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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. July 2023 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. 25/35 year Award Recipients

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

Men and Women

 1920’s - 1970’s era

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin)

03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Graeme Duthie 488 5242 PAST CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 476 4004 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 453 0404 CLUB CAPTAIN HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 489 1626 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Sabin Perkins 474 5101 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 476 4005 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 027 221 5208 LIBRARIAN Tom Hewson 453 4829 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 487 7281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 487 7281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586



Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm

MOTORCYCLE NIGHT First Friday of the month

MONTHLY MEETING Last Friday of the month 8.30pm


Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm.

Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please


Please quote Otago “Agent No

H0300145 Inspector No 916”

LIBRARY ROSTER Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night



If you have attended an event and feel moved to put pen to paper for a report – please do so and email it to our Editor:

It would be nice to read other people’s stories.

Murray 14th Closed 21st Closed 28th Bryan McConachie SEPT 1st Kevin Mason 8th Closed 15th Closed 22nd Closed 29th Bruce Murray AUGUST 4th Tom Hewson 11th Closed 18th Closed 25th Bill Veitch
OCT 6th Bryan McConachie 13th Closed 20th Closed 27th Tom Hewson

BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


JULY Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 15th Branch Annual Dinner

Thur 27th Midweek Run

Fri 28th Club Night – Speaker Emma Gilmour $5 pp

AUG Fri 4th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 20th Rally for Cancer

Fri 25th Club Night

Thurs 31st Midweek Run

SEPT Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 17th PWV/P60/P80 Run

Thurs 28th Midweek Run

Fri 29th Clubnight - Dunvegan Rally Registration

Fri 30th - Oct 1st 51st Dunvegan Rally

OCT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting 7-8th Canterbury Swapmeet

Thurs 26th Midweek Run 20-23rd 6th National Commercial Rally, Wanganui

Fri 27th Clubnight

NOV Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 4th 51st Taieri Tour 11th South Otago Annual Rally

TBA Commercial / Veteran Rally

Fri 24th Club night

Thur 30th Midweek Run

DEC Sun 3rd Moped Rally


Sun 10th Branch Christmas BBQ

JAN Sun 21st Jackson Rally

Sat 26-28th National Veteran Rally incorporating the 70th Dunedin Brighton Run

FEB tbc Vin/PV/ladies Run

MAR tbc Overnight Run

April tbc Garage Raid



20-23rd October National Commercial Rally - Wanganui

2024 January National Veteran Rally / Dunedin Brighton Run - Otago Branch

2025 Bid to hold National Motorcycle Rally - Wairarapa


Please remember to WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events – especially as we have a good number of new members attending our events – and it is a good way to identify people


Saturday 15th July

6.00 drinks 6.30 dinner

To be held at the clubrooms

$30 per person

Please advise David Ross or Marion with numbers

Midweek Run

Thursday 27th July

Meet at the Clubrooms at 1.00pm. For a drive to a destination for afternoon tea.

If the weather looks promising for a picnic - BYO

Last Friday of the Month Club Night

Friday 28th July - from 7.30pm

Emma Gilmore $5 donation

Please bring a plate to share for supper

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday From 9.30 am until 11am

A cuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation

This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to.


An AGM is a time of reflection and a time of thanks. Reflection of what the branch has achieved over the past twelve months and time to thank members for what they have contributed towards this success. My role was made considerably easier by the amount of work the committee has put in, they are a hard-working team and without them the branch would not run as efficiently as it does.

Of special mention is the work put in by the members who organised or assisted in the organisation of 50th Taieri Tour. This really was something special and the members who attended from outside Otago are still talking about the enjoyable time they had. Once again thank you to Travis Michelle, David Mills and the team of willing helpers (too many to mention). This was an event to be proud of.

