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February 2023

Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. Jackson Rally - 15 January 2023
2 Private Collection of Vintage Originals Men and Women  1920’s - 1970’s era  Accessories, hats, furs and much more  Larger fittings are a speciality  Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987

CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 476 4004

PAST CHAIRPERSON Nicola Wilkinson 476 4004

TREASURER David Ross 455 8800

SECRETARY Marion McConachie 453 0404 CLUB CAPTAIN Kevin Mason 027 2286431 488 5198

HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033

PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 489 1626

EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280

COMMITTEE MEMBER Colin Winter 456 4382

COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866

COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 476 4005

COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 454 4912 LIBRARIAN Moira Cunningham 453 5777
David Ross 455 8800
Bob Woodford 466 7011
Bruce Murray 487 7281
Bill Veitch 489 1626
Marion McConachie 453 0404
Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS
Bruce Murray 487 7281
SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY
Joe O’Neill 477 6801
To be confirmed


125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012

Phone 455 0586

Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012



2nd Monday of month 7.30pm CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm

MOTORCYCLE NIGHT First Friday of the month MONTHLY MEETING Last Friday of the month 8.30pm

PARTS SHED Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145 Inspector No 916”

LIBRARY ROSTER Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night

FEBRUARY 3rd Bryan
10th Closed 17th Closed 24th Moira Cunningham APRIL 7th Closed – Good Friday 14th Closed 21st Closed 28th Bruce Murray MARCH 3rd Bill
10th Closed 17th Closed 24th Closed 31st
Welcome to New Member: The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Peter Stephenson – who owns a number of vehicles It was great to see Peter attend the Jackson Rally with his mum as Navigator earlier in the month. The branch welcome you to the Club. MAY 5th Bryan McConachie 12th Closed 19th Closed 26th Moira Cunningham
Kevin Mason


EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


FEB Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting - Clubrooms open

4th – Southland Rally

Wed 8th Fruit picking at Roxburgh with South Otago 11th Wallaby Rally - Waimate

Sun 19th All British Day – North Otago

Thurs 23rd Midweek Run 25th Annual Gore Festival Rally

Fri 24th Club Night

Sun 26th Vintage Post Vintage Ladies Run

MARCH Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting – Clubrooms open

4th Veteran Rally – Southland 5th Wee Wheelie Wander - North Otago 11th Annual Motorcycle Rally – South Otago

Sun 5th Best of British - more details to come 12th Mid Island Rally – South Canterbury 18-15th South Island Club Captains Tour 19th Gore Swapmeet 25th 40th Scenic land Rally – West Coast

Thurs 30th Midweek Run

Fri 31st Club Night

APRIL Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting – Clubrooms open 1st Winchester Swapmeet – South Canterbury 15th Gerald Lynch-Blosse Memorial M/C Rally – NO Thurs 30th Midweek Run

Fri 31st Club Night

MAY Fri 5th Motorcycle Group Meeting – Clubrooms open 6th Ashburton Swapmeet

JUNE Sun 18th Branch AGM

JULY TBA Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving

SEPT Fri 30- Oct 1st Dunvegan Rally

OCT 7-8th Canterbury Swapmeet



3-6th February National Motorcycle Rally – Southland – just prior to the Burt Munro Challenge 24-27th February National Veteran Car Rally – Auckland 2024 January National Veteran Rally / Dunedin Brighton Run - Otago Branch

Bid tba National Commercial Rally - Wanganui

2025 Bid to hold National Motorcycle Rally - Wairarapa

6 Fruit picking at Roxburgh - with South Otago Branch Wednesday 8th February 2023 We are welcome to join the SO Branch for this event. Usually meet at Beaumont about 11.30 am - Jimmy’s pie for picnic lunch at Roxburgh. Then go checking out the Orchards in the area for delicious summer fruit, then back to Millers Flat Hotel for afternoon tea Midweek Run Thursday 23rd February Meet at the Clubrooms at 12.45pm. Bring a picnic afternoon tea A decision will be made on the day as to where our destination will be Last Friday of the Month Club Night Friday 24th February from 8.00pm Discussion – What the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 Means for the VCC Please see Chairpersons Report and article in this Roadrunner. This is considered an important matter in regards to the future management of the club. Come along and have your say! Vintage/Post Vintage/ Ladies Run Sunday 26th February Entry form Page 14 in this Roadrunner Make sure you have Sunday March 5th, 2023 circled in red for The Best of British Charity Motoring Day 2023 · Registration and Car Trial departure Victoria Road Car Park from 9am – 10.30am · Show’n’Shine at Car Trial destination - Waikouaiti · $20/car/truck and $10/bike · “Marque of the Day” – British Coupes and Convertibles · Charity – Motor Museum Building Fund (Dunedin Fire Brigade Restoration Society) · BBQ – Coffee & Ice Cream vans will be on site Check us out on our Facebook page

Christmas and New Year Celebrations have passed and I trust everyone had a relaxing time with family and friends.

