like you to come an help with setting the route, time trials and field tests. Many hands make light work. Please contact a committee member if you are available to assist.

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at: If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location – Never know when it might be needed. Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.

Changed Address/phone number/email address - Contact National Office directly to advise these changes!



All branch newsletters are available on the Club Website. scroll to News from our Branches

Entry forms to individual branch events should be accessible and printable via this forum. Or there should be a copy in the clubrooms or contact me for a copy. Entries usually close within two weeks of the event.

NNB: Please if you are planning to enter a local event, and running late with entry forms, please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each

If you do not yet have one please contact David Ross – treasurer to order one. They are $10 each and good to wear when attending events. We have a number of new members and it can be difficult for everyone trying to identify and remember who you are.

Tech Talks – Last Friday of the Month Club Nights We are always looking for additional interesting speakers. Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any contacts.

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

VIC Applications / Authenticity Statements

Please Make sure of the following:

Please write clearly – capitals preferred: ensure that the application forms are completed fully, especially in regards to mileage, engine manufacturer, some history of the vehicle (even if it is only “purchased from Trade Me in April 1999”)

Get 3 identical photographs of the vehicle, correct size as indicated on application form

Photos of Chassis/frame number and/or engine numbers.


REGISTRAR – It gets very time consuming when we need to contact you time and again to ensure everything is sorted.





– There is a form that needs to be completed for this (available from Branch Secretary or on the VCC website

VIC information is the property of the National Club – this is their way of keeping records of Vehicle ownership etc.


The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc

PWV / P60 / P80 RALLY


Assemble at Otago Branch Clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road At 10.30 am

All classes of vehicles including modern welcome P60/P80 Classes only eligible for Trophies


Please complete and return to: Kevin Mason or Mark Wilkinson Clubrooms on Wednesday mornings or Post to: To Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012



Entrant’s (Driver’s Name




Make…………………….... Year of Manufacture……...…

ENTRY FEE: - $5.00 per vehicle



SNIPPET from Bill Veitch: TROUBLES. 1910

An intelligent motorcyclist will almost always know why his engine is misfiring or has stopped altogether before he has dismounted, and it is astonishing how soon this facility is acquired. Let us, however, suppose that the rider is a complete novice, that his engine has stopped, and he not the haziest glimmering of the reason. Make Sure -- that there is petrol in the tank that the switch is on that the levers are set accurately for running. Having thus eliminated sheer personal carelessness, let him discover in which department of his propelling mechanism the fault lies. Detach the thick wire to sparking plug, hold it 1/8in from contact breaker end of plug, and with switch on, make and break contact at contact breaker, if no spark the fault is electrical. Be careful to hold wire by the rubber. Well, well and so it goes on for stupid people ! !

Provided courtesy of John Noble

6th National Commercial Rally

20 -23rd October 2023


Entry form available from branch secretary

– entries close 15th September

It has been advised to book your accommodation early


Sunday 20th August

Meet at Ice Stadium Carpark Victoria Road from 12.45pm for drive to Wingatui Racecourse for Public Display

Dress up yourselves and your cars to the Daffodil Day theme

BYO afternoon tea

Coffee cart, and Mosgiel Scout Group will have BBQ sausages available during the Public Display at Wingatui

NB: Marshalls are needed at both Victoria Road and Wingatui Racecourse

Please contact Marion 0273387008

Daffodil Deliveries for Cancer Society


Monday 21st August - 12 noon - 4pm

Please see below ---

For those of you are new to the club, our branch members have volunteered over a few years now to deliver pre-ordered bunches of Daffodils to individuals and businesses around the Dunedin city area for the Cancer Society. They organise other volunteers to be the runners i.e. we drive the vehicles and the runners deliver the Daffodils. Some of our members bring along their VCC eligible vehicles, if they feel comfortable with driving around the city, otherwise a modern is also acceptable. We are given designated delivery areas and usually only takes between 1-2 hours depending on the number of deliveries that need to be done.

Daffodils and runners are picked up around the back of the Cancer Society Rooms down the drive off Frederick Street. Opposite the Entrance to the Public Hospital, and we stagger the times that you arrive to avoid blocking the car park.

So if you can spare a few hours on the 21st of Augustplease let me know what time you will be available between 12 midday and 1pm, as soon as possible.

This is a fun thing to do and a great way to meet some lovely people. Thank you very much in advance.

Regards Marion

“Daffodil Day this year is Friday August 25th! We would love for you and the VCC to help deliver our fresh daffodils out to the local businesses on Monday August 21st from 12pm-4pm. We just LOVE to have the Vintage Car Club involved in our Daffodil deliveries! How good do those daffodils look in the back of your gorgeous cars!!!! It worked well last year when we staggered drivers so we didn’t block up the car park! Our fresh Daffodil presales are going very well at this stage so we anticipate more volunteers will be needed compared to last year.”