To the organisers of all the other events held, thank you. Without organisers these events do not happen. While talking about the runs, socials, garage raids etc. there seems to be some thought that these should be organised by the committee and while this may be a simple solution, it should not be left solely to the committee as they are there primarily to oversee the branch affairs. As the saying goes – many hands make light work so should any member have an idea or wishes to organise something, reach out to the committee as they will be more than happy to guide and assist as when needed. As already mentioned, Travis Michelle and David Mills had an idea for the Taieri Tour, ran with it and made it a success. Yes – there are rules and regulations, especially with our larger events, however these are not onerous.

Planning for the 2024 National Veteran and 70th Dunedin to Brighton is progressing; a report on these events will be given later.

With the growth of social media as a way of publicising events this is something that the branch needs to embrace and it is very pleasing to see that the feedback with regards Facebook postings being favourable. Some branches have their own websites and this is something that maybe should be investigated and is a very good avenue to attract younger members. This is how they communicate in the modern world. However, in saying that we will always print and post branch newsletters as and when required.

Work on the Management Structure of the Club is ongoing and more on this will come out in due course. Once the Management structure has been completed, we will be able to work on updating the constitutions. As we have mentioned in the past, one major change with the new Incorporated Societies Act is that nominations for the committee in future must be in writing and no longer will nominations from the floor be permitted. While some may think that these changes are not required, we are a national club of 8,500 members and over 30 branches, not a small club of 50-100, so what may suit a small club does not carry over to a larger club like ours.

As you have noticed in my previous Road Runner chairman’s report I am standing down as chairman. I have been interested in being involved in the club at a national level for some time and the opportunity has arisen for me to put my name forward for election as the South Island Club Captain. I am standing down now before the


Chairman’s report 2023 continued...

National AGM as it is only fair to the branch to have a new chairman in place now, in case my nomination is successful.

I would like to personally thank the current committee for their time and commitment over the past year and for those who are choosing not to re-stand thank you for your work. My thanks also to the members working outside of the committee, either helping with the bar, parts shed, library, branch BBQ or anything else that arises for the betterment of our branch. A big thank you to branch members who have assisted with the arranging of rallies/runs during the last twelve months, we all appreciate the work that goes into them.


25/35 year award recipients

Bryan McConachie

Peter Daniel

Nicola Wilkinson

Ray Wilson

Obituary: Mary and Chris Whelan

Mary and Chris Whelan - It was with sadness that we bade farewell to Mary a few weeks ago and then dear Chris passed away a matter of weeks later. While no longer members of the club they were very active members until about 5 years ago when ill health prevented them from getting out and about so much.

Mary was part of the Ladies’ committee when it was first set up in the 90's to help fundraise for furnishings in our Forbury Road Clubrooms. Her pikelets were always sought after at the Autospectaculars as was the food that was provided for dinner following the Taieri Tours when the ladies prepared the meals at the clubrooms.

Chris was a great source of mechanical information and am sure that many of you have taken away some good advice from him.

They both enjoyed attending many rallies both locally and nationally during their time as members.

We offer our sincere sympathy to their family at this time.



1927DM (1) Delage: Owned by Brian Walker

History of Vehicle

The Delage factory supplied the car in running chassis form to their UK distributors. There it was fitted with a fabric covered lightweight 4 door Weymann sedan body and shipped to Brisbane to be sold new. In Australia the Weymann body was removed and a large Australian designed 7 seater chauffeur driven limousine body installed. By the 1940’s the car had been removed from service. From component wear, it was evident that at it had been pressed into rural farm service. From the 1950’s all body remnants had disappeared. For the next 40 years it changed ownership 6 or 7 times as a project vehicle. By the 1990’s it had lost most of the gauges and switches, its lights and rear guards carburetor and magneto. Nick Langford imported the parts when he immigrated. I purchased the remains in 2014.

Condition of vehicle when restoration started

See attached 2013 pics. Two trailer loads of parts received. The chassis had been painted and front axle assembly fitted. The brake drums were re-lined and new shoes fitted. The rest was parts. I was assured that it was a 90% mechanically complete project. - That was later disproved.