The Christmas BBQ held just before Christmas was a success and again by holding this at the clubrooms, we were not dependant on the weather. Nicola and I were sorry we could not attend due to COVID - thank you to everyone who assisted and made this an enjoyable send-off to 2023.

As I write, the 2023 Jackson Rally has just been held and I trust those who attended enjoyed themselves and by the time you read this Dunedin to Brighton will have taken place. This year’s Brighton was the 69th Annual running with next year being the 70th, which will be something special. Thank you to the organisers of both events.

Speaking of the Dunedin to Brighton, with next year being the 70th, the Branch is also hosting the National Veteran Rally at the same time. What this means is a two or possibly three-day event; Brighton will run on one day and the National Veteran on one of the other days - which order is still to be decided. Therefore, the committee is looking for volunteers to assist in the organising/ helping of both events. It does not matter how small or how large your contribution is, it all helps, so please put your hand up. We are looking to attract hopefully around 100 plus entries as the branch can offer two events, something most National Rallies cannot.

As an example, last year’s Taieri Tour was extremely well organised by a small group outside of the committee with branch committee oversight and input when required. I would like to think this can happen again - it proved successful and can again. Please don’t be shy, come and talk to a committee member about what you feel you can assist with. It is simple to sit back and let the committee organise everything but the committee can not do everything, we need you the members to provide assistance.

You will find in the Roadrunner a discussion paper regarding proposed changes to the club constitution that is required under the new Incorporated Societies Act that will come into Law shortly. Please read and come along to the February monthly meeting, Friday 24 February with your thoughts so that I can have some input before going to the National Executive Meeting being held in Christchurch the weekend of 4 – 5 March. This is our chance to give feedback so that a constructive path for the future can be discussed.

As always keep an eye on the magazine for upcoming events and if you know of a prospective speaker for our monthly club night, please let me or Marion know.

The Wednesday group is flourishing; good numbers are attending the monthly Thursday runs so keep the momentum running through 2023. If you have any ideas for a visit or would like to arrange an informal run please don’t be shy, let the committee know, we don’t bite.




From National Office - Membership Cards for those members who have paid up to and including 9th November 2022 will have been posted out to you. NB – if you have not received your membership card please contact your branch secretary in the first instance.

NB: - If your annual subscription has not been received by the 1st of March 2023 your membership will be closed. You will then need to go through the process of reapplying for joining the club.

Change of Address/phone number/email address

Contact National Office directly to advise these changes!


All branch newsletters are available on the Club Website. scroll to News from our Branches

Entry forms to individual branch events should be accessible and printable via this forum. Or there should be a copy in the clubrooms or contact me for a copy. Entries usually close within two weeks of the event.

NNB: Please if you are planning to enter a local event, and running late with entry forms, please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each

If you do not yet have one please contact David Ross – treasurer to order one. They are $10 each and it is good to wear when attending events. We have a number of new members and it can be difficult for everyone trying to identify and remember who you are.

Tech Talks – Last Friday of the Month Club Nights We are always looking for more interesting speakers. Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any contacts.

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.


VIC Applications / Authenticity Statements

Please Make sure of the following:

Please write clearly – capitals preferred: ensure that the application forms are completed fully, especially in regards to mileage, engine manufacturer, some history of the vehicle (even if it is only “purchased from Trade Me in April 1999”) Get 3 identical photographs of the vehicle, correct size as indicated on application form Photos of Chassis/frame number and/or engine numbers.

PLEASE CHECK THAT ALL PAPERWORK/(PHOTOS - CORRECT SIZE!!!) ARE PRESENT BEFORE FORWARDING TO YOUR BRANCH VEHICLE REGISTRAR – It gets very time consuming when we need to contact you time and again to ensure everything is sorted.




– There is a form that needs to be completed for this (available from Branch Secretary or on the VCC website VIC information is the property of the National Club – this is their way of keeping records of Vehicle ownership etc.