Great Train Meet

Could have been a great robbery

Dave Mills

In 1967, New Zealand converted the currency from the cumbersome pounds, shillings and pence system to a decimal system. A great logistical event was set in motion, most of which the general population was unaware of. Everyone turned up to their banks on the morning of Monday 10 July to receive the new notes and coins. People were mostly ignorant that on Friday 7 July all this money arrived by various means to every bank in the country. In Gore, everyone was oblivious of the small drama that occurred in the southern end of the main street as night began to fall on that day.

Try to picture the town of Gore on a Friday night in 1967. Certainly not exactly the sleepy hollow you think of today. There was late night shopping. Folk form all around would come to town to catch up, get supplies and generally spend some time together. The‘boy racers’ of the day would be going around and around the centre parking, placed down the centre of the main street, showing off. In every respect, a very busy country town.

At that time, the ANZ Bank in Gore sat on the corner of Main and Ashton Streets. Directly across Main Street from the bank sat the railway station. The main entrance of the bank was right on the corner of Main and Ashton. However, on Ashton Street at the back of the bank was a small-enclosed yard. There, one could park a car in privacy and have access to the back door. It was secured by a typical pair of tall double gates that, when closed, completed a high wall. One gate had a long bolt that slipped into a concrete pad in the middle allowing the other to latch on, thereby closing the yard.

At the time, the bank employed me as a teller. The other teller was one Ewan McLeod. We were both 20 years old.

My car then was a 1955 Austin A50. Those who know these cars will know there is a copious boot in them. A high lip to lift over but deep with a level floor. There are no obstructions, as the spare wheel is located in a drop tray underneath. Tools neatly clipped onto the sides of the boot. Good for putting the odd body in if one needed to.

On Friday 7 July, Ewan and I were instructed on the procedure for meeting the regular Limited Express train at the railway station due to arrive around 7pm that night. As stated, the Bank was immediately across the road from the station. We were to collect all the money for Gore and bring it across Main Street to our bank and lodge it in the vault. On Monday morning, the other banks would collect the allocations made to them from us and it was our job to parcel that out. We also had some other extra responsibilities. The first was signing for the keys to the main vault in the bank. Unheard of for such junior staff. The second was the signing for an ancient looking Smith and Weston revolver. Note…no instructions on how to use the thing, not that we needed any as it was ‘sans bullets’!


The Great Train Meet (continued)

The evening wore on. In due course, we drove across the footpath kerbing, there being no crossing ramps or kerb lowering, and up the southern ramp onto the station platform. From there we drove down to the northern end and parked where the guard’s van would normally stop. We waited. No one questioned us why we had a car on the platform. The express duly arrived pulling up with the guard’s van right beside our parked car. It was late. The doors opened and the guard directed us to a pile of ammunition type boxes. He was the only person in the van. There were no assigned guards, apart from him. We had to move quickly as they were trying to make up time. Ewan and I proceeded to load the ones pointed out to us into the car. The boxes contained all the coins and bank notes of the new currency for the town of Gore. To say the consignment was heavy would be a bit of an understatement. The back end of the Austin got lower and lower. There was no stopping or taking some away and coming back for a second load. It had to go in the car there and then. The boot shut with a comforting click. The back seat had no more room. We locked it all and set off. There was no paperwork or signatures required. The tow bar was now less than 6 inches off the ground.

We set off along the platform to the southern end and ramp. Steering was extremely light and initially I thought it was not going to turn onto the ramp! Down it went. The front wheels did not register crossing the kerb but the back end surely did. The graunch was deafening and, as the car appeared to become grounded, to use the vernacular, I floored it. With a tremendous lurch, it broke free and launched itself across the path of oncoming southbound traffic, through the centre parks and onto the other side of the road into the path of northbound traffic. Thankfully, the ‘boy racers’ were elsewhere. Somewhere along the line, the Austin remembered where it was to go and we got around into Ashton Street to the small-enclosed yard at the back door. There was a metal plate ramp to cross the kerb, but still the tow bar made a clanging sound as it scraped across the ramps and up onto the footpath. Then a small obstacle that we completely forgot about spoke up. The tow bar found it. The concrete block in the centre of the gateway that the bolt for the one gate to lock into. I must have had the car dead centre of the gateway. The block snaring itself on the tow bar, became uprooted, dragged along and jammed under the spare wheel tray. That meant we could not close the gates securely. Ewan latched them together but they sat there daring us to turn our backs, threatening to open up as soon as we turned away. We set about relieving the poor car of the load, all the time watching and checking the gate. When the car came up far enough, we retrieved the concrete block and forced it under the gates locking them more securely.

Our instructions did not include what to do with the Smith and Weston (sans bullets) when we were finished so I locked it in the vault with the cash.

To this day, I have no idea how much money I had in my car that day. It was all the cash needed for all the Trading Banks and the Southland Savings Bank in Gore. If we made a run for it, we probably would not have travelled far as the first hill would have stopped the poor car dead.


From John Noble…



Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029


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