Vehicle components (i.e. original or salvaged parts)

The chassis, firewall, gearbox, steering box, engine, radiator, and bonnet are all numbered and are original to the car. Parts were purchased from various web sites and overseas Delage clubs and interest groups. Parts were purchased from Australia, United Kingdom, Portugal, Germany, Finland, Luxemburg, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Denmark, France and Spain.

Restored by Owner or Professional

Mixture of both. Most of mechanical and engineering done by owner. Others involved, Auto Restorations, ( Christchurch)

Metallbodies Ltd, (Outram) Ingram

Upholstery, (Cromwell)

Designs n Wood (Cromwell) Mark

Lungi (Painter

Dunedin) Otago

Polytech, Giltech (Dunedin) & E&S

Heads ( Dunedin)


Branch AGM:

Well the AGM has happened, and we welcome Graeme Duthie back into the Chair. We need to thank these outgoing committee members; Nicola Wilkinson – who has spent a good number of years in the Chair and as past chairperson this year – she has been an amazing resource when it has come to discussion related to ongoing national club management changes and working with the appropriate people when it comes to compliancing matters for the local branch, Colin Winter for his commitment and dedication to the Brighton Run and Commercial Veteran Runs and everything in between, Kevin Mason has done a sterling job as Club Captain in recent years and has managed to push through a number of activities including some overnight runs, garage raids, Thursday afternoon runs, updating members of activities each Wednesday morning and assisting others with branch events. We will miss these members within the branch committee – BUT all of them are currently involved in the organising committee for the 2024 National Veteran Rally incorporating the 70th Dunedin Brighton Run to be held at the end of January next year. We also need to thank those remaining on the committee for their ongoing commitment to the branch and those members who help with maintenance around the property and grounds. As always there is always something going on with the aim of at least one motoring event each month. Do you have some ideas/suggestions of places we can go to? Let us know, as you as members are allowed to get stuck in and organise some runs!

Change ofAddress/phone number/email address

Contact National Office directly to advise these changes!


All branch newsletters are available on the Club Website. scroll

to News from our Branches

Entry forms to individual branch events should be accessible and printable via this forum. Or there should be a copy in the clubrooms or contact me for a copy. Entries usually close within two weeks of the event.

NNB: Please if you are planning to enter a local event, and running late with entry forms, please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.



HARVEY WILSON CUP: Best attendance at rally’s - Nevin Gough

NON SPEED EVENT: Best performance of all events - Andrew Roxburgh

CLUBMANS TROPHY: Best attendance at local events - Kevin Mason

FLETCHER/HEAPS TROPHY: Most meritorious performance of a Veteran Vehicle - Nevin Gough

GRAHAM DALTON CUP: Motorcycle Restoration - Not presented

RESTORATION CUP: Car Restoration - Brian Walker

DOUGLAS ROD: Most determined effort on a Vet/Vin Motorcycle - Colin Winter

TREVOR DUNNING TROPHY: Greatest effort in vintage motoring - Keith Heineman


Congratulations to the following members on receipt of:

25 Year Awards – Bruce and Lyn Bush, Steven Wesslingh, Ray Wilson

35 Year Awards – Nicola Wilkinson, Peter Daniel, Bryan McConachie, Merv Thomson


Friday 11th – Sunday 13th August 2023

The registration for the AGM is now live on the website you can register online using the link below.

AGM Registration 2023 - Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Vintage Car Club of New Zealand ( [1]

Alternatively, there is a printable PDF version below simply fill in and email along with your flight details to

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated





Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each

If you do not yet have one please contact David Ross – treasurer to order one. They are $10 each and good to wear when attending events. We have a number of new members and it can be difficult for everyone trying to identify and remember who you are.

Tech Talks – Last Friday of the Month Club Nights

We are always looking for additional interesting speakers. Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any contacts.