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at:

If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location – Never know when it might be needed.

Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.


If you have attended an event and feel moved to put pen to paper for a report – please do so and email it to our Editor: (

It would be nice to read other people’s stories.


Commercial and Veteran Rally Report November 2022

Thank you to all the effort Colin and Judy Winter put into this event. Not sure if it was the wet drizzly weather that put people off but our stalwart Colin Pearce and his trusty 1914 Sunbeam weren’t going to give in. Having arranged for Peter Daniel to navigate, they were the only veteran vehicle to drive out to Aramoana for a picnic lunch, which had to be had in the comfort of the hall. Kevin and Denyse Priston also came out in their Model A delivery van. Then there were the three enthusiastic motorcyclists who came along for the ride. By the time lunch and the remains of morning tea were finished the clouds were starting to lift and the sun started to dry up the rain. So, thank you to the 5 entrants who attended this run. And to Kevin for arranging the lunch venue at the Aramoana Domain. By the way– the new children’s playground there looks really good!

Marion Kevin and Denyse Priston's Model A Colin Pearce with Peter Daniel in the 1914 Sunbeam

The first rally for the year appeared to be a huge success with entrants coming from all directions to start at Sunnyvale on a beautiful sunny Dunedin day. The large number of non-registrations made it awkward for the organisers when it came to ensuring that there were enough rally instructions, and also for catering purposes. Thank you to those of you who registered your intention to attend before the rally. On the day, there is no photocopier available for printing off more instructions – please let rally organisers know in advance of your attendance.

With 31 entries there was a great selection of vehicles of all ages, Mini’s, Vauxhall’s, Hillman, a couple of Model T’s, MG, Chrysler, Morris, and Austins, to name just a few. It was nice to see some of our newer members in attendance as well.

The route took us from Sunnyvale through Fairfield, turning left to head towards Old Brighton Road and Waldronville, out toward the sea and up Blackhead Road. We then headed down Ravenswood Road via Isadore, and down onto Victoria Road, along Tomahawk Road and onto Hunt Road to bring us onto Highcliff Road. We passed a few of our members’ places of residence en route as well. We were treated to amazing clear views as we motored along the top road toward Portobello. By now we were parched and stopping for an icecream was a high priority! Bryan and I had entered our newly purchased Model T tourer and the driver and it are still getting to know each other, so some of those hills were a bit of a challenge as the driver made himself familiar with that Ruckstel Diff! Icecream finished, we headed back towards the city via the bottom road, sharing the road with numerous cyclists and walkers, passing through the collection of villages and the Macandrew Bay beach which was packed with swimmers. Yes- we were the last to arrive back at the clubrooms for afternoon tea. That was okay because we really enjoyed being able to drive with the hood down with sunscreen, sunhats, and short sleeves.

Congratulations to Merv and Lynn Thomson on earning the G.C. Jackson Memorial Trophy and to Andrew and Donna Roxburgh on their 1982 Yamaha XJ750 with sidecar, earning the Mary B. Jackson Trophy.

Thank you to Kevin Mason for setting the route and to Bill Veitch, Ross McTaggart and Bill Partel for overseeing the event and putting on afternoon tea. Marion

– January 2023

New member Peter Stephenson in his 1925 Austin 12/4

Merv Thomson winner: G.C. Jackson Memorial Trophy Andrew and Donna Roxburgh winners: Mary B Jackson Trophy for Motorcycles
14 VINTAGE / POST VINTAGE / LADY DRIVERS RUN (3 rallies in one) Sunday 26th February 2023 Meet at the VCC clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road at 11.00am Please bring you own lunch and hot water –come along and enjoy a leisurely run through the countryside Members are cordially invited to attend this Annual event. All VCC eligible vehicles and moderns are welcome Vintage and Post Vintage Vehicles only are eligible for Trophies Award for the most determined Lady Driver! ENTRY FORM Entrant’s (Driver’s) Name………………………………………………………..………. Address…………………………………………………………….. Vehicle: Make…………………. Year of Manufacture……...… Model…………………………… Type…………………………. ENTRY FEE: $5.00 cash per vehicle Entries forms can be either emailed back to Nicola Wilkinson, left in the Post-box provided at the clubrooms, or phone her with numbers- 4764004 (evenings only)

Jackson Rally January 2023

21 Jackson Rally January 2023
22 Jackson Rally January 2023
24 Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029

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