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

VIC Applications / Authenticity Statements

Please Make sure of the following:

Please write clearly – capitals preferred: ensure that the application forms are completed fully, especially in regards to mileage, engine manufacturer, some history of the vehicle (even if it is only “purchased from Trade Me in April 1999”) Get 3 identical photographs of the vehicle, correct size as indicated on application form

Photos of Chassis/frame number and/or engine numbers. PLEASE CHECK THAT ALL PAPERWORK/(PHOTOS - CORRECT SIZE!!!) ARE PRESENT BEFORE FORWARDING TO YOUR BRANCH VEHICLE REGISTRAR –It gets very time consuming when we need to contact you time and again to ensure everything is sorted.





– There is a form that needs to be completed for this (available from Branch Secretary or on the VCC website

VIC information is the property of the National Club – this is their way of keeping records of Vehicle ownership etc.

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at:

If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location

– Never know when it might be needed.

Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.


The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc

PWV / P60 / P80 RALLY


Assemble at Otago Branch Clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road

At 10.30 am

All classes of vehicles including modern welcome P60/P80 Classes only eligible for Trophies


Please complete and return to: Kevin Mason or Mark Wilkinson Clubrooms on Wednesday mornings or Post to: To Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012



Entrant’s (Driver’s Name




Make…………………….... Year of Manufacture……...…

ENTRY FEE: - $20.00 per vehicle




Sunday 20 August

Meet at Ice Stadium Carpark, Victoria Road, from 1.00pm for drive to Wingatui Racecourse for Public Display

BYO afternoon tea

Coffee caravan, and possibly BBQ will be available during the Public Display at Wingatui

6th National Commercial Rally

20 -23rd October 2023


Entry form available from branch secretary entries close 15th September

It has been advised to book your accommodation early You are invited to…..

The 2024 Founders Prince Henry Tour SOUTHERN SCENIC TOUR

29TH – 31ST JANUARY 2024

With three days of Veteran motoring from Dunedin- Gore – Owaka –Dunedin. Starting on Monday 29th January 2024, following the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin. Returning Wednesday 31st January. We will be travelling at a relaxed pace, with a backup trailer for peace of mind.

Mark these days on your calendar!

Tour organiser is:

Nevin Gough or 0211150312, Marion McConachie or 0273387008


Treasurer's notes on reading the FINANCIAL REPORT

Replacing the usual, difficult to follow, three or four page layout with this selfdesigned, landscape chart, aims to aid understanding of this riveting topic.

From left to right, it has last year's income and expenses, this year's receipts and payments, then income and expenses and then next year's budget [with three branch levies] with each category on the same line, all the way through.

The difference between receipts & payments and income & expenses: Receipts and payments are funds received and paid, during the year, irrespective of whether they relate to that year or not.

Income & expenses are the funds received and paid, for activities undertaken during that year, taking into account those received or paid, early or late.

Term deposit interest, from 1 March to 31 May, is recorded, as a receipt, at maturity, but one month's worth [March] is recorded, as income in arrears, in the previous year and only two month's worth, as income, in the current year.

The full cost of a carton of paper towels is recorded as a payment, at the time of purchase, but the remainder of the old carton finished off, plus the proportion of the new one used so far, is recorded as an expense, with the rest, i.e. stock, carried forward, as a prepaid expense, for future years. This is accrual accounting.

New accounting rules have replaced the old balance sheet, essentially assets balanced against liabilities plus accumulated funds, with a statement of financial position, which balances net assets [assets minus liabilities] against accumulated funds, i.e. what you actually have against what you should have.

Prepaid expenses are amounts paid this year, for stuff not used until next. Accrued expenses are debts incurred for this year, but not paid until next. GST on adjustments is on these advance, arrears, prepaid & accrued amounts.

Accumulated funds are built up, right from the start, over the years, being added to in years of surpluses and withdrawn from in years of deficits.

The depreciation schedule is incorporated into the statement of financial position and things are squashed up a bit, to fit the notes on the bottom half, and, although a bit cramped, it gets these three old format pages on to one.

Although it seems we have a lot of cash, Incorporated Societies recommends, as a rule of thumb, that clubs retain reserves of around one year's expenses.


ATTENTION – Model 40 Fords owners:

If you own a 1933 or 1934 Ford, you'll want to be a part of the Model 40 Convention to be held March 8-10 next year. Celebrating 90 years of this beautiful model Ford, the event is open to both original & modified examples, but is limited to 100 entries. Having hosted past vintage and hot rod events, including Deuce Days for the 1932 Fords, the venue at Solway Park at Masterton is perfect for this sort of event. Trust House & JRI Insurance have come on board as major sponsors, and registration is open now. For more information follow the event on the 1933/34 Ford New Zealand Facebook page.

Expressions of interest and requests for registration form to

Enquiries to the convenor; Lloyd Wilson 021-436-432

PS: Whether or not they can attend we would still be interested in hearing from owners, as we have established a register of 33/34 Fords in New Zealand. Also, we will be producing special anniversary plaques which will be available to Model 40 owners.

Question re Tapley meter replacement

Can any of you answer this question for Tony Devereux?

I had wanted to catch up with veteran owners to see if any have struck the new digital device replacing the Tapley meter. I obtained a Warrant for my 1960 Dodge last week. The mechanic told me he had to buy and use the new device which must record 50 %.

I asked if he had to apply that to Veteran and vintage vehicles. His reply was that to his knowledge there were no exceptions. Any info from members would be of great interest to me. I cannot see my 17 Dodge with two wheel brakes ever complying.


Snippet: Tips from the 1910 riders handbook. One way to carry a spare cover ( tube ) is to turn it inside, roll it round the rear end of the petrol tank, and buckle a broad strap round it. It is then quite out of the way and serves instead of knee grips. Rubber belts may be similarly attached, their ends being wired to the frame tube. Leather belts should not be so carried as they ooze grease on one’s breeches. They are best looped round the handle-bar or strapped to the carrier. If they are carried outside on the machine and not folded up in a case the dust they collect gives them a better grip. But ended tubes are probably safest if wound tightly round the handle-bar, a strip of felt tied over them provides ample protection.


Sixteen men and one woman visited Kevin and Carol Casey's. Around the garage and workshop walls was a great display of signs, spark plugs, mascots and petrol caps.

I was interested in Kevin's Nash, which was once a Dunedin taxi, as my father owned a black 1931 Straight 8, which is now in Invercargill and painted fire-engine red, with black mudguards.

Next to their garage is their lovely new home. Carol talked us through the display of many beautiful and colourful Tiffany lamps and shades Kevin had made. He also repaired the stained glass windows in the Railway Station.

Next door was Kevin's stained glass workshop, which has been taken over by his daughter, Debbie, who explained how the glazing was done and showed us pictures of their colourful work. Stained glass never dates.

Back to the clubrooms, where faithful Bill had hot water on tap, we all enjoyed a chatty lunch, after which we headed to Long Beach, to see Bernie and Elaine's abode. Bernie has a new garage and man cave, with plenty of room for signs, memorabilia and, the envy of all men, a hoist. Afternoon tea, supplied by Elaine, was a scrumptious chocolate cake, tea and coffee, which was enjoyed by all.

Elaine showed us through their lovely home. The lounge had patterned floor tiles, with electric heating, which comes on when the temperature drops to a certain degree. Elaine is into beautiful mosaic tiling, so if you break or chip crockery or glass, don't throw it awayElaine will gladly have it.

Our thanks to Kevin, Carol and Debbie, Bernie and Elaine and to Kevin Mason for organising a very interesting day.

nd April
GARAGE RAID Saturday 22


Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029